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Two new cyclopropane triterpene glycosides were isolated from the methanol extracts of leaves of Passiflora quadrangularis. On the basis of hydrolysis, spectral evidence and comparison with quadranguloside, these compounds were assigned the structures 9,19-cyclolanosta-22,25-epoxy-3β-21,22(R)-triol-3β-O-gentiobioside and 9,19-cyclolanosta-21,24-epoxy-3β-25,26-triol-3β-O-gentiobioside,respectively. Oleanolic acid-3-sophoroside was also isolated for the first time from a natural source.  相似文献   

Passiflora incarnata:A New Fruit Crop. Economic Botany 53(2): 161–176, 1999. Passiflora incarnata bears flavorful fruits consumed by past and present peoples, and this plant deserves greater use as a fruit crop. Native to southeastern North America, it is an herbaceous perennial vine which flowers and fruits over much of the growing season. P. incarnata is self-incompatible and usually pollinated by carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.). Plants are functionally andromonoecious, and low resource status favors male flower production and thus reduces fruit set. The fruits contain many seeds, each surrounded by an aril holding edible juice, and this juice can be consumed fresh or used in processed products. Because it is a minor agricultural weed, P. incarnata should not be introduced into regions where it may naturalize. Polyploid hybrids of P. incarnata and the subtropical and tropical passionfruit, P. edulis, are also potential temperate fruit crops. Future research on P. incarnata should evaluate intraspecific genetic variation and performance in cultivation.
Passiflora incarnata (Passifloraceae): Un Nuevo Cultivo Frutal
Resumen  Passiflora incarnata (Passifloraceae): Un Nuevo Cultivo Frutal. Tanto historicamente como actualmente el consumo de la fruta Passiflora incarnata justifica su consideración como un cultivo frutal. P. incarnata es una liana herbácea perenne, indígena del sudeste de America del Norte, que produce fruta a lo largo de la temporada de crecimiento. P. incarnata es autoincompatible y, usualmente, polinada por abejas carpinteras (Xylocopa spp.). Estas plantas son funcionalmente andromonoícas. Niveles de recursos bajos favorecen la production deflores masculinas y reducen el nuúmero defrutos. Los frutos contienen muchas semillas, coda una de ellas rodeada por un aril con jugo comestible. Este jugo se puede usar tanto para productos naturales como procesados. Es importante evitar la introduction de P. incarnata en regiones donde se pueda aclimatar, ya que se comporta como una mala hierba. Es posible cultivar los híbridos de P. incarnata y P. edulis, la fruta depasión tropical y subtropical, en zonas templadas. Futuras pesquisas se deberían enfocar en la evaluación de la variación genética intraespecífica y su rendimiento como cultivo.

Passiflora alata is one of the commercialized species of the passion vines, grown for its edible fruits. It is found in South America, mainly Paraguay, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. The development of a set of microsatellite markers was proposed to provide tools for analysing both genetic structure of wild populations and the reproductive system of the species, which are poorly understood. Seven markers were developed from a P. alata‐genomic library enriched for simple sequence repeats (SSR). Twelve individuals were genotyped, and the levels of the expected heterozygosity (HE) did show that those markers could be used to develop P. alata genetic studies.  相似文献   

An actual worldwide problem consists of an expressive increase of economic losses and health problems caused by fungi. In order to solve this problem, several studies have been concentrating on the screening of novel plant defence peptides with antifungal activities. These peptides are commonly characterized by having low molecular masses and cationic charges. This present work reports on the purification and characterization of a novel plant peptide of 5.0 kDa, Pe-AFP1, purified from the seeds of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis). Purification was achieved using a Red-Sepharose Cl-6B affinity column followed by reversed-phase chromatography on Vydac C18-TP column. In vitro assays indicated that Pe-AFP1 was able of inhibiting the development of the filamentous fungi Trichoderma harzianum, Fusarium oxysporum, and Aspergillus fumigatus with IC50 values of 32, 34, and 40 microg ml(-1), respectively, but not of Rhyzoctonia solani, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Candida albicans. This protein was also subjected to automated N-terminal amino acid sequence, showing high degree of similarities to storage 2S albumins, adding a new member to this protein-defence family. The discovery of Pe-AFP1 could contribute, in a near future, to the development of biotechnological products as antifungal drugs and transgenic plants with enhanced resistance to pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Here we described the development of the first set of Passiflora microsatellite loci isolated from an enriched genomic library. A sample of 43 individuals from 12 accessions of the yellow passion fruit was used to characterize those loci, which revealed up to 20 alleles per locus. Two loci were monomorphic. The observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosities were very similar, as expected for a self‐incompatible species. Allelic diversity (HT) was 0.444. This set of markers will permit genetic structure analyses of cultivated and wild populations of Passiflora, and contribute for integrating genetic maps based on dominant markers, as they can provide bridge alleles.  相似文献   

