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Triple A syndrome is a human autosomal recessive disorder characterized by adrenal insufficiency, achalasia, alacrima, and neurological abnormalities affecting the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems. In humans, this disease is caused by mutations in the AAAS gene, which encodes ALADIN, a protein that belongs to the family of WD-repeat proteins and localizes to nuclear pore complexes. To analyze the function of the gene in the context of the whole organism and in an attempt to obtain an animal model for human triple A syndrome, we generated mice lacking a functional Aaas gene. The Aaas-/- animals were found to be externally indistinguishable from their wild-type littermates, although their body weight was on the average lower than that of wild-type mice. Histological analysis of various tissues failed to reveal any differences between Aaas-/- and wild-type mice. Aaas-/- mice exhibit unexpectedly mild abnormal behavior and only minor neurological deficits. Our data show that the lack of ALADIN in mice does not lead to a triple A syndrome-like disease. Thus, in mice either the function of ALADIN differs from that in humans, its loss can be readily compensated for, or additional factors, such as environmental conditions or genetic modifiers, contribute to the disease.  相似文献   

目的:建立HSP90α低表达和HSP90β高表达HepG2细胞株。方法:通过电转染方法将质粒pSilencerHSP90α和pSmycHSP90β转染入HepG2细胞中,应用Western-blotting和MTT法分别鉴定转染效果及绘制细胞生长曲线。结果:带有HSP90αsiRNA片段的质粒和带有HSP90β片段的质粒成功转入HepG2中,转染细胞与未转染细胞生长情况无差别。结论:电转染方法可以有效地将质粒转染入HepG2中去,转染细胞的生长情况将不会影响后续实验的结果。  相似文献   

Catalase plays a major role in cellular antioxidant defense by decomposing hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing the generation of hydroxyl radical by the Fenton reaction. The degree of catalase deficiency in acatalasemic and hypocatalasemic mice varies from tissue to tissue. They therefore may not be suitable for studying the function of this enzyme in certain models of oxidant-mediated tissue injury. We sought to generate a new line of catalase null mice by the gene targeting technique. The mouse catalase (Cat or Cas1) gene was disrupted by replacing parts of intron 4 and exon 5 with a neomycin resistance cassette. Homozygous Cat knockout mice, which are completely deficient in catalase expression, develop normally and show no gross abnormalities. Slices of liver and lung and lenses from the knockout mice exhibited a retarded rate in decomposing extracellular hydrogen peroxide compared with those of wild-type mice. However, mice deficient in catalase were not more vulnerable to hyperoxia-induced lung injury; nor did their lenses show any increased susceptibility to oxidative stress generated by photochemical reaction, suggesting that the antioxidant function of catalase in these two models of oxidant injury is negligible. Further studies showed that cortical injury from physical impact caused a significant decrease in NAD-linked electron transfer activities and energy coupling capacities in brain mitochondria of Cat knockout mice but not wild-type mice. The observed decrease in efficiency of mitochondrial respiration may be a direct result of an increase in mitochondrion-associated calcium, which is secondary to the increased oxidative stress. These studies suggest that the role of catalase in antioxidant defense is dependent on the type of tissue and the model of oxidant-mediated tissue injury.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells are the founder cells of the gametes. They are set aside at the initial stages of gastrulation in mammals, become embedded in the hind-gut endoderm, then actively migrate to the sites of gonad formation. The molecular basis of this migration is poorly understood. Here we sought to determine if members of the integrin family of cell surface receptors are required for primordial germ cell migration, as integrins have been implicated in the migration of several other motile cell types. We have established a line of mice which express green fluorescent protein in germline cells that has enabled us to efficiently purify primordial germ cells at different stages by flow cytometry. We have catalogued the spectrum of integrin subunit expression by primordial germ cells during and after migration, using flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. Through analysis of integrin beta1(-/-)-->wild-type chimeras, we show that embryonic cells lacking beta1 integrins can enter the germline. However, integrin beta1(-/-) primordial germ cells do not colonize the gonad efficiently. Embryos with targeted deletion of integrin subunit alpha3, alpha6, or alphaV show no major defects in primordial germ cell migration. These results demonstrate a role for beta1-containing integrins in the development of the germline, although an equivalent role for * integrin subunit(s) has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) is a transmembrane zinc metallopeptidase found mainly in the nervous system, prostate and small intestine. In the nervous system, glia‐bound GCPII mediates the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter N‐acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) into glutamate and N‐acetylaspartate. Inhibition of GCPII has been shown to attenuate excitotoxicity associated with enhanced glutamate transmission under pathological conditions. However, different strains of mice lacking the GCPII gene are reported to exhibit striking phenotypic differences. In this study, a GCPII gene knockout (KO) strategy involved removing exons 3–5 of GCPII. This generated a new GCPII KO mice line with no overt differences in standard neurological behavior compared to their wild‐type (WT) littermates. However, GCPII KO mice were significantly less susceptible to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI). GCPII gene KO significantly lessened neuronal degeneration and astrocyte damage in the CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus 24 h after moderate TBI. In addition, GCPII gene KO reduced TBI‐induced deficits in long‐term spatial learning/memory tested in the Morris water maze and motor balance tested via beam walking. Knockout of the GCPII gene is not embryonic lethal and affords histopathological protection with improved long‐term behavioral outcomes after TBI, a result that further validates GCPII as a target for drug development consistent with results from studies using GCPII peptidase inhibitors.


Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a cytokine with many regulatory functions. In particular, IL-10 exerts neutralizing effect on other cytokines, and therefore IL-10 is thought to have important therapeutic implications. Recent reports suggest that IL-10 regulates not only immunocytes but also collagen and collagenase gene expression in fibroblasts. In this study, we investigated the effect of IL-10 on gene expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, such as type I collagen, fibronectin, and decorin, in human skin fibroblasts. Results of Northern blot analysis showed that both collagen I and fibronectin mRNAs were downregulated, while decorin gene expression was enhanced by IL-10 (10 ng/ml) time-dependently (6-24 h). alpha1(I) collagen and fibronectin mRNAs were decreased to one-third and one-fourth, respectively, by 50 ng/ml IL-10, whereas decorin mRNA was increased up to 2.7-fold by 50 ng/ml IL-10. Response to IL-10 by scleroderma fibroblasts was similar to that in normal dermal fibroblasts, with decreased expression levels of collagen and fibronectin and induced decorin mRNA levels. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a crucial fibrogenic cytokine which upregulates the mRNA expression of collagen and fibronectin, whereas it downregulates decorin mRNA expression in fibroblasts. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) has recently been shown to upregulate the type I collagen mRNA expression in cultured fibroblasts. We therefore examined whether IL-10 alters gene expression of ECM elicited by TGF-beta and MCP-1. Our results demonstrated that IL-10 downregulated the TGF-beta-elicited increase of mRNA expression of type I collagen and fibronectin, while partially recovering TGF-beta-elicited decrease of decorin expression in normal skin fibroblasts. By contrast, IL-10 did not alter the MCP-1-elicited upregulation of mRNA expression of either alpha1(I) collagen and decorin. Our data indicate that IL-10 differentially regulates TGF-beta and MCP-1 in the modulation of ECM proteins and therefore suggest that IL-10 plays a role in the regulation of tissue remodeling.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thy-1 is a major cell-surface glycoprotein of mature neurons and certain other cells, including those of the lymphoreticular system. Despite being the simplest member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, the biological role of Thy-1 has proved elusive. Analysis of Thy-1 null mice has shown the presence of excessive GABAergic inhibition of neurotransmission in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation selectively, without any neurological or behavioural effects being apparent. RESULTS: We show here that Thy-1 null mice are unable to make the appropriate dietary choice in the test for social transmission of food preference, despite showing a normal level of social interaction with the demonstrator mouse, normal neophobia, and normal learning in a T-maze using scented food as cues. The mice also performed normally in tests of anxiety, locomotor activity, exploration of a novel environment, habituation to novelty and spatial learning. This phenotype is maintained on two different strain backgrounds, is rescued by transgenic expression of Thy-1 and by administration of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist pentylenetetrazole. CONCLUSIONS: The test for social transmission of food preference is based on the normal ability of mice in a colony to learn from each other which foods are safe to eat. The lack of this key survival behaviour in Thy-1 null mice could act as an evolutionary pressure point to conserve expression of Thy-1. Furthermore, the specific cognitive defect caused by inactivation of the Thy-1 gene suggests that it would be worthwhile to determine the role of Thy-1 in certain human familial forms of mental retardation that map to chromosome 11q22-23 in the region of the Thy-1 locus rather than the nearby ataxia telangiectasia locus.  相似文献   

