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Investigation of the influence of divalent metal cations on the induction of plasminogen catalytic activity by monoclonal antibody IV-Ic showed that the presence of metal cations in the reaction medium changes the induction by slowing down or accelerating the process. Ions of Zn2+, Mn2+, and Cu2+ completely inhibit activation. Ions of Co2+ and Ni2+ decrease the rate of the first and second phases of the reaction more than 2 times. Ca2+ ions do not have any effect on the activation rate. Ions of Mg2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ increase the rate of the first phase of the reaction by 1.5, 2.0, and 2.0 times and the rate of the second phase by 2.0, 3.8, and 4.7 times, correspondingly. Sr2+ ions have the strongest stimulating effect on plasminogen activation by monoclonal antibody IV-Ic. Investigation of the dose dependent effect of Sr2+ on the rate of plasminogen activation by monoclonal antibody IV-Ic showed stimulating effect of Sr2+ at concentrations from 0.1 to 1.0 mM with half maximum at 0.6 mM. However, Sr2+ ions do not affect amidolytic activity of plasmin and activation of plasminogen by streptokinase. Sr2+ ions also do not affect monoclonal antibody IV-Ic binding to plasminogen. The effect of Sr2+ is specific and mediated by the IV-Ic component. The presence of metal cations affects conformational changes in the process of active site formation. Metal cations also affect structure of the plasminogen molecule active site in the complex with monoclonal antibody IV-Ic and enzyme-substrate interaction. The effect of α2-antiplasmin on the induction of plasminogen catalytic activity by monoclonal antibody IV-Ic in range of concentrations from 5 to 30 nM has been studied. α2-Antiplasmin at concentration 30 nM almost completely inhibits induction of plasminogen catalytic activity by monoclonal antibody IV-Ic at the ratio plasminogen/α2-antiplasmin of 3:1. This can be explained by competition of α2-antiplasmin and monoclonal antibody IV-Ic for the lysine-binding sites of plasminogen and inhibition of the active center in activated complex plasminogen*—mAB IV-Ic. Divalent metal cations and α2-antiplasmin are important factors in induction of plasminogen catalytic activity by monoclonal antibody IV-Ic. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 6, pp. 778–785.  相似文献   

Summary -Latrotoxin, a polypeptide neurotoxin known to cause massive release of transmitter from vertebrate nerve terminals, is thought to act by forming cation-selective channels in plasma membranes. This paper describes the steady-state current carried by Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ through pores of -LaTx molecules incorporated in artificial bilayer membranes made of neutral lipids. Even when the solutions separated by the membrane are identical, theI-V relations rectify strongly, the current being higher when the side to which the toxin is added is positive. The polarity of the rectification is consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanism of action of the toxin is, at least in part, that of promoting inwardly directed flow of cations, and thus, accumulation of Ca2+ and other ions in the intracellular spaces. The dependence of theI-V characteristics on voltage and Ca2+ concentration is well described by a one-site, one-ion model for a channel. Three parameters of the model are deduced: the binding constant of the site for Ca2+,K=1.5m –1 (orK=7m –1 when activities are used instead of concentrations); the electrical distance of the site from the toxin-containing solution, =0.3; the free energy difference between the two barrier peaks, F =0.26 kT. The values of the parameters deduced by studying the channel in the presence of Ca2+ give theoretical curves that also fit the data with Sr2+ and Ba2+, indicating a low level of discrimination among these three cations.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the role of Cu(2+), Mn(2+), Zn(2+), and Al(3+) in inducing defective conformational rearrangements of the recombinant human prion protein (hPrP), which trigger aggregation and fibrillogenesis. The research was extended to the fragment of hPrP spanning residues 82-146, which was identified as a major component of the amyloid deposits in the brain of patients affected by Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker (GSS) disease. Variants of the 82-146 wild-type subunit [PrP-(82-146)(wt)] were also examined, including entirely, [PrP-(82-146)(scr)], and partially scrambled, [PrP-(82-146)(106)(-)(126scr)] and [PrP-(82-146)(127)(-)(146scr)], peptides. Al(3+) strongly stimulated the conversion of native hPrP into the altered conformation, and its potency in inducing aggregation was very high. Despite a lower rate and extent of prion protein conversion into altered isoforms, however, Zn(2+) was more efficient than Al(3+) in promoting organization of hPrP aggregates into well-structured, amyloid-like fibrillar filaments, whereas Mn(2+) delayed and Cu(2+) prevented the process. GSS peptides underwent the fibrillogenesis process much faster than the full-length protein. The intrinsic ability of PrP-(82-146)(wt) to form fibrillar aggregates was exalted in the presence of Zn(2+) and, to a lesser extent, of Al(3+), whereas Cu(2+) and Mn(2+) inhibited the conversion of the peptide into amyloid fibrils. Amino acid substitution in the neurotoxic core (sequence 106-126) of the 82-146 fragment reduced its amyloidogenic potential. In this case, the stimulatory effect of Zn(2+) was lower as compared to the wild-type peptide; on the contrary Al(3+) and Mn(2+) induced a higher propensity to fibrillation, which was ascribed to different binding modalities to GSS peptides. In all cases, alteration of the 127-146 sequence strongly inhibited the fibrillogenesis process, thus suggesting that integrity of the C-terminal region was essential both to confer amyloidogenic properties on GSS peptides and to activate the stimulatory potential of the metal ions.  相似文献   

