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Connallon T  Clark AG 《Genetics》2011,187(3):919-937
Disruptive selection between males and females can generate sexual antagonism, where alleles improving fitness in one sex reduce fitness in the other. This type of genetic conflict arises because males and females carry nearly identical sets of genes: opposing selection, followed by genetic mixing during reproduction, generates a population genetic "tug-of-war" that constrains adaptation in either sex. Recent verbal models suggest that gene duplication and sex-specific cooption of paralogs might resolve sexual antagonism and facilitate evolutionary divergence between the sexes. However, this intuitive proximal solution for sexual dimorphism potentially belies a complex interaction between mutation, genetic drift, and positive selection during duplicate fixation and sex-specific paralog differentiation. The interaction of these processes--within the explicit context of duplication and sexual antagonism--has yet to be formally described by population genetics theory. Here, we develop and analyze models of gene duplication and sex-specific differentiation between paralogs. We show that sexual antagonism can favor the fixation and maintenance of gene duplicates, eventually leading to the evolution of sexually dimorphic genetic architectures for male and female traits. The timescale for these evolutionary transitions is sensitive to a suite of genetic and demographic variables, including allelic dominance, recombination, sex linkage, and population size. Interestingly, we find that female-beneficial duplicates preferentially accumulate on the X chromosome, whereas male-beneficial duplicates are biased toward autosomes, independent of the dominance parameters of sexually antagonistic alleles. Although this result differs from previous models of sexual antagonism, it is consistent with several findings from the empirical genomics literature.  相似文献   

Glucagon gene expression in vertebrate brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  



The mechanism by which duplicate genes originate – whether by duplication of a whole genome or of a genomic segment – influences their genetic fates. To study events that trigger duplicate gene persistence after whole genome duplication in vertebrates, we have analyzed molecular evolution and expression of hundreds of persistent duplicate gene pairs in allopolyploid clawed frogs (Xenopus and Silurana). We collected comparative data that allowed us to tease apart the molecular events that occurred soon after duplication from those that occurred later on. We also quantified expression profile divergence of hundreds of paralogs during development and in different tissues.  相似文献   

Regulation of GATA gene expression during vertebrate development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
GATA factors regulate critical events in hematopoietic lineages (GATA-1/2/3), the heart and gut (GATA-4/5/6) and various other tissues. Transgenic approaches have revealed that GATA genes are regulated in a modular fashion by sets of enhancers that govern distinct temporal and/or spatial facets of the overall expression patterns. Efforts are underway to resolve how these GATA gene enhancers are themselves regulated in order to elucidate the genetic and molecular hierarchies that govern GATA expression in particular developmental contexts. These enhancers also afford a raft of tools that can be used to selectively perturb and probe various developmental events in transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Cellular genes that are homologous to the transforming genes of certain RNA tumor viruses are suspected to play a functional role during normal developmental processes. To investigate this further, we are studying the expression of the cellular homolog of the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene (c-src) during embryogenesis of fish, frog, and chicken by quantitative determination of the activity of the c-src encoded protein kinase (pp60c-src). The kinase activity from embryos of fish, frog, and chicken displays the same enzymatic characteristics as the kinase from adult animals: It phosphorylates only tyrosine residues in protein substrates, and its activity is relatively insensitive to inhibition by the diadenosine nucleotide Ap4A. During the course of development, the varying kinase activity level reflects differential expression of the c-src gene product. The kinase activity is low during early development, increases dramatically during organogenesis, and decreases thereafter to the level found in adult animals. The kinase activity displays an organ specificity, with brain showing the highest activity in embryos as well as in adults. Muscle, however, shows high activities during organogenesis, but no or barely detectable activity in adult animals. Our data suggest, therefore, that the c-src gene product plays more of a role in differentiation than in proliferation processes during embryogenesis, and that it may act as a pleiotropic effector.  相似文献   

Sexual antagonism, whereby mutations are favourable in one sex and disfavourable in the other, is common in natural populations, yet the root causes of sexual antagonism are rarely considered in evolutionary theories of adaptation. Here, we explore the evolutionary consequences of sex-differential selection and genotype-by-sex interactions for adaptation in species with separate sexes. We show that sexual antagonism emerges naturally from sex differences in the direction of selection on phenotypes expressed by both sexes or from sex-by-genotype interactions affecting the expression of such phenotypes. Moreover, modest sex differences in selection or genotype-by-sex effects profoundly influence the long-term evolutionary trajectories of populations with separate sexes, as these conditions trigger the evolution of strong sexual antagonism as a by-product of adaptively driven evolutionary change. The theory demonstrates that sexual antagonism is an inescapable by-product of adaptation in species with separate sexes, whether or not selection favours evolutionary divergence between males and females.  相似文献   