A subset of heat shock proteins, HSP90 alpha, HSP90 beta, and a member of the HSP70 family, HSC70, shows enhanced synthesis following mitogenic activation as well as heat shock in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In this study, we have examined expression of mRNA for these proteins, including the major 70-kDa heat shock protein, HSP70, in mononuclear cells following either heat shock or mitogenic activation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA), ionomycin, and the phorbol ester, tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate. The results demonstrate that the kinetics of mRNA expression of these four genes generally parallel the kinetics of enhanced protein synthesis seen following either heat shock or mitogen activation and provide clear evidence that mitogen-induced synthesis of HSC70 and HSP90 is due to increased mRNA levels and not simply to enhanced translation of preexisting mRNA. Although most previous studies have focused on cell cycle regulation of HSP70 mRNA, we found that HSP70 mRNA was only slightly and transiently induced by PHA activation, while HSC70 is the predominant 70-kDa heat shock protein homologue induced by mitogens. Similarly, HSP90 alpha appears more inducible by heat shock than mitogens while the opposite is true for HSP90 beta. These results suggest that, although HSP70 and HSC70 have been shown to contain similar promoter regions, additional regulatory mechanisms which result in differential expression to a given stimulus must exist. They clearly demonstrate that human lymphocytes are an important model system for determining mechanisms for regulation of heat shock protein synthesis in unstressed cells. Finally, based on kinetics of mRNA expression, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that HSC70 and HSP90 gene expression are driven by an IL-2/IL-2 receptor-dependent pathway in human T cells.  相似文献   

Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a human autoimmune disease of unknown etiology in which cartilaginous sites are destroyed by cyclic inflammatory episodes beginning, most commonly, during the fourth or fifth decade of life. We have previously described collagen-induced polychondritis that closely mirrors RP occurring in young (6-8 weeks old) HLA-DQ6alphabeta 8alphabeta transgenic Abeta0 mice, following immunization with heterologous type II collagen (CII). We present evidence here that transgenic strains expressing the DQ6alpha8beta transgene develop spontaneous polychondritis (SP) at the mouse equivalent of human middle age (4.5-6 months and 40-50 years old, respectively) and display polyarthritis, auricular chondritis and nasal chondritis--three of the most common sites affected in RP. Auricular chondritis in SP, like RP but unlike CII-induced polychondritis, exhibited a relapsing/remitting phenotype, requiring several inflammatory cycles before the cartilage is destroyed. Elevated serum levels of total IgG corresponded with the onset of disease in SP, as in RP and CII-induced polychondritis. No CII-specific immune response was detected in SP, however--more closely mirroring RP, in which as few as 30% of RP patients have been reported to have CII-specific IgG. CII-induced polychondritis displays a strong CII-specific immune response. SP also demonstrated a strong female preponderance, as some workers have reported in RP but has not observed in CII-induced polychondritis. These characteristics of SP allow for the examination of the immunopathogenesis of polychondritis in the absence of an overwhelming CII-specific immune response and the strong adjuvant-induced immunostimulatory influence in CII-induced polychondritis. This spontaneous model of polychondritis provides a new and unique tool to investigate both the initiatory events as well as the immunopathogenic mechanisms occurring at cartilaginous sites during the cyclic inflammatory assaults of polychondritis.  相似文献   

Junin virus (JUNV) causes a highly lethal human disease, Argentine hemorrhagic fever. Previous work has demonstrated the requirement for human transferrin receptor 1 for virus entry, and the absence of the receptor was proposed to be a major cause for the resistance of laboratory mice to JUNV infection. In this study, we present for the first time in vivo evidence that the disruption of interferon signaling is sufficient to generate a disease-susceptible mouse model for JUNV infection. After peripheral inoculation with virulent JUNV, adult mice lacking alpha/beta and gamma interferon receptors developed disseminated infection and severe disease.  相似文献   

