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The gamma emitting estrogen [16 alpha-125I]iodoestradiol was administered to 11 patients with ovarian cancer and 1 patient with endometrial cancer. At specific times after the administration of the tracer, portions of the tumor and of control tissues, fat and muscle, were removed and counted. The amount of radioactivity in these tissues was compared to the cytosolic estrogen receptor content of the tumor, measured by Sephadex LH-20 gel filtration, in biopsy specimens taken before the injection of the tracer. There was a strong correlation (p less than 0.005) between the estrogen receptor concentration in the biopsied tumor and the amount of radioactivity in the tumor. There was no correlation between the isotope in the muscle and the tumor receptor, nor between the radioactivity in the tumor and that in fat or muscle. As would be expected for a steroid receptor mediated process, the bulk of the total tissue radioactivity was present in the nuclear compartment of the tumors. This pattern was not observed in the muscle. Furthermore, the nuclear radioactivity in the tumors was positively correlated with the cytosolic estrogen receptor content. These experiments demonstrate that under in vivo conditions this gamma emitting estrogen is concentrated in tumors in a manner that is dependent upon the estrogen receptor. It was also found that the concentrations of radioactivity in the blood were high, producing low tumor to blood ratios. The blood level of isotope was not due to the presence of the unmetabolized steroid, which disappeared from blood rapidly, but was caused by circulating metabolites of the injected steroid. Since the concentration of the isotope in the tumor was dependent upon the estrogen receptor level, it would appear from these experiments that it is theoretically possible to use such compounds to image and monitor tumors that contain estrogen receptors. However, rapid metabolism would seem to preclude the use of 16 alpha-iodoestradiol itself for this purpose. These studies point to the possibility that the synthesis of analogs of 16 alpha-iodoestradiol, sterically protected against inactivation by rapid metabolism, may lead to a radiopharmaceutical agent that would be useful for imaging and monitoring estrogen receptor containing tumors.  相似文献   

Ali H  Rousseau J  Paquette B  Dubé C  Marko B  van Lier JE 《Steroids》2003,68(14):1189-1200
The synthesis, receptor binding affinity, estrogenic potency and tissue distribution of the 7alpha-cyano derivatives of the (17alpha,20E/Z)-[125I]iodovinyl-(CIVE) and 16alpha-[125I]iodo-estradiols (CIE) are reported. The iodovinyl derivatives were prepared via the (17alpha,20E/Z)-tri-n-butylstannyl intermediates, derived from the addition of tri-n-butyl tin hydride to the 17alpha-ethynyl group of the 7alpha-cyano-17alpha-ethynylestradiol, using triethylborane as a catalyst. The no-carrier-added [125I]-CIVE isomers were prepared via the same stereospecific reaction. [125I]-CIE was prepared from 7alpha-cyano-16beta-bromoestradiol via halogen exchange with Na125I. Addition of the 7alpha-cyano group to 16alpha-iodoestradiol did not affect estrogen receptor binding affinity (RBA of CIE is 115). However the estrogenic potential of CIE, as measured by the capacity to stimulate the expression of the pS2 gene, was reduced to 1% as compared to that of estradiol. Addition of a 7alpha-cyano group to the (17alpha,20E/Z)-IVE isomers reduced the RBA to 21 and 36, respectively, while the estrogenic potential was reduced to 2-3% of that of estradiol. Uterus uptake in immature rats of the 125I-labeled CIVE 20E-isomer and the 16alpha-iodo CIE peaked at 0.5h post injection while the (17alpha,20Z)-CIVE isomer showed a maximum only past 5h post injection. Uptake of all three 125I-labeled 7alpha-cyanoestrogens was suppressed by the co-injection of non-radioactive estradiol confirming the role of estrogen receptors in the localization process. Uterus retention pattern differ substantially from those of the analogues 7alpha-methylestrogens, which were previously shown to give high maximum 125I-uptake values at 2h post injection. Overall our data indicate that addition of a 7alpha-cyano group to 123I-labeled estrogens does not improve their potential to serve as SPECT agents for the imaging of estrogen receptor densities in breast cancer.  相似文献   

