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Evolutionary theory predicts that interactions between species such as resource competition or reproductive interference will generate selection for character displacement where similar species co-occur. However, the rate and direction of character displacement will depend not only on the strength of selection for trait divergence, but also on the amount of genetic variation for selected traits and the nature of genetic correlations between them. To assess the importance of genetic constraints for the evolution of character displacement, we examined the genetic architecture of a suite of floral traits previously shown to be under selection in the annual plant Ipomoea hederacea when this species co-occurs with Ipomoea purpurea. We found that the six floral traits we measured are all positively genetically correlated. We also demonstrate, using new statistical approaches, that the predicted response to selection for four of these six traits is substantially constrained by their genetic correlation structure. Most notably, the response to selection for reduced separation of the tallest and shortest anthers, which reduces the degree of detrimental heterospecific pollen flow, is substantially constrained. Our results suggest that the rate of evolution of reproductive character displacement in I. hederacea is limited by the genetic architecture of floral traits.  相似文献   

Recent work defines coevolution between plants and herbivores as pairwise when the pattern of selection on resistance traits and the response to selection are both independent of the presence or absence of other herbivores. In addition, for a pairwise response to selection, resistance to a focal herbivore must have the same genetic basis in the presence and absence of other herbivores. None of these conditions were satisfied for the ivyleaf morning glory, Ipomoea hederacea, and its insect, fungal, and mammalian natural enemies with a quantitative genetics field experiment. A significant negative genetic correlation exists between resistance to deer and generalist insect herbivory that would preclude an independent response to selection. In addition, resistance loci under selection differ depending on the composition of the natural enemy community as indicated by genetic correlations between deer resistances in the presence and absence of other natural enemies that differ substantially from 1. Finally, selection on deer resistance depends on the presence or absence of insects; in the presence of insects, greater deer resistance is favored, but in the absence of insects, deer resistance is effectively neutral. These results indicate that the composition of the natural enemy community can alter both the pattern of selection and the likely response to selection of resistance traits.  相似文献   

Leaf shape is one of the most variable plant traits. Previous work has provided much indirect evidence that leaf-shape variation is adaptive and that leaf shape influences thermoregulation, water balance, and resistance to natural enemies. Nevertheless, there is little direct evidence that leaf shape actually affects plant fitness. In this study, we first demonstrate that populations of the ivyleaf morning glory, Ipomoea hederacea, in North and South Carolina are frequently polymorphic at a locus that influences leaf shape. We then employ several field experiments to show that this polymorphism is subject to selection. In two of the experiments, at different sites, heterozygotes enjoyed a fitness advantage over both homozygotes. At a third site, in one year directional selection favored lobed leaves, whereas in a second year the pattern of fitnesses was consistent with similar directional selection or heterozygote superiority. Computer simulations of heterozygote advantage under the high selfing rates of I. hederacea indicate that balancing selection of the magnitude observed can by itself stabilize the polymorphism, although spatially and temporally variable selection may also contribute to its long-term maintenance.  相似文献   

To understand the evolutionary and ecological consequences of natural enemy damage to plants, it is essential to determine how the fitness effects of damage differ depending on the tissues damaged and the subsequent pattern of damage. In a field experiment with the ivyleaf morning glory, the direct and indirect effects on fitness of herbivore damage to cotyledons and mature leaves was evaluated. Damage to mature leaves had negligible direct effects on fitness and no indirect effects on fitness through other correlated traits. Damage to cotyledons also did not directly affect fitness, but did so indirectly through its effects on plant size. These findings suggest that increased resistance to cotyledon damage or increased compensatory growth following cotyledon damage could be effective strategies for plants of this species to counteract the negative effects of herbivory.  相似文献   

