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Okazaki fragments represent interesting targets for the design of anticancer drugs because of their selective occurrence during DNA replication, a process often elevated in aggressive malignancies. Structural studies have indicated a bend occurs in the helical axis at the junction region (JR) that joins the DNA duplex region (DDR) and the RNA-DNA hybrid duplex region (HDR) of model Okazaki fragments. To identify a structural motif that provides a shape complementary to the Okazaki fragment minor groove, we have investigated the binding of geometrically-constrained bis-distamycins to a model Okazaki fragment, [OKA], with a sequence derived from the genome of simian virus 40 (SV40). Both the JR and the DDR of [OKA] contain consecutive A/T base pairs that could accommodate distamycin binding. Of the six bis-distamycins selected for analysis, the two with a para configuration of the distamycins on the benzene or pyridine scaffold bound [OKA] tightly (Kd approximately 10(-6) M from gel-shift assays; Kd approximately 10(-8) M from deltaT(M)) while the four with a meta orientation did not bind. The two mono-distamycins studied also did not bind [OKA]. Molecular modeling of the complex between the para bis-distamycin MT-9 and [OKA] revealed MT-9 adopted an S- shape complementary to the minor groove of the model Okazaki fragment.  相似文献   

W H Gmeiner  A Skradis  R T Pon    J Liu 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(10):2359-2365
Cytarabine is a potent anticancer drug that interferes with elongation of the lagging strand at the replication fork during DNA synthesis. The effects of cytarabine substitution on the structural and thermodynamic properties of a model Okazaki fragment were investigated using UV hyperchromicity and 1H NMR spectroscopy to determine how cytarabine alters the physicochemical properties of Okazaki fragments that are intermediates during DNA replication. Two model Okazaki fragments were prepared corresponding to a primary initiation site for DNA replication in the SV40 viral genome. One model Okazaki fragment consisted of five ribo- and seven deoxyribonucleotides on the hybrid strand, together with its complementary (DNA) strand. The second model Okazaki fragment was identical to the first with the exception of cytarabine substitution for deoxycytidine at the third DNA nucleotide of the hybrid strand. Thermodynamic parameters for the duplex to single strand transition for each model Okazaki fragment were calculated from the concentration dependence of the T m at 260 nm. Cytarabine significantly decreased the stability of this model Okazaki fragment, decreasing the melting temperature from 46.8 to 42.4 degrees C at a concentration of 1.33 x 10(-5) M. The free energy for the duplex to single strand transition was 1.2 kcal/mol less favorable for the cytarabine-substituted Okazaki fragment relative to the control at 37 degrees C. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the imino1H resonances for the two duplexes demonstrated that cytarabine specifically destabilized the DNA:DNA duplex portion of the model Okazaki fragment. These results are consistent with inhibition of lagging strand DNA synthesis by cytarabine substitution resulting from destabilization of the DNA:DNA duplex portion of Okazaki fragments in vivo .  相似文献   

真核冈崎片段的成熟机制比较复杂,由Polδ、RNaseHI、FEN1、Dna2和DNA连接酶等多种蛋白质协同通过两种机制加工完成。Polδ的3′→5′核酸外切酶活性能替代FEN1,在冈崎片段成熟中通过阻止过量的DNA链替代合成,保证产生能被DNA连接酶连接的具有单一切口两个DNA片段,有利于保持基因组的稳定性。  相似文献   

recA protein binding to duplex DNA is enhanced when a B form DNA substrate is replaced with a left-handed Z form helix. This represents a kinetic rather than an equilibrium effect. Binding to Z DNA is much faster than binding to B DNA. In other respects, binding to the two DNA forms is quite similar. recA protein binds to B or Z DNA with a stoichiometry of 1 monomer/4 base pairs. The final protein filament exhibits a right-handed helical structure when either B or Z form DNAs are bound. There are only two evident differences: the kcat for ATP hydrolysis is reduced 3-4-fold when Z DNA is bound, and recA binding at equilibrium is less stable on Z DNA than on B DNA. At steady state, the binding favors B DNA in competition experiments. The results indicate that Z DNA binding by recA protein follows the same pathway as for recA binding to B DNA, but that the nucleation step is faster on the Z form helix.  相似文献   

