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Most investigations of the allosteric properties of the regulatory enzyme aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) from Escherichia coli are based on the sigmoidal dependence of enzyme activity on substrate concentration and the effects of the inhibitor, CTP, and the activator, ATP, on the saturation curves. Interpretations of these effects in terms of molecular models are complicated by the inability to distinguish between changes in substrate binding and catalytic turnover accompanying the allosteric transition. In an effort to eliminate this ambiguity, the binding of the 3H-labeled bisubstrate analog N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA) to aspartate transcarbamoylase in the absence and presence of the allosteric effectors ATP and CTP has been measured directly by equilibrium dialysis at pH 7 in phosphate buffer. PALA binds with marked cooperativity to the holoenzyme with an average dissociation constant of 110 nM. ATP and CTP alter both the average affinity of ATCase for PALA and the degree of cooperativity in the binding process in a manner analogous to their effects on the kinetic properties of the enzyme; the average dissociation constant of PALA decreases to 65 nM in the presence of ATP and increases to 266 nM in the presence of CTP while the Hill coefficient, which is 1.95 in the absence of effectors, becomes 1.35 and 2.27 in the presence of ATP and CTP, respectively. The isolated catalytic subunit of ATCase, which lacks the cooperative kinetic properties of the holoenzyme, exhibits only a very slight degree of cooperativity in binding PALA. The dissociation constant of PALA from the catalytic subunit is 95 nM. Interpretation of these results in terms of a thermodynamic scheme linking PALA binding to the assembly of ATCase from catalytic and regulatory subunits demonstrates that saturation of the enzyme with PALA shifts the equilibrium between holoenzyme and subunits slightly toward dissociation. Ligation of the regulatory subunits by either of the allosteric effectors leads to a change in the effect of PALA on the association-dissociation equilibrium.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  E R Kantrowitz 《Biochemistry》1989,28(18):7313-7318
Lysine-60 in the regulatory chain of aspartate transcarbamoylase has been changed to an alanine by site-specific mutagenesis. The resulting enzyme exhibits activity and homotropic cooperativity identical with those of the wild-type enzyme. The substrate concentration at half the maximal observed specific activity decreases from 13.3 mM for the wild-type enzyme to 9.6 mM for the mutant enzyme. ATP activates the mutant enzyme to the same extent that it does the wild-type enzyme, but the concentration of ATP required to reach half of the maximal activation is reduced approximately 5-fold for the mutant enzyme. CTP at a concentration of 10 mM does not inhibit the mutant enzyme, while under the same conditions CTP at concentrations less than 1 mM will inhibit the wild-type enzyme to the maximal extent. Higher concentrations of CTP result in some inhibition of the mutant enzyme that may be due either to hetertropic effects at the regulatory site or to competitive binding at the active site. UTP alone or in the presence of CTP has no effect on the mutant enzyme. Kinetic competition experiments indicate that CTP is still able to displace ATP from the regulatory sites of the mutant enzyme. Binding measurements by equilibrium dialysis were used to estimate a lower limit on the dissociation constant for CTP binding to the mutant enzyme (greater than 1 x 10(-3) M). Equilibrium competition binding experiments between ATP and CTP verified that CTP still can bind to the regulatory site of the enzyme. For the mutant enzyme, CTP affinity is reduced approximately 100-fold, while ATP affinity is increased by 5-fold.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

CTP synthetase (CTPs) catalyzes the last step in CTP biosynthesis, in which ammonia generated at the glutaminase domain reacts with the ATP-phosphorylated UTP at the synthetase domain to give CTP. Glutamine hydrolysis is active in the presence of ATP and UTP and is stimulated by the addition of GTP. We report the crystal structures of Thermus thermophilus HB8 CTPs alone, CTPs with 3SO4(2-), and CTPs with glutamine. The enzyme is folded into a homotetramer with a cross-shaped structure. Based on the binding mode of sulfate anions to the synthetase site, ATP and UTP are computer modeled into CTPs with a geometry favorable for the reaction. Glutamine bound to the glutaminase domain is situated next to the triad of Glu-His-Cys as a catalyst and a water molecule. Structural information provides an insight into the conformational changes associated with the binding of ATP and UTP and the formation of the GTP binding site.  相似文献   

