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The movement patterns of three commercially important wrasse (Labridae) species inside a small marine protected area (~ 0.15 km2) on the west coast of Norway were analysed over a period of 21 months. The mean distance between capture and recapture locations varied between 10 and 187 m, and was species and season specific. The extent of movement was not related to body size or sex. These results imply that a network of small strategically located marine protected areas can be used as management tools to protect wrasses from size- and sex-selective fishing mortality.  相似文献   

Mark‐release‐recapture experiments with Aedes aegypti were performed using experimental huts equipped with entrance and exit traps to evaluate their movement patterns during a two‐year period in Thailand. Results indicate no significant differences in the patterns of movement between the two years of observation. Movement into the huts occurred during the early morning period (06:00‐11:00) with a peak at 07:00 in the summer and rainy season and 09:00 in the winter. In contrast, the exit pattern was observed during the late morning (09:00‐12:00) and early afternoon (12:00‐16:00), with a peak at 16:00 in the winter, 11:00 in the summer, and 14:00 in the rainy season. Multiple regression analysis indicated that movements of Ae. aegypti females into and out of the huts were impacted by humidity and temperature during the day.  相似文献   

Abstract Large predators play important ecological roles, but often are sensitive to habitat changes and thus are early casualties of habitat perturbation. Pythons are among the largest predators in many Australian environments, and hence warrant conservation‐orientated research. Carpet pythons (Morelia spilota imbricata) have declined across much of south‐western Australia presumably because of habitat clearance and degradation. Information on habitat use, home range sizes and movements is needed to plan for the conservation of this important predator. We studied pythons at two study sites (Garden Island and Dryandra Woodland) with markedly different climates, habitat types and disturbance histories. We surgically implanted radio‐transmitters in 91 pythons and tracked them for periods of 1 month to 4 years. Dryandra pythons remained inactive inside tree hollows during cooler months (May–September), whereas some (especially small) pythons on Garden Island continued to move and feed. Overall weekly displacements (mean = 100–150 m) were similar at the two study sites and among sex/age classes, except that reproductive females were sedentary during summer while they were incubating eggs. Home ranges averaged 15–20 ha. Adult male pythons had larger home ranges than adult females at Dryandra, but not at Garden Island. Radio‐tracked snakes at Dryandra exhibited high site fidelity, returning to previously occupied logs after long absences and reusing tree hollows for winter shelter. Many of the logs used by snakes had been felled during plantation establishment >70 years ago, with little subsequent regeneration of source trees. In contrast, Garden Island snakes usually sheltered under dense shrubs. Habitat usage was similar among different sex/age classes of snakes at each site, except that juvenile pythons were more arboreal than adults. Although carpet pythons demonstrate great flexibility in habitat use, certain habitat elements appear critical for the persistence of viable populations. Fire plays a central role in this process, albeit in complex ways. For example, low‐intensity fires reduce the availability of hollow logs on the ground at Dryandra and fail to regenerate shrub thickets required by prey species. Paradoxically, high‐intensity fires stimulate shrub thickets and fell trees creating new logs – but might also threaten overwinter trees. Thus, the impact of disturbances (such as wildfires) on the viability of python populations will be mediated in complex ways by alteration to important microhabitats such as vegetation cover or log availability. At Dryandra, landscape management should include occasional fire events to generate new logs as well as shrub thickets used by prey. Strategic burning may also be required at Garden Island to regenerate some vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Locomotion of lizards has clear morphological determinants and is important for developing activities such as feeding, social interaction and predator avoidance. Thus, morphological variation is believed to have fitness consequences through affecting locomotor performance. This paper firstly evaluates the dependence of burst speed on morphology, and secondly examines the movement patterns of free-ranging undisturbed wall lizards ( Podarcis muralis ) engaged in several kinds of activity. Body size was the most important correlate of burst speed as performed at the optimal temperature for running in the laboratory. After removing size effects from performance and morphological traits, the length of some particular limb segments had positive influence on burst speed, but these effects were weak, each trait explaining less than 16% of variance in burst speed. Free-ranging P. muralis exhibited intermittent locomotion, with movement sequences interrupted by frequent short pauses. Field movement patterns greatly differed depending upon the kind of activity and were in most aspects independent of the size and sex of the animal. P. muralis involved in thermoregulation performed short and low-speed displacements; exploratory activities were characterized by frequent, slow and short movements. On the contrary, lizards involved in intraspecific pursuits and predator escape developed comparatively high speeds, although only exceptionally did they attain the size-specific burst speed predicted from the laboratory trials. Speed of escape increased with distance to the refuge and the animals are able to assess predation risks to modulate approach distance, speed and pauses, so maximum exertion is seldom required. The evolution of locomotor capacities exceeding routine needs is discussed in the context of the principle of 'excessive construction'.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 135–146.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was used to examine the size of daily activity space, small-scale movement patterns, and water quality preferences of juvenile bull sharks in the Caloosahatchee River, Florida. Movement pattern analysis included rate of movement, swimming depth, linearity, direction, tidal influence, diel pattern, and correlation with environmental variables. Manual tacking occurred before and after a large freshwater influx which divided the sharks into two groups based on movement patterns. The first group displayed increased rate of movement, distance traveled, and space utilization at night, and movements correlated with salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen. The second group had an increased rate of movement, distance traveled, and space utilization during the day, and movements correlated with temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and pH. These juvenile bull sharks displayed distinct diel movement patterns that were influenced by physical factors, which may account for the distribution of this top-level predator in the Caloosahatchee River.  相似文献   

