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The cytoskeletal protein talin plays a key role in activating integrins and in coupling them to the actin cytoskeleton. Its N-terminal globular head, which binds beta integrins, is linked to an extended rod having a C-terminal actin binding site and several vinculin binding sites (VBSs). The NMR structure of residues 755-889 of the rod (containing a VBS) is shown to be an amphipathic four-helix bundle with a left-handed topology. A talin peptide corresponding to the VBS binds the vinculin head; the X-ray crystallographic structure of this complex shows that the residues which interact with vinculin are buried in the hydrophobic core of the talin fragment. NMR shows that the interaction involves a major structural change in the talin fragment, including unfolding of one of its helices, making the VBS accessible to vinculin. Interestingly, the talin 755-889 fragment binds more than one vinculin head molecule, suggesting that the talin rod may contain additional as yet unrecognized VBSs.  相似文献   

Human calcitonin and its C-terminal fragment 9-32 (hCT(9-32)) administered in a spray translocate into respiratory nasal epithelium with an effect similar to intravenous injection. hCT(9-32) is an efficient carrier to transfer the green fluorescent protein into excised bovine nasal mucosa. To understand the translocation of hCT(9-32) across plasma membranes, we investigated its interactions with phospholipids and its interfacial structure using model lipid monolayers. A combination of physicochemical methods was applied including surface tension measurements on adsorbed and spread monolayers at the air-water interface, Fourier transform infrared, circular dichroism, and atomic force microscopy on Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers. The results disclose that hCT(9-32) preferentially interacts with negatively charged phospholipids and does not insert spontaneously into lipid monolayers. This supports a nonreceptor-mediated endocytic internalization pathway as previously suggested. Structural studies revealed a random coil conformation of hCT(9-32) in solution, transforming to alpha-helices when the peptide is localized at lipid-free or lipid-containing air-water interfaces. Atomic force microscopy studies of monolayers of the peptide alone or mixed with dioleoylphosphatidylcholine revealed that hCT(9-32) forms filaments rolled into spirals. In contrast, when interacting with dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol, hCT(9-32) does not adopt filamentous structures. A molecular model and packing is proposed for the spiral-forming hCT(9-32).  相似文献   

A 42-kDa gelatin binding fragment of human plasma fibronectin was labeled with fluorescein and its fluid-phase interaction with gelatin was investigated. At 25 degrees C in 0.1 M Tris, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.3, a dissociation constant, Kd = 0.6 microM, was obtained from the dependence of fluorescence polarization on gelatin concentration. An identical value was obtained for the unlabeled fragment by competition. Binding was unaffected by higher concentrations of NaCl up to 1.0 M, but increased as much as 20-fold at low ionic strength. The dependence of Kd on temperature revealed that dissociation of the complex is accompanied by an increase in entropy. Thus, the interaction is not dominated by either hydrophobic or electrostatic forces; an important role for hydrogen binding is proposed.  相似文献   

A new property of a heat-inducible heat shock protein (Hsp) 70.1 that it forms a complex with acidic lipids was first demonstrated. Based on the behaviors of the complexes on the native PAGE, the acidic lipid/Hsp70.1 complexes are categorized into two groups. The first group is the sulfatide-induced large-sized complex, which stays on the gel top on the native PAGE. Only the N-terminal ATPase domain is responsible for the complex formation. The second group is the ganglioside-induced complex, which is diffused in the resolution gel on the native PAGE. Both the N-terminal ATPase and the C-terminal peptide-binding domains are involved in the complex formation. No complex is formed by neutral glyco- and phospholipids. The complex formation with the acidic glyco- and phospholipids implicates the various functions of Hsp70 on the membrane surfaces.  相似文献   

