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George W. Uetz 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):154-159
Summary Increased prey capture efficiency in colonial spiders is a consequence of the ricochet effect, as prey are captured after they bounce off several webs in succession. In this study, the prey capture of three species of colonial spiders in the genus Metepeira from Mexico are compared. These species, from different habitats, show varying levels of social organization (group size and withingroup spacing) that affect prey capture from ricochets. Metepeira sp. a (a presumed new species tentatively named atascadero) from desert grassland habitats, occur solitarily or in small groups, and gain little from prey ricochets: prey capture rates are low and variance in prey captured/spider is high. M. spinipes, from mesic agricultural sites, occur in groups of 10–150, and show a ricochet effect resulting in more and larger prey, and reduced variance in capture rate. M. incrassata, from tropical rainforest/agricultural sites, occur in large colonies of hundreds to thousands of individuals, and show a similar ricochet effect. The ricochet effect does not influence taxonomic composition of prey in either M. atascadero or M. spinipes, but does in tropical M. incrassata. This result, however, is primarily due to the capacity of certain taxa (eg., Lepidoptera), more common in the tropics, to escape more easily from spider webs. A comparison of prey capture efficiency of colonial M. incrassata with that of solitary M. atascadero shows that the ricochet effect provides an increase in efficiency across all size classes of prey.  相似文献   

Some species of web building spiders use different capture tactics for different prey types. The main factors influencing the attack behaviour are the ability of the insect to escape, the risks of injury to the spiders and prey size. This study evaluated the effects of size and prey type on prey capture behaviour of the social spider Anelosimus eximius as influenced by the number of spiders attracted by prey movements that did not bite until the immobilization (bystanders) and the number of spiders that contributed to prey immobilization (catchers). We carried out a two‐factor (prey size and type) experiment offering prey belonging to four orders: Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Orthoptera, in a size gradient within each prey type. Both factors influenced the number of spiders recruited as bystanders, but only prey body size influenced the number of catchers in the subduing process. The possible advantages of the presence of bystanders around the interception site are discussed.  相似文献   

Specialist true predators are expected to exhibit higher capture efficiencies for the capture of larger and dangerous prey than generalist predators due to their possession of specialized morphological and behavioral adaptations. We used an araneophagous spider (Lampona murina) and a generalist spider (Drassodes lapidosus) as phylogenetically related model species and investigated their realized and fundamental trophic niches and their efficacy with respect to prey capture and prey handling. The trophic niche of both species confirmed that Lampona had a narrow trophic niche with a predominance of spider prey (including conspecifics), while the niche of Drassodes was wide, without any preference. DNA analysis of the gut contents of Lampona spiders collected in the field revealed that spiders form a significant part of its natural diet. Lampona captured significantly larger prey than itself and the prey captured by Drassodes. As concerns hunting strategy, Lampona grasped the prey with two pairs of legs possessing scopulae, whereas Drassodes immobilized prey with silk. Lampona possess forelegs equipped with scopulae and a thicker cuticle similar to other nonrelated araneophagous spiders. Lampona fed for a longer time and extracted more nutrients than Drassodes. We show that specialized behavioral and morphological adaptations altogether increase the hunting efficiency of specialists when compared to generalists.  相似文献   

A specialist predator that has a specialized diet, prey‐specific prey‐capture behaviour and a preference for a particular type of prey may or may not be specialized metabolically. Previous studies have shown that jumping spiders of the genus Portia prey on other spiders using prey‐specific prey‐capture behaviour, prefer spiders as prey to insects and gain long‐term benefits in terms of higher survival and growth rates on spider diets than on insect diets. However, it is unclear whether there are substances uniquely present in spiders on which Portia depends, or, alternatively, spiders and insects all contain more or less the same nutrients but the relative amounts of these substances are such that Portia perform better on a spider diet. These questions are addressed by testing the hypothesis that prey specialization includes metabolic adaptations that allow Portia an enhanced nutrient extraction or nutrient utilization efficiency when feeding on spider prey compared with insect prey. Three groups of Portia quei Zabka are fed either their preferred spider prey or one of two types of flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen) that differ in nitrogen and lipid content. Portia quei shows a higher feeding rate of high‐protein flies than of high‐lipid flies and spiders but, after 5 days of feeding, there is no significant difference in growth between treatments, and the diets lead to significant changes in the macronutrient composition of P. quei as a result of variable extraction and utilization of the prey. The short‐term utilization of spider prey is similar to that of high‐lipid flies and both differ in several respects from the utilization of high‐protein flies. Thus, the short‐term nutrient utilization is better explained by prey macronutrient content than by whether the prey is a spider or not. The results suggest that spider prey may have a more optimal macronutrient composition for P. quei and that P. quei does not depend on spider‐specific substances.  相似文献   

