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Aim  The enemy release hypothesis is often invoked to explain why some alien plant species become invasive. Here, we investigated relationships between invasiveness, taxonomic isolation and leaf herbivory for tropical alien plant species introduced to a botanical garden in East Africa.
Location  Amani Botanical Garden, East Usambara mountains, northeast Tanzania.
Methods  We measured the proportion of leaves damaged, and the percentage leaf area damaged on individuals of 28 alien plant species. We extracted data on the presence/absence of native congeners and the number of native confamilial species from an inventory of the East Usambara flora. We also obtained data on planting effort for 26 species, from historical records. Linear and generalized linear models were used to analyse the relationships between invasiveness, herbivory and taxonomic isolation.
Results  Mean proportion of leaves damaged per species was significantly explained by taxonomic isolation; proportion of leaves damaged increased with the number of native confamilial species and was greater, on average, for species with native congeners than those without native congeners. The mean percentage of leaf area damaged per species could not be explained by any variables considered in this study. There was no relationship between the degree of herbivory or taxonomic isolation and alien plant species invasiveness, but more-invasive species did have a significantly greater planting effort than less-invasive species.
Conclusions  The role herbivores play in controlling alien plant invasions has been investigated relatively little in the tropics. In this study, although the amount of herbivory suffered by alien plants was related to taxonomic isolation, we found no evidence for leaf-feeding invertebrates having a significant role in invasion, suggesting that other factors may be responsible for differences in species success.  相似文献   

化感——外来入侵植物的“Novel Weapons”   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:39  
吴锦容  彭少麟 《生态学报》2005,25(11):3093-3097
综述了与外来植物入侵相关的理论假说。并主要介绍了从化感角度提出的“N ove lW eapons”假说(NW假说)。某些外来入侵植物能产生一些化学物质。这些物质可以发挥较强的化感作用,或者成为植物和土壤微生物之间相互作用的调节者。由于不同区域的植物群落共同进化的轨迹不同,被入侵群落的植物对这些化学物质缺乏适应性,因此,这些物质成为了外来种入侵的利器。而对外来种发源地的群落来说,由于长期的共存关系,这些物质对其伴生植物的影响相对较小。NW假说为化感作为外来植物入侵的一种机制奠定了理论基础,为外来入侵植物的防治提供了理论依据,但作为一种较新的理论假说,还需要更多的实验研究加以支持。  相似文献   

The Enemy Release Hypothesis links exotic plant success to escape from enemies such as herbivores and pathogens. Recent work has shown that exotic plants that more fully escape herbivores and pathogens are more likely to become highly invasive, compared to plants with higher enemy loads in their novel ranges. We predicted that highly invasive plants from the Asteraceae and the Brassicaceae would be less acceptable, in laboratory no-choice feeding trials, to the generalist herbivore the American grasshopper, Schistocerca americana. We also compared herbivory on invasive and non-invasive plants from the genus Centaurea in no-choice feeding trials using the red-legged grasshopper Melanoplus femurrubrum and in a common garden in the field. In accordance with our predictions, highly invasive plants were fed on less by grasshoppers in the laboratory. They also received less damage in the field, suggesting that they contain feeding deterrents that render them less acceptable to generalist herbivores than non-invasive plants.  相似文献   

Aim Species richness of insect herbivores feeding on exotic plants increases with abundance as well as range size of the host in the area of introduction. The formation of these herbivore assemblages requires a certain amount of time, and the richness of insect faunas should also increase with the length of time an exotic plant has been present in the introduced range. Location Central Europe. Methods We analysed the variation in species richness of leaf‐chewing Lepidoptera larvae and sap‐sucking Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) associated with 103 exotic woody plant species in Germany in relation to time since introduction, range size, growth form (trees versus shrubs), biogeographical origin (distance from Central Europe) and taxonomic isolation of the host plant (presence or absence of a native congener in the introduced area). Results Using simple correlation analyses we found for Lepidoptera and Auchenorrhyncha that species richness increased with time since introduction of the host plant. For the Lepidoptera the increase of species richness with time since introduction remained significant even after removing the effects of all other independent variables. Main conclusions Our results provide some evidence that assemblages of insects on exotic plants do not reach saturation within a time scale of few hundred years. This contrasts with previous findings for crop plants.  相似文献   

