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The paper describes organic remains of one billion years old from the Lakhanda microbiota of the Uchur-Maya Region of southeastern Siberia. The microfossils were discovered on organic sapropelic films. The preserved morphological characters and some developmental stages of the ancient organisms, which are fixed in fossil state, suggest that some of them resembled zygomycetes. Other microfossils under consideration are comparable to reproductive structures of myxomycetes in the type of fusion of spheroid cells and formation of various types of aggregation (sori). Colonies of unicellular microfossils that are arranged in a branching pseudomycelium superficially resemble yeasts. The presence in the same biota of fungal remains belonging to the Myxomycota and Mycota, as well as members of xanthophyte vaucherian algae, indicates that various branches of eukaryotes might have developed in parallel even earlier than the Late Riphean.  相似文献   

Precambrian organic-walled microfossils (OWMs) are primarily preserved in mudstones and shales that are low in total organic carbon (TOC). Recent work suggests that high TOC may hinder OWM preservation, perhaps because it interferes with chemical interactions involving certain clay minerals that inhibit the decay of microorganisms. To test if clay mineralogy controls OWM preservation, and if TOC moderates the effect of clay minerals, we compared OWM preservational quality (measured by pitting on fossil surfaces and the deterioration of wall margins) to TOC, total clay, and specific clay mineral concentrations in 78 shale samples from 11 lithologic units ranging in age from ca. 1650 to 650 million years ago. We found that the probability of finding well-preserved microfossils positively correlates with total clay concentrations and confirmed that it negatively correlates with TOC concentrations. However, we found no evidence that TOC influences the effect of clay mineral concentrations on OWM preservation, supporting an independent role of both factors on preservation. Within the total clay fraction, well-preserved microfossils are more likely to occur in shales with high illite concentrations and low berthierine/chamosite concentrations; however, the magnitude of their effect on preservation is small. Therefore, there is little evidence that bulk clay chemistry is important in OWM preservation. Instead, we propose that OWM preservation is largely regulated by physical properties that isolate organic remains from microbial degradation such as food scarcity (low TOC) and low sediment permeability (high total clay content): low TOC increases the diffusive distances between potential carbon sources and heterotrophic microbes (or their degradative enzymes), while high clay concentrations reduce sediment pore space, thereby limiting the diffusion of oxidants and degradative enzymes to the sites of decay.  相似文献   

Vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) are found globally in middle Neoproterozoic (800–730 Ma) marine strata and represent the earliest evidence for testate (shell-forming) amoebozoans. VSM tests are hypothesized to have been originally organic in life but are most commonly preserved as secondary mineralized casts and molds. A few reports, however, suggest possible organic preservation. Here, we test the hypothesis that VSMs from shales of the lower Walcott Member of the Chuar Group, Grand Canyon, Arizona, contain original organic material, as reported by B. Bloeser in her pioneering studies of Chuar VSMs. We identified VSMs from two thin section samples of Walcott Member black shales in transmitted light microscopy and used scanning electron microscopy to image VSMs. Carbonaceous material is found within the internal cavity of all VSM tests from both samples and is interpreted as bitumen mobilized from Walcott shales likely during the Cretaceous. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDS) reveal that VSM test walls contain mostly carbon, iron, and sulfur, while silica is present only in the surrounding matrix. Raman spectroscopy was used to compare the thermal maturity of carbonaceous material within the samples and indicated the presence of pyrite and jarosite within fossil material. X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed the presence of reduced organic sulfur species within the carbonaceous test walls, the carbonaceous material found within test cavities, and in the sedimentary matrix, suggesting that organic matter sulfurization occurred within the Walcott shales. Our suite of spectroscopic analyses reveals that Walcott VSM test walls are organic and sometimes secondarily pyritized (with the pyrite variably oxidized to jarosite). Both preservation modes can occur at a millimeter spatial scale within sample material, and at times even within a single specimen. We propose that sulfurization within the Walcott Shales promoted organic preservation, and furthermore, the ratio of iron to labile VSM organic material controlled the extent of pyrite replacement. Based on our evidence, we conclude that the VSMs are preserved with original organic test material, and speculate that organic VSMs may often go unrecognized, given their light-colored, translucent appearance in transmitted light.  相似文献   

A new genus of organic-walled microfossils of supposed fungal origin, Petsamomyces Belova gen. nov., is described from the black shales of the Pechenga complex of the Early Proterozoic (Kola Peninsula). The find testifies to the development of eukaryotic heterotrophic microorganisms as early as 2 Ga ago.  相似文献   