We developed a method for absolute quantitative autoradiographic measurement of very low concentrations of [125I]-labeled proteins in arterial tissue using Kodak NTB-2 nuclear emulsion. A precise linear relationship between measured silver grain density and isotope concentration was obtained with uniformly labeled standard sources composed of epoxy-embedded gelatin containing glutaraldehyde-fixed [125I]-albumin. For up to 308-day exposures of 1 micron-thick tissue sections, background grain densities ranged from about two to eight grains/1000 micron 2, and the technique was sensitive to as little as about one grain/1000 micron 2 above background, which correspond to a radioactivity concentration of about 2 x 10(4) cpm/ml. A detailed statistical analysis of variability was performed and the sum of all sources of variation quantified. The half distance for spatial resolution was 1.7 micron. Both visual and automated techniques were employed for quantitative grain density analysis. The method was illustrated by measurement of in vivo transmural [125I]-low-density lipoprotein [( 125I]-LDL) concentration profiles in de-endothelialized rabbit thoracic aortic wall.  相似文献   

This paper describes the synthesis and the pharmacological characteristics of the first radioiodinated ligand of central 5-HT3 receptors: [125I]iodo-zacopride. Specific sites having a high affinity (Kd = 4.3 nM) for [125I]iodo-zacopride have been found in membranes from the rat entorhinal cortex. In addition, a highly significant correlation (r = 0.995) existed between the Ki of several 5-HT-related drugs for displacing both [125I]iodo-zacopride from its specific binding sites, and [3H]zacopride from 5-HT3 receptors. Finally, [125I]iodo-zacopride was successfully used for the autoradiographic mapping of 5-HT3 receptors in the rat central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary Whole-body autoradiography demonstrated the different distribution of [125I]-C-ANP and [125I]-ANP to rat tissues. Highest enrichment of radioactivity of both labelled peptides was found in the kidney. In some organs we found remarkable differences between [125I]-ANP and [125I]-C-ANP. In the kidney cortex, especially in the glomeruli, as well as in the endocardium, the zona glomerulosa and the medulla of the adrenal gland, where high levels of radioactivity after [125I]-ANP administration were detected, no or just few radioactivity was found after administration of [125I]-C-ANP. On the other hand in the kidney papilla and the outer subcortical medulla, characteristic blackening was found after [125I]-C-ANP administration. Those differences might be important for the understanding of pharmacological actions of ANP analogues.This work is part of the doctoral thesis of Frank Heidemann to be presented at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, FRG  相似文献   

AR-M100613 ([I]-Dmt-c[-D-Orn-2-Nal-D-Pro-D-Ala-]) is the iodinated analog of a cyclic casomorphin previously shown to be a potent antagonist at the delta opioid receptor. Specific [125I]AR-M100613 binding to rat whole brain membranes was saturable, reversible, and best fit to a one-site model (Kd = 0.080 +/- 0.008 nM, Bmax = 45.2 +/- 4.4 fmol/mg protein). [125I]AR-M100613 binding was displaced with high affinity by the delta opioid receptor ligands SNC-80, Deltorphin II and DPDPE but not the mu or kappa-selective receptor ligands DAMGO and U69593. Residual non-selective binding of [125I]AR-M 100613 to mu opioid receptors is blocked by the addition of CTOP to the assay buffer. [35S]GTPgammaS binding assays indicate that AR-M100613 is a potent, selective, and reversible antagonist for delta opioid receptors in rat brain membranes. The high-affinity, high specific activity, low nonspecific binding and antagonist profile of [125I]AR-M100613 favor its use as a radiochemical probe for delta opioid receptors.  相似文献   

