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The Ti plasmid of the Agrobacterium vitis nopaline-type strain AB4 was subcloned and mapped. Several regions of the 157 kb Ti plasmid are similar or identical to parts of the A. vitis octopine/cucumopine (o/c)-type Ti plasmids, and other regions are homologous to the nopaline-type Ti plasmid pTiC58. The T-DNA of pTiAB4 is a chimaeric structure of recent origin: the left part is 99.2% homologous to the left part of the TA-DNA of the o/c-type Ti plasmids, while the right part is 97.1 % homologous to the right part of an unusual nopaline T-DNA recently identified in strain 82.139, a biotype Il strain from wild cherry. The 3 non-coding regions of the ipt genes from pTiAB4 and pTi82.139 are different from those of other ipt genes and contain a 62 by fragment derived from the coding sequence of an ipt gene of unknown origin. A comparison of different ipt gene sequences indicates that the corresponding 62 by sequence within the coding region of the AB4 ipt gene has been modified during the course of its evolution, apparently by sequence transfer from the 62 by sequence in the 3 non-coding region. In pTi82.139 the original coding region of the ipt gene has remained largely unmodified. The pTiAB4 6b gene differs from its pTi82.139 counterpart by the lack of a 12 by repeat in the 3 part of the coding sequence. This leads to the loss of four glutamic acid residues from a series of ten. In spite of these differences, the ipt and 6b genes of pTiAB4 are functional. Our results provide new insight into the evolution of Agrobacterium Ti plasmids and confirm the remarkable plasticity of these genetic elements. Possible implications for the study of bacterial phylogeny are discussed.  相似文献   

Behavior of Inc-Q plasmids in Agrobacterium tumefaciens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inc-Q plasmids were introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, by mobilization from Escherichia coli with an Inc-P plasmid, or by transformation with purified plasmid DNA. It was found that they were stably maintained. The presence of an Inc-Q plasmid did not influence tumorigenicity. These results suggest that these plasmids may be used in genetic complementation studies of Ti plasmid mutants in A. tumefaciens.  相似文献   

Summary Insertion of the bacterial transposon Tn7 was used to obtain mutants of an octopine Ti plasmid. Crown gall tumours induced on tobacco by an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain carrying a particular mutant Ti plasmid (pGV2100) were found to give rise to shoots. These shoots were grown in vitro and one of them (rGV-1) was found to contain the T-DNA specific enzyme lysopine dehydrogenase (LpDH) and to form roots. After transfer to soil, rGV-1 developed into a morphologically and functionally normal tobacco plant. All cells of the regenerant and of vegetatively produced offspring were shown, by cloning of leaf protoplasts, to contain T-DNA and LpDH activity. rGV-1 and vegetatively produced offspring flowered normally. Plantlets obtained from haploid anther cultures were tested for LpDH activity Forty-one percent of these plantlets were LpDH positive. Moreover, both self-pollination of rGV-1 and crosses between rGV-1 and normal tobacco plants showed that the LpDH character was transmitted both through the pollen and through the eggs of rGV-1 as a single dominant factor with Mendelian segregation ratios typical for monohybrid crosses. By repeated selfing, homozygous plants were obtained which bred true with respect to LpDH. The importance of these findings with respect to the use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Ti plasmids for genetic engineering in plants is discussed.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Georg Melchers on the occasion of his 75th birthday, in recognition and gratitude for his relentless and enthousiastic pioneering efforts in the field of experimental plant genetics and cell biology  相似文献   

谢秀祯  林俏慧  郭勇 《广西植物》2007,27(6):903-908
以根癌农杆菌LBA4404和EHA105为供体菌株,对玫瑰茄愈伤组织进行了转化条件的研究,建立了一套玫瑰茄愈伤组织遗传转化体系。利用该转化体系获得了2个稳定表达新霉素磷酸转移酶活性的玫瑰茄转化细胞系。GUS活性组织化学检测和PCR扩增鉴定的结果表明,愈伤组织的转化率为4%。说明采用农杆菌介导法将外源基因经愈伤组织导入玫瑰茄细胞是可行的。  相似文献   

