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《L' Année biologique》1999,38(2):107-122
Calcified structures such as otoliths have been used successfully for estimating the age of teleost fishes for many years. Otoliths record age as well as annual and/or seasonal events in the lives of fish and they are an important source of life history information. Otoliths have been found to contain characteristics that are stock specific. Elemental composition might be useful for identifying non-mixing groups of fish that may be regarded as separate stocks for fisheries management. Examination of otolith microstructure has been used to study early life history. Papers describe the use of otolith microstructure combined with chemical analysis to assess the relative significance of environmental variables: feeding frequency, photoperiod and temperature, migration from freshwater to marine water, pollution, etc. Otoliths are the first calcified structures that appear during the early development of fish and they provide a more adequate record of the growth history than scales. Otoliths represent the black box of teleost fish.  相似文献   

Résumé Le microscope électronique à balayage montre l'existence d'un réseau complexe de microcrêtes à la surface de la vésicule vitelline et du sac péricardique de l'embryon de Poecilia reticulata. Cette étude permet également de préciser la localisation, l'aspect et la répartition des «cellules à chlorure» et de proposer un schéma tridimensionel de l'organisation infrastructurale de la paroi de la vésicule vitelline. Un choc osmotique détermine rapidement un mouvement d'étalement des cellules épithéliales sur la surface apicale libre des «cellules à chlorure». La signification de ces résultats est discutée en rapport avec le problème de l'osmorégulation embryonnaire chez les Poissons, en particulier chez les Cyprinodontes vivipares de la famille des Poeciliidae.
Ultrastructure of the yolk sac and pericardial sac surface in the embryo of the teleost Poecilia reticulata
Summary A complex network of microridges is revealed by scanning electron microscopical examination of the yolk sac and embryonic pericardial sac surface of Poecilia reticulata. This study also specifies the localization, aspect and distribution of the chloride cells. A tridimensional diagram of the ultrastructural organization of the yolk sac wall is suggested. Osmotic stress quickly induces an overlapping of adjacent epithelial cells on the free apical surface of the chloride cells. These findings are discussed in relation to the problem of embryonic osmoregulation in fishes and especially in viviparous Poeciliids.
Nous exprimons notre gratitude à Mme Neumann, Directeur du Laboratoire de Micropaléontologie de l'Université Paris VI, qui nous a permis d'utiliser le microscope électronique à balayage qui a servi à cette étude. Nos remerciements s'adressent aussi à Melle Aubry et à M. Saussé pour leur concours technique. — Les observations en microscopie électronique en transmission ont été effectuées au Laboratoire de Microscopie électronique appliquée à la Biologie du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Ophidion sp. possesses an elongated nucleus 8 μm long, a short midpiece (0,6 μm), and a long flagellum (100 μm). The flagellar membrane extends in the form of two diametrically opposed sidefins. Evolving spermatids and spermatozoa are found in the lumen of the seminiferous tubes. The sections of flagella show filamentary and tubular elements disposed parallel to the axoneme microtubules. We have divided the flagella into three types. In type 1 the tip of the sidefins contains 20 to 30 filaments 5 run in diameter and between these and the axoneme 20 to 30 tubular elements 15 to 20 nm in diameter. Type 2 possesses a dense cytoplasm and a few tubular elements 10 nm in diameter disposed at the tip of the sidefins. Type 3 contains a cytoplasm which is not dense and in which we found polysaccharides and 1 to 8 tubular elements forming a palisade which lines the plasma membrane at the tip of the sidefins. We interpret these three types as three successive stages in the organization of the flagellum during spermiogenesis. Type 3 corresponds to the spermatic flagellum. These 10-nm-diameter tubules do not have the same chemical composition as the microtubules. Elements of the cytoskeleton serve as a support for the sidefins.  相似文献   