Abstract The foraging behaviour, web characteristics and prey availability of two sympatric orb-weaving spiders, Nephila plumipes and Eriophora transmarina (Araneae: Araneoidea), are compared. The spiders are similarly sized but have different temporal foraging patterns. Nephila plumipes spins a relatively permanent web and captures most of its prey during the day. Eriophora transmarina only forages at night, spinning a new web every night and usually dismantling it at dawn. These different foraging activities are most likely to be responsible for the observed differences in the types and rates of prey capture: E. transmarina captured mostly Lepidoptera that were more abundant at night than during the day, while N. plumipes captured mostly Hymenoptera that were more abundant during the day than at night. While nocturnal E. transmarina have less time available for foraging than the diurnal N. plumipes, the former has a substantially higher nocturnal prey capture rate. We argue that the difference between the species in their prey capture rates are likely to be due to differences in the architecture of their webs.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships are generally based on arm-race. Wasps and spiders are both predators, which could be potential prey for each other. The orb weaver spider Zygiella x-notata is sometimes a prey for the wasp Vespula germanica. We observed the wasp hunting behaviour under natural conditions, and we tested the influence of the spider’s behaviour on the wasp attack success. Wasps were active predators during the reproductive period of the spider. Results showed that wasps located more easily male spiders than females particularly when they were engaged in mate guarding. Female location depended on the presence of a web, but also of prey or prey remains in the web. On the other hand, their location depend neither on the characteristics and the position of the retreat in the environment nor on the size of the web. After location, males were more often captured than females whatever their behaviour (mate guarding or not). Presence of prey remains or prey in the web did not increase the risk for the spider to be captured. There was also no influence of the retreat’s characteristics or of its position in the habitat on the risk for the spider to be captured; but wasp successful attacks were less numerous when silk was present around the entrance of the retreat or when the spider was completely inside. As prey and prey remains favoured location of spiders by the wasps, we tested spider web cleaning behaviour as a response to wasp predatory pressure. By throwing small polystyrene pellets in the webs, we observed that more 80% of the spiders rejected the pellets in less than one minute. Our data indicated that wasps were significant predators of Z. x-notata and wasp attack could have been a selective pressure that had favoured spider defensive behaviours such as web cleaning.  相似文献   

Summary Selection might favor group foraging and social feeding when prey are distributed in patches that do not last long enough for a solitary individual to consume more than a small fraction of them (Pulliam and Millikan 1982; Pulliam and Caraco 1984). Here we considered the foraging behavior of a social spider, Anelosimus eximius, in light of this ephemeral resource hypothesis. This species builds large webs in which members cooperate to capture a wide variety of different sizes and types of prey, many of which are very large. The capture success of this species was very high across all prey sizes, presumably due to the fact that they foraged in groups. Group consumption times in natural colonies for all prey larger than five mm were less than the time that dead insects remained on the plastic sheets that we used as artificial webs. Solitary consumption estimates, calculated from the rate at which laboratory individuals extracted insect biomass while feeding, were the same as the residence times of insects on artificial webs in the field for insects between 6 and 15 mm in length and were significantly longer than the persistence of insects on plastic sheets for all larger insects. Large prey, that contribute substantially to colony energy supplies, appeared to be ephemeral resources for these spiders that could not be consumed by a single spider in the time they were available. These factors made the food intake of one spider in a group less sensitive to scavenging by others and could act to reinforce the social system of this species.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the predatory capacity of four sympatric species of web- building spiders that inhabit coffee plantations in Southern Mexico: Gasteracantha cancriformis, Cyclosa caroli, and the morphologically similar species pair Leucauge mariana and L. venusta which were considered as one species group. The retention capabilities of the webs of these species and the incidence of prey capture and consumption were measured using eight types of insect prey belonging to the orders Coleoptera (1 species), Hymenoptera (3), Diptera (2) Lepidoptera (1) and Homoptera (1). The different characteristics of each prey such as body weight, body size, defensive behaviour, etc., were recorded. The incidence of prey retention, capture and consumption were significantly higher in G. cancriformis than in any of the other species. The lowest rates of retention, capture and consumption were observed in C. caroli, while L. mariana/venusta were intermediate in their predatory capabilities. Significant negative correlations between prey size and percent consumption were detected in L. mariana/venusta and in G. cancriformis; in both cases, large prey were less likely to be immediately consumed than small prey items. The results can be interpreted in the light of the morphological characteristics of the spiders. G. cancriformis possesses long legs and a carapace and appeared to have few difficulties to manipulate all types of prey. In contrast, C. caroli showed lesser abilities to manipulate and subdue aggressive prey items, perhaps due to the short leg length and unprotected body of this species. The consumption of prey items may be related to the predatory strategy of each spider. G. cancriformis constructs a new web every morning and prey storage was never observed. The absence of prey storage behaviour could explain why this species consumes prey soon after capture. In contrast, C. caroli constructs a permanent web and stores captured prey on a stabilimentum that may explain the very low incidence of immediate consumption of prey observed in this species.  相似文献   

