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Censuses of the Tana River red colobus (Colobus badius rufomitratus) and crested mangabey (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus), primate species endemic to riverine forests of the lower Tana River in eastern Kenya, showed significant population declines for both species between the mid-1970s and 1980s. Red colobus declined in terms of group size and number of groups per forest; the mangabey population declined only in numbers of groups per forest. There was no significant change in mean group age/sex composition between the two time periods for either species. Differences in the feeding and ranging ecology of the two species may explain why the mangabey population suffered a less severe decline than the red colobus. Similarities in census results over 3 years in the late 1980s suggest that the primate populations are no longer decreasing.  相似文献   

We conducted fecal egg counts of gastrointestinal parasites of 2 critically endangered primates endemic to the forest of Tana River, Kenya. We aimed to use the fecal egg counts as proxies to quantify the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites between the 2 primates. The Tana River red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) and crested mangabey (Cercocebus galeritus) are of similar body size, but their behavioral ecology is very different. We predicted that mangabeys would have a higher prevalence of parasites because they are mostly terrestrial omnivores, live in larger social groups, and therefore range widely. We detected 10 nematodes and 3 protozoans in mangabeys and 7 nematodes and 2 protozoans in colobus. We detected a higher number of different parasite species in individual mangabeys, and 4 of the 5 nematodes requiring intermediate hosts were found in mangabeys. The overall prevalence of parasites was higher for mangabeys, but this difference was not statistically significant. For colobus, we found a trend whereby the number of different parasite species in individual monkeys was higher in males and in lactating females. However, there was no difference in the prevalence of parasites between the sexes or between lactating and nonlactating females.  相似文献   

We compared the feeding behavior of a group of Tana River mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus), densities of 25 diet species, and fruit availability of nine species in a 16.25 ha Tana River forest in southeastern Kenya studied in 1988 and in 2000-2001. For both studies, we enumerated all reproductively sized individuals of the 25 diet species and sampled nine of those species monthly for fruit availability. Mangabey feeding data were collected monthly from January to December 1988 and August 2000 to July 2001 using identical methods. We found a 17% increase in stem number of the 25 species between studies. Estimates of fruit production were lower in 2000 for five of the nine species monitored. Species composition of the mangabey diets shifted between 1988 and 2000-2001. We suggest that changes in forest composition may be due to declining human disturbance, elephant loss, changes in the river's hydrologic regime, and the 1997/98 ENSO event. Possible reasons for lower fruit availability are a younger demographic profile of the forest and changes in the river's hydrological regime. Only some of the changes in the mangabey diet mirrored changes in stem abundance and/or fruit availability. Mangabey dietary changes underscore their high degree of flexibility that allows them to persist in such a dynamic forest habitat.  相似文献   

Understanding effects of habitat and landscape features on genetic variation is a prerequisite for the development of habitat and landscape management strategies aimed at conserving genetic diversity. While there has been considerable research on the effects of landscape structure on the genetics of populations, a recent review identified key biases in this body of work. The majority of landscape genetic studies investigate the intervening matrix’s influence on differentiation and gene flow among populations. Although characteristics of local habitat patches may be important determinants of genetic diversity, fewer studies have examined these relationships. Here we use node- and neighbourhood-based approaches to analyze correlates of genetic diversity in the bog copper (Lycaena epixanthe), a specialist butterfly endemic to temperate Nearctic peatlands that is threatened in parts of its range. Based on 190 repeatable and polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism loci, we found that genetic diversity was higher in habitat patches that were smaller and surrounded by more open water. Our results indicate that valuing small peatlands and preserving the surrounding water table may be important for conservation of genetic diversity in this highly specialized species. Our study highlights the importance of variables affecting habitat quality for conservation genetics.  相似文献   

Diet and habitat overlap was studied in two sympatric primate species sharing two neighbouring patches of fragmented gallery forest in Tana River, Kenya. Systematic data on feeding and ranging behaviour was collected on one group each of the Tana crested mangabey Cercocebus galeritus and yellow baboon Papio cynocephalus between August 1992 and February 1993. When rainfall was low and fruit resources scarce, yellow baboons spent most of their foraging time in the open woodlands while mangabeys foraged within the forest. At this period, diet and habitat overlaps between the two species were low. As rainfall increased, followed by a gradual rise in fruit availability, yellow baboons shifted their foraging range and both species became confined to the forest habitat. Consequently, both diet and habitat overlaps increased, peaking at the end of the rainy season. Mangabeys showed a reduced within-group dispersal and also spent significantly less time foraging in a given forest patch when yellow baboons were also present within the same forest patch.
Increased habitat and diet overlaps during the wet season need not have resulted in increased interspecific competition for food because at this period, fruits were readily available in the forest.  相似文献   

