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Most studies have concluded that liana diversity and structure increase with disturbance. However, a contradictory pattern has emerged recently calling for more research in the area. Liana diversity and structure were investigated in three forest types that differ in disturbance intensity (nondisturbed, moderately disturbed and heavily disturbed forest: NDF, MDF and HDF, respectively) in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Ghana. In each forest type, 10 square plots of 0.25 ha were demarcated. Lianas with diameter ≥1 cm located on trees with diameter ≥10 cm were enumerated. A total of 429 individuals representing 40 species, 29 genera and seventeen families were identified in the study. Shannon diversity and species richness of lianas were significantly lower in the HDF (P < 0.05). Liana density and basal area differed significantly across all forest types (P < 0.0001). The importance value index (IVI) of most liana species varied greatly across the forest types. The current study has provided evidence to support the pattern of decreasing liana diversity and structure with disturbance in some tropical forests. Further studies are recommended to gain more understanding of the factors that are responsible for the divergent liana responses to disturbance in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Background: Although lianas are important in forest ecosystems, information on the environmental factors influencing their diversity, structure and habitat associations is scanty.

Aims: This study had the aim of determining variation in liana diversity, structure and habitat associations across different topographic habitats, and the environmental factors influencing them, in the Penang Hill Forest Reserve, Malaysia.

Methods: Liana diversity, structure and habitat associations were examined in 30 plots, 40 m × 40 m, randomly demarcated within three topographic habitats (flatland, slope and valley). The physico-chemical properties of the soils in the plots were determined and the altitude and slope of the plots recorded.

Results: Liana species richness, diversity and structure varied significantly among the topographic habitats. Liana species richness, diversity and abundance variations were related to soil moisture, phosphorus content, pH and altitude, whereas liana diameter and basal area were associated with soil magnesium and slope. A total of eight species had a positive association with the habitat and a further six showed a negative association. Four species had a positive association with the flatland habitat, but only three and two species, respectively, with slope and valley habitats. The slope habitat gave the highest number of species that showed a negative association.

Conclusions: Liana diversity and structure varied between habitats. Some liana species showed different associations with specific habitats. Environmental variables were identified that influence liana diversity, structure and habitat associations. The study provides important information about the factors influencing liana success, and these will be of value in liana conservation and management in tropical forests.  相似文献   

We explored structural mean and variation along a chronosequence in a wave-regenerated forest on Mt. Shimagare, Japan, and examined differences in the components of variation between developmental stages. Because there are several strips of stands at the same developmental stage in the forest, between- and within-strip variances (i.e., variance components) were analyzed at each stage. Three strips were selected for each of three developmental stages (one for saplings to three for mature trees), and four plots were established in each of the strips. Stem densities and stand basal areas for trees taller than 20 cm were computed for all plots. Six Bayesian ANOVA models were compared to examine the temporal patterns of stage means, total variance, and the variance components for the two stand structural parameters. The results of the model comparison suggested that the variation in stem densities decreased from the sapling stage to the mature stage, but variation in stand basal areas remained roughly constant throughout forest development. For both density and basal area, the relative magnitudes of each variance component compared to the total variance differed between stages; the ratios of between-strip variation to within-strip variation were highest at the mature stage. Our results suggest that forest structure exhibited higher variability during development of the wave-regenerated forest than was assumed in previous studies and that the variance components for the forest structure varied temporally among developmental stages. This study thus illustrated a potential application of the chronosequence approach to infer the dynamics of a spatially heterogeneous and hierarchically structured ecosystem.  相似文献   

