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The maternal RNA-binding proteins Pumilio (Pum) and Nanos (Nos) act together to specify the abdomen in Drosophila embryos. Both proteins later accumulate in pole cells, the germline progenitors. Nos is required for pole cells to differentiate into functional germline. Here we show that Pum is also essential for germline development in embryos. First, a mutation in pum causes a defect in pole-cell migration into the gonads. Second, in such pole cells, the expression of a germline-specific marker (PZ198) is initiated prematurely. Finally, pum mutation causes premature mitosis in the migrating pole cells. We show that Pum inhibits pole-cell division by repressing translation of cyclin B messenger RNA. As these phenotypes are indistinguishable from those produced by nos mutation, we conclude that Pum acts together with Nos to regulate these germline-specific events.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shed new light on translational repression by Nanos and Pumilio proteins. The ancestral function of this repression mechanism appears to be in early germline development; later, species-specific applications in embryonic patterning and spermatogenesis-oogenesis switching evolved.  相似文献   

vasa (vas) is transcribed earliest among reported genes expressed in the germ-line progenitors, or pole cells, in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Its expression is detected in the germ-line cells throughout their development, making vas expression a useful marker for the establishment of germ-line fate. In the present report, it is shown that maternal Nos and Pum are required for normal expression of vas in pole cells. First, expression of enhancer-trap marker BC69, which reflects vas expression, is promoted by maternal Nos and Pum. Second, expression of vas mRNA in pole cells is promoted by maternal Nos and Pum. Third, pole cell transplantation experiments reveal that maternal Nos and Pum are required autonomously in pole cells for proper expression of vas. Finally, Nos and Pum are dispensable for vas expression in oogenesis, although they are expressed zygotically in adult ovaries. These observations show that germ-line-specific vas expression is promoted by autonomous function of maternal Nos and Pum in the germ-line progenitors during embryogenesis, and is regulated differentially in embryogenesis and oogenesis.  相似文献   

We recently discovered a new gene, Desiccate (Desi), that is expressed in the epidermis and protects larvae from desiccation stress in Drosophila melanogaster. In the present study, we found that taste organs express more Desi than the epidermis both in larvae and adults. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression in larvae under the direction of a Desi promoter‐Gal4 line containing the 1,010‐bp 5′ flanking region of Desi produced no signal in the epidermis but strong signals in cells of the larval gustatory sense organs, indicating that this driver works specifically in the gustatory organs. In adults, GFP expression was also observed in basal cells of sensilla on labella, tarsi and wings. More precise morphological analysis of GFP expression located its expression in the outer accessory cells rather than neurons of the labial sensilla. Although Desi knockdown or induction of cell death in Desi‐expressing cells did not change the morphological or physiological characters of the larvae, larvae lacking Desi‐expressing cells failed to metamorphose normally, and all of them died inside puparia. Dying pharate adults were found to lack all labial sensilla. The proneural genes Achaete and Scute, which are involved in the development of the adult central and peripheral nervous system, were normally expressed in the pupae lacking Desi‐expressing cells. These results suggested that the lack of Desi‐expressing cells makes it impossible to produce outer accessory cells for development of the sensilla, thereby signifying that cells expressing Desi are essential for normal morphogenesis of the labial sensilla in Drosophila adults.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster Pumilio is an RNA-binding protein that potently represses specific mRNAs. In developing embryos, Pumilio regulates a key morphogen, Hunchback, in collaboration with the cofactor Nanos. To investigate repression by Pumilio and Nanos, we created cell-based assays and found that Pumilio inhibits translation and enhances mRNA decay independent of Nanos. Nanos robustly stimulates repression through interactions with the Pumilio RNA-binding domain. We programmed Pumilio to recognize a new binding site, which garners repression of new target mRNAs. We show that cofactors Brain Tumor and eIF4E Homologous Protein are not obligatory for Pumilio and Nanos activity. The conserved RNA-binding domain of Pumilio was thought to be sufficient for its function. Instead, we demonstrate that three unique domains in the N terminus of Pumilio possess the major repressive activity and can function autonomously. The N termini of insect and vertebrate Pumilio and Fem-3 binding factors (PUFs) are related, and we show that corresponding regions of human PUM1 and PUM2 have repressive activity. Other PUF proteins lack these repression domains. Our findings suggest that PUF proteins have evolved new regulatory functions through protein sequences appended to their conserved PUF repeat RNA-binding domains.  相似文献   

