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A region of 826 bp that is unlikely to code for a protein, ribosomal RNA, or transfer RNA was identified between the cytochrome b and NADHubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 2 loci in the mitochondrial DNA of the scleractinian reef coral Galaxea fascicularis. Nucleotide sequences were determined in a part (625 bp) of this intergenic region in 95 individuals collected at 9 sites in the Ryukyu Archipelago in southwestern Japan. A total of 8 haplotypes were found, and a deletion of 290 bp was found in 3 of them. Significant differences were found in frequencies of the haplotypes at 3 sampling sites. The presence or absence of the deletion was highly correlated with the hard or soft morphotype. The deletion was found in the majority of hard-type colonies, but in a small fraction of soft-type individuals.  相似文献   

A major challenge in coral biology is to find the most adequate and phylogenetically informative characters that allow for distinction of closely related coral species. Therefore, data on corallite morphology and genetic data are often combined to increase phylogenetic resolution. In this study, we address the question to which degree genetic data and quantitative information on overall coral colony morphologies identify similar groupings within closely related morphospecies of the Caribbean coral genus Madracis. Such comparison of phylogenies based on colony morphology and genetic data will also provide insight into the degree to which genotype and phenotype overlap. We have measured morphological features of three closely related Caribbean coral species of the genus Madracis (M. formosa, M. decactis and M. carmabi). Morphological differences were then compared with phylogenies of the same species based on two nuclear DNA markers, i.e. ATPSα and SRP54. Our analysis showed that phylogenetic trees based on (macroscopical) morphological properties and phylogenetic trees based on DNA markers ATPSα and SRP54 are partially similar indicating that morphological characteristics at the colony level provide another axis, in addition to commonly used features such as corallite morphology and ecological information, to delineate genetically different coral species. We discuss this new method that allows systematic quantitative comparison between morphological characteristics of entire colonies and genetic data.  相似文献   



The cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) has been increasingly used in biomedical research, making knowledge of its blood-based parameters essential to support the selection of healthy subjects and its use in preclinical research. As age and sex affect these blood-based parameters, it is important to establish baseline indices for these parameters on an age and sex basis and determine the effects of age and sex on these indices.


A total of 917 cynomolgus monkeys (374 males and 543 females) were selected and segregated by age (five groups) and sex. A total of 30 hematological and 22 biochemical parameters were measured, and the effects of age and sex were analyzed.


Baseline indices for hematological and biochemical parameters were separately established by age and sex. Significant effects by age, sex, and age-sex interaction were observed in a number of blood parameters. In the 49–60 months and 61–72 months age groups, red blood cell count, hemoglobulin, and hematocrit showed significantly lower values (P<0.01) in females than males. Serum alkaline phosphatase varied with age in both sexes (P<0.01) and was significantly higher in females than males (P<0.05) in the groups aged 13–24 months and 25–36 months; however, in the three groups aged over 25–36 months, serum alkaline phosphatase was significantly lower in females than males (P<0.01). Creatinine concentration increased with age (P<0.01) in all age groups; specifically in the groups aged 49–60 months and 61–72 months, creatinine was significantly higher (P<0.01) in males than females. Total protein and globulin both increased with age (P<0.01).


The baseline values of hematological and biochemical parameters reported herein establish reference indices of blood-based parameters in the cynomolgus monkey by age and sex, thereby aiding researchers in selecting healthy subjects and evaluating preclinical studies using this species.  相似文献   

