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West、Brown和Enquist提出的植物分形网络模型(简称WBE模型)认为: 植物的分支指数(1/a, 1/b)决定植物的代谢指数, 当分支指数1/a、1/b分别为理论值2.0、3.0时, 代谢速率与个体大小的3/4次幂成正比, 但是恒定的3/4代谢指数并不能全面地反映植物的代谢情况。基于分支指数的协同变化, Price、Enquist和Savage对WBE模型进行扩展, 提出植物分支参数协同变化模型(简称PES模型)。该文借助于PES模型分析了7种木本植物的分支指数和代谢指数。结果表明: 物种间叶面积与叶生物量呈异速生长关系, 基于叶面积得到的分支指数1/a和代谢指数θ在物种间无显著差异, 基于叶生物量得到的分支指数1/a、1/b和代谢指数θ在物种间均存在显著差异, 但基于叶面积和叶生物量分别拟合出的整体分支指数1/a、1/b和代谢指数θ与理论值均无显著差异, 且用叶面积作为代谢速率的替代指标比用叶生物量分析得出的代谢指数与理论值更接近。今后研究应当关注植物叶面积与叶生物量的异速生长关系对植物代谢速率及相关功能特性的影响。  相似文献   

West、Brown和Enquist提出的植物分形网络模型(简称WBE模型)认为: 植物的分支指数(1/a, 1/b)决定植物的代谢指数, 当分支指数1/a、1/b分别为理论值2.0、3.0时, 代谢速率与个体大小的3/4次幂成正比, 但是恒定的3/4代谢指数并不能全面地反映植物的代谢情况。基于分支指数的协同变化, Price、Enquist和Savage对WBE模型进行扩展, 提出植物分支参数协同变化模型(简称PES模型)。该文借助于PES模型分析了7种木本植物的分支指数和代谢指数。结果表明: 物种间叶面积与叶生物量呈异速生长关系, 基于叶面积得到的分支指数1/a和代谢指数θ在物种间无显著差异, 基于叶生物量得到的分支指数1/a、1/b和代谢指数θ在物种间均存在显著差异, 但基于叶面积和叶生物量分别拟合出的整体分支指数1/a、1/b和代谢指数θ与理论值均无显著差异, 且用叶面积作为代谢速率的替代指标比用叶生物量分析得出的代谢指数与理论值更接近。今后研究应当关注植物叶面积与叶生物量的异速生长关系对植物代谢速率及相关功能特性的影响。  相似文献   

Pretzsch H  Dieler J 《Oecologia》2012,169(3):637-649
General scaling rules or constants for metabolic and structural plant allometry as assumed by the theory of Euclidian geometric scaling (2/3-scaling) or metabolic scaling (3/4-scaling) may meet human's innate propensity for simplicity and generality of pattern and processes in nature. However, numerous empirical works show that variability of crown structure rather than constancy is essential for a tree's success in coping with crowding. In order to link theory and empiricism, we analyzed the intra- and inter-specific scaling of crown structure for 52 tree species. The basis is data from 84 long-term plots of temperate monospecific forests under survey since 1870 and a set of 126 yield tables of angiosperm and gymnosperm forest tree species across the world. The study draws attention to (1) the intra-specific variation and correlation of the three scaling relationships: tree height versus trunk diameter, crown cross-sectional area versus trunk diameter, and tree volume versus trunk diameter, and their dependence on competition, (2) the inter-specific variation and correlation of the same scaling exponents ([Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]) across 52 tree species, and (3) the relevance of the revealed variable scaling of crown structure for leaf organs and metabolic scaling. Our results arrive at suggesting a more extended metabolic theory of ecology which includes variability and covariation between allometric relationships as prerequisite for the individual plant's competitiveness.  相似文献   

