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The Jun activating binding protein (JAB1) specifically stabilizes complexes of c-Jun or JunD with AP-1 sites, increasing the specificity of target gene activation by AP-1 proteins. JAB1 is also known as COP9 signalosome subunit 5 (CSN5), which is a component of the COP9 signalosome regulatory complex (CSN). Over the past year, JAB1/CSN5 has been implicated in numerous signaling pathways including those that regulate light signaling in plants, larval development in Drosophila, and integrin signaling, cell cycle control, and steroid hormone signaling in a number of systems. However, the general role of the CSN complex, and the specific role of JAB1/CSN5, still remain obscure. This review attempts to integrate the available data to help explain the role of JAB1/CSN5 and the COP9 signalosome in regulating multiple pathways (in this review, both JAB1 and CSN5 terminologies are used interchangeably, depending on the source material).  相似文献   

Different classes of photoreceptor neurons (R cells) in the Drosophila compound eye form connections in different optic ganglia. The R1-R6 subclass connects to the first optic ganglion, the lamina, and relies upon glial cells as intermediate targets. Conversely, R cells promote glial cell development including migration of glial cells into the target region. Here, we show that the JAB1/CSN5 subunit of the COP9 signalosome complex is expressed in R cells, accumulates in the developing optic lobe neuropil, and through the analysis of a unique set of missense mutations, is required in R cells to induce lamina glial cell migration. In these CSN5 alleles, R1-R6 targeting is disrupted. Genetic analysis of protein null alleles further revealed that the COP9 signalosome is required at an earlier stage of development for R cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) binds to c-Jun activation domain binding protein-1 (JAB1)/subunit 5 of COP9 signalosome (CSN5) and modulates cell signaling and the cell cycle through JAB1. The binding domain of JAB1 responsible for binding to MIF is unknown. We hypothesized that the conserved Mpr1p Pad1p N-terminal (MPN) domain of JAB1 may mediate binding to MIF. In fact, yeast two hybrid (YTH) and in vitro translation/coimmunoprecipitation (CoIP) analysis showed that a core MPN domain, which did not cover the functional JAB1/MPN/Mov34 metalloenzyme (JAMM) deneddylase sequence, binds to MIF comparable to full-length JAB1. YTH and pull-down analysis in conjunction with nanobead affinity matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry demonstrated that MIF(50-65) and MPN are sufficient to mediate MIF-JAB1 interaction, respectively. Finally, endogenous CoIP of MIF-CSN6 complexes from mammalian cells demonstrated that MPN is responsible for MIF-JAB1 binding in vivo, and, as CSN6 does not contain a functional JAMM motif, confirmed that the interaction does not require JAMM.  相似文献   

The CENP-T·CENP-W complex is a recently identified inner centromere component that plays crucial roles in the formation of a functional kinetochore involved in cell division during mitosis. Using yeast two-hybrid screening, we identified an interaction between CENP-T and CSN5, the fifth component of the COP9 signalosome and a key modulator of the cell cycle and cancer. Co-immunoprecipitation revealed that CSN5 directly interacts with both CENP-T and CENP-W. Ectopically expressed CSN5 promoted the ubiquitin- and proteasome-dependent degradation of CENP-T·CENP-W. The formation of a CENP-T·CENP-W complex greatly enhanced the stabilities of the respective proteins, possibly by blocking CSN5-mediated degradation. Furthermore, dysregulation of CSN5 induced severe defects in the recruitment of CENP-T·CENP-W to the kinetochore during the prophase stage of mitosis. Thus, our results indicate that CSN5 regulates the stability of the inner kinetochore components CENP-T and CENP-W, providing the first direct link between CSN5 and the mitotic apparatus, highlighting the role of CSN5 as a multifunctional cell cycle regulator.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase (topo) IIalpha, an essential enzyme for cell proliferation, is targeted to a proteasome-dependent degradation pathway when human tumor cells are glucose-starved. Here we show that the topo IIalpha destabilization depends on the newly identified domain, GRDD (glucose-regulated destruction domain), which was mapped to the N-terminal 70-170 amino acid sequence. Indeed, the deletion of GRDD conferred a stable feature on topo IIalpha, whereas the fusion of GRDD rendered green fluorescent protein unstable under glucose starvation conditions. Nuclear localization was a prerequisite for GRDD function, because the inhibition of nuclear translocation resulted in the suppression of GRDD-mediated topo IIalpha degradation. Further, GRDD was identified as an interactive domain for Jab1/CSN5, which promoted the degradation of topo IIalpha in a manner dependent on the MPN (Mpr1p/Prd1p N terminus) domain. Depleting Jab1/CSN5 by antisense oligonucleotide and treating cells with the CSN-associated kinase inhibitor, curcumin, inhibited topo IIalpha degradation induced by glucose starvation. These findings demonstrate that GRDD can act as a stress-activated degron for regulating topo IIalpha stability, possibly through interaction with the MPN domain of Jab1/CSN5.  相似文献   

