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Reproductive suppression of young females by conspecific females has been reported from laboratory studies on several species of rodents, including the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster, but not meadow voles, M. pennsylvanicus. We exposed female prairie voles and meadow voles to two treatments: a mother and one 23-26-day-old daughter paired with a strange male and a 23-26-day-old daughter paired with a different strange male. We found no differences in the proportion of daughters breeding or the time to sexual maturation for daughters raised in the two treatments for either species. Thus, we have no indication that mothers had any adverse effect on reproductive efforts of their daughters. These results differ from previous studies that concluded young female prairie voles were reproductively suppressed by female relatives. The difference between our and previous studies on reproductive suppression is that we examined breeding in young females rather than proximate measures of growth and reproductive development. We question the evolutionary significance of reproductive suppression among related female microtine rodents, especially in that it has not been documented from field populations.  相似文献   

Ninety nine consecutive insulin dependent and 101 non-diabetic pregnant women were examined by ultrasonograph to assess early fetal growth. In 42 of the diabetic mothers and three of the non-diabetic mothers the scan showed early intrauterine growth delay. At 4-5 years of age all children available for study were evaluated by the Denver developmental screening test. Only 23 of the 34 children of diabetic mothers with early intrauterine growth delay had normal test scores compared with 46 of the 50 children of diabetic mothers with normal intrauterine growth. The children failed in personal-social development, gross motor development, and particularly in language and speech development. Children of diabetic mothers with normal early fetal growth had scores very similar to those of the children of non-diabetic mothers, of whom 76 of the 86 tested had normal scores.This study suggests that children with a history of growth delay in early diabetic pregnancy should be screened for possible developmental impairment.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that natal philopatry is a prerequisite for the evolution of sociality. The life-history hypothesis maintains that longevity of adults results in extended territory tenure and thus limits breeding vacancies for offspring, which makes natal philopatry more likely. Here, we tested the importance of longevity for natal philopatry in females of a basal primate, the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). This species is regarded as being solitary due to its foraging habits but while males disperse, female offspring in this species forgo dispersal and form long-term sleeping groups with their mothers. We tested whether high adult survival could be a cause for natal philopatry of female offspring. In addition, we assessed costs and benefits associated with space sharing between mothers and daughters and whether mothers actively increase survival of daughters by beqeauthal of territories, information transfer about resources or thermoregulation. Contrary to our predictions, adult females had low-survival rates. Space sharing appeared to improve survival of both, mothers and daughters. This could be a result of information transfer about sleeping sites and thermoregulatory benefits. Our results cast doubt on the idea that longevity predisposes species for social traits and provide support for benefits of philopatry.  相似文献   

Using follow-up data on a sample of mothers who gave birth at a Lucknow city hospital in India, the family size ideals of the women were examined in relation to experienced and perceived levels of child mortality and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. The fear of child mortality and their own experience tended to increase the size of family which the mothers considered to be ideal. Under the conditions of assured survival of all children born to a couple, the study mothers considered on the average 2.83 children as ideal, as compared to 3.68 under conditions of uncertain survival. The couples with a rural background thought higher numbers of children were ideal, as compared to those with an urban background. More of the females who belonged to joint families preferred fewer children compared to those in nuclear families. Within the overall mean ideal family size of 2.83, the Hindu females thought fewer children made up an ideal family than their Muslim counterparts. Further, among the Hindus, the mean number of children considered ideal varied inversely with caste status. About 44% of the illiterate females considered 4 or more children as ideal, compared to about 5% of those with education to graduate or higher levels. The educational level of the males also influenced the family size preferences of their wives which varied inversely with them. The family size ideals of the females varied significantly with their husbands' occupational status. The females who lived in relatively poor housing conditions considered higher numbers of children as ideal. The preference is for smaller families with younger mothers. The female's age at marriage is important. The females currently using birth control methods considered an average 2.72 children as ideal, in contrast to 2.98 for those who were not using any method; the difference in means is significant.  相似文献   

Differences among females in infant survival can contribute substantially to variance in fitness. Infant survival is a product of external risk factors and investment by kin, especially the mother, and is thus closely tied with the evolution of behavior and life history. Here we present a 9-yr study (2004–2012) of infant survival and sex ratio relative to age and dominance ranks of mothers and the presence of immigrant males in a free-ranging population of gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We consider immigrant males because they are known to increase infant mortality in several other species. We found that infants of older mothers had higher survival than those of younger mothers but that high rank did not confer a significant benefit on infant survival. Female infants had higher survival than male infants. Young, low-ranking females had more male infants than young, high-ranking females, which had slightly more daughters, but this difference declined as females aged because low-ranking females had more daughters as they aged. With limited data, we found a significant relationship between the presence of male immigrants and infant mortality (falls and unexplained disappearances) to 18 mo. Our results suggest that infant survival in gray-cheeked mangabeys is most precarious when mothers must allocate energy to their own growth as well as to their infants, that sons of young mothers are at greatest risk, and that immigrant males can negatively affect infant survival.  相似文献   