A 606-base single-stranded (ss) DNA fragment, prepared by restriction enzyme digestion of ss phagemid DNA, corrects a hygromycin resistance and enhanced green fluorescent protein (Hyg-EGFP) fusion gene more efficiently than a PCR fragment, which is the conventional type of DNA fragment used in gene correction. Here, a tailed duplex, obtained by annealing an oligonucleotide to the ss DNA fragment, was used in the correction. The tailed duplex may be a good substrate for the RAD51 protein, an important enzyme in homologous recombination, which could be the gene correction pathway. The annealing of the oligonucleotides enhanced the correction efficiency of the Hyg-EGFP gene, especially when annealed in the 3'-region of the ss DNA fragment. Both the length and backbone structure of the oligonucleotides affected the gene correction efficiency. This type of gene correction device was also effective for another target gene, the rpsL gene. The results obtained in this study indicate that tailed duplex DNA fragments are effective nucleic acids for gene correction.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of a reiterated rat DNA fragment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R C Gupta 《FEBS letters》1983,164(1):175-180
A reiterated component of rat DNA was isolated by restriction with HindIII endonuclease and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Sequence analysis revealed that the fragment was 179 nucleotides long. Unlike the known 370N reiterated rat DNA fragment which contained a high m5C content (2.7 mole%), this repetitive element contained a rather low m5C content (0.5 mole%). The present rat repetitive sequence appeared to be of alpha-type as shown by its significant homologies with alpha DNA sequences of African green monkey and human. The possibility of sequence heterogeneity is discussed.  相似文献   

Strand-specific binding of RPA and XPA to damaged duplex DNA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway is a major pathway used to repair bulky adduct DNA damage. Two proteins, xeroderma pigmentosum group A protein (XPA) and replication protein A (RPA), have been implicated in the role of DNA damage recognition in the NER pathway. The particular manner in which these two damage recognition proteins align themselves with respect to a damaged DNA site was assessed using photoreactive base analogues within specific DNA substrates to allow site-specific cross-linking of the damage recognition proteins. Results of these studies demonstrate that both RPA and XPA are in close proximity to the adduct as measured by cross-linking of each protein directly to the platinum moiety. Additional studies demonstrate that XPA contacts both the damaged and undamaged strands of the duplex DNA. Direct evidence is presented demonstrating preferential binding of RPA to the undamaged strand of a duplex damaged DNA molecule.  相似文献   

Dna2 is an essential helicase/nuclease that is postulated to cleave long DNA flaps that escape FEN1 activity during Okazaki fragment (OF) maturation in yeast. We previously demonstrated that the human Dna2 orthologue (hDna2) localizes to the nucleus and contributes to genomic stability. Here we investigated the role hDna2 plays in DNA replication. We show that Dna2 associates with the replisome protein And-1 in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Depletion of hDna2 resulted in S/G(2) phase-specific DNA damage as evidenced by increased γ-H2AX, replication protein A foci, and Chk1 kinase phosphorylation, a readout for activation of the ATR-mediated S phase checkpoint. In addition, we observed reduced origin firing in hDna2-depleted cells consistent with Chk1 activation. We next examined the impact of hDna2 on OF maturation and replication fork progression in human cells. As expected, FEN1 depletion led to a significant reduction in OF maturation. Strikingly, the reduction in OF maturation had no impact on replication fork progression, indicating that fork movement is not tightly coupled to lagging strand maturation. Analysis of hDna2-depleted cells failed to reveal a defect in OF maturation or replication fork progression. Prior work in yeast demonstrated that ectopic expression of FEN1 rescues Dna2 defects. In contrast, we found that FEN1 expression in hDna2-depleted cells failed to rescue genomic instability. These findings suggest that the genomic instability observed in hDna2-depleted cells does not arise from defective OF maturation and that hDna2 plays a role in DNA replication that is distinct from FEN1 and OF maturation.  相似文献   