Brain cells are not spherical. The basal metabolic rate (B) of a spherical cell scales as B approximately r2, where r is the radius of the cell; that of a brain cell scales as B approximately r(d), where r is the characteristic radius of the cell and d is the fractal dimensionality of its contour. The fractal geometry of the cell leads to a 4/5 allometric scaling law for human brain, uniquely endowing humans with a 5th dimension and successfully explains why the scaling exponent varies during rest and exercise. A striking analogy between Kleiber's 3/4 law and Newton's second law is heuristically illustrated. A physical explanation is given for the 4th dimension of life for three-dimensional organisms and the 5th dimension for human brain.  相似文献   

For flying animals aerodynamic theory predicts that mechanical power required to fly scales as P proportional, variant m (7/6) in a series of isometric birds, and that the flight metabolic scope (P/BMR; BMR is basal metabolic rate) scales as P (scope) proportional, variant m (5/12). I tested these predictions by using phylogenetic independent contrasts from a set of 20 bird species, where flight metabolic rate was measured during laboratory conditions (mainly in wind tunnels). The body mass scaling exponent for P was 0.90, significantly lower than the predicted 7/6. This is partially due to the fact that real birds show an allometric scaling of wing span, which reduces flight cost. P (scope) was estimated using direct measurements of BMR in combination with allometric equations. The body mass scaling of P (scope) ranged between 0.31 and 0.51 for three data sets, respectively, and none differed significantly from the prediction of 5/12. Body mass scaling exponents of P (scope) differed significantly from 0 in all cases, and so P (scope) showed a positive body mass scaling in birds in accordance with the prediction.  相似文献   

代谢异速生长理论及其在微生物生态学领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺纪正  曹鹏  郑袁明 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2645-2655
新陈代谢是生物的基本生理过程,影响生物在不同环境中参与物质循环和能量转化的过程.代谢速率作为生物体重要的生命过程指标,几乎影响所有的生物活性速率,且在很多研究中均表现出异速生长现象.所谓代谢异速是指生物体代谢速率与其个体大小(或质量)之间存在的幂函数关系.代谢异速生长理论的提出,从机制模型角度解释了代谢异速关系这一普遍存在的生命现象.该理论利用分形几何学及流体动力学等原理,从生物能量学角度阐释了异速生长规律的机理,证实了3/4权度指数的存在;但同时有研究表明,权度指数因环境因素等影响处于2/3-1范围之间而非定值.随着研究工作的深入,代谢异速生长理论研究从起初的宏观动植物领域拓展到了微生物领域,在研究微生物的代谢异速生长理论时,可将微生物的可操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic unit,OTU)或具有特定功能的功能群视为一个微生物个体,基于其遗传多样性和功能多样性特征进行表征,以便于将微生物群落多样性与其生态功能性联系起来,使该理论在微生物生态学领域得到有效的补充和完善.尽管细菌具有独特的生物学特性,但与宏观生物系统中观测到的现象表现出明显的一致性.有研究表明,3个农田土壤细菌基于遗传多样性的OTU数的平均周转率分别为0.71、0.80和0.84,介于2/3与1之间,可能与生物代谢异速指数有一定关联,为微生物代谢异速指数的研究提出了一个参考解决方案.鉴于微生物个体特征和生物学特性,在分析代谢速率与个体大小关系中,从微生物单位个体的定义、个体大小表征到计量单位的统一,仍需更多的理论支持.分析了代谢异速生长理论在微生物与生态系统功能关系研究中的可能应用,延伸了该理论的应用范围,并对尚待加强的研究问题进行了评述和展望.  相似文献   

Several theories predict whole‐tree function on the basis of allometric scaling relationships assumed to emerge from traits of branching networks. To test this key assumption, and more generally, to explore patterns of external architecture within and across trees, we measure branch traits (radii/lengths) and calculate scaling exponents from five functionally divergent species. Consistent with leading theories, including metabolic scaling theory, branching is area preserving and statistically self‐similar within trees. However, differences among scaling exponents calculated at node‐ and whole‐tree levels challenge the assumption of an optimised, symmetrically branching tree. Furthermore, scaling exponents estimated for branch length change across branching orders, and exponents for scaling metabolic rate with plant size (or number of terminal tips) significantly differ from theoretical predictions. These findings, along with variability in the scaling of branch radii being less than for branch lengths, suggest extending current scaling theories to include asymmetrical branching and differential selective pressures in plant architectures.  相似文献   

