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Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) refers to random deviations from symmetry of otherwise bilaterally symmetric traits. Researchers have hypothesized that FA should be inversely related to individual quality or fitness. In this study, we tested for FA-quality and FA-fitness relations in the damselfly, Enallagmaebrium (Hagen). We used wet mass of an individual as a measure of its quality and longevity as a measure of its fitness. Contrary to predictions, we found no relation between FA and quality or fitness, even after we controlled for possible confounding factors, such as measurement error and inadequate sample size.  相似文献   

Random and subtle deviations from bilateral symmetry (fluctuating asymmetry) have long been of interest to biologists who wish to study the susceptibility of organisms to changes in environmental quality. However, the reliability of FA as a biomarker has come under question due to inconsistent results in the literature. We conducted a meta-analysis of published literature to test the hypothesis that FA is a reliable biomarker of environmental stress in insects and identify possible sources of variation amongst studies. We expected studies to detect larger, positive magnitudes of effect on FA in lab populations due to the lack of confounding effects from other environmental factors compared to wild populations. Additionally, we predicted that studies that used geometric morphometric approaches to FA in shape and size would be more sensitive to changes in environmental quality compared to linear and meristic measures and thus show larger effects on FA. We also expected anthropogenic stressors to generate significantly larger effects on FA compared to naturally occurring stressors due to the organisms’ inability to buffer developmental pathways against a novel stressor. Finally, we predicted comparatively larger magnitudes of effect in studies that verified the environmental factor acting on the organism was a stressor by detecting negative effects on fitness-related traits. Overall, we found that FA is a sensitive biomarker of environmental stress. Environmental stressors explained 36% of the variation of effect on FA across studies. Studies that demonstrated a negative effect of the stressor on fitness-related traits showed significantly larger, positive magnitudes of effect on FA compared to studies that did not detect an effect from the environmental stressor. Additionally, studies conducted under laboratory conditions detected significantly larger, effects on FA compared to field-based studies. The kind of trait measured and the novelty of the stressor did not significantly account for differences amongst studies. Thus, the use of FA as a biomarker of environmental stress is a legitimate tool particularly when studies verify the biological relevance of stressors for the study organism.  相似文献   

Developmental instability (DI) is the sensitivity of a developing trait to random noise and can be measured by degrees of directionally random asymmetry [fluctuating asymmetry (FA)]. FA has been shown to increase with loss of genetic variation and inbreeding as measures of genetic stress, but associations vary among studies. Directional selection and evolutionary change of traits have been hypothesized to increase the average levels of FA of these traits and to increase the association strength between FA and population‐level genetic variation. We test these two hypotheses in three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) populations that recently colonized the freshwater habitat. Some traits, like lateral bone plates, length of the pelvic spine, frontal gill rakers and eye size, evolved in response to selection regimes during colonization. Other traits, like distal gill rakers and number of pelvic fin rays, did not show such phenotypic shifts. Contrary to a priori predictions, average FA did not systematically increase in traits that were under presumed directional selection, and the increases observed in a few traits were likely to be attributable to other factors. However, traits under directional selection did show a weak but significantly stronger negative association between FA and selectively neutral genetic variation at the population level compared with the traits that did not show an evolutionary change during colonization. These results support our second prediction, providing evidence that selection history can shape associations between DI and population‐level genetic variation at neutral markers, which potentially reflect genetic stress. We argue that this might explain at least some of the observed heterogeneities in the patterns of asymmetry.  相似文献   

There is widespread acceptance that fluctuating asymmetry (FA) increases under environmental and genetic stress. Fluctuating asymmetry in sexual traits is thought to be particularly sensitive to stress and to reflect genetic and phenotypic quality. Recent experimental studies show that the relationship between FA and stress is inconsistent, and there is little evidence that sexual traits are especially responsive to stress.  相似文献   

The fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of bilateral traits is claimed to be a general indicator of environmental stress. Exaggerated sexual ornaments are thought to show elevated levels of FA and a greater response to stress than other traits. Previous work with stalk-eyed flies (Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni) has shown that the FA of the sexual trait (male eye stalks), wing length and wing width were unaffected by a continually applied food stress. Here we tested whether a transient stress (24-h heat shock at 31 degrees C during development) affected the FA of these traits. A second experiment tested the combined stresses of transient heat shock at 31 degrees C with continuous exposure to desiccation. In each experiment, temperature shock reduced the trait size, confirming that the treatments were stressful. However, stress had no effect on the FA of individual traits or the FA summed across all traits. Exposure to the combined stresses significantly elevated mortality and reduced trait size compared to the single-stress regime. However, FA did not differ significantly between flies from the two experiments. We found no evidence that FA in sexual and non-sexual traits reflects transient stress during the development of C. dalmanni.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in secondary sexual traits may be a useful indicator of either individual quality or environmental stress. We tested this concept using a series of analyses of FA in male antler size in a wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) population, using four measures of size repeated across successive years on the same individuals. We found no consistent evidence of correlations between traits in levels of FA, nor of any associations between known environmental or developmental conditions. None of the four measures of FA showed a significant heritability (average h2 = 0.041), nor was there any evidence of inbreeding depression. For three of the four traits, fluctuating asymmetry did not predict either annual or lifetime breeding success. However there were significant associations between breeding success and FA in antler length. Given the series of null results in our other tests, it seems likely that this was a direct mechanistic effect rather than because measures of FA were indicative of individual quality or condition.  相似文献   

Small random deviations from left–right symmetry in bilateral traits, termed fluctuating asymmetry (FA), are theoretically predicted to increase with environmental stress and believed to constitute a potential biomarker in conservation. However, reported relationships between FA and stress are generally weak and variable among organisms, traits and stresses. Here we test if, and to what extent, FA increases with nutritional stress, estimated from independent feather growth measurements, in free-ranging house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Ptilochronological feather marks showed significant heterogeneity among study plots, indicating that house sparrow populations were exposed to variable levels of nutritional stress during development. However, individuals from more stressed populations did not show increased levels of fluctuating asymmetry in tarsus or rectrix length, nor was there evidence for significant between-trait concordance in FA at the individual or the population level. Lack of support for FA in tarsus and rectrix length as estimator of nutritional stress in house sparrows may indicate that developmental instability is insensitive to nutritional stress in this species, poorly reflected in patterns of fluctuating asymmetry due to ecological or statistical reasons, or highly context-specific. Such uncertainty continues to hamper the use of FA as a biomarker tool in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), the deviation from the normal symmetrical condition of a morphological trait having specific morphological symmetry, increases in response to environmental and genetic stress, is related to phenotypic plasticity and is considered a tool for monitoring a species conservation status. However, FA–stress relations are dependent on measured traits or species‐specific characteristics such as mating system and habitat. This study investigates the relationships between FA, genetic diversity, population size, density and individual fitness traits (plant height, fruit and seed set), in the endemic Aquilegia thalictrifolia, a mixed breeder that is declining, but maintaining high levels of heterozygosity. Leaf and flower FA and other traits were investigated in 10 populations of A. thalictrifolia, the whole species range. As a result, we found similar patterns of FA in leaves and flowers between populations, indicating a homogenous level of stress between populations that differed for other traits. FA and the other traits were not related, including heterozygosity. Heterozygosity was not related to individual fitness traits with the exception of plant height. In accordance with other studies, we found that the role of FA as a tool for assessing the conservation status of a species or population should be reconsidered. However, we conclude that a low level of FA should not automatically be considered an indicator of good conservation status or low level of stress, because in species that evolved in highly stable environments it may indicate a scarce ability to plastically respond to environmental changes, as a consequence of environmental and genetic canalization. Further investigation of this point is needed.  相似文献   