从黄果西番莲(Passiflora edulisSims)压榨果汁中分离得到一个新的内酯类成分,波谱技术鉴定其结构为西番莲内酯。该化合物未显示对DPPH自由基的清除活性。  相似文献   

The effect of thigmotropic stimuli on the distribution of exogenously applied indoleacetic acid in intact tendrils of Passiflora quadrangularis L. has been investigated. Tips of tendrils were dipped in solutions of IAA-2-14C for 12 h and subsequently stimulated by exposure to carbon dioxide or mechanically by rubbing. The content of 14C in dorsal and ventral halves was analysed before, during and after coiling. Our experiments failed to detect any difference from the initial dorsal: ventral ratio of 14C (44:56) as a possible consequence of stimulus or of coiling. This suggests that thigmotropic curvature is not dependent on lateral movement of auxin, supporting a theory of a built-in asymmetrical reaction of the tissues to equal amounts of auxin and CO2, respectively.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the anatomical events and ultrastructural aspects of direct and indirect in vitro organogenesis in Passiflora edulis. Root explants were cultured on induction medium, supplemented with 4.44 μM 6-benzyladenine. Roots at different stages of development were collected and processed for observation by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Patterns of direct and indirect regeneration were observed in the explants. During direct organogenesis, the organogenic buds and nodules, formed from meristemoids, originated from the pericycle regions distant from the cut surface. Completely differentiated buds were observed after 20 days of culture. During indirect organogenesis, bud formation occurred via meristemoids at the periphery of the calli, which differentiated from the cortical region of the initial explant. Regardless of the regeneration pattern, the meristemoids had similar ultrastructural characteristics; however, differences were reported in the nuclear shape of the cells of the meristemoids formed directly and indirectly. This study provides important information for enhancing the understanding and characterization of the organogenic process in non-meristematic explants and provides information on the use of roots as explants in genetic transformation protocols for this important tropical species.  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of and the considerable variability observed in Passiflora (Passifloraceae), little is known about the genetic diversity of most of the species of this genus. We evaluated the genetic diversity by RAPD markers in 18 genotypes of Passiflora trintae. The 15 primers generated 112 markers, 84% of which were polymorphic. The genetic distance estimated by the complement of the Dice index (average dissimilarity = 0.30) and genotype grouping based on the UPGMA algorithm showed low variability among genotypes. More attention should be given to the study and conservation of the biodiversity of this economically important genus.  相似文献   



The passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) is a tropical crop of economic importance both for juice production and consumption as fresh fruit. The juice is also used in concentrate blends that are consumed worldwide. However, very little is known about the genome of the species. Therefore, improving our understanding of passion fruit genomics is essential and to some degree a pre-requisite if its genetic resources are to be used more efficiently. In this study, we have constructed a large-insert BAC library and provided the first view on the structure and content of the passion fruit genome, using BAC-end sequence (BES) data as a major resource.


The library consisted of 82,944 clones and its levels of organellar DNA were very low. The library represents six haploid genome equivalents, and the average insert size was 108 kb. To check its utility for gene isolation, successful macroarray screening experiments were carried out with probes complementary to eight Passiflora gene sequences available in public databases. BACs harbouring those genes were used in fluorescent in situ hybridizations and unique signals were detected for four BACs in three chromosomes (n = 9). Then, we explored 10,000 BES and we identified reads likely to contain repetitive mobile elements (19.6% of all BES), simple sequence repeats and putative proteins, and to estimate the GC content (~42%) of the reads. Around 9.6% of all BES were found to have high levels of similarity to plant genes and ontological terms were assigned to more than half of the sequences analysed (940). The vast majority of the top-hits made by our sequences were to Populus trichocarpa (24.8% of the total occurrences), Theobroma cacao (21.6%), Ricinus communis (14.3%), Vitis vinifera (6.5%) and Prunus persica (3.8%).