The male germ cell-specific fatty acid-binding protein 9 (FABP9/PERF15) is the major component of the murine sperm perforatorium and perinuclear theca. Based on its cytoskeletal association and sequence homology to myelin P2 (FABP8), it has been suggested that FABP9 tethers sperm membranes to the underlying cytoskeleton. Furthermore, its upregulation in apoptotic testicular germ cells and its increased phosphorylation status during capacitation suggested multiple important functions for FABP9. Therefore, we investigated specific functions for FABP9 by means of targeted gene disruption in mice. FABP9−/− mice were viable and fertile. Phenotypic analysis showed that FABP9−/− mice had significant increases in sperm head abnormalities (~ 8% greater than their WT cohorts); in particular, we observed the reduction or absence of the characteristic structural element known as the “ventral spur” in ~ 10% of FABP9−/− sperm. However, deficiency of FABP9 affected neither membrane tethering to the perinuclear theca nor the fatty acid composition of sperm. Moreover, epididymal sperm numbers were not affected in FABP9−/− mice. Therefore, we conclude that FABP9 plays only a minor role in providing the murine sperm head its characteristic shape and is not absolutely required for spermatogenesis or sperm function.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications play important roles in regulating protein structure and function. Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is a mostly cytoplasmic class II HDAC, which has a unique structure with two catalytic domains and a domain binding ubiquitin with high affinity. This enzyme was recently identified as a multisubstrate protein deacetylase that can act on acetylated histone tails, alpha-tubulin and Hsp90. To investigate the in vivo functions of HDAC6 and the relevance of tubulin acetylation/deacetylation, we targeted the HDAC6 gene by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells and generated knockout mice. HDAC6-deficient mice are viable and fertile and show hyperacetylated tubulin in most tissues. The highest level of expression of HDAC6 is seen in the testis, yet development and function of this organ are normal in the absence of HDAC6. Likewise, lymphoid development is normal, but the immune response is moderately affected. Furthermore, the lack of HDAC6 results in a small increase in cancellous bone mineral density, indicating that this deacetylase plays a minor role in bone biology. HDAC6-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts show apparently normal microtubule organization and stability and also show increased Hsp90 acetylation correlating with impaired Hsp90 function. Collectively, these data demonstrate that mice survive well without HDAC6 and that tubulin hyperacetylation is not detrimental to normal mammalian development.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance disorders are caused by mutations in ubiquitously expressed nuclear genes and lead to syndromes with variable disease severity and tissue-specific phenotypes. Loss of function mutations in the gene encoding the mitochondrial genome and maintenance exonuclease 1 (MGME1) result in deletions and depletion of mtDNA leading to adult-onset multisystem mitochondrial disease in humans. To better understand the in vivo function of MGME1 and the associated disease pathophysiology, we characterized a Mgme1 mouse knockout model by extensive phenotyping of ageing knockout animals. We show that loss of MGME1 leads to de novo formation of linear deleted mtDNA fragments that are constantly made and degraded. These findings contradict previous proposal that MGME1 is essential for degradation of linear mtDNA fragments and instead support a model where MGME1 has a critical role in completion of mtDNA replication. We report that Mgme1 knockout mice develop a dramatic phenotype as they age and display progressive weight loss, cataract and retinopathy. Surprisingly, aged animals also develop kidney inflammation, glomerular changes and severe chronic progressive nephropathy, consistent with nephrotic syndrome. These findings link the faulty mtDNA synthesis to severe inflammatory disease and thus show that defective mtDNA replication can trigger an immune response that causes age-associated progressive pathology in the kidney.  相似文献   

Matrilins are putative adaptor proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM) which can form both collagen-dependent and collagen-independent filamentous networks. While all known matrilins (matrilin-1, -2, -3, and -4) are expressed in cartilage, only matrilin-2 and matrilin-4 are abundant in non-skeletal tissues. To clarify the biological role of matrilin-2, we have developed a matrilin-2-deficient mouse strain. Matrilin-2 null mice show no gross abnormalities during embryonic or adult development, are fertile, and have a normal lifespan. Histological and ultrastructural analyses indicate apparently normal structure of all organs and tissues where matrilin-2 is expressed. Although matrilin-2 co-localizes with matrilin-4 in many tissues, Northern hybridization, semiquantitative RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and biochemical analysis reveal no significant alteration in the steady-state level of matrilin-4 expression in homozygous mutant mice. Immunostaining of wild-type and mutant skin samples indicate no detectable differences in the expression and deposition of matrilin-2 binding partners including collagen I, laminin-nidogen complexes, fibrillin-2 and fibronectin. In addition, electron microscopy reveals an intact basement membrane at the epidermal-dermal junction and normal organization of the dermal collagen fibrils in mutant skin. These data suggest that either matrilin-2 and matrilin-2-mediated matrix-matrix interactions are dispensable for proper ECM assembly and function, or that they are efficiently compensated by other matrix components including wild-type levels of matrilin-4.  相似文献   