Metabolic rate, heart rate, lifespan, and many other physiological properties vary with body mass in systematic and interrelated ways. Present empirical data suggest that these scaling relationships take the form of power laws with exponents that are simple multiples of one quarter. A compelling explanation of this observation was put forward a decade ago by West, Brown, and Enquist (WBE). Their framework elucidates the link between metabolic rate and body mass by focusing on the dynamics and structure of resource distribution networks-the cardiovascular system in the case of mammals. Within this framework the WBE model is based on eight assumptions from which it derives the well-known observed scaling exponent of 3/4. In this paper we clarify that this result only holds in the limit of infinite network size (body mass) and that the actual exponent predicted by the model depends on the sizes of the organisms being studied. Failure to clarify and to explore the nature of this approximation has led to debates about the WBE model that were at cross purposes. We compute analytical expressions for the finite-size corrections to the 3/4 exponent, resulting in a spectrum of scaling exponents as a function of absolute network size. When accounting for these corrections over a size range spanning the eight orders of magnitude observed in mammals, the WBE model predicts a scaling exponent of 0.81, seemingly at odds with data. We then proceed to study the sensitivity of the scaling exponent with respect to variations in several assumptions that underlie the WBE model, always in the context of finite-size corrections. Here too, the trends we derive from the model seem at odds with trends detectable in empirical data. Our work illustrates the utility of the WBE framework in reasoning about allometric scaling, while at the same time suggesting that the current canonical model may need amendments to bring its predictions fully in line with available datasets.  相似文献   

James L. Maino  Michael R. Kearney 《Oikos》2015,124(12):1564-1570
The uptake of resources from the environment is a basic feature of all life. Consumption rate has been found to scale with body size with an exponent close to unity across diverse organisms. However, past analyses have ignored the important distinction between ontogenetic and interspecific size comparisons. Using principles of dynamic energy budget theory, we present a mechanistic model for the body mass scaling of consumption, which separates interspecific size effects from ontogenetic size effects. Our model predicts uptake to scale with surface‐area (mass2/3) during ontogenetic growth but more quickly (between mass3/4 and mass1) for interspecific comparisons. Available data for 41 insect species on consumption and assimilation during ontogeny provides strong empirical support for our theoretical predictions. Specifically, consumption rate scaled interspecifically with an exponent close to unity (0.89) but during ontogenetic growth scaled more slowly with an exponent of 0.70. Assimilation rate (consumption minus defecation) through ontogeny scaled more slowly than consumption due to a decrease in assimilation efficiency as insects grow. Our results highlight how body size imposes different constraints on metabolism depending on whether the size comparison is ontogenetic or inter‐specific. Synthesis One of the most robust patterns in biology is the effect of body size on metabolism – a relationship that underlies the rapidly emerging field of metabolic ecology. However, the precise energetic constraints imposed by body size have been notoriously difficult to entangle. Here we show that the constraints imposed on metabolism by body size are different depending on whether the size comparison is ontogenetic or interspecific. Using a single unifying theory of animal metabolism and a newly compiled data set on insect consumption and assimilation rates, we show that interspecific comparisons generally lead to the estimation of higher scaling exponents compared with ontogenetic comparisons. Our results help to explain large variation in estimated metabolic scaling exponents and will encourage future studies in metabolic ecology to make the important distinction between ontogenetic and evolutionary size changes.  相似文献   