In self-compatible, hermaphroditic plants, display size-the number of flowers open on a plant at one time-is believed to be influenced by trade-offs between increasing geitonogamous selfing and decreasing per-flower pollen export as display size increases. Experimental results presented here indicate that selection through male function favors smaller display sizes in Ipomoea purpurea. In small arrays, plant display size was manipulated experimentally, and female selfing rate, male outcross success, and total male fitness were estimated using genetic markers and likelihood and regression analyses. As would be expected if larger displays experience greater geitonogamy, selfing rate increased with display size. However, the per-flower amount of pollen exported to other plants decreased with display size. The magnitude of this effect is more than sufficient to offset the increase in selfing rate, resulting in reduced per-flower total male fitness with increasing display size. The low values of inbreeding depression previously reported for this species would enhance this effect.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement occurs when competition imposes divergent selection on interacting species, causing divergence in traits associated with resource use. Generally, divergence is assumed to occur when selection acts on the same, continuously varying trait in both species. However, selection might target multiple traits, and even closely related heterospecifics involved in character displacement might differ in selective targets. We investigated the targets of selection in a species of spadefoot toad, Spea multiplicata, during experimentally imposed competition with a congener, S. bombifrons. When examining traits separately, we found significant selection acting on multiple resource-acquisition traits. Yet, controlling for the independent effects of these traits in a multiple regression revealed that direct selection on a single trait might have contributed toward indirect selection on other correlated traits. Moreover, although we found evidence for plasticity in most traits, competition with S. bombifrons imposed selection on morphology and not on plasticity. Additional experiments suggest that the selective targets during character displacement might differ between the two species involved in this one instance of character displacement. Identifying the targets of competitively mediated selection is crucial, because whether and how character displacement ultimately unfolds depends on the nature of these targets and correlations among them.  相似文献   

Polypeptides from stems, leaves, sepals, corollas, stamens and pistils of the Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil Roth (Pharbitis nil Chois.)) were separated by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. The majority of polypeptides were expressed in two or more organs, while those specific to only one organ were comparatively rate. Among the polypeptides of the former class were two which appeared to be floral-specific. A 46-kDa (kilodalton) polypeptide was expressed in corollas, stamens and pistils, whereas a 32-kDa polypeptide was observed only in extracts prepared from reproductive organs. Polypeptide spots from the various organs were compared with those from leaves, and it was found that sepals and stems shared 40–50% of their polypeptides with leaves, whereas corollas, stamens and pistils shared 20% or less. The latter organs shared 120 polypeptides or roughly 15% of those identified in the floral extracts. Floralorgan-specific polypeptides comprised nearly 10% of the total floral polypeptides identified.Abbreviations kDa kilodalton - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

The ecological character displacement hypothesis assumes that the effects of interspecific resource competition cause divergent selection to favour phenotypes that exploit non-shared resources. This model predicts that interspecific competition declines with increased divergence. Direct tests of this decline are rare despite much comparative evidence for character displacement. We tested this prediction using a pair of divergent brook sticklebacks. Brook sticklebacks sympatric with ninespine sticklebacks have diverged from local allopatric brook populations, and so the two types of brook sticklebacks potentially represent pre- and post-displacement forms. We used enclosures placed in a lake to compare short-term fitness (growth) of sympatric (post-displacement) and allopatric (pre-displacement) brook forms in the presence and absence of ninespine sticklebacks. Brook sticklebacks grew less in the presence vs. absence of ninespine sticklebacks, indicating that interspecific competition occurred. As expected, allopatric brook forms had lower growth than sympatric forms when ninespine sticklebacks were present. This result suggests that ecological character displacement has occurred.  相似文献   

