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By morphometric methods the quantitative changes of cell, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus and also of the contents of secretes from the neurosecreting cells of the N.S.O. (Pars parvocellularis and Pars magnocellularis) and N.P.V. from unmilked and milked cows was investigated. This single parameters change in N.S.O. and N.P.V. approximately in the same rhythm. The nucleus-plasma-relation is only unessential influenced. The cytoplasm of the neurosecreting cells of the N.P.V. from unmilked and milked cows is greater ca 6 once, than the nucleus of this. The cytoplasm of the neurosecreting cells of the N.S.O. is greater ca 5 once. A maximal increase of the size of the single parameters and so the greatest activity were observed in the neurosecreting cells of the N.S.O. and N.P.V. of cows, which were prepared 15 min after milking. 60 min after milking of the cows they reach the initial value. The reaction to the milking stimulus is maximal 3 once greater in the neurosecreting cells of the N.P.V. than in the N.S.O. To the same time after the milking stimulus the contents of secretes is maximal diminished about 10 once in the N.P.V. and about 8 once in the N.S.O. The conception that in the N.P.V. the hormon oxytocin is synthetized, is anew supported.  相似文献   

With mathematical-statistical methods the density and the diameter of the capillaries of the NSO and NPV were investigated by unmilked and milked cows. After the milking the diameter of the capillaries is significantly expanded in both nuclei districts. The density of the capillaries measured through the length of the capillaries pro mm3 tissue, were not significantly enlarged after the milking stimulus. The adaptation on the changed functionstate of the neurosecreoty cells arrive at a maximum 15 min after the milking, to go back afterwards, by 60 min after the milking studied cows, to the values of the beginning. It is discussed, that the intensified blood maintenance of the activated neurosecretory cells of the NSO and NPV is of a higher oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies of secretory granules of rat antral G-cells and measurement of serum gastrin level were performed under the condition of fasting and administration of alkaline solution into the stomach. On electron micrographs, no qualitative difference was observed among those experimental groups. However, morphometrical analysis revealed significant quantitative differences. The population density of secretory granules of the rats treated once with alkali first increased and then decreased reaching that of the fasted group, while that of the repeatedly treated group remained nearly equal to the maximum value. The average sectioned surface area of secretory granules tended to decrease for 1.5h after the stimulation but the difference was not significant among those groups.From the results obtained at present, responding to chemical stimulation such as pH changes in the antrum, it seems probable that not only exocytosis but also migration of secretory granules from supra- and/or para-nuclear portion to the basal portion of the cell occurs rapidly in G-cells and that both these processes are inhibited immediately by antral acidification. Moreover, the present results apparently indicate that under the condition of no antral acidification G-cells have a capacity of secreting gastrin for a fairly long time, such as 4–8 h, responding to adequate stimulus. These findings are strongly suggestive of the existence of a capacious pool of granules in the supra- and/or para-nuclear cytoplasm or of fairly speedy production of secretory granules in the Golgi area.The author wishes to express thanks to Prof. R. Furihata, Department of Surgery, and Prof. T. Nagata, Department of Anatomy, Shinshu University School of Medicine, for their constant interest and guidance, and to Dr. F. Iida, Department of Surgery, who has followed the course of this work throughout  相似文献   