We investigate the structure of aggregates formed due to DNA interaction with saturated neutral phosphatidylcholines [dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine] in presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations using simultaneous synchrotron small- and wide-angle X-ray diffractions. For DPPC:DNA = 3:1 mol/base and in the range of 1–50 mM Ca2+, the diffractograms show structural heterogeneity of aggregates. We observe the coexistence of two lamellar phases in aggregates prepared at 1 mM Ca2+: Lx phase with the DNA strands (of unknown organization) intercalated in water layers between adjacent lipid bilayers and LDPPC phase of DPPC bilayers without any divalent cations and DNA strands. Aggregates prepared in the range 2–50 mM Ca2+ show a condensed gel lamellar phase Lgc with the lipid bilayer periodicity d ≈ 8.0 nm, and the DNA–DNA interhelical distance d DNA ≈ 5.1 nm. The increase of temperature induces the decrease in the intensity and the increase in the width of the DNA related peak. In the fluid state, the condensed lamellar phase Lαc gradually converts into Lx phase. The aggregates do not exhibit rippled Pβ phase. The thermal behaviour of aggregates was investigated in the range 20–80°C. Applying heating–cooling cycles, the aggregates converted into energetically more favourable structure: a condensed lamellar phase Lc (or Lx) is preserved or we observe lateral segregation of the DNA strands and metal cations (Lx phase) in coexistence with LPC phase of pure phospholipids. Dedicated to Prof. Dr Klaus Arnold on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

The interaction of naringenin (Nar) and its neohesperidoside, naringin (Narn), with calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid (ctDNA) in the absence and the presence of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was investigated. The interaction of Nar and Narn with β-CD/ctDNA was analyzed by using absorption, fluorescence, and molecular modeling techniques. Docking studies showed the existence of hydrogen bonding, electrostatic and phobic interaction of Nar and Narn with β-CD/DNA. 1:2 stoichiometric inclusion complexes were observed for Nar and Narn with β-CD. With the addition of ctDNA, Nar and Narn resulted into the fluorescence quenching phenomenon in the aqueous solution and β-CD solution. The binding constant K b and the number of binding sites were found to be different for Nar and Narn bindings with DNA in aqueous and β-CD solution. The difference is attributed to the structural difference between Nar and Narn with neohesperidoside moiety present in Narn.  相似文献   