Talin is a key protein involved in linking integrins to the actin cytoskeleton. The long flexible talin rod domain contains a number of binding sites for vinculin, a cytoskeletal protein important in stabilizing integrin-mediated cell-matrix junctions. Here we report the solution structure of a talin rod polypeptide (residues 1843-1973) which contains a single vinculin binding site (VBS; residues 1944-1969). Like other talin rod polypeptides, it consists of a helical bundle, in this case a four-helix bundle with a right-handed topology. The residues in the VBS important for vinculin binding were identified by studying the binding of a series of VBS-related peptides to the vinculin Vd1 domain. The key binding determinants are buried in the interior of the helical bundle, suggesting that a substantial structural change in the talin polypeptide is required for vinculin binding. Direct evidence for this was obtained by NMR and EPR spectroscopy. [1H,15N]-HSQC spectra of the talin fragment indicate that vinculin binding caused approximately two-thirds of the protein to adopt a flexible random coil. For EPR spectroscopy, nitroxide spin labels were attached to the talin polypeptide via appropriately located cysteine residues. Measurements of inter-nitroxide distances in doubly spin-labeled protein showed clearly that the helical bundle is disrupted and the mobility of the helices, except for the VBS helix, is markedly increased. Binding of vinculin to talin is thus a clear example of the unusual phenomenon of protein unfolding being required for protein/protein interaction.  相似文献   

The RecA protein of Escherichia coli binds specifically to acidic phospholipids such as cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol. This binding appears to be affected by the presence of divalent cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+. The interaction leads to the inhibition of RecA binding to at least two different conformations of DNA, single-stranded DNA and left-handed Z-DNA, thus suggesting that the phospholipids interact at the DNA-binding site of the RecA protein. Inclusion of a nucleotide cofactor [adenosine 5'-O-(gamma-thiotriphosphate)] in the reactions did not prevent the inhibition of DNA-binding activities of RecA protein by the phospholipids. The interaction of RecA protein with cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol, which represent two of the three major phospholipids of the E. coli membrane, may be physiologically important, as it provides a possible mechanism for the RecA-membrane association during the SOS response. These observations raise the possibility that the Z-DNA-binding activity of RecA protein is merely a manifestation of its phospholipid-binding property.  相似文献   

Vinculin is a 1066-amino acid protein found at several types of actin-membrane junction. To locate sites of interest in the primary structure, a map was derived using partial cleavage reactions. Of several different types of cleavage tested, the most useful was the 5-5'-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) reaction which cuts at cysteine residues. About 30 well defined fragments were obtained from vinculin, and several methods were used to locate these products in the sequence. Comparison of the peptides generated from whole vinculin with those from the 90-kDa amino-terminal proteolytic fragment revealed which originated there. The use of [14C]cyanide in conjunction with DTNB showed which peptides contained the original amino terminus. Secondary cleavage with N-chlorosuccinimide, a tryptophan-specific reagent, helped locate fragments, although it led to apparent increases in molecular weight of the products. These experiments revealed the location of 10 of the major DTNB fragments on the sequence. This map was used to locate binding sites. The site of interaction between vinculin and the focal contact protein talin was mapped by binding labeled talin to the separated fragments. The binding site was found to be in the amino-terminal 325 amino acids. The binding site of a commercially obtained monoclonal antivinculin antibody was mapped using Western blotting of cleaved vinculin. It proved to bind in the central area of the molecule between amino acid residues 545 and 737. Thus the cysteine cleavage reaction products provide a map of general utility for locating features on the vinculin molecule.  相似文献   

Interaction of Hsp70 with natural and artificial acidic glycans is demonstrated based on the native PAGE analysis. Hsp70 interacts with acidic glycopolymers that contain clustered sulfated and di-sialylated glycan moieties on a polyacrylamide backbone, but not with neutral or mono-sialylated glycopolymers. Hsp70 also interacts and forms a large complex with heparin, heparan sulfate, and dermatan sulfate that commonly contain 2-O-sulfated iduronic acid residues, but not with other types of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Hsp70 consists of the N-terminal ATPase domain and the C-terminal peptide-binding domain. The interaction analyses using the recombinant N- and C-terminal half domains show that the ATPase domain mediates the direct interaction with acidic glycans, while the peptide-binding domain stabilizes the large complexes with particular GAGs. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of direct binding of Hsp70 to the particular GAGs. This property may be involved in the physiological functions of Hsp70 at the plasma membrane and extracellular environments.  相似文献   

A new 175-kDa membrane protein was isolated from chicken gizzard smooth muscle. Antibodies to 175-kDa protein were used for localization of this protein in smooth and cardiac muscles. In both types of muscle 175-kDa protein was localized near plasma membrane. 175-kDa protein was able to interact specifically with vinculin immobilized on polysterene surface. It is suggested that this 175-kDa protein may be involved in physical connection between microfilaments and cell membrane.  相似文献   