Summary The tzs gene, present in nopaline Ti plasmids, confers on Agrobacterium tumefaciens the ability to produce the phytohormone, trans-zeatin (Regier and Morris (1982) Biochem Biophys Res Comm 104:1560–1566). This gene has now been cloned from the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiC58. It occurs outside the T-DNA in a region close to that associated with virulence functions. Sequence studies indicate that tzs has substantial homology with the T-region gene, ipt, which is known to encode a dimethylallylpyrophosphate transferase, the first enzyme of the cytokinin biosynthetic pathway. As expected from its homology with ipt, tzs possesses significant DMA transferase activity but when expressed in Escherichia coli it causes secretion of trans-zeatin.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the IncW R plasmid, pSa, on tumorigenicity and on the expression and maintenance of the Ti plasmid in tumorigenic strains of A. tumefaciens was determined. Plasmid pSa could be transferred into and stably maintained by both octopine-and nopaline-utilizing A. tumefaciens strains. The R plasmid had no effect on Ti plasmid maintenance or on Ti plasmid functions, such as octopine utilization or conjugal bacterial transfer. However, A. tumefaciens strains harboring both the R plasmid and the Ti plasmid in most instances failed to induce tumors on a number of plant species. This effect on tumorigenicity is specific to pSa. When pSa is cured from the A. tumefaciens transconjugants or when their Ti plasmids are genetically transferred to an appropriate recipient, the resultant strains lacking the R plasmid regain tumorigenicity. Restriction endonuclease analysis of plasmid DNA isolated from transconjugants harboring pSa showed no difference in Ti plasmid cleavage patterns when compared to plasmid DNA isolated from the tumorigenic parent strain. These results indicate that pSa does not induce detectable permanent genetic alteration of the Ti plasmid. Rather, it appears that the R plasmid suppresses some Ti plasmid function(s) necessary for tumorigenicity.  相似文献   

Summary We developed a model system for detecting and assaying the circular forms of T-DNA which may be generated in Agrobacterium by intramolecular recombination between the 25 bp border repeats of T-DNA. We demonstrated using this system that the DNA region flanked by the 25 bp direct repeats is in fact circularized by recombination between these repeats in cells of Agrobacterium cocultured with tobacco protoplasts. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of the recombination revealed the following: (1) the recombination is also induced when the agrobacterial cells are incubated in protoplast-free conditioned medium prepared by filtering the protoplast culture. The conditioned medium is effective, even after it has been heated at 100°C. (2) The DNA region encompassing the virulence region of the Ti-plasmid is required for recombination. (3) The recombination takes place only between 25 bp repeats with the same orientation. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the circular form of T-DNA is generated by homologous recombination between the border repeats which is mediated by gene product(s) encoded by the virulence region of the Ti-plasmid. Either the recombination itself, or the expression of the virulence gene(s) responsible for the recombination, is induced by diffusible and heatstable factor(s) secreted by plant cells.  相似文献   

Penicillium marneffei is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans, causing respiratory, skin, and systemic mycosis in south-east Asia. Here we describe the transformation of P. marneffei with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the optimization of the transformation procedure. Transformations in different combinations between A. tumefaciens stains (LBA4404 and EHA105) and binary vectors (pCB309A, pBI129A, and pCaMBIA1312A) showed that EHA105/pBI129A were the most efficient partners. Southern blot analysis suggested that 87.5 % of transformants obtained with this protocol displayed single hybridization bands, indicating a single insert of T-DNA in each of the transformants. Unique hybridization patterns, along with thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) analysis of T-DNA insertion sites, suggested that A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation may be a powerful tool for insertional mutagenesis in P. marneffei. Several mutants with altered phenotypes were obtained during the construction of the mutant library, indicating the usefulness of the approach for functional genetic analysis in this important fungal pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary The trpE gene of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 was cloned from a gene library by complementation in Escherichia coli. It was shown to be unlinked to trpD gene in this organism. It was also shown that the nontumorigenic phenotype of tryptophan auxotrophs of A. tumefaciens could be complemented by addition of exogenous tryptophan. The role of bacterially synthesised tryptophan in the process of tumour formation is discussed.Abbreviations Ap ampicillin - Cm chloramphenicol - Gent gentamycin - Km kanamycin - dATP deoxyadenosine 5-triphosphate - IAA indole acetic acid - NB nutrient broth - MinAB minimal Agrobacterium medium  相似文献   

