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The sequence-specific assignment of resonances in the 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectrum of a cardioactive sea anemone polypeptide, anthopleurin-A, is described. The assignment procedure involved analysis of two-dimensional phase-sensitive multiple-quantum-filtered, double-quantum, homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn and nuclear Overhauser effect spectra. Using sequential information, specific assignments have been made for resonances arising from all 49 amino acid residues. Resonances arising from a number of residues in a minor conformer present in solution are also assigned. These results greatly extend previous resonance assignments made from spectra acquired at 300 MHz [Gooley, P. R. and Norton, R. S. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 153, 529-539] and provide the basis for a more accurate definition of the conformation of anthopleurin-A in aqueous solution. The secondary structure includes a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet encompassing residues 2-4, 21-23, 34-36 and 45-49, and possibly a beta-bulge located at Ser-19 and Gly-20. A type II beta-turn is formed by residues 30-33. These structural elements also occur within other related sea anemone polypeptides, but the conformation of the small loop region containing Pro-41 appears to be unique to anthopleurin-A.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Germann MW 《Biopolymers》2011,95(11):755-762
Secondary amide cis peptide bonds are of even lower abundance than the cis tertiary amide bonds of prolines, yet they are of biochemical importance. Using 2D NMR exchange spectroscopy (EXSY) we investigated the formation of cis peptide bonds in several oligopeptides: Ac-G-G-G-NH(2) , Ac-I-G-G-NH(2) , Ac-I-G-G-N-NH(2) and its cyclic form: I-G-G-N in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). From the NMR studies, using the amide protons as monitors, an occurrence of 0.13-0.23% of cis bonds was obtained at 296 K. The rate constants for the trans to cis conversion determined from 2D EXSY spectroscopy were 4-9 × 10(-3) s(-1) . Multiple minor conformations were detected for most peptide bonds. From their thermodynamic and kinetic properties the cis isomers are distinguished from minor trans isomers that appear because of an adjacent cis peptide bond. Solvent and sequence effects were investigated utilizing N-methylacetamide (NMA) and various peptides, which revealed a unique enthalpy profile in DMSO. The cyclization of a tetrapeptide resulted in greatly lowered cis populations and slower isomerization rates compared to its linear counterpart, further highlighting the impact of structural constraints.  相似文献   

Cis proline mutants of ribonuclease A. I. Thermal stability.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A chemically synthesized gene for ribonuclease A has been expressed in Escherichia coli using a T7 expression system (Studier, F.W., Rosenberg, A.H., Dunn, J.J., & Dubendorff, J.W., 1990, Methods Enzymol. 185, 60-89). The expressed protein, which contains an additional N-terminal methionine residue, has physical and catalytic properties close to those of bovine ribonuclease A. The expressed protein accumulates in inclusion bodies and has scrambled disulfide bonds; the native disulfide bonds are regenerated during purification. Site-directed mutations have been made at each of the two cis proline residues, 93 and 114, and a double mutant has been made. In contrast to results reported for replacement of trans proline residues, replacement of either cis proline is strongly destabilizing. Thermal unfolding experiments on four single mutants give delta Tm approximately equal to 10 degrees C and delta delta G0 (apparent) = 2-3 kcal/mol. The reason is that either the substituted amino acid goes in cis, and cis<==>trans isomerization after unfolding pulls the unfolding equilibrium toward the unfolded state, or else there is a conformational change, which by itself is destabilizing relative to the wild-type conformation, that allows the substituted amino acid to form a trans peptide bond.  相似文献   

The chemical shift difference ([13C] – [13C]) is a reference-independent indicator of the Xaa-Pro peptide bond conformation. Based on a statistical analysis of the 13C chemical shifts of 1033 prolines from 304 proteins deposited in the BioMagRes database, a software tool was created to predict the probabilities for cis or trans conformations of Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Using this approach, the conformation at a given Xaa-Pro bond can be identified in a simple NOE-independent way immediately after obtaining its NMR resonance assignments. This will allow subsequent structure calculations to be initiated using the correct polypeptide chain conformation.  相似文献   

