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Kinetic studies conducted on the early stages of infection of Escherichia coli K-12 by deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated from bacteriophage lambda indicate a rapid adsorption of the phage DNA to receptor sites at the bacterial surface prior to deoxyribonuclease-insensitive incorporation. A direct relationship found between the number of DNA molecules adsorbed per bacterium and the multiplicity of helper phage infection indicates a requirement for helper function during the attachment process. An apparent lack of attachment specificity with regard to the source of the DNA preparation, to the size of the inhibiting fragment, to the base ratio of the inhibiting DNA molecule, and to "cohesive" ends suggests a nonspecific interaction between the infectious DNA and the sites of helper phage attachment.  相似文献   

Although homologous recombination and DNA repair phenomena in bacteria were initially extensively studied without regard to any relationship between the two, it is now appreciated that DNA repair and homologous recombination are related through DNA replication. In Escherichia coli, two-strand DNA damage, generated mostly during replication on a template DNA containing one-strand damage, is repaired by recombination with a homologous intact duplex, usually the sister chromosome. The two major types of two-strand DNA lesions are channeled into two distinct pathways of recombinational repair: daughter-strand gaps are closed by the RecF pathway, while disintegrated replication forks are reestablished by the RecBCD pathway. The phage λ recombination system is simpler in that its major reaction is to link two double-stranded DNA ends by using overlapping homologous sequences. The remarkable progress in understanding the mechanisms of recombinational repair in E. coli over the last decade is due to the in vitro characterization of the activities of individual recombination proteins. Putting our knowledge about recombinational repair in the broader context of DNA replication will guide future experimentation.  相似文献   

Replacement of Escherichia coli’s RecBCD function with phage λ’s Red function generates a strain whose chromosome recombines with short linear DNA fragments at a greatly elevated rate. The rate is at least 70-fold higher than that exhibited by a recBC sbcBC or recD strain. The value of the system is highlighted by gene replacement with a PCR-generated DNA fragment. The ΔrecBCD::Plac-red kan replacement allele can be P1 transduced to other E. coli strains, making the hyper-Rec phenotype easily transferable.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed whereby paper chromatograms of agents which induce lambda bacteriophage in Escherichia coli can be developed using bioautographs with a lysogenic test system. Well-defined plaque-forming zones are produced indicating the area on the paper chromatogram where the active inducing material can be located. A mixture of the bacteriophage-inducing antibiotic, mitomycin C, and the noninducing antibiotic, paromomycin, was resolved into its components on paper strips with an ethyl acetate-methanol solvent system. The location of both antibiotics could thus be readily observed. Antibacterial and inducing activities were found to be identical with a crude fermentation solid, NSC-B-158,791. The use of this procedure for resolution of multicomponent inducing activities in antibiotic beers and for characterization of active components which may be potential antitumor antibiotics is indicated.  相似文献   

Cultures of Escherichia coli K-12 malA(-)lambda(r)gal(-) can be transduced to gal(+) by bacteriophage lambdadg because of leakiness of the lambda(r) phenotype. The efficiency of such transduction is about 10(-5) that of transduction of mal(+)lambda(s) bacteria. Leaky cells (lambda(s)phenocopies) adsorb only very few phage particles, and many transductants, therefore, are defective heterogenotes or show integration of the gal(+) gene, which is unaccompanied by lysogenization.  相似文献   

A mutant (designated mec(-)) of Escherichia coli F(+) 100 endo I(-)su(+) r(K) (-)m(K) (+) has been isolated which is defective in cytosine-specific deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) methylase activity. The DNA of this mutant, as well as the DNA of phages lambda and fd propagated in it, is virtually devoid of 5-methyl-cytosine (MeC); in contrast, the mutation has no significant effect on the level of N(6)-methyladenine in DNA. Phage lambda grown on the mec(-) mutant is more strongly restricted by N-3-containing cells than is lambda grown on the mec(+) parent. These results suggest that methylation of certain cytosine residues by the E. coli K-12 enzyme partially protects lambda DNA from either the N-3 restriction nuclease or against secondary degradation subsequent to N-3-specific degradation. Analysis of the MeC level in viral and cellular DNA obtained from mec(+), mec(+) (m(N3) (+)), and mec(-) (m(N3) (+)) strains has led to the conclusion that the R-factor controlled DNA-cytosine methylase may be capable of methylating a sequence(s) which is a substrate for the K-12 enzyme.  相似文献   

