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Relative warp analyses of landmarks describing cranial and mandibular shape are used for investigating patterns of morphological variation among extant bears (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) indicative of diet and feeding behavior. These patterns are used for deriving inferences about the autecology of two extinct species previously assumed to have had different dietary preferences, the North American giant, short-faced bear Arctodus simus and the Eurasian cave bear Ursus spelaeus . Results reveal a set of shared craniodental traits among the herbivorous bears, including short and vaulted skulls with well-developed zygomatic arches, lateralized orbits and small canines, concave jaws with a highly positioned condyle, large moment arms for the temporalis and masseter muscles, and long cheek teeth. In contrast, those bears that consume animal resources have long skulls with small zygomatic arches, frontalized orbits and well-developed canines, and long jaws with a deep mandibular symphysis, low muscle leverages, a condyle situated at the level of the tooth row and reduced cheek teeth. The craniodental morphology of omnivorous bears is intermediate between those of faunivores and herbivores. This is also the case of the short-faced bear and the cave bear, which suggests that previous reconstructions of the feeding ecology of these extinct species (highly carnivorous for A. simus and herbivorous for U. spelaeus ) should be revised.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA studies have revolutionized the study of extinct species and populations, providing insights on phylogeny, phylogeography, admixture and demographic history. However, inferences on behaviour and sociality have been far less frequent. Here, we investigate the complete mitochondrial genomes of extinct Late Pleistocene cave bears and middle Holocene brown bears that each inhabited multiple geographically proximate caves in northern Spain. In cave bears, we find that, although most caves were occupied simultaneously, each cave almost exclusively contains a unique lineage of closely related haplotypes. This remarkable pattern suggests extreme fidelity to their birth site in cave bears, best described as homing behaviour, and that cave bears formed stable maternal social groups at least for hibernation. In contrast, brown bears do not show any strong association of mitochondrial lineage and cave, suggesting that these two closely related species differed in aspects of their behaviour and sociality. This difference is likely to have contributed to cave bear extinction, which occurred at a time in which competition for caves between bears and humans was likely intense and the ability to rapidly colonize new hibernation sites would have been crucial for the survival of a species so dependent on caves for hibernation as cave bears. Our study demonstrates the potential of ancient DNA to uncover patterns of behaviour and sociality in ancient species and populations, even those that went extinct many tens of thousands of years ago.  相似文献   

We compiled, summarized, and reviewed 269 incidents of bear–human conflict involving firearms that occurred in Alaska during 1883–2009. Encounters involving brown bears (Ursus arctos; 218 incidents, 81%), black bears (Ursus americanus; 30 incidents, 11%), polar bears (Ursus maritimus; 6 incidents, 2%), and 15 (6%) unidentified species provided insight into firearms success and failure. A total of 444 people and at least 367 bears were involved in these incidents. We found no significant difference in success rates (i.e., success being when the bear was stopped in its aggressive behavior) associated with long guns (76%) and handguns (84%). Moreover, firearm bearers suffered the same injury rates in close encounters with bears whether they used their firearms or not. Bears were killed in 61% (n = 162) of bear–firearms incidents. Additionally, we identified multiple reasons for firearms failing to stop an aggressive bear. Using logistic regression, the best model for predicting a successful outcome for firearm users included species and cohort of bear, human activity at time of encounter, whether or not the bear charged, and if fish or game meat was present. Firearm variables (e.g., type of gun, number of shots) were not useful in predicting outcomes in bear–firearms incidents. Although firearms have failed to protect some users, they are the only deterrent that can lethally stop an aggressive bear. Where firearms have failed to protect people, we identified contributing causes. Our findings suggest that only those proficient in firearms use should rely on them for protection in bear country. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The morphology and mechanical strength of the upper canines in all eight extant species of ursids is analyzed, and the findings are discussed in relation to feeding ecology. Ursids have proportionally smaller canines than other large carnivores with a specialized feeding ecology, such as large felids, and the upper canine morphology is both canid‐like and felid‐like. The giant panda is the most divergent species, and its short, blunt, and cone‐like canines appear well adapted for tearing into bamboo. The almost equally herbivorous spectacled bear has a less derived canine morphology. The large canines of the sun bear are divergent from other ursine ursids, and may be an adaptation for tearing open tree trunks in search of insects. Discriminant Analysis is successful in separating ursid species on the basis of canine morphology, but the canines of ursine ursids, and also of the spectacled bear, show greater resemblance among the species than the marked differences in feeding ecology would suggest. This could be in part due to a short evolutionary history, and in part due to canines not having been subjected to much evolutionary selection as has been the case among other large carnivores, such as large felids. Ursids are probably evolutionarily and ecologically successful due to physical size and strength rather than a derived craniodental anatomy. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Brown bears have lost most of their range on the European continent. The remaining western populations are small, isolated and highly endangered. The Dinaric-Pindos brown bear population is the western-most stable population and the fourth largest in Europe. It has been recognized as a potential source for recolonization of populations whose survival is at risk. Indeed, several translocations of Dinaric bears to Italy, Austria and France have recently been made. Despite the importance of the Dinaric bear population, its genetic status remains poorly understood. Using tissue samples from 156 hunted or accidentally killed Dinaric bears in Croatia, this study analysed genetic diversity at 12 microsatellite loci, as well as population structure and past reductions in size. In addition, a subset of 59 samples was used to assess diversity of the mitochondrial DNA control region. The results indicate that Dinaric bears have high nuclear genetic diversity, as compared to other extant brown bear populations, despite genetic evidence of a bottleneck caused by past persecutions. However, haplotype diversity was low, probably as a result of male-biased dispersal and female philopatry. Not surprisingly, no evidence of population sub-structure was found using nuclear markers, as the bear habitat has remained continuous and the highway network has been built only recently. Management should focus on maintaining habitat connectivity and keeping the effective population size as large as possible. In addition, when removing individuals, care should be taken not to further deplete the population of rare haplotypes. A coordinated transboundary management of the entire Dinaric-Pindos brown bear population should be a priority for its long-term conservation.  相似文献   