1. One of the most popular single‐factor hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the naturalization and spread of introduced species is the enemy release hypothesis (ERH). Most studies have considered how specialist consumers might affect the success of exotics, but the importance of generalist herbivores has received little attention 2. In this study, we compared the palatability of native and exotic freshwater plants in both phylogenetic pairings and in region‐wide assays, using a generalist consumer (the pond snail Radix swinhoei). 3. Our study indicated that, when plants were paired by taxonomic relatedness, the snail preferred native over exotic freshwater plants by a 2 : 1 ratio. The snail also preferred native over exotic plants when tested across 20 native and seven exotic species found growing in Liangzi Lake. 4. Snails consumed more biomass of native than exotic plants, providing support for the ERH and suggesting that exotic species have a potential advantage in most lakes of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, thus helping their invasion.  相似文献   

In a field experiment with 30 locally occurring old‐field plant species grown in a common garden, we found that non‐native plants suffer levels of attack (leaf herbivory) equal to or greater than levels suffered by congeneric native plants. This phylogenetically controlled analysis is in striking contrast to the recent findings from surveys of exotic organisms, and suggests that even if ‘enemy release’ does accompany the invasion process, this may not be an important mechanism of invasion, particularly for plants with close relatives in the recipient flora.  相似文献   

The invasive shrub Buddleja davidii performs better in its introduced range   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It is commonly assumed that invasive plants grow more vigorously in their introduced than in their native range, which is then attributed to release from natural enemies or to microevolutionary changes, or both. However, few studies have tested this assumption by comparing the performance of invasive species in their native vs. introduced ranges. Here, we studied abundance, growth, reproduction, and herbivory in 10 native Chinese and 10 invasive German populations of the invasive shrub Buddleja davidii (Scrophulariaceae; butterfly bush). We found strong evidence for increased plant vigour in the introduced range: plants in invasive populations were significantly taller and had thicker stems, larger inflorescences, and heavier seeds than plants in native populations. These differences in plant performance could not be explained by a more benign climate in the introduced range. Since leaf herbivory was substantially reduced in invasive populations, our data rather suggest that escape from natural enemies, associated with increased plant growth and reproduction, contributes to the invasion success of B. davidii in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Testing the enemy release hypothesis: a review and meta-analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most cited hypotheses explaining the inordinate success of a small proportion of introduced plants that become pests is the ‘natural enemies hypothesis’. This states that invasive introduced plants spread rapidly because they are liberated from their co-evolved natural enemies. This hypothesis had not been properly tested until recently. Previous reviews on this topic have been narrative and vote counting in nature. In this review, we carried out quantitative synthesis and meta-analysis using existing literature on plants and their herbivores to test the different components of the enemy release hypothesis. We found supporting evidence in that (1) insect herbivore fauna richness is significantly greater in the native than introduced ranges, and the reduction is skewed disproportionally towards specialists and insects feeding on reproductive parts; and (2) herbivore damage levels are greater on native plants than on introduced invasive congeners. However, herbivore damage levels are only marginally greater for plants in native than in introduced ranges, probably due to the small numbers of this type of study. Studies quantifying herbivore impacts on plant population dynamics are too scarce to make conclusions for either comparison of plants in native vs introduced ranges or of co-occurring native and introduced congeners. For future research, we advocate that more than two-way comparisons between plants in native and introduced ranges, or native and introduced congeners are needed. In addition, the use of herbivore exclusions to quantify the impacts of herbivory on complete sets of population vital rates of native vs introduced species are highly desirable. Furthermore, three-way comparisons among congeners of native plants, introduced invasive, and introduced non-invasive plants can also shed light on the importance of enemy release. Finally, simultaneously testing the enemy release hypothesis and other competing hypotheses will provide significant insights into the mechanisms governing the undesirable success of invasive species.  相似文献   