Daughter-strand gaps in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesized after exposure of excision-deficient Escherichia coli to ultraviolet light are filled during subsequent incubation in buffer, and the rate of filling is increased when the incubation in buffer is carried out in the presence of 360-nm light. It is concluded that daughter-strand discontinuities are prevented from being rapidly sealed in the dark not because of some structural feature of the daughter-strand but because of the presence of a pyrimidine dimer on the opposite (parental) strand. "Photoreactivation-stimulated gap filling" is dependent on the polA(+) and recA(+) but not the exrA(+) genes. It is suggested that the removal of the dimer allows gap-filling by DNA polymerase I and polynucleotide ligase. The recA(+) gene may be needed at a very early stage, possibly for gap stabilization.  相似文献   

Both bacteriophage PBS1 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (in which all the thymine residues are replaced by uracil) and phage W-14 DNA [in which half the thymine residues are replaced by 5-(aminobutylaminomethyl)uracil or 5-putrescinylthymine] exhibit comparable competing abilities for uptake of homologous DNA in a Bacillus subtilis competent system. But, whereas PBS1 DNA leads to a decrease in transformation frequencies compatible with its competing ability for DNA uptake, W-14 DNA decreases transformation frequencies by a factor up to eightfold higher. The effect of W-14 DNA on transformation frequencies is visible even at a concentration level that does not decrease transforming DNA uptake. No such effect was observed with heterologous DNA containing presumably ionically bound putrescine. Low concentrations of W-14 DNA decreased the number of double (nonlinked) transformants more than single transformants. The influence on transformation was abolished when W-14 DNA was added 20 min after addition of transforming DNA, i.e., when the recombination process was terminated. The putrescine-containing DNA also decreased retention of trichloroacetic acid-precipitable radioactivity of homologous DNA taken up. We conclude that W-14 DNA inhibits some intracellular process(es) at the level of recombination. In addition, there is evidence that W-14 DNA, but not heterologous DNA with ionically bound putrescine, binds also to site(s) on the cell surface other than receptors for homologous DNA.  相似文献   

In vivo α-complementation of β-galactosidase was demonstrated in 16 Z gene terminator (nonsense) mutant strains of Escherichia coli upon introduction of the episome F′M15 which specifies production of a mutant Z gene polypeptide containing a small deletion in the N-terminal region of the enzyme monomer. Genetic and biochemical analyses of the merodiploids showed that restoration of enzyme activity was due to their terminator/F′M15 genetic constitution resulting in the production of two enzymatically inactive polypeptides which associate in vivo to reconstitute active, stable β-galactosidase. The prematurely terminated polypeptide fragments known to be rapidly degraded in haploid cells were shown by phenotypic and biochemical studies to be stabilized (i.e., protected) in merodiploids by formation of complemented enzyme complexes with the M15 protein. Phenotypic properties of complementing diploids are described and are discussed in relation to in vitro determination of β-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   

Single-strand breaks were not detected in the deoxyribonucleic acid of Escherichia coli after thymine starvation for up to 180 min, even in a sensitive PolA(-) strain.  相似文献   

The effect of thymine deprivation on the integrity of phage lambda, sex factor, and chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in Escherichia coli CR34 (lambda ind(-)) was examined by sedimenting cell lysates through alkaline sucrose gradients. Both sex factor and chromosomal DNAs showed evidence of being degraded during the starvation period. In contrast, no loss of closed circular lambda DNA was observed.  相似文献   

A new gene designated phxB, necessary for adsorption of phiX174 to the cell surface of Escherichia coli, is located between gal and aroG on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Defective and plaque-forming lambdalac transducing phages have been isolated from bacterial strains in which the lactose operon has been genetically transposed to the galactose locus.  相似文献   

The interaction of T4 phage-encoded anti-sigma factor, asiA, and Escherichia coli sigma(70) was studied by using the yeast two-hybrid system. Truncation of sigma(70) to identify the minimum region involved in the interaction showed that the fragment containing amino acid residues proximal to the C terminus (residues 547 to 603) was sufficient for complexing to asiA. Studies also indicated that some of the truncated C-terminal fragments (residues 493 to 613) had higher affinity for asiA as judged by the increased beta-galactosidase activity. It is proposed that the observed higher affinity may be due to the unmasking of the binding region of asiA on the sigma protein. Advantage was taken of the increased affinity of truncated sigma(70) fragments to asiA in designing a coexpression system wherein the toxicity of asiA expression in E. coli could be neutralized and the complex of truncated sigma(70) and asiA could be expressed in large quantities and purified.  相似文献   

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