Microorganisms have been reported to induce settlement and metamorphosis in a wide range of marine invertebrate species. However, the primary cue reported for metamorphosis of coral larvae is calcareous coralline algae (CCA). Herein we report the community structure of developing coral reef biofilms and the potential role they play in triggering the metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral. Two-week-old biofilms induced metamorphosis in less than 10% of larvae, whereas metamorphosis increased significantly on older biofilms, with a maximum of 41% occurring on 8-week-old microbial films. There was a significant influence of depth in 4- and 8-week biofilms, with greater levels of metamorphosis occurring in response to shallow-water communities. Importantly, larvae were found to settle and metamorphose in response to microbial biofilms lacking CCA from both shallow and deep treatments, indicating that microorganisms not associated with CCA may play a significant role in coral metamorphosis. A polyphasic approach consisting of scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed that coral reef biofilms were comprised of complex bacterial and microalgal communities which were distinct at each depth and time. Principal-component analysis of FISH data showed that the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium of Bacteroidetes had the largest influence on overall community composition. A low abundance of Archaea was detected in almost all biofilms, providing the first report of Archaea associated with coral reef biofilms. No differences in the relative densities of each subdivision of Proteobacteria were observed between slides that induced larval metamorphosis and those that did not. Comparative cluster analysis of bacterial DGGE patterns also revealed that there were clear age and depth distinctions in biofilm community structure; however, no difference was detected in banding profiles between biofilms which induced larval metamorphosis and those where no metamorphosis occurred. This investigation demonstrates that complex microbial communities can induce coral metamorphosis in the absence of CCA.  相似文献   

The identification of coral recruits has been problematic due to a lack of definitive morphological characters being available for higher taxonomic resolution. In this study, we tested whether fluorescent detection of coral recruits used in combinations of different DNA-barcoding markers (cytochrome oxidase I gene [COI], open reading frame [ORF], and nuclear Pax-C intron [PaxC]) could be useful for increasing the resolution of coral spat identification in ecological studies. One hundred and fifty settlement plates were emplaced at nine sites on the fringing reefs of Kenting National Park in southern Taiwan between April 2011 and September 2012. A total of 248 living coral spats and juveniles (with basal areas ranging from 0.21 to 134.57 mm2) were detected on the plates with the aid of fluorescent light and collected for molecular analyses. Using the COI DNA barcoding technique, 90.3% (224/248) of coral spats were successfully identified into six genera, including Acropora, Isopora, Montipora, Pocillopora, Porites, and Pavona. PaxC further separated I. cuneata and I. palifera of Isopora from Acropora, and ORF successfully identified the species of Pocillopora (except P. meandrina and P. eydouxi). Moreover, other cnidarian species such as actinarians, zoanthids, and Millepora species were visually found using fluorescence and identified by COI DNA barcoding. This combination of existing approaches greatly improved the taxonomic resolution of early coral life stages, which to date has been mainly limited to the family level based on skeletal identification. Overall, this study suggests important improvements for the identification of coral recruits in ecological studies.  相似文献   

Optimal temperature and light are both necessary conditions for coral survival. Light enhances calcification, and thermal stress disrupts Ca2+ homeostasis. As calcium is involved in many important metabolic activities, in this study, we cloned the calmodulin-like protein (CaLP) gene of one of the scleractinian corals, Galaxea astreata. We also detected the relative mRNA expression levels of gaCaLP using the calcium channel blocker verapamil and CaCl2 treatment under conditions of light and dark, and compared expression levels under controlled temperature conditions. Full-length gaCaLP cDNA comprised 1290 nucleotides and contained 498 bp open reading frame that encoded a protein with 165 amino acids. With CaCl2, expression levels of gaCaLP only increased in the presence of light, suggesting that light may be a restrictive factor in CaLP expression when sufficient calcium is available in the environment. In addition, after verapami treatment, we noted that a down regulation of gaCaLP, suggesting that the expression of CaLP is closely related to extracellular Ca2+ influx. Under temperature stress at both high (30 °C) and low (20 °C) temperatures, expression levels of gaCaLP showed an initial increase, followed by a decreasing trend as treatment progressed. Expression levels reached their maximum value at 24 h. This result showed that CaLP participated in a temperature stress response, and Ca2+ homeostasis was disrupted during stress. The findings of the present study will help determine the function and regulatory mechanisms of gaCaLP.  相似文献   