Whole-body autoradiography demonstrated the different distribution of [125I]-C-ANP and [125I]-ANP to rat tissues. Highest enrichment of radioactivity of both labelled peptides was found in the kidney. In some organs we found remarkable differences between [125I]-ANP and [125I]-C-ANP. In the kidney cortex, especially in the glomeruli, as well as in the endocardium, the zona glomerulosa and the medulla of the adrenal gland, where high levels of radioactivity after [125I]-ANP administration were detected, no or just few radioactivity was found after administration of [125I]-C-ANP. On the other hand in the kidney papilla and the outer subcortical medulla, characteristic blackening was found after [125I]-C-ANP administration. Those differences might be important for the understanding of pharmacological actions of ANP analogues.  相似文献   

A novel radioiodinated ligand of the butyrophenone type has been synthesized for the quantification and characterization of dopamine D2 receptors. This haloperidol-derived ligand, haloperidol-succinylglycyl[125I]iodotyrosine ([125I]HSGTI), binds rapidly (equilibrium is reached within 30 min, at 10 pM and 37 degrees C) and with high affinity (Kd = 0.3 nM) to bovine striatal membranes. Its pharmacology, determined by competitive displacement with dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic drugs, is characteristic of binding to dopamine D2 receptors.  相似文献   

[125I]LSD (labeled at the 2 position) has been introduced as the first 125I-labeled ligand for serotonin 5-HT2 (S2) receptors. In the present study we examined the binding of [125I]LSD and its non-radioactive homologue, 2I-LSD, to bovine caudate homogenates. The binding of [125I]LSD is saturable, reversible, stereospecific and is destroyed by boiling the membranes. The specific to total binding ratio in this tissue is 75–80% and Scatchard plots of the binding data reveal Kd = 1.1 nM, Bmax = 9.6 fmol/mg wet weight tissue. The association and dissociation rate constants are highly temperature dependent. At 0°C the net dissociation is less than 5% after 1 h and the association rate is proportionately slow. IC50 values for a variety of compounds show a clear 5-HT2 (S2) serotonergic pattern at this [125I]LSD site. Blockage of this primary 5-HT2 (S2) caudate binding site by 0.3 μM mianserin reveals the presence of a weaker [125I]LSD binding site with a Kd = 9.1 nM, Bmax = 7.6 fmol/mg tissue. This secondary site is a D3 dopaminergic receptor site, as shown by the relative abilities of various displacers to inhibit this binding. Binding studies with nonradioactive 2I-LSD reveal a clear preference for D2 over D3 dopamine receptor sites. [125I]LSD is a sensitive and selective label for 5-HT2 (S2) serotonin receptor sites in both rat frontal cortex and bovine caudate membranes. Blockage of the primary bovine caudate [125I]LSD binding site with mianserin allows the high sensitivity of [125I]LSD to be applied to D2 dopamine receptor studies as well.  相似文献   

A linear endothelin (ET) analog, N-acetyl-LeuMetAspLysGluAlaValTyrPheAlaHisLeu-AspIleIleTrp (BQ-3020), is highly selective for ETB receptors. BQ-3020 displaces [125I]ET-1 binding to ETB receptors (nonselective to ET isopeptides) in porcine cerebellar membranes (IC50: 0.2nM) at a concentration 4,700 times lower than that to ETA receptors (selective to ET-1) on aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) (IC50: 940nM). BQ-3020 as well as ET-1 and ET-3 elicits vasoconstriction in the rabbit pulmonary artery. The ETA antagonist BQ-123 failed to inhibit this BQ-3020-induced vasoconstriction. Furthermore, BQ-3020 elicits endothelium-dependent vasodilation. These data indicate that BQ-3020 has ETB agonistic activity. The radioligand [125I]BQ-3020 binds to cerebellar membranes at single high affinity sites (Kd = 34.4pM), whereas it scarcely binds to VSMC. [125I]BQ-3020 binding to the cerebellum was displaced by BQ-3020, ET-1 and ET-3 in a nonselective manner (IC50: 0.07-0.17nM). However, the binding of [125I]BQ-3020 was insensitive to the ETA antagonist BQ-123 and other bioactive peptides. Both [125I]ET-1 and [125I]BQ-3020 show slow onset and offset binding kinetics to ETB receptors. These data indicate that the radioligand [125I]BQ-3020 selectively labels ETB receptors and that the slow binding kinetics of ET-1 are dependent on the peptide sequence from Leu6 to Trp21, but not on the structure formed by its two disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

