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以抗生素(四环素和链霉素)处理的食物饲喂贡嘎蝠蛾Hepjalus gonggaensis Fu & Huang,sd.nov.4龄幼虫1个月后,肠道主要消化酶的种类和酶活都发生了显著变化。经测定知,淀粉酶和蛋白酶是4龄幼虫主要的消化酶,其次为海藻糖酶、麦芽糖酶和纤维素酶。经抗生素处理的食物饲喂后,与正常对照相比,抗生素处理的幼虫体重增长百分比显著降低(P<0.01),所测的消化酶酶活比对照也显著降低(P<0.01)。另外,肠道内原有的半纤维素酶和纤维素酶在抗生素处理后没有检测出酶活。据此认为,抗生素可能对幼虫生长有毒害作用。其原因可能是抗生素长期使用导致肠道菌群紊乱,消化生理发生改变,从而导致一些消化酶活性下降甚至完全失去活性。  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated a temporal relationship between the concentrations of melatonin, oxidative status and digestive physiology in the gut of a tropical carp Catla catla. We measured the levels of gut melatonin, malondialdehyde (MDA) – a faithful marker of intracellular stress, different antioxidants and major digestive enzymes in the carp gut at four different clock hours in a daily cycle under natural photo-thermal conditions. A correlation between the gut variables was sought to point their possible functional relationship. Gut melatonin titers displayed significant diurnal variations with a peak at midday. An identical temporal pattern with the highest value at midday and nadir at midnight was noted in the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. In contrast, levels of MDA and reduced glutathione (GSH) were highest at midnight and lowest at midday. The activity of all the studied digestive enzymes (α-amylase, cellulase, protease and lipase) showed significant daily variations with a peak at midday. Gut melatonin concentrations by showing a positive correlation with the activity of both enzymatic antioxidants and digestive enzymes, and a negative correlation with the levels of GSH and MDA indicated their possible physiological interplay in a daily cycle. Collectively, our study presented the first information on the daily profiles of oxidative stress, different antioxidants and digestive enzymes in the gut tissues of any fish species, and suggested their functional relationship with the concentrations of gut melatonin in carp Catla catla.  相似文献   

1 引  言随着中华绒螯蟹 (Eriocheirsinensis)人工育苗规模的扩大 ,生产实践中有关小型甲壳类活体饵料投喂问题受到生产者和一些学者的重视[1,3 ,4] ,本研究分析中华绒螯蟹幼体消化道内甲壳质消化细菌 ,试图从该方面探讨中华绒螯蟹幼体与甲壳类活体饵料动物之间的关系 .有关水生动物消化道内甲壳质消化细菌 ,曾在鱼胃中有发现 .中华绒螯蟹消化道内微生物的研究未见有报道 ,我们对中华绒螯蟹 氵蚤Ⅰ大眼幼体消化道内甲壳质消化细菌进行了分离筛选 ,以探讨其消化机理 ,并为人工育苗生产中合理选择时机投喂卤虫 (Artemiasalina)、枝角类等…  相似文献   

The foregut,mid gut and hind gut of Eriocheir sinensis from the first Zoea to Megalopa were dissected under asepsis condition. Bacteria were separated by plate culture after liquid medium culture. Achitin digestive bacterium was separated from the first Zoea foregut. The chitin digestive bacteria weren't founded in the same experiment from the second Zoea to Megalopa. The chitin digestive bacteria showed roundness, protuberance, glassy humid, margin regular, milk yellow, aerotolerant anaerobe,and growing intently surrounding the chitin on the plate culture medium. The chitin could promote the growth rate of some digestive bacteria in larval gut of the crab.  相似文献   

肠道微生物菌群组成的变化对正常生理的影响及其在疾病中的作用逐渐成为研究热点。肠道微生物菌群通过脑肠轴影响宿主生理学的各个方面,包括脑-肠交流、脑功能甚至行为。对无菌动物、被致病细菌感染的、使用益生菌或用抗生素药物的动物研究表明,肠道微生物菌群可以调节宿主焦虑样症状及行为。研究表明对肠道微生物菌群的调节可能是治疗复杂中枢神经系统失调症的新策略。  相似文献   

Effects of allyl sulfides on the growth of predominant gut anaerobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At a small supplied concentration (3–5 mM), diallyl disulfide (DADS) and diallyl monosulfide (DAMS), compounds previously shown to have both tumoricidal and protective effects against carcinogenesis, affected the growth of components of the normal anaerobic gut microflora. Organisms that were affected by DAMS and DADS includedBacteroides ruminicola, Bacteroides succinogenes, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, Ruminococcus albus, Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Ruminococcus bromii, andPeptostreptococcus productus. Organisms found unaffected, over the same supplied concentration range, includedBacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides vulgatus, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Fusobacterium nucleatum, andSelenomonas ruminantium. In addition to their direct effects upon host cell physiology, the active components of garlic oil may exert modifying effects on the nature and function of the predominant gut microflora of warm-blooded animals.  相似文献   