Canine morphology is analysed at seven intervals along the crown in both anteroposterior and lateromedial perspective in seven species of large felids. The puma and the snow leopard have stout, rather conical canines, whereas those of lions, jaguars, and tigers bear substantial resemblance to each other, reflecting their phylogenetic relationships, and are less conical and large. The canines of the leopard are intermediate in morphology between those of the other species, probably reflecting its more generalized diet. The clouded leopard has very large and blade-like canines, which are different from the other analysed species. Canine bending strengths to estimated bite forces appear to differs less among the species than morphology, indicating that the evolution of canines has been constricted with respect to their strength in failure, probably owing to their being equally important for species fitness. However, the clouded leopard again stands out, having a high estimated bite force and rather weak canines in bending about the anteroposterior as well as lateromedial planes compared to the other species. Canine morphology to some extent reflects differences in killing mode, but also appears to be related to the phylogeny. The marked divergence of the clouded leopard is presently not understood.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 573–592.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses of fossil bones of the extinct European cave bear indicate that this animal was a hibernator with the same unusual metabolic processes as some modern bear species. This finding provides useful biological and archaeological information on an extinct species, and the methods themselves may prove generally useful in studies of the metabolisms of modern bears, other hibernators, and perhaps of starving animals. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 31 March 1998  相似文献   

