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Reports provide conflicting data about the effects of alcohol consumption on the hormonal system. Any study of these effects must control for a number of variables, including sex, alcohol status (alcoholic addiction vs. non-addiction), medical status (malnutrition, liver disease), and conditions of alcohol exposure, including an acute or continuous pattern of intake. The latter appears to be an especially critical factor in interpreting these effects. The authors therefore conducted a trial with a circadian design in which alcohol was administered repeatedly and regularly over a 26 h period for a total dose of 256 g. Because this protocol involves continuous alcohol administration, it is similar to administration among alcoholics and thus sheds new light on alcohol's effect on hormone secretion. Using healthy volunteers rather than alcoholics, however, prevents any confounding due to liver disorders and nutritional deficiencies, and thus makes it possible to focus on the direct role of alcohol in hormonal modifications. In these conditions, the continuous administration of alcohol did not affect cortisol secretion, but serum testosterone levels were significantly higher at all time points during the alcohol session than at the corresponding time points during the control session. These data are not consistent with previously reported findings for the relation between alcohol and both cortisol and testosterone, because in the current experiment the action of ethanol on steroid secretion should involve the circadian clock more than the hormonal system itself.  相似文献   

Insulin is best known for its action on peripheral target tissues such as the adipocyte, muscle and liver to regulate glucose homeostasis. Insulin and its receptor are found in specific area of CNS with a variety of region-specific functions different from its direct glucose regulation in the periphery. The hippocampus and cerebral cortex distributed insulin/insulin receptor has been shown to be involved in brain cognitive functions. Previous studies about the effect of insulin on memory are controversial. In the present study, the effect of insulin microinjection into CA1 region of rat hippocampus on water maze performance has been investigated. Insulin had a discrepant effect dose dependently. The spatial learning and memory were impaired with lower dose of insulin, had not changed with intermediate doses, while they improved with higher doses. These results suggest that insulin may have a dose-dependent effect on spatial learning and memory.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of 6-weeks of heavy-resistance training on physical fitness and serum hormone status in adolescents (range 14-16 years old) 19 male handball players were divided into two different groups: a handball training group (NST, n = 10), and a handball and heavy-resistance strength training group (ST, n = 9). A third group of 4 handball goalkeepers of similar age served as a control group (C, n = 4). After the 6-week training period, the ST group showed an improvement in maximal dynamic strength of the leg extensors (12.2%; P < 0.01) and the upper extremity muscles (23%; P < 0.01), while no changes were observed in the NST and C groups. Similar differences were observed in the maximal isometric unilateral leg extension forces. The height of the vertical jump increased in the NST group from 29.5 (SD 4) cm to 31.4 (SD 5) cm (P < 0.05) while no changes were observed in the ST and C groups. A significant increase was observed in the ST group in the velocity of the throwing test [from 71.7 (SD 7) km x h(-1) to 74.0 (SD 7) km x h(-1); P < 0.001] during the 6-week period while no changes were observed in the NST and C groups. During a submaximal endurance test running at 11 km x h(-1), a significant decrease in blood lactate concentration occurred in the NST group [from 3.3 (SD 0.9) mmol x l(-1) to 2.4 (SD 0.8) mmol x l(-1); P < 0.01] during the experiment, while no change was observed in the ST or C groups. Finally, a significant increase (P < 0.01) was noted in the testosterone:cortisol ratio in the C group, while the increase in the NST group approached statistical significance (P < 0.08) and no changes in this ratio occurred in the ST group. The present findings suggested that the addition of 6-weeks of heavy resistance training to the handball training resulted in gains in maximal strength and throwing velocity but it compromised gains in leg explosive force production and endurance running. The tendency for a compromised testosterone:cortisol ratio observed in the ST group could have been associated with a state of overreaching or overtraining.  相似文献   