Annual surveys in 1985–1987 revealed that, since 1975, the total population of the Tana River red colobus (Colobus badius rufomitratus)declined by approximately 80%. An intensive study in 1986–1988 of two groups of colobus in the Tana River Primate National Reserve indicated that habitat disturbance from the changing river course and shifting agricultural practices were primarily responsible for the decline. Clearcutting around Mchelelo forest in the late 1960s compressed colobus populations to levels probably above the carrying capacity. Between 1975 and 1986 primate population density declined dramatically, the number of red colobus groups in Mchelelo forest decreased by half, and the size of the remaining group was greatly reduced. In 1986, there were fewer solitary colobus and small parties in the forest, harem male takeovers did not occur, infant survivorship increased, and demographic parameters generally had improved. The colobus groups in Mchelelo in 1973–1975, living at higher densities, showed different feeding and ranging behaviors than 1986–1988 groups. Range size was smaller in 1975, range overlap occurred, and a greater portion of the forest was used per day and per month. Mature leaves accounted for a much higher proportion of the diet. Time spent feeding and resting was the same in both studies. Social organization in predominantly one- male groups was maintained and adult and subadult females transferred between groups.  相似文献   

We conducted a phytochemical survey of tree species growing within the riverine forests of the Tana River National Primate Reserve in Kenya to understand better the feeding ecology of an endangered resident primate, the Tana River red colobus monkey (Procolobus badius rufomitratus).Young leaves, which make up a large percentage of this monkey's diet, are significantly higher in nitrogen and lower in acid detergent fiber than more abundant mature leaves are. Phenolic chemistry had little inhibitory effect on feeding by P. b. rufomitratus.Choice among tree species by P. b. rufomitratusappears to be influenced largely by leaf availability,once an acceptable threshold of nitrogen and fiber is reached When mature leaves are eaten, they selected species that are high in nitrogen and low in fiber. A significantly higher nitrogen content was found for the mature leaves of all leguminous versus nonleguminous tree species. Consequently, the availability of certain types of mature leaf species during periods of preferred food scarcity may prove critical to groups of Tana River red colobus monkeys.  相似文献   