Many studies show that the extended human family can be helpful in raising offspring, with maternal grandmothers, in particular, improving offspring survival. However, less attention has been given to competition between female kin and co-residents. It has been argued that reproductive conflict between generations explains the evolution of menopause in cooperatively breeding species where females disperse, and that older females are related to the offspring of younger females through their sons, whereas younger, incoming females are unrelated to older females. This means the pattern of help will be asymmetric, so older females lose in reproductive conflict and become 'sterile helpers'. Here, we seek evidence for female reproductive competition using longitudinal demographic data from a rural Gambian population, and examine when women are helping or harming each other's reproductive success. We find that older women benefit and younger women suffer costs of reproductive competition with women in their compound. But the opposite is found for mothers and daughters; if mother and daughter's reproductive spans overlap, the older woman reduces her reproduction if the younger woman (daughter) reproduces, whereas daughters' fertility is unaffected by their mothers' reproduction. Married daughters are not generally co-resident with their mothers, so we find not only competition effects with co-resident females, but also with daughters who have dispersed. Dispersal varies across human societies, but our results suggest reproductive conflict could be influencing reproductive scheduling whatever the dispersal pattern. A cultural norm of late male marriage reduces paternal grandmother/daughter-in-law reproductive overlap almost to zero in this population. We argue that cultural norms surrounding residence and marriage are themselves cultural adaptations to reduce reproductive conflict between generations in human families.  相似文献   

The individual bones that are identifiable from lateral skull radiographs have been analysed for the parents and growing children of 45 families. There were at least four children in each family and altogether there were 95 sons and 102 daughters. The youngest child was not less than seven years of age. Traced outlines were made of the bones and 24 linear and angular measurements were made; the raw data were transformed into scores to overcome differences due to age and sex. Analyses of variance of within and between families showed that for all the variables, the scores for persons in different families were significantly less similar, (P < 0.001), than scores to be found within families. Correlations were then computed for each variable between the mothers and fathers, the mothers and sons, the mothers and daughters, the fathers and sons, the fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, paired brothers and paired sisters. It was found that there were no statistically significant correlations between the mothers and fathers, but for all the other combinations that were examined there were many correlations significant at a 0.1% and 1.0% level.  相似文献   

Bruton X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is a phenotypically recessive genetic disorder of B lymphocyte development. Female carriers of XLA, although asymptomatic, have a characteristic B cell lineage-specific skewing of the pattern of X inactivation. Skewing apparently results from defective growth and maturation of B cell precursors bearing a mutant active X chromosome. In this study, carrier status was tested in 58 women from 22 families referred with a history of agammaglobulinemia. Primary carrier analysis to examine patterns of X inactivation in CD19+ peripheral blood cells (B lymphocytes) was conducted using quantitative PCR at the androgen-receptor locus. Obligate carriers of XLA demonstrated > 95% skewing of X inactivation in peripheral blood CD19+ cells but not in CD19- cells. Carrier status for mothers of isolated affected males could be assessed in 10 of 11 families: 7 women showed skewing, and 3 did not. Five carriers were found in six families in which there were no living affected males. Among all those tested, one individual's carrier status was considered to be indeterminate and five women were noninformative for the carrier test. Results obtained by the carrier test were congruent with linkage analysis (where applicable) using the RFLPs DXS178 and DXS94 and two newly developed polymorphic microsatellite markers, DXS178CA and DXS101AAT. Refinements in techniques for primary carrier testing and genetic mapping of XLA now make possible an ordered approach to diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis, and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the occurrence of vertical transmission of HIV-I from women positive for the virus and the prognosis for their babies. DESIGN--Women presenting in labour were tested for HIV-I. Their newborn babies were also tested. Women positive for the virus were followed up with their babies for two years. SETTING--Teaching hospital in Lusaka, Zambia. SUBJECTS--1954 Women, of whom 227 were seropositive. Of 205 babies, 192 were positive for HIV-I. After birth 109 seropositive mothers and their babies and 40 seronegative mothers and their babies were available for follow up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Serological examination of mothers and their babies by western blotting. Birth weight and subsequent survival of babies. Women and babies were tested over two years for signs of seroconversion and symptoms of infection with HIV, AIDS related complex, and AIDS. RESULTS--Of the 109 babies born to seropositive mothers and available for follow up, 18 died before 8 months, 14 with clinical AIDS. Of the 91 remaining, 23 were seropositive at 8 months. By 24 months 23 of 86 surviving babies were seropositive, and a further five infected babies had died, four were terminally ill, 17 had AIDS related complex, and two had no symptoms. The overall rate of perinatal transmission was 42 out of 109 (39%). The overall mortality of infected children at 2 years was 19 out of 42 (44%). Before the age of 1 year infected children had pneumonia and recurrent coughs, thereafter symptoms included failure to thrive, recurrent diarrhoea and fever, pneumonia, candidiasis, and lymphodenopathy. All babies had received live attenuated vaccines before 8 months with no adverse affects. CONCLUSIONS--Vertical transmission from infected mothers to their babies is high in Zambia and prognosis is poor for the babies. Perinatal transmission and paediatric AIDS must be reduced, possibly by screening young women and counselling those positive for HIV-I against future pregnancy.  相似文献   

