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Mitogenic stimulation of mouse lymphocytes by the enzyme galactose oxidase (GO) is inhibited if Con A is present during the enzymatic oxidation. The mechanism of this inhibition appears to involve steric hindrance of GO action at cell surface sites which bind Con A because (a) similar pulse exposure of unoxidized cells to Con A does not affect their subsequent ability to respond to GO stimulation; (b) Con A binding to fetuin interferes with GO oxidation of that glycoprotein substrate; and (c) sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of cells labeled by GONaB3H4 in the presence of Con A shows a selective inhibition of labeling of some high-molecular-weight glycoproteins compared to controls labeled in the absence of Con A.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA synthesis and secretion of Interleukin 2 (IL-2) was measured in isolated rat splenic lymphocytes following activation with Concanavalin A (ConA). The extent of 3H-thymidine incorporation into activated cells was tested when cultured with various concentrations of Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). A paradoxical dose-response curve resulted when ACTH caused a biphasic response of augmenting and inhibiting 3H-thymidine uptake in lymphocytes depending on the hormone concentration. Low levels of ACTH (0.001-1-nM) augmented 3H-thymidine uptake and high levels (10-1000 nM) reversed the effect. The optimal ACTH concentration was 10 pM ACTH in the presence of 5 ug/ml ConA and there was no ACTH effect on quiescent cells (no ConA). Conditioned media from splenic lymphocytes treated with various concentrations of ConA or ACTH was tested for increased uptake of 3H-thymidine by the IL-2 growth dependent Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Leukemia (CTLL-2) cells. ConA conditioned medium could sustain the CTLL-2 cells indicating the presence of IL-2. Conditioned medium from splenic lymphocytes treated with both ConA and 100 pM ACTH further increased CTLL-2 cell proliferation indicating an additional increase of IL-2 secretion. The identity of IL-2 was confirmed by using an anti-rat IL-2 antibody to neutralize the growth potential of the conditioned medium. ACTH alone had no effect on the CTLL-2 cell proliferation indicating the effect is due solely to induced IL-2 found in the conditioned medium. IL-2 levels in the conditioned media were quantitated by ELISA assay; splenic lymphocytes produced 4.2 ng/ml to ConA only, 19.2 ng/ml in ConA plus 10 nM ACTH, and no detectable IL-2 at ConA plus 10 uM ACTH. These results demonstrated that ACTH modulates IL-2 secretion from activated lymphocytes, which is both biphasic and concentration dependent.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that human IgG in Chagas' disease and the corresponding F(ab)'2 fragment attach to lymphoid cells by specific interaction with beta-adrenergic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors. This interaction resulted in the transduction of signals that increased intracellular levels of cAMP in enriched T helper cell preparations and cGMP in enriched T suppressor cell preparations. The stimulation of Ts cell muscarinic cholinergic receptors by Chagas IgG or the corresponding F(ab)'2 fraction triggers the release of the immunomodulatory substance PGE2. These results are unified in a theory of immunoregulation and could contribute to the chronic course of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressive drug Cyclosporin A (cyclosporine) inhibits the reactivation of quiescent Ag-dependent CTL in the presence of IL-2. Both proliferation and the regeneration of cytotoxicity are inhibited. The cytotoxic cells that are inhibited are Ag dependent for activation, whereas derived, Ag-independent, but still IL-2-dependent, cytotoxic cells are insensitive to cyclosporine. Cyclosporine also directly inhibits the effector phase of the cytotoxic cells, although not completely. The generation of primary CTL in mixed cultures was also blocked by cyclosporine in the presence of IL-2, in a time-dependent way that indicated that the sensitive time was early during the cultures. The CTL generated in primary cultures were significantly inhibited by cyclosporine in the assay, but this inhibition was less than for the cloned CTL lines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the expression and the functional role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in human T cells. RT-PCR analysis showed that human resting peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and Jurkat T cells express genes encoding for both NR1 and NR2B subunits: phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated PBL also expresses both these genes and the NR2A and NR2D genes. Cytofluorimetric analysis showed that NR1 expression increases as a consequence of PHA (10 microg/ml) treatment. D-(-)-2-Amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5), and (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine [(+)-MK 801], competitive and non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonists, respectively, inhibited PHA-induced T cell proliferation, whereas they did not affect IL-2 (10 U/ml)-induced proliferation of PHA blasts. These effects were due to the prevention of T cell activation (inhibition of cell aggregate formation and CD25 expression), but not to cell cycle arrest or death. These results demonstrate that human T lymphocytes express NMDA receptors, which are functionally active in controlling cell activation.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of proteins in intact mouse spleen lymphocytes was monitored following mitogenic activation. Little change in the autoradiographic patterns of phosphorylated protein fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis occurred during the first 8 h after Concanavalin A (conA) treatment. The intensity of 32P incorporation into two proteins of 135 000 and 150 000 mol. wt began to increase, relative to control cells, 10 h after conA treatment and was maximal at 50 h. This increased phosphorylation followed the rise in RNA synthesis but preceded the onset of DNA synthesis. In addition to this temporal link between enhanced phosphorylation of these proteins and the initiation of DNA synthesis, various agents which inhibited the onset of S phase also blocked the phosphorylation of both proteins. Such treatments included the displacement of conA from its surface receptors by α-methyl-mannoside (αMM), the omission of serum from the culture medium, and the presence of indomethacin. The similar time courses of phosphorylation and responses to various proliferation inhibitors supports the idea that the 135 000 and 150 000 mol. wt proteins have a common physiological function. These proteins may be involved in the progression of stimulated lymphocytes toward S phase, and their phosphorylation may be an important regulatory event in this sequence.  相似文献   