A group of Tana River mangabeys Cercocebus galeritus studied in 2000–2001 fissioned into two daughter groups in 2004, the first reported case of fission in Cercocebus. Data were collected on each daughter group in 2005–2006 to investigate how the groups divided the parent group's range, the quality of habitat used by each group, and if fruit abundance was correlated with the spatial relationships between the groups. Six days of ranging data were collected each month and input into ArcView GIS 3.3 to measure home ranges and core areas. Phenological data were collected from nine important food species. Habitat quality was measured by counting all reproductive‐sized individuals of those nine food species in the ranges. The daughter groups shared the parent group's home range and core area, although the larger group used more of those areas than the smaller group. The two groups got equal quality home ranges and core areas as measured by per capita food trees, but the larger group had access to a larger and richer exclusive area. Proximity of the groups to each other was not correlated with fruit abundance. This study contributes to the small body of literature that addresses ecological consequences of primate group fission.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of anthropogenic habitat degradation on group size, ranging, fecundity, and parasite dynamics in four groups of the Tana River mangabey (Cercocebus galeritus). Two groups occupied a forest disturbed by human activities, while the other two occupied a forest with no human disturbance. We predicted that the groups in the disturbed forest would be smaller, travel longer distances daily, and have larger home ranges due to low food tree abundance. Consequently, these groups would have lower fecundity and higher parasite prevalence and richness (number of parasite species). We measured the abundance of food trees and anthropogenic activity in the forests, the groups' daily travel distances and home range sizes, and censused social groups over 12 months. We also analyzed fecal samples for gastrointestinal parasites from three of the groups. The disturbed forest had a lower abundance of food trees, and groups in this forest traveled longer distances, had larger home range sizes, were smaller, and had lower fecundity. The groups in the disturbed forest had higher, although not statistically significant, parasite prevalence and richness. This study contributes to a better understanding of how anthropogenic habitat change influences fecundity and parasite infections in primates. Our results also emphasize the strong influence of habitat quality in determining daily travel distance and home range size in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that species with low population sizes have lower genetic diversities than larger populations and vice versa. However, this would not be the case for long‐lived species with long generation times, and which populations have declined due to anthropogenic effects, such as the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). This species was intensively decimated globally to near extinction during the 20th century. Along the Chilean coast, it is estimated that at least 4288 blue whales were hunted from an apparently pre‐exploitation population size (k) of a maximum of 6200 individuals (Southeastern Pacific). Thus, here, we describe the mtDNA (control region) and nDNA (microsatellites) diversities of the Chilean blue whale aggregation site in order to verify the expectation of low genetic diversity in small populations. We then compare our findings with other blue whale aggregations in the Southern Hemisphere. Interestingly, although the estimated population size is small compared with the pre‐whaling era, there is still considerable genetic diversity, even after the population crash, both in mitochondrial (N = 46) and nuclear (N = 52) markers (Hd = 0.890 and Ho = 0.692, respectively). Our results suggest that this diversity could be a consequence of the long generation times and the relatively short period of time elapsed since the end of whaling, which has been observed in other heavily‐exploited whale populations. The genetic variability of blue whales on their southern Chile feeding grounds was similar to that found in other Southern Hemisphere blue whale feeding grounds. Our phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA haplotypes does not show extensive differentiation of populations among Southern Hemisphere blue whale feeding grounds. The present study suggests that although levels of genetic diversity are frequently used as estimators of population health, these parameters depend on the biology of the species and should be taken into account in a monitoring framework study to obtain a more complete picture of the conservation status of a population.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies are simultaneously investigating species diversity (SD) and genetic diversity (GD) in the same systems, looking for ‘species– genetic diversity correlations’ (SGDCs). From negative to positive SGDCs have been reported, but studies have generally not quantified the processes underlying these correlations. They were also mostly conducted at large biogeographical scales or in recently degraded habitats. Such correlations have not been looked for in natural networks of connected habitat fragments (metacommunities), and the underlying processes remain elusive in most systems. We investigated these issues by studying freshwater snails in a pond network in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). We recorded SD and habitat characteristics in 232 ponds and assessed GD in 75 populations of two species. Strongly significant and positive SGDCs were detected in both species. Based on a decomposition of SGDC as a function of variance–covariance of habitat characteristics, we showed that connectivity (opportunity of water flow between a site and the nearest watershed during the rainy season) has the strongest contribution on SGDCs. More connective sites received both more alleles and more species through immigration resulting in both higher GD and higher SD. Other habitat characteristics did not contribute, or contributed negatively, to SGDCs. This is true of the desiccation frequency of ponds during the dry season, presumably because species markedly differ in their ability to tolerate desiccation. Our study shows that variation in environmental characteristics of habitat patches can promote SGDCs at metacommunity scale when the studied species respond homogeneously to these environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

The Florida Sand Skink (Plestiodon reynoldsi), the Florida Scrub Lizard (Sceloporus woodi), and the Six-lined Racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata) occur in the threatened and fire-maintained Florida scrub habitat. Fire may have different consequences to local genetic diversity of these species because they each have different microhabitat preference. We collected tissue samples of each species from 3 sites with different time-since-fire: Florida Sand Skink n = 73, Florida Scrub Lizard n = 70, and Six-lined Racerunner n = 66. We compared the effect of fire on genetic diversity at microsatellite loci for each species. We screened 8 loci for the Florida Sand Skink, 6 loci for the Florida Scrub Lizard, and 6 loci for the Six-lined Racerunner. We also tested 2 potential driving mechanisms for the observed change in genetic diversity, a metapopulation source/sink model and a local demographic model. Genetic diversity varied with fire history, and significant genetic differentiation occurred among sites. The Florida Scrub Lizard had highest genetic variation at more recently burned sites, whereas the Florida Sand Skink and the Six-lined Racerunner had highest genetic variation at less recently burned sites. Habitat preferences of the Florida Sand Skink and the Florida Scrub Lizard may explain their discordant results, and the Six-lined Racerunner may have a more complicated genetic response to fire or is acted on at a different geographic scale than we have investigated. Our results indicate that these species may respond to fire in a more complicated manner than predicted by our metapopulation model or local demographic model. Our results show that the population-level responses in genetic diversity to fire are species-specific mandating conservation management of habitat diversity through a mosaic of burn frequencies.  相似文献   

To assess whether the species distinctions of Lake Tana's Labeobarbus spp. are supported by genetic information, microsatellite markers were used. A total of 376 Labeobarbus spp., belonging to 24 populations of 11 species from three regions of the lake (north, south and east), were sampled. Eight microsatellite markers were analysed. In general, differences between conspecific populations were smaller than differences between populations of different species. For six species, conspecific populations from different regions in the lake were consistently more similar than populations of other species from the same region. For four species this was not the case, while for one species two populations were similar, but different from the third population. River‐spawning species appeared to be more distinct than presumed lake spawners. On the species level, there was a significant correlation between genetic and morphological differentiation, especially in morphological aspects associated with ecological functioning. This suggests that genetic differentiation arose together with adaptive radiation, although the overall genetic differentiation among the Lake Tana Labeobarbus spp. is small.  相似文献   