Temperate symbiotic corals, such as the Mediterranean species Cladocora caespitosa, live in seasonally changing environments, where irradiance can be ten times higher in summer than winter. These corals shift from autotrophy in summer to heterotrophy in winter in response to light limitation of the symbiont's photosynthesis. In this study, we determined the autotrophic carbon budget under different conditions of irradiance (20 and 120 μmol photons m(-2) s(-1)) and feeding (fed three times a week with Artemia salina nauplii, and unfed). Corals were incubated in H(13)CO(3) (-)-enriched seawater, and the fate of (13)C was followed in the symbionts and the host tissue. The total amount of carbon fixed by photosynthesis and translocated was significantly higher at high than low irradiance (ca. 13 versus 2.5-4.5 μg cm(-2) h(-1)), because the rates of photosynthesis and carbon fixation were also higher. However, the percent of carbon translocation was similar under the two irradiances, and reached more than 70% of the total fixed carbon. Host feeding induced a decrease in the percentage of carbon translocated under low irradiance (from 70 to 53%), and also a decrease in the rates of carbon translocation per symbiont cell under both irradiances. The fate of autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon differed according to irradiance. At low irradiance, autotrophic carbon was mostly respired by the host and the symbionts, and heterotrophic feeding led to an increase in host biomass. Under high irradiance, autotrophic carbon was both respired and released as particulate and dissolved organic carbon, and heterotrophic feeding led to an increase in host biomass and symbiont concentration. Overall, the maintenance of high symbiont concentration and high percentage of carbon translocation under low irradiance allow this coral species to optimize its autotrophic carbon acquisition, when irradiance conditions are not favourable to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching is a major threat to coral reefs worldwide and is predicted to intensify with increasing global temperature. This study represents the first investigation of gene expression in an Indo-Pacific coral species undergoing natural bleaching which involved the loss of algal symbionts. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction experiments were conducted to select and evaluate coral internal control genes (ICGs), and to investigate selected coral genes of interest (GOIs) for changes in gene expression in nine colonies of the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora undergoing bleaching at Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Among the six ICGs tested, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and the ribosomal protein genes S7 and L9 exhibited the most constant expression levels between samples from healthy-looking colonies and samples from the same colonies when severely bleached a year later. These ICGs were therefore utilised for normalisation of expression data for seven selected GOIs. Of the seven GOIs, homologues of catalase, C-type lectin and chromoprotein genes were significantly up-regulated as a result of bleaching by factors of 1.81, 1.46 and 1.61 (linear mixed models analysis of variance, P < 0.05), respectively. We present these genes as potential coral bleaching response genes. In contrast, three genes, including one putative ICG, showed highly variable levels of expression between coral colonies. Potential variation in microhabitat, gene function unrelated to the stress response and individualised stress responses may influence such differences between colonies and need to be better understood when designing and interpreting future studies of gene expression in natural coral populations.  相似文献   



Coral diseases are emerging as a serious threat to coral reefs worldwide. Of nine coral infectious diseases, whose pathogens have been characterized, six are caused by agents from the family Vibrionacae, raising questions as to their origin and role in coral disease aetiology.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report on a Vibrio zinc-metalloprotease causing rapid photoinactivation of susceptible Symbiodinium endosymbionts followed by lesions in coral tissue. Symbiodinium photosystem II inactivation was diagnosed by an imaging pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer in two bioassays, performed by exposing Symbiodinium cells and coral juveniles to non-inhibited and EDTA-inhibited supernatants derived from coral white syndrome pathogens.