A single trait's fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is expected to be a poor measure of developmental instability. Hence, studies that examine associations between FA and outcomes expected to covary with developmental instability often have little power in detecting meaningful relationships. One way of increasing the power of detecting relationships between developmental instability and outcomes is through the use of multiple traits' FA. The way multiple traits have typically been used is in trait aggregates. Here, we illustrate another way of examining relationships with developmental instability using multiple traits' FA: through structural equation modelling. Covariances between measures of FA and an outcome variable are interpreted within the context of an explicit model of associations between variables, which is tested for fit and the parameters specified within the model are estimated. We used nine traits' FA as markers of a latent variable of men's developmental instability, which was associated with the number of sexual partners. The results indicate a sizeable correlation between developmental instability and men's sexual history, despite small correlations between individual traits' FA and sexual history.  相似文献   

Amphibian population declines are widespread; the main causal factors are human related and include habitat fragmentation due to agriculture, mining, fires, and urban development. Brazil is the richest country in species of amphibians, and the Brazilian regions with the greatest amphibian diversity are experiencing relatively high rates of habitat destruction, but there are presently relatively few reports of amphibian declines. It is thus important to develop research methods that will detect deterioration in population health before severe declines occur. We tested the use of measurements of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) taken on amphibian larvae to detect anthropogenic stress. We hypothesized that greater human occupancy in the landscape might result in more stressful conditions for amphibians. We conducted this study at the Espinhaço mountain range in southeastern Brazil, using as a model an endemic species (Bokermannohyla saxicola, Hylidae). We chose two tadpole denticle rows and eye-nostril distance as traits for FA measurement. We measured percent cover of human-altered habitats in the landscape around tadpole sampling points and measured FA levels in sampled tadpoles. We found FA levels to differ among localities but found no relationship between human modification of the landscape and tadpole FA levels. Levels of FA in the traits we examined may not be strongly affected by environmental conditions, or may be affected by local variables that were not captured by our landscape-scale measures. Alternatively, populations may be genetically differentiated, affecting how FA levels respond to stress and obscuring the effects of anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

A number of studies have reported a significant negative association between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of bilateral morphological traits and individual fitness traits, but almost all of these are unreplicated and based on small sample sizes using single trait estimates of FA. We therefore tested if there was a relationship between the FA of five bilateral traits and fecundity and development time in Drosophila in a multiple replicated experimental design. Stressed treatments were included to increase the variability of traits and to test whether associations among traits were affected by changes in the environment. Significant positive relationships were found between the size of wing characters and mean fecundity for the 5‐day period and this relationship tended to be stronger in the stress treatments. No association was found between FA and mean fecundity for any of the traits measured. Similarly, a significant positive relationship was detected between wing trait size and development time but no association was detected between trait FA and development time. There were no differences between mean fecundity or development time of extreme asymmetry phenotypes compared with modal phenotypes. These results are discussed with reference to suggestions in the literature that FA can be used to estimate individual fitness.  相似文献   

Several studies of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in animals show that secondary sexual characters used in signalling have a negative relationship between size and asymmetry. Larger sexual traits are presumably more costly to produce, which should lead to greater developmental stress and corresponding increases in asymmetry. In the absence of among individual variation in the ability to handle these costs, the relationship between size and asymmetry should thus be positive. A negative relationship therefore suggests that expression of these traits is condition-dependent. In plants, flowers act as signals for pollinators and may show similar trends to animal signals. Leaves which are uninvolved in signalling should not. Moller & Eriksson (1994) found that 89% of species ( n = 16 of 18) with insect-pollinated flowers showed a negative relationship between petal size and asymmetry, while 79% of species ( n = 15 of 19) showed a positive relationship between leaf size and asymmetry. I carried out a similar study of 18 plant species. The average relationship between petal size and asymmetry did not differ significantly from zero in those species showing measurable FA in flowers ( n = 12). The relationship was significantly negative in one species, and significandy positive in another. On average, leaves in species with FA did not show a significant positive relationship between size and asymmetry ( n = 7). There was no significant difference in the slopes of the relationship between size and asymmetry for leaves and flowers. Levels of floral asymmetry for species with FA were significandy repeatable on individual plants in 33% ( n = 4 of 12) of species, but leaf asymmetry was not significantly repeatable in any species. It is argued that condition-dependence of traits need not result in a negative relationship between size and asymmetry.  相似文献   