Talin is an adhesion plaque protein believed important in linking actin filaments to the plasma membrane. The nature of a direct talin-actin interaction, however, is complex and has remained unclear. We have systematically characterized the effects of pH, ionic strength, temperature, and protein molar ratio on the interaction between highly purified talin and actin. The ability of talin to increase viscosity of F-actin at 25 degrees C and low ionic strength increased with decreasing pH from 7.3 to 6.4 and increasing molar ratio of talin to actin. At pH 6.4 and low ionic strength, talin could extensively crosslink actin filaments into ordered bundles as shown by negative staining and could cosediment with F-actin at molar ratios as high as one talin to two actin monomers. Talin crosslinked prepolymerized actin filaments to a similar extent as actin filaments polymerized in its presence. The 190-kDa calpain-generated proteolytic fragment of talin bound poorly to actin under conditions favorable for intact talin, but was able to crosslink actin filaments at a lower pH. Increasing the ionic strength within a relatively narrow range significantly decreased ability of talin to bind to actin, regardless of pH. The effects of pH and ionic strength on the talin-actin interaction were rapid and reversible. Low-shear-viscosity studies revealed a strong temperature dependence in the talin-actin interaction with significant crosslinking activity at physiological-like ionic conditions and temperature (37 degrees C). Our results consistently demonstrated that talin crosslinks actin filaments and that this direct interaction is highly sensitive to, and dependent upon, ionic conditions and temperature.  相似文献   

Platelet factor-4 is a protein belonging to the family of ELR-negative CXC chemokines which binds to fibroblast growth factor and inhibits its mitogenic activity. Platelet factor-4 also inhibits tumor growth by mechanisms involving antiangiogenesis. Antiangiogenic activity in vitro has also been shown for the 24-residue C-terminal fragment of the protein, which decreases the affinity between basic fibroblast growth factor and its cell-surface receptor. In this study, the preferential conformation of this fragment in solution has been determined and has been found to be composed of two helical subdomains. In addition, we show that the fragment forms a specific 1:1 complex with acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors and that both subdomains are probably required for inhibition of fibroblast growth factor-driven mitogenesis. Finally, we show that the binding of the fragment alters the structure of the fibroblast growth factors, although some of such alterations do not seem related with the inhibition of mitogenic activity. Since this fragment has recently been shown to inhibit fibroblast growth factor-induced angiogenesis in vivo when injected intraperitoneally, these results are relevant for developing new antiangiogenic treatments.  相似文献   

Rheological measurements of the frequency-dependent complex elastic module G*() of entangled F-actin solutions in the frequency range 10–5 – 1 Hz were carried out in three dynamic regimes: 1.) A terminal relaxation from gel-like to liquid-like behaviour measured at frequencies < d –1 2.) a rubber-type plateau and 3.) a regime determined by chain conformational transitions at frequencies > i –1. A major point of interest was to clarify whether rheological, high precision measurements can yield quantitative information about the influence of talin and vinculin on the structure, chain dynamics, elasticity and viscoelasticity of actin filaments with time. We show that in the regime reflecting internal chain dynamics (10–2 to 1 s time domain), F-actin behaves as a random coil of the Rouse type. This contrasts with dynamic light scattering and correlation spectroscopic studies of actin filament flickering, which indicate that filaments behave as semiflexible rods. The internal chain dynamics, which are determined by thermically excited bending undulations, exhibit a persistence length of 0.3–1 m Evidence is provided that this discrepancy is due to a cross-over of semiflexible rod behaviour at excitation wavelengths () below approximately 1 gm to random-coil behaviour at 1 µ (expected at a frequency 1 Hz). The random coil behaviour is largely determined by defects in actin filaments leading to sharp bends of the chain which act as semiflexible hinges. Talin produces drastic effects on the time course of viscoelasticity during actin polymerization. It promotes the rapid formation of short filament fragments ( 1 gmm, within time scales of min) which anneal slowly into long filaments (within several hours), most probably by fusion. The viscoelasticity depends on the coexistence of short and very long filaments indicated by the elongation of the rubber plateau. The most dramatic effect is a reduction of the ratio of the terminal ('Ed) to the Rouse relaxation time of i by more than one order of magnitude (d/i = 100 compared to ratio d/i = 2000 for pure actin). From this it is concluded that talin causes a remarkable decrease in the effective segment length of the macromolecule and, thus induces an increase in chain stiffness. Vinculin on the other hand shows no such effect. Correspondence to: E. Sackmann  相似文献   