Members of the order Carnivora display a broad range of locomotor habits, including cursorial, scansorial, arboreal, semiaquatic, aquatic, and semifossorial species from multiple families. Ecomorphological analyses from osteological measurements have been used successfully in prior studies of carnivorans and rodents to accurately infer the locomotor habits of extinct species. This study uses 20 postcranial measurements that have been shown to be effective indicators of locomotor habits in rodents and incorporates an extensive sample of over 300 individuals from more than 100 living carnivoran species. We performed statistical analyses, including analysis of variance (ANOVA) and stepwise discriminant function analysis, using a set of 16 functional indices (ratios). Our ANOVA results reveal consistent differences in postcranial skeletal morphology among locomotor groups. Cursorial species display distal elongation of the limbs, gracile limb elements, and relatively narrow humeral and femoral epicondyles. Aquatic and semiaquatic species display relatively robust, shortened femora and elongate metatarsals. Semifossorial species display relatively short, robust limbs with enlarged muscular attachment sites and elongate claws. Both semiaquatic and semifossorial species have relatively elongate olecranon process of the ulna and enlarged humeral and femoral epicondyles. Terrestrial, scansorial, and arboreal species are characterized by having primarily intermediate features, but arboreal species do show relatively elongate manual digits. Morphological indices effectively discriminate locomotor groups, with cursorial and arboreal species more accurately classified than terrestrial, scansorial, or semiaquatic species. Both within and between families, species with similar locomotor habits converge toward similar postcranial morphology despite their independent evolutionary histories. The discriminant analysis worked particularly well to correctly classify members of the Canidae, but not as well for members of the Mustelidae or Ursidae. Results are used to infer the locomotor habits of extinct carnivorans, including members of several extinct families, and also 12 species from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1. The mouthparts of five species of adult planktonic cyclopoid copepods (Cyclops vicinus, C. abyssorum, Acanthocyclops robustus, Mesocyclops leuckarti and Thermocyclopscrassus), in particular the distance between setae and setules of the maxilliped (which can indicate the ability to retain small particles), were compared using electron and light microscopy. 2. The mesh‐sizes of the food‐collection grid formed by these setae and setules ranged between 4.6 and 13.2 μm; the area covered by the grid ranged between 6000 and 32 000 μm2. 3. Mesh‐size was not simply correlated with body size. Cyclops abyssorum and M. leuckarti have the coarsest meshes and T. crassus the finest, while C. vicinus and A. robustus were intermediate. 4. The results suggest that cyclopoid copepods are able to retain particles in the size range of nanoplankton and that differences in mesh‐sizes between species may explain differences in the ability to subsist and reproduce on a diet of small algae.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of the Talek clan of spotted hyaenas in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was monitored continuously for 7 years. Talek hyaenas adapted to large temporal variations in prey abundance by being opportunistic predators. During the first half of the year, the hyaenas fed on resident ungulates, and their diet consisted mainly of topi and Thomson's gazelles. Upon arrival of the migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas switched to feeding on the wildebeest which provided them with a superabundance of food for about 3 months. After the migratory animals returned to the Serengeti, Talek hyaenas experienced a period of reduced prey abundance due to the temporary dispersion of resident ungulates. At this time hyaenas hunted the few remaining wildebeest, and also increased their use of the remaining resident animals. Although Talek hyaenas were generally opportunistic in their feeding behaviour, they did exhibit clear dietary preference for larger prey species, particularly wildebeest. Finally, carrion comprised only 5% of the biomass consumed by Talek hyaenas, the lowest proportion of carrion in the diet of any Crocuta population studied to date.  相似文献   

Asymmetry in bilateral traits is often used to assess an individual'squality and stress resistance, but stress-induced variationin developmental stability is largely undocumented for free-livingpopulations. Over many years, grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis)extensively foraged around garbage dumps in Yellowstone NationalPark. Abrupt closure of these dumps 26 years ago was a severelystressful event and was followed by excessive mortality anda many-fold increase in grizzly home-range size. I examine howthis stress affected developmental stability by comparing dentitionof bears born before and after the dump closure. I predictedthat (1) asymmetry in dentition should be greater in bears bornafter dump closure compared to before closure, and asymmetryin sexually selected canines should change more than nonsexuallyselected premolars following dump closure and (2) the relationshipbetween tooth asymmetry and tooth size should change in thepopulations following the stressful events as compared withpopulations before stressful events. I found that developmentalstability of canines, which are under directional sexual selectionin males, was more responsive to stress compared to that ofmale premolars or female dentition (both under stabilizing selection),and, because of the increased cost of canine production, feweranimals were able to achieve both large size and symmetricaldevelopment of these teeth, and thus the slope of the relationshipbetween fluctuating asymmetry and canine size increased. I concludethat stress appears to act as an honesty-reinforcement mechanismin sexual selection for symmetrical dentition.  相似文献   

角倍蚜干母的刺探取食行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘平  杨子祥  吕翔  李杨 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):997-1001
本文采用EPG技术监测角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis(Bell)干母在第一寄主植物盐肤木(Rhus chinensis Mill)上的取食行为.获得干母在盐肤木小叶及叶翅上的取食波形7个,分别为np、C(A+B+C)、pd、E1、E2、F、G波.对干母在盐肤木小叶或叶翅上的取食部位组织进行切片...  相似文献   

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