BmK M4 is a neutral neurotoxin in the BmK toxin series.It is medially toxic and belongs to group III α-toxins.The purified sample was crystallized in rhombic space group P61.Using an X-ray diffraction technique,the crystal structure of BmK M4 was revealed by molecular replacement at 0.20 nm resolution.The model was refined.The final crystallographic R factor was 0.142 and the free R factor was 0.173.The root mean square deviation is 0.001 5 nm for the bond length and 1.753°for the bond angles.64 water molecules were added to the asymmetric unit.The refined structure showed an unusual non-prolyl cis peptide bond at residue 10.The structure was compared with group II α-toxin BmK M8 (an acidic,weak toxin).The potential structural implications of the cis peptide bond were discussed.  相似文献   

BmK M4 is a neutral neurotoxin in the BmK toxin series. It is medially toxic and belongs to group III cc-toxins. The purified sample was crystallized in rhombic space group P6 Using an X-ray diffraction technique, the crystal structure of BmK M4 was revealed by molecular replacement at 0.20 nm resolution. The model was refined. The final crystallographic R factor was 0.142 and the free R factor was 0.173. The root mean square deviation is 0.001 5 nm for the bond length and 1.753° for the bond angles. 64 water molecules were added to the asymmetric unit. The refined structure showed an unusual non-prolyl cis peptide bond at residue 10. The structure was compared with group II a-toxin BmK M8 (an acidic, weak toxin). The potential structural implications of the cis peptide bond were discussed.  相似文献   

Single channel currents of chloramine-T (Chl-T) and sea anemone toxin (ATX-II) modified sodium channels were studied in neuroblastoma cells. With both substances similar subconductance states have been observed. The conductances of the sublevels were multiples of the unit step which was about onefourth of the most frequently occurring main conductance. Thus, the current levels observed were one fourth, half and five-fourths of the main current size. Both substances caused a slower decay of the averaged current compared to the current of the native channels. The main single-channel conductance was 15.2 pS (T=16°C) for the Chl-T and 10.8 pS (T=12°C) for the ATX-II modified channels. The channel open time was doubled by ATX-II, but was not increased significantly by Chl-T. The existence of the subconductance states suggests that the native channels may also have multiple open conformations.  相似文献   

BDS II, a 43-residue polypeptide from the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata, is reported to have both antihypertensive and antiviral activity. This polypeptide possesses a number of sequence and structural similarities to a class of cardiotonic proteins which bind to receptor site 3 of the voltage-gated sodium channel. In contrast to these cardiostimulant proteins, which produce positive inotropic effects at concentrations of 2-15 nM, BDS II produced a weak negative inotropic effect upon isolated guinea-pig atria, with doses of 90 and 180 nM depressing contractile strength by 15 and 28%, respectively. BDS II also competed with a 125-iodine labelled derivative of AP-A (a representative of the cardiostimulant proteins) bound to sodium channels in rat brain synaptosomes. The IC50 for BDS II versus AP-A was 5.2 microM. BDS II may therefore be considered an antagonist for receptor site 3 of the voltage-gated sodium channel. Structural differences between BDS II and the agonist AP-A which may give rise to their different effects on the sodium channel are considered.  相似文献   

R S Norton  A I Cossins  W R Kem 《Biochemistry》1989,28(4):1820-1826
The solution properties of the polypeptide neurotoxin I from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus (Sh I) have been investigated by high-resolution 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at 300 MHz. The pH dependence of the spectra has been examined over the range 1.1-12.2 at 27 degrees C. Individual pKa values have been obtained for the alpha-ammonium group of Ala-1 (8.6) and the side chains of Glu-8 (3.7), Tyr-36 (10.9), and Tyr-37 (10.8). For the remaining seven carboxyl groups in the molecule (from five Asp, Glu-31, and the C-terminus), four pKa values, viz., 2.8, 3.5, 4.1 and 6.4, can be clearly identified. The five Lys residues titrate in the range 10.5-11, but individual pKa values could not be obtained because of peak overlap. Conformational changes associated with the protonation of carboxylates occur below pH 4, while in the alkaline pH range major unfolding occurs above pH 10. The molecule also unfolds at elevated temperatures, having a transition temperature of ca. 55 degrees C at pH 5.25. Exchange of the backbone amide protons has been monitored at various values of pH and temperature in the ranges pH 4-5 and 12-27 degrees C. Up to 18 slowly exchanging amides are observed, consistent with the existence of a core of hydrogen-bonded secondary structure, most probably beta-sheet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Natural-abundance 13C NMR spectra (at 15.04 MHz) of the polypeptide cardiac stimulant Anthopleurin-A are presented. The spectra contain many resolved one- and two-carbon resonances from carbonyl and aromatic carbons and a few resolved resonances from aliphatic carbons. Most of these have been assigned to individual carbons in the protein. The effect of pH on the 13C spectrum has been investigated. In conjunction with the resonance assignments, this yields estimates for the pK alpha values of the COOH-terminal and NH2-terminal residues, the side chain carboxylate of 1 of the 2 aspartic acid residues, and the imidazolium groups of the 2 histidine residues. The effects of the lanthanides La3+ and Gd3+ on the spectrum have also been studied. The results suggest that there are at least two binding sites, and further studies will be required to characterize these before they can be utilized as an aid in structural mapping. Finally, the results are discussed in relation to a postulated model for the mode of action of Anthopleurin-A.  相似文献   