Allelopathy and exotic plant invasion   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
The primary hypothesis for the astonishing success of many exotics as community invaders relative to their importance in their native communities is that they have escaped the natural enemies that control their population growth – the `natural enemies hypothesis'. However, the frequent failure of introduced biocontrols, weak consumer effects on the growth and reproduction of some invaders, and the lack of consistent strong top-down regulation in many natural ecological systems indicate that other mechanisms must be involved in the success of some exotic plants. One mechanism may be the release by the invader of chemical compounds that have harmful effects on the members of the recipient plant community (i.e., allelopathy). Here, we provide an abbreviated compilation of evidence for allelopathy in general, present a detailed case study for Centaurea diffusa, an invasive Eurasian forb in western North America, and review general evidence for allelopathic effects of invasive plants in native communities. The primary rationale for considering allelopathy as a mechanism for the success of invaders is based on two premises. First, invaders often establish virtual monocultures where diverse communities once flourished, a phenomenon unusual in natural communities. Second, allelopathy may be more important in recipient than in origin communities because the former are more likely to be naïve to the chemicals possessed by newly arrived species. Indeed, results from experiments on C. diffusa suggest that this invader produces chemicals that long-term and familiar Eurasian neighbors have adapted to, but that C. diffusa's new North American neighbors have not. A large number of early studies demonstrated strong potential allelopathic effects of exotic invasive plants; however, most of this work rests on controversial methodology. Nevertheless, during the last 15 years, methodological approaches have improved. Allelopathic effects have been tested on native species, allelochemicals have been tested in varying resource conditions, models have been used to estimate comparisons of resource and allelopathic effects, and experimental techniques have been used to ameliorate chemical effects. We do not recommend allelopathy as a `unifying theory' for plant interactions, nor do we espouse the view that allelopathy is the dominant way that plants interact, but we argue that non-resource mechanisms should be returned to the discussion table as a potential mechanism for explaining the remarkable success of some invasive species. Ecologists should consider the possibility that resource and non-resource mechanisms may work simultaneously, but vary in their relative importance depending on the ecological context in which they are studied. One such context might be exotic plant invasion.  相似文献   

付改兰  冯玉龙 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1590-1594
用流式细胞仪测定了8科10属13种外来入侵植物、6种本地植物和1种外来非入侵植物的核DNAC-值。结果表明:作为整体,外来入侵植物的平均核DNAC-值显著低于本地种和外来非入侵种,但对同属不同类型植物进行比较,未发现一致的规律;在4个既包含外来入侵种又包含本地种的属中,泽兰属(Eupatorium)和鬼针草属(Bidens)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,莲子草属(Alternanthera)的2种外来入侵植物中仅有1个种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,而草胡椒属(Peperomia)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著高于同属本地种;表明核DNAC-值与外来植物入侵性无必然联系。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In this Botanical Briefing we describe how the interactions between plants and their biotic environment can change during range-expansion within a continent and how this may influence plant invasiveness.


We address how mechanisms explaining intercontinental plant invasions by exotics (such as release from enemies) may also apply to climate-warming-induced range-expanding exotics within the same continent. We focus on above-ground and below-ground interactions of plants, enemies and symbionts, on plant defences, and on nutrient cycling.