Stable binding of recA protein to duplex DNA. Unraveling a paradox   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
recA protein binding to duplex DNA is a complicated, multistep process. The final product of this process is a stably bound complex of recA protein and extensively unwound double-stranded DNA. recA monomers within the complex hydrolyze ATP with an apparent kcat of approximately 19-22 min-1. Once the final binding state is achieved, binding and ATP hydrolysis by this complex becomes pH independent. The weak binding of recA protein to duplex DNA reported in previous studies does not, therefore, reflect an intrinsically unfavorable binding equilibrium. Instead, this apparent weak binding reflects a slow step in the association pathway. The rate-limiting step in this process involves the initiation rather than the propagation of DNA binding and unwinding. This step exhibits no dependence on recA protein concentration at pH 7.5. Extension or propagation of the recA filament is fast relative to the overall process. Initiation of binding is pH dependent and represents a prominent kinetic barrier at pH 7.5. ATP hydrolysis occurs only after the duplex DNA is unwound. The binding density of recA protein on double-stranded DNA is approximately one monomer/4 base pairs. A model for this process is presented. These results provide an explanation for several paradoxical observations about recA protein-promoted DNA strand exchange. In particular, they demonstrate that there is no thermodynamic requirement for dissociation of recA protein from the heteroduplex DNA product of strand exchange.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) to ub-PCNA is essential for DNA replication across bulky template lesions caused by UV radiation and alkylating agents, as ub-PCNA orchestrates the recruitment and switching of translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases with replication polymerases. This allows replication to proceed, leaving the DNA to be repaired subsequently. Defects in a TLS polymerase, Pol η, lead to a form of Xeroderma pigmentosum, a disease characterized by severe skin sensitivity to sunlight damage and an increased incidence of skin cancer. Structurally, however, information on how ub-PCNA orchestrates the switching of these two classes of polymerases is lacking. We have solved the structure of ub-PCNA and demonstrate that the ubiquitin molecules in ub-PCNA are radially extended away from the PCNA without structural contact aside from the isopeptide bond linkage. This unique orientation provides an open platform for the recruitment of TLS polymerases through ubiquitin-interacting domains. However, the ubiquitin moieties, to the side of the equatorial PCNA plane, can place spatial constraints on the conformational flexibility of proteins bound to ub-PCNA. We show that ub-PCNA is impaired in its ability to support the coordinated actions of Fen1 and Pol δ in assays mimicking Okazaki fragment processing. This provides evidence for the novel concept that ub-PCNA may modulate additional DNA transactions other than TLS polymerase recruitment and switching.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dna2 possesses both helicase and endonuclease activities. Its endonuclease activity is essential and well suited to remove RNA-DNA primers of Okazaki fragments. In contrast, its helicase activity, although required for optimal growth, is not essential when the rate of cell growth is reduced. These findings suggest that DNA unwinding activity of Dna2 plays an auxiliary role in Okazaki fragment processing. To address this issue, we examined whether the Dna2 helicase activity influenced its intrinsic endonuclease activity using two mutant proteins, Dna2D657A and Dna2K1080E, which contain only helicase or endonuclease activity, respectively. Experiments performed with a mixture of Dna2D657A and Dna2K1080E enzymes revealed that cleavage of a single-stranded DNA by endonuclease activity of Dna2 occurs while the enzyme translocates along the substrate. In addition, DNA unwinding activity efficiently removed the secondary structure formed in the flap structure, which was further aided by replication protein A. Our results suggest that the Dna2 unwinding activity plays a role in facilitating the removal of the flap DNA by its intrinsic endonuclease activity.  相似文献   

General mechanism for RecA protein binding to duplex DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
RecA protein binding to duplex DNA occurs by a multi-step process. The tau analysis, originally developed to examine the binding of RNA polymerase to promoter DNA, is adapted here to study two kinetically distinguishable reaction segments of RecA-double stranded (ds) DNA complex formation in greater detail. One, which is probably a rapid preequilibrium in which RecA protein binds weakly to native dsDNA, is found to have the following properties: (1) a sensitivity to pH, involving a net release of approximately one proton; (2) a sensitivity to salts; (3) little or no dependence on temperature; (4) little or no dependence on DNA length. The second reaction segment, the rate-limiting nucleation of nucleoprotein filament formation accompanied by partial DNA unwinding, is found to have the following properties: (1) a sensitivity to pH, involving a net uptake of approximately three protons; (2) a sensitivity to salts; (3) a relatively large dependence on temperature, with an Arrhenius activation energy of 39 kcal mol(-1); (4) a sensitivity to DNA topology; (5) a dependence on DNA length. These results contribute to a general mechanism for RecA protein binding to duplex DNA, which can provide a rationale for the apparent preferential binding to altered DNA structures such as pyrimidine dimers and Z-DNA.  相似文献   

Evolution and sequence analysis of a human Y-chromosomal DNA fragment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A Y-chromosomal DNA fragment has been isolated from a human Y-Charon 21A recombinant library. Evolutionary analysis of 1F5 indicates that the size and sequence of this fragment have been conserved in higher primates. Deletion mapping and in situ hybridization analysis have localized 1F5 to the middle euchromatic portion of the long arm of the human Y chromosome at Yq11.2. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of an atypical Alu element and two regions rich in polypyrimidine-polypurine residues.  相似文献   