Question: Are vines light‐demanding species? Location: Temperate evergreen rain forest of southern Chile (40°39′S, 72°11′W). Methods: In 45 plots of 25 m2 distributed in treefall canopy gaps, secondary forest stands and old‐growth forest (15 plots per light environment), all climbing and non‐supported vines were counted and identified to species level, and canopy openness was quantified using hemispherical photographs. Vine abundance and diversity (species richness and Simpson's index) were compared in the three light environments and similarity between vine communities was estimated using Jaccard's similarity coefficient. We also determined the relationship between light niche breadth and local dominance at the species level. Results: In total there were 2510 vine individuals of 14 species. Canopy openness was significantly different in the three light environments. Species richness, diversity, community composition and density of vines were similar in treefall gaps, secondary and old‐growth forest. Of the seven more common vine species, which accounted for 91% of all vines, three had even distribution, two were more abundant in the shaded understorey, and two had higher density in well‐lit sites. Local dominance of vine species and niche breadth were not significantly associated. Conclusions: Our study in a temperate rain forest questions the widespread notion of vines as pioneer‐like species, which may be a consequence of the abundance of some lianas in disturbed sites of tropical forests. Functional arguments are needed to justify a general hypothesis on light requirements of vines, which constitute a vast group of species.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in species composition and structure of tree and liana communities along a successional gradient in a seasonally dry tropical forest. There was a progressive increase in tree richness and all tree structural traits from early to late stages, as well as marked changes in tree species composition and dominance. This pattern is probably related to pasture management practices such as ploughing, which remove tree roots and preclude regeneration by resprouting. On the other hand, liana density decreased from intermediate to late stages, showing a negative correlation with tree density. The higher liana abundance in intermediate stage is probably due to a balanced availability of support and light availability, since these variables may show opposite trends during forest growth. Predicted succession models may represent extremes in a continuum of possible successional pathways strongly influenced by land use history, climate, soil type, and by the outcomes of tree–liana interactions.  相似文献   

西南喀斯特峰丛洼地木本植物群落结构与多样性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芳  杜虎  曾馥平  彭晚霞  宋同清 《生态学报》2020,40(12):4094-4104
为了阐明喀斯特峰丛洼地植物群落结构和物种多样性特征及其变化规律,选择西南喀斯特具有代表性的灌木林、次生林和原生林3种植被类型,基于2007年、2012年、2017年3次植被的系统调查,研究了木本植物群落物种组成、群落结构和物种多样性的动态变化。研究结果表明,灌木林2007—2012年减少1个种,2012—2017年减少7属5种;次生林2007—2012年减少1科1属,2012—2017年增加4科7属6种;原生林2007—2012年减少1科4属6种;2012—2017年增加1科3属3种。增加和减少的物种为偶见种或稀有种,引起群落中物种数量的波动。灌木林中黄荆(Vitex negundo)、八角枫(Alangium chinense)重要值均大于10,黄荆占绝对优势;次生林中菜豆树(Radermachera sinica)、灰毛浆果楝(Cipadessa cinerascens)、香椿(Toona sinensis)等物种重要值大于10,占主要优势;原生林的优势种不突出,为多优势种群落。3种植被类型群落的胸径各年份差异显著,平均树高在5年间的差异不显著,10年间达到了显著差异;群落总径级结...  相似文献   

藤本植物是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,影响群落的恢复与演替。通过对云南普洱地区不同恢复阶段(恢复15a、恢复30a和原始林群落)季风常绿阔叶林群落的野外调查,分析了不同恢复阶段藤本植物的物种丰富度、密度、多度、径级分布、多样性指数及攀援方式,并探讨藤本植物与支持木的关系。结果表明:在0.81hm2的调查样地中,共发现DBH≥0.1cm的藤本植物1292株(分属34科51属64种)。原始林群落的藤本物种丰富度、密度(DBH<1cm)、胸高断面积和平均胸高断面积都显著高于恢复阶段,原始林和恢复15a群落的密度(DBH≥1cm)、平均胸径和平均长度之间无显著差异,但都显著高于恢复30a。3种群落类型中藤本植物的物种组成和径级分布有显著差异,原始林中藤本植物物种更多,而且大径级(DBH≥10cm)的藤本植物仅出现在原始林及恢复30a的群落。单株藤本攀援的支持木在3种群落类型中均占多数,藤本植物与支持木的胸径存在显著的正相关(P<0.001),原始林群落中DBH≥15cm的支持木更易被攀援,而恢复阶段则相反。茎缠绕藤本植物对原始林的负面影响要显著少于恢复15a及30a群落,而卷须类藤本植物也反映出原始林正处于一个动态变化的阶段,同时根攀缘和搭靠类藤本植物物种组成和多度变化可以反映出干扰后季风常绿阔叶林的恢复程度。森林砍伐是影响不同恢复阶段藤本植物的物种组成和分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