The applicability of dimensional analysis (DA) is discussed in relation to the metabolic scaling laws. The evolution of different theories of biological similarity has shown that the calculated reduced exponents (b) of Huxley's allometric equation are closely correlated with the numerical values obtained from the statistical analysis of empirical data. Body mass and body weight are not equivalent as biological reference systems, since in accordance to Newton's second law, the former has a dimension of a mass, while the latter should be dimensionally considered as a force (W = MLT-2). This distinction affects the coefficients of the mass exponent (alpha). This difference is of paramount importance in microgravity conditions (spaceflight) and of buoyancy during the fetal life in mammals. Furthermore, the coefficients (beta) of the length dimension, and (gamma) of the time dimension do not vary when mass or weight are utilized as reference systems. Consequently, the "specific metabolic time," that results from the ratio of basal oxygen consumption and body mass or body weight yields the "biological meaning" of the time dimension, which is of fractal nature.  相似文献   

The form of the relationship between the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and body mass (M) of mammals has been at issue for almost seven decades, with debate focusing on the value of the scaling exponent ( b , where BMR ∝ Mb ) and the relative merits of b = 0.67 (geometric scaling) and b = 0.75 (quarter-power scaling). However, most analyses are not phylogenetically informed (PI) and therefore fail to account for the shared evolutionary history of the species they consider. Here, we reanalyze the most rigorously selected and comprehensive mammalian BMR dataset presently available, and investigate the effects of data selection and phylogenetic method (phylogenetic generalized least squares and independent contrasts) on estimation of the scaling exponent relating mammalian BMR to M. Contrary to the results of a non-PI analysis of these data, which found an exponent of 0.67–0.69, we find that most of the PI scaling exponents are significantly different from both 0.67 and 0.75. Similarly, the scaling exponents differ between lineages, and these exponents are also often different from 0.67 or 0.75. Thus, we conclude that no single value of b adequately characterizes the allometric relationship between body mass and BMR.  相似文献   

A neural network has been used to reduce the dimensionality of multivariate data sets to produce two-dimensional (2D) displays of these sets. The data consisted of physicochemical properties for sets of biologically active molecules calculated by computational chemistry methods. Previous work has demonstrated that these data contain sufficient relevant information to classify the compounds according to their biological activity. The plots produced by the neural network are compared with results from two other techniques for linear and nonlinear dimension reduction, and are shown to give comparable and, in one case, superior results. Advantages of this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Deng JM  Li T  Wang GX  Liu J  Yu ZL  Zhao CM  Ji MF  Zhang Q  Liu JQ 《PloS one》2008,3(3):e1799
The energetic equivalence rule, which is based on a combination of metabolic theory and the self-thinning rule, is one of the fundamental laws of nature. However, there is a progressively increasing body of evidence that scaling relationships of metabolic rate vs. body mass and population density vs. body mass are variable and deviate from their respective theoretical values of 3/4 and -3/4 or -2/3. These findings questioned the previous hypotheses of energetic equivalence rule in plants. Here we examined the allometric relationships between photosynthetic mass (M(p)) or leaf mass (M(L)) vs. body mass (beta); population density vs. body mass (delta); and leaf mass vs. population density, for desert shrubs, trees, and herbaceous plants, respectively. As expected, the allometric relationships for both photosynthetic mass (i.e. metabolic rate) and population density varied with the environmental conditions. However, the ratio between the two exponents was -1 (i.e. beta/delta = -1) and followed the trade-off principle when local resources were limited. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the energetic equivalence rule of plants is based on trade-offs between the variable metabolic rate and population density rather than their constant allometric exponents.  相似文献   

