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Guanine-rich oligonucleotides existing in both DNA and RNA are able to fold into four-stranded DNA secondary structures via Hoogsteen type hydrogen-bonding, where four guanines self-assemble into a square planar arrangement, which, when stacked upon each other, results in the formation of higher-order structures called G-quadruplexes. Their distribution is not random; they are more frequently present at telomeres, proto-oncogenic promoters, introns, 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions, stem cell markers, ribosome binding sites and so forth and are associated with various biological functions, all of which play a pivotal role in various incurable diseases like cancer and cellular ageing. Several studies have suggested that G-quadruplexes could not regulate biological processes by themselves; instead, various proteins take part in this regulation and can be important therapeutic targets. There are certain limitations in using whole G4-protein for therapeutics purpose because of its high manufacturing cost, laborious structure prediction, dynamic nature, unavailability for oral administration due to its degradation in the gut and inefficient penetration to reach the target site because of the large size. Hence, biologically active peptides can be the potential candidates for therapeutic intervention instead of the whole G4-protein complex. In this review, we aimed to clarify the biological roles of G4s, how we can identify them throughout the genome via bioinformatics, the proteins interacting with G4s and how G4-interacting peptide molecules may be the potential next-generation ligands for targeting the G4 motifs located in biologically important regions.  相似文献   

表达序列标签(EST)在基因组学研究中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
表达序列标签 (expressedsequencetags)是一种快捷、高效的揭示基因组信息的方法。本文对EST的产生、概念、技术原理及其在基因组研究中的广泛应用作一详细的介绍  相似文献   

G-quadruplex-forming ODNs containing nonpolar aromatic fluorophore moiety, APY at the dangling ends undergo π-stacking on surface of G-quadruplex, and the fluorescence change can be used to distinguish the structure-switching between the mixed parallel/antiparallel structure and antiparallel structure.  相似文献   

Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be employed to study conformational heterogeneity and real-time dynamics of biological macromolecules. Here we present single molecule studies on human genomic DNA G-quadruplex sequences that occur in the telomeres and in the promoter of a proto-oncogene. The findings are discussed with respect to the proposed biological function(s) of such motifs in living cells.  相似文献   

Recently, the two-repeat human telomeric d(TAGGGTTAGGGT) sequence has been shown to form interconverting parallel and antiparallel G-quadruplex structures in solution. Here, we examine the structures formed by the two-repeat Tetrahymena telomeric d(TGGGGTTGGGGT) sequence, which differs from the human sequence only by one G-for-A replacement in each repeat. We show by NMR that this sequence forms two novel G-quadruplex structures in Na+-containing solution. Both structures are asymmetric, dimeric G-quadruplexes involving a core of four stacked G-tetrads and two edgewise loops. The adjacent strands of the G-tetrad core are alternately parallel and antiparallel. All G-tetrads adopt syn.syn.anti.anti alignments, which occur with 5'-syn-anti-syn-anti-3' alternations along G-tracks. In the first structure (head-to-head), two loops are at one end of the G-tetrad core; in the second structure (head-to-tail), two loops are located on opposite ends of the G-tetrad core. In contrast to the human telomere counterpart, the proportions of the two forms here are similar for a wide range of temperatures; their unfolding rates are also similar, with an activation enthalpy of 153 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Lane AN 《Biochimie》2012,94(2):277-286
DNA quadruplexes are often conceived as very stable structures. However, most of the free energy of stabilization derives from specific ion binding via inner sphere coordination of the GO6 of the guanine residues comprising the basic quartet. When compared with other nucleic acid structures such as DNA or RNA duplexes and hairpins, or proteins of the same number of atoms, metal-coordinated intramolecular quadruplexes are found to be of comparable or lower thermodynamic stability under similar solution conditions. Furthermore, intramolecular quadruplexes are actually less stable kinetically, than DNA duplexes or hairpins of the same size.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that the betaine-type alkaloid Lycobetaine (LYC) preferentially binds to c-MYC and BCL-2 promoter G-quadruplexes (G4s). Biophysical experiments including absorption titrations, CD melting and NMR studies showed that LYC had the ability to bind and stabilize both c-MYC and BCL-2 G4s through an end-stacking mode. Additional biological assays including RT-PCR and Western blotting indicated that LYC simultaneously inhibited the expression of c-MYC and BCL-2 oncogenes in A549/DDP cells, which thereby led to cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, as well as inhibition on cell proliferation and migration. Taken together, these results revealed a new potential anticancer mechanism of LYC with potential application of LYC in drug-resistant cancers.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved G-quadruplexes (G4s) are faithfully inherited and serve a variety of cellular functions such as telomere maintenance, gene regulation, DNA replication initiation, and epigenetic regulation. Different from the Watson-Crick base-pairing found in duplex DNA, G4s are formed via Hoogsteen base pairing and are very stable and compact DNA structures. Failure of untangling them in the cell impedes DNA-based transactions and leads to genome instability. Cells have evolved highly specific helicases to resolve G4 structures. We used a recombinant nuclear form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 to characterize Pif1-mediated DNA unwinding with a substrate mimicking an ongoing lagging strand synthesis stalled by G4s, which resembles a replication origin and a G4-structured flap in Okazaki fragment maturation. We find that the presence of G4 may greatly stimulate the Pif1 helicase to unwind duplex DNA. Further studies reveal that this stimulation results from G4-enhanced Pif1 dimerization, which is required for duplex DNA unwinding. This finding provides new insights into the properties and functions of G4s. We discuss the observed activation phenomenon in relation to the possible regulatory role of G4s in the rapid rescue of the stalled lagging strand synthesis by helping the replicator recognize and activate the replication origin as well as by quickly removing the G4-structured flap during Okazaki fragment maturation.  相似文献   

