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Panic attacks occur in about 2 % of the population. Symptoms include a racing or pounding heart beat, chest pain, dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, difficulty in breathing, tingling or numbness in the hands, flushes or chills, dreamlike sensations or perceptual distortions. The symptoms of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) may be similar. A PSVT is often difficult to document on the ECG since it has often ceased before the patient comes to medical attention. Besides, a tachycardia may still be present and even be documented but interpreted as a phenomenon secondary to the panic attack. In addition, ECG abnormalities between episodes can often not be identified. The evidence that in some patients paroxysmal SVT is the cause, but not the consequence of a panic attack, is based on observations that catheter ablation was able to cure patients presenting with panic disorders. To better establish the prevalence of SVT as the underlying mechanism of a panic attack, there is a need for prospective studies and/or registries. Whereas gastric ulcer has in some patients changed from a psychosomatic disorder to an infectious disease, we may hypothesise that a certain proportion of panic disorders may mutate into an underlying arrhythmia rather than a primary psychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

Chromosomal evolution: inversions: the chicken or the egg?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Casals F  Navarro A 《Heredity》2007,99(5):479-480

Somatic mutations of mitochondrial DNA have been detected in various pathologies such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiac disorders and aging in general. Now it has been found that patients with rheumatoid arthritis also have a higher incidence of mitochondrial mutations in synoviocytes and synovial tissue compared with patients with osteoarthritis. Furthermore, it has been shown that these mutations possibly result in changed peptides that are presented by major histocompatibility complex II and thus might be recognized as non-self by the immune system. Further studies will show whether these mutations are actually able to trigger autoimmune inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis or whether they must be considered epiphenomena of cellular damage in chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

Geschwind DH 《Neuron》2003,40(3):457-460
Pathological aggregation of the microtubule-associated protein tau is a common feature of many neurodegenerative diseases. Although tau aggregation is associated with abnormal tau phosphorylation, the role of phosphorylation in the initiation of neurodegeneration has been unclear. Now, several animal models and data from human patients provide converging evidence that aberrant tau phosphorylation can cause a neurodegenerative phenotype similar to that seen in human neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Integrins have the ability to organise macromolecular structures both inside and outside the cell. Analysis of integrin function in the developing embryos of worms and flies suggests that, although the extracellular matrix directs integrins to organise intracellular proteins, the cytoskeleton may have the first word.  相似文献   

The plastid genome (plastome), while surprisingly constant in gene order and content across most photosynthetic angiosperms, exhibits variability in several unrelated lineages. During the diversification history of the legume family Fabaceae, plastomes have undergone many rearrangements, including inversions, expansion, contraction and loss of the typical inverted repeat (IR), gene loss and repeat accumulation in both shared and independent events. While legume plastomes have been the subject of study for some time, most work has focused on agricultural species in the IR-lacking clade (IRLC) and the plant model Medicago truncatula. The subfamily Papilionoideae, which contains virtually all of the agricultural legume species, also comprises most of the plastome variation detected thus far in the family. In this study three non-papilioniods were included among 34 newly sequenced legume plastomes, along with 33 publicly available sequences, to assess plastome structural evolution in the subfamily. In an effort to examine plastome variation across the subfamily, approximately 20% of the sampling represents the IRLC with the remainder selected to represent the early-branching papilionoid clades. A number of IR-related and repeat-mediated changes were identified and examined in a phylogenetic context. Recombination between direct repeats associated with ycf2 resulted in intraindividual plastome heteroplasmy. Although loss of the IR has not been reported in legumes outside of the IRLC, one genistoid taxon was found to completely lack the typical plastome IR. The role of the IR and non-IR repeats in the progression of plastome change is discussed.  相似文献   

