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We have previously shown that anacardic acid has an uncoupling effect on oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria using succinate as a substrate (Life Sci. 66 (2000) 229-234). In the present study, for clarification of the physicochemical characteristics of anacardic acid, we used a cyanine dye (DiS-C3(5)) and 9-aminoacridine (9-AA) to determine changes of membrane potential (ΔΨ) and pH difference (ΔpH), respectively, in a liposome suspension in response to the addition of anacardic acid to the suspension. The anacardic acid quenched DiS-C3(5) fluorescence at concentrations higher than 300 nM, with the degree of quenching being dependent on the log concentration of the acid. Furthermore, the K+ diffusion potential generated by the addition of valinomycin to the suspension decreased for each increase in anacardic acid concentration used over 300 nM, but the sum of the anacardic acid- and valinomycin-mediated quenching was additively increasing. This indicates that the anacardic acid-mediated quenching was not due simply to increments in the K+ permeability of the membrane. Addition of anacardic acid in the micromolar range to the liposomes with ΔΨ formed by valinomycin-K+ did not significantly alter 9-AA fluorescence, but unexpectedly dissipated ΔΨ. The ΔΨ preformed by valinomycin-K+ decreased gradually following the addition of increasing concentrations of anacardic acid. The ΔΨ dissipation rate was dependent on the pre-existing magnitude of ΔΨ, and was correlated with the logarithmic concentration of anacardic acid. Furthermore, the initial rate of ΔpH dissipation increased with logarithmic increases in anacardic acid concentration. These results provide the evidence for a unique function of anacardic acid, dissimilar to carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone or valinomycin, in that anacardic acid behaves as both an electrogenic (negative) charge carrier driven by ΔΨ, and a ‘proton carrier’ that dissipates the transmembrane proton gradient formed.  相似文献   

R Renthal  J K Lanyi 《Biochemistry》1976,15(10):2136-2143
Illumination of envelope vesicles prepared from Halobacterium halobium cells causes translocation of protons from inside to outside, due to the light-induced cycling of bacteriorhodopsin. This process results in a pH gradient across the membranes, an electrical potential, and the movements of K+ and Na+. The electrical potential was estimated by following the fluorescence of a cyanine dye, 3,3'-dipentyloxadicarbocyanine. Illumination of H. halobium vesicles resulted in a rapid, reversible decrease of the dye fluorescence, by as much as 35%. This effect was not seen in nonvesicular patches of purple membrane. Observation of maximal fluorescence decreases upon ilumination of vesicles required an optimal dye/membrane protein ratio. The pH optimum for the lightinduced fluorescence decrease was 6.0. The decrease was linear with actinic light intensity up to about 4 X 10(5) ergs cn-2 s-1. Valinomycin, gramicidin, and triphenylmethylphosphonium ion all abolished the fluorescence changes. However, the light-induced pH change was enhanced by these agents. Conversely, buffered vesicles showed no pH change but gave the same or larger fluorescence changes. Thus, we have identified the fluorescence decrease with a light-induced membrane potential, inside negative. By using valinomycin-K+-induced membrane potentials, we calibrated the fluorescence decrease with calculated Nernst diffusion potentials. We found a linear dependence between potential and fluorescence decrease of 3 mV/%, up to 90 mV. When the envelope vesicles were illuminated, the total proton-motive force generated was dependent on the presence of Na+ and K+ and their concentration gradients across the membrane. In general, K+ appeared to be more permeable than Na+ and, thus, permitted development of greater pH gradients and lower electrical potentials. By calculating the total proton-motive force from the sum of the pH and potential terms, we found that the vesicles can produce proton-motive forces near--200 mV.  相似文献   

The effect of ionophores on the exposure of Acholeplasmalaidlawii membrane proteins to the aqueous surroundings was studied by the lactoperoxidase-mediated radio-iodination procedure. The iodination values of intact cells pre-treated with valinomycin and/or carbamylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) were much lower than those of untreated cells. The iodination values of isolated membranes from treated or untreated cells were, however, the same. Our results suggest that membrane proteins are less exposed to the aqueous external surroundings when electrical gradients of ions across the cell membrane are collapsed.  相似文献   

With appropriate preparations of spinish chloroplasts we observe three distinct effects of the nucleotides: 1. An accelaration of the dark decay of the light induced 520 nm absorbance change after ATP addition. 2. An acidification of the internal space of the thylakoids after ATP addition in darkness. 3. A dark ATPase activity which is regulated by the deltapH across the membrane. We conclude that the effect of the nucleoside triphosphates on the 520 nm signal is linked to a change of the proton conductivity of the membrane, induced by the formation of a deltapH across the membrane in consequence of the dark ATPase activity. The mode of action of the nucleoside diphosphates in the presence of inorganic phosphate on the 520 nm signal is discussed. It is proposed that the effects observed are linked to the hydrolysis of the newly formed nucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   

Glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, is transported into bovine synaptic vesicles in a manner that is ATP dependent and requires a vesicular electrochemical proton gradient. We studied the electrical and chemical elements of this driving force and evaluated the effects of chloride on transport. Increasing concentrations of Cl- were found to increase the steady-state ATP-dependent vesicular pH gradient (delta pH) and were found to concomitantly decrease the vesicular membrane potential (delta psi). Low millimolar chloride concentrations, which cause 3-6-fold stimulation of vesicular glutamate uptake, caused small but measurable increases in delta pH and decreases in delta psi, when compared to control vesicles in the absence of chloride. Nigericin in potassium buffers was used to alter the relative proportions of delta pH and delta psi. Compared to controls, at all chloride concentrations tested, nigericin virtually abolished delta pH and increased the vesicle interior positive delta psi. Concomitantly, nigericin increased ATP-dependent glutamate uptake in 0-1 mM chloride but decreased glutamate uptake in 4 mM (45%), 20 mM (80%), and 140 mM (75%) Cl- (where delta pH in the absence of nigericin was large). These findings suggest that either delta psi, delta pH, or a combination can drive glutamate uptake, but to different degrees. In the presence of 4 mM Cl-, where uptake is optimal, both delta psi and delta pH contribute to the driving force for uptake. When the extravesicular pH was increased from 7.4 to 8.0, more Cl- was required to stimulate vesicular glutamate uptake. In the absence of Cl-, as extravesicular pH was lowered to 6.8, uptake was over 3-fold greater than it was at pH 7.4. As extravesicular pH was reduced from 8.0 toward 6.8, less Cl- was required for maximal stimulation. Decreasing the extravesicular pH from 8.0 to 6.8 in the absence of Cl- significantly increased glutamate uptake activity, even though proton-pumping ATPase activity actually decreased about 45% under identical conditions. In the absence of chloride, nigericin increased glutamate uptake at all the pH values tested except pH 8.0. Glutamate uptake at pH 6.8 in the presence of nigericin was over 6-fold greater than uptake at pH 7.4 in the absence of nigericin. We conclude from these experiments that optimal ATP-dependent glutamate uptake requires a large delta psi and a small delta pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pH within isolated Triton WR 1339-filled rat liver lysosomes was determined by measuring the distribution of [14C]methylamine between the intra- and extralysosomal space. The intralysosomal pH was found to be approximately one pH unit lower than that of the surrounding medium. Increasing the extralysosomal cation concentration lowered the pH gradient by a cation exchange indicating the presence of a Donnan equilibrium. The lysosomal membrane was found to be significantly more permeable to protons than to other cations. The relative mobility of cations through the lysosomal membrane is H+ greater than Cs+ greater than Rb+ greater than K greater than Na+ greater than Li+ greater than Mg2+, Ca2+. The presented data suggest that the acidity within isolated Triton WR 1339-filled lysosomes is maintained by: (1) a Donnan equilibrium resulting from the intralysosomal accumulation of nondiffusible anions and (2) a selective permeability of the lysosomal membrane to cations.  相似文献   

Remiš  D. 《Biologia Plantarum》1986,28(2):141-144
Biologia Plantarum - Glass microelectrodes filled with antimony were constructed, the electrical potential of which linearly depends on pH and is not influenced by light. Recording at the surface...  相似文献   

A pH decrease in chloroplast suspension in media of low salt concentration was observed when a salt was added at pH values higher than 4.4, while at lower pH values a pH increase was observed. The salt-induced pH changes depended on the valence and concentration of cations of added salts at neutral pH values (higher than 4.4) and on those of anions at acidic pH values (lower than 4.4). The order of effectiveness was trivalent > divalent > monovalent. The pH value change by salt addition was affected by the presence of ionic detergents depending on the sign of their charges. These characteristics agreed with those expected from the Gouy-Chapman theory on diffuse electrical double layers. The results were interpreted in terms of the changes in surface potential, surface pH and the ionization of surface groups which result in the release (or binding) of H+ to (or from) the outer medium.The analysis of the data of KCl-induced pH change suggests that the change in the surface charge density of thylakoid membranes depends mainly on the ionization of carboxyl groups, which is determined by the surface pH. When the carboxyl groups are fully dissociated, the surface charge density reaches ?1.0 ± 0.1 · 10?3 elementary charge/square Å.Dependence of the estimated surface potential on the bulk pH was similar to that of electrophoretic mobility of thylakoid membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Steady-state spectra of cytochrome oxidase in phospholipid vesicles were obtained by using hexaammineruthenium(II) and ascorbate as reductants. Cytochrome a was up to 80% reduced in the steady state in coupled vesicles. Upon addition of nigericin or acetate, which decrease delta pH, resulting in an increase in delta psi, cytochrome a became more oxidized in the steady state with no change in the rate of respiration. On the other hand, uncouplers or valinomycin plus nigericin, which lower both delta psi and delta pH, stimulated respiration 2-8-fold and also lowered the steady-state level of reduction of cytochrome a. These experiments indicate that electron transfer between cytochromes a and a 3 is sensitive primarily to the pH gradient. Studies with the reconstituted and the soluble enzyme at various pH values indicated that the pH on the matrix side of the membrane, rather than delta pH, controlled the steady-state level of reduced cytochrome a. Hexaammineruthenium(II) substituted for cytochrome c in measurements of proton pumping by cytochrome oxidase. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, which eliminated proton pumping by cytochrome oxidase, decreased the effect of ionophores on the steady-state level of reduced cytochrome a.  相似文献   