From recent isolates of microfungi on soil materials collected at several localities in Japan, three onygenalean species are described and photographed as new to Japan:Aphanoascus durus, Kuehniella racovitzae, andShanorella spirotricha. (54) Yokoyama, T. and Nasu, H., Mycoscience41: 91–93, 2000.  相似文献   

Lenticular, and commonly flanged, microfossils in 3.0–3.4 Ga sedimentary deposits in Western Australia and South Africa are unusually large (20–80 μm across), robust, and widespread in space and time. To gain insight into the ecology of these organisms, we performed simulations of fluid dynamics of virtual cells mimicking lenticular forms of variable sizes, oblateness, flange presence, and flange thickness. Results demonstrate that (a) the flange reduces sedimentation velocity, (b) this flange function works more effectively in larger cells, and (c) modest oblateness lowers sedimentation rate. These observations support interpretations that the lenticular microbes were planktonic—a lifestyle that could have been advantageous in an early Earth harsh environment including violent volcanic activities, repeated asteroid impacts, and relatively high UV‐radiation. Although the robustness of these organisms could have provided additional protection on the early Earth, this architecture may have impeded a planktonic lifestyle by increasing cell density. However, our data suggest that this disadvantage could have been compensated by enlargement of cell volume, which could have enhanced the ability of the flange to slow sedimentation rate, especially if coupled with vacuolation. The results of this simulation study may help to explain the unique morphology and unusually large size of these Archean microfossils.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(12):956-969
Bryophilous ascomycetes are an overlooked and poorly known fungal group. In this study, the extreme and small-sized niche of Polytrichum piliferum hyaline leaf tips was screened for the presence of these fungi in Finland. Three closely related species were found. Bryochiton perpusillus and Bryochiton monascus were identified from several samples, and DNA isolations revealed a third closely related species, Bryochiton sp. In addition, melanised hyphae, typical to the Bryochiton species, were present in all the samples. According to phylogenetic analyses consisting of combined small subunit (SSU), large subunit (LSU), and 5.8S rDNA sequences, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences, the species showed affinity with Teratosphaeriaceae within Capnodiales, and especially with black, meristematic species often inhabiting rock substrate in extreme environments. The connection was supported by meristematic growth of the Bryochiton species in culture. Bryochiton is the second sexual genus associated within the family Teratosphaeriaceae, and B. perpusillus, and B. monascus constitute examples of teleomorphs within a group of meristematic anamorphs. These findings emphasize the multiform diversity underlying poorly researched fungal groups, such as the bryophilous fungi.  相似文献   

Three noteworthy taxa of soil-borne onygenalean fungi are described and illustrated:Kraurogymnocarpa trochleospora, comb. nov.,Kuehniella aurea, comb. nov., andNannizziopsis albicans. In addition,Aphanoascus boninensis, which was previously described as a new species, is considered to be a synonym ofUncinocarpus orissi.  相似文献   

Two new species of soil-borne onygenalean fungi are described and illustrated:Arachniotus insolitus, isolated from forest soil in Kenya, andMyxotrichum stellatum, isolated from forest soil in Japan. A further occurrence ofGymnoascus uncinatus, isolated from Canadian soil, is reported and some observations are added, especially in connection with the cultural appearance of this rarely encountered species.  相似文献   

Six new taxa of soil-borne onygenalean fungi are described and illustrated:Amauroascus javanicus, Myxotrichum emodense, M. retardatum, Nannizziopsis patagonica, Spiromastix princeps andS. sphaerospora.  相似文献   

Cockroaches (Dictyoptera, Mylacridina) from the Chunya locality (Upper Carboniferous of the Central Siberian Plateau) are considered. New representatives of the family Phyloblattidae Schneider, 1983 (Phyloblatta majuscula sp. nov., P. chunyensis sp. nov., Hesperoblatta vishniakovae sp. nov., and H. secunda sp. nov.) are described.  相似文献   

Truffles are the fruiting bodies of ascomycete fungi that form underground. Truffles are globally valued, culturally celebrated as aphrodisiacs, and highly sought-after delicacies in the culinary world. For centuries, naturalists have speculated about their mode of formation, and in cultures surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, many species have been prized as a delectable food source. Truffle fruiting bodies form underground and emit a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Truffle volatiles are believed to have evolved to attract animals that disperse their spores. The main VOCs identified from truffles include sulfur compounds, such as dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS); in addition, 1-octen-3-ol and 2-methyl-1-propanol have been found in most truffle species. Humans use pigs and dogs trained to detect truffle VOCs in order to find these prized subterranean macrofungi. Truffles have pharmacological potential, but until more reliable cultivation methods become available their high price means they are unlikely to see widespread use as medicinals.  相似文献   