The RFX DNA binding domain (DBD) is a novel highly conserved motif belonging to a large number of dimeric DNA binding proteins which have diverse regulatory functions in eukaryotic organisms, ranging from yeasts to human. To characterize this novel motif, solid phase synthesis of a 76mer polypeptide corresponding to the DBD of human hRFX1 (hRFX1/DBD), a prototypical member of the RFX family, has been optimized to yield large quantities (approximately 90 mg) of pure compound. Preliminary two-dimensional1H NMR experiments suggested the presence of helical regions in this sequence in agreement with previously reported secondary structure predictions. In gel mobility shift assays, this synthetic peptide was shown to bind in a cooperative manner the 23mer duplex oligodeoxynucleotide corresponding to the binding site of hRFX1, with a 2:1 stoichoimetry due to an inverse repeat present in the 23mer. The stoichiometry of this complex was reduced to 1:1 by decreasing the length of the DNA sequence to a 13mer oligonucleotide containing a single half-site. Surface plasmon resonance measurements were achieved using this 5'-biotylinated 13mer oligonucleotide immobilized on an avidin-coated sensor chip. Using this method an association constant (K a = 4 x 10(5)/M/s), a dissociation constant (K d = 6 x 10(-2)/s) and an equilibrium dissociation constant (K D = 153 nM) were determined for binding of hRFX1/DBD to the double-stranded 13mer oligonucleotide. In the presence of hRFX1/DBD the melting temperature of the 13mer DNA was increased by 16 degreesC, illustrating stabilization of the double-stranded conformation induced by the peptide.  相似文献   

Expression of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAL4 protein under its own (galactose-inducible) control gave 5 to 10 times the level of protein observed when the GAL4 gene was on a high-copy plasmid. Purification of GAL4 by a procedure including affinity chromatography on a GAL4-binding DNA column yielded not only GAL4 but also a second protein, shown to be GAL80 by its reaction with an antipeptide antibody. Sequence comparisons of GAL4 and other members of a family of proteins sharing homologous cysteine finger motifs identified an additional region of homology in the middle of these proteins shown by genetic analysis to be important for GAL4 function. GAL4 could be cleaved proteolytically at the boundary of the conserved region, defining internal and carboxy-terminal folded domains.  相似文献   

The VacA toxin is the major virulence factor of Helicobacter pylori. The studies on VacA intracellular expression suggest that it interacts with cytosolic proteins and that this interaction contributes significantly to vacuolization. The aim of this study was to identify the host protein(s) that interacts with the VacA protein. We used the fragments of VacA protein fused with GAL4-BD as the baits in the yeast two-hybrid approach. The yeast transformed with plasmids encoding bait proteins were screened with human gastric mucosa cDNA library, encoded C-terminal fusion proteins with GAL4-AD. Three independent His-beta-Gal-positive clones were identified in VacA-b1 screen; they matched two different lengths of cDNA encoding RACK1 protein. The specific activity of beta-galactosidase found in the yeast expressing both VacA-b1 and RACK1 fusion proteins was 12-19 times higher compared to all negative controls used. VacA is capable of binding the RACK1 in vitro as was confirmed by the pull-down assay with GST fusion VacA protein and [(35)S]Met-labeled RACK1 protein fragments.  相似文献   