1. Aspartate transcarbamoylase was purified approx. 3000-fold from wheat (Triticum vulgare) germ in 15-20% yield. The product has a specific activity of 14 mumol/min per mg of protein and is approx. 90% pure. The purification scheme includes the use of biospecific "imphilyte" chromatography as described by Yon [Biochem.J.(1977) 161, 233-237]. The enzyme was passed successively through columns of CPAD [N-(3-carboxypropionyl)aminodecyl]-Sepharose in the absence and presence respectively of the ligands UMP and L-aspartate. In the second passage the enzyme was specifically displaced away from impurities with which it co-migrated in the first passage. These two steps contributed a factor of 80 to the overall purification. 2. The enzyme is slowly inactivated on dilution at 0 degrees C and pH 7.0, the inactivation being partially reversible. A detailed investigation of the temperature- and pH-dependence of the cold-inactivation suggested that it was initiated by the perturbation of the pKa values of groups with a moderately high and positive heat of ionization, which were tentatively identified as histidine residues. These findings support a new concept of cold-lability proposed by Bock, Gilbert & Frieden [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1975) 66, 564-569].  相似文献   

1. The steady-state kinetics of the bisubstrate reaction catalysed by aspartate transcarbamoylase purified from wheat (Triticum vulgare)-germ have been studied at 25 degrees C, pH 8.5 AND I 0.10-0.12. Initial-velocity and product-inhibition results are consistent with an ordered sequential mechanism in which carbamoyl phosphate is the first substrate to bind, followed by L-aspartate, and carbamoyl aspartate is the first product to leave, followed by Pi. The order of substrate addition is supported by dead-end inhibition studies using pyrophosphate and maleate as inhibitory analogues of the substrates. Product inhibition permitted a minimum value for the dissociation constant of L-aspartate from the ternary complex to be estimated. This minimum is of the same order as the dissociation constant (Ki) of succinate. 2. A range of dicarboxy analogues of L-aspartate were tested as possible inhibitors of the enzyme. These studies suggested that L-aspartate is bound with its carboxy groups in the eclipsed configuration, and that the stereochemical constraints around the binding site are very similar to those reported for the catalytic subunit of the enzyme from Escherichia coli [Davies, Vanaman & Stark (1970) J. Biol. Chem. 245, 1175-1179].  相似文献   

New systematic methods developed for equilibrium isotope exchange kinetics have been used to analyze the effects of activator ATP and inhibitor CTP with Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase. This indepth approach requires (a) variation of [modifier] with fixed subsaturating levels of substrates, and (b) variation of at least three combinations of reactant-product pairs in constant ratio at equilibrium: [A,B,P,Q], [A,P], and [B,Q] with the co-substrates held constant, in the presence and absence of added modifier. Both ATP and CTP had much stronger effects on the [14C]Asp in equilibrium C-Asp exchange rate than on [32P]C-P in equilibrium Pi. The bisubstrate analog N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate activated, then inhibited, Asp in equilibrium C-Asp more strongly than C-P in equilibrium Pi. N-Phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate gave complete (100%) inhibition, whereas CTP inhibition of either exchange was only partial. Substrate saturation curves in the presence and absence of effectors indicate that ATP and CTP perturb the observed values of Rmax and S0.5 in different fashions without appreciably changing the observed Hill number. Computer simulations indicate that the primary site of ATP and CTP action is the association rate for Asp, not the allosteric T-R transition. This finding is substantiated by previous studies in which modified aspartate transcarbamoylase had lost cooperative Asp binding without loss of sensitivity to effectors, or in which sensitivity to one effector could be deleted selectively. The present results, with newly devised computer simulation and analysis methods, illustrate the usefulness of equilibrium isotope exchange kinetic probes for providing unique insights to enzyme regulatory mechanisms, to define exactly which steps are altered in a given kinetic mechanism.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase, each regulatory chain is involved in two kinds of interfaces with the catalytic chains, one with the neighbour catalytic chain which belongs to the same half of the molecule (R1-C1 type of interaction), the other one with a catalytic chain belonging to the other half of the molecule (R1-C4 type of interaction). In the present work, site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the involvement of the C-terminal region of the regulatory chain in the process of feed-back inhibition by CTP. Removal of the two last C-terminal residues of the regulatory chains is sufficient to abolish entirely the sensitivity of the enzyme to CTP. Thus, it appears that the contact between this region and the 240s loop of the catalytic chain (R1-C4 type of interaction) is essential for the transmission of the regulatory signal which results from CTP binding to the regulatory site. None of the modifications made in the R1-C4 interface altered the sensitivity of the enzyme to the activator ATP, suggesting that the effect of this nucleotide rather involves the R1-C1 type of interface. These results are in agreement with the previously proposed interpretation that CTP and ATP do not simply act in inverse ways on the same equilibrium.  相似文献   