Machhor N  Balaji T  Raju TN 《Life sciences》2004,74(15):1925-1935
In this study, we investigated the effect of dexamethasone on the long-term learning and memory functions in developing rats. In Sprague-Dawley rat pups, we administered a daily dose of dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg/day) for three consecutive days in three groups of animals: the "ultra-early" group received steroids on postnatal days (PND) 1-3; the "early" group received the drug on PNDs 8-10, and the "late" group received the drug on PNDs 28-30. The control group was not given any medication. All animals underwent structured CNS examinations beginning on PND 15, and continued through PND 20. The pups were tested for spatial learning and memory functions using the Morris Water Maze (MWM) on PNDs 31 through 35, 45 through 49, and 59 through 63. They were also tested for reward-based learning and memory functions using Radial Arm Maze (RAM) on PNDs 70 through 72. We analyzed the effect of dexamethasone, postnatal age, and sex on neurological milestones, and learning and memory functions. We found that neurological examination findings were similar in all groups, as were the results of the reward-based learning using RAM. However, in the MWM, the total distance of swimming and the total time to find the hidden platform showed considerable difference among the groups. Although these functions improved with postnatal age, the female pups in all three steroid groups, and the male pups in the late-steroid group lagged significantly in learning and memory functions compared to the controls, and such lags were transient. However, the interaction terms between dexamethasone, age, and sex were also significant in MWM test results. Steroids administered postnatally may have transient, retarding effect on learning and memory functions, and that animal age and sex may modify such effects. Such lags are not global, but specific to the types of memory tests used, implicating different neural circuitries in the pathogenesis of such abnormalities. Although transient, if such adverse effects occur at critical phases during brain maturation, the implications for poor, long-term outcomes may be more significant. The mechanisms underlying such changes need to be explored.  相似文献   

Hormonal differences between fathers and non-fathers may reflect an effect of paternal care on hormones. However, few studies have evaluated the hormonal responses of fathers after interacting with their offspring. Here we report results of a 30-minute in-home experiment in which Filipino fathers played with their toddlers and consider whether paternal experience and men's perceptions of themselves as fathers affect hormonal changes. Fathers provided saliva and dried blood spot samples at baseline (B) and 30 (P30) and 60 (P60, saliva only) minutes after the interaction. We tested whether testosterone (T), cortisol (CORT), and prolactin (PRL) shifted after the intervention. In the total sample, T did not vary over the study period, while CORT declined from B to P30 and P60, and PRL also declined from B to P30. Fathers who spent more time in daily caregiving and men who thought their spouses evaluated them positively as parental caregivers experienced a larger decline in PRL (B to P30) compared to other fathers. First-time fathers also had larger declines in PRL compared to experienced fathers. Experienced fathers also showed a greater decline in CORT (B to P60) compared to first-time fathers. These results suggest that males' paternal experience and age of offspring affect hormonal responses to father–child play and that there is a psychobiological connection between men's perceptions of themselves as fathers and their hormonal responsivity to childcare.  相似文献   

The H2 allele of APOC1, giving rise to increased gene expression of apolipoprotein C-I (apoC-I), is in genetic disequilibrium with the APOE4 allele and may provide a major risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). We found that apoC-I protein is present in astrocytes and endothelial cells within hippocampal regions in both human control and AD brains. Interestingly, apoC-I colocalized with beta-amyloid (Abeta) in plaques in AD brains, and in vitro experiments revealed that aggregation of Abeta was delayed in the presence of apoC-I. Moreover, apoC-I was found to exacerbate the soluble Abeta oligomer-induced neuronal death. To establish a potential role for apoC-I in cognitive functions, we used human (h) APOC1(+/0) transgenic mice that express APOC1 mRNA throughout their brains and apoC-I protein in astrocytes and endothelial cells. The hAPOC1(+/0) mice displayed impaired hippocampal-dependent learning and memory functions compared with their wild-type littermates, as judged from their performance in the object recognition task (P = 0.012) and in the Morris water maze task (P = 0.010). ApoC-I may affect learning as a result of its inhibitory properties toward apoE-dependent lipid metabolism. However, no differences in brain mRNA or protein levels of endogenous apoE were detected between transgenic and wild-type mice. In conclusion, human apoC-I expression impairs cognitive functions in mice independent of apoE expression, which supports the potential of a modulatory role for apoC-I during the development of AD.  相似文献   

M. I. McCormick 《Oecologia》1999,118(4):412-422
Maternal hormones can play an important role in the development of fish larvae. Levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in females are elevated by social interactions and transferred directly to the yolk of eggs, where they may influence developmental rates. In some vertebrates, prenatal exposure to high levels of testosterone determine early growth rates, social status and reproductive success. The present study examined whether post-fertilization exposure of eggs of the tropical damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae), to natural levels of cortisol or testosterone directly affects larval morphology at hatching. Maternal and egg levels of cortisol and testosterone varied widely among clutches of eggs from local populations around Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The morphology of larvae produced by these local fish populations also varied widely and differed significantly among sites (e.g., standard length: 2.6–3.4 mm; yolk sac area: 0.01–0.13 × 10−2 mm2). Laboratory experiments showed that elevated cortisol levels in the egg reduced larval length at hatching, while slight elevations in testosterone increased yolk sac size. The influence of testosterone, and to a smaller extent cortisol, on larval morphology differed among egg clutches. These differences were partly explained by differences in initial egg hormone levels. Morphological changes induced by experimental hormonal regimes encompassed the entire range of variability in body attributes found in field populations. It is unclear whether cortisol influences growth alone or development rate or both. Testosterone appears to influence yolk utilization rates, and has no significant effect on growth, in contrast to its role in later developmental stages. Maternally derived cortisol and testosterone are important in regulating growth, development, and nutritive reserves of the embryo and larvae of this fish species. Factors that influence the maternal levels of cortisol and testosterone may have a major impact on larval mortality schedules and, therefore, on which breeding individuals contribute to the next generation. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