The asymptomatic hemizygous female carriers of the X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP) have abnormal antibody responses to EBV. This suggests partial expression of the defect that leads to EBV-provoked life-threatening diseases in their affected sons. EBV specific antibodies were measured in 65 serum samples of 12 obligate carrier females and seven of their daughters (females at risk) during periods ranging from 1 to 5 yr. Abnormal qualitative antiviral capsid antigen (VCA) IgG titers were nearly fourfold higher than normal controls, two carriers had persistent IgM anti-VCA antibody, two-thirds had persistent IgA anti-VCA antibody, and half of the women had titers to early antigen (EA). Five of seven females exhibited a similar persistent pattern. In contrast, none of the unaffected family members nor 23 normal controls expressed IgA or IgM titers to VCA even with high exposure to the virus, and anti-EA was detected in only one control. Therefore, these findings may prove useful for detecting carriers of the syndrome. Abnormal anti-EBV titers similar to the carrier pattern have been reported in patients and other immunosuppressed individuals, and are indicative of active viral infection.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to review the attitudes of the different stakeholders (minors, healthcare professionals, parents and relatives of affected individuals) towards carrier testing in minors. The databases Pubmed, Google Scholar, Psychinfo, Biological Abstracts, Francis, Anthropological Index online, Web of Science, and Sociological Abstracts were searched using key words for the period 1990-2004. Studies were included if they were published in a peer reviewed journal in English and described the attitudes of minors, parents or healthcare professionals towards carrier testing in minors in a family context. The results were presented in a summary form. In total 20 relevant studies were retrieved (2 studies reported the attitudes of two stakeholders). Only one study reported the attitudes of adolescents, two studies reported the attitudes of adults who had undergone carrier testing in childhood. In total six studies have been retrieved discussing the parental attitudes towards carrier testing in their children. Over all studies, most parents showed interest in detecting their children's carrier status and responded they wanted their child tested before the age of majority: some parents even before 12 years. Eight studies were retrieved that reported the attitudes of relatives of affected individuals. Most were in favor of carrier testing before 18 years. The studies retrieved suggest that most parents are interested in the carrier status of their children and want their children to be tested before they reach legal majority (and some even in childhood). This can lead to tensions between parents and healthcare professionals regarding carrier testing in minors. Guidelines of healthcare professionals advise to defer carrier testing on the grounds that children should be able to decide for themselves later in life to request a carrier test or not.  相似文献   

Common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, are usually characterized as singular cooperative breeders, with only a single, dominant female reproducing in each group. Anecdotal reports, however, have described two females breeding concurrently when an unrelated male joins their group. We tested the hypothesis that incorporation of an unrelated adult male into a family systematically leads to the onset of reproductive activity in a daughter and investigated the underlying mechanisms. We collected hormonal and behavioural data from mothers and their eldest daughters before and after the father was removed from the family and either replaced by an unrelated male (N=11) or immediately returned to the family (N=7). Variation between daughters in the occurrence of ovulatory cyclicity was not associated with the presence of an unrelated male but was closely linked to daughters' relationships with their mothers: only anovulatory daughters behaved submissively towards their mothers. Daughters never engaged in sexual behaviour with their fathers, but most did so with unrelated males. Similarly, daughters never conceived in intact natal families but did so in eight of 11 families containing an unrelated male. In six of these families, the mother and daughter bred concurrently. Thus, incorporation of an unrelated adult male into a marmoset family may frequently lead to the onset of plural breeding by activating sexual behaviour in a daughter; however, daughters ovulate only if they are not behaviourally subordinate to their mothers. Therefore, both inbreeding avoidance and rank-related reproductive suppression may constrain reproduction in marmoset daughters and contribute to maintenance of singular breeding.  相似文献   