Résumé Cette étude permet de préciser:la dualité d'origine de mucosubstances acides sécrétées par le nucleole de l'ovocyte et les cellules folliculaires.L'élaboration d'acides aminés (type tryptophane), de protéines sulfhydrilées, de composés phénoliques par le nucléole del'ovocyte, dont on précise par ailleurs l'équipement enzymatique. la formation des vacuoles corticales (mucosubstances acides sulfatées et glycoprotéines) à partir de la sécrétion des cellules folliculaires.la composition des globules vitellins (phosphoprotéines liées ou non à des phospholipides, ribonucléines, protéines sulfhydrilées et à radicaux aromatiques) et l'indépendance de leur genèse vis-à-vis des sites révélant des glucides.le stockage à partir du stade III de substances de réserves (glycogène, triglycérides) indépendantes du vitellus.la localisation de la phosphomonoestérase alcaline non spécifique et de l'ATP au niveau de la membrane ovocytaire; de la phosphomonoestérase acide (noyau stade I, puis migration dans le cytoplasme dans les stades ultérieurs); des oxydoreductases dès le stade I, dans le cytoplasme périnucléaire, puis périphérique.la structure et le rôle des enveloppes de l'ovocyte: le durcissement après la fécondation de la membrane ovocytaire externe limitante PAS+, d'origine folliculaire, peut être expliqué par un phénomène de kératinisation; la zona radiata, interne et constituée de protéines à radicaux aromatiques, à l'exclusion de tout composant polysaccharidique, évoque l'éventualité d'un processus de tannage quinonique (ou dérivé) pour sa sclérotisation.
Some histochemical aspects of the oogenesis of Betta splendens R. (Teleostean Anabantidé)
Summary This study allows us to precise:the dual origin of acid mucosubstances, secreted through the nucleole of the ovocyte and the follicular cells.the elaboration of ammo-acids (tryptophane-type), of sulfhydriled proteins, of phenolic compounds through the nucleole of the ovocyte (whose enzymatic equipment is precised in another connection).the formation of cortical vacuoles (sulfated acid muco-substances and glycoproteins) from the secretion of follicular cells.the composition of vitelline globules (phosphoproteines, linked or not to phospholipids, ribonucleines, sulfhydriled proteins and aromatic radicals), and the independance of their genesis towards the sites which show out glucids.the storing, from stage III, of substances (glycogen, triglycerids) which do not belong to the vitellus.the localisation of non-specific alkaline phosphomonoesterase and ATP at the level of the ovocyte membrane; of acide phosphomonoesterase (nucleus, stage I, then migration into the cytoplasm, in further stages); oxydoreductases from stage I, in the perinuclear, then peripheral cytoplasm.the structure and role of the envelopes of the ovocyte: the hardening after fecundation of the ovocytous membrane (limitant PAS+, of a follicular origin), can be explained by a phenomenon of keratinisation; the zona radiata, intern and constituted of proteins with aromatical radicals, excluding any polysaccharidic component, calls forth the possibility of a process of quinone tanning (or derivating from it) for its sclerotisation.