云南松林次生演替阶段土壤细菌群落的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤细菌多样性是维持森林生态系统功能的关键因子,森林演替是影响其动态变化的重要因素.研究云南松林不同演替阶段土壤细菌群落结构及其多样性的变化规律,有助于深入理解森林生态系统恢复过程的驱动机制.本研究以云南省永仁县皆伐后形成的针叶林、针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林为对象,基于Illumina Hiseq高通量测序技术,分析森林演...  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of landscape configuration on the bird species richness and their functional traits (dietary preferences) is important to link the conservation and restoration plans to the production of the crops. Our aims were: 1) to study the influence of forest types (native, mixed and plantations) on the bird species richness in two agroforestry landscapes (heterogeneous/homogeneous); 2) to assess the effect of size/density of forest patches in the birds’ functional traits; 3) to evaluate the effect of isolated trees on them, and 4) to discuss conservation and restoration measures for the birds’ functional traits in agroforestry landscapes. We used hierarchical occupancy models to evaluate the effect of different landscape metrics and detectability measures on bird communities. We recorded a total of 64 bird species. The estimated species richness was considerable higher in homogeneous landscape (31.7 ± 2.7) than heterogeneous (27.3 ± 2.5). Our results showed the bird assemblage had a positive trend with native forests, negative with mixed forests and neutral trend for plantations. The granivores and insectivore’s species showed significant preferences for homogeneous landscape, while omnivores had significant preferences for heterogeneous landscape. Carnivores/Piscivores and herbivores/frugivores species did not show preferences by any landscape type. The response of functional traits depended on different forests attributes. The isolated trees had a significant effect on the birds’ functional traits. In conclusion, it is necessary a deep knowledge about the relationship between the landscape configuration and the bird species richness/functional traits. These findings could help in the future with the conservation, restoration, and rewilding policies in this important hotspot of biodiversity, avoiding alterations in the ecosystem services.  相似文献   

物种共存机制一直以来是群落生态学的研究热点。为了探讨异质生境条件下鼎湖山常绿阔叶林群落功能多样性变化,找到其变化的主要环境驱动因子,该研究利用位于鼎湖山20 hm~2监测样地第2次群落调查数据并选择代表不同生境(海拔和地形)的27个样方(20 m×20 m),于2013年夏季在样地内所选样方中测定所有胸径≥1 cm树种的叶片功能性状。所测性状包括形态学性状(比叶面积、叶片干物质含量、叶面积以及叶片长宽比)和化学计量学性状(叶片碳、氮、磷的含量),结合地形和土壤数据并通过分析功能多样性随环境梯度的变化,探讨了环境过滤和竞争在鼎湖山群落物种共存中的相对重要性。结果表明:功能分歧度和群落权重平均值与环境因素关系密切,尤其是海拔、凹凸度和土壤养分。环境条件较好区域(微尺度高海拔、高凹凸度和土壤养分含量)的植物采取统一的养分有效保存(低SLA,高LDMC)的适应策略(功能分歧度低),环境过滤所起作用更强;植物在相反的环境条件下,采取快速生长策略(高SLA,低LDMC),能够更好地适应环境的变化,且性状变化是多样的(功能分歧度高),在该条件下竞争作用更为显著。叶面积和叶片氮含量的分歧度在环境条件较好的区域增大,这与其他功能性状不一致,说明不同生态位轴(环境因素)影响不同性状的分歧度变化,并且在局域尺度上植物为了更好地适应环境变化采取了多样的适应策略。  相似文献   

Aim The Brazilian Atlantic forest covers c. 10% of its original extent, and some areas are still being logged. Although several ecological studies in Atlantic forest have been published over the past two to three decades, there has been little research on forest dynamics and there is a particular lack of information on the effects of disturbance. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of selective logging on forest structure, floristic composition soil nutrients, litterfall and litter layer in a seasonally dry Atlantic forest. Location The Mata do Carvão is located in the Guaxindiba Ecological Reserve in São Francisco do ltabapoana district (21°24′ S, 41°04′ W), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods Four plots (50 × 50 m) were set up in 1995 in each of two stands: unlogged and logged. In each plot, all trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. were enumerated, identified and measured. Vouchers were lodged at UENF Herbarium. Five surface soil samples were collected in each plot in the dry season (in October 1995). Litterfall was collected in eight traps (0.50 m2) in each plot over a year from 14 November 1995 to 11 November 1996. The litter layer was sampled in eight quadrats (0.25 m2) in each plot in the dry and wet seasons. Soils were air‐dried, sieved, and chemically analysed. The litter was dried (80 °C), sorted into six fractions, weighed and bulked samples analysed for nutrients. Results Forest stands did not differ in stem density and total basal area, with a total of 1137 individuals sampled in 1996 (564 unlogged and 573 logged), and a total basal area of 15 m2 (unlogged) and 13.0 m2 (logged). However, unlogged stands had more large trees (≥ 30 cm in d.b.h.) and greater mean canopy height. Among the families, Rutaceae and Leguminosae were the most abundant families in both sites, although the Rutaceae had a higher density in unlogged and Leguminosae in the logged stand. The species diversity index was similar between stands. Late‐successional species, such as Metrodorea nigra var. brevifolia and Paratecoma peroba, were less abundant in the logged stand. Selective logging did not affect nutrient concentrations in the soil or in the litter. However, quantities of the nutrients in the total litterfall and in the leaf litterfall and litter layer were higher in unlogged than in logged stands, mainly as a result of fallen M. nigra leaves. Metrodorea nigra was considered a key species in the nutrients dynamics in Carvão forest. Main conclusions Despite the fact that effects on tree diversity and soil nutrients were not clear, selective logging in this Atlantic forest altered canopy structure, increased the relative abundance of some early‐secondary species and decreased the litter input and stock of nutrients. Detailed information on the influence of logging on the distribution and structure of plant populations and in nutrient processes is fundamental for a sustainable logging system to be developed.  相似文献   