A largely inactive derivative of the catalytic subunit of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase containing trinitrophenyl groups on lysine 83 and 84 was used to study communication between polypeptide chains in the holoenzyme and the isolated catalytic trimers. Addition of native regulatory dimers to the derivative yielded a holoenzyme-like complex of low activity which exhibited sigmoidal kinetics and was inhibited by CTP and activated by ATP. The binding of CTP and ATP to the regulatory subunits caused significant and opposite changes in the absorption spectrum resulting from changes in the environment of the sensitive chromophores at the active sites. In allosteric hybrid molecules containing one native and one trinitrophenylated catalytic subunit, along with native regulatory subunits, the binding of a bisubstrate analog, N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate, to the native catalytic subunit resulted in a perturbation of the spectrum of the chromophore on the unliganded modified chains. Thus the conformational changes associated with the allosteric transition responsible for both heterotropic and homotropic effects are propagated from the sites of ligand binding to the active sites of unliganded distant chains. In addition to the communication from regulatory chains to catalytic chains and the cross-talk from one catalytic subunit to the other, communication between individual catalytic chains in isolated trimers was also demonstrated. By constructing hybrid trimers containing one trinitrophenylated chain and two native chains, we could detect a change in the environment of the chromophore upon the binding of the bisubstrate analog to the native chains.  相似文献   

The enzyme mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase from beef liver is a dimer of identical subunits. The enzymatic activity of the resolved enzyme is restored upon addition of the cofactor pyridoxal 5-phosphate. The binding of 1 molecule of cofactor restores 50% of the original enzymatic activity, whereas the binding of a 2nd molecule of cofactor brings about more than 95% recovery of the catalytic activity. Following addition of 1 mol of pyridoxal-5-P per dimer, three forms of the enzyme may exist in solution: apoenzyme-2 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, apoenzyme-1 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, and apoenzyme. The enzyme species are separated by affinity chromatography and the following distribution was found: apoenzyme-2 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate/apoenzyme-1 pytidoxal 5'-phosphate/apoenzyme, 2/6/2. Similar distribution was observed after reduction with NaBH4 of the mixture containing apoenzyme and pyridoxal-5-P at a mixing ratio of 1:1. Fluorometric titrations conducted on samples of apoenzyme and apoenzyme-1 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate reveal that the enzyme species display identical affinity towards the inhibitor 4-pyridoxic-5-P (KD equals 1.1 times 10- minus 6 M). It is concluded that the binding of the cofactor to one of the catalytic sites does not affect the affinity of the second site for the inhibitor. These results, obtained by two independent methods, lend strong support to the hypothesis that the two subunits of the enzyme function independently.  相似文献   