Dirk Nolf 《Geobios》1978,11(4):517-559
The study of approximately twenty three thousand otoliths from Plio-Pleistocene sites in the harbour region of Antwerp, as well as a critical revision of already published material allowed us to identify a teleostean fauna with fourty seven species (including two subspecies and seven species in open nomenclature). Two of these, Ophidion springeri and Uranoscopus septentrionalis are new to science. The fauna is typical for coastal waters slightly warmer than those of the actual North Sea and caracterized by the predominance of Gadidae. Biostratigraphically this fauna is well individualized with respect to preceeding ones (only seven species in common with the Miocene fauna) and those following twenty-three species in common with the extant fauna). The following biostratigraphical subdivision has been recognized in the Upper Miocene and the Plio-Pleistocene of the Antwerp region: (1) an association with «genus? Macrouridarum labiatus, Trisopterus sculptus, Gadiculus benedeni and Trisopterus luscus spectabilis, in the Sands of Deurne (Upper Miocene); (2) an association with Gadiculus benedeni and Merlangius pseudaeglephinus, in the Formation of Kattendijk (Pliocene); (3) an association with Gadiculus verticalis and Merlangius pseudaeglefinus in the Formation of Lillo (Plio-Pleistocene); (4) an association with Gadus morhua and Merlangius pseudaeglefinus in the so called «Icenian deposits not present in Belgium but found in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Résumé On décrit le système neurosécrétoire caudal de Jenynsia lineata. L'urophyse de cette espèce est un organe bien différencié, séparé de la moelle par une membrane méningée discontinue, et formé de fibres qui y arrivent après avoir constitué un pédoncule principal. Les fibres ne pénètrent pas par celui-ci, le font par les orifices de la membrane méningée.Dans l'urophyse comme dans les cellules neurosécrétoires du système, la neurosécrétion se colore à l'aldéhyde fuchsine après oxydation par le KMnO4/ H2SO4; à l'hématoxyline chromique de Gomori elle se colore aussi, mais faiblement, et toujours après mordançage par de l'alun chromique dans le Bouin. On en discute les causes, par rapport aux données obtenues par d'autres auteurs.Il n'y a pas de cellules géantes, si caractéristiques du systéme neurosécréteur caudal d'autres Téléostéens. Les cellules neurosécrétoires du système sont petites et peu remarquables.Nous tenons à remercier le Dr. Juan H. Tramezzani de la lecture du manuscrit de ce travail, et des précieuses suggestions qu'il a bien voulu nous faire parvenir.  相似文献   

Jean Gaudant 《Geobios》1979,12(1):47-73
«Pachylebias crassicaudus (Agassiz) is a fossilfish widely distributed throughout the continental Messinian of Italy and Crete. Its detailed anatomical study permits the assessment of its systematic status within the subfamily Cyprinodontinae. A new locality with P. crassicaudus is pointed out in Italy, in the vicinity of Bologna. The fact that the same species occurs also in the gypsum deposits of Western Crete (Greece) leads one to suggest that these gypsums are Messinian in age. Finally, the palaeoecological study of P. crassicaudus makes possible the definition of the sedimentation conditions of the sediments belonging to the «gypsumsulphur formation.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe osteoid osteoma is a major bone benign tumors in children. It is more common in boys. The femoral and tibial locations account for 50% of cases. Clinically, it is revealed by nocturnal pain relieved by aspirin. The pain may precede by several months the radiographic abnormality. The purpose of our work is to elucidate the contribution of SPECT/CT in addition to the planar bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoid osteoma about two cases.Case reportClinical case No. 1: a 10-year-old child who presented a limp nocturnal pain in the left hip evolving for 4 months. The radiograph of the pelvis showed bone condensation subtrochanteric left femur. SPECT/CT showed an image for an osteoid osteoma. Surgical resection of the home revealed in the histological study an osteoid osteoma of the left femoral neck. The evolution was marked by an immediate pain relief and full recovery of the left lower limb mobility. Clinical case No. 2: an 11-year-old child who had a limp nocturnal pain at the upper end of the left femur evolving for 2 months. The pain was paroxysmal, relieved by salicylates. The X-ray of the pelvis showed a metaphyseal image with peripheral condensation and thickening of the cortex. SPECT/CT showed an image for an osteoid osteoma. The intervention was a tumor excision resection. Histopathological examination revealed a small nidus consistent with an osteoid osteoma. The evolution was marked by an immediate pain relief and normalization of the mobility of the left lower limb.DiscussionThe SPECT/CT can increase the sensitivity and specificity of planar bone scintigraphy. It confirms the location of osteoid osteoma and defines its anatomical relationships in order to optimize surgical management.ConclusionThe SPECT/CT contributes significantly to the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma when radiological images are atypical or unusual clinical expression.  相似文献   