G-quadruplexes in viral genomes can be applied as the targets of antiviral therapies, which has attracted wide interest. However, it is still not clear whether the pervasive number of such elements in the viral world is the result of natural selection for functionality. In this study, we identified putative quadruplex-forming sequences (PQSs) across the known viral genomes and analyzed the abundance, structural stability, and conservation of viral PQSs. A Viral Putative G-quadruplex Database (http://jsjds.hzau.edu.cn/MBPC/ViPGD/index.php/home/index) was constructed to collect the details of each viral PQS, which provides guidance for selecting the desirable PQS. The PQS with two putative G-tetrads (G2-PQS) was significantly enriched in both eukaryotic viruses and prokaryotic viruses, whereas the PQSs with three putative G-tetrads (G3-PQS) were only enriched in eukaryotic viruses and depleted in prokaryotic viruses. The structural stability of PQSs in prokaryotic viruses was significantly lower than that in eukaryotic viruses. Conservation analysis showed that the G2-PQS, instead of G3-PQS, was highly conserved within the genus. This suggested that the G2-quadruplex might play an important role in viral biology, and the difference in the occurrence of G-quadruplex between eukaryotic viruses and prokaryotic viruses may result from the different selection pressures from hosts.  相似文献   

Intensive reports allowed the conclusion that molecules with extended aromatic surfaces always do good jobs in the DNA interactions. Inspired by the previous successful researches, herein, we designed a series of cationic porphyrins with expanded planar substituents, and evaluated their binding behaviors to G-quadruplex DNA using the combination of surface-enhanced raman, circular dichroism, absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer melting assays. Asymmetrical tetracationic porphyrin with one phenyl-4-N-methyl-4-pyridyl group and three N-methyl-4-pyridyl groups exhibit the best G4-DNA binding affinities among all the designed compounds, suggesting that the bulk of the substituents should be matched to the width of the grooves they putatively lie in. Theoretical calculations applying the density functional theory have been carried out and explain the binding properties of these porphyrins reasonably. Meanwhile, these porphyrins were proved to be potential photochemotherapeutic agents since they have photocytotoxic activities against both myeloma cell (Ag8.653) and gliomas cell (U251) lines.  相似文献   

RNA G-quadruplexes (rG4s) are noncanonical RNA secondary structures formed by guanine (G)-rich sequences. These complexes play important regulatory roles in both animals and plants through their structural dynamics and are closely related to human diseases and plant growth, development, and adaption. Thus, studying the structural dynamics of rG4s is fundamentally important; however, their folding pathways and their unfolding by specialized helicases are not well understood. In addition, no plant rG4-specialized helicases have been identified. Here, using single-molecule FRET, we experimentally elucidated for the first time the folding pathway and intermediates, including a G-hairpin and G-triplex. In addition, using proteomics screening and microscale thermophoresis, we identified and validated five rG4-specialized helicases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Furthermore, DExH1, the ortholog of the famous human rG4 helicase RHAU/DHX36, stood out for its robust rG4 unwinding ability. Taken together, these results shed light on the structural dynamics of plant rG4s.  相似文献   