Septins are GTP-binding proteins that polymerize into heteromeric filaments and form microscopic bundles or ring structures in vitro and in vivo. Because of these properties and their ability to associate with membrane, F-actin, and microtubules, septins have been generally regarded as cytoskeletal components [1, 2]. Septins are known to play roles in cytokinesis, in membrane trafficking, and as structural scaffolds; however, their function in neurons is poorly understood. Many members of the septin family, including Septin 7 (Sept7), were found by mass-spectrometry analysis of postsynaptic density (PSD) fractions of the brain [3, 4], suggesting a possible postsynaptic function of septins in neurons. We report that Sept7 is localized at the base of dendritic protrusions and at dendritic branch points in cultured hippocampal neurons--a distribution reminiscent of septin localization in the bud neck of budding yeast. Overexpression of Sept7 increased dendrite branching and the density of dendritic protrusions, whereas RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of Sept7 led to reduced dendrite arborization and a greater proportion of immature protrusions. These data suggest that Sept7 is critical for spine morphogenesis and dendrite development during neuronal maturation.  相似文献   

Neurons establish diverse dendritic morphologies during development, and a major challenge is to understand how these distinct developmental programs might relate to, and influence, neuronal function. Drosophila dendritic arborization (da) sensory neurons display class-specific dendritic morphology with extensive coverage of the body wall. To begin to build a basis for linking dendrite structure and function in this genetic system, we analyzed da neuron axon projections in embryonic and larval stages. We found that multiple parameters of axon morphology, including dorsoventral position, midline crossing and collateral branching, correlate with dendritic morphological class. We have identified a class-specific medial-lateral layering of axons in the central nervous system formed during embryonic development, which could allow different classes of da neurons to develop differential connectivity to second-order neurons. We have examined the effect of Robo family members on class-specific axon lamination, and have also taken a forward genetic approach to identify new genes involved in axon and dendrite development. For the latter, we screened the third chromosome at high resolution in vivo for mutations that affect class IV da neuron morphology. Several known loci, as well as putative novel mutations, were identified that contribute to sensory dendrite and/or axon patterning. This collection of mutants, together with anatomical data on dendrites and axons, should begin to permit studies of dendrite diversity in a combined developmental and functional context, and also provide a foundation for understanding shared and distinct mechanisms that control axon and dendrite morphology.  相似文献   

Space-filling neurons extensively sample their receptive fields with fine dendritic branches. In this study we show that a member of the conserved Robo receptor family, Robo, and its ligand Slit regulate the dendritic differentiation of space-filling neurons. Loss of Robo or Slit function leads to faster elongating and less branched dendrites of the complex and space-filling class IV multi-dendritic dendrite-arborization (md-da) neurons in the Drosophila embryonic peripheral nervous system, but not of the simpler class I neurons. The total dendrite length of Class IV neurons is not modified in robo or slit mutant embryos. Robo mediates this process cell-autonomously. Upon Robo over-expression in md-da neurons the dendritic tree is simplified and time-lapse analysis during larval stages indicates that this is due to reduction in the number of newly formed branches. We propose that Slit, through Robo, provides an extrinsic signal to coordinate the growth rate and the branching level of space-filling neurons, thus allowing them to appropriately cover their target field.  相似文献   

Summary The thoracic and abdominal segments of the Drosophila embryo contain 373 neurons innervating external sensory structures and 162 neurons innervating chordotonal organs. These neurons are arranged in ventral, lateral and dorsal clusters within each segment, in a highly invariant pattern. Two fascicles are formed in each segment as the sensory axons grow ventrally towards the CNS and meet motor axons growing dorsally from the CNS. In all but the last segment, the anterior fascicle is contributed by the dorsal and lateral neurons, while the posterior one is formed by the ventral neurons. Five distinct segmental patterns are described, corresponding to (1) the prothorax, (2) the other two thoracic segments, (3) the first seven abdominal segments, (4) the eighth and (5) the ninth (and possibly the tenth) abdominal segments.The publisher regrets that two companion papers unfortunately were published out of sequence. The present paper should have preceded the paper entitled The sense organs in the Drosophila larva and their relation to the embryonic pattern of sensory neurons, which appeared in Volume 195, Number 4 of the journal (pp 222–228)  相似文献   

Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin (ERM) family proteins organize heterogeneous sub-plasma membrane protein scaffolds that shape membranes and their physiology. In Drosophila oocytes and imaginal discs, epithelial organization, fundamental to development and physiology, is devastated by the loss of Moesin. Here, we show that Moesin is crucial for Drosophila photoreceptor morphogenesis. Beyond its requirement for retinal epithelium integrity, Moesin is essential for the proper assembly of the apical membrane skeleton that builds the photosensitive membrane, the rhabdomere. Moesin localizes to the rhabdomere base, a dynamic locus of cytoskeletal reorganization and membrane traffic. Downregulation of Moesin through RNAi or genetic loss of function profoundly disrupts the membrane cytoskeleton and apical membrane organization. We find normal levels and distribution of Moesin in photoreceptors of a Moesin mutant previously regarded as protein null, suggesting alternative interpretations for studies using this allele. Our results show an essential structural role for Moesin in photoreceptor morphology.  相似文献   