Aim The endoparasites of Sebastes capensis Gmelin are examined over most of its geographical range (coasts of Peru, Chile, Argentina and South Africa) to determine: (1) whether the endoparasite communities of this fish show zoogeographical patterns; and (2) if so, whether there are any relationships between spatial variations in the endoparasite fauna and known zoogeographical patterns for marine free‐living organisms (e.g. prey that are included in the life cycles of endoparasites). Location Fish were captured at nine localities along the Pacific coast of South America, from 11° S in the centre of the Peruvian coast, to 52° S in southern Chile, and also at two localities in the Atlantic Ocean, at 43° S in Argentina, and 34° S in South Africa. Methods From April to September 2003 and April to August 2004, 626 fish were captured. Endoparasites and diet were examined following traditional methods. Cluster analyses were used to evaluate the distribution patterns of the endoparasite communities, and to evaluate similarities in the prey composition per locality. Results The endoparasite fauna of S. capensis consisted of four species widely distributed along the Pacific coast: Ascarophis cf. sebastodis, Anisakis sp., Corynosoma australe, and Pseudopecoelus sp. Other parasites were distributed only in some geographical areas. The species richness of the parasite communities increased with latitude along the Pacific coast, while parasite communities from Argentina and South Africa showed low species richness. Cluster analyses based on endoparasite composition and on prey composition grouped localities in a way consistent with known biogeographical areas for marine free‐living organisms. Main conclusions The endoparasites of S. capensis exhibit a pattern associated with known biogeographical areas for free‐living organisms. The latitudinal increase in endoparasite community richness is associated with changes in prey composition (intermediate hosts) and also possibly with the presence of definitive hosts. Therefore, the biogeographical patterns of prey are considered key determinants of the endoparasite community structure of the host.  相似文献   

Synopsis We quantified bluespine unicornfish, Naso unicornis, movement patterns, home range size and habitat preferences in a small Hawaiian marine reserve. Bluespine unicornfish were site-attached to home ranges situated within the reserve boundaries and their movements were aligned with topographic features. Two different diel movement patterns (‘commuting’ and ‘foraying’) were observed. Commuters made crepuscular migrations of several hundred meters between daytime foraging areas and nighttime refuge holes. Foraying fish did not partake in crepuscular migrations and utilized refuge holes both day and night. Two bluespine unicornfish were also nocturnally active. There was little direct evidence of dispersal from the reserve but differences in bluespine unicornfish abundance and size among reef habitat zones were consistent with ontogenetic habitat shifts. The influence of habitat topography on bluespine unicornfish movements suggests that gross habitat characteristics could be used to predict reef fish movements. This could provide a simple method for setting marine reserve boundaries at sites for which empirical fish movement data are unavailable.  相似文献   