The diurnal variations in content of arginine-vasopressin in the supraoptic nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus and the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats were determined using radioimmunoassay. In the supraoptic nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus the arginine-vasopressin level was relatively constant during the light phase (the inactive phase). When it became dark, the level of arginine-vasopressin lowered during the early and middle dark phase and then increased to the highest level during the late dark phase. In the suprachiasmatic nucleus the level was stable during the light phase, while in the early and the late dark phase it was significantly higher than that in the middle dark phase.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of labelled axonal pathways was studied after unilateral stereotaxic injection of 3H-leucine into either supraoptic (SON) or paraventricular nuclei (PVN). In addition to extrahypothalamic projections of both nuclei, the main efferents appeared to run towards the neurohypophysis, yet with a strikingly different pattern. At the neurohypophysial level, the SO-neurohypophysial tract crossed the inner layers of the median eminence (ME) before scattering in the neural lobe. The PV-neurohypophysial pathway, by contrast, provided an exclusive innervation to the external layer of the whole neurohypophysial organ, including the median eminence, infundibular stalk and neural lobe. The functional correlates of the clear-cut anatomical distinctness between the two magnocellular neurosecretory systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Humori-positive neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus have been investigated during various time of parathyroprival hypocalcemia after extirpation of the parathyroid glands. Contents of total and ionized calcium, phosphorus in blood serum have been estimated. Volume of nuclei and nucleoli has been measured. In 5 days functional activity of the supraoptic nucleus increases (lightly stained cells predominate, volume of the nuclei and nucleoli increases). In subsequent 15-30 days its activity decreases (increase in amount of dark-stained cells, nucleolar volume decreases). In 60 days there is a tendency to restoration of neurosecretion.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization of neurosecretory cells (NSC) belonging to the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus was investigated in young rats following periods of painful stress differing in duration (of 2 and 20 min). Intact young rats of similar age and others at late stages of development (24–27 months old) served as controls. Short- and longer-acting painful stress was found to intensify and inhibit the functional activity of NSC respectively. Complex ultrastructural changes in the NSC of young rats following protracted painful stress is compared with the ultrastructural organizational pattern in several NSC of aging rats. Findings would imply that aging occurs in rats following prolonged painful stress, resulting from functional hypersecretion and depletion.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 389–395, May–June, 1989.  相似文献   

Numerous rows of rough endoplasmic reticulum, large Golgi apparatus with condensation vacuoles and other ultrastructures typical for secreting cells of the exocrine type (secretory granules, smooth and covered vesicles, lysosomes, microtubules, mitochondria) were found in glandular acinar cells of the submaxillary salivary glands of albino rats. The substantial features of the given object are: firstly, low electron density of the content of the secretory granules which seems to be connected with high content of polysaccharides in the secretion and secondly, the presence of special inclusions covered with a typical three-layer membrane. The latter together with the rest of the content of the granules may come into the lumen of the central duct of the acinus and intercellular secretory capillaries.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the diameters of the neurosecretory granules in the rat pars nervosa (measured from electron micrographs taken at 40 000 × ) was compared among axons by nonparametric statistical methods and the axons were classified into five groups with median granule diameters of 143, 155, 167, 180 and 193 nm. We suggested that these five axon types carried different secretory substances contained in the pars nervosa. This investigation is supported by a grant from the Population Council, New York and grant from the Ministry of Education. Authors are grateful to Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Company for their technical assistance with the electron microscopy and to Miss Kazue Yamamoto for her help in preparing the figures.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the neurosecretory cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the normal male rat was studied by electron microscopy during various functional states. Four morphologically distinct types of neurosecretory cells were observed. It appears that they do not represent different classes of cells but different phases of secretory activity of a single cell type. The perikarya of the neurosecretory cells show a definite cycle of formation and transportation of secretory granules. We have designated the phases of this cycle as: (1) phase of synthesis, (2) phase of granule production, (3) phase of granule storage and (4) phase of granule transport. The neurosecretory granules appear to be moved in bulk into the axons, forming a large axonal swelling filled with granules as a result of one cycle in the neurosecretory process. Thus it may be postulated that a secretory cycle in the perikaryon of the neurosecretory cell seems to result in the formation of a Herring body in its axon, and that its content is then conveyed to the posterior pituitary.  相似文献   

Summary A vasopressin anti-idiotype antibody was generated by immunization with purified IgG of a primary vasopressin antiserum. The anti-idiotype antibody immunostained neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus of normal and Brattleboro rats. The distribution of immunostained perikarya in these hypothalamic nuclei together with the staining of fibers in median eminence and neural lobe was similar to that observed in normal rats with anti-vasopressin and suggests strongly that vasopressinergic neurons are being stained. Absorption studies with vasopressin and a vasopressin-binding receptor protein further indicate that a receptor associated with vasopressinergic neurons is recognized by the anti-idiotype antibody.Supported by NIH grants ES03239, NS18626 and NSF grant BNS-8310914. D.T.P. is the receipient of RCDA award NS00869  相似文献   

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