探讨森林植物群落物种多样性、功能性状与化学计量特征及其内在关联,有助于构建结构-性状-功能的研究脉络,深入理解生态系统的过程与功能,为群落结构优化配置和调控提供科学依据。以贵州喀斯特高原峡谷区森林草灌、灌木、灌乔和乔木4个演替阶段的植物群落为对象,通过群落学调查和植物功能性状、生态化学计量测度,研究其物种多样性、功能性状和化学计量特征及其互作关系。结果表明:(1)乔木阶段的Shannon-Wiener指数与Pielou均匀度指数均为最高,依次达8.62、2.41,表明伴随着群落演替,物种分布的均匀程度增加。(2)植物群落物种多样性指数之间仅Margalef丰富度指数与Simpson优势度指数未呈显著相关(-0.644),其余均为显著或极显著相关关系,表明物种多样性指数之间存在较强的促进或抑制作用。(3)叶片厚度与其余指标,以及群落物种多样性指数与功能性状、化学计量之间均未呈显著相关,比叶面积(SLA)仅与土壤N∶P呈显著正相关(0.742),表明群落物种多样性、功能性状和生态化学计量特征之间的相关性较弱。(4)SLA为灌木阶段的272.13 cm2/g为最大,δ13C值在演替后期略高,草灌、灌木阶段倾向于受N、P共同限制,说明随演替进展,植物的适应策略和资源利用对策等均发生了一定的调整,表明植物和环境之间存在较强的协变关系。(5)该区森林培育时,应构建完整的乔木、灌木和草本层片,提高生态系统对养分矿化、转化和循环等的自调控能力。  相似文献   

黄林娟  于燕妹  安小菲  余林兰  薛跃规 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10264-10275
以天坑内部-边缘-外部森林植物群落为研究对象,通过调查植物的群落结构、叶功能性状,探究天坑内外森林植物群落叶功能性状、物种多样性和功能多样性变化特征及其内在关联,为深入了解负地形森林生态系统的功能和恢复退化喀斯特地区的植被提供一定参考。研究结果如下:(1)比叶面积(SLA: 198.75 cm2/g))、叶面积(LA: 42.70 cm2)、叶磷含量(LPC: 1.70 g/kg)和叶钾含量(LKC: 10.27 g/kg)在天坑内部最高,叶组织密度(LTD: 0.32 g/cm3)和叶干物质含量(LDMC: 0.41 g/g)在天坑外部最高,天坑内外森林均易受到磷限制,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境变化,植物对环境的适应机制和生存策略发生了部分调整,物种的防御策略增强,生长投入策略减弱。(2)Shannon-Wiener指数(2.82)、Simpson指数(0.92)和Pielou’s均匀度指数(0.87)均以天坑外部最高,功能丰富度(1.05)、功能离散度(1.88)和Rao’s二次熵(4.52)以天坑内部最高,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境的变化,植物功能性状的差异减少,物种分布及其功能性状分布总体上更为均匀、物种数量增多。(3)物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在较强的相关性,表明物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在不同的制约关系。(4)叶功能性状与物种多样性、功能多样性的相关性强,物种多样性和功能多样性之间相关性较弱,表明叶性状对生态学过程的变化较为敏感,叶功能性状与物种多样性之间存在较强的耦合关系。  相似文献   

