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The aim of this study is to establish a plan for the environment and ecosystem by studying the characteristics of urban ecosystems, involving one of Seouls districts for environment-friendly urban management. Biotope type in Gangnam-gu was classified into six large groups: forest, planted area, grassland, stream and wetland, cultivated land and urbanization area. Then the six groups were again divided into 22 small groups on the basis of composition of species, naturalness, diversity of stratification and scarcity. Filicales and Disporum smilacinum communities, moisture-loving native plants which are well worth conserving, were distributed widely throughout the northern slope of Mt. Daemosan, an outer mountain in Gangnam-gu. In contrast, Ageratina altissima, one of the naturalized plants in Seoul, was found to spread over Mt. Maebongsan and the Cheongdam neighborhood park, residual mountain-type parks located along the northern part of the Yangjaecheon stream. The southern part of the stream was found to be used as a route for woodpeckers and small wild birds, since the districts residual mountain type park was connected to large outer forest whose naturalness was in good condition. Under the plan for ecosystem conservation and restoration, conservation and restoration areas with highly valuable conservation biotopes were selected. Under the plan for ecosystem networking, a natural corridor and a green corridor were designed to connect greenspaces for the migration of woodpeckers. The plan for enlarging the greenspaces has a short-, mid- and long-term plan for areas that are need to secured greenspaces. The plan was set after comparing greenspaces in each block within the district.  相似文献   

The non-linear, unexpected and severe responses of ecosystems to the environmental changes crossing ecological thresholds or environmental limits, necessitate the regular monitoring of the human-induced pressures to the urban ecosystems. The present study aims to introduce a spatial decision support system for sustainable environmental planning and management of urban ecosystems by establishing an Urban Carrying Capacity Load Number model (UCCLN) based on carrying capacity concepts and sustainability principles .This model, by applying 30 temporal and spatial indicators continuously monitors the environmental loads on the urban ecosystems. Environmental load was represented by load number index. It was calculated in each zone of study area (urban districts). Geographical Information System (GIS) was used to establish UCCLN model and Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS). The study area was Tehran metropolis, the capital of Iran. The results showed that none of the 115 urban districts of Tehran had optimal Total Load Number (TLN) ranging from (10 to100); 7 districts (6%) had low-to-medium range of TLN (TLN = 100–200); 11 districts (9.5%) had medium-to-high range (TLN = 200–300); 57 districts (49.5%) had high-to-very high range (TLN = 300–400); 40 districts (34.7%) had the TLN range of very high-to-critical (TLN = 400–500); and none of them had the TLN of 500. Furthermore, the results revealed that Tehran has already overshot its ecological thresholds. Not only most of the 30 indicators of environmental pressure in most of the districts (85%) had high DCC and LN scores, but also most of the 115 districts obtained high DCC, and as a result LN scores. The need for developing more efficient urban planning and management strategies to cope with the increasing environmental loads in the study area is inevitable.  相似文献   

Globally, agriculture is a dominant form of human use of land with agro-ecosystems covering about 40% of the terrestrial surface of the Earth. In this context, the European Union considers agriculture a key sector of the economy, recognizing, however, the related environmental implications. The aim of this paper is to examine the agricultural efficiency of EU countries, through a bootstrap-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, an effective nonparametric method for evaluating the relative efficiency of the decision-making units. European datasets, suitable for policies and focused on the integration between agricultural productivity and ecosystem services (ESs) conservation, have been used to support planners and managers. Data related to five inputs (labor, land, capital, fertilizers, and irrigation area) and to one output connected to the economic value of agricultural production were collected from 1993 to 2013. The results show that the majority of EU countries have been experiencing increasing or decreasing returns to scale, highlighting their potential to increase their production efficiency by modifying their input use. Both for the output-oriented approach and the input-oriented approach, the majority of EU countries could better rationalize their input use obtaining more outputs and achieving production efficiency. DEA, a non-parametric methodology has been applied, using the concept of a reference group of efficient decision-making units that produce a similar output (peer group). Input-oriented and output-oriented DEA results and comparison indicate that most of the oldest EU countries have a more efficient and optimized crop production process in terms of resource savings and output maximization. This is probably due to the application of the Common Agricultural Policy. Therefore, in policy planning but also in management decisions, attention should always be paid not only to the maximization of agricultural production, but also to the environmental resource overexploitation. In this sense, best agricultural practices could represent a model to follow because they can maintain ESs without depressing production by using practices like conservation tillage, crop diversification, legume intensification and biological control perform giving the same results as intensive, high-input systems.  相似文献   