A technique based on fluorescence polarization (anisotropy) was used to measure the binding of antibodies to DNA under a variety of conditions. Fluorescein-labeled duplexes of 20 bp in length were employed as the standard because they are stable even at low ionic strength yet sufficiently short so that both arms of an IgG cannot bind to the same duplex. IgG Jel 274 binds duplexes in preference to single-stranded DNA; in 80 mM NaCl Kobs for (dG)20.(dC)20 is 4.1x10(7) M-1 compared with 6.4x10(5) M-1 for d(A5C10A5). There is little sequence specificity, but the interaction is very dependent on ionic strength. From plots of log Kobs against log[Na+] it was deduced that five or six ion pairs are involved in complex formation. At low ionic strength,Kobs is independent of temperature and complex formation is entropy driven with DeltaH degrees obs and DeltaC degrees p,obs both zero. In contrast, in 80 mM NaCl DeltaC degrees p,obs is -630 and -580 cal mol-1K-1 for [d(TG)]10.[d(CA)]10 and (dG)20.(dC)20 respectively. IgG Jel 241 also binds more tightly to duplexes than single-stranded DNA, but sequence preferences were apparent. The values for Kobs to [d(AT)]20 and [d(GC)]20 are 2.7x10(8) and 1.3x10(8) M-1 respectively compared with 5.7x10(6) M-1 for both (dA)20. (dT)20 and (dG)20.(dC)20. As with Jel 274, the binding of Jel 241 is very dependent on ionic strength and four or five ionic bonds are involved in complex formation with all the duplex DNAs which were tested. DeltaC degrees p,obs for Jel 241 binding to [d(AT)]20 was negative (-87 cal mol-1K-1) in 80 mM NaCl but was zero at high ionic strength (130 mM NaCl). Therefore, for duplex-specific DNA binding antibodies DeltaC degrees p,obs is dependent on [Na+] and a large negative value does not correlate with sequence-specific interactions.  相似文献   

Although peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) are neutral by themselves, they are usually appended with positively charged lysine residues to increase their solubility and binding affinity for nucleic acid targets. Thus obtained cationic PNAs very effectively interact with the designated duplex DNA targets in a sequence-specific manner forming strand-invasion complexes. We report on the study of the nonspecific effects in the kinetics of formation of sequence-specific PNA-DNA complexes. We find that in a typical range of salt concentrations used when working with strand-invading PNAs (10-20 mM NaCl) the PNA binding rates essentially do not depend on the presence of nontarget DNA in the reaction mixture. However, at lower salt concentrations (<10 mM NaCl), the rates of PNA binding to DNA targets are significantly slowed down by the excess of unrelated DNA. This effect of nontarget DNA arises from depleting the concentration of free PNA capable of interacting with DNA target due to adhesion of positively charged PNA molecules on the negatively charged DNA duplex. As expected, the nonspecific electrostatic effects are more pronounced for more charged PNAs. We propose a simple model quantitatively describing all major features of the observed phenomenon. This understanding is important for design of and manipulation with the DNA-binding polycationic ligands in general and PNA-based drugs in particular.  相似文献   

Efficient processing of Okazaki fragments generated during discontinuous lagging-strand DNA replication is critical for the maintenance of genome integrity. In eukaryotes, a number of enzymes co-ordinate to ensure the removal of initiating primers from the 5'-end of each fragment and the generation of a covalently linked daughter strand. Studies in eukaryotic systems have revealed that the co-ordination of DNA polymerase δ and FEN-1 (Flap Endonuclease 1) is sufficient to remove the majority of primers. Other pathways such as that involving Dna2 also operate under certain conditions, although, notably, Dna2 is not universally conserved between eukaryotes and archaea, unlike the other core factors. In addition to the catalytic components, the DNA sliding clamp, PCNA (proliferating-cell nuclear antigen), plays a pivotal role in binding and co-ordinating these enzymes at sites of lagging-strand replication. Structural studies in eukaryotic and archaeal systems have revealed that PCNA-binding proteins can adopt different conformations when binding PCNA. This conformational malleability may be key to the co-ordination of these enzymes' activities.  相似文献   

The binding of the ferric uptake regulation protein to a DNA fragment   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Using proton NMR, we have studied the binding of a DNA fragment in double-stranded form to the ferric uptake regulation protein, Fur. We have also looked at the binding of [Cr(CN)6]3- to Fur with a view to testing whether binding is due to electrostatic interaction between Fur and the negative surface of the DNA. No competition at the DNA binding site was observed. Additionally, we have examined the binding of manganese ions to Fur in the presence of the DNA fragment and go on to discuss the likely way in which the Fur.DNA complex responds to metal-ion binding to Fur.  相似文献   

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