beta-adrenergic receptors were solubilized from rat erythrocyte plasma membranes using digitonin. Solubilized receptors were then reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles by the addition of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and removal of detergent. Vesicles were separated from residual soluble receptors and detergent by rate-zonal ultracentrifugation. Vesicles were monolamellar, 500-900 A in diameter, and had a lipid content of 6 mumol phospholipid/mg protein. Specific binding of the beta-adrenergic ligand [3H]dihydroalprenolol ([3H]DNA) was 0.9-1.9 pmol/mg protein. Reconstitution of receptors into vesicles restored their ability to bind [125I]iodohydroxybenzylpindolol ([125I]IHYP). This ligand does not bind to detergent-solubilized receptors. [125I]IHYP binding was saturable [Kd = 84 pM] and competed appropriately with (+) and (-) isomers of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists. These receptor vesicles therefore appear to be an excellent model system for the study of beta-adrenergic receptor function in a defined lipid milieu.  相似文献   

The availability of clorgyline for regional monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) determination was examined using [14C]clorgyline in rat. [14C]Clorgyline was synthesized by the methylation reaction of N-desmethylclorgyline and [14C]methyliodide in dimethylformamide with high radiochemical yield. The MAO-A distribution map by autoradiography correlated with that by histochemical technique and its quantity was consistent with the calculated MAO-A amount based on previous reports. The combination of labeled clorgyline and autoradiographic technique will promise the quantitative measurement of regional MAO-A distribution.  相似文献   

Alpha-adrenergic receptors may play an important role in regulating vascular tone and reactivity. To study alpha-adrenergic receptors in blood vessels, we have developed a method to characterize and quantitate alpha-adrenergic receptors in a particulate fraction of individual rabbit aortas using the high specific activity alpha antagonist [125I] BE2254. [125I] BE2254 specifically labels a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant of 286 pM and a maximal binding capacity of 16.7 fmoles/mg protein. Catecholamines compete for [125I] BE2254 binding stereospecifically and with the characteristic alpha-adrenergic potency series of (-)epinephrine greater than or equal to (-)norepinephrine much greater than (-)isoproterenol. The alpha 1-selective antagonist prazosin (KD = 0.7 nM) is much more potent in competing for [125I] BE2254 binding than is the alpha 2-selective antagonist yohimbine (KD = 1000 nM), which suggests that the alpha adrenergic receptor identified is predominantly of the alpha 1 subtype. Also, the dissociation constants from these binding studies were in good agreement with those reported in rabbit aorta from classical pharmacological experiments where contraction was found to be mediated via alpha 1 receptors. This extension of radioligand binding techniques to individual rabbit aortas should simplify the study of vascular alpha adrenergic receptor regulation, and provide a basis for broadening the understanding of vascular alpha adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

Helodermin, a newly isolated peptide from Gila Monster venom, is structurally related to VIP and secretin. When used as radioligand, [125I]helodermin bound rapidly and reversibly to crude rat liver membranes, the dissociation being accelerated by GTP. Competition binding curves of [125I]helodermin and [125I]VIP with unlabelled peptides showed the following order of decreasing affinity: VIP greater than helodermin greater than secretin greater than hpGRF(1-29)-NH2. The shape of binding curves and of concurrent adenylate cyclase activation is compatible with the specific labelling, by [125I]helodermin, of a class of high-affinity VIP receptors that is capable to stimulate adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