The allosteric enzyme aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) from Escherichia coli has been the subject of investigations for approximately 50 years. This enzyme controls the rate of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis by feedback inhibition, and helps to balance the pyrimidine and purine pools by competitive allosteric activation by ATP. The catalytic and regulatory components of the dodecameric enzyme can be separated and studied independently. Many of the properties of the enzyme follow the Monod, Wyman Changeux model of allosteric control thus E. coli ATCase has become the textbook example. This review will highlight kinetic, biophysical, and structural studies which have provided a molecular level understanding of how the allosteric nature of this enzyme regulates pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A mutant form of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) which lacks catalytic activity has been purified and characterized (Wall, K.A., Flatgaard, J.E., Gibbons, I., and Schachman, H.K. (1979) J. Biol. Chem 254, 11910-11916). Peptide mapping of the mutant and wild type catalytic chains followed by the determination of the amino acid sequence of the one altered peptide in the mutant indicated that a glycyl residue was replaced by aspartic acid. This substitution is located at position 125 in the tentative sequence kindly provided by W. Konigsberg (personal communication). The mutant protein has an overall secondary structure similar to that of the wild type as indicated by circular dichroism spectroscopy. However, marked changes in the reactivity of several amino acid residues were demonstrated. Lysyl residue 84 which in the wild type subunits reacts specifically with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is only slightly reactive in the mutant even though the peptide containing that residue was not altered in amino acid composition. Another residue, cysteinyl 46, which is thought to be in the active site, is much more reactive toward p-hydroxymercuribenzoate in the mutant subunit than in the wild type protein. Finally, tyrosyl residue 213, which according to recent crystallographic studies is not near the active site and which exhibits an unusually low pK (9.1) in the wild type catalytic subunits, appears to have its pK shifted to 10.5 or higher as a result of the mutation. The evidence indicates that the substitution of an aspartyl for a glycyl residue at a region of the amino acid sequence remote from those residues in the active site causes sufficient modification of the tertiary structure to cause the loss of enzyme activity and to affect the reactivity of other residues in the protein. Moreover, the quaternary structure of the intact enzyme is altered as well since the subunit interactions are greatly weakened.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli aspartate carbamoyltransferase controls pyrimidine biosynthesis by feedback inhibition involving both CTP and UTP, although UTP only inhibits the enzyme in the presence of CTP (Wild, J. R., Loughrey-Chen, S. J., and Corder, T. S. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 86, 46-50). The mechanism by which the enzyme can discriminate between these two pyrimidines is unknown, as well as where UTP binds and its mode of action. A mutant version of the enzyme with a single amino acid substitution in the regulatory site (Asp-19----Ala) causes loss of the synergistic inhibition of UTP in the presence of CTP, and furthermore, this enzyme is inhibited by UTP alone. Analysis of CTP binding to the mutant enzyme reveals that UTP can bind to the mutant enzyme in the absence of CTP but not in its presence. This is completely opposite to the wild-type enzyme in which case UTP only exhibits significant binding in the presence of CTP. Further analysis of the binding data for the wild-type enzyme reveals that, in the presence of UTP, CTP only binds to three sites, although CTP binds to six sites, three with high affinity and three with low affinity in the absence of UTP. Parallel UTP binding experiments in the presence of CTP suggest that UTP binds to the three weak CTP sites. The Asp-19----Ala substitution prevents UTP binding in the presence of CTP and allows UTP to bind and inhibit the enzyme in the absence of CTP. Since the x-ray data indicate no specific interactions between the amino group of cytosine and amino acid side chains in the regulatory binding site, the discrimination between UTP and CTP by the wild-type enzyme must be due to subtle differences in the binding sites rather than direct side chain contacts.  相似文献   

Purification of aspartate transcarbamoylase from Pseudomonas syringae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) from Pseudomonas syringae has been purified. The purified enzyme was shown by SDS-PAGE to give two bands. Unambiguous results from N-terminal sequencing suggested that each band represented a homogeneous polypeptide. The M r (relative molecular mass) of the polypeptides was estimated to be 47 kDa and 34 kDa. The M r of the holoenzyme determined by gel filtration and electrophoretic migration in polyacrylamide gradient gels under non-denaturing conditions was estimated at approximately 490 kDa. These findings suggest a subunit structure different from any previously described for a bacterial ATCase.  相似文献   

The design, synthesis, and evaluation of a series of novel inhibitors of aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) are reported. Several submicromolar phosphorus-containing inhibitors are described, but all-carboxylate compounds are inactive. Compounds were synthesized to probe the postulated cyclic transition-state of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction. In addition, the associated role of the protonation state at the phosphorus acid moiety was evaluated using phosphinic and carboxylic acids. Although none of the synthesized inhibitors is more potent than N-phosphonacetyl-l-aspartate (PALA), the compounds provide useful mechanistic information, as well as the basis for the design of future inhibitors and/or prodrugs.  相似文献   