Although developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to stress and negatively to fitness, empirical evidence is often lacking or contradictory when patterns are compared at the population level. We demonstrate that two important properties of stressed populations may mask such relationships: (i) a stronger relationship between FA and fitness, resulting in stronger selection against low quality (i.e. developmental unstable) individuals and (ii) the evolution of adaptive responses to environmental stress. In an earlier study, we found female wolf spiders Pirata piraticus from metal exposed populations to be characterized by both reduced clutch masses and increased egg sizes, the latter indicating an adaptive response to stress. By studying the relationship between these two fitness related traits and levels of FA at individual level, we here show a significant negative correlation between FA and clutch mass in metal stressed populations but not in unstressed reference populations. As a result, levels of population FA may be biased downward under stressful conditions because of the selective removal of developmentally unstable (low quality) individuals. We further show that females that produced larger eggs in stressed populations exhibited lower individual FA levels. Such interaction between individual FA and fitness with stress may confound the effect of metal stress on FA, resulting in an absence of relationships between FA, fitness and stress at the population level.  相似文献   

Associations between fluctuating asymmetry (FA, a putative marker of developmental instability, DI) and life history traits have received a great deal of attention in the non-human literature. However, the patterns found are very heterogeneous and generalizations are difficult to make. In humans, only a few studies have related FA to life histories and fitness. In this paper we study such relationships using hand FA and several key life history traits in 209 post-menopausal Finnish women born between 1946 and 1958. Asymmetry measurements were based on scans of the hands and the life histories of these women were collected using questionnaires. No significant associations were detected and trends were opposite to expectations. We did find evidence for directional asymmetry, as traits in the right hand were larger on average. This may be due to handedness, questioning the usefulness of hand FA as a measure of DI. We conclude that future studies in humans should carefully examine the usefulness of traits as measures of DI.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), used as an indicator of developmental stability, has long been hypothesized to be negatively correlated with genetic variability as a consequence of more variable organisms being better suited to buffer developmental pathways against environmental stress. However, it is still a matter of debate if this is due to metabolic properties of enzymes encoded by certain key loci or rather to overall genomic heterozygosity. Previous analyses suggest that there might be a general difference between homeo- and poikilotherms in that only the latter tend to exhibit the negative correlation predicted by theory. In the present study, we addressed these questions by analysing roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from five German populations with regard to FA in metric and non-metric skull and mandible traits as well as variability at eight microsatellite loci. Genetic variability was quantified by heterozygosity and mean d2 parameters, and although the latter did not show any relationship with FA, we found for the first time a statistically significant negative correlation of microsatellite heterozygosity and non-metric FA among populations. Because microsatellites are non-coding markers, this may be interpreted as evidence for the role of overall genomic heterozygosity in determining developmental stability. To test if the threshold character of non-metric traits is responsible for the metric vs non-metric difference we also carried out calculations where we treated our metric traits as threshold values. This, however, did not yield significant correlations between FA and genetic variability either.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that determine the development of a bilaterally symmetrical trait is crucial to the interpretation of patterns of fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Experimental and theoretical studies have indicated that feedback mechanisms both within and between developing traits, may participate in the developmental control of asymmetry. This study provides evidence that naturally occurring patterns of FA are affected by interactions between different traits. We found positive between‐trait correlations in signed FA values for tibia lengths on different legs, but not between wing and tibia FA in two moth species. Further research should investigate if trait functionality is related to this presumed correlated development. An extension of the Rashevsky–Turing model of morphogenesis further showed that correlations between the signed FA values can be generated by feedback mechanisms that regulate growth patterns between traits. We argue that such feedback mechanisms can be expected to be widespread and show that between‐trait correlations in the unsigned FA then become confounded with correlations in the signed FA. In addition, correlated development appeared to invalidate the use of the hypothetical repeatability to translate correlations between the unsigned FA values into correlations in the presumed underlying developmental instability. In conclusion, the presence of an organism‐wide asymmetry, which are most frequently found in morphologically integrated traits, may be even less common than previously thought. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that females use fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in sexual ornaments to assess male quality. FA of sexual traits is predicted to show greater sensitivity to stress than FA of nonsexual traits, and to be heritable. We used a half‐sib mating design and manipulation of larval food environment to test these predictions on stalk‐eyed flies, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, in which females prefer males with larger eyespans. We measured size and FA of eyestalks and of two nonsexually selected characters, wing length and width. We found no evidence of an increase in FA under larval food stress in any of the individual traits, although trait size decreased under stress. We combined FA across traits into a single composite index, and found that males reared in the most benign larval environment had significantly higher composite FA than males reared on other media. There was no such effect in females. Heritability of FA was not significantly different from zero in any of the traits, in any of the environments, although trait sizes showed high heritability. We conclude that FA in sexual and nonsexual traits is a poor indicator of developmental stress and genetic quality.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is considered to provide a means of evaluating developmental stability and to reflect an individual's quality or the stress experienced during development. Stress is predicted to increase the phenotypic variation of both FA and trait size. In this study we examined the effect of a particular heat shock on both FA and size of eyespots in the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. We also examined whether those eyespots thought to be involved in partner choice and sexual selection were particularly sensitive to stress. We applied a heat shock of 39.5 degrees C for 3 h before, during, and after a sensitive period in eyespot development. We examined the FA, variation in FA, size, and variation in size of five eyespots, two on the dorsal forewing (sexually selected traits), two on the ventral forewing, and one on the ventral hindwing (nonsexually selected traits). For each sex and treatment, the heat shock did not result in significant changes in mean trait size and FA nor in the variation of size and FA. There were no differences in the response to the heat shock between sexually and nonsexually selected traits. We discuss how the increased production of heat shock proteins, including HSP60, may have stabilized development and how this might explain the results.  相似文献   