The three subtypes of beta-adrenergic receptor (beta AR) all interact with G proteins as a central aspect of their signaling. The various beta AR subtypes also associate differentially with a variety of other cytoplasmic and transmembrane proteins. These beta AR-interacting proteins play distinct roles in the regulation of receptor signaling and trafficking. The specificity of beta AR associations with various binding partners can help to explain key physiological differences between beta AR subtypes. Moreover, the differential tissue expression patterns of many of the beta AR-interacting proteins may contribute to tissue-specific regulation of beta AR function.  相似文献   

To study the subcellular events occurring after T cell activation we used cloned human CTL permeabilized with alpha-toxin of Staphylococcus aureus. This method of permeabilization leads to stable transmembrane channels that permit the introduction of small molecules into the cell but preserves the cellular structures and macromolecular contents of the CTL. We used the exocytosis of CTL-specific serine esterases as a marker of T cell activation. The TCR-activated exocytosis is functioning in such permeabilized CTL. Introduction of the membrane impermeable guanosine nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein) activating GTP-analog GTP gamma S into CTL triggers exocytosis if Ca2+ is present. For optimal exocytosis ATP is required. The G-protein inactivating GDP-analog GDP beta S inhibited exocytosis triggered via the TCR-CD3 complex but not that triggered by activating the protein kinase C. If the protein kinase C was depleted in CTL by overnight incubation with phorbolester, the response to GTP-gamma S was reduced by more than 50%. These experiments demonstrate the presence of a G-protein involved in TCR-mediated CTL triggering. In the sequence of signaling steps this G-protein is localized after TCR-triggering but before the formation of the protein kinase C-activating phosphoinositol breakdown product diacylglycerol in the sequence of signaling steps.  相似文献   

The interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor on T lymphocytes can be upregulated by a variety of stimuli including antigen, lectin, and IL 2 itself. In this report, the direct binding of radiolabeled IL 2 and a quantitative bioassay of T cell responsiveness to IL 2 were used to determine the biological significance of upregulation of the murine IL 2 receptor. Antigen and lectin, and to a lesser extent IL 2, were found to cause an increase in the expression of the high affinity form of the IL 2 receptor on both a T cell clone and concanavalin A-induced T cell blasts. A 2-day stimulation with antigen resulted in an increase in the sensitivity of the T cell clone to IL 2, whereas activation with IL 2 caused a decrease in the sensitivity of these cells to subsequent stimulation with IL 2. Comparison of the direct binding and the functional data revealed that IL 2-preactivated T cells required a greater number of occupied high affinity IL 2 receptors to achieve a given fractional response than did unactivated T cells. These observations suggest that the sensitivity with which a T cell responds to IL 2 is not determined solely by the number of high affinity IL 2 receptors it bears.  相似文献   