Many sexually selected traits exhibit phenotypic plasticity. Despite a growing appreciation for the ecological context in which sexual selection occurs, and for the role of plasticity in shaping traits associated with local adaptation and divergence, there is an important gap in knowledge about the onset and duration of plasticity in sexual trait expression. Integrating this temporal dimension of plasticity into models of sexual selection informs our understanding of the information conveyed by sexual traits and our predictions related to trait evolution, and is critical in this time of unprecedented and rapid environmental change. We conducted a systematic review of 869 studies to ask how trait modalities (e.g., visual and chemical) relate to the onset and duration of plasticity in vertebrate sexual signals. We show that this literature is dominated by studies of coloration in birds and fish, and most studies take place during the breeding season. Where possible, we integrate results across studies to link physiology of specific trait modalities with the life stage (e.g., juvenile, breeding, or nonbreeding) during which plasticity occurs in well‐studied traits. Limitations of our review included a lack of replication in our dataset, which precluded formal analysis. We argue that the timing of trait plasticity, in addition to environmental context, is critical for determining whether and how various communication signals are associated with ecological context, because plasticity may be ongoing or occur at only one point in an individual''s lifetime, and determining a fixed trajectory of trait expression. We advocate for careful consideration of the onset and duration of plasticity when analyzing how environmental variation affects sexual trait expression and associated evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, anatomical and electrophysiological analyses have demonstrated that the electrical activity of neurons is required for development of the precise patterns of synaptic connectivity found in the adult central nervous system. However, knowledge of the molecular cascades that underlie activity-dependent synaptic development remains rudimentary. As a result, many fundamental issues remain unresolved. Recent advances in differential cloning have begun to provide the tools and insight necessary to bring a molecular level of understanding to principles of activity-dependent synaptic development established via classic systems approaches.  相似文献   



The multiplicity or loss of the vitellogenin (vtg) gene family in vertebrates has been argued to have broad implications for the mode of reproduction (placental or non-placental), cleavage pattern (meroblastic or holoblastic) and character of the egg (pelagic or benthic). Earlier proposals for the existence of three forms of vertebrate vtgs present conflicting models for their origin and subsequent duplication.  相似文献   

It is not known how environmental pressures and sexual selection interact to influence the evolution of extravagant male traits. Sexual and natural selection are often viewed as antagonistic forces shaping the evolution of visual signals, where conspicuousness is favored by sexual selection and crypsis is favored by natural selection. Although typically investigated independently, the interaction between natural and sexual selection remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate whether sexual dichromatism evolves stochastically, independent from, or in concert with habitat use in darters, a species‐rich lineage of North American freshwater fish. We find the evolution of sexual dichromatism is coupled to habitat use in darter species. Comparative analyses reveal that mid‐water darter lineages exhibit a narrow distribution of dichromatism trait space surrounding a low optimum, suggesting a constraint imposed on the evolution of dichromatism, potentially through predator‐mediated selection. Alternatively, the transition to benthic habitats coincides with greater variability in the levels of dichromatism that surround a higher optimum, likely due to relaxation of the predator‐mediated selection and heterogeneous microhabitat dependent selection regimes. These results suggest a complex interaction of sexual selection with potentially two mechanisms of natural selection, predation and sensory drive, that influence the evolution of diverse male nuptial coloration in darters.  相似文献   

Another gene affecting sexual expression of Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have examined the relationship between two chromosomal mutations of Escherichia coli K-12, fexA (0 min) and fexB (85 min), in regulating expression of the F sex factor. Together, fexA and fexB exert a pleiotropic effect on the expression of the F tra genes. F pilus synthesis, conjugal donor activity, and surface exclusion activity are all inhibited in the fexA fexB mutant. Either fex mutation alone is cryptic.  相似文献   

Eight genes that are upregulated during sexual development in the heterothallic oomycete, Phytophthora infestans, were identified by suppression subtractive hybridization. Two genes showed very low but detectable expression in vegetative hyphae and became induced about 40- to >100-fold early in mating, before gametangial initials appeared. The remaining six loci were not induced until later in mating, coincident with the formation of gametangia and oospores, with induction levels ranging from 60- to >100-fold. Five genes were single copy, and three were members of families. Sequence analysis revealed that the predicted products of three of the genes had similarity to proteins that influence RNA stability, namely a ribonuclease activator, the pumilio family of RNA-binding proteins and RNase H. The products of two other mating-induced genes resembled two types of Phytophthora proteins previously shown to elicit plant defence responses. Each mating-induced gene was also expressed in a self-fertile strain, which was shown to be a heterokaryon. However, quantitative and qualitative differences existed in their expression in normal matings and in the self-fertile heterokaryon. Besides the mating-induced genes, two extrachromosomal RNA elements were identified.  相似文献   

The Hox code of jawed vertebrates is characterized by the colinear and rostrocaudally nested expression of Hox genes in pharyngeal arches, hindbrain, somites, and limb/fin buds. To gain insights into the evolutionary path leading to the gnathostome Hox code, we have systematically analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox gene complement in an agnathan species, Lethenteron japonicum (Lj). We have isolated 15 LjHox genes and assigned them to paralogue groups (PG) 1-11, based on their deduced amino acid sequences. LjHox expression during development displayed gnathostome-like spatial patterns with respect to the PG numbers. Specifically, lamprey PG1-3 showed homologous expression patterns in the rostral hindbrain and pharyngeal arches to their gnathostome counterparts. Moreover, PG9-11 genes were expressed specifically in the tailbud, implying its posteriorizing activity as those in gnathostomes. We conclude that these gnathostome-like colinear spatial patterns of LjHox gene expression can be regarded as one of the features already established in the common ancestor of living vertebrates. In contrast, we did not find evidence for temporal colinearity in the onset of LjHox expression. The genomic and developmental characteristics of Hox genes from different chordate species are also compared, focusing on evolution of the complex body plan of vertebrates.  相似文献   

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