Membrane potential (delta psi) and pH difference (delta pH) were simultaneously determined in liposomes using a photodiode array spectrophotometer. By the use of a cyanine dye (DiS-C3(5)) and 9-aminoacridine for delta psi and delta pH probes, respectively, both changes of delta psi and delta pH could be successfully determined by photodiode array spectrometry. Each dye did not disturb the fluorescence spectrum of the other probe when its concentration was lower than 5 microM. The K+-diffusion potential-driven, FCCP(protonophore)-mediated H+-influx process in the K+-loaded liposomes was analyzed by this method. Results indicate that the kinetic behavior of H+ influx changes at a FCCP concentration of approx. 30 nM. The rate of delta pH formation increased quantitatively with increasing concentrations of FCCP up to 30 nM, but was markedly enhanced at higher concentrations, although the maximal delta pH attained was about 3 pH units in any case when a K+-diffusion potential of -180 mV was applied.  相似文献   

The proton gradient across mycoplasma membranes was determined by using different probes which distribute between the intracellular space and the suspension medium in response to a transmembrane proton gradient. The intracellular pH of intact glycolyzing mycoplasmas was generally more alkaline than the extracellular medium: pHext=7 and pHint=7.4; hence, pH=0.4. The size of the proton gradient depended upon the extracellular pH. Without nutrient substrate, the mycoplasmas were unable to maintain a transmembrane proton gradient, i.e., pH approximated O.N, N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, an inhibitor of membrane-bound ATPase, carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, a proton conductor, and gramicidin, an antibiotic forming cation conduction channels across membranes, strongly affected and even abolished the proton gradient across mycoplasma membranes. These substances also impaired the metabolic activity and viability of mycoplasmas.  相似文献   

The proton motive force and its electrical and chemical components were determined in Clostridium acetobutylicum, grown in a phosphate-limited chemostat, using [14C]dimethyloxazolidinedione and [14C]benzoic acid as transmembrane pH gradient (delta pH) probes and [14C]triphenylmethylphosphonium as a membrane potential (delta psi) indicator. The cells maintained an internal-alkaline pH gradient of approximately 0.2 at pH 6.5 and 1.5 at pH 4.5. The delta pH was essentially constant between pH 6.5 and 5.5 but increased considerably at lower extracellular pH values down to 4.5. Hence, the intracellular pH fell from 6.7 to 6.0 as the external pH was lowered from 6.5 to 5.5 but did not decrease further when the external pH was decreased to 4.5. The transmembrane electrical potential decreased as the external pH decreased. At pH 6.5, delta psi was approximately -90 mV, whereas no negative delta psi was detectable at pH 4.5. The proton motive force was calculated to be -106 mV at pH 6.5 and -102 mV at pH 4.5. The ability to maintain a high internal pH at a low extracellular pH suggests that C. acetobutylicum has an efficient deacidification mechanism which expresses itself through the production of neutral solvents.  相似文献   

The pH within isolated Triton WR 1339-filled rat liver lysosomes was determined by measuring the distribution of [14C]methylamine between the intra- and extralysosomal space. The intralysosomal pH was found to be approximately one pH unit lower than that of the surrounding medium. Increasing the extralysosomal cation concentration lowered the pH gradient by a cation exchange indicating the presence of a Donnan equilibrium. The lysosomal membrane was found to be significantly more permeable to protons than to other cations. The relative mobility of cations through the lysosomal membrane is H+ ? Cs+ > Rb+ > K+ Na+ > Li+ ? Mg2+, Ca2+. The presented data suggest that the acidity within isolated Triton WR 1339-filled lysosomes is maintained by: (1) a Donnan equilibrium resulting from the intralysosomal accumulation of nondifussible anions and (2) a selective permeability of the lysosomal membrane to cations.  相似文献   

The relation between the intramitochondrial and extramitochondrial ratio ATP/ADP, the transmembrane potential and pH gradient is investigated in the present communication. For this purpose mitochondria are equilibrated with added [14C]ATP in the presence of substrate and oligomycin for eliminating phosphate transfer by ATPase. The membrane potential was measured by the distribution of 86Rb+ in the presence of valinomycin, the deltapH by the distribution of [14C]acetate. In the energized state by varying deltapsi between 60 and 160 mV, the internal (ATP/ADP)i is decreased 30-fold, the external (ATP/ADP)e remains largely constant. As a result, the deltalog (ATP/ADP)e/(ATP/ADP)i = deltalogphi is increased linerly with deltapsi according to the following relation: deltalogphi = 0.85 deltapsi - 0.35. The deltapH was changed between 0.1 and 0.8 by increasing the Pi concentration causing only a minor decrease of deltalogphi would be expected if the ATP-ADP exchange has a significant electroneutral portion. Also in the uncoupled and respiration-inhibited state the same function between deltalogphi and deltapsi is found as in the energized states. It is concluded that under these conditions the ATP-ADP exchange is largely electrical.  相似文献   

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