Neurons are highly polarized specialized cells. Neuronal integrity and functional roles are critically dependent on dendritic architecture and synaptic structure, function and plasticity. The cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that form cell adhesion complexes in various tissues. They are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, the catenins. While the functional roles of the complex have been extensively investigates in non-neuronal cells, it is becoming increasingly clear that components of the complex have critical roles in regulating dendritic and synaptic architecture, function and plasticity in neurons. Consistent with these functional roles, aberrations in components of the complex have been implicated in a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders. In this review, we discuss the roles of the classical cadherins and catenins in various aspects of dendrite and synapse architecture and function and their relevance to human neurological disorders. Cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that were initially identified as Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecules. They are present on plasma membrane of a variety of cell types from primitive metazoans to humans. In the past several years, it has become clear that in addition to providing mechanical adhesion between cells, cadherins play integral roles in tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. The cadherin family is composed of more than 100 members and classified into several subfamilies, including classical cadherins and protocadherins. Several of these cadherin family members have been implicated in various aspects of neuronal development and function.1-3 The classical cadherins are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, collectively called the catenins. While the functional roles of the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex have been extensively investigated in epithelial cells, it is now clear that components of the complex are well expressed in central neurons at different stages during development.4,5 Recent exciting studies have shed some light on the functional roles of cadherins and catenins in central neurons. In this review, we will provide a brief overview of the cadherin superfamily, describe cadherin family members expressed in central neurons, cadherin-catenin complexes in central neurons and then focus on role of the cadherin-catenin complex in dendrite morphogenesis and synapse morphogenesis, function and plasticity. The final section is dedicated to discussion of the emerging list of neural disorders linked to cadherins and catenins. While the roles of cadherins and catenins have been examined in several different types of neurons, the focus of this review is their role in mammalian central neurons, particularly those of the cortex and hippocampus. Accompanying this review is a series of excellent reviews targeting the roles of cadherins and protocadherins in other aspects of neural development.  相似文献   

Neurons are highly polarized specialized cells. Neuronal integrity and functional roles are critically dependent on dendritic architecture and synaptic structure, function and plasticity. The cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that form cell adhesion complexes in various tissues. They are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, the catenins. While the functional roles of the complex have been extensively investigates in non-neuronal cells, it is becoming increasingly clear that components of the complex have critical roles in regulating dendritic and synaptic architecture, function and plasticity in neurons. Consistent with these functional roles, aberrations in components of the complex have been implicated in a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders. In this review, we discuss the roles of the classical cadherins and catenins in various aspects of dendrite and synapse architecture and function and their relevance to human neurological disorders. Cadherins are glycosylated transmembrane proteins that were initially identified as Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecules. They are present on plasma membrane of a variety of cell types from primitive metazoans to humans. In the past several years, it has become clear that in addition to providing mechanical adhesion between cells, cadherins play integral roles in tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. The cadherin family is composed of more than 100 members and classified into several subfamilies, including classical cadherins and protocadherins. Several of these cadherin family members have been implicated in various aspects of neuronal development and function.1-3 Deans, MR, Krol A, Abraira VE, Copley CO, Tucker AF, Goodrich LV. Control of neuronal morphology by the atypical cadherin Fat3. Neuron 2011; 71:820-32; PMID:21903076; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2011.06.026 S0896-6273(11)00556-3 [pii] Matsunaga E, Nambu S, Oka M, Iriki A. Differential cadherin expression in the developing postnatal telencephalon of a New World monkey. J Comp Neurol 2013; 521:4027-60; PMID:23784870; http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cne.23389 Li Y, Xiao H, Chiou TT, Jin H, Bonhomme B, Miralles CP, Pinal N, Ali R, Chen WV, Maniatis T, De Blas AL, et al. Molecular and functional interaction between protocadherin-gammaC5 and GABAA receptors. J Neurosci 2012; 32:11780-97; PMID:22915120; http://dx.doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0969-12.2012 32/34/11780 [pii]  The classical cadherins are associated with a group of cytosolic proteins, collectively called the catenins. While the functional roles of the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex have been extensively investigated in epithelial cells, it is now clear that components of the complex are well expressed in central neurons at different stages during development.4,5 McLachlan IG, Heiman MG. Shaping dendrites with machinery borrowed from epithelia. Curr Opin Neurobiol 2013; 23:1005-10; PMID:23871793; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2013.06.011 S0959-4388(13)00130-X [pii] Hirano S, Takeichi M. Cadherins in brain morphogenesis and wiring. Physiol Rev 2012; 92:597-634; PMID:22535893; http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/physrev.00014.2011 92/2/597 [pii] (2012)  Recent exciting studies have shed some light on the functional roles of cadherins and catenins in central neurons. In this review, we will provide a brief overview of the cadherin superfamily, describe cadherin family members expressed in central neurons, cadherin-catenin complexes in central neurons and then focus on role of the cadherin-catenin complex in dendrite morphogenesis and synapse morphogenesis, function and plasticity. The final section is dedicated to discussion of the emerging list of neural disorders linked to cadherins and catenins. While the roles of cadherins and catenins have been examined in several different types of neurons, the focus of this review is their role in mammalian central neurons, particularly those of the cortex and hippocampus. Accompanying this review is a series of excellent reviews targeting the roles of cadherins and protocadherins in other aspects of neural development.  相似文献   