APETx1 is a 42-amino acid toxin purified from the venom of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. This cysteine-rich peptide possesses three disulfide bridges (C4-C37, C6-C30, and C20-C38). Its pharmacological target is the Ether-a-gogo potassium channel. We herein determine the solution structure of APETx1 by use of conventional two-dimensional 1H-NMR techniques followed by torsion angle dynamics and refinement protocols. The calculated structure of APETx1 belongs to the disulfide-rich all-beta structural family, in which a three-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet is the only secondary structure. APETx1 is the first Ether-a-gogo effector discovered to fold in this way. We therefore compare the structure of APETx1 to those of the two other known effectors of the Ether-a-gogo potassium channel, CnErg1 and BeKm-1, and analyze the topological disposition of key functional residues proposed by analysis of the electrostatic anisotropy. The interacting surface is made of a patch of aromatic residues (Y5, Y32, and F33) together with two basic residues (K8 and K18) at the periphery of the surface. We pinpoint the absence of the central lysine present in the functional surface of the two other Ether-a-gogo effectors.  相似文献   

Multiple conformations of a human interleukin-3 variant.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Interleukin-3 (IL-3) is a cytokine that stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells. The hyperactive hIL-3 variant SC-55494 was shown to have at least two major conformations by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. Mutants of SC-55494 were constructed in which alanine was substituted for proline in order to test the hypothesis that proline cis-trans isomerization is the source of the observed conformational heterogeneity, as well as to evaluate the effect of prolyl peptide bond configuration on biological activity. NMR spectra of four single proline-to-alamine mutants (P30A, P31A, P33A, and P37A) retain doubled resonances, while spectra of the double mutant P30A/P31A and the quadruple mutant P30A/P31A/P33A/ P37A are substantially free of heterogeneity. These observations suggest that the two major conformations in SC-55494 correspond to cis and trans isomers of either or both of the R29-P30 and P30-P31 peptide bonds. All six mutants had somewhat lower cell proliferative activity than SC-55494, with relative activities ranging from 40 to 80%. The P37A mutant has a binding affinity to the low-affinity IL-3 receptor alpha-subunit statistically equivalent to SC-55494, while P30A, P31A, and P33A each had about two-fold decreases, and P30A/P31A and P30A/P31A/P33A/P37A had four-fold decreases. These findings suggest an important role for the cis configuration of either or both of the R29-P30 and P30-P31 peptide bonds in IL-3 for optimal interaction with the receptor alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

( ? )-Meptazinol is an analgesic with an additional acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity. In order to investigate the formation mechanism of its biological conformation observed in AChE-bis( ? )-meptazinol complex, two different and naturally stable conformers of ( ? )-meptazinol hydrochloride in solution were determined and identified by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and molecular dynamic simulations. Moreover, ab initio calculations and NMR evidence showed the difficulties in conformer interconversion. In combination with the results of conformational comparison, it was proposed that the pharmacophoric conformer of ( ? )-meptazinol might come from the conformer with less favourable energy rather than the conformer with the lowest energy.  相似文献   

