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Hu B  Wang S  Zhang J  Li H 《ZooKeys》2011,(83):43-56
A NEW SPECIES AND NEW RECORD OF GRACILLARIID MOTHS FROM CHINA ARE REPORTED: Conopomorpha flueggella Li, sp. n. and Epicephala relictella Kuznetzov, 1979. Specimens were collected on flowers or leaves of Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) at night, and reared from fruits in captivity. Larvae of both species feed on the seeds of Flueggea suffruticosa, but they can be differentiated externally by the position of the red pattern on the thorax and abdomen. Morphology of the eggs, larvae, pupae and the life history of the two species are described and compared. Images of the life history and figures of the genital structures are provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the Drosophila (Drosophila) melanica species group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Drosophila denruoi Suwito & Watabe, sp. nov., is described from northern Vietnam. It is proved by crossing experiments that reproductive isolation is complete between this species and other morphologically similar species. Larval ganglion cells of D. denruoi possess 2n = 12 chromosomes, comprised of four pairs of acrocentric, one pair of metacentric and one pair of micro‐chromosomes. This is the largest number of acrocentric chromosomes in the group and implies that the species has the most primitive chromosomal configuration in the melanica group. Based on the results of crossing experiments and close morphological examination, Drosophila pengi Okada & Kurokawa, 1957 from central Japan, once regarded as a synonym of Drosophila tsigana Burla & Gloor, 1952, is shown to be distinct from D. tsigana. Drosophila pengi is thus resurrected as a member of the melanica group. We synonymize Drosophila bisetata Toda, 1988, described from central Myanmar, with D. pengi. In addition, a population from Guizhou, southwestern China, once regarded as D. tsigana, is also identified as D. pengi. These populations from central Myanmar and southwestern China share the diagnostic characters of D. pengi. At the same time, it is reconfirmed that the Hokkaido population is conspecific with European D. tsigana. Furthermore, another species, Drosophila longiserrata Toda, 1988 described from central Myanmar, is synonymized with Drosophila afer Tan, Hsu & Sheng, 1949 from China, based on their having identical karyotypes and external morphology.  相似文献   

The genus Foenobethylus Kieffer from Southeastern Asia is studied, and seven species are recognized. Four previously described species are analyzed and had their known distribution broadened: F. gracilis Kieffer, F. elongatus Várkonyi and Polaszek, F. emiliacasellae Várkonyi and Polaszek, and F. thomascokeri Várkonyi and Polaszek. Two new species are described and illustrated, F. sharkeyi sp. nov. is characterized by having the metatrochanter without spine and the metafemur with acute proximal spine; and F. pyramidis sp. nov. is characterized by having the metatrochanter with one spine and the metafemur with two spines. The following new combination is established: F. thaianus comb. nov. from Parascleroderma because it has the metafemur with two proximal spines. An update world key to the species of genus is provided.  相似文献   

The family Ischyroceridae is analysed herein by cladistic methods based on morphological characters, using both PAUP 4.0b and TNT. The data matrix of 41 characters × 32 terminal taxa was constructed using DELTA. Based on the results, we comment on the phylogenetic relationships of certain genera and their synapomorphic characters, also discussing the phylogenetic position of M yersius gen. nov. , which appeared as the sister group of Bathyphotis. In addition, Pseudischyrocerus crenatipes is removed to Bathyphotis, for which a new diagnosis is provided. A taxonomic study with the Ischyroceridae collected on the continental slope (depth, 700–2000 m) in the Campos Basin (20.5–24°S, 40–41°W) was also performed. Samples were collected in November–December 2002 and July–August 2003 using a box core device. As a result, a new genus and eight new species are described: B onnierella campensis sp. nov. , B onnierella laurensi sp. nov. , M yersius denticaudatus gen. et sp. nov. , N otopoma lowryi sp. nov. , N otopoma teresae sp. nov. , P seudericthonius bousfieldi sp. nov. , P seudericthonius concavus sp. nov. , and P seudischyrocerus caecus sp. nov. The genus Bonnierella is recorded for the first time from Brazilian waters, and the subspecies Bonnierella linearis linearis and Bonnierella linearis californica are elevated to species rank. Keys to the genera of Ischyroceridae used in the cladistic analysis and the world species of Notopoma are given. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Populations of the genus Philaenus were collected during the last 12 years at several places in Greece ranging in altitude from sea level to 2000 m. Within some of these populations the species P. spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758), which is widely distributed in Greece, and the Mediterranean species P. signatus (Melichar, 1896) occurred together. These two species can be easily distinguished by the size of the adults, and more precisely by internal genital structures. Surprisingly, some mountainous populations of P. spumarius also contained a new species. Externally the new species closely resembled P. spumarius , but careful examination of the male genitalia provided clear identification characteristics. The new species comprised one bisexual common colour morph similar to populi of P. spumarius and P. signatus and two rare unisexual morphs which are lacking both in P. spumarius and P. signatus. The new species occurred only at altitudes above 1200 m on Eryngium spp. (Umbelliferae) between June and August.  相似文献   