Range-expansion by plants may result in above-ground and below-ground enemy release. This enemy release can be due to the higher dispersal capacity of plants than of natural enemies. Moreover, lower-latitudinal plants can have higher defence levels than plants from temperate regions, making them better defended against herbivory. In a world that contains fewer enemies, exotic plants will experience less selection pressure to maintain high levels of defensive secondary metabolites. Range-expanders potentially affect ecosystem processes, such as nutrient cycling. These features are quite comparable with what is known of intercontinental invasive exotic plants. However, intracontinental range-expanding plants will have ongoing gene-flow between the newly established populations and the populations in the native range. This is a major difference from intercontinental invasive exotic plants, which become more severely disconnected from their source populations.  相似文献   

3种入侵和本地沉水植物形态和生理性状对螺类牧食的响应 沉水植物水盾草(Cabomba caroliniana)已成为中国太湖流域的优势入侵水生植物。与外来物种的原产地环境相比,引入地新环境中存在的专食性天敌较少。外来物种可能会逃避其原产地环境中的天敌牧食,又因为它们的适口性相对较差,从而导致在引入地外来物种通常比本地物种遭受的牧食者影响更低(天敌逃逸假说)。本研究的目的是比较水盾草与共生的本地沉水植物对本地牧食者的响应。我们进行了一个中宇宙尺度实验,研究了水盾草和两种共生的本地沉水植物黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)和穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)对两种本地广食性腹足纲螺类萝卜螺(Radix swinhoei)和环棱螺(Sinotaia quadrata)的牧食响应。记录了它们的形态性状指标(总生物量、冠根比和相对生长率)和生理性状指标(叶片总非结构性碳、木质素和纤维素)。研究结果表明,环棱螺对3种沉水植物性状指标的影响较少。随着本地广食性螺类萝卜螺数量的增加,黑藻和穗花狐尾藻大部分植物性状发生了改变,而水盾草的植物性状表现出相对稳定的趋势。水盾草对萝卜螺的牧食更具抵抗力,这与天敌逃逸假说的假设一致。这一发现说明牧食性螺类促进了水盾草的入侵,这可能会改变沉水植物群落中的物种组成。  相似文献   

The geographical extent of exotic plant species is a major component of invasiveness, which has been explained by intrinsic attributes of the plants, such as growth rate, reproductive type, life form, and biogeographical origin. We assessed quantitatively life cycle and biogeographical origin as determinants of the geographical distribution of naturalized plants in continental Chile, using minimum residence time (MRT) as an estimator of introduction date. We assembled a database with information on 428 plants (principally herbs) in continental Chile, corresponding to 61% of the exotic naturalized flora. For each species we recorded: (1) minimum residence time (introduction date or first recorded date in the country); (2) biogeographical origin (American, Eurasian, others); (3) life cycle (annual, perennial, others); (4) number of Chilean regions occupied by the plant. We found that 82 species (19%) have been recorded in only one region of Chile, while only three species have been found in all 13 regions of the country. About 89% of the species (381) have been found only in central Chile (Regions IV to VIII), while the remaining 11% (47) are found only in the northern (Regions I to III) or southern parts of the country (Regions IX to XII). We detected significant differences in regional spread of naturalized plants according to minimum residence time: those species with shorter MRT had more limited spread ranges than those with longer MRT. Biogeographical origin and life cycle did not explain geographical extent in Chile. This study shows that historical factors are more important than biological ones in determining the geographical extent of naturalized plants in continental Chile. Thus, caution should be exercised when assigning value to biological attributes that may confer invasiveness to naturalized plants.  相似文献   

1. Many amphibious plant species grow in the transition between terrestrial and submerged vegetation in small lowland streams. We determined biomass development, leaf turnover rate and invertebrate herbivory during summer in terrestrial and aquatic populations of three amphibious species to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of aerial and submerged life.
2. Terrestrial populations had higher area shoot density, biomass and leaf production than aquatic populations, while leaf turnover rate and longevity were the same. Terrestrial populations experienced lower percentage grazing loss of leaf production (average 1.2–5.1%) than aquatic populations (2.9–17.3%), while the same plant dry mass was consumed per unit ground area.
3. Grazing loss increased linearly with leaf age apart from the youngest leaf stages. Grazing loss during the lifetime of leaves was therefore 2.4–3.1 times higher than mean apparent loss to standing leaves of all ages. The results imply that variation in density of grazers relative to plant production can account for differences in grazing impact between terrestrial and aquatic populations, and that fast leaf turnover keeps apparent grazing damage down.
4. We conclude that the ability of amphibious plants to grow submerged permits them to expand their niche and escape intense competition on land, but the stream does not provide a refugium against grazing and constrains plant production compared with the terrestrial habitat.  相似文献   