Food resources are often not sufficient to satisfy the nutritional and energetic requirements during winter conditions at high latitudes. Dietary analysis is a prerequisite to fully understanding the feeding ecology of a species and the nature of trophic interactions. Previous dietary studies of Asian Great Bustard (Otis tarda dybowskii) relied on behavioral observations, resulting in categorization of diet limited to broad taxonomic groupings. Here, we applied a high‐throughput sequencing meta‐barcoding approach to quantify the diet of resident and migratory Asian Great Bustard in three wintering sites during early winter and late winter. We detected 57 unique plant taxa in the bustard diet, among which 15 species were confirmed by a local plant database we generated. Both agricultural and natural foods were detected, indicating a relatively broad dietary niche. Spatiotemporal dietary changes were discovered, revealing diet differences among wintering sites and a general shift toward lower plant diversity later in winter. For the nonmigratory population, we detected a significantly more diverse array of plant species in their diet. We hypothesize that dietary variation between resident and migratory populations could be involved in the recent transition to partial migration in this species, although climate change can not be excluded. Collectively, these results support protecting unharvested grain fields and naturally unplowed lands to help conserve and promote population growth of Asian Great Bustard.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are the most biodiverse marine ecosystem and one of the most threatened by global climate change impacts. The vast majority of diversity on reefs is comprised of small invertebrates that live within the reef structure, termed the cryptofauna. This component of biodiversity is hugely understudied, and many species remain undescribed. This study represents a rare analysis of assembly processes structuring a distinct group of cryptofauna, the Palaemonidae, in the Chagos Archipelago, a reef ecosystem under minimal direct human impacts in the central Indian Ocean. The Palaemonidae are a diverse group of Caridae (infraorder of shrimps) that inhabit many different niches on coral reefs and are of particular interest because of their varied habitat associations. Phylogenetic and trait diversity and phylogenetic signal were used to infer likely drivers of community structure. The mechanisms driving palaemonid community assembly and maintenance in the Chagos Archipelago showed distinct spatial patterns. At local scales, among coral colonies and among reefs fringing individual atolls, significant trait, and phylogenetic clustering patterns suggest environmental filtering may be a dominant ecological process driving Palaemonidae community structure, although local competition through equalizing mechanisms may also play a role in shaping the local community structure. Importantly, we also tested the robustness of phylogenetic diversity to changes in evolutionary information as multi‐gene phylogenies are resource intensive and for large families, such as the Palaemonidae, are often incomplete. These tests demonstrated a very modest impact on phylogenetic community structure, with only one of the four genes (PEPCK gene) in the phylogeny affecting phylogenetic diversity patterns, which provides useful information for future studies on large families with incomplete phylogenies. These findings contribute to our limited knowledge of this component of biodiversity in a marine locality as close to undisturbed by humans as can be found. It also provides a rare evaluation of phylogenetic diversity methods.  相似文献   

Interaction behaviors of larvae of Simulium vittatumand S. decorum,behaviors that directly affect other black fly larvae, were observed under laboratory and field conditions. Experiments with S. vittatumshowed that changing the larval density or the amount of available food resulted in only minor changes in interaction behavior. Reduction in larval density resulted in shorter interactions, although the distance between the silkpads of the interacting larvae remained the same. Reduction in food availability resulted both in shorter interactions and in a shorter mean distance between silkpads during an interaction. The actor (initiator of an interaction) in both species was more likely to probe or make a silkpad, while the reactor was more likely to push or attack the actor's silkpad. In the field, S. vittatumcommonly occur in spaced dispersion patterns, and S. decorumin clumped patterns. In the laboratory, both species formed spaced dispersion patterns and showed similar interaction behaviors. Field observations suggest that the dispersion pattern exhibited depends on microhabitat rather than species. The actors' head locations, which indicate potential larval attachment sites, moved downstream and away from the reactors during an interaction. Interaction behavior, therefore,produces the spaced dispersion pattern exhibited by these larvae.  相似文献   

A novel image analysis‐based technique applied to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) survey data is described to detect and locate individual free‐ranging sharks within aggregations. The method allows rapid collection of data and quantification of fine‐scale swimming and collective patterns of sharks. We demonstrate the usefulness of this technique in a small‐scale case study exploring the shoaling tendencies of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus in a large lagoon within Moorea, French Polynesia. Using our approach, we found that C. melanopterus displayed increased alignment with shoal companions when distributed over a sandflat where they are regularly fed for ecotourism purposes as compared with when they shoaled in a deeper adjacent channel. Our case study highlights the potential of a relatively low‐cost method that combines UAV survey data and image analysis to detect differences in shoaling patterns of free‐ranging sharks in shallow habitats. This approach offers an alternative to current techniques commonly used in controlled settings that require time‐consuming post‐processing effort.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial diversity associated with sponges remains underestimated, though it is of great scientific interest in order to understand the ecology and evolutionary history of the symbiotic relationships between the two groups. Of the filamentous cyanobacteria, the genus Leptolyngbya is the most frequently found in association with sponges as well as the largest and obviously polyphyletic group. In this study, five Leptolyngbya‐like sponge‐associated isolates were investigated using a combination of molecular, chemical, and morphological approach and revealed a novel marine genus herein designated Leptothoe gen. nov. In addition, three new species of Leptothoe, Le. sithoniana, Le. kymatousa, and Le. spongobia, are described based on a suite of distinct characters compared to other marine Leptolyngbyaceae species/strains. The three new species, hosted by four sponge species, showed different degrees of host specificity. Leptothoe sithoniana and Le. kymatousa hosted by the sponges Petrosia ficiformis and Chondrilla nucula, respectively, seem to be more specialized than Le. spongobia, which was hosted by the sponges Dysidea avara and Acanthella acuta. All three species contained nitrogen‐fixing genes and may contribute to the nitrogen budget of sponges. Leptothoe spongobia TAU‐MAC 1115 isolated from Acanthella acuta was shown to produce microcystin‐RR indicating that microcystin production among marine cyanobacteria could be more widespread than previously determined.  相似文献   