Going Home     
Humans have been called “cooperative breeders” because mothers rely heavily on alloparental assistance, and the grandmother life stage has been interpreted as an adaptation for alloparenting. Many studies indicate that women invest preferentially in their daughters’ children, but little research has been conducted where patrilocal residence is normative. Bangladesh is such a place, but women nevertheless receive substantial alloparental investment from the matrilateral family, and child outcomes improve when maternal grandmothers are alloparents. To garner this support, women must maintain contact with their natal families. Here, the visiting behavior of 151 interviewed mothers was analyzed. Despite the challenges of patrilocality and purdah, almost all respondents visited their own mothers, and mothers-in-law were visited far less. This contrast persists in analyses controlling for proximity, respondent age, postmarital residence, family income, and marital status. These results affirm the importance women place on matrilateral ties, even under a countervailing ideology.  相似文献   

Summary A new series of 96 pedigrees with the fra(X) syndrome was analysed using complex segregation analysis with pointers, defining affection as any degree of mental impairment. These families were found to exhibit the same segregation pattern as the first series of 110 pedigrees (Sherman et al. 1984). The best estimate for penetrance of mental impairment in males was 79% and in females was 35% for the combined data. Again, there was little evidence for sporadic cases among affected males.Many more intellectually normal transmitting males have been observed since the existence of such males and the concomitant need to investigate the paternal side of pedigrees was recognized. On further investigation of all 206 pedigrees from the old and new data sets, the sibships of nonexpressing males appeared to be different from those of expressing males. Our analysis, using mental impairment as the phenotype, suggested that obligate carrier mothers and daughters of intellectually normal transmitting males are rarely, if ever, mentally impaired and that the sibs of transmitting males are much less likely to be retarded than the sibs of mentally impaired males. Though mothers and daughters of transmitting males are similar in phenotype, the expression of the gene in their offspring appears to be different: the penetrance of mental impairment is higher in offspring of intellectually normal daughters of transmitting males than in offspring of intellectually normal mothers of transmitting males. The implications of these observations for genetic counseling and for genetic models of the fra(X) syndrome are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that many, but not all, female common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) housed with their natal families undergo social suppression of ovulation. In this study, we further characterized ovulatory activity in common marmoset daughters to determine the prevalence of social suppression of ovulation and to elucidate familial influences on daughters' ovarian activity. Blood samples were collected twice weekly from each of 46 daughters for 5–12 months, usually beginning when the daughters were 12 months of age. Plasma progesterone concentrations indicated that 46.3% of daughters in intact natal families ovulated at least once, with the age at first ovulation averaging 17.2 months; however, none of these daughters became pregnant. Daughters' ovulatory cycles showed several significant differences from those of older females housed with unrelated adults, including longer periods between successive luteal phases, shorter luteal phases, and lower peak and mean luteal-phase progesterone levels. Daughters were significantly more likely to ovulate in families in which the mother was experimentally prevented from sustaining pregnancies, and in families in which the father had been replaced by an unrelated adult male and when the daughter was approximately 10–11 months of age. Daughters in families containing an older sister never ovulated; in contrast, those with a female littermate were not less likely to ovulate than were other daughters, but had more sporadic ovarian cycles and significantly lower mean luteal-phase progesterone levels. These results confirm and extend previous findings that up to half of female common marmosets may ovulate while housed with the natal family but that virtually none sustain pregnancies, suggesting that suppression of ovulation is only one of several components of reproductive failure. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that daughters' likelihood of ovulating, as well as the endocrine profiles of their ovulatory cycles, can be modulated by numerous social influences within the family. Am. J. Primatol. 41:159–177, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Professionally written biographies of 353 women selected for inclusion in two volumes of a dictionary of biography were analyzed separately for data on family structure, occupation, and personality characteristics. Findings from Volume 4 (1921-1940) were similar to those from Volume 5 (1941-1960). Results showed that 55.2% of women biographees had no children. They were either unmarried or, if married, childless. Of those who did have children, biographees had a significantly high ratio of sons to daughters compared with the norm (0.514) (Vol. 4: males = 106, females = 76; Vol. 5: males = 115, females = 80; totals: males = 221, females = 156; chi2 = 7.87; p = 0.005). These data, interpreted according to the maternal dominance hypothesis (Grant 1998) and set in the context of increased workforce participation by women and declining fertility, suggest another possible explanation for the contemporary decline in the secondary sex ratio.  相似文献   