This revision deals with the Zygothrica samoaensis species group, which includes 15 species, five of which are described as new to science. Two synonymies are proposed: Z. vietnamensis Grimaldi, 1990, as a junior synonym of Z. flavofinira Takada, 1976, and Z. britannia Grimaldi, 1990, as a junior synonym of Z. malaysiana Grimaldi, 1990. The samoaensis group is divided into three species subgroups: (i) the samoaensis subgroup, consisting of nine species, including a new species, Z. australiaensis sp. nov.; (ii) the fijiana subgroup of Z. fijiana Takada, 1976, and two new species, Z. triscutellaris sp. nov. and Z. bicornigera sp. nov.; and (iii) the leptorostra subgroup of Z. leptorostra Grimaldi, 1990, and two new species, Z. pimacula sp. nov. and Z. quintamaculata sp. nov. Supplementary information on geographic distribution is provided for some species, as well as a key to all species of the samoaensis group. Zygothrica kokodana Grimaldi, 1990, and Z. paleovitta Grimaldi, 1990, have closer affinity with the hirticornis and the quadrivittata species groups, respectively, and so are moved to the corresponding genus Hirtodrosophila.  相似文献   

Prior to this study, the genus Heraeus Stål, 1862 included 14 species, all of which are restricted to the Western Hemisphere. Three species are known from the Nearctic Region, nine from the Neotropical Region, and two mainly tropical elements are distributed in both regions. In this contribution, we consider Heraeus cincticornis Stål, 1874 a junior synonym of Heraeus elegans (Walker, 1873), select a lectotype for Heraeus coquilletti Barber, 1914, and neotype for Lygaeus triguttatus Guérin‐Méneville, 1857, and describe 28 new species. In addition, the two new genera, Baranowskiobius gen. nov., to include H. elegans (Baranowskiobius elegans comb. nov.) and two new species, and Paraheraeus gen. nov., to include Heraeus eximius Distant, 1882 (Paraheraeus eximius comb. nov.), are described. Previously described species and new taxa are (re)described and illustrated, including male genitalia. Scanning electron micrographs, general habitus photographs, and distribution maps are included for all species studied. A phylogenetic analysis comprising 46 terminal taxa and 50 morphological characters was performed, and five species groups were hypothesized, including the coquilletti, caliginosus, guttatus, illitus, and plebejus groups. All known species of Heraeus and the new genera are included in the phylogenetic analysis. The type species of the genera Myodocha Latreille, 1807, Orthaea Dallas, 1852, and Paisana Dellapé, 2008 are used as out‐groups.  相似文献   

Two new species of Varma Distant, 1906, V. falcata Chang & Chen, sp. n. (China: Guizhou) and V. lobata Chang & Chen, sp. n. (China: Guizhou) are described and illustrated. The female genitalia of four speices including two known species are described and illustrated for the first time. The diagnostic characters of this genus are redefined. A checklist to the species of Varma in China is given. The Keys on male and female genitalia to the Chinese species of Varma are provided.  相似文献   

Morphological characters used in comasterid taxonomy are reappraised. As a result, form and distribution of pinnule combs are newly promoted as primary characters of generic recognition. Form and arrangement of cirri and division series, as used by A. H. Clark (1931), are rejected as characters important in recognizing taxa higher than species. Five of 12 comasterid genera reported as occurring in Australian waters (H. L. Clark, 1946) are critically examined. Of these genera, Comantheria A. H. Clark, 1909b is referred to the synonymy of Comanthus A. H. Clark, 1908a, Comanlhoides A. H. Clark, 1931 is referred to the synonymy of Cenolia A. H. Clark, 1916b, and Comanthina A. H. Clark, 1909b is maintained. In addition, two new genera are described. These genera are related by the occurence of the first brachial syzygy at 3 + 4 on all arms. Twenty-six species within the five genera are now recognized in Australian waters. Nine new species are described, and the 17 existing species are rediagnosed and critically reappraised. The revision involves taxa distributed throughout the Indo-west Pacific region, as far west as S Africa.  相似文献   

A total of 36 species of benthic hydroids, belonging to nine families and 16 genera, were found in the hydroid collection gathered during the Brazilian Antarctic expeditions PROANTAR III and IV. Seven of the species were identified only to generic level. There is a clear dominance of the subclass Leptothecatae with 33 species. By far the most diversified family was the Sertulariidae, with 16 species (44%). Symplectoscyphus with eight species, including Symplectoscyphus magnificus sp. nov., is the most diversified genus. Almost 70% of the species diversity is restricted to just six genera (38%). Sixty-eight percent of the species is Antarctic endemics and 86% is restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters. Eudendrium antarcticum and Amphisbetia operculata are recorded for the first time from Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

While one or possibly two species of the genus Photostomias have been recognized, an unpublished revision of the Malacosteinae suggested that there may be as many as six species worldwide. Our review of museum material revealed three taxa in the Atlantic alone: Photostomias atrox Alcock, 1890; Photostomias guernei Collett, 1889; and a new species described herein. Because of a paucity of Indo-Pacific material and a need to better document Atlantic biodiversity, we treat only the Atlantic species at this time. A key to the identification of Atlantic Photostomias is given.  相似文献   