应用指示种预测森林管理对物种多样性及群落组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用指示种分析方法,研究了会同亚热带森林物种多样性和群落组成对森林管理的响应.从357个林下种中鉴定出显著性指示种94个,并构造新的指示种数据集,检验指示种数据集和源群落数据集之间的关联,评估指示种对林下植被管理效应的预测潜能.结果表明:指示种数据集和源群落数据集之间存在极显著的关联(Mantel r=0.898),指示种数据集很好地预测了生物多样性的变化(回归分析,R2>0.74);指示种很好地预测了群落组成对森林管理的响应(ANOVA,F>16.79);非度量多尺度排序(NMDS)以及K-means聚类分析表明,对于不同森林管理的样地类型,指示种数据集的识别能力和源群落数据集是一致的.从物种多样性、群落组成以及在森林类型的识别上,指示种数据集和源群落数据集有一致性规律,作用几乎相同,因此森林评估可以利用指示种代替源群落预测森林管理效应,以减少森林全面调查的成本.  相似文献   

  1. The effects of timber harvest in the moist coniferous forests of western North America are not well documented for ecologically important arthropods such as moths.
  2. We assessed the response of macromoth community structure (abundance, sample size-corrected estimates of species richness and diversity, and overall community composition) to time since deforestation at 20 previously logged sites (1–95 years post-harvest), and compared the macromoth communities at these stands to four old growth stands.
  3. As stand age increased following timber harvest, the number of macromoths captured in ultraviolet light traps increased and the relative abundance of dietary generalists declined, but sample size-corrected estimates of species richness and diversity did not vary. Macromoth community composition of the youngest stands (<10 years post-harvest) differed markedly from each other but converged soon thereafter.
  4. Macromoth communities at old growth sites featured higher capture rates, lower dominance by dietary generalists, and higher sample size-corrected estimates of species richness and diversity than at previously logged sites. Community composition profiles for old growth sites differed from all previously logged sites, but the differences were subtle except in comparison to the youngest logged sites. None of the 188 species we sampled were old growth specialists.
  5. Our results reveal dramatic initial impacts of deforestation on macromoth communities in moist coniferous forests of western North America. Such effects are largely reversed within two decades post-harvest but some effects persist for at least 95-years following logging.

塔河源荒漠河岸林群落物种组成、结构与植物区系特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地了解荒漠河岸林植被动态与生物多样性维持机制,于塔里木河干流源头荒漠河岸林内建立6个1 hm 2样地,对群落物种组成、数量特征和空间格局等进行综合分析。结果表明,塔河源荒漠河岸林群落结构简单、物种多样性低,共有物种12科15属16种,杨柳科重要值最大(28. 97%),是群落优势建群科。取样面积在0. 04 hm 2时,包括了87. 5%的物种;样地内稀有种和偶见种均占所有物种的12. 5%。植物区系贫乏,单种科、属多,温带成分占绝对优势,古地中海成分也占有重要地位,具典型温带区系性质。样地内 DBH ≥ 1 cm 的活木本个体有2497株,灰胡杨多度占92. 95%,胸高断面积和重要值最大,在群落中占绝对优势地位。群落内科、属、种的数量随植株高度级的增加而减少,垂直结构层次分明,由乔木层、灌木层和草本层构成。样地内所有树种平均胸径15. 57 cm,径级与高度级结构均呈偏正态分布,缺乏高度≤ 2 m的个体,群落更新不良。优势种灰胡杨、胡杨径级结构均呈单峰型,其中胡杨幼树出现断层,灰胡杨幼苗向幼树发展过程中死亡率极高(92. 56%),均为衰退型种群。两个优势种空间格局呈聚集分布,不同生境下随径级增大空间分布格局变化不同;且两个优势种在空间上相互排斥而占据不同生境,暗示着种间竞争与生境异质性是影响荒漠河岸林物种空间分布格局和物种共存的重要因素。  相似文献   

