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During exercises at constant workload, the hyperlactatemia threshold (continuous lactate production during the whole exercise) (48% VO2 max) and the hyperventilation threshold (57% VO2 max) are not simultaneous. This finding demonstrates that the hyperventilation threshold could not be regarded as an "anaerobic threshold".  相似文献   

Erythrocyte-supplying function of the spleen was examined in the rainbow troutSalmo gairdneri under exercise. The spleen showed remarkable reduction, about 70% in weight and about 85% in hemoglobin content, after forced exercise of 15 min. The amount of erythrocytes released from the spleen was 2.33 ml/kg body, and this amount corresponds to about 20% of the total volume of circulating erythrocytes in resting condition. No damage was observed at the spleen, splenic artery and splenic vein after the exercise. Examination of the vascular system by a corrosion casting method showed that no place other than the venous circulation exists for the erythrocytes released from the contracted spleen. The spleen was strongly constricted by infusion of adrenaline into the organ. These facts imply that the fish spleen supplies stored hemoglobin into the circulating blood in response to an increased demand of oxygen during exercise, under the control of the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the decrease in plasma pH contributes to the hyperventilation observed in humans in response to exercise at high workloads, five healthy male subjects performed a ramp exercise [maximal workload: 352 W (SD 35)] in a control situation and when arterialized plasma pH was maintained at the resting level (pH clamp) by intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate [129 mmol (SD 23), beginning at 59% maximal workload (SD 5)]. Bicarbonate infusion did not modify O(2) consumption (Vo(2)) but significantly (P < 0.05) increased arterial Pco(2), plasma bicarbonate concentration, and respiratory exchange ratio (P < 0.05). At the three highest workloads, pulmonary ventilation (Ve) and Ve/Vo(2) were approximately 5-10% lower (P < 0.05) when bicarbonate was infused than in the control situation, and hyperventilation was reduced by 15-30%. These data suggest that the decrease in plasma pH is one of the factors that contribute to the hyperventilation observed at high workloads.  相似文献   

Immunomodulations induced in rats by exercise on a treadmill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various regimens of treadmill exercise (0% slope) were used with rats: 60 min at 15 m/min (T-15), 180 min at 10 m/min (T-10), and 60 min/day at 15 m/min for 6 consecutive days (T-15-6). Exercise resulted in 1) decreases in the absolute number of mononuclear spleen cells in T-10 rats, 2) significant increases in in vitro splenic T-cell blastogenesis in response to phytohemagglutinin in T-10 rats, and 3) significant decreases in T-cell blastogenesis in T-15-6 rats. T-15-6 rats were given aminoglutethimide per os before exercise sessions to study the role of corticosteroids in the alteration of splenic T-cell blastogenesis. Aminoglutethimide significantly increased the T-cell blastogenesis in these T-15-6 rats compared with those not given aminoglutethimide, whereas it had no effect on immune parameters of sedentary rats. These results show that immunomodulations in the rat depend on the treadmill exercise regimen employed. If the mechanisms of the immunomodulation induced by isolated exercise of long duration are not elucidated, these data suggest that corticosteroids are involved in the alteration in T-cell blastogenesis induced by chronic muscular exercise.  相似文献   

Temperature regulation during treadmill exercise in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Metabolic cost of treadmill exercise in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In normal subjects, beta-adrenergic blockage by propranolol or pindolol reduces exercise hyperventilation (40 to 60% VO2 max).  相似文献   

To determine whether exercise and hyperventilation produce the same intrathoracic thermal events in asthmatics, we used a thermal probe to record airstream temperatures during both stimuli at multiple points within the tracheobronchial tree. From these data, the global and regionally distributed exchanges of water and heat that occurred throughout the respiratory tract were calculated. During each provocation, intra-airway temperatures fell equivalently, thereby producing similar intrathoracic water fluxes and heat transfers. Neither stimulus was associated with airway drying, and both resulted in similar distributed losses of thermal energy from the tracheobronchial tree despite small regional heat and water exchanges. The degree of airway obstruction was identical after both challenges; however, the onset of airway narrowing was earlier with hyperventilation and developed in association with more rapid rewarming. These data demonstrate that the hyperpnea of exercise and hyperventilation produce identical thermal consequences within the respiratory tract of asthmatics.  相似文献   

A technique for continuous intravenous infusion in cats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The etiology of exercise hypocapnia is unknown.The contributions of exercise intensity (ExInt), lactic acid,environmental temperature, rectal temperature(Tre), and physicalconditioning to the variance in arterialCO2 tension(PaCO2) in the exercising sheep werequantified. We hypothesized that thermal drive contributes tohyperventilation. Four unshorn sheep were exercised at ~30, 50, and70% of maximal O2 consumption for30 min, or until exhaustion, both before and after 5 wk of physicalconditioning. In addition, two of the sheep were shorn and exercised ateach intensity in a cold (<15°C) environment.Tre andO2 consumption were measured continuously. Lactic acid and PaCO2 weremeasured at 5- to 10-min intervals. Data wereanalyzed by multiple regression onPaCO2. During exercise,Tre rose andPaCO2 fell, except at the lowest ExIntin the cold environment. Treexplained 77% of the variance in PaCO2,and ExInt explained 5%. All other variables were insignificant. Weconclude that, in sheep, thermal drive contributes to hyperventilation during exercise.


Splenic immune responses following treadmill exercise in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in vitro proliferation response to lipopolysaccharide and pokeweek mitogen by splenic lymphocytes and the effect on the total splenic lymphocyte number were examined in C57BL/6J mice following an 8-week treadmill training program (30 m/min, 8 degrees slope, 30 min/day, 5 times/week) and after a single bout of exhaustive exercise (50% stepwise increases in final running speed for 10-min intervals). Plasma corticosterone levels were also measured to evaluate whether changes in adrenocortical activation were associated with exercise-induced immunomodulation. In comparison to sedentary controls, trained mice had an increase of 35% in succinate dehydrogenase activity per unit of protein in the quadriceps femoris muscle. Trained mice showed an increase in splenic lymphocyte proliferation to both mitogens which was evident 72 h after completion of the final training session, relative to sedentary controls. Immediately following exercise, however, lymphocyte proliferative responses were depressed compared with the training and the control values. The exercise regimen resulted in a reduction in total number of mononuclear cells per spleen. Changes in plasma corticosterone levels after exercise were not clearly associated with immunodepression or immunoenhancement of splenic lymphocyte mitogenesis. Taken together, the data suggest that moderate endurance training augments splenic B lymphocyte mitogenesis and further, that the immediate effects of exercise on splenic immune function vary with the duration and intensity of the work.  相似文献   

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