W Xu  E R Kantrowitz 《Biochemistry》1989,28(26):9937-9943
Carbamoyl phosphate is held in the active site of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase by a variety of interactions with specific side chains of the enzyme. In particular, the carbonyl group of carbamoyl phosphate interacts with Thr-55, Arg-105, and His-134. Site-specific mutagenesis was used to create a mutant version of the enzyme in which Thr-55 was replaced by alanine in order to help define the role of this residue in the catalytic mechanism. The Thr-55----Ala holoenzyme exhibits a 4.7-fold reduction in maximal observed specific activity, no alteration in aspartate cooperativity, and a small reduction in carbamoyl phosphate cooperativity. The mutation also causes 14-fold and 35-fold increases in the carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate concentrations required for half the maximal observed specific activity, respectively. Circular dichroism spectroscopy has shown that saturating carbamoyl phosphate does not induce a conformational change in the Thr-55----Ala holoenzyme as it does for the wild-type holoenzyme. The kinetic properties of the Thr-55----Ala catalytic subunit are altered to a greater extent than the mutant holoenzyme. The mutant catalytic subunit cannot be saturated by either substrate under the experimental conditions. Furthermore, as opposed to the wild-type catalytic subunit, the Thr-55----Ala catalytic subunit shows cooperativity for aspartate and can be activated by N-(phosphonoacetyl)-L-aspartate in the presence of low concentrations of aspartate and high concentrations of carbamoyl phosphate. As deduced by circular dichroism spectroscopy, the conformation of the Thr-55----Ala catalytic subunit in the absence of active-site ligands is distinctly different from the wild-type catalytic subunit.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Heavy-atom isotope effects and steady-state kinetic parameters were measured for the catalytic trimer of an active site mutant of aspartate transcarbamoylase, T55A, to assess the role of Thr 55 in catalysis. The binding of carbamoyl phosphate to the T55A mutant was decreased by 2 orders of magnitude relative to the wild-type enzyme whereas the affinities for aspartate and succinate were not markedly altered. This indicates that Thr 55 plays a significant role in the binding of CbmP. If, as had been suggested previously, Thr 55 assists in the polarization of the carbonyl group of CbmP, the carbon isotope effect for the T55A mutant should increase relative to that observed for the wild-type enzyme. However, the opposite is seen, indicating that Thr 55 is not involved in stabilizing the oxyanion in the transition state. Quantitative analysis of a series of 13C and 15N isotope effects suggested that the rate-determining step in the reaction catalyzed by T55A trimer may be a conformational change in the protein subsequent to formation of the Michaelis complex. Thus, Thr 55 may facilitate a conformational change in the enzyme that is a prerequisite for catalysis. An altered active site environment in the binary and Michaelis complexes with T55A trimer is reflected in the pH profiles for log V, log (V/K)asp, and pK(i) succinate, show a displacement in the pK values of ionizing residues involved in aspartate binding and catalysis relative to the wild-type enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hsc70 binds acid-unfolded mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (mAAT), forming either soluble or insoluble complexes depending on the relative concentrations of the proteins. Using partial proteolysis of Hsc70-mAAT complexes in combination with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, we have identified several potential Hsc70-binding regions in the mAAT polypeptide. Only one mAAT peptide was found bound to Hsc70 in the insoluble complexes while nine peptides arising from eight sequence regions of mAAT were found associated with Hsc70 in the soluble complexes. Most of these binding sites map to secondary structure elements, particularly alpha-helix, that are partly exposed on the surface of the folded structure. These results suggest that these peptide regions must not only be exposed but still in a flexible extended conformation in the mAAT folding intermediates recognized by Hsc70. Thus, for mAAT the discrimination between native and non-native structures by Hsc70 may rely more on the level of structure of the binding sites than on their degree of exposure to the solvent in the native structure.  相似文献   

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