A number of hypotheses have been proposed about the association between developmental stability phenotypic variability, heritability, and environmental stress. Stress is often considered to increase both the asymmetry and phenotypic variability of bilateral traits, although this may depend on trait heritability. Empirical studies of such associations often yield inconsistent results. This may reflect the diversity of traits and conditions used or a low repeatability of any associations. To test for repeatable associations between these variables, multiply replicated experiments were undertaken on Drosophila melanogaster using a combination stress at the egg, larval and adult stages of reduced protein, ethanol in the medium, and a cold shock. Both metric and meristic traits were measured and levels of heritable variation for each trait estimated by maximum likelihood and parent-offspring regression over three generations. Trait means were reduced by stress, whereas among-individual variation increased Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was increased by stress in some cases, but few comparisons were significant. Only one trait orbital bristle, showed consistent increases in FA. Changes in trait means, trait phenotypic variability, and developmental stability as a result of stress were not correlated. Extreme phenotypes tended to have higher levels of FA but only the results for orbital bristles were significant. All traits had low to intermediate heritabilities except orbital bristle, which showed no heritable variation. Only traits with low heritability and high levels of phenotypic variability may show consistent increases in FA under stress. Overall, the independence of phenotypic variability, plasticity, and the developmental stability of traits extend to changes in these measures under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of agrochemical pollution/fertilisation of the soil and climatic conditions at high altitudes on fluctuating asymmetry (FA) level in hindfemur and forewing lengths of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Zetterstedt). All traits and samples exhibited ideal FA. Forewings, which are less functionally significant in this species, generally exhibited greater FA than the more functionally significant femora. Forewing FA was also more affected by stress induced by climatic conditions at high altitudes than femur FA. The high altitude sample was the most asymmetric sample for both traits, followed by the two control samples. The two samples from agrochemically contaminated habitats showed the lowest asymmetry in femora and forewings of C. parallelus. These results suggest that high altitude imposes more stress on this grasshopper species than does agrochemical contamination although the stress response was more dramatic in the less functional trait.  相似文献   

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