The precise impact of age-related changes in hormone levels on cognition in men is still unclear due to differing study designs and contradictory findings. This study was undertaken to examine the relationship between endogenous sex hormone levels and cognitive functioning in healthy older men using a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests and measurement of serum sex hormone levels. Verbal learning and memory, visual-motor processing, spatial abilities, working memory and attention, and levels of testosterone and estradiol were evaluated in 54 healthy older men. Regression analyses revealed significant curvilinear associations between working memory function and both free and bioavailable testosterone levels, suggesting that an optimal hormone level may exist for maximal performance on tasks of executive/frontal lobe functioning. However, no other relationships were evident between either estradiol or testosterone levels and any of the other cognitive functions evaluated. Hormone assays performed at the end of the study revealed that a considerable portion of the healthy elderly men in our sample met criteria for hypogonadism and suggests that their low hormone levels may have mitigated against discovering other significant hormone-cognition relationships.  相似文献   

Zhao ZY  Lu FH  Xie Y  Fu YR  Bogdan A  Touitou Y 《Steroids》2003,68(6):551-555
Adrenal function and aging have been the object of intense interest in recent years. In this study we analyzed morning (08:00 h) serum cortisol concentrations from a sample of Chinese subjects aged from 31 to 110 years. These levels differed according to age, health status and sex, although the sex difference was confirmed only among the healthy elderly. These results suggest that age (older than 60 years), disease and male sex are associated with increased morning serum cortisol levels in a Chinese population.  相似文献   

Male golden-collared manakins gather on leks and perform an acrobatic display to attract females. In temperate breeding species, testosterone (T) activation of courtship displays has been well studied. Few studies have examined T activation of displays in tropical species; even fewer have explored the activational role of T in elaborate courtship displays such as in the manakin. In some tropical species, including manakins, territorial aggression or song behavior are uncoupled from T. We have previously shown that T activates display behavior in manakin males when endogenous T levels are low in the non-courtship season. To understand how T functions in breeding birds, we examined T levels in a large group of manakins sampled during the courtship and non-courtship season. In addition, during the courtship season, we gave T implants to adult males, juvenile males, and females. We found that T levels were low during the non-courtship season and comparatively higher on average during the courtship season. However, T levels were low in many adult males during the courtship season, especially when compared to temperate breeding species. Regardless of initial endogenous T levels during the courtship season, T implants did not increase the display frequency of adult males. T-treated females and juvenile males did display under similar conditions. Our data suggest that the effects of T on manakin display vary with season, sex, and age and that high T is not necessary for display.  相似文献   

For the renewed interest in fat patterning to be fruitful, more information on the biology of fat patterning, particularly normative data are required. Nine skinfold thicknesses were measured in 2312 coastal and highland Papua New Guineans of all ages undergoing acculturation. Principal component analysis of the skinfold data revealed components of fatness and fat patterning. First component scores were typical of the changes in fatness with age and the sex differences expected in these populations. Second component scores of limb-trunk fat patterning showed marked changes with age in both sexes but they stabilised in adulthood. This pattern seemed more affected by maturity although it is usually thought to be a sex-specific pattern. The third component, upper-lower body patterning, was more sexually dimorphic in adults. Marked differences were not observed between the two communities but over a 15-year period fatness levels increased slightly and subcutaneous fat tended to be deposited more centrally.  相似文献   

Influence of sex steroid hormones on spatial memory in a songbird   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mammals, sex steroid hormones influence spatial learning and memory abilities but there are few data regarding such effects in birds. We investigated whether non-invasive sex steroid hormone treatment would affect spatial memory task performance of great tits (Parus major). For five consecutive days, birds were fed wax moth larvae injected with either 80 μg testosterone or 80 μg estradiol carried in peanut oil immediately prior to behavioral testing. During the 5 days prior to and the 5 days following hormone treatment, birds were fed vehicle-injected larvae. Both hormone manipulations resulted in an elevation of circulating hormone levels within 5 min of larva ingestion. This elevation was sustained for at least 30 min but had no short-term (<1 day) effect on spatial memory performance. However, performance tended to increase during the first 5 days of vehicle treatment and during both sex steroid treatments whereas it decreased during the 5 days of vehicle treatment following either hormone treatment. These results suggest that both hormones led to some improvement in spatial memory that declined once treatment ended. The great tit hippocampus was found to express androgen and estrogen receptors which would provide a direct site of sex steroid action.  相似文献   