寒温带牧林交错区生境复杂度对啮齿类物种多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用铗日法对嫩江流域牧林交错区5个生境梯度中啮齿动物的多样性水平进行了研究,以探讨栖息地复杂程度对地面啮齿类物种多样性的影响.结果表明,黑线姬鼠、黑线仓鼠和大林姬鼠是嫩江流域牧林交错区中的优势种和常见种,不同物种在不同生境类型中呈明显的不均匀分布,反映了它们对不同生境的选择倾向性.同时,地面草本植物的覆盖度和丰富度对地面活动的小型哺乳动物的物种组成和群落结构具有较大的影响,啮齿动物的捕获率和生物量与草本植物的多样性水平呈现出显著的相关性关系,其物种丰富度随草本植物多样性指数的增加呈递增的趋势.此外,各生境中啮齿动物的物种多样性指数与草本植物多样性的相关关系并不显著,可能是因为灌丛区和林-灌交错区内大量的低矮灌丛与萌生丛改善了生境的隐蔽条件与食物资源,为更多物种的共存创造了良好的微环境,使得两生境中啮齿动物的物种多样性水平尤为突出.研究表明,小型啮齿动物的物种组成与栖息地的复杂程度有关,但地面植被对小型兽类生物量和物种多样性的影响力度并不是等同的,对地面小型兽类物种多样性影响的研究,统计生境复杂度或异质性时应考虑不同植被型/生境类型距地面的高度,不同植被型对小型兽类物种多样性的贡献程度随其距地面高度的增加而降低.  相似文献   

The high rates of future climatic changes, compared with the rates reported for past changes, may hamper species adaptation to new climates or the tracking of suitable conditions, resulting in significant loss of genetic diversity. Trees are dominant species in many biomes and because they are long‐lived, they may not be able to cope with ongoing climatic changes. Here, we coupled ecological niche modelling (ENM) and genetic simulations to forecast the effects of climatic changes on the genetic diversity and the structure of genetic clusters. Genetic simulations were conditioned to climatic variables and restricted to plant dispersal and establishment. We used a Neotropical savanna tree as species model that shows a preference for hot and drier climates, but with low temperature seasonality. The ENM predicts a decreasing range size along the more severe future climatic scenario. Additionally, genetic diversity and allelic richness also decrease with range retraction and climatic genetic clusters are lost for both future scenarios, which will lead genetic variability to homogenize throughout the landscape. Besides, climatic genetic clusters will spatially reconfigure on the landscape following displacements of climatic conditions. Our findings indicate that climate change effects will challenge population adaptation to new environmental conditions because of the displacement of genetic ancestry clusters from their optimal conditions.  相似文献   

The burnet moth Zygaena anthyllidis, endemic to the high elevations of the Pyrenees, is vulnerable to land-use. In order to identify conservation priorities based on an assessment of genetic diversity within populations and gene flow among populations, we examined Z. anthyllidis’ genetic variability and differentiation based on allozyme electrophoresis from seven populations scattered across its entire range. In comparison to other mountain Lepidoptera, the populations studied exhibit a low level of genetic diversity. Remarkable between-population differentiation (F ST = 0.053), the presence of private alleles, and the lack of significant isolation-by-distance pattern characterises the genetic make-up of the species. We interpreted the pattern of genetic differentiation as a consequence of low dispersal power in combination with insufficient landscape connectivity. Ongoing land-use change might reinforce genetic differentiation due to habitat fragmentation and additionally affect negatively allozyme variability at shifting range margins, i.e. the capacity to adapt to changing environments. We therefore suggest creating a network of suitable habitats at the landscape scale to facilitate genetic exchange and to conserve the species’ overall genetic variability.  相似文献   

In this 3-year investigation we documented patterns of density, diet, and activity of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus tephrosceles) in six areas in or near Kibale National Park, Uganda and related these patterns to availability of food resources. There were large differences in the density and behavior of the red colobus among the sites. For example, the red colobus at one site with a diverse plant community of more than 61 tree species, had a diet that included at least 42 species. In contrast, at a second site red colobus spent 92% of their feeding time eating from one species that dominated the tree community. The density of important red colobus food trees varied among sites from 32 trees/ha to 204 trees/ha, and red colobus density ranged from 0.70 groups/km2 to 7.41 groups/km2. Among sites, red colobus density was related to the cumulative DBH of important food trees, when one apparently anomalous site was excluded, and populations with more plant species in their diets tended to be those that were found at higher densities. Activity budgets of the red colobus populations varied markedly among sites. For example, feeding time ranged among sites from 29 to 55%, and traveling varied from 5 to 20%. When faced with increased foraging demands, red colobus reduced the time spent resting, while the time spent socializing remained fairly constant. Comparative socioecological studies typically contrast species separated by large geographical distances to ensure there is sufficient variation in the environment to detect behavioral responses. The marked differences in ecological conditions and red colobus behavior we documented over short geographical distances, suggests that small-scale contrasts are a useful tool to examine ecological determinants of behavior and community structure.  相似文献   