邱玲  朱玲  王家磊  高天 《生态学报》2020,40(1):170-180
为探寻适合我国城乡生物多样性保护的有效措施和方法,以宝鸡城区为研究对象,通过实地调研和室内制图相结合的研究方法,创建一套融入植被结构因子(植被水平结构因子、植被优势种的年龄因子、植被垂直结构因子、林木类型因子)的生态单元分类系统,将研究区域内的城市绿地现状以图谱形式表示。通过对不同植被结构的绿地中维管束植物物种丰富度的对比,以检验此分类系统在城乡生物多样性信息采集中的有效性。基于制图信息和检验结果,分析研究区域内绿地空间结构存在的问题并针对宝鸡市城乡生物多样性保护提出相应策略,以期为今后我国城乡生物多样性保护提供理论依据和实践方法。  相似文献   

Many landscapes that straddle the rural/urban divide suffer from low levels of species diversity following extensive clearing and fragmentation of native vegetation communities and conversion of land to agriculture. Further pressures are placed on remnant vegetation by encroaching urban expansion. These landscapes now exhibit a mosaic of small, patchy vegetation remnants that are under considerable pressure from housing and light-industrial development. Furthermore, agriculture in these landscapes tends to be of high economic value from uses such as intensive horticulture. Concerted and well-planned efforts are needed to balance the many conflicts of interest and competing demands for land with the need to restore landscapes for the protection of biodiversity. There has been a recent move in Australia toward regional biodiversity planning and goal setting, however specific detail on how to plan for achieving targets in complex landscapes is lacking. This paper applies a systematic landscape restoration model to a mixed-use, peri-urban landscape on the northern fringes of Adelaide, South Australia. The region contains fragments of remnant vegetation amongst a mosaic of high-value horticulture, light industry and urban development. Models produce maximally efficient solutions that meet comprehensive, adequate and representative conservation targets. Further constraints are added to the model to take into account the value of agricultural output, the biodiversity value of remnants, and property size and tenure. The effects on solution efficiencies as the number of constraints increase are investigated. This paper demonstrates the flexibility found in applying a systematic landscape restoration methodology. The process we present can be transferred to any rural–urban fringe region.  相似文献   

In recent years, landscape liveability has become a leading objective in policy and strategic planning. In the anthropocentric view of landscape, ecosystems fulfil important societal needs similarly to urban systems. Urban systems can meet a variety of such needs through Urban Services, which are historically and typically provided within cities. In this view, Ecosystem Services (ES) and Urban Services (US) influence landscape liveability in a comparable manner, so that liveability assessments based on both ES and US can be effective for landscape planning and policy-making purposes. As liveability is strongly dependent not only on objective landscape features, but also on the subjective perception of stakeholders, their involvement becomes essential for a coherent liveability assessment. The present study aims to develop a LIveability Spatial Assessment Model (LISAM) capable of considering both the local accessibility of services and their perceived relevance as expressed by stakeholders. To this end, a conceptual framework to detangle the spatial relationships between service sources, sinks, and delivery points was developed. From this base, consistent and comparable ES and US indices were calculated using GIS spatialisation techniques and then aggregated hierarchically through a Spatial Multicriteria Decision Making Analysis approach. Results include relevant maps showing explicit spatial indices of liveability that integrate, at various hierarchical levels, the local accessibility of ES and US, along with their local perceived relevance. By calculating complex indices able to highlight both the agri-natural and urban system roles on landscape liveability and by taking subjective and objective aspects into account, the model proved to be effective for spatial decision-making. In future applications, indicator and weight uncertainties should be considered and adequately analysed to assess reliability of the final output. The integration of ecosystem and urban disservices would also be relevant for including those landscape factors that reduce the overall level of place liveability.  相似文献   