The discovery of new species, a study of the type material of already described species and an analysis of the literature data call for an extensive rearrangement of the Family Tethyidae, whose last revision dates from Burton (1924). The rearrangement proposed here attributes to the Family eight genera: Tethya Lam. (type genus), Burtonitethya gen nov. , Columnitis Schmidt, Halicomeies Topsent, Stellitethya gen. nov., Tectnitethya gen. nov., Tethycometes gen. nov . and Xenospongia Gray. The genus Aaptos is excluded from the Tethyidae. Three of the new genera have been established for species previously attributed to the genus Tethya and two are new: Burtonitethya gemmiformis (Burton & Rao) and Tethycometes sibogae sp. nov . Five species, previously attributed to Tethya , are considered 'incertae sedis'. An analytical key and discussion of the evolution of the family are included.  相似文献   

袁秀堂  杨红生  王丽丽  周毅  张涛  刘鹰 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3155-3161
夏眠是刺参最重要的生理特征;水温升高是其夏眠的主要诱发因子,而夏眠的临界温度与刺参体重密切相关。为揭示刺参夏眠对其能量利用对策的影响,测定了2种体重规格(134.0±13.5)g和(73.6±2.2)g刺参在10、15、20、25℃和30℃5个温度梯度下的能量收支。结果表明,温度和体重及其交互作用对刺参能量的摄入均有显著影响;而温度是影响其摄食能分配的主要因素。研究发现,刺参在非夏眠期、夏眠临界期和完全夏眠期的能量利用对策有所不同:在非夏眠期,刺参摄食能支出的最大组分是粪便能,占摄食能的比例超过50%,其次为呼吸耗能,占19.8%~39.4%,而生长能和排泄能占的比例较小,分别为5.7%~10.7%和2.9%~3.7%;在夏眠临界温度下,呼吸和排泄耗能占摄食能的比例均显著增大(分别为88.3%和13.6%),而生长能所占比例降为负值(-55.3%),刺参表现为负生长;而在夏眠期,刺参的摄食能和排粪能为零,为维持其基本生理活动,不得不动用以往贮存于体内的能量,消耗于呼吸和排泄等生理过程,供维持生命之用。总之,从能量生物学的角度看,夏眠的主要生态学意义在于刺参长时间处于相对高温环境,进而导致摄食受阻条件下的一种能量节约方式。  相似文献   

Yuan X T  Yang H S  Wang L L  Zhou Y  Zhang T  Liu Y 《农业工程》2007,27(8):3155-3161
Apostichopus japonicus is a kind of temperate sea cucumbers, known to aestivate when water temperature rises above 20°C to 24.5°C. In this study, we measured the effects of aestivation on the energy utilization (i.e., energy allocation in growth, feces discharge, respiration and excretion) of A. japonicus with two different body weights (134.0 g ± 3.5 g and 73.6 g ± 2.2 g) at water temperature from 10°C to 30°C with an interval of 5°C. Noticeable variation in the energy utilization of sea cucumbers was observed in this study. During the non-aestivation period, energy deposit in growth was lower and the energy loss in feces accounted for the majority of the feeding energy. Under the threshold temperature, the feeding energy reduced and the proportion of energy deposit in growth became negative. During aestivation, sea cucumbers discontinued feeding energy, resulting in weight loss. Our study suggested that the ecological implication of aestivation in this species could lead to a model of energy saving during the long-term hot period.  相似文献   

Huber JT  Greenwalt D 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):473-494
Compression fossils of three genera and six species of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) are described from 46 million year old Kishenehn oil shales in Montana, USA. Two new genera are described: Eoeustochus Huber, gen. n., with two included species, Eoeustochus kishenehn Huber (type species) and Eoeustochus borchersi Huber, sp. n., and Eoanaphes, gen. n., with Eoanaphes stethynioides Huber, sp. n. Three new species of Gonatocerus are also described, Gonatocerus greenwalti Huber, sp. n. , Gonatocerus kootenai Huber, sp. n., and Gonatocerus rasnitsyni Huber, sp. n. Previously described amber fossil genera are discussed and five genera in Baltic amber are tentatively recorded as fossils: Anagroidea, Camptoptera, Dorya, Eustochus, and Mimalaptus.  相似文献   

H. J. Dumont 《Hydrobiologia》1983,106(2):97-106
The groundwater along the Couze (= river) Pavin in Auvergne, France, yielded four chydorid Cladocera, among which two are known but rare species, while two are new species. One of the new species, Alona phreatica, has reduced eye and ocellus-sizes, but no other adaptations to a groundwater-mode of life are apparent. The likelihood that more phreatic species exist in other parts of Europe and elsewhere is discussed.  相似文献   

张文霞 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):172-179
本文记述弯头果蝇种亚组的二新种,施氏果蝇 Drosophila (Drosophila) shi sp. nov.,短乳突果蝇Drosophila (Drosophila) brevipapilla sp.nov.,并对中国特有的弯头果蝇种亚组中11 个种的分布进行了分析。  相似文献   

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