IL-15 is a T cell growth factor that shares many biological activities with IL-2 and uses the same beta/gamma polypeptides of the IL-2R complex for signal transduction. Accumulating evidence implicates an important role for this cytokine in the inflammatory response of the host. Consistent with such a role, IL-15 has been shown to be a chemoattractant for T lymphocytes, NK cells, and neutrophils. Extending these observations, we now show that IL-15 is a potent inducer of CC-, CXC-, and C-type chemokines in T lymphocytes. In addition, we demonstrate that IL-15 induces CC chemokine receptors, but not CXC chemokine receptors, in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, our findings suggest that the proinflammatory effects of IL-15 at least in part may be due to the induction of chemokines and their receptors in T cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that IL-15 promotes entry and replication of macrophage-tropic HIV in T lymphocytes and suggest a plausible mechanism by which IL-15, a cytokine that is elevated in HIV-infected individuals, may promote the transition of HIV displaying the M-tropic phenotype primarily associated with the initial transmission into the T cell-tropic phenotype that predominates as the disease progresses.  相似文献   

Treatment of hematopoietic malignancies often requires allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, and the subsequent graft-versus-leukemia response is crucial for the elimination of malignant cells. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes and NK cells responsible for the immunoelimination express Fas ligand and strongly rely on the induction of Fas receptor-mediated apoptosis for their action. Although cancer cells are removed successfully by graft-versus-leukemia reactions in myeloid malignancies, their efficiency is low in T cell leukemias. This may be partially because of the ability of malignant T cells to escape apoptosis. Our work shows that Eph family receptor EphB3 is consistently expressed by malignant T lymphocytes, most frequently in combination with EphB6, and that stimulation with their common ligands, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2, strongly suppresses Fas-induced apoptosis in these cells. This effect is associated with Akt activation and with the inhibition of the Fas receptor-initiated caspase proteolytic cascade. Akt proved to be crucial for the prosurvival response, because inhibition of Akt, but not of other molecules central to T cell biology, including Src kinases, MEK1 and MEK2, blocked the antiapoptotic effect. Overall, this demonstrates a new role for EphB receptors in the protection of malignant T cells from Fas-induced apoptosis through Akt engagement and prevention of caspase activation. Because Fas-triggered apoptosis is actively involved in the graft-versus-leukemia response and cytotoxic T cells express ephrin-Bs, our observations suggest that EphB receptors are likely to support immunoevasivenes of T cell malignancies and may represent promising targets for therapies, aiming to enhance immunoelimination of cancerous T cells.  相似文献   

In the pancreatic beta-cell, insulin secretion is stimulated by glucose metabolism resulting in membrane potential-dependent elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c). This cascade involves the mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi[m]) hyperpolarization and elevation of mitochondrial Ca2+ ([Ca2+]m) which activates the Ca(2+)-sensitive NADH-generating dehydrogenases. Metabolism-secretion coupling requires unidentified signals, other than [Ca2+]c, possibly generated by the mitochondria through the rise in [Ca2+]m. To test this paradigm, we have established an alpha-toxin permeabilized cell preparation permitting the simultaneous monitoring of [Ca2+] with mitochondrially targeted aequorin and insulin secretion under conditions of saturating [ATP] (10 mM) and of clamped [Ca2+]c at substimulatory levels (500 nM). The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediate succinate hyperpolarized delta psi(m), raised [Ca2+]m up to 1.5 microM and stimulated insulin secretion 20-fold, without changing [Ca2+]c. Blockade of the uniporter-mediated Ca2+ influx into the mitochondria abolished the secretory response. Moreover, glycerophosphate, which raises [Ca2+]m by hyperpolarizing delta psi(m) without supplying carbons to the TCA cycle, failed to stimulate exocytosis. Activation of the TCA cycle with citrate evoked secretion only when combined with glycerophosphate. Thus, mitochondrially driven insulin secretion at permissive [Ca2+]c requires both a substrate for the TCA cycle and a rise in [Ca2+]m. Therefore, mitochondrial metabolism generates factors distinct from Ca2+ and ATP capable of inducing insulin exocytosis.  相似文献   