金山  武帅楷 《生态学报》2021,41(10):4182-4193
为研究山西太岳山油松(Pinus tabuliformis)林过火后恢复初期林下草本植物群落结构,以2019年3月太岳山油松林火烧迹地为研究对象,采用群落相似性指数、多样性指数、稳定性系数、TWINSPAN数量分类和DCA排序等方法对群落组成、多样性、类型及稳定性等进行了研究。结果表明:(1)火烧迹地恢复初期以低矮灌木和多年生草本植物为主,其中又以地面芽植物占比最大。优势植物主要为大披针薹草(Carex lanceolata)和多花胡枝子(Lespedeza floribunda);(2)火烧迹地恢复初期各样地植物群落相似性系数和多样性指数相对较小,均匀度指数较大,但各样地恢复效果不尽相同,样地6和样地7的植物群落各项指标相对大于其他样地;(3)TWINSPAN数量分类将火烧迹地植物群落划分成:I.大披针薹草+南牡蒿(Artemisia eriopoda)+地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis)群丛、II.多花胡枝子+大披针薹草+二色棘豆(Oxytropis bicolor)群丛、III.多花胡枝子+大披针薹草+米口袋(Gueldenstaedtia verna)群丛、IV.多花胡枝子+大披针薹草+荠苨(Adenophora trachelioides)群丛、V.大披针薹草+白莲蒿(Artemisia stechmanniana)+狗娃花(Aster hispidus)群丛、VI.白莲蒿群丛、VII.大披针薹草+狗娃花+野艾蒿(Artemisia lavandulifolia)群丛;(4)DCA排序结果表明,火烧迹地恢复初期植物群落结构单一,沿样地和坡位变化较小,仅区分出样地7和其他样地两大类植物群落。(5)火烧迹地恢复初期植物群落处于不稳定的状态,但各样地间群落稳定性存在一定差别,其中样地1最大,样地5最小。总之,研究区植物群落处于演替初期,各样地间植物群落稳定性较差,多样性和整体相似性较小,但优势种群相似性较高,植物群落结构仍处于动态变化之中。研究揭示了太岳山火烧迹地恢复初期植物群落结构特征,积累了该区域火烧迹地植物群落生态学数据,同时可为该区域生态恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Bird communities in Tropical forests have high rate of rare species, but only recently some studies suggested their disproportional role for the overall functional diversity. We investigated data from bird communities monitored annually using point counts over ten years in Iguassu National Park, that is a large and protected area in the southern portion of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. We aimed (1) to determine the rare and dominant species in the community based on their abundance over time; (2) to evaluate the impact of each class of rarity on the overall functional volume of the community; (3) to investigate the pattern of occupancy of the trait space filled by each dominance class, and (4) to assess the disparity in functional trait composition between classes of rarity. We defined dominant, intermediate, and rare species in communities using cluster analysis and data of relative abundance of species in five sections of 1-km in the forest interior. The number of clusters was defined in accordance with the silhouette criterion measures of cohesion and separation that range from −1 to 1, with values > 0.5 indicating high-quality clusters. Among total 138 bird species recorded, 107 were rare, 26 intermediates, and 5 dominants. Our data corroborate a functional disproportional importance of rare bird species in the community considering the functional space (FRic), but functional dispersion (FDis) was not significantly different between the rare and intermediate species. In fact, there is a large overlap of the functional volume occupied by rare in relation to dominant/intermediate species. The niche space occupied by rare species covers most of the space occupied by intermediate and dominant species. The low representativeness of functional turnover indicates that few functions are unique to the classes of higher dominance. Our data suggest the importance of rare bird species to the overall functional diversity but also highlights the potential use of dominants/intermediates species as indicators to select important forests areas for conservation, as certain forest fragments. Through these most abundant species it would be possible to assess which functions are heaviest in abundance, becoming core functions, in the context of each independent forest fragment.  相似文献   

山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林种子雨的地形格局   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
沈泽昊  吕楠  赵俊 《生态学报》2004,24(9):1981-1987
种子雨是森林群落更新繁殖体的主要来源。而地形对植被空间格局异质性的影响机制之一 ,就是作用于种子雨的空间分布。为了在亚热带山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林群落中检验这一假设 ,在湖北宜昌市大老岭国家森林公园内、海拔 130 0~ 14 95 m之间的一片天然次生林内进行野外比较观测实验。选择 10个不同的地形部位 ,在每一点设置重复 (5个 )的种子雨收集器 ,在种子雨期间定期收集并记录种子雨的种类及数量。 2 0 0 1、2 0 0 2年的观测数据分析表明 :(1)种子雨密度和物种丰富度在不同地形坡位、坡形上差异显著 ,都沿山脊 -山坡 -山谷梯度和凸坡 -平坡 -凹坡梯度而减小 ;(2 )种子雨的密度和物种丰富度受坡向和坡度的影响不显著 ;(3)种子雨和乔木层物种构成的相似性与坡位和坡形呈显著的正相关 ;与坡度呈不显著的负相关 ,与坡向值间存在非线性关系 ;(4 )地形影响种子雨扩散的可能机制包括 ,影响不同种类母树的分布及其密度格局 ,影响不同坡位或坡形上分布的母树种子生产的强度和节律 ,影响风力的方向和大小的分布 ,从而形成水平方向种子流的源 -汇分化。  相似文献   

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