The active metabolite of vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25(OH)(2)D(3))) is known to modulate the immune response in Th1 cell-directed diseases. To investigate the role of vitamin D in Th2 cell-directed diseases, experimental allergic asthma was induced in vitamin D receptor (VDR) knockout and in wild-type (WT) mice. As expected, WT mice developed symptoms of airway inflammation with an influx of eosinophils, elevated Th2 cytokine levels, mucous production, and airway hyperresponsiveness. The administration of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) had no effect on asthma severity. The only discernable effect of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) on experimental allergic asthma in WT mice was an increased expression of two Th2-related genes (soluble CD23 and GATA-3) in lungs of BALB/c mice exposed to Ag through the nasal route only. By contrast, asthma-induced VDR knockout mice failed to develop airway inflammation, eosinophilia, or airway hyperresponsiveness, despite high IgE concentrations and elevated Th2 cytokines. The data suggest that although 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) induced these Th2-type genes, the treatment failed to have any affect on experimental asthma severity. However, VDR-deficient mice failed to develop experimental allergic asthma, suggesting an important role for the vitamin D endocrine system in the generation of Th2-driven inflammation in the lung.  相似文献   

Luo S  Zhang B  Dong XP  Tao Y  Ting A  Zhou Z  Meixiong J  Luo J  Chiu FC  Xiong WC  Mei L 《Neuron》2008,60(1):97-110
Rapsyn, an acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-interacting protein, is essential for synapse formation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Like many synaptic proteins, rapsyn turns over rapidly at synapses. However, little is known about molecular mechanisms that govern rapsyn stability. Using a differential mass-spectrometry approach, we identified heat-shock protein 90beta (HSP90beta) as a component in surface AChR clusters. The HSP90beta-AChR interaction required rapsyn and was stimulated by agrin. Inhibition of HSP90beta activity or expression, or disruption of its interaction with rapsyn attenuated agrin-induced formation of AChR clusters in vitro and impaired the development and maintenance of the NMJ in vivo. Finally, we showed that HSP90beta was necessary for rapsyn stabilization and regulated its proteasome-dependent degradation. Together, these results indicate a role of HSP90beta in NMJ development by regulating rapsyn turnover and subsequent AChR cluster formation and maintenance.  相似文献   



The ribonucleotide reductase M1 (RRM1) gene encodes the regulatory subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, the molecular target of gemcitabine. The overexpression of RRM1 mRNA in tumor tissues is reported to be associated with gemcitabine resistance. Thus, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the RRM1 gene are potential biomarkers of the response to gemcitabine chemotherapy. We investigated whether RRM1 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or SNPs were associated with clinical outcome after gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.


PBMC samples were obtained from 62 stage IIIB and IV patients treated with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy. RRM1 mRNA expression levels were assessed by real-time PCR. Three RRM1 SNPs, -37C→A, 2455A→G and 2464G→A, were assessed by direct sequencing.


RRM1 expression was detectable in 57 PBMC samples, and SNPs were sequenced in 56 samples. The overall response rate to gemcitabine was 18%; there was no significant association between RRM1 mRNA expression and response rate (P = 0.560). The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 23.3 weeks in the lower expression group and 26.9 weeks in the higher expression group (P = 0.659). For the -37C→A polymorphism, the median PFS was 30.7 weeks in the C(-)37A group, 24.7 weeks in the A(-)37A group, and 23.3 weeks in the C(-)37C group (P = 0.043). No significant difference in PFS was observed for the SNP 2455A→G or 2464G→A.


The RRM1 polymorphism -37C→A correlated with PFS in NSCLC patients treated with gemcitabine-based chemotherapy. No significant correlation was found between PBMC RRM1 mRNA expression and the efficacy of gemcitabine.  相似文献   

The Nkx homeobox genes are expressed in a variety of developing tissues and have been implicated in controlling tissue patterning and cell differentiation. Expression of Nkx6.2 (Gtx) was previously observed in the embryonic neural tube, testis, and differentiating oligodendrocytes. To investigate the role of Nkx6.2 in the control of cell specification and differentiation, we generated mice with null mutations in Nkx6.2 using the standard gene targeting approach. Null mutant mice were viable and fertile without apparent histological and immunohistochemical changes in the central nervous systems and testis. The absence of detectable phenotypes suggests a redundant function of Nkx6.2 in mouse development.  相似文献   

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