Nanos is the localized posterior determinant in Drosophila   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
C Wang  R Lehmann 《Cell》1991,66(4):637-647
Segmental pattern in the Drosophila embryo is established by two maternal factors localized to the anterior and posterior poles of the egg cell. Here we provide molecular evidence that the localized posterior factor is the RNA of the nanos (nos) gene. nos RNA is localized to the posterior pole of early embryos, and nos protein acts at a distance to direct abdomen formation. Synthetic nos RNA has biological activity identical to that of the posterior pole plasm. Injection of nos RNA rescues the segmentation defect of embryos derived from females mutant for all nine known posterior group genes. Injection of nos RNA into the anterior is able to direct formation of ectopic posterior structures. Our results demonstrate that a localized source of nos RNA is sufficient to specify abdominal segmentation and imply that other posterior group genes are required for localization, stabilization, or distribution of the nos gene product.  相似文献   

Apicobasal cell polarity is crucial for morphogenesis of photoreceptor rhabdomeres and adherens junctions (AJs) in the Drosophila eye. Crumbs (Crb) is specifically localized to the apical membrane of photoreceptors, providing a positional cue for the organization of rhabdomeres and AJs. We show that the Crb complex consisting of Crb, Stardust (Sdt) and Discs-lost (Dlt) colocalizes with another protein complex containing Par-6 and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) in the rhabdomere stalk of photoreceptors. Loss of each component of the Crb complex causes age-dependent mislocalization of Par-6 complex proteins, and ectopic expression of Crb intracellular domain is sufficient to recruit the Par-6 complex. We also show that the absence of Par-6 complex proteins results in severe mislocalization and loss of Crb complex. We further demonstrate that Dlt directly binds to Par-6, providing a molecular basis for the mutual dependence of the two complexes. These results suggest that the interaction of Crb and Par-6 complexes is required for the organization and maintenance of apical membranes and AJs of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

As stem cells are rare and difficult to study in vivo in adults, the use of classical models of regeneration to address fundamental aspects of the stem cell biology is emerging. Planarian regeneration, which is based upon totipotent stem cells present in the adult--the so-called neoblasts--provides a unique opportunity to study in vivo the molecular program that defines a stem cell. The choice of a stem cell to self-renew or differentiate involves regulatory molecules that also operate as translational repressors, such as members of PUF proteins. In this study, we identified a homologue of the Drosophila PUF gene Pumilio (DjPum) in the planarian Dugesia japonica, with an expression pattern preferentially restricted to neoblasts. Through RNA interference (RNAi), we demonstrate that gene silencing of DjPum dramatically reduces the number of neoblasts, thus supporting the intriguing hypothesis that stem cell maintenance may be an ancestral function of PUF proteins.  相似文献   

In most animal species, germ cells require intimate contact with specialized somatic cells in the gonad for their proper development. We have analyzed the establishment of germ cell-soma interaction during embryonic gonad formation in Drosophila melanogaster, and find that somatic cells undergo dramatic changes in cell shape and individually ensheath germ cells as the gonad coalesces. Germ cell ensheathment is independent of other aspects of gonad formation, indicating that separate morphogenic processes are at work during gonadogenesis. The cell-cell adhesion molecule Drosophila E-cadherin is essential both for germ cell ensheathment and gonad compaction, and is upregulated in the somatic gonad at the time of gonad formation. Our data indicate that differential cell adhesion contributes to cell sorting and the formation of proper gonad architecture. In addition, we find that Fear of Intimacy, a novel transmembrane protein, is also required for both germ cell ensheathment and gonad compaction. E-cadherin expression in the gonad is dramatically decreased in fear of intimacy mutants, indicating that Fear of Intimacy may be a regulator of E-cadherin expression or function.  相似文献   

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