Background: Woody bamboos of the genus Chusquea grow along a broad range of elevations in the Venezuelan Andes. Their growth-form and density vary along the cloud forest – páramo gradient. In this article, we related ecophysiological traits and population genetic diversity information to explain the distribution of growth-form patterns of Chusquea in the Merida Andes, Venezuela.

Aims: We quantified differences in the ecophysiological response and genetic diversity of scandent cloud forest and shrub-like páramo bamboos of the genus Chusquea, taking in account the differences in their flowering patterns, growth-form and habitat.

Methods: We related low temperature resistance, water relations and leaf gas exchange variables to the growth-form, habitat, flowering patterns and genetic diversity in species of Chusquea. The genetic diversity study was based on Inter Sequence Simple Repeats and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers analysis of cloud forest and páramo populations.

Results: Scandent cloud forest and shrub-like páramo species of Chusquea had a very similar ecophysiological response for all the variables analysed during wet and dry seasons and were capable of enduring freezing temperatures through moderate supercooling. Species associated with the cloud forest – páramo gradient maintained low stomatal conductance and transpiration rates that favoured high leaf water potentials, without limiting photosynthetic rates. Shrub-like bamboos growing above the continuous forest line had a small decline in net photosynthesis rates, associated with an increase in water use efficiency. Both scandent and shrub-like bamboos had a remarkably high genetic diversity, comparable to non-clonal species.

Conclusions: Species of Chusquea in the Venezuelan Andes are a physiologically relatively homogeneous group across a broad elevation gradient. Population genetic diversity appears to be more related with their flowering pattern and habitat conditions than with their growth form.  相似文献   

Relatively easy measurable patch characteristics (especially habitat diversity measures) have proven to be valuable indicators of forest plant species richness in forest fragments of relatively undisturbed areas. Urban and suburban forest patches, however, are characterized by a specific landscape ecological context implying that specific processes may influence ecosystem functioning and hence that other abiotic indicators for plant diversity are more appropriate. We studied the relation between functional ecological plant species groups and suburban forest patch characteristics such as patch area, habitat diversity and isolation. Some components of species richness were related to the isolation of the patches. In contrast to previous similar large-scale fragmentation studies in more rural areas, further results stressed the overwhelming importance of patch area relative to habitat variables in determining species richness. This suggests (1) the occurrence of density-dependent species extinction processes in small forest patches; or (2) the existence of external deterministic factors which put a major constraint on species richness in small patches. We tend to support the latter hypothesis and propose forest disturbance and associated black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) invasion as such a possible external factor. Small forest patches may be more sensitive to disturbance and biological invasion due to various reasons. Hence large forest patches are to be preferred for plant conservation in the suburban area.  相似文献   

Species are differentially affected by habitat fragmentation as a consequence of differences in mobility, area requirements, use of the matrix, and responses to edges. A quantitative understanding of these differences is essential not only for conservation biology but also for basic ecological theory. Here, we examine density responses by butterflies to patch size and use a quantitative theory on the scaling of population density with patch size to interpret results. Theory suggests that the density distribution of mobile species along a patch size gradient should depend on the scaling of net migration rates, whereas the density distribution of less mobile species should depend more on local growth. Using data from 11 localities in three European countries, we calculated the slope in the relationship between patch size and population density. These slopes were evaluated in relation to butterfly traits and matrix composition. As estimates of butterfly mobility we used both wing span and expert mobility rankings. The slope of the density–area relationship changed as predicted with wing span and the association of species to grasslands. Large and highly mobile species had a negative slope, similarly for grassland specialists and generalist species, and the slope matched quantitative predictions based on the scaling of net migration rates. Small and less mobile grassland specialists had a slope that was less negative than the slope of large and mobile grassland specialists, whereas the slope did not change with size for generalist species. These analyses suggest that the variability in response among butterfly species to patch size could be explained by accounting for body size/mobility and habitat associations among species. A caveat is that edge effects are not explicitly included in the model analysis, and future research should aim to combine area and edge effects in a common theoretical framework.  相似文献   

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