We generated the first large-insert library for a member of Passifloraceae. This BAC library provides a new resource for genetic and genomic studies, as well as it represents a valuable tool for future whole genome study. Remarkably, a number of BAC-end pair sequences could be mapped to intervals of the sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana, V. vinifera and P. trichocarpa chromosomes, and putative collinear microsyntenic regions were identified.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-816) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Passiflora cordistipula, a new species of subg.Passiflora, ser.Lobatae, from the state of Amazonas, Brazil, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Necrodane monoterpenoids from Lavandula luisieri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four new irregular monoterpenoids were identified in the essential oil of Lavandula luisieri (Rozeira) Riv. Mart., a Labiatae endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. By means of spectroscopic and chemical methods, they were characterised as 3,5-dimethylene-1,4,4-trimethylcyclopentene, 5-methylene-2,3,4,4-tetramethylcyclopent-2-enone, 3,4,5,5-tetramethylcyclopenta-1,3-dienecarboxaldehyde and 3,4,5,5-tetramethylcyclopenta-1,3-dienecarboxylic acid. L. luisieri essential oil and extract showed a good activity against Candida albicans and gram positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and S. pyogenes.  相似文献   

Maximum production of single-;cell protein (SCP), biomass, chemicals or fuels from microorganisms demands the manipulation of environmental conditions. Consequently, single-;cell protein production was carried out using Candida sp. and pawpaw fruit pulp extract (substrate), under conditions of varying initial inoculum, different agitation rates, nitrogen sources, and heat treatments. The highest viable cell count of 8.00 ± 1.34 × 1010 colony forming units (cfu)/ml was obtained with substrate supplemented with ammonium sulphate and the least viable cell count of 7.10 ± 2.10 × 106 cfu/ml was observed using urea treated substrate. An optimum viable cell count occurred with an initial inoculum of 5.60 × 105 cfu/ml, conditions of non-sterilization and agitation at 200 r.p.m. Growth also peaked at 24, 48 and 72 h with varying treatments.  相似文献   

A central composite design was employed to optimize the extraction of pectin with citric acid. The independent variables were citric acid concentration (0.086–2.91% w/v) and extraction time (17–102 min). The combined effect of these variables on the degree of esterification was investigated. Results have shown that the generated regression models adequately explained the data variation and significantly represented the actual relationship between the independent variables and the responses. Besides that, the citric acid concentration was the most important factor to affect the degree of esterification, as it exerted a significant influence on the dependent variable. Lower citric acid concentration increased the pectin degree of esterification. The surface response showed the relationships between the independent variables, and thus responses were generated. Through this surface, the satisfactory condition of 0.086% w/v citric acid for 60 min was established for extraction of high-ester yellow passion fruit pectin.  相似文献   

Three new species of Passiflora have been collected in the province of ZamoraChinchipe within the last 12 years. They are here described and illustrated as Passiflora carnasisepala, P condarita, and P.parvipetala. The total number of species of Passiflora in Ecuador is now 94, of which 40 belong to the subgenus Decaloba and 32 are endemic to the country.  相似文献   

Little is known about the molecular genetic diversity of most Passiflora species. We used RAPD markers to evaluate the genetic diversity of 24 genotypes of the 'sleep' passion fruit (Passiflora setacea). Twelve primers generated 95 markers, 88% of which were polymorphic. The genetic distance estimated by the complement of the Dice index ranged from 0.29 (among accessions Ps-G1 and Ps-G13) to 0.69 (among accessions Ps-G21 and Ps-G23). Genotype grouping based on the UPGMA algorithm showed considerable variability among genotypes. We conclude that P. setacea has a broad genetic base that could be exploited in breeding programs.  相似文献   

A mechanical palmyrah fruit pulp extractor was constructed which had square blades fitted at an angle to the vertical shaft through rods. The shaft was connected with a 0.75 horse power motor. A gear box was used to regulate the rpm. Using this extractor, the manual and mechanical extraction of pulp from palmyrah fruit were compared. The rate and cost (in Sri Lankan Rupees, SLR) for manual extraction of fuit pulp are 11.9 min fruit–1 and SLR 1.52 fruit–1 while for mechanical extraction the figures are 0.48 min fruit–1 and SLR 0.54 fruit–1 respectively, The amount of pulp extracted per fruit by manual and mechanical processes was 0.63 kg with 11–13% brix and 0.84 kg with 9–10% brix respectively. Eventhough there is a 2% difference in the brix content of the pulp obtained by the two processes, the soluble solids separated per fruit is the same (0.08 kg fruit–1) in both processes.  相似文献   

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