Transfer of RP4::Mu plasmids to Agrobacterium tumefaciens   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Transfers of RP4::Mu plasmids from Escherichia coli to Agrobacterium tumefaciens are very inefficient in contrast to the very efficient transfer of RP4. Apparently, one or more Mu functions prevent RPR::Mu plasmids from establishing in some Gram-negatives other than E. coli. This problem was eliminated by the use of a mutant Mu prophage, Mu cts62r23, in RP4. Moreover, the transfer of RP4::Mu cts62r23 to the Agrobacterium strain C58 was found to be affected by a restriction modification system. The target for this restriction was located on Mu DNA and not on RP4 DNA. The plaque-forming phage production of Mu cts62r23 in Agrobacterium was found to be 106 times lower than in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously described substantial variation in the level of expression of two linked genes which were introduced into transgenic petunia plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. These genes were (i) nopaline synthase (nos) and (ii) a chimeric chlorophyll a/b binding protein/octopine synthase (cab/ocs) gene. In this report we analyze the relationship between the level of expression of the introduced genes and T-DNA structure and copy number in 40 transgenic petunia plants derived from 26 transformed calli. Multiple shoots were regenerated from 8 of these calli and in only 6 cases were multiple regenerated shoots from each callus genotypically identical to each other. Many genotypes showed no nos gene expression (22/28). Most of the plants (16/22) which lacked nos gene expression did contain nos-encoding DNA with the expected restriction enzyme map. Similarly, amongst the genotypes showing no cab/ocs gene expression, the majority (11/28) did not show any alterations in restriction fragments corresponding to the expected cab/ocs coding sequences (10/11). Approximately half of the plants carried multiple copies of T-DNA in inverted repeats about the left or right T-DNA boundaries. No positive correlation was observed between the copy number of the introduced DNA and the level of expression of the introduced genes. However, plants with high copy number complex insertions composed of multiple inverted repeats in linear arrays usually showed low levels of expression of the introduced genes.  相似文献   

Summary The nopaline catabolism (noc) genes are located in a 14.4 kb region on the pTiC58 plasmid of A. tumefaciens C58. These genes permit the bacterium to grow on nopaline N2-(1,3-dicarboxylpropyl) arginine, a substrate produced in plant tumors initiated by strain C58. The functions of the noc genes include the use of nopaline and L-ornithine as sole carbon and nitrogen sources. Using Tn5 insertional mutants, we have identified and mapped the positions of the genes that are responsible for nopaline catabolism (NopC), ornithine catabolism (OrnC) and nopaline uptake (NopU). A polar relationship was found between these phenotypes, which extended leftward over the noc region to the T-region. The NopC mutants were also deficient in nopaline oxidase, an enzyme that liberates free arginine from nopaline.The noc region also encodes the synthesis of a periplasmic protein, n1 that was induced by nopaline. Tn5 insertional mutations and molecular cloning were used to map the n1 production locus. The recombinant plasmids, pSa4480 and pSa4481, containing the 8.9 kb right-hand end of the noc region, conferred n1 production when introduced into a pTi-free strain of A. tumefaciens. Production of n1 by the strains carrying these plasmids required nopaline induction.We have identified in toto three noc loci: nocB, nocC, and nocA, which confer n1 production, nopaline oxidase production and ornithine catabolism respectively. A model is proposed whereby the noc genes of pTiC58 are contained on a leftward reading operon in the order nocB, nocC, and nocA.  相似文献   

Summary Despite the fact that pTiC58 and pTiB6S3 functionally, have been shown to date to have only tumorigenicity and phage AP1 exclusion in common, many restriction fragments of the plasmids contain DNA sequences common to both. The bulk of this homologous DNA is concentrated in a few restriction endonuclease fragments and the remainder is organized in short discontinuous regions spread over many fragments. In pTiB6S3 the bulk of the homology is distributed throughout a 29x106 dalton segment comprising 8 Sma I fragments. This region includes those sequences which are transferred to and transcribed in tumorigenic plant cells induced by B6-806 or closely related strains. The pattern of homology within this portion of the plasmid shows a region of low sequence homology (Sma I Fragment 3 b) apparently corresponding to the gene or genes coding for octopine synthesis in the plant tumor cells, surrounded by regions of high sequence homology. The extent of inter-plasmid homology then decreases with increasing distance from fragment 3b. The remainder of the homology is distributed throughout a segment of maximum size 21.5x106 daltons comprising two Sma I fragments and cannot yet be definitely linked with any specific plasmid function.  相似文献   