Massive scrotal lymphoedema with gross genital deformation is called penoscrotal elephantiasis. It is a rare syndrome outside of filariasis endemic regions. It is usually idiopathic and rarely congenital or secondary. It is both physically disabling and emotionally distressing for the patient. Surgical treatment is often necessary. The authors report a case of a patient with penoscrotal elephantiasis in whom no aetiology could be found. Complete surgical resection of the diseased tissue and scrotum and penile reconstruction were performed with good cosmetic and functional results.  相似文献   

Summary The ruthenium red staining of the surface coats was studied in the adrenal medullary cells of golden hamster. Both immersion and perfusion fixation was used with the ruthenium red containing fixative, however, only the perfusion fixation gave positive results. A rather thick electron dense ruthenium red positive layer was found on the plasma membrane of the endothelial cells, around the capillaries in the basal lamina, in the basement membrane of the chromaffin cells as well as on the apical and lateral cell surfaces of the adrenomedullary cells. Coated pits and coated vesicles usually showed an intensive ruthenium red staining, but the other cell components in the cytoplasm did not. On the basis of these observations author suggests that the ruthenium red positive material corresponds to acidic mucopolysaccharides in the hamster adrenal medulla, and its wide-ranging occurrence is indicative of its significance in the secretion process of catecholamines.Wellcome Research Fellow.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disease characterized by bone frailty. It is generally caused by an abnormal production of collagen, which is the main fibrous protein of the bone. Collagen is also present in the skin, tendons, the sclera of the eye and dentin. The most frequent manifestation of osteogenesis imperfecta is the occurrence of multiple fractures without major trauma. Severity and timing of the attack varies widely: some patients sustain a significant number of fractures during early childhood which may have a serious impact on growth, while others will have some fractures separated by a few years. In all cases, the bone strength improves in adulthood. The bone fractures cause pain and bone deformities sometimes result in a smaller size. Scoliosis is frequent and associated with painful vertebral collapses. We present a case of osteogenesis imperfecta in a 40-year-old adult and we describe the various orthopaedic complications of the disease, stressing the role of bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis and monitoring of these complications.  相似文献   

Résumé Les recherches histochimiques sur l'ATPase-Na+-K+ en microscopie optique ont permis de mettre en évidence une forte activité au niveau de l'épithélium pseudobranchial des Téléostéens.Cette activité est localisée sur la membrane interne des cellules pseudobranchiales, qui fait face aux larges espaces extracellulaires de la région interlamellaire. Cette région interlamellaire contient de nombreuses terminaisons nerveuses afférentes. La spécificité de ces localisations est discutée.
Attempt at histochemical localization of the Na+-K+ activated ATPase of teleostean pseudobranchia epithelial cells
Summary The histochemical studies of the ATPase-Na+-K+, at light microscopic level, showed a strong activity in the pseudobranchial epithelium of a teleost fish. This activity is located on the inward membrane of the pseudobranchial cells facing the large extracellular spaces of the intralamellar areas. These intralamellar areas contain numerous afferent nerve endings. The reality of these localizations is discussed.

Résumé La sérotonine n'a pu être localisée dans les pinéalocytes et ne semble pas s'accumuler dans les grains de sécrétion. Les techniques cytochimiques et autoradiographiques font envisager un état diffus de cette amine biogène. Les terminaisons nerveuses sympathiques peuvent capter de la NA-3H, du 5-HTP-3H et de la 5-HT-3H. Les grandes vésicules à coeur dense aussi bien que les petites vésicules contiennent de la 5-HT. L'utilisation d'un faux médiateur chimique, la 5-HO-DA, souligne le caractère aminergique des terminaisons nerveuses. Des dénervations chimiques par la 6-HO-DA n'entraînent pas des modifications très sensibles dans les pinealocytes. Les fibres sympathiques sont beaucoup plus résistantes aux drogues utilisées que les fibres épiphysaires des Mammifères. La pharmacologie donne peu de résultats dans l'étude des grains de sécrétion; l'inhibition de la monoamine oxydase semble activer la synthèse protéique dans les pinealocytes.
The pineal organ of the snake Tropidonotus natrix L.II. Cytochemical, autoradiographic, and pharmacological studies
Summary Cytochemical and autoradiographic studies suggest that serotonin (5HT) may be present in snake pinealocytes in a diffuse form, but not localized nor accumulated in secretory granules. Sympathetic nerve endings can take up NA-3H, 5HTP-3H, and 5HT-3H. Large dense-core vesicles as well as small vesicles contain 5HT. The use of a false neurochemical transmitter, 5HO-DA, emphasizes the aminergic character of the sympathic nerve endings. Chemical denervation by 6HO-DA does not significantly modify the apparent structure of the pinealocytes. The snake sympathetic nerve fibers are more resistant to drugs used in our experiments than the epiphyseal nerve fibers of mammals. Pharmacological methods have provided few results in the study of the secretory granules apart from an activation of protein synthesis in pinealocytes by an inhibition of monoamine oxidase.