Proline peptide group isomerization can result in kinetic barriers in protein folding. In particular, the cis proline peptide conformation at Tyr92-Pro93 of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) has been proposed to be crucial for chain folding initiation. Mutation of this proline-93 to alanine results in an RNase A molecule, P93A, that exhibits unfolding/refolding kinetics consistent with a cis Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group conformation in the folded structure (Dodge RW, Scheraga HA, 1996, Biochemistry 35:1548-1559). Here, we describe the analysis of backbone proton resonance assignments for P93A together with nuclear Overhauser effect data that provide spectroscopic evidence for a type VI beta-bend conformation with a cis Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group in the folded structure. This is in contrast to the reported X-ray crystal structure of [Pro93Gly]-RNase A (Schultz LW, Hargraves SR, Klink TA, Raines RT, 1998, Protein Sci 7:1620-1625), in which Tyr92-Gly93 forms a type-II beta-bend with a trans peptide group conformation. While a glycine residue at position 93 accommodates a type-II bend (with a positive value of phi93), RNase A molecules with either proline or alanine residues at this position appear to require a cis peptide group with a type-VI beta-bend for proper folding. These results support the view that a cis Pro93 conformation is crucial for proper folding of wild-type RNase A.  相似文献   

The conformations of every C alpha H-C beta H2 moiety of the peptide gramicidin S are reported. Internal rotation occurs, but distinct preferences for one side chain rotamer, greater than 80%, are found for the D-phenylalanine and ornithine residues. Leucine and valine exhibit more extensive averaging while proline is shown to be at least 90% in the Ramachandran B conformation. The data are consistent with the coexistence of many tertiary conformations of gramicidin S; the statistical weights of the twelve major tertiary conformations consistent with the rotamer populations are reported. The relative statistical weights of the tertiary conformers depend upon temperature and solvent. A comparison of the conclusions from this publication and conformations derived by energy minimization procedures is made. Partial agreement was found, but the calculations have not yet predicted the wealth of coexisting tertiary conformations nor accounted for the subtle effects of solvent. It is proposed that a more complete picture of the conformational dynamics of gramicidin S and other peptides will result from calculations which use as a basis the extensive data reported here.  相似文献   

PBOND is a web server that predicts the conformation of the peptide bond between any two amino acids. PBOND classifies the peptide bonds into one out of four classes, namely cis imide (cis-Pro), cis amide (cis-nonPro), trans imide (trans-Pro) and trans amide (trans-nonPro). Moreover, for every prediction a reliability index is computed. The underlying structure of the server consists of three stages: (1) feature extraction, (2) feature selection and (3) peptide bond clas- sification. PBOND can handle both s...  相似文献   

Summary Six analogs of leucine-enkephalin were synthesized in which a 1,5-disubstituted tetrazole ring was incorporated in order to lock selected peptide bonds in cis geometry. The obtained compounds were examined based on their biological effects in vivo and in vitro. Only one analog was completely inactive in binding assays being very weakly active in the antinociceptive test. The remaining five compounds displayed at least weak receptor affinity and in vivo activity.  相似文献   

Six analogs of leucine-enkephalin were synthesized in which a 1,5-disubstituted tetrazole ring was incorporated in order to lock selected peptide bonds in cis geometry. The obtained compounds were examined based on their biological effects in vivo and in vitro. Only one analog was completely inactive in binding assays being very weakly active in the antinociceptive test. The remaining five compounds displayed at least weak receptor affinity and in vivo activity.  相似文献   

We tested the dihedral probability grid Monte Carlo (DPG-MC) methodology to determine optimal conformations of polypeptides by applying it to predict the low energy ensemble for two peptides whose solution NMR structures are known: integrin receptor peptide (YGRGDSP, Type II beta-turn) and S3 alpha-helical peptide (YMSEDEL KAAEAAFKRHGPT). DPG-MC involves importance sampling, local random stepping in the vicinity of a current local minima, and Metropolis sampling criteria for acceptance or rejection of new structures. Internal coordinate values are based on side-chain-specific dihedral angle probability distributions (from analysis of high-resolution protein crystal structures). Important features of DPG-MC are: (1) Each DPG-MC step selects the torsion angles (phi, psi, chi) from a discrete grid that are then applied directly to the structure. The torsion angle increments can be taken as S = 60, 30, 15, 10, or 5 degrees, depending on the application. (2) DPG-MC utilizes a temperature-dependent probability function (P) in conjunction with Metropolis sampling to accept or reject new structures. For each peptide, we found close agreement with the known structure for the low energy conformational ensemble located with DPG-MC. This suggests that DPG-MC will be useful for predicting conformations of other polypeptides.  相似文献   

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