The loss of urban green space as a result of urbanization threatens the overall biodiversity of urban areas, and prompts us to consider the importance of existing urban nature more carefully. Because urban ecological systems are in intense interaction with human-social systems, it is fruitful to create an interdisciplinary research and planning framework to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity in urban areas. For this purpose, we adapted a suitable theoretical and conceptual scheme for the setting of Finnish urban development, which provides an example of a situation where a lot of nature has so far remained inside and around urban area. The adapted scheme focuses on the land use change as a result of urban land use planning and development, and may provide a way to address the important variables and feedback mechanisms between information flowing from ecological systems and drivers from the social system. Furthermore, we outlined a more specific framework around the Finnish urban detailed planning process in order to study the interactions between these systems further. After addressing ecology-oriented questions of quantity, quality and needs of urban nature, and human-oriented drivers, such as flow and incorporation of information, knowledge, values and institutions, we identified several challenges in integrating the components of ecological and social systems. Creating common conceptual ground for different actors and disciplines, improving communication in the process, matching contradictory values and perceptions, and improving stakeholder participation would be in the best interest of nature and people of urban areas.  相似文献   

A key requirement for systematic conservation planning is the availability of good quality and comparable data about the biodiversity. However, for many highly diverse countries, this information is not available. Here we present the methodology and the results of the three‐part construction of a conservation planning database in Colombia: (1) the actual distribution of the ecosystems; (2) their original‐potential distribution, which is important to calculate fixed targets for conservation; and (3) the chorological types, which are groups of spatial related ecosystems that account for biodiversity process that operate at larger scales. The procedure consists of integrating the results of the interpretation of satellite images, and the construction of ecological diagrams and biogeographical regions. The limits of the original‐potential ecosystems in the transformed landscapes can either still be seen on the images or are reconstructed on the base of the information from the ecological diagrams. The chorological types are constructed by clustering of ecosystems on the base of the shared boundary length. The implementation for Colombia resulted in maps of 337 ecosystems and 63 chorological types. This database was successfully used for the identification of the priorities for conservation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the transition toward a circular economy ecosystem (CEE) for plastics by assessing and mapping existing ecosystems and coordinating efforts among ecosystem actors. The PlastiCity ecosystem is used as a case study. The study employs ecosystem analysis and mapping to identify the new activities and actors needed to transition toward a CEE. These include local and eco-friendly transportation, plastic recycling knowledge management, and upgrading the existing recycling infrastructure. The findings emphasize the significance of the joint orchestration of ecosystem actors facilitated by an ecosystem coordinator and knowledge team to achieve a CEE. It presents a tangible and feasible approach to achieving a local plastic CEE. The policymakers are encouraged to support collaborative orchestration efforts among ecosystem actors and establish knowledge management practices that facilitate ecosystem transitions.  相似文献   

阐述了城市绿色廊道系统在城市绿地系统中的应用及生态价值,并在分析东营市西城区绿地系统现状的基础上,提出了建设西城区绿地廊道系统的方法,以加强城市孤立绿地斑块之间以及城市绿地与城郊外围自然环境的联系,优化城市绿地系统的结构,提高城市生态系统的稳定性.通过合理构建绿色廊道网络系统,西城区将新增绿地面积1400hm2,人均绿地面积将达到66m2,城市与郊区的绿地生态系统将贯通为一体,绿地生态系统的服务范围将扩展到整个城区,为提高西城区居民的生活质量,增强西城区生态敏感区的生态稳定性提供有力支持.  相似文献   