Abstract We know little about how natural selection on a species is altered when a closely related species consuming similar resources appears in its environment. In a pond experiment with threespine sticklebacks I tested the prediction that divergent natural selection between competitors is frequency-dependent, changing with the distribution of phe-notypes in the environment. Differential growth and survival of phenotypes in a target stickleback population were contrasted between two treatments. In one treatment an offshore zooplankton feeder (the limnetic stickleback species) was added to the same pond as the target. In the other treatment I added the benthic stickleback instead, a species adapted to feeding on invertebrates from sediments and inshore vegetation. The target population was ecologically and morphologically intermediate with phenotypic variance artificially inflated by hybridization. Growth rates of phenotypes within the target population differed between treatments as predicted by character displacement. The impact of adding a second species always fell most heavily on those phenotypes in the target population resembling the added species most closely. However, those individuals in the target population that most resembled the added species did not experience reduced survival. Instead, consistent survival differences between populations suggested the presence of an inshore –offshore gradient in mortality risk. These results provide further support for the hypothesis of character displacement in sympatric sticklebacks. They suggest that displacement along the resource gradient also led to divergence in vulnerability to agents of mortality, probably including predation.  相似文献   

The movement of 14C-photosynthate in morning glory (Ipomea nil Roth, cu. Scarlet O'Hara) vines 2 to 5 meters long was followed by labeling a lone mature leaf with 14CO2 and monitoring the arrival rate of tracer at expanding sink leaves on branches along the stem. To a first approximation, the kinetic behavior of the translocation profiles resembled that which would be expected from movement at a single velocity (“plug flow”) without tracer loss from the translocation stream. There was no consistent indication of a velocity gradient along the vine length. The profile moved along the vine as a distinct asymmetrical peak which changes shape only slowly. The spatial distribution of tracer along the vine reasonably matched that predicted on the basis of the arrival kinetics at a sink, assuming plug flow with no tracer loss. These observations are in marked contrast to the kinetic behavior of any mechanism describable by diffusion equations.

However, a progressive change in profile shape (a symmetrical widening) was observed, indicating a range of translocation velocities. A minimum of at least two factors must have contributed to the observed velocity gradient: the exchange of 14C between sieve elements and companion cells (demonstrated by microautoradiography) and the range of velocities in the several hundred sieve tubes which carried the translocation stream. Possible effects of these two factors on profile spreading were investigated by means of numerical models. The models are necessarily incomplete, due principally to uncertainties about the exchange rate between sieve elements and companion cells and the degree of functional connectivity between sieve tubes of different conductivities. However, most of the observed profile spreading may be reasonably attributed to the combined effects of those two factors.

The mass average velocity of translocation (calculated from the mean times of 14C arrival at successive sink leaves) was about 75% of the maximum velocity (calculated from the times of initial detection at the same sink leaves), which was usually between 0.6 and 1 cm min−1. Owing to tracer exchange between sieve elements and companion cells, the mass average velocity of tracer in the sieve tubes was probably closer to 86% of the maximum velocity, a figure which agreed with a predicted velocity distribution based on calculated sieve tube conductivities and the size distribution of functional sieve tubes.


Reproduction is one of the requirements for evolution and a defining feature of life. Yet, across the tree of life, organisms reproduce in many different ways. Groups of cells (e.g., multicellular organisms, colonial microbes, or multispecies biofilms) divide by releasing propagules that can be single-celled or multicellular. What conditions determine the number and size of reproductive propagules? In multicellular organisms, existing theory suggests that single-cell propagules prevent the accumulation of deleterious mutations (e.g., cheaters). However, groups of cells, such as biofilms, sometimes contain multiple metabolically interdependent species. This creates a reproductive dilemma: small daughter groups, which prevent the accumulation of cheaters, are also unlikely to contain the species diversity that is required for ecological success. Here, we developed an individual-based, multilevel selection model to investigate how such multi-species groups can resolve this dilemma. By tracking the dynamics of groups of cells that reproduce by fragmenting into smaller groups, we identified fragmentation modes that can maintain cooperative interactions. We systematically varied the fragmentation mode and calculated the maximum mutation rate that communities can withstand before being driven to extinction by the accumulation of cheaters. We find that for groups consisting of a single species, the optimal fragmentation mode consists of releasing single-cell propagules. For multi-species groups we find various optimal strategies. With migration between groups, single-cell propagules are favored. Without migration, larger propagules sizes are optimal; in this case, group-size dependent fissioning rates can prevent the accumulation of cheaters. Our work shows that multi-species groups can evolve reproductive strategies that allow them to maintain cooperative interactions.  相似文献   