The interaction of a soluble homogeneous preparation of D-beta-hydroxybutyrate apodehydrogenase with phospholipid was studied in terms of restoration of enzymic activity and complex formation. The purified apoenzyme, which is devoid of lipid, is inactive. It is reactivated specifically by the addition of lecithin or mixtures of phospholipids containing lecithin. Mitochondrial phospholipid, i.e. the mixture of phospholipids in mitochondria, reactivates with the highest specific activity (approximately 100 micromol of DPN reduced/min/mg at 37 degrees and with the greatest efficiency (2.5 to 4 mol of lecithin/mol of enzyme subunit). Each of the lecithins of varying chain length and unsaturation reactivated the enzyme, albeit to differing extents and efficiencies. In general, lecithins containing unsaturated fatty acid moieties reactivated better than those containing the comparable saturated lipid. Optimal reactivation can be obtained for the various lecithins when they are microdispersed together with phosphatidylethanolamine. When the lecithins are added microdispersed together with both phosphatidylethanolamine and cardiolipin, maximal efficiency is obtained. Also, PC6:0 and 8:0 reactivate as soluble molecules, so that a phospholipid bilayer is not necessary to reactivate the enzyme. Complex formation was studied using gel exclusion chromatography. It can be shown that each of the phospholipids which reactivate combines with the apoenzyme. Mitochondrial phospholipid, which reactivates the best, binds most effectively; PC8:0, which reactivates with poor efficiency, can be shown to bind with low affinity, and negligible binding occurs at concentrations which do not reactivate the enzyme. Since the apoenzyme is apparently homogeneous and devoid of phospholipid or detergents, it would appear that reactivation does not involve reversal of inhibition such as by removal of a regulatory subunit or detergent from the catalytic subunit. Rather, we conclude that phospholipid is a necessary and integral portion of this enzyme whose active form is a phospholipid-protein complex. The apoenzyme also forms a complex with phosphatidylethanolamine and/or cardiolipin, which do not reactivate enzymic activity. Salt dissociates such complexes in contrast with the lecithin-apoenzyme complex. Binding of phospholipid is a necessary but not sufficient requisite for enzymic activity. The same energies of activation are obtained from Arrhenius plots for the membrane-bound enzyme and for the purified soluble enzyme reactivated with mitochondrial phospholipid or different lecithins. This observation is compatible with the view that the purified enzyme has not been adversely modified in the isolation. Furthermore, essentially the same energies of activation were obtained for saturated lecithins below their transition temperatures and for unsaturated lecithins above their transition temperatures. Hence, there is no indication that a lipid phase transition occurs to influence the activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Vinculin phosphorylation by pp60src is stimulated by anionic phospholipids (Ito, S., Richert, N., and Pastan, I. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79, 4628-4631). We have examined whether vinculin interacts with phospholipids, the specificity of the interactions, and a possible mechanism for the enhancement of vinculin phosphorylation by these phospholipids. 3H-labeled vinculin binds to phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidic acid. No binding to phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine was observed. The phospholipid binding specificity correlated with the ability of these phospholipids to enhance vinculin phosphorylation by the src kinase. Chlorpromazine (0.1 and 0.3 mM) inhibited both vinculin binding to phosphatidylinositol and the enhanced phosphorylation of vinculin by pp60src in the presence of phosphatidylinositol. Tryptic peptide maps of vinculin phosphorylated in the absence of phospholipid revealed three phosphorylated peptides. The same three peptides were phosphorylated in the presence of phospholipid. However, phosphorylation at one site was markedly increased. In the presence of phospholipid proteolysis of vinculin with both chymotrypsin and V8 protease was markedly enhanced and different peptide maps of vinculin were generated. Microheterogeneity of vinculin was observed with isoelectric focusing. All the isoforms (pI 5.45-5.8) were found to bind phospholipids and undergo phosphorylation by the src kinase. These results suggest that one way anionic phospholipids can enhance vinculin phosphorylation is by binding to vinculin and inducing a conformational change in the vinculin molecule.  相似文献   