Distributions of exotic plants in eastern Asia and North America   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Guo Q  Qian H  Ricklefs RE  Xi W 《Ecology letters》2006,9(7):827-834
Although some plant traits have been linked to invasion success, the possible effects of regional factors, such as diversity, habitat suitability, and human activity are not well understood. Each of these mechanisms predicts a different pattern of distribution at the regional scale. Thus, where climate and soils are similar, predictions based on regional hypotheses for invasion success can be tested by comparisons of distributions in the source and receiving regions. Here, we analyse the native and alien geographic ranges of all 1567 plant species that have been introduced between eastern Asia and North America or have been introduced to both regions from elsewhere. The results reveal correlations between the spread of exotics and both the native species richness and transportation networks of recipient regions. This suggests that both species interactions and human-aided dispersal influence exotic distributions, although further work on the relative importance of these processes is needed.  相似文献   

【目的】广西中越边境是中国通往东盟各国的重要通道。近年来,外来入侵植物对该地区的生态安全和经济发展都产生了严重的威胁。为有效预防和控制中越边境的外来入侵植物,保障中越边境地区生态安全和经济健康发展,需要掌握中越边境外来入侵植物的基本信息。【方法】通过实地调查、拍照和采集标本,分析广西中越边境外来入侵植物的种类组成、生活型和危害程度等;通过文献资料,了解所调查外来入侵植物的原产地和入侵途径等。【结果】广西中越边境外来入侵植物共121种,隶属于38科,其中菊科最多,有26种,豆科次之,有11种;外来入侵植物以草本为主,有102种,占总种数的84.30%;原产地来源最多的是美洲,有92种,占总种数的68.66%;人为有意引入有68种,占总种数的56.20%;严重危害的有23种,中等危害的有32种,一般危害的有66种。【结论】广西中越边境外来入侵植物种类多且分布范围广、传播途径复杂、危害严重种类多,急需对广西中越边境的外来入侵植物进行预防和控制,特别是要严密监控新发生入侵种类的动态,积极控制已产生危害的严重种类,实行预防为主、防治结合的原则。  相似文献   

植物功能性状与外来植物入侵   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
揭示影响外来植物入侵性的功能性状及其生态机制是入侵植物生态学的核心任务之一。本文综述了植物功能性状与外来植物入侵性的研究进展, 通过分析植物功能性状对外来植物入侵的贡献以及外来植物的不同入侵阶段对其功能性状的需求, 探讨植物功能性状与外来植物入侵的相关性及其入侵机理。迄今研究较多的影响外来植物入侵性的功能性状主要包括形态性状、生长性状、生理性状、繁殖性状、种子性状、克隆性状、表型可塑性和遗传变异等。这些功能性状对外来植物入侵的贡献随着入侵阶段的不同而变化。在传播到达阶段, 种子性状对入侵具有重要影响; 在定居建群阶段, 与植物抗逆性和适应性相关的生理性状和繁殖性状发挥主要作用; 在扩散入侵阶段, 克隆性状和影响植物竞争能力的生理性状对植物成功入侵具有重要贡献。由于植物入侵性是其功能性状和环境因素互作的结果, 且功能性状的作用随环境因素和入侵阶段不同而异, 因此, 结合外来植物入侵阶段, 并考虑功能性状与环境因子的互作, 是入侵生物学中植物功能性状研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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