Research on chronotypic differences has been conducted for many years, however, until recently, little attention has been paid to young children. The current study examined the influence of morningness–eveningness in the daily lives of 2 to 4 year olds (291 females, 230 males, 8 gender not given) via an online survey completed by 529 mothers from across the United States. The results replicated previous findings on chronotypic differences in sleep-wake patterns and the development of morningness–eveningness in early childhood. The influence of chronotype on sleep habits, daily routines and schedules was also explored. At both bed and wake times, mothers of evening type (E-type) children were more likely to report challenges. For a while, morning type (M-type) children tended to fall asleep easily and wake themselves up in the morning, E-types were more likely to show bedtime resistance, wake in a negative mood and have conflicts with their parents. In the morning, mothers of M-type children often stuck to their normal routine on days when the child had to be somewhere at 7:00 am, whereas mothers of E-type children employed different strategies to get their child up and out the door. Bedtime routines and daily schedules also differed by chronotype. Individual differences in morningness–eveningness and their impact on sleep-wake patterns and social interactions are evident early on. A greater understanding of how they affect the lives of young children and their future development is needed.  相似文献   

Data on the age of grandparents of 243 children with Down syndrome (DS) born between 1990 and 1999 are considered in this work in comparison with control families of 330 healthy children. In 102 families, where the age of the mother at the birth of a child with DS was younger 30 (or less than 30) years, the median ages of both maternal and paternal grandmothers of probands were actually the same (26 years). Actually, the median age of grandmothers in 226 young families having healthy children were also the same (27 years). No differences in the indicators in question were revealed between 141 families with DS and 104 families with healthy children, where the mothers were older than 29 years. Thus, our results have not confirmed the hypothesis about the influence of the age of DS probands’ grandmothers on the segregation of chromosomes in their daughters’ oogenesis, as well as the hypothesis about a significant contribution of the inherited trisomy of chromosome 21 to the frequency of DS in the general population.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1710-1721
Behavioural interactions among captive socially-living adult female vervet monkeys were analysed to determine whether (1) the motivation to maintain and increase, dominance rank declines with age as individual reproductive value declines, or (2) the cross-generational inheritance of dominance rank causes adult females to continue to involve themselves in dominance-related behaviours for the benefit of their daughters, even though their own reproductive value, is declining. The results indicate that adult females do not reduce their involvement in aggressive and dominance-related behaviours as they age. There was strong support for the hypothesis that older adult females maintain affiliative and supportive ties with their adult daughters, and that the daughters benefit from this relationship both in terms of social relationships and reproductive success. Young adult females without mothers were the recipients of more aggression, were less likely to be defeded when they were attacked and were less likely to challenge the rank of others compared to females with mothers living in the group. Young adult females with mothers produced significantly more surviving offspring and had a lower level of infant mortality than comparable adult females without mothers.  相似文献   

Sex-biased natal dispersal in long-lived species may resultin interactions between parents and mature young of the philopatricsex. To investigate the evolutionary basis of natal philopatryin a noncooperative species, the common goldeneye Bucephalaclangula, we studied possible costs and benefits of simultaneousbreeding of females and philopatric daughters. We did not find any fitness consequences of a daughter's breeding on their mother'sbreeding in terms of nest-site selection, body weight, clutchsize, hatching date, or hatching success. Our results, therefore,did not support the assumption of the local resource competitionhypothesis, that the natally philopatric sex should be morecostly to a breeding parent. As possible benefits for daughters returning to their natal area, we tested inheritance of nestsites from mothers and explored whether daughters utilize thepresence of their mother by parasitically sneaking into hermother's nest. Daughters' nest-site selection was not associatedwith the presence of their mothers. A comparison between daughtersand control females revealed that daughters chose their nestsite closer to their natal nest than expected by nest-siteavailability alone. Daughters could not expect to inherit anest site from their mother, and we did not find other indicationsof cooperation between relatives either. The mother's clutchsize did not increase in the year breeding with the daughter, indicating daughters do not parasitize their mother's nest.We suggest that benefits such as decreased nest predation riskassociated with nesting close to the natal nest site may beimportant in the natal philopatric behavior of the species.  相似文献   

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