Transposon-insertion mutants with vir? Ti plasmids were characterized and then used in complementation experiments. One of the mutants (LBA 1517) had a mutation in a newly discovered vir locus called virF. The virF mutation led to a strongly diminished virulence on tomato and tobacco, but not on certain other plant species. Also a mutant (LBA 1505) was isolated with a mutation somewhere in the bacterial genome but outside the octopine Ti plasmid that caused a restriction in host range for tumor induction. Introduction of a nopaline Ti plasmid or an Ri plasmid into LBA 1505 did not restore normal virulence, showing that the vir gene affected in LBA 1505 determines a factor which is essential for normal tumor induction both by different types of Ti plasmids and by the Ri plasmid. The introduction of R primes containing part or all of the octopine Ti plasmid virulence region led to a restoration of virulence in strains with a vir? nopaline Ti plasmid. Also the transfer of an Ri plasmid to a large number of different vir? octopine or nopaline Ti plasmid mutants rendered these strains virulent. These results indicate that the octopine Ti plasmid, the nopaline Ti plasmid, and the Ri plasmid each have a similar virulence system which can mediate the transfer of T-DNA to plant cells from different types of Ti or Ri plasmids. In complementation experiments between vir? octopine Ti plasmid mutations and vir? nopaline Ti plasmid mutations it was found that equivalent functions are determined by the areas of DNA homology in the virulence regions of these two types of Ti plasmids. The previously defined octopine Ti plasmid virC locus appeared to consist of two different loci. One of these loci was found to be in a region of the octopine Ti plasmid which does not share DNA homology with the nopaline Ti plasmid, and was therefore called virO (octopine Ti plasmid specific). For the other locus the name virC was retained. Whereas mutations in the virC locus were avirulent on all plant species tested, mutations in virO were avirulent on tomato and pea, but virulent on sunflower and Nicotiana rustica. VirO? mutants produced rooty tumors on Kalanchoë tubiflora.  相似文献   

【背景】海岛棉相对陆地棉更易感枯萎病,一旦发生很难根治,使得枯萎病逐渐成为威胁新疆海岛棉产业发展的主要病害,但其致病机理目前还不是十分明确。【目的】揭示棉花枯萎病菌的遗传变异和致病机理,同时获得带有绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein,GFP)标记的棉花枯萎病菌转化子用于观察其侵染海岛棉的途径。【方法】采用农杆菌介导的遗传转化(Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation,ATMT)方法,对棉花枯萎病菌7号生理小种st89进行了遗传转化并对转化条件进行优化。【结果】农杆菌介导的遗传转化法转化棉花枯萎病菌的最佳条件为:150 mg/L的潮霉素浓度能完全抑制棉花枯萎病菌的生长,浓度为200 mg/L的头孢噻肟钠能完全抑制农杆菌LBA4404生长,农杆菌起始浓度OD600为0.2,农杆菌预培养时间为8 h,棉花枯萎病菌分生孢子浓度为105个/mL,枯萎病菌孢子悬液和农杆菌LBA4404比例为1:1,乙酰丁香酮浓度为200μmol/mL,共培养时间为4 d,转化后培养温...  相似文献   

Summary A study has been made of the insertional properties of transposon Tn7, a 14 kilobase transposable element encoding resistances to trimethoprim, streptomycin and specitinomycin. It has previously been shown that Tn7 transposes at a low frequency and with low specificity into multiple sites in large transmissible plasmids. However, Tn7 transposes with extrame specificity and at high efficiency into the E. coli chromosome. In all cases we have studied, insertion of Tn7 into the chromosome has occurred at a unique site and with a unique orientation. A combination of genetic and biochemical techniques have been used to precisely locate this site on the E. coli chromosome to minute 82 on the linkage map between markers glmS and uncA.To investigate the nature of this highly specific transpositional event, a small region of the E. coli chromosome that includes the unique site, was cloned into the plasmid vector pBR322. Subsequently a lkb restriction fragment, including the Tn7 insertion site, was sub-cloned from this plasmid into the plasmid pACYC184. We show that Tn7 transposes into both these plasmid recombinants with the frequency and specificity characteristie of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Site-specific insertion and deletion mutations affecting all six of the eukaryotic-like genes in the TR-DNA region of the octopine-type Ti plasmids pTil5955 or pTiA6 have been generated. None of the mutations affected virulence or tumor morphology on sunflower. Mutations in the coding regions of two of the genes resulted in tumors without any detectable mannopine, mannopinic acid or agropine, and mutations in either the coding region or in the 3′ untranslated region of a third gene eliminated biosynthesis of agropine, but not mannopine or mannopinic acid. Detection of two previously unobserved silver nitrate-positive substance in tumors incited by one of the mutant strains, together with data on the presence of opines in tumors incited by coinoculation with mixtures of different mutant strains, allowed us to propose the functional order of all three genes involved in the biosynthesis of mannopine, mannopinic acid and agropine. TR-DNA was absent in tumors incited by anAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a Ti plasmid in which the right border of the TR-DNA region was deleted.  相似文献   

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