The issue of accessibility to urban greenspaces is raising as one of the most debated in sustainable urban planning, especially in topics such as environmental justice and health inequalities. This is mainly due to the growing attention that is recognised today to health and well-being benefits from greenspaces. Different people interpret accessibility based on their individual needs and priorities, but it is generally acknowledged that access to greenspaces may be particularly beneficial for children, lower socioeconomic groups and for people with other mental/psychological illness. However, if accessibility is the measure of the ease of reaching valued destinations, clarifying its definition is an important pre-requisite for further analysis aimed at supporting urban planning choices on greenspaces.The following paper presents a set of accessibility indicators aimed at quantifying different measures of accessibility to existing open spaces for the city of Catania, south Italy, an urban context characterised by a general lack of greenspaces and high density of urban settlements.Proposed indicators are divided into two main categories: simple distance indicators (SIs) and proximity indicators (PIs). The first accounts for the number of people or users that can have access to a particular open space, while the second weights these people or users with the distance from their location to the open spaces. Indicators are calculated using different thresholds of Euclidean and network distances.Results show different scenarios in terms of rank of greenspaces accessibility, strongly influenced by chosen distance metric (Euclidean vs network) and thus emphasise a careful use of these indicators as planning support tools. Some practical implications of measuring accessibility for urban planning can be highlighted: for instance, specific land uses might be chosen for highly accessible open spaces, especially those characterised by a high proximity to residential settlements. Examples include allotment gardens, playgrounds and other informal green areas.  相似文献   

Bayesian hierarchical models usually model the risk surface on the same arbitrary geographical units for all data sources. Poisson/gamma random field models overcome this restriction as the underlying risk surface can be specified independently to the resolution of the data. Moreover, covariates may be considered as either excess or relative risk factors. We compare the performance of the Poisson/gamma random field model to the Markov random field (MRF)‐based ecologic regression model and the Bayesian Detection of Clusters and Discontinuities (BDCD) model, in both a simulation study and a real data example. We find the BDCD model to have advantages in situations dominated by abruptly changing risk while the Poisson/gamma random field model convinces by its flexibility in the estimation of random field structures and by its flexibility incorporating covariates. The MRF‐based ecologic regression model is inferior. WinBUGS code for Poisson/gamma random field models is provided.  相似文献   

The degree to which variation in plant community composition (beta-diversity) is predictable from environmental variation, relative to other spatial processes, is of considerable current interest. We addressed this question in Costa Rican rain forest pteridophytes (1,045 plots, 127 species). We also tested the effect of data quality on the results, which has largely been overlooked in earlier studies. To do so, we compared two alternative spatial models [polynomial vs. principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM)] and ten alternative environmental models (all available environmental variables vs. four subsets, and including their polynomials vs. not). Of the environmental data types, soil chemistry contributed most to explaining pteridophyte community variation, followed in decreasing order of contribution by topography, soil type and forest structure. Environmentally explained variation increased moderately when polynomials of the environmental variables were included. Spatially explained variation increased substantially when the multi-scale PCNM spatial model was used instead of the traditional, broad-scale polynomial spatial model. The best model combination (PCNM spatial model and full environmental model including polynomials) explained 32% of pteridophyte community variation, after correcting for the number of sampling sites and explanatory variables. Overall evidence for environmental control of beta-diversity was strong, and the main floristic gradients detected were correlated with environmental variation at all scales encompassed by the study (c. 100–2,000 m). Depending on model choice, however, total explained variation differed more than fourfold, and the apparent relative importance of space and environment could be reversed. Therefore, we advocate a broader recognition of the impacts that data quality has on analysis results. A general understanding of the relative contributions of spatial and environmental processes to species distributions and beta-diversity requires that methodological artefacts are separated from real ecological differences.  相似文献   

Policy and practice around protected areas are poorly aligned with the basic purpose of protection, which is to make a difference. The difference made by protected areas is their impact, defined in program evaluation as the outcomes arising from protection relative to the counterfactual of no protection or a different form of protection. Although impact evaluation of programs is well established in fields such as medicine, education and development aid, it is rare in nature conservation. We show that the present weak alignment with impact of policy targets and operational objectives for protected areas involves a great risk: targets and objectives can be achieved while making little difference to the conservation of biodiversity. We also review potential ways of increasing the difference made by protected areas, finding a poor evidence base for the use of planning and management ‘levers’ to better achieve impact. We propose a dual strategy for making protected areas more effective in their basic role of saving nature, outlining ways of developing targets and objectives focused on impact while also improving the evidence for effective planning and management.  相似文献   