Reptiles are a karyologically heterogeneous group, where some orders and suborders exhibit characteristics similar to those of anamniotes and others share similarities with homeotherms. The class also shows different evolutionary trends, for instance in genome and chromosome size and composition. The turtle DNA base composition is similar to that of mammals, whereas that of lizards and snakes is more similar to that of anamniotes. The major karyological differences between turtles and squamates are the size and composition of the genome and the rate at which chromosomes change. Turtles have larger and more variable genome sizes, and a greater amount of middle repetitive DNA that differs even among related species. In lizards and snakes size of the genome are smaller, single-copy DNA is constant within each suborder, and differences in repetitive DNA involve fractions that become increasingly heterogeneous with widening phylogenetic distance. With regard to variation in karyotype morphology, turtles and crocodiles show low variability in chromosome number, morphology, and G-banding pattern. Greater variability is found among squamates, which have a similar degree of karyotypic change-as do some mammals, such as carnivores and bats-and in which there are also differences among congeneric species. An interesting relationship has been highlighted in the entire class Reptilia between rates of change in chromosomes, number of living species, and rate of extinction. However, different situations obtain in turtles and crocodiles on the one hand, and squamates on the other. In the former, the rate of change in chromosomes is lower and the various evolutionary steps do not seem to have entailed marked chromosomal variation, whereas squamates have a higher rate of change in chromosomes clearly related to the number of living species, and chromosomal variation seems to have played an important role in the evolution of several taxa. The different evolutionary trends in chromosomes observed between turtles and crocodiles on the one hand and squamates on the other might depend on their different patterns of G-banding.  相似文献   

The intestinal tract is a target organ for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), characterized by various biologic activities, immunoreactivity, as well as specific binding sites for ANP. A review of previous studies reveals that ANP is an important regulator of water and nutrient intake, which acts via multiple signaling pathways including activation of guanylyl cyclase to produce its biologic responses. As a regulator, the peptide locally controls hydrosaline balance and acute systemic effects. Therefore, ANP could also act as a local mediator or paracrine effector of intestinal function.  相似文献   

The shrimp Penaeus monodon was used for the isolation of digestive enzyme producing host-associated probiotic bacteria. Gut was isolated from a healthy animal completely and morphologically different bacterial isolates were screened for the production of hydrolytic enzymes, such as, protease, amylase, lipase and cellulases. Based on their ability to produce enzymes, the potent probiotic bacteria were identified as Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis and these two were used for the preparation of probiotic diet for experimental trials. Probiotic diet was prepared by mixing the shrimp feed with 2 g probiotic/100 g artificial diet (F1), 4 g/100 g (F2), 6 g/100 g (F3), 8 g/100 g (F4) and 10 g/100 g (F5). Juvenile shrimp was fed with probiotic and control diet for a period of 7 weeks at 5 and 8% body weight for the first 3 and 7 weeks, respectively. After seven weeks, whole gut was dissected out and protease activity was estimated as 145 ± 12.3 U/g in control animal and increased as 710 ± 15.2 U/ g in F5 feed groups. Amylase activity was 139 ± 10.4 U/g in control and increased as 209 ± 13. 3 U/g in F5 group. Cellulase activities were 171 ± 9.3 in F5 groups and the control group showed only 102 ± 12.4 U/g. Lipase activity was 78 ± 3 U/g in F1 groups and it increased as 85 ± 5 U/g in F3 groups. These findings indicate the potential of host-associated bacteria to enhance the production of enzymes in the gut of juvenile P. monodon.  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori)感染是世界范围关注的焦点,进行幽门螺杆菌根除治疗是世界各国针对感染所采取的一项重要举措。但随着幽门螺杆菌耐药率,尤其是对大环内酯类药物耐药率的增加,标准三联疗法根除效果逐渐不能满足需求,更多的疗法得以推出。但是新推出的诸多疗法都应用了比以前更大剂量、更多种类甚至更长疗程的抗生素,这对于肠道微生物的微生态结构和数量都可能造成严重影响,甚至可能产生严重的副作用,同时也可能会对其耐药性产生影响。本文回顾了近20年来幽门螺杆菌根除治疗对肠道微生态的影响和一些新型实验疗法的研究结果,以对上述问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

A reconsideration of the reptilian relationships of Archaeopteryx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cladistic relationships of Archaeopteryx , the earliest known bird, are re-examined and previous hypotheses of relationships evaluated. The morphology of Archaeopteryx is redescribed. New interpretations of the fossils are presented, particularly in regard to the morphology of the pectoral girdle, manus, pelvic girdle, tarsus and pes. These new interpretations challenge some of the phylogenetic hypotheses recently presented and a new version of thecodontian relationships is suggested.  相似文献   

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