Summary In the nervous system of the obligatory endoparasite Diphyllobothrium dendriticum immunoreactivity (IR) to growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF), peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI), bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP), gastrin, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), oxytocin, FMRF-amide (FMRF) and serotonin (5HT) was demonstrated by immunocytochemical methods. A very strong GRF-IR was observed in the CNS and PNS of larvae and of the constantly growing adult worms. GRF-IR axon terminals occur beneath the basal lamina of the tegument along the inside of the bothridia, the holdfast organ of the worm. GRF-IR fibres surround the yolk producing vitelline glands and occur in the wall of the vagina. PHI-IR was observed in the CNS and PNS of larvae and adult worms. PHI-IR terminals occur beneath the basal lamina of the tegument along the strobila, the nutrient absorbing surface of the worm. PHI-IR fibres seem to innervate the testicular follicles. FMRF-IR fibres and perikarya occur close to the vitelline glands and the uterine pore and in the male copulatory organ. Numerous large 5HT-IR perikarya with long varicose fibres were observed in the nervous system of the worm. 5HT-IR perikarya occur close to the genital atrium. D. dendriticum is the phylogenetically lowest organism in which IR to PHI has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The DNA repair enzyme uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) pinches the phosphodiester backbone of damaged DNA using the hydroxyl side chains of a conserved trio of serine residues, resulting in flipping of the deoxyuridine from the DNA helix into the enzyme active site. We have investigated the energetic role of these serine-phosphodiester interactions using the complementary approaches of crystallography, directed mutagenesis, and stereospecific phosphorothioate substitutions. A new crystal structure of UDG bound to 5'-HO-dUAAp-3' (which lacks the 5' phosphodiester group that interacts with the Ser88 pinching finger) shows that the glycosidic bond of dU has been cleaved, and that the enzyme has undergone the same specific clamping motion that brings key active site groups into position as previously observed in the structures of human UDG bound to large duplex DNA substrates. From this structure, it may be concluded that glycosidic bond cleavage and the induced fit conformational change in UDG can occur without the 5' pinching interaction. The S88A, S189A, and S192G "pinching" mutations exhibit 360-, 80-, and 21-fold damaging effects on k(cat)/K(m), respectively, while the S88A/S189A double mutant exhibits an 8200-fold damaging effect. A free energy analysis of the combined effects of nonbridging phosphorothioate substitution and mutation at these positions reveals the presence of a modest amount of strain energy between the compressed 5' and 3' phosphodiester groups flanking the bound uridine. Overall, these results indicate a role for these serine-phosphodiester interactions in uracil flipping and preorganization of the sugar ring into a reactive conformation. However, in contrast to a recent proposal [Parikh, S. S., et al. (2000) Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, 5083], there is no evidence that conformational strain of the glycosidic bond induced by serine pinching plays a major role in the 10(12)-fold rate enhancement brought about by UDG.  相似文献   

Soil solution chemistry, soil acidity andcomposition of adsorbed cations were determinedin two soil profiles developed under a mixedspruce (Picea abies and Piceasitchensis) stand and in one soil profiledeveloped under an oak (Quercus robur)stand. Soils under spruce were classified asSpodosols and soils under oak were classifiedas Inceptisols. All profiles were developed inthe same parent material; a Saahlian sandy tillcontaining less than 2% clay. In the mineralsoil, the contribution from mineral surfaces tothe total cation-exchange capacity (CECt)was estimated to be less than 3%. Soilsolution pH and the percent base saturation ofCECt [%BS = 100 (2Ca + 2Mg + Na + K)CECt –1] were substantially lower inthe upper 35–40 cm of the two Spodosols, ascompared to the Inceptisol. The total amount ofsoil adsorbed base cations (BC) did not differamong the three profiles on an area basis downto 1 m soil depth. Thus, soil acidification ofCECt due to net losses of BC could notexplain differences in soil pH and %BS amongthe soil profiles. A weak acid analogue, takingthe pH-effect of metal complexation intoconsideration, combined with soil solutionionic strength as a covariate, could describeboth the pH variation by depth within soilprofiles and pH differences between theInceptisol and the two Spodosol profiles. Ourresults confirm and extend earlier findingsfrom O and E horizons of Spodosols that theextent to which organic acid groups react withAl minerals to form Al-SOM complexes is a majorpH-buffering process in acidic forest soils. Wesuggest that an increasing Al-saturation of SOMis the major reason for the widely observed pHincrease by depth in acidic forest soils with apH less than approximately 4.5. Our resultsstrongly imply that changes in mass of SOM, theionic strength in soil solution and therelative composition of soil adsorbed Al and Hneed to be considered when the causality behindchanges in pH and base saturation isinvestigated.  相似文献   