Forest trees are experiencing massive declines globally caused by a multitude of stressors, both abiotic (pollution, fragmentation and climate change) and biotic (fungi, bacteria, viruses and insects). Mycorrhizal fungi aid plants in the requisition of nutrients through their mutualistic relationship with plant roots and are integral to tree health. Stresses affecting tree health will also influence mycorrhizal fungi directly or indirectly, and thus alter the pathways responsible for nutrient absorption. Such an intimate association is a true chicken or egg quandary; do external stressors cause a loss of mycorrhizae which leads to tree decline, does tree decline result in a loss of mycorrhizae, or is it a combination of both? A review of literature has identified six stressors known to contribute to tree decline and to impact directly on mycorrhizae; global climate change, pesticides, heavy metals, excess fertilizer, pathogens and habitat fragmentation. A few review papers have highlighted the link; however, what is missing is irrefutable empirical research. This review documents the known direct impacts of the six stressors on mycorrhizal communities and places this in the context of decline syndromes in long-lived forest trees. We also discuss methodologies available to identify fungi and future research needed to unravel the complex relationships between forest tree declines and their associated mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Transitions from fresh to saline habitats are restricted to a handful of insect lineages, as the colonization of saline waters requires specialized mechanisms to deal with osmotic stress. Previous studies have suggested that tolerance to salinity and desiccation could be mechanistically and evolutionarily linked, but the temporal sequence of these adaptations is not well established for individual lineages. We combined molecular, physiological and ecological data to explore the evolution of desiccation resistance, hyporegulation ability (i.e., the ability to osmoregulate in hyperosmotic media) and habitat transitions in the water beetle genus Enochrus subgenus Lumetus (Hydrophilidae). We tested whether enhanced desiccation resistance evolved before increases in hyporegulation ability or vice versa, or whether the two mechanisms evolved in parallel. The most recent ancestor of Lumetus was inferred to have high desiccation resistance and moderate hyporegulation ability. There were repeated shifts between habitats with differing levels of salinity in the radiation of the group, those to the most saline habitats generally occurring more rapidly than those to less saline ones. Significant and accelerated changes in hyporegulation ability evolved in parallel with smaller and more progressive increases in desiccation resistance across the phylogeny, associated with the colonization of meso‐ and hypersaline waters during global aridification events. All species with high hyporegulation ability were also desiccation‐resistant, but not vice versa. Overall, results are consistent with the hypothesis that desiccation resistance mechanisms evolved first and provided the physiological basis for the development of hyporegulation ability, allowing these insects to colonize and diversify across meso‐ and hypersaline habitats.  相似文献   

Ecology has a long history of research relevant to and impacting on real-world issues. Nonetheless problems of communication remain between policy-makers and scientists because they tend to work at different levels of generality (policy deals with broad issues, science prefers specific questions), and complexity (policy-makers want simple answers, ecologists tend to offer multi-factorial solutions) and to different timescales (policy-makers want answers tomorrow, ecologists always seem to want more time). These differences are not unique to the debate about the cultivation of transgenic crops. Research on gene flow is used to illustrate how science and policy are intimately bound together in a value-laden, iterative and messy process unlike that characterised by the ‘encounter problem—do science—make policy’ model. It also demonstrates how the gap between science and policy is often characterised by value-laden language. Scientists involved in ERA for transgenic crops may find their engagement with policy- and decision-makers clouded by misunderstanding about what one should expect from the other. Not the least of these, that science can define harm, is explored in a discussion of the UK Farm Scale Evaluations of herbicide-tolerant GM crops. The varied responses to these extensive trials highlight the problems of linking specific scientific experiments with broad policy objectives. The problems of applied ecology in the transgenic crops debate are not unique but may differ from other areas of environmental policy in the intense politicisation of the debate, the emphasis on assessment of risk and the particularly broad policy objectives.  相似文献   

Exosomes are secreted cellular vesicles that can induce specific CD4+ T cell responses in vivo when they interact with competent antigen-presenting cells like mature dendritic cells (mDCs). The Trojan exosome hypothesis proposes that retroviruses can take advantage of the cell-encoded intercellular vesicle traffic and exosome exchange pathway, moving between cells in the absence of fusion events in search of adequate target cells. Here, we discuss recent data supporting this hypothesis, which further explains how DCs can capture and internalize retroviruses like HIV-1 in the absence of fusion events, leading to the productive infection of interacting CD4+ T cells and contributing to viral spread through a mechanism known as trans-infection. We suggest that HIV-1 can exploit an exosome antigen-dissemination pathway intrinsic to mDCs, allowing viral internalization and final trans-infection of CD4+ T cells. In contrast to previous reports that focus on the ability of immature DCs to capture HIV in the mucosa, this review emphasizes the outstanding role that mature DCs could have promoting trans-infection in the lymph node, underscoring a new potential viral dissemination pathway.  相似文献   

An enduring but erroneous belief is that the post-fertilisation period is irrelevant for axis development in mammals. Two recent studies further undermine this belief. Is information for axial developmental encoded in the egg cortex?  相似文献   

Herring Gull Larus argentatus eggs from a study colony in the Baltic showed a slight but significant variation in egg size within the laying sequence. Last-laid eggs were only about 5% smaller by volume than first eggs. There was no significant difference in dry yolk weight or dry albumen weight, although possible differences were evident. The chicks had nearly equal hatching weights and equally long tarsi. There was no differential mortality in the third chick in the study colony, and there were no indications of egg-size-mediated mortality. The birds in the colony produced an average of 1.45 fledglings per pair. Compared with several other studied colonies, the difference in egg size within a clutch was low, and a comparison of colonies from northwestern Europe suggests that variance within the clutch is negatively correlated with fledging success, so that a large difference in size between first and last eggs is associated with low fledging success. We suggest that the size of the last egg in the clutch reflects the feeding potential in the environment and is mainly a nonadaptive response to poor feeding conditions during laying.  相似文献   

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