[125I]-HEAT has proven useful for in vitro autoradiography as a specific alpha 1-adrenergic radioligand. We compared the binding of [125I]-HEAT to membranes from ten brain regions with the densitometric readings of these regions in autoradiographs. There was an excellent correlation between receptor numbers from membrane binding and relative optical densities from the autoradiography. The affinity of HEAT for binding to membranes from various regions was similar. The results of this direct comparison are further evidence that HEAT binds to alpha 1-adrenergic receptors in lightly fixed tissue sections. A further interesting observation is that in regions with a heterogeneous distribution of binding sites, membrane binding may not reflect the presence of a dense local population of receptors.  相似文献   

To find a treatment that may be effective against micrometastases of advanced, stage III or IV neuroblastoma, [125I]metaiodobenzylguanidine (125I-MIBG) was used in a phase I toxicity trial. In seven patients, thrombocytopenia was encountered with absorbed whole body doses of 85-135 rad from 125I-MIBG, but the dosimetry was imprecise in predicting bone marrow injury. Three patients survived for over one year, results that may indicate efficacy of 125I-MIBG therapy.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine stimulates renal tubular sodium reabsorption, probably through an alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated mechanism. Although the distribution of alpha 1-adrenoceptors in the kidney has been studied with autoradiography, the precise location of these receptors in isolated nephron segments is unclear. Using a microassay we determined the specific binding of [125I]iodoarylazidoprazosin ([125I]prazosin), a high specific radioactivity analog of the selective alpha 1-antagonist prazosin, to microdissected glomeruli and tubule segments. Specific binding of [125I]prazosin (3 nM) in the proximal convoluted tubule was time- and concentration-dependent, saturable, and reversible. In this segment the apparent KD by association and dissociation rate constants of [125I]prazosin binding was 0.47 nM, and the maximum receptor density was approximately 0.19 fmol/mm, or 720 fmol/mg protein. Binding specificity was verified in competition studies with excess (3 microM) unlabeled prazosin and probes for alpha 2- (yohimbine), beta- (propranolol), dopamine1- (SCH23390), and dopamine2- (S-sulpiride) receptors. [125I]Prazosin binding was inhibited significantly only by unlabeled prazosin. Mapping of prazosin binding along the nephron revealed that the highest density was in the proximal convoluted tubule, followed by the proximal straight tubule. Lesser binding was found in the thick ascending limb and in the distal convoluted tubule, whereas in the cortical and outer medullary collecting duct and in glomeruli, binding was not significantly different from zero.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J P Brockes  Z W Hall 《Biochemistry》1975,14(10):2092-2099
Acetylcholine receptors have been purified from junctional regions of normal rat diaphragm muscle and from extrajunctional regions of denervated diaphragm. The reaction of purified receptors with [122I]-alpha-bungarotoxin has been investigated by kinetic methods. The toxin-receptor complexes dissociated in a biphasic manner at 35 degrees with a rapidly dissociating component (t1/2 = 4 hr) and a slowly dissociating component (t1/2 is greater than or equal to 100 hr). The association reaction between toxin and receptor did not obey simple second-order kinetics but could be analyzed in terms of two classes of binding sites corresponding to the two rates of dissociation. This treatment of the data allowed derivation of association rate constants for the two sites. Value obtained for the dissociation constants were 3.7 times 10(-10) and less than or equal to 0.4 times 10(-10) M for the junctional receptor and 1.7 times 10(-10) and is less than or equal to 0.2 times 10(-10) M for the extrajunctional receptor. In each case it is the more tightly binding component that associates and dissociates more slowly. Receptors present in crude preparations were comparable to purified receptors in their reaction with [125I-alpha-bungarotoxin. The validity of the two site model is discussed in relation to the kinetic studies.  相似文献   

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