Disepalum comprises two monophyletic sister subgenera, Enicosanthellum and Disepalum, with strikingly different floral morphologies: the former has two whorls of unfused sepals, forming a partially enclosed floral chamber, whereas the latter possesses a single whorl of congenitally fused petals and lacks a floral chamber. The pollination ecologies of representative species are reported, including assessments of floral phenology, pollinators and floral thermogenesis. Disepalum pulchrum (subgenus Enicosanthellum) has hermaphroditic flowers with a pollination chamber and is protogynous with prolonged anthesis; it is pollinated by nitidulid beetles and drosophilid flies. Disepalum anomalum (subgenus Disepalum) is also hermaphroditic with prolonged anthesis, but has incomplete protogyny due to overlapping pistillate and staminate phases; it is pollinated by meliponine bees, which are attracted by the pollen, but which are only able to transfer pollen to receptive stigmas during the overlap phase. Alternative evolutionary hypotheses are evaluated, including the possibility that the ancestor of the subgenus Disepalum lineage may have experienced a profound genetic mutation, possibly involving genes responsible for organ merism and fusion, resulting in the loss of the pollination chamber and hence favouring different floral visitors. The breakdown in protogyny required for effective pollination is likely to have had significant ramifications on population genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Alexandrium minutum is a globally distributed harmful algal bloom species with many strains that are known to produce paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) and consequently represent a concern to human and ecosystem health. This review highlights that A. minutum typically occurs in sheltered locations, with cell growth occurring during periods of stable water conditions. Sediment characteristics are important in the persistence of this species within a location, with fine sediments providing cyst deposits for ongoing inoculation to the water column. Toxic strains of A. minutum do not produce a consistent toxin profile, different populations produce a range of PSTs in differing quantities. Novel cluster analysis of published A. minutum toxin profiles indicates five PST profile clusters globally. Some clusters are grouped geographically (Northern Europe) while others are widely spread. Isolates from Taiwan have a range of toxin profile clusters and this area appears to have the most diverse set of PST producing A. minutum populations. These toxin profiles indicate that within the United Kingdom there are two populations of A. minutum grouping with strains from Northern France and Southern Ireland. There is a degree of interconnectivity in this region due to oceanic circulation and a high level of shipping and recreational boating. Further research into the interrelationships between the A. minutum populations in this global region would be of value.  相似文献   

  • In the generally bee‐pollinated genus Lotus a group of four species have evolved bird‐pollinated flowers. The floral changes in these species include altered petal orientation, shape and texture. In Lotus these characters are associated with dorsiventral petal identity, suggesting that shifts in the expression of dorsal identity genes may be involved in the evolution of bird pollination. Of particular interest is Lotus japonicus CYCLOIDEA 2 (LjCYC2), known to determine the presence of papillate conical cells on the dorsal petal in L. japonicus. Bird‐pollinated species are unusual in not having papillate conical cells on the dorsal petal.
  • Using RT‐PCR at various stages of flower development, we determined the timing of expression in all petal types for the three putative petal identity genes (CYC‐like genes) in different species with contrasting floral morphology and pollination syndromes.
  • In bird‐pollinated species the dorsal identity gene, LjCYC2, is not expressed at the floral stage when papillate conical cells are normally differentiating in bee‐pollinated species. In contrast, in bee‐pollinated species, LjCYC2 is expressed during conical cell development.
  • Changes in the timing of expression of the above two genes are associated with modifications in petal growth and lateralisation of the dorsal and ventral petals in the bird‐pollinated species. This study indicates that changes in the timing, rather than spatial distribution, of expression likely contribute to the modifications of petal micromorphology and petal size during the transition from bee to bird pollination in Macaronesian Lotus species.

The molecular details of the association between the human Fyn‐SH3 domain, and the fragment of 18.5‐kDa myelin basic protein (MBP) spanning residues S38–S107 (denoted as xα2‐peptide, murine sequence numbering), were studied in silico via docking and molecular dynamics over 50‐ns trajectories. The results show that interaction between the two proteins is energetically favorable and heavily dependent on the MBP proline‐rich region (P93‐P98) in both aqueous and membrane environments. In aqueous conditions, the xα2‐peptide/Fyn‐SH3 complex adopts a “sandwich”"‐like structure. In the membrane context, the xα2‐peptide interacts with the Fyn‐SH3 domain via the proline‐rich region and the β‐sheets of Fyn‐SH3, with the latter wrapping around the proline‐rich region in a form of a clip. Moreover, the simulations corroborate prior experimental evidence of the importance of upstream segments beyond the canonical SH3‐ligand. This study thus provides a more‐detailed glimpse into the context‐dependent interaction dynamics and importance of the β‐sheets in Fyn‐SH3 and proline‐rich region of MBP. Proteins 2017; 85:1336–1350. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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