The effects of soluble Nef protein on CD4(+) T cells were examined. CD4(+)-T-cell cultures exposed to soluble Nef were analyzed for apoptosis by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling and hallmarks of apoptosis including cytoplasmic shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, DNA laddering, and caspase activation. We observed dose- and time-dependent inductions of apoptosis. DNA laddering and activated caspase 3 were also evident. Cells treated with Nef/protein kinase inhibitor complexes were protected from Nef-induced apoptosis, suggesting possible roles for protein kinases in the apoptosis pathway. Similarly, cells treated with Nef/anti-Nef antibody complexes were protected from Nef-induced apoptosis. The cellular receptor responsible for Nef-induced apoptosis was identified through antibody- and ligand-blocking experiments as a receptor commonly involved in viral entry. CXCR4 antibodies, as well as the endogenous ligand SDF-1alpha, were effective in blocking Nef-induced apoptosis, while CCR5 and CD4 antibodies were ineffective. Moreover, a CXCR4-deficient cell line, MDA-MB-468, which was resistant to Nef-induced apoptosis, became sensitive upon transfection with a CXCR4-expressing vector. This study suggests that extracellular Nef protein could contribute to the decline of CD4 counts prior to and during the onset of AIDS in patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infections.  相似文献   

Full and productive activation of T lymphocytes relies on the simultaneous delivery of T cell receptor (TCR)- and coreceptor-derived signals. In na?ve T cells engagement of the TCR alone causes anergy, while TCR triggering of preactivated T cells results in activation-induced cell death. Costimulatory signals are prominently mirrored by the activation of NF-kappaB, which needs input from the TCR as well as from coreceptors in order to be fully activated and to fulfil its crucial function in the immune response. Coreceptor-generated signals tightly control the duration and amplitude of the NF-kappaB response. The activation of IkappaB kinase (IKK) complex at the contact zone between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell offers the unique opportunity to study the spatial organization of IKK activation. Recent studies indicate that coreceptor pathways influence the threshold activities of many signalling mediators and thus act on multiple layers of the NF-kappaB pathway.  相似文献   