The mutable flaked or a (flaked) (a(f)) line of the common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) displays white flowers with colored flakes, and the a(f) mutation is caused by the insertion of a transposable element named Tip100 into the CHS-D gene for anthocyanin biosynthesis. The 3.9-kb Tip100 element belongs to the Ac/Ds family and contains an ORF encoding a polypeptide of 808 amino acids. The frequency and timing of flower variegation vary in different a(f) lines, and a genetic element termed Modulator has been postulated to affect the variegation pattern. Since the pattern of flower variegation is determined by the frequency and timing of excision of Tip100 from the CHS-D gene, we wished to determine whether Tip100 is an autonomous element that is itself capable of transposition in a heterologous host. To do this, we introduced the element into the genome of tobacco plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The intact Tip100 element was able to excise from its original position in the chromosome and reinsert into new sites in the tobacco genome, whereas an internal deletion derivative was not. Based on these results, we conclude that Tip100 is an autonomous element. We also discuss the nature of the putative Modulator element affecting flower and leaf variegation in various mutable lines of the morning glory.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement—trait evolution stemming from selection to lessen resource competition between species—is most often inferred from a pattern in which species differ in resource-use traits in sympatry but not in allopatry, and in which sympatric populations within each species differ from conspecific allopatric populations. Yet, without information on population history, the presence of a divergent phenotype in multiple sympatric populations does not necessarily imply that there has been repeated evolution of character displacement. Instead, such a pattern may arise if there has been character displacement in a single ancestral population, followed by gene flow carrying the divergent phenotype into multiple, derived, sympatric populations. Here, we evaluate the likelihood of such historical events versus ongoing ecological selection in generating divergence in trophic morphology between multiple populations of spadefoot toad (Spea multiplicata) tadpoles that are in sympatry with a heterospecific and those that are in allopatry. We present both phylogenetic and population genetic evidence indicating that the same divergent trait, which minimizes resource competition with the heterospecific, has arisen independently in multiple sympatric populations. These data, therefore, provide strong indirect support for competition''s role in divergent trait evolution.  相似文献   



Parallel evolution can occur when common environmental factors exert similar selective forces on morphological variation in populations in different geographic localities. Competition can also generate morphological shifts, and if competing species co-occur in multiple geographic regions, then repeated instances of competitively-driven morphological divergence (character displacement) can occur. Despite the importance of character displacement for inferring the role of selection in morphological evolution however, replicated instances of sympatric morphological divergence are understudied.  相似文献   

Plant genomes appear to exploit the process of gene duplication as a primary means of acquiring biochemical and developmental flexibility. Thus, for example, most of the enzymatic components of plant secondary metabolism are encoded by small families of genes that originated through duplication over evolutionary time. The dynamics of gene family evolution are well illustrated by the genes that encode chalcone synthase (CHS), the first committed step in flavonoid biosynthesis. We review pertinent facts about CHS evolution in flowering plants with special reference to the morning glory genus, Ipomoea. Our review shows that new CHS genes are recruited recurrently in flowering plant evolution. Rates of nucleotide substitution are frequently accelerated in new duplicate genes, and there is clear evidence for repeated shifts in enzymatic function among duplicate copies of CHS genes. In addition, we present new data on expression patterns of CHS genes as a function of tissue and developmental stage in the common morning glory (I. purpurea). These data show extensive differentiation in gene expression among duplicate copies of CHS genes. We also show that a single mutation which blocks anthocyanin biosynthesis in the floral limb is correlated with a loss of expression of one of the six duplicate CHS genes present in the morning glory genome. This suggests that different duplicate copies of CHS have acquired specialized functional roles over the course of evolution. We conclude that recurrent gene duplication and subsequent differentiation is a major adaptive strategy in plant genome evolution.  相似文献   

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