Résumé Les pinéalocytes de la Couleuvre sont constitués d'un corps cellulaire et d'expansions à polarité vasculaire. Ces cellules présentent toutes les caractéristiques des cellules glandulaires. La présence de cellules claires et de cellules sombres ne permet pas de classer les pinéalocytes en deux types cellulaires distincts. Les grains de sécrétion apparaissent dans les vésicules golgiennes, migrent dans les expansions et s'accumulent dans les parties terminales périvasculaires. De nombreuses fibres sympathiques sillonnent les espaces et le parenchyme épiphysaire. Une relation entre l'épiphyse et le système nerveux central n'a pu être établie. Les terminaisons sympathiques renferment en nombre variable des grosses vésicules à coeur dense et des petites vésicules granulaires et agranulaires de même taille. Des terminaisons sont observées au contact des pinéalocytes mais aucune articulation synaptique n'existe à ce niveau. La présence de barrettes entourées de vésicules est le seul critère qui permet de faire un rapprochement entre les pinéalocytes de la Couleuvre et la cellule photoréceptrice épiphysaire de certains Lacertiliens. L'épiphyse des Ophidiens présente une remarquable convergence avec celle des Mammifères. L'origine, la migration et la sécrétion des grains denses des pinéalocytes établissent un certain parallélisme avec les granules élémentaires des cellules neurosécrétrices.
The pineal organ of the snake Tropidonotus natrix L.I. Histological and ultrastructural studies
Summary Pinealocytes in the snake consist of a cellular body and processes with secretory polarity. These cells show all the characteristics of glandular cells. Although cells of variable densities of their cytoplasm are present at the same time, it is not possible to define separate cell types. The secretory granules appear in Golgi vesicles, move into cell processes and accumulate in their perivascular endings. Numerous sympathetic fibers are found in the vascular spaces as well as in the epiphyseal parenchyma. No structural connexions between the pineal organ and the central nervous system could be shown. Sympathetic nerve endings contain large dense-core vesicles and other small granular and non-granular vesicles. Nerve endings are observed in direct contact with the pinealocytes, but no synaptic junctions have been observed. The presence of some synpatic ribbons surrounded by vesicles is the only criterion permitting comparison of the pinealocytes of the snake with the pineal photoreceptors of some lacertilians. The pineal gland of snakes shows a remarkable structural resemblance with that of mammals. The origin, migration, and secretion of the pinealocyte secretory granules in Tropidonotus natrix show some similarities with the elaboration of elementary granules by neurosecretory cells.

Penoscrotal elephantiasis is a rare disease outside areas where filariasis is endemic. It is a benign disease but can become disabling in that it can make sexual relations difficult and sometimes even affect urination. We report three cases of primitive penoscrotal elephantiasis treated with complete surgical resection of pathological tissue and penoscrotal reconstruction, with good functional and aesthetic results. We update, through our own experience and a review of the literature, aspects of the diagnostic and therapeutic care of penoscrotal elephantiasis.  相似文献   

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