DNA looping plays a key role in many fundamental biological processes, including gene regulation, recombination, and chromosomal organization. The looping of DNA is often mediated by proteins whose structural features and physical interactions can alter the length scale at which the looping occurs. Looping and unlooping processes are controlled by thermodynamic contributions associated with mechanical deformation of the DNA strand and entropy arising from thermal fluctuations of the conformation. To determine how these confounding effects influence DNA looping and unlooping kinetics, we present a theoretical model that incorporates the role of the protein interactions, DNA mechanics, and conformational entropy. We show that for shorter DNA strands the interaction distance affects the transition state, resulting in a complex relationship between the looped and unlooped state lifetimes and the physical properties of the looped DNA. We explore the range of behaviors that arise with varying interaction distance and DNA length. These results demonstrate how DNA deformation and entropy dictate the scaling of the looping and unlooping kinetics versus the J-factor, establishing the connection between kinetic and equilibrium behaviors. Our results show how the twist-and-bend elasticity of the DNA chain modulates the kinetics and how the influence of the interaction distance fades away at intermediate to longer chain lengths, in agreement with previous scaling predictions.  相似文献   

Acholeplasma laidlawii strain A-EF22 was grown in a medium supplemented with 75 μm α-deuterated palmitic acid (16:0-d 2) and 75 μm α-deuterated oleic acid (18:1c-d 2), or with 150 μm 18:1c-d 2. The fatty acids were incorporated into the membrane lipids and 2H NMR spectra were recorded from intact membranes, total lipid extracts, and the combined glucolipid and neutral lipid fractions of a total lipid extract. The lipids in intact membranes form a bilayer structure up to at least 70 °C. The same result was obtained with membranes digested with pronase, which removes a large fraction of the membrane proteins. A reversed hexagonal liquid crystalline (HII) phase was formed below 70 °C by the total lipid extracts hydrated with 20 and 30% (w/w) water; in the presence of 40% (w/w) water only one of the extracts formed an HII phase below 70 °C. The HII phase was formed at higher temperatures with an increasing water content. However, only a lamellar liquid crystalline (L α ) phase was formed up to 70 °C by the total lipid extracts when the water concentrations were 50% (w/w) or higher. The temperature (T LH) for the L α to HII phase transition in the combined glucolipid and neutral lipid fractions was only 2–3 °C lower than for the total lipids, and the phospholipids thus have a very modest influence on the T LH value. Physiologically relevant concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions did not affect the phase equilibria of total lipid extracts significantly. It is concluded from comparison with published data that the membrane lipids of the cell wall-less bacterium A. laidlawii have a smaller tendency to form reversed nonlamellar phases than the membrane lipids of three bacterial species surrounded by a cell wall. Received: 10 March 1997 / Accepted: 4 July 1997  相似文献   


Brucella as intracellular pathogen requires a coordinate interaction between Th1 subset of gamma interferon-secreting CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells for optimal protective immunity. It was previously recognized that L7/L12 as T cell-reactive antigen from the pathogen. On other hand, Omp25 was found as another antigen to provide protection against the Brucella infection by eliciting both Th1 and Th2 type of immune responses in mice. Here, we analyzed the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of a divalent fusion protein (rL7/L12-Omp25) comprising these two promising immunogens of Brucella in the presence of murine IFN-gamma in mice against B. abortus 544 challenge. rIFN-gamma with rL7/L12-Omp25 resulted in superior immune response when compared to the animal vaccine strain B. abortus S19. The vaccine candidate caused dominance of IgG1 over IgG2a and upregulated cytokine secretion (IFN-gamma, TNF-α, and IL-10) among immunized mice. Moreover, the antigen in combination with murine IFN-gamma elicited stronger cell-mediated immune response among the immunized animals when compared to standard vaccine (S19). The registered log protection unit among challenged mice with B. abortus 544 pathogen was 2.16, p = 0.0001 when rL7/L12-Omp25 was administered alone and 2.4, p = 0.0001 when it was administered along with rIFN-gamma. However, the molecule upon administration with murine IFN-gamma imparted very minimal or no therapeutic effect against brucellosis. To conclude, our study demonstrates the potential of rL7/L12-Omp25 as an immunogen of prospective and efficient prophylaxis as it is capable of eliciting both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses against brucellosis.