A new monotypic ascomycete genus, Dictyocyclns gen. nov. with D. hydrangeae sp. nov. as its type, is described and illustrated. It is placed in the family Parmulariaceae and it is the second genus in that family with dictyoseptate ascospores. It is compared with Aldonata the only other member of the family with similar ascospores.  相似文献   

Yeast-like microfossils from the Meso-Neoproterozoic boundary beds of the Neruyen Formation (southeastern Siberia) are studied. The structural features of the fossil organisms the life cycle of which started with the development of single budding cells that subsequently formed complex multicellular microcolonies are described. Ancient yeast-like cells possessed a number of adaptive strategies. The ability of revertation (backward growth) led to the formation of a closed space. The pseudomycelial structure was improved by means of its modular organization. The morphological change and enlargement of some cells in a colony were regulated by cooperation between cells. The presence of Riphean yeast-like fossils in billion-year-old rocks may suggest the radiation of Ascomycota in the Mesoproterozoic Eon.  相似文献   

Rosellinia necatrix, an ascomycete soil‐inhabiting fungus, causes white root rot disease in a large number of plant species, especially fruit trees. The fungus, which occurs worldwide, is very aggressive and can kill infected trees. The biology and pathogenicity of the fungus are reviewed here, together with the current principal methods of disease control used in different pathosystems.  相似文献   

The Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Ruyang Group of North China hosts early eukaryotic fossils such as Dictyosphaera, Shuiyousphaeridium, and Valeria, and thus offers valuable insights into the early evolution of single-celled eukaryotic life. In this paper, we report several additional forms of organic-walled microfossils from the Ruyang Group, including Plicatidium latum, Spiromorpha sp., and an unnamed form. V. lophostriata from the Ruyang Group is investigated using transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and biomechanical analysis. V. lophostriata is reconstructed as a spherical vesicle with two hemispherical halves bearing concentric striations resembling latitudinal circles. The formation of striations could be explained using the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction model or the Turing reaction-diffusion model. A biomechanical analysis using the thin-walled spherical pressure vessel model suggests that the concentric striations of V. lophostriata may have functioned as a mechanism to guide biologically programmed excystment through medial split. Our analysis provides essential paleontological data to better understand the functional biology and life cycles of early eukaryotes such as Valeria.  相似文献   

Do terrestrial micro-organisms evolve morphologically? A recent concept suggests that morphological stasis over dozens of millions of years has persisted in microbial lineages. However, it is based on a weak fossil record. Indeed, it is already difficult to define a species with extant microbes, and this task is even harder when dealing with fossil micro-organisms. Based on research on fossils in amber, we highlighted the different problems that are raised when describing a new fossil species of micro-organisms and we discuss the concept of morphological stasis.  相似文献   

A new genus, Anabariceras, and two new species, A. meledinae and A. aspectabile, are described from the Upper Callovian-Lower Oxfordian boundary beds from the Anabar River basin. Based on analysis of the ontogenetic development of major characters (suture, shell shape, and ornamentation), the affinity of this genus to the subfamily Quenstedtoceratinae is substantiated.  相似文献   

Seven representatives of the Arthoniales, Dothideales, Lecanorales and Sordariales are known to occur on the lichen genus Pilophorus. Lasiosphaeriopsis pilophori sp. nov. is described from the north of the Holarctic. Cercidospora cephalodiorum is reported as new to North America. Cercidospora punctillata and Dactylospora deminuta are reported on Pilophorus for the first time. The host specificity, niche specialization and distribution of the taxa are discussed. A key to the lichenicolous fungi on Pilophorus is provided.  相似文献   

Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is rich in potentially toxic organics precluding its disposal into water receptors. However, land application of diluted OMW may result in safe disposal and fertilization. In order to investigate the effects of OMW on the structure of soil fungal groups, OMW was applied daily to pepper plants growing in a loamy sand and a sandy loam at two doses for a period of 3 months (total OMW equivalents 900 and 1800 m3 ha−1). Nitrogen (N) fertilization alleviated N scarcity and considerably enhanced plant biomass production; however, when applied in combination with the high OMW dose, it induced plant stress. OMW applications resulted in marked changes in the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis patterns of soil basidiomycete communities, while concurrent N fertilization reduced these effects. In contrast, the ascomycete communities required N fertilization to respond to OMW addition. Cloning libraries for the basidiomycete communities showed that Cryptococcus yeasts and Ceratobasidium spp. dominated in the samples treated with OMW. In contrast, certain plant pathogenic basidiomycetes such as Thanatephorus cucumeris and Athelia rolfsii were suppressed. The observed changes may be reasonably explained by the capacity of OMW to enrich soils in organic substrates, to induce N immobilization and to directly introduce OMW-derived basidiomycetous yeasts.  相似文献   

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