These findings demonstrate a common virulence factor from four phylogenetically related coral pathogens, suggesting that zinc-metalloproteases may play an important role in Vibrio pathogenicity in scleractinian corals.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral reefs form spectacular and highly diverse ecosystems in the deep sea but little is known about reproduction, and virtually nothing about the larval biology in these corals. This study is based on data from two locations of the North East Atlantic and documents the first observations of embryogenesis and larval development in Lophelia pertusa, the most common framework-building cold-water scleractinian. Embryos developed in a more or less organized radial cleavage pattern from ∼160 µm large neutral or negatively buoyant eggs, to 120–270 µm long ciliated planulae. Embryogenesis was slow with cleavage occurring at intervals of 6–8 hours up to the 64-cell stage. Genetically characterized larvae were sexually derived, with maternal and paternal alleles present. Larvae were active swimmers (0.5 mm s−1) initially residing in the upper part of the water column, with bottom probing behavior starting 3–5 weeks after fertilization. Nematocysts had developed by day 30, coinciding with peak bottom-probing behavior, and possibly an indication that larvae are fully competent to settle at this time. Planulae survived for eight weeks under laboratory conditions, and preliminary results indicate that these planulae are planktotrophic. The late onset of competency and larval longevity suggests a high dispersal potential. Understanding larval biology and behavior is of paramount importance for biophysical modeling of larval dispersal, which forms the basis for predictions of connectivity among populations.  相似文献   

The psychostimulants d-amphetamine (AMPH) and methamphetamine (METH) release excess dopamine (DA) into the synaptic clefts of dopaminergic neurons. Abnormal DA release is thought to occur by reverse transport through the DA transporter (DAT), and it is believed to underlie the severe behavioral effects of these drugs. Here we compare structurally similar AMPH and METH on DAT function in a heterologous expression system and in an animal model. In the in vitro expression system, DAT-mediated whole-cell currents were greater for METH stimulation than for AMPH. At the same voltage and concentration, METH released five times more DA than AMPH and did so at physiological membrane potentials. At maximally effective concentrations, METH released twice as much [Ca2+]i from internal stores compared with AMPH. [Ca2+]i responses to both drugs were independent of membrane voltage but inhibited by DAT antagonists. Intact phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal domain of DAT were required for the AMPH- and METH-induced increase in [Ca2+]i and for the enhanced effects of METH on [Ca2+]i elevation. Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase C inhibitors alone or in combination also blocked AMPH- or METH-induced Ca2+ responses. Finally, in the rat nucleus accumbens, in vivo voltammetry showed that systemic application of METH inhibited DAT-mediated DA clearance more efficiently than AMPH, resulting in excess external DA. Together these data demonstrate that METH has a stronger effect on DAT-mediated cell physiology than AMPH, which may contribute to the euphoric and addictive properties of METH compared with AMPH.The dopamine transporter (DAT)3 is a main target for psychostimulants, such as d-amphetamine (AMPH), methamphetamine (METH), cocaine (COC), and methylphenidate (Ritalin®). DAT is the major clearance mechanism for synaptic dopamine (DA) (1) and thereby regulates the strength and duration of dopaminergic signaling. AMPH and METH are substrates for DAT and competitively inhibit DA uptake (2, 3) and release DA through reverse transport (49). AMPH- and METH-induced elevations in extracellular DA result in complex neurochemical changes and profound psychiatric effects (2, 1016). Despite their structural and pharmacokinetic