There were 1765 contacts identified between DNA nucleobases or deoxyribose and cyclic (W, H, F, Y) or acyclic (R, E, D) amino acids in 672 X-ray structures of DNA–protein complexes. In this first study to compare π-interactions between the cyclic and acyclic amino acids, visual inspection was used to categorize amino acid interactions as nucleobase ππ (according to biological edge) or deoxyribose sugar–π (according to sugar edge). Overall, 54% of contacts are nucleobase ππ interactions, which involve all amino acids, but are more common for Y, F, and R, and involve all DNA nucleobases with similar frequencies. Among binding arrangements, cyclic amino acids prefer more planar (stacked) π-systems than the acyclic counterparts. Although sugar–π interactions were only previously identified with the cyclic amino acids and were found to be less common (38%) than nucleobase–cyclic amino acid contacts, sugar–π interactions are more common than nucleobase ππ contacts for the acyclic series (61% of contacts). Similar to DNA–protein ππ interactions, sugar–π contacts most frequently involve Y and R, although all amino acids adopt many binding orientations relative to deoxyribose. These DNA–protein π-interactions stabilize biological systems, by up to approximately ?40 kJ mol?1 for neutral nucleobase or sugar–amino acid interactions, but up to approximately ?95 kJ mol?1 for positively or negatively charged contacts. The high frequency and strength, despite variation in structure and composition, of these π-interactions point to an important function in biological systems.  相似文献   

Temperate estuaries are indispensable as refuelling areas for long-distance shorebirds, where they depend on intertidal benthic fauna, such as bivalves, as food source. Bivalve recruitment is thought to be, at least partly, top-down regulated by epibenthic predators (the shrimp Crangon crangon and the crab Carcinus maenas) but this interaction is part of a complex predator–prey system since various fish species prey upon the crustaceans.  相似文献   

α-Cyclodextrin was transformed in a cationic unit after per substitution with histidine (His-α-CD) and lysine (Lys-α-CD) molecules on the primary face. His-α-CD and Lys-α-CD were used to form electrostatic complexes (CDplexes) with a plasmid DNA encoding luciferase gene, and the ability of CDplexes to transfect mammalian cells was examined using HEK293-T7 cells. The luciferase activity in cells transfected with His-α-CDplexes was 8-fold higher than that obtained Lys-α-CDplexes. When the transfection was carried out in the presence of chloroquine, the luciferase activity with His-α-CDplexes and Lys-α-CDplexes increased 6 and 25 times, respectively. The lower enhancement with His-α-CDplexes confirmed that histidine induced a proton sponge effect inside endosomes upon imidazole protonation, favoring DNA delivery in the cytosol. At the same time, we found that the condensation of DNA with His-α-CD was unexpectedly stronger than that obtained with the lysyl-α-CD counterpart. Moreover, it was as strong as that observed with high molecular weight polylysine. NMR (ROESY and DOSY) investigations in the absence of DNA showed that an inclusion complex is formed between the imidazole ring of histidine and the hydrophobic cavity of CD but no His-α-CD polymers can be formed by intermolecular interactions. These results suggest that intermolecular interactions between imidazole and His-α-CD cavity could be involved to form supramolecular assemblies in the presence of a DNA scaffold leading to DNA condensation into low diameter particles.  相似文献   

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