The interaction of spermine with acidic phospholipids was investigated for its possible relevance to membrane fusion. Equilibrium dialysis was used to measure the binding of spermine and calcium to large unilamellar vesicles (liposomes) of phosphatidate (PA) or phosphatidylserine (PS). Spermine bound to isolated PA and PS liposomes with intrinsic association constants of approximately 2 and 0.2 M-1, respectively. Above the aggregation threshold of the liposomes, the binding of spermine increased dramatically, especially for PA. The increased binding upon aggregation of PA liposomes was interpreted as evidence for the formation of a new binding complex after aggregation. Spermine enhanced calcium binding to PA, while it inhibited calcium binding to PS, under the same conditions. This difference explained the small effect of spermine on the overall rate of calcium-induced fusion of PS liposomes as opposed to the large effect on PA liposomes. The rate increase could be modeled by a spermine-induced increase in the liposome aggregation rate. The preference for binding of spermine to PA over PS suggested a preference for accessible monoesterified phosphate groups by spermine. This preference was confirmed by the large effects of spermine on aggregation and overall fusion rates of liposomes containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. The large spermine effects on these liposomes compared with phosphatidate- or phosphatidylinositol-containing liposomes suggested that spermine has a strong specific interaction with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. Clearly, phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol can lead to a large change in the spermine sensitivity of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The cytoskeletal component vinculin has been proposed to act as an actin-plasma membrane linker. In order to demonstrate a possible direct interaction of vinculin with bilayers, photolabeling with a phospholipid generating a highly reactive carbene was used. This phosphatidylcholine analogue (1-palmitoyl-2-[10-[4-[(trifluoromethyl)diazirinyl]phenyl]-[3H] 9-oxaundecanoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), with the photoactivatable diazirine group on its apolar portion, has been shown to label selectively membrane-embedded domains of membrane proteins. Vinculin is significantly labeled upon incubation and photolysis with liposomes containing trace amounts of this photoactivatable phospholipid, but only when the liposomes also contain acidic phospholipids. Labeling of vinculin is markedly increased (5-17-fold) by all acidic phospholipids tested so far (30%, w/w), compared to labeling in neutral phospholipids. Labeling is high at low ionic strength, but significant vinculin labeling can still be observed at physiological salt concentrations and acidic phospholipid content of the membrane. Our results provide evidence that vinculin inserts into the hydrophobic part of the bilayer by interacting with acidic phospholipids. A similar interaction may be of importance in vivo.  相似文献   

The cytoskeletal protein talin activates integrin receptors by binding of its FERM domain to the cytoplasmic tail of β‐integrin. Talin also couples integrins to the actin cytoskeleton, largely by binding to and activating the cytoskeletal protein vinculin, which binds to F‐actin through the agency of its five‐helix bundle tail (Vt) domain. Talin activates vinculin by means of buried amphipathic α‐helices coined vinculin binding sites (VBSs) that reside within numerous four‐ and five‐helix bundle domains that comprise the central talin rod, which are released from their buried locales by means of mechanical tension on the integrin:talin complex. In turn, these VBSs bind to the N‐terminal seven‐helix bundle (Vh1) domain of vinculin, creating an entirely new helix bundle that severs its head‐tail interactions. Interestingly, talin harbors a second integrin binding site coined IBS2 that consists of two five‐helix bundle domains that also contain a VBS (VBS50). Here we report the crystal structure of VBS50 in complex with vinculin at 2.3 Å resolution and show that intramolecular interactions of VBS50 within IBS2 are much more extensive versus its interactions with vinculin. Indeed, the IBS2‐vinculin interaction only occurs at physiological temperature and the affinity of VBS50 for vinculin is about 30 times less than other VBSs. The data support a model where integrin binding destabilizes IBS2 to allow it to bind to vinculin.  相似文献   

We employed quasi-elastic light scattering and electron microscopy to investigate the influence of intact talin and talin tail fragment on actin filament dynamics and network structure. Using these methods, we confirm previous reports that intact talin induces cross-linking as well as filament shortening on actin networks. We now show that the effect of intact talin as well as talin tail fragment on actin networks is controlled by pH and ionic strength. At pH 7.5, actin filament dynamics in the presence of intact talin and talin tail fragment are characterized by a rapid decay of the dynamic structure factor and by a square root power law for the stretched exponential decay which is in contrast with the theory for pure actin solutions. At pH 6 and low ionic strength, intact talin cross-links actin filaments more tightly than talin tail fragment. Talin head fragment showed no effect on actin networks, indicating that the actin binding sites reside probably exclusively within the tail domain.  相似文献   

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