The question of how the scaling of metabolic rate with body mass (M) is achieved in animals is unresolved. Here, we tested the cell metabolism hypothesis and the organ size hypothesis by assessing the mass scaling of the resting metabolic rate (RMR), maximum metabolic rate (MMR), erythrocyte size, and the masses of metabolically active organs in the crucian carp (Carassius auratus). The M of the crucian carp ranged from 4.5 to 323.9 g, representing an approximately 72-fold difference. The RMR and MMR increased with M according to the allometric equations RMR = 0.212M 0.776 and MMR = 0.753M 0.785. The scaling exponents for RMR (b r) and MMR (b m) obtained in crucian carp were close to each other. Thus, the factorial aerobic scope remained almost constant with increasing M. Although erythrocyte size was negatively correlated with both mass-specific RMR and absolute RMR adjusted to M, it and all other hematological parameters showed no significant relationship with M. These data demonstrate that the cell metabolism hypothesis does not describe metabolic scaling in the crucian carp, suggesting that erythrocyte size may not represent the general size of other cell types in this fish and the metabolic activity of cells may decrease as fish grows. The mass scaling exponents of active organs was lower than 1 while that of inactive organs was greater than 1, which suggests that the mass scaling of the RMR can be partly due to variance in the proportion of active/inactive organs in crucian carp. Furthermore, our results provide additional evidence supporting the correlation between locomotor capacity and metabolic scaling.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity in the scaling of avian basal metabolic rate   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Many birds exhibit short-term, reversible adjustments in basal metabolic rate (BMR), but the overall contribution of phenotypic plasticity to avian metabolic diversity remains unclear. The available BMR data include estimates from birds living in natural environments and captive-raised birds in more homogenous, artificial environments. All previous analyses of interspecific variation in BMR have pooled these data. We hypothesized that phenotypic plasticity is an important contributor to interspecific variation in avian BMR, and that captive-raised populations exhibit general differences in BMR compared to wild-caught populations. We tested this hypothesis by fitting general linear models to BMR data for 231 bird species, using the generalized least-squares approach to correct for phylogenetic relatedness when necessary. The scaling exponent relating BMR to body mass in captive-raised birds (0.670) was significantly shallower than in wild-caught birds (0.744). The differences in metabolic scaling between captive-raised and wild-caught birds persisted when migratory tendency and habitat aridity were controlled for. Our results reveal that phenotypic plasticity is a major contributor to avian interspecific metabolic variation. The finding that metabolic scaling in birds is partly determined by environmental factors provides further support for models that predict variation in scaling exponents, such as the allometric cascade model.  相似文献   

The functional association between body size and metabolic rate (BS-MR) is one of the most intriguing issues in ecological physiology. An average scaling exponent of 3/4 is broadly observed across animal and plant taxa. The numerical value of 3/4 is theoretically predicted under the optimized version of West, Brown, and Enquist's vascular resource supply network model. Insects, however, have recently been proposed to express a numerically different scaling exponent and thus application of the WBE network model to insects has been rejected. Here, we re-analyze whether such variation is indeed supported by a global deviation across all insect taxa at the order and family levels to assess if specific taxa influence insect metabolic scaling. We show that a previous reported deviation is largely due to the effect of a single insect family (Termitidae). We conclude that the BS-MR relationship in insects broadly supports the core predictions of the WBE model. We suggest that the deviation observed within the termites warrants further investigation and may be due to either difficulty in accurately measuring termite metabolism and/or particularities of their life history. Future work on allometric scaling should assess the nature of variation around the central tendencies in scaling exponents in order to test if this variation is consistent with core assumptions and predictions of the WBE model that stem by relaxing its secondary optimizing assumptions that lead to the 3/4 exponent.  相似文献   