The impact of blood leakage due to microinjury to the oral cavity on the measurement of salivary hormones was examined. Saliva samples were collected before, immediately after, and then every 15 min for 1 h following vigorous tooth brushing. Blood in saliva was quantified by visual inspection of discoloration, Hemastix reagent strips to detect hemoglobin, and an immunoassay for transferrin. The presence of blood in saliva immediately after microinjury was confirmed by all methods. Hemoglobin and transferrin levels remained elevated over baseline for at least 30 min. Levels of salivary testosterone increased over baseline and remained elevated for 30 min in response to microinjury. Microinjury induced change in salivary testosterone was more closely associated with the change in transferrin than hemoglobin levels or discoloration ratings. On average, levels of salivary dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) did not increase in response to microinjury. However, individual differences in microinjury induced change in DHEA were associated with discoloration ratings. Salivary cortisol levels, on average, were neither responsive to microinjury, nor were individual differences in cortisol change associated with blood contamination measures. Neither diurnal nor gender-related differences in baseline hormone levels predicted the impact of blood leakage on quantitative salivary measurements. The findings suggest ecologically valid minor-to-moderate level microinjuries to the oral cavity have negligible effects on the measurement of salivary cortisol, but may be important to quantify and control when assessing other hormones especially testosterone.  相似文献   

Age, sex, and gonadal hormones have profound effects on ischemic stroke outcomes, although how these factors impact basic stroke pathophysiology remains unclear. There is a plethora of inconsistent data reported throughout the literature, primarily due to differences in the species examined, the timing and methods used to evaluate injury, the models used, and confusion regarding differences in stroke incidence as seen in clinical populations vs. effects on acute neuroprotection or neurorepair in experimental stroke models. Sex and gonadal hormone exposure have considerable independent impact on stroke outcome, but these factors also interact with each other, and the contribution of each differs throughout the lifespan. The contribution of sex and hormones to experimental stroke will be the focus of this review. Recent advances and our current understanding of age, sex, and hormone interactions in ischemic stroke with a focus on inflammation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that testosterone and cortisol jointly regulate dominance motivation and, perhaps, the status relationships that are affected by it. For this article, the results of six different studies of women's intercollegiate athletic competition were combined to give a sample size of almost ninety women for whom we had before- and after-competition values for salivary cortisol and testosterone for at least one and sometimes two competitions. For many of these women, we had surveys that allowed us to assess their status with teammates. In no matter what sport (soccer, softball, volleyball, and tennis) levels of salivary cortisol and testosterone increased when women participated in athletic competition. Salivary levels of C and T appear to rise in parallel during competition and increases in levels of one hormone are significantly related to increases in the other. Salivary levels of these hormones typically decreased for teammates who did not play but watched the competition from the sidelines. For women who played in two competitions, individual differences in the positive effect of competition on cortisol and testosterone were conserved from one competition to the next, affirming the personal consistency of endocrine responses to competition. Status with teammates was positively related to before-competition levels of testosterone, but only for women with relatively low before-competition levels of cortisol. This result provides novel support for the “dual-hormone hypothesis” as it relates to predicting social status in women's athletic teams — natural social groups of individuals who know each other and whose social hierarchy has evolved over the course of practice and play for at least one and, in some cases, several years of intercollegiate athletic competition.  相似文献   

The possible mechanisms by which the administration of drugs may alter the gonadal function in humans are considered in this review. Based on personal data, and on data published in the literature, the following events may occur: (1) blockade of gonadal steroidogenesis; (2) interaction of drug(s) with the steroid-binding protein system in plasma, and (3) interference of drug(s) at the level of the feedback control of gonadotropin secretion. Representative examples of the above mechanisms are as following: (1) Ketoconazole possesses inhibitory effects in vitro on cytochrome P-450. When given in adult males, it decreased the plasma concentrations of testosterone (T) and androstenedione and increased 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels, suggesting that this drug acts in vivo on gonadal steroidogenesis by blocking the 17,20-lyase. (2) Danazol is a progestagen with high affinity for sex steroid-binding protein (SBP); when given in high dosages in normal males, it increased rapidly the dialyzable fraction (percent protein unbound or free fraction) of T. This suggests that by interacting with the binding sites of SBP, danazol and/or its metabolites displace the fraction of T bound to SBP. However, in males as well as in females, the long-term administration of danazol decreased also the binding capacity of SBP, and consequently increased the free fraction of sex steroid hormones. (3) Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the most active androgen in many target cells, given at therapeutic dosages to adult males, resulted in a decrease in plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and T, without any significant change in the percent of free T, even though the affinity of DHT for SBP is higher than that of T. This suggests that the main effect of DHT is to inhibit gonadotropin secretion at the central level. (4) Flutamide, a nonsteroidal antiandrogen, increased both LH and T levels, demonstrating its pure antiandrogenic activity on gonadotropin secretion. The consequence(s) of the effects of such drugs on the production, the metabolic clearance rate and the bioavailability of sex steroid hormones are discussed.  相似文献   