IL-6 is a multifunctional cytokine which is produced by a variety of cells. Therefore it was examined whether anti-CD3-induced T cell activation was associated with the induction of functionally relevant IL-6 in human monocyte accessory cells. Significantly increased amounts of IL-6 were detected in supernatants of anti-CD3-treated PBMC. Stimulation of FACS-sorted greater than 98% pure monocyte accessory cells, but not of highly purified T cells with anti-CD3, resulted in an increased IL-6 production. Furthermore, anti-CD3 significantly enhanced IL-6 mRNA expression in monocyte accessory cells. IL-6 production was not limited to anti-CD3, inasmuch as equivalent IL-6 stimulation could be achieved with a mouse IgG2a isotype control antibody. In contrast to solid phase-bound mouse IgG2a, the soluble form of this antibody failed to induce IL-6 secretion indicating a requirement for Fc gamma RI receptor cross-linking. Moreover, this property may be specific for the Fc gamma RI receptor inasmuch as mouse IgG1 antibodies binding to the Fc gamma RII receptor did not significantly enhance IL-6 production. The role of IL-6 being an additional signal in T cell activation was confirmed by the finding that an anti-IL-6 antiserum was able to suppress anti-CD3-induced T cell activation. These data indicate that binding of anti-CD3 to Fc gamma RI may generate an activation signal towards the monocyte accessory cell leading to the production and secretion of monocyte IL-6, which in turn augments T cell activation, and also may be relevant to a variety of antibody-mediated immune responses against viral and bacterial infections.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin (PT) is a known mitogen for T lymphocytes. The mechanism by which the toxin stimulates proliferation has remained obscure and paradoxical because, in some types of cells, the toxin also inhibits growth factor-mediated signal transduction. It has previously been shown that the adenosine-diphosphate ribosyltransferase activity of the toxin is not required to produce the mitogenic effect. A biochemical explanation for the mitogenic activity has therefore remained obscure. We investigated the biochemical basis for the mitogenic activity of PT by using the transformed human T cell line, Jurkat. PT stimulated a rapid rise in cytosolic-free [Ca2+] from both intra- and extracellular sources. This was associated with an increase in the cellular diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate levels with a concomitant decrease in the levels of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. The half-maximal effective dose of PT was 1.7 nM. PT also stimulated the production of interleukin 2. Only the holotoxin or B-oligomer (the presumptive membrane-binding subunit) was capable of stimulating an increase in [Ca2+] in these cells. This activity of PT mimicked that of some anti-T3-T cell antigen receptor complex monoclonal antibodies that also stimulate increases in the second messengers, diacylglycerol and Ca2+. The effects of PT and anti-T3 complex antibody were identical and not additive in Jurkat cells, suggesting that both agents were activating the same signal transduction pathway. These data provide a mechanistic explanation for the mitogenic effects of PT and suggest that the toxin may be interacting with a specific receptor in the T lymphocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Identification of fibronectin receptors on T lymphocytes   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We report the identification of fibronectin receptors on thymocytes and T lymphoma cells. Affinity chromatography of extracts of the T cell lymphoma, WR16.1, on a fibronectin-Sepharose column combined with specific elution using a synthetic peptide containing the cell attachment-promoting sequence, arginine-glycine-aspartic acid, yielded two polypeptide components having apparent molecular masses of approximately 160 kD reduced and 175 and 150 kD nonreduced. Immunoprecipitations from surface-iodinated WR16.1 cells or fibronectin-adherent thymocytes using a rabbit antiserum raised against the fibronectin receptor that is present on human fibroblasts revealed, in each case, the same two radiolabeled components. In contrast, immunoprecipitation from fibronectin-nonadherent T lymphoma cells, designated WR2.3, revealed the presence of only the smaller subunit. Although the lymphocyte receptor and the fibronectin receptor identified on fibroblasts share immunologic determinants, they differ in that the molecular mass of the lymphocyte protein is larger. Moreover, trypsinization of either thymocytes or the WR16.1 T lymphoma cells resulted in a subsequent loss of their ability to adhere to fibronectin-coated substrates and a reduction in the electrophoretic mobility of each of the polypeptide chains of the fibronectin receptor present on their surfaces. These changes, however, were not observed with normal rat kidney fibroblasts or mouse 3T3 fibroblasts in response to trypsinization. The data establish the existence on normal lymphocytes of fibronectin receptors that are quite similar to those found on fibroblasts. The possible function of this molecule on thymocytes is discussed.  相似文献   

Surface contact requirements for activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cell activation resulting from binding of receptors on one cell to ligands on another is governed by receptor affinities and by ligand concentrations. Effective ligand concentration is determined by its density on the cell surface, but receptor occupancy level will also be influenced by the area of surface contact between the cells. The present study demonstrates the critical importance of a large, continuous surface contact area for effective CTL activation. Using class I alloantigen immobilized on latex microspheres, particle sizes of 4 to 5 microns were found to provide an optimum stimulus. Below 4 microns, responses decreased rapidly with decreasing particle size, and large numbers of small particles could not compensate for suboptimal size. Comparable size dependence was found for activation of degranulation by cloned CTL and for stimulation of in vitro generation of CTL responses by spleen cells from in vivo primed mice. In the presence of fluid-phase anti-TCR antibody, CD8-dependent binding to non-Ag class I (i.e., class I that is not recognized by the TCR) can provide a costimulatory signal to activate degranulation. This response is also critically dependent upon the class I being presented on a particle of 4 or 5 microns diameter. The results suggest that sufficient receptor occupancy (both TCR and CD8) over a contiguous region of the cell surface, as opposed to total interactions over the entire cell surface, is a critical determinant for activation. The ability of CTL to distinguish between Ag on cell-size vs subcellular fragments is probably necessary for their effective functioning, and may also explain the inability to significantly influence CTL activation in vivo with subcellular or soluble forms of Ag.  相似文献   

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