Studies of environmental gradients like edge effects commonly employ designs where samples are collected at unequal distances within transects. This approach risks confounding species patterns caused by the environmental gradient with patterns resulting from the spatial arrangement of the sampling scheme. Spatial autocorrelation and depletion (reduced catch) have the potential to influence pitfall-trap collections of invertebrates. Readily available control data from a study of edge and riparian effects on forest litter beetles was used to assess autocorrelation and depletion effects. Data from control transects distant from the treatment transects located at habitat edges and streams were screened to determine whether the study design (pitfall traps at varying distances within transects) was imposing patterns on the data attributable to differential autocorrelation or depletion. Autocorrelation in species composition and assemblage structure was not detected within the 99 m transects. The abundance and species richness of beetles were not lower where traps were in closer proximity, indicating that the transect design was not causing measurable depletion or resulting in differential trap catch. These findings indicate that spatial autocorrelation and depletion are unlikely to impair further analyses of edge and riparian effects on litter beetles.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services (ESs) are gaining ground in urban policy as a key to attaining sustainable cities. However, strategic and land-use planners need operational and accessible tools to better understand the consequences of policy and planning measures. Based on a study of the City of Stockholm and its surrounding region, we argue that spatially explicit land-use mapping is a good base for modeling and visualizing the supply of urban ESs provided by different patterns of Service Providing Units. By adding more detailed characteristics of land use through the concept of Service Providing Elements (SPEs), and by assessing synergies and trade-offs between these attributes, implications for the supply of ESs at different scale levels could be identified and discussed. Detailed land-use mapping and ES modeling were applied to two future land-use alternatives. The supply of eight urban ESs was found to vary significantly between the two alternatives depending on the ratios of different SPEs, even within identical land-use classes. One of the land-use alternatives had significantly higher potential for food and energy provision, much higher air cooling and air quality regulation capacity especially in densely built areas, showed less surface sealing, and provided better conditions for mental recreation. The exception was supply of physical recreation opportunities, where the other land-use option had an advantage. These differences became more accentuated when we zoomed in on two local urban areas. Based on these findings, our main conclusion is that, in order to provide planning and policy-making with an adequate knowledge base, it is necessary to move beyond land-use classes, as defined by European data sets like Urban Atlas, and toward tools capable of capturing more detailed aspects of land use and its relations to the supply of urban ESs. This should be made a priority, especially in early stages of planning and policy formation, and also used to support development of urban by-laws, procurement arrangements, neighborhood and building certification, etc. The approaches used in the study can serve as a valid starting point for further development of such tools and methods compatible with planners’ ordinary working modes. However, to make such progress possible, the ecosystem service research community needs to step up to the challenge of delivering locally specific and useful data on how urban land-use links to ES supply, including synergies and trade-offs between different ESs.  相似文献   

为研究成都城市绿地昆虫群落功能团结构及其多样性的变化,于2020年6-10月,采用扫网、网捕、搜寻、目测和振落等方法对成都3种功能绿地(公园绿地、生产绿地和道路绿地)昆虫进行调查。调查共采集昆虫29 382号,隶属15目130科747种。其中半翅目Hemiptera、膜翅目Hymenoptera、双翅目Diptera在3种功能绿地中均属于优势类群;在不同功能绿地,植食性昆虫的丰富度总体高于寄生性、捕食性和中性昆虫;不同功能集团在各功能绿地的α多样性指数均无显著差异,植食性-捕食性昆虫(Ph-Pr)、植食性-寄生性(Ph-Pa)昆虫个体数在生产绿地中呈显著正相关(P<0.05),公园绿地和生产绿地昆虫群落结构最为相似;Ss/Si和Sn/Sp两个稳定性指标表明:3种生境昆虫群落最稳定的时期是9月。结果表明,成都城市绿地昆虫物种多样性较为丰富,3种绿地昆虫群落组成较相似,各绿地间功能团结构特征无显著差异;各绿地功能团丰富度时序变化趋势基本一致,9月是成都市绿地昆虫群落结构最稳定的时期。  相似文献   

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