similarities, a recent National Institute on Drug Abuse report describes METH as a more potent stimulant than AMPH with longer lasting effects at comparable doses (17). Although the route of METH administration and its availability must contribute to the almost four times higher lifetime nonmedical use of METH compared with AMPH (18), there may also be differences in the mechanisms that underlie the actions of these two drugs on the dopamine transporter.Recent studies by Joyce et al. (19) have shown that compared with d-AMPH alone, the combination of d- and l-AMPH in Adderall® significantly prolonged the time course of extracellular DA in vivo. These experiments demonstrate that subtle structural features of AMPH, such as chirality, can affect its action on dopamine transporters. Here we investigate whether METH, a more lipophilic analog of AMPH, affects DAT differently than AMPH, particularly in regard to stimulated DA efflux.METH and AMPH have been reported as equally effective in increasing extracellular DA levels in rodent dorsal striatum (dSTR), nucleus accumbens (NAc) (10, 14, 20), striatal synaptosomes, and DAT-expressing cells in vitro (3, 6). John and Jones (21), however, have recently shown in mouse striatal and substantia nigra slices, that AMPH is a more potent inhibitor of DA uptake than METH. On the other hand, in synaptosomes METH inhibits DA uptake three times more effectively than AMPH (14), and in DAT-expressing COS-7 cells, METH releases DA more potently than AMPH (EC50 = 0.2 μm for METH versus EC50 = 1.7 μm for AMPH) (5). However, these differences do not hold up under all conditions. For example, in a study utilizing C6 cells, the disparity between AMPH and METH was not found (12).The variations in AMPH and METH data extend to animal models. AMPH- and METH-mediated behavior has been reported as similar (22), lower (20), or higher (23) for AMPH compared with METH. Furthermore, although the maximal locomotor activation response was less for METH than for AMPH at a lower dose (2 mg/kg, intraperitoneal), both drugs decreased locomotor activity at a higher dose (4 mg/kg) (20). In contrast, in the presence of a salient stimuli, METH is more potent in increasing the overall magnitude of locomotor activity in rats yet is equipotent with AMPH in the absence of these stimuli (23).The simultaneous regulation of DA uptake and efflux by DAT substrates such as AMPH and METH, as well as the voltage dependence of DAT (24), may confound the interpretation of existing data describing the action of these drugs. Our biophysical approaches allowed us to significantly decrease the contribution of DA uptake and more accurately determine DAT-mediated DA efflux with millisecond time resolution. We have thus exploited time-resolved, whole-cell voltage clamp in combination with in vitro and in vivo microamperometry and Ca2+ imaging to compare the impact of METH and AMPH on DAT function and determine the consequence of these interactions on cell physiology.We find that near the resting potential, METH is more effective than AMPH in stimulating DAT to release DA. In addition, at efficacious concentrations METH generates more current, greater DA efflux, and higher Ca2+ release from internal stores than AMPH. Both METH-induced or the lesser AMPH-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ are independent of membrane potential. The additional Ca2+ response induced by METH requires intact phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal domain of DAT. Finally, our in vivo voltammetry data indicate that METH inhibits clearance of locally applied DA more effectively than AMPH in the rat nucleus accumbens, which plays an important role in reward and addiction, but not in the dorsal striatum, which is involved in a variety of cognitive functions. Taken together these data imply that AMPH and METH have distinguishable effects on DAT that can be shown both at the molecular level and in vivo, and are likely to be implicated in the relative euphoric and addictive properties of these two psychostimulants.  相似文献   