Reports provide conflicting data about the effects of alcohol consumption on the hormonal system. Any study of these effects must control for a number of variables, including sex, alcohol status (alcoholic addiction vs. non-addiction), medical status (malnutrition, liver disease), and conditions of alcohol exposure, including an acute or continuous pattern of intake. The latter appears to be an especially critical factor in interpreting these effects. The authors therefore conducted a trial with a circadian design in which alcohol was administered repeatedly and regularly over a 26 h period for a total dose of 256 g. Because this protocol involves continuous alcohol administration, it is similar to administration among alcoholics and thus sheds new light on alcohol's effect on hormone secretion. Using healthy volunteers rather than alcoholics, however, prevents any confounding due to liver disorders and nutritional deficiencies, and thus makes it possible to focus on the direct role of alcohol in hormonal modifications. In these conditions, the continuous administration of alcohol did not affect cortisol secretion, but serum testosterone levels were significantly higher at all time points during the alcohol session than at the corresponding time points during the control session. These data are not consistent with previously reported findings for the relation between alcohol and both cortisol and testosterone, because in the current experiment the action of ethanol on steroid secretion should involve the circadian clock more than the hormonal system itself.  相似文献   

Numerous animal studies have revealed significant effects of sex and sex hormones on normal lung development, lung physiology, and various lung diseases. The primary goal of this review is to summarize knowledge to date on the effects of sex and sex hormones on lung development, physiology, and disease in animals. Specific emphasis will be placed on fibrosis, allergic airway disease, acute lung injury models, respiratory infection, and lung toxicology studies.  相似文献   

High doses of estradiol (E(2)) can impair spatial learning in the Morris water maze, in ovariectomized mice, but the same dose has no effect on adult castrated males. Here, we test the hypothesis that this sex difference is caused by neonatal actions of E(2). In Experiment 1, C57BL/6J pups were given daily estradiol benzoate (EB) or oil injections from the day of birth until postnatal Day 3. Adults were gonadectomized and received EB (s.c.) or oil 28 h before the first day of training, and 4 h before each of four daily training sessions on the Morris water maze. Females given oil as neonates, and EB prior to training displayed the poorest performance. Females that received EB as neonates and EB prior to training were insensitive to the deleterious effects of adult EB and performed better than males given the same hormone treatments. We conducted a second experiment using aromatase enzyme knockout (ArKO) mice. Adult male and female ArKO and wild-type (WT) littermates were gonadectomized and received either injections of oil or EB prior to and during water maze training (as described above). Hormone treatment failed to affect performance, yet, female but not male ArKO mice showed impaired learning compared to WT littermates. Thus, exposure to estradiol during neonatal development can counteract the deleterious effects of EB on adult spatial learning.  相似文献   

Given the dramatic behavioral effects of winning and losing contests, and pronounced changes in stress and sex steroid hormones post-fight, it is reasonable to suppose that these hormones also dictate future behavior. We sampled water-borne cortisol, testosterone (T), and 11-ketotestosterone (KT) before and after contests in the mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus, to determine how endogenous steroid hormone levels might predict and respond to contest dynamics or success. Pre-fight cortisol related negatively, and pre-fight T related positively to contest initiation and winning, particularly in the smaller opponent. In the pairs where a larger fish won the contest, winners with higher pre-fight T and lower pre-fight cortisol delivered more attacks to the losers. Contest duration and escalation influenced post-fight hormone concentrations primarily in losers. Escalation significantly increased post-fight cortisol, T, and KT for losers but not for winners. However, winners that attacked losers at higher rates had higher levels of post-fight cortisol. Losers also demonstrate the most consistent post-fight hormone responses, particularly to contest escalation and duration. Despite the bidirectional relationship between hormones and contest behavior, we found no overall mean differences in pre- or post-fight cortisol, T, or KT between eventual winners and losers. Thus, it is evident that the categorical states of winner and loser cannot alone reveal the complex, reciprocal associations between endocrine systems and social behavior.  相似文献   

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