With more than 100 antibacterial drugs at our disposal in the 1980s, the problem of bacterial infection was considered solved. Today, however, most hospital infections are insensitive to several classes of antibacterial drugs, and deadly strains of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to vancomycin – the last resort antibiotic – have recently begin to appear. Other life-threatening microbes, such as Enterococcus faecalis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis are already able to resist every available antibiotic. There is thus an urgent, and continuous need for new, preferably large-spectrum, antibacterial molecules, ideally targeting new biochemical pathways. Here we report on the progress of our structural genomics program aiming at the discovery of new antibacterial gene targets among evolutionary conserved genes of uncharacterized function. A series of bioinformatic and comparative genomics analyses were used to identify a set of 221 candidate genes common to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These genes were split between two laboratories. They are now submitted to a systematic 3-D structure determination protocol including cloning, protein expression and purification, crystallization, X-ray diffraction, structure interpretation, and function prediction. We describe here our strategies for the 111 genes processed in our laboratory. Bioinformatics is used at most stages of the production process and out of 111 genes processed – and 17 months into the project – 108 have been successfully cloned, 103 have exhibited detectable expression, 84 have led to the production of soluble protein, 46 have been purified, 12 have led to usable crystals, and 7 structures have been determined.  相似文献   

Large-scale genome projects require the analysis of large amounts of raw data. This analysis often involves the application of a chain of biology-based programs. Many of these programs are difficult to operate because they are non-integrated, command-line driven, and platform-dependent. The problem is compounded when the number of data files involved is large, making navigation and status-tracking difficult. To demonstrate how this problem can be addressed, we have created a platform-independent Web front end that integrates a set of programs used in a genomic project analyzing gene function by transposon mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In particular, these programs help define a large number of transposon insertion events within the yeast genome, identifying both the precise site of transposon insertion as well as potential open reading frames disrupted by this insertion event. Our Web interface facilitates this analysis by performing the following tasks. Firstly, it allows each of the analysis programs to be launched against multiple directories of data files. Secondly, it allows the user to view, download, and upload files generated by the programs. Thirdly, it indicates which sets of data directories have been processed by each program. Although designed specifically to aid in this project, our interface exemplifies a general approach by which independent software programs may be integrated into an efficient protocol for large-scale genomic data processing. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Environments surrounding G-rich sequences remarkably affect the conformations of these structures. A proper evaluation system mimicking the crowded environment in a cell with macromolecules should be developed to perform structural and functional studies on G-quadruplexes. In this study, the topology and stability of a G-quadruplex formed by human telomeric repeat sequences were investigated in a macromolecule-crowded environment created by polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG200), tumor cell extract, and Xenopus laevis egg extract. The interactions between small molecules and telomeric G-quadruplexes were also evaluated in the different systems. The results suggested that the actual behavior of G-quadruplex structures in cells extract is quite different from that in the PEG crowding system, and proteins or other factors in extracts might play a very important role in G-quadruplex structures.  相似文献   

Telomerase is responsible for the immortal phenotype of cancer cells and telomerase inhibition may specifically target cancer cell proliferation. Ligands able to selectively bind to G-quadruplex telomeric DNA have been considered as telomerase inhibitors but their mechanisms of action have often been deduced from a non-quantitative telomerase activity assay (TRAP assay) that involves a PCR step and that does not provide insight on the mechanism of inhibition. Furthermore, quadruplex ligands have also been shown to exert their effects by affecting association of telomere binding proteins with telomeres. Here, we use quantitative direct telomerase activity assays to evaluate the strength and mechanism of action of hydrosoluble perylene diimides (HPDIs). HPDIs contain a perylene moiety and different numbers of positively charged side chains. Side chain features vary with regard to number and distances of the charges. IC50 values of HPDIs were in the low micromolar (0.5–5 μM) range depending on the number and features of the side chains. HPDIs having four side chains emerged as the best compounds of this series. Analysis of primer elongation products demonstrated that at low HPDI concentrations, telomerase inhibition involved formation of telomeric G-quadruplex structures, which inhibited further elongation by telomerase. At high HPDI concentrations, telomerase inhibition occurred independently of G-quadruplex formation of the substrate. The mechanism of action of HPDIs and their specific binding to G-quadruplex DNA was supported by PAGE analysis, CD spectroscopy and ESI-MS. Finally, competition Telospot experiments with duplex DNA indicated specific binding of HPDIs to the single-stranded telomeric substrates over double stranded DNA, a result supported by competitive ESI-MS. Altogether, our results indicate that HPDIs act by stabilizing G-quadruplex structures in single-stranded telomeric DNA, which in turn prevents repeat addition processivity of telomerase.  相似文献   

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