The coral reefs at the northernmost tip of Sabah, Borneo will be established under a marine protected area: the Tun Mustapha Park (TMP) by the end of 2015. This area is a passage where the Sulu Sea meets the South China Sea and it is situated at the border of the area of maximum marine biodiversity, the Coral Triangle. The TMP includes fringing and patch reefs established on a relatively shallow sea floor. Surveys were carried out to examine features of the coral reefs in terms of scleractinian species richness, and benthic reef assemblages following the Reef Check substrate categories, with emphasis on hard coral cover. Variation in scleractinian diversity was based on the species composition of coral families Fungiidae (n = 39), Agariciidae (n = 30) and Euphylliidae (n = 15). The number of coral species was highest at reefs with a larger depth gradient i.e. at the periphery of the study area and in the deep South Banggi Channel. Average live hard coral cover across the sites was 49%. Only 7% of the examined reefs had > 75% hard coral cover, while the majority of the reef sites were rated fair (51%) and good (38%). Sites with low coral cover and high rubble fragments are evidence of blast fishing, although the observed damage appeared old. Depth was a dominant factor in influencing the coral species composition and benthic reef communities in the TMP. Besides filling in the information gaps regarding species richness and benthic cover for reef areas that were previously without any data, the results of this study together with information that is already available on the coral reefs of TMP will be used to make informed decisions on zoning plans for conservation priorities in the proposed park.  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan solitary deep-water scleractinian coral Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) was selected as a representative model species of the polyphyletic Caryophylliidae family to (1) examine phylogenetic relationships with respect to the principal Scleractinia taxa, (2) check population structure, (3) test the widespread connectivity hypothesis and (4) assess the utility of different nuclear and mitochondrial markers currently in use. To carry out these goals, DNA sequence data from nuclear (ITS and 28S) and mitochondrial (16S and COI) markers were analyzed for several coral species and for Mediterranean populations of D. dianthus. Three phylogenetic methodologies (ML, MP and BI), based on data from the four molecular markers, all supported D. dianthus as clearly belonging to the “robust” clade, in which the species Lophelia pertusa and D. dianthus not only grouped together, but also shared haplotypes for some DNA markers. Molecular results also showed shared haplotypes among D. dianthus populations distributed in regions separated by several thousands of kilometers and by clear geographic barriers. These results could reflect limited molecular and morphological taxonomic resolution rather than real widespread connectivity. Additional studies are needed in order to find molecular markers and morphological features able to disentangle the complex phylogenetic relationship in the Order Scleractinia and to differentiate isolated populations, thus avoiding the homoplasy found in some morphological characters that are still considered in the literature.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations threaten coral reefs globally by causing ocean acidification (OA) and warming. Yet, the combined effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature on coral physiology and resilience remain poorly understood. While coral calcification and energy reserves are important health indicators, no studies to date have measured energy reserve pools (i.e., lipid, protein, and carbohydrate) together with calcification under OA conditions under different temperature scenarios. Four coral species, Acropora millepora, Montipora monasteriata, Pocillopora damicornis, Turbinaria reniformis, were reared under a total of six conditions for 3.5 weeks, representing three pCO2 levels (382, 607, 741 µatm), and two temperature regimes (26.5, 29.0°C) within each pCO2 level. After one month under experimental conditions, only A. millepora decreased calcification (−53%) in response to seawater pCO2 expected by the end of this century, whereas the other three species maintained calcification rates even when both pCO2 and temperature were elevated. Coral energy reserves showed mixed responses to elevated pCO2 and temperature, and were either unaffected or displayed nonlinear responses with both the lowest and highest concentrations often observed at the mid-pCO2 level of 607 µatm. Biweekly feeding may have helped corals maintain calcification rates and energy reserves under these conditions. Temperature often modulated the response of many aspects of coral physiology to OA, and both mitigated and worsened pCO2 effects. This demonstrates for the first time that coral energy reserves are generally not metabolized to sustain calcification under OA, which has important implications for coral health and bleaching resilience in a high-CO2 world. Overall, these findings suggest that some corals could be more resistant to simultaneously warming and acidifying oceans than previously expected.  相似文献   

We investigated the interactions between the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa and its associated polychaete Eunice norvegica by quantifying carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) budgets of tissue assimilation, food partitioning, calcification and respiration using 13C and 15N enriched algae and zooplankton as food sources. During incubations both species were kept either together or in separate chambers to study the net outcome of their interaction on the above mentioned processes. The stable isotope approach also allowed us to follow metabolically derived tracer C further into the coral skeleton and therefore estimate the effect of the interaction on coral calcification. Results showed that food assimilation by the coral was not significantly elevated in presence of E. norvegica but food assimilation by the polychaete was up to 2 to 4 times higher in the presence of the coral. The corals kept assimilation constant by increasing the consumption of smaller algae particles less favored by the polychaete while the assimilation of Artemia was unaffected by the interaction. Total respiration of tracer C did not differ among incubations, although E. norvegica enhanced coral calcification up to 4 times. These results together with the reported high abundance of E. norvegica in cold-water coral reefs, indicate that the interactions between L. pertusa and E. norvegica can be of high importance for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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