Allometric scaling of metabolic rates is commonly described as a power function and 0.75 is a widely accepted exponent. The universality of this exponent is in doubt and, particularly for insects, contradictory results have been obtained. Furthermore, sexual differences in scaling exponents are observed for several species that could lead to artefacts when they are not considered in intra‐ and interspecific scaling. Whether the metabolic scaling exponent in the lesser wax moth Achroia grisella differs significantly from 0.75 is tested, as well as whether it differs between the sexes. Adults of this moth neither feed nor drink, rendering them as suitable subjects for a study of metabolic rates. Neglecting sex differences, a metabolic scaling exponent of 0.8 is recorded. However, there are significant differences in metabolic scaling between the sexes. When considered separately, males scale with 0.96 and females with 0.67. Thus, in this species, a scaling exponent of 0.75 does not appear to exist either for males or females. The body size optimization model offers a potential explanation for the sex differences in metabolic scaling, although it remains to be tested in wax moths. With insects in particular, there is the need for more detailed studies on the scaling of metabolic rates that also take sexual differences into account.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Prior work has shown that above- and below-ground dry biomass across individual plants scale in a near isometric manner across phyletically and ecologically diverse species. Allometric theory predicts that a similar isometric scaling relationship should hold true across diverse forest-types, regardless of vegetational composition. METHODS: To test this hypothesis, two compendia for forest-level above- and below-ground dry biomass per hectare (M(A) and M(R), respectively) were examined to test the hypothesis that M(A) vs. M(R) scales isometrically and in the same manner as reported for data from individual plants. Model Type II regression protocols were used to compare the numerical values of M(A) vs. M(R) scaling exponents (i.e. slopes of log-log linear relationships) for the combined data sets (n =1534), each of the two data sets, and data sorted into a total of 17 data subsets for community- and biome-types as well as communities dominated by angiosperms or conifers. KEY RESULTS: Among the 20 regressions examined, 15 had scaling exponents that were indistinguishable from that reported for M(A) vs. M(R) across individual plants. The isometric hypothesis could not be strictly rejected on statistical grounds; four of these 15 exponents had broad 95% confidence intervals resulting from small sample sizes. Significant variation was observed in the y-intercepts of the 20 regression curves, because of absolute differences in M(A) or M(R). CONCLUSIONS: The allometries of forest- and individual plant-level M(A) vs. M(R) relationships share strikingly similar scaling exponents, but differ because of considerable variation in y-intercepts. These results support prior allometric theory and provide boundary conditions for the scaling of M(A) and M(R).  相似文献   

Testing the Metabolic Scaling Theory of tree growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.  Metabolic Scaling Theory (MST) predicts a 'universal scaling law' of tree growth. Proponents claim that MST has strong empirical support: the size-dependent growth curves of 40 out of 45 species in a Costa Rican forest have scaling exponents indistinguishable from the MST prediction.
2.  Here, we show that the Costa Rican study has been misinterpreted. Using Standardized Major Axis (SMA) line-fitting to estimate scaling exponents, we find that four out of five species represented by more than 100 stems have scaling exponents that deviate significantly from the MST prediction. On the other hand, sample sizes were too small to make strong inferences in the cases of 33 species represented by fewer than 50 stems.
3.  Recently, it has been argued that MST is useful for predicting average scaling exponents, even if individual species do not conform to the theory. We find that the mean scaling exponent of the Costa Rican trees is greater than predicted (across-species mean  =  0.44), and hypothesize that scaling exponents in natural forests will generally be greater than predicted, because the theory fails to model asymmetric competition for light.
4.   Synthesis . We highlight shortcomings in the interpretation of data used in support of a key MST prediction. We recommend that future research into biological scaling should compare the merits of alternative models rather than focusing attention on tests of a single theory.  相似文献   

Empirical studies indicate that the exponents governing the scaling of plant respiration rates (R) with respect to biomass (M) numerically vary between three‐fourth for adult plants and 1.0 for seedlings and saplings and are affected by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content. However, whether the scaling of R with respect to M (or N and P) varies among different phylogenetic groups (e.g., gymnosperms vs. angiosperms) or during the growing and dormant seasons remains unclear. We measured the whole‐plant R and M, and N and P content of the seedlings of four woody species during the growing season (early October) and the dormant season (January). The data show that (i) the scaling exponents of R versus M, R versus N, and R versus P differed significantly among the four species, but (ii), not between the growing and dormant seasons for each of the four species, although (iii) the normalization constants governing the scaling relationships were numerically greater for the growing season compared to the dormant season. In addition, (iv) the scaling exponents of R versus M, R versus N, and R versus P were numerically larger for the two angiosperm species compared to those of the two gymnosperm species, (v) the interspecific scaling exponents for the four species were greater during the growing season than in the dormant season, and (vi), interspecifically, P scaled nearly isometric with N content. Those findings indicate that the metabolic scaling relationships among R, M, N, and P manifest seasonal variation and differ between angiosperm and gymnosperm species, that is, there is no single, canonical scaling exponent for the seedlings of woody species.  相似文献   

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