Specific DNA binding of GAL4, a positive regulatory protein of yeast   总被引:173,自引:0,他引:173  
E Giniger  S M Varnum  M Ptashne 《Cell》1985,40(4):767-774

Backbone amide proton exchange rates in the DNA-binding domain of GAL4 have been determined using 1H-15N heteronuclear correlation NMR spectroscopy. Three forms of the protein were studied-the native Zn-containing protein, the Cd-substituted protein, and a Zn-GAL4/DNA complex. Exchange rates in the Zn-containing protein are significantly slower than in the Cd-substituted protein. This shows that Cd-substituted GAL4 is destabilized relative to the native Zn-containing protein. Upon DNA binding, global retardation of amide proton exchange with solvent was observed, indicating that internal fluctuations of the DNA-recognition module are significantly reduced by the presence of DNA. In all forms of the protein, the internal dyad symmetry of the DNA-recognition module of GAL4 is reflected by the backbone amide proton exchange rates.  相似文献   

The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is a complex of eight proteins first identified as a repressor of plant photomorphogenesis. A protein kinase activity associated with the COP9 signalosome has been reported but not identified; we present evidence for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6-kinase (5/6-kinase) as a protein kinase associated with the COP9 signalosome. We have shown that 5/6-kinase exists in a complex with the eight-component COP9 signalosome both when purified from bovine brain and when transfected into HEK 293 cells. 5/6-kinase phosphorylates the same substrates as those of the COP9 signalosome, including IkappaBalpha, p53, and c-Jun but fails to phosphorylate several other substrates, including c-Jun 1-79, which are not substrates for the COP9-associated kinase. Both the COP9 signalosome- associated kinase and 5/6-kinase are inhibited by curcumin. The association of 5/6-kinase with the COP9 signalosome is through an interaction with CSN1, which immunoprecipitates with 5/6-kinase. In addition, the inositol kinase activity of 5/6-kinase is inhibited when in a complex with CSN1. We propose that 5/6-kinase is the previously described COP9 signalosome-associated kinase.  相似文献   

Hic-5, a member of the paxillin family of adaptor molecules, is localized at focal adhesion and implicated in integrin-mediated signaling. Hic-5 and paxillin exhibit structural homology and share interacting factors, however, diverse functions are suggested for them. In this study, we carried out yeast two-hybrid screening to identify Hic-5 interacting factors using its LD3-4 region, which includes the Hic-5-specific amino acid sequence, as a bait. Through the screening, we identified GIT1, an Arf GTPase-activating protein, as a Hic-5 binding protein. The interaction of these two proteins was mediated by the LD3 motif of Hic-5 and the C-terminal region, which includes a paxillin-binding subdomain, of GIT1. Although GIT1 is known as a paxillin-binding protein, we only observed weak association of paxillin with GIT1 in the overexpression system. In contrast, Hic-5 firmly bound to GIT1 under the same conditions. In addition, the paxillin/GIT1 complex contained PIX, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, whereas the Hic-5/GIT1 complex contained a smaller amount of PIX. These results suggested that paxillin and Hic-5 associate with GIT1 with different binding modes, and that the Hic-5 complex possesses static features compared with the paxillin complex, which contains both positive and negative regulators of GTPases involved in actin dynamics. Moreover, Hic-5-mediated inhibition of cell spreading was restored by co-expression of the C-terminal fragment of GIT1, which perturbs the interaction of Hic-5 with endogenous GIT1. Thus, it was demonstrated that Hic-5 and GIT1 interact functionally in addition to showing a physical association.  相似文献   

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