Summary Bolas spiders are relatively rare members of the large family known as orb weavers. Instead of using a typical web to capture prey, late-stadia and adult female bolas spiders swing a droplet of adhesive on a thread at flying insects. Mastophora hutchinsoni (Araneae: Araneidae) is one of five Mastophora species known from the United States and occurs over much of eastern North America. It is univoltine in Kentucky and overwinters in the egg stage. Spiderling emerged in May, the diminutive males matured in late June and early July, and females matured in early September. Eggs were produced from late September to late October or early November. This report is the first complete documentation of the population phenology of any bolas spider. Newly-emerged M. hutchinsoni spiderlings did not use a bolas, but instead hunted by positioning themselves on the underside of leaf margins where they ambushed small arthropods that crawled along the leaf margins. Subadult and adult female M. hutchinsoni used a bolas to capture moths. Only male moths were captured, specifically three species of Noctuidae (bristly cutworm, bronzed cutworm, and smoky tetanolita) and one species of Pyralidae (bluegrass webworm). Among 492 prey captured by more than twenty spiders at two sites during 1985 and 1986, smoky tetanolita moths and bristly cutworm moths accounted for 93% of the total. The flight behavior of approaching moths, the limited taxa caught from a large available moth fauna, and the fact that only males were caught support the hypothesis that the spider attracts its prey by producing chemicals which mimic the sex pheromones of these moth species. Adult female M. hutchinsoni frequently captured more than one moth species on a given night. The two most common prey species were active at different times of night, the bristly cutworm soon after nightfall and the smoky tetanolita generally between 11:00 p.m. and dawn. This pattern suggests that mating activity of these moth species may be temporally isolated, a common phenomenon when sympatric species have similar pheromones. If so, the spider could capture both species without producing different pheromone-mimicking compounds, simply by hunting during the activity period of each species.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 87-7-76) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

1. Laboratory and field experiments showed that the hunting performance of two flower-dwelling crab spiders, Misumenops asperatus and Misumenoides formosipes, was thermally insensitive over a broad range of temperatures normally experienced by these spiders. 2. In the laboratory, HP, a behavioural metric of spider hunting performance, was similar for spiders of a given species over an ≈ 30 °C temperature range. 3. Spiders in the field captured predominantly hymenopterans and dipterans, and field hunting performance, measured as the number of prey captured per spider per day, also proved to be unaffected by temperature. 4. These findings counter the general rule that physiological/ecological performance in terrestrial arthropods is temperature dependent. 5. Freedom from temperature constraints on the capacity of crab spiders to capture prey may be due to the use of venom and/or to muscle physiological adaptations for anaerobic metabolism. 6. Wide thermal performance breadth increases the spectrum of prey available to M. asperatus and M. formosipes by allowing spiders to hunt prey active during cooler periods of the day as well as those active during warmer periods. 7. Wide thermal performance breadth also benefits M. asperatus and M. formosipes due to adult phenology; both species experience a seasonal temperature shift during the adult phase.  相似文献   

It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. As spiders are usually faced with a shortage of prey, the killing behavior of the spider Nesticodes rufipes at varying densities of Musca domestica was examined here through laboratory functional response experiments where spiders were deprived of food for 5 (well-fed) or 20 days (hungry). An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling time of spiders. The number of prey killed by spiders over 24- and 168-h periods of predator–prey interaction was recorded. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both well-fed and hungry spiders. We found that the lower predation of hungry spiders during the first hours of experimentation was offset later by an increase in predation (explained by estimated handling times), resulting in similarity of functional response curves for well-fed and hungry spiders. It was also observed that the higher number of prey killed by well-fed spiders over a 24-h period of spider–prey interaction probably occurred due to their greater weights than hungry spiders. We concluded that hungry spiders may be more voracious than well-fed spiders only over longer time periods, since hungry spiders may spend more time handling their first prey items than well-fed spiders.  相似文献   

Summary Prey capture rate, food consumption, and diet composition of all developmental stages of the funnelweb spider Agelena limbata were estimated in woody and open habitats by a sight-count method. Prey availability was evaluated on the basis of two indices, i.e. the ratios of daily food consumption to dry weight of predator and to daily standard metabolic rate. These indices varied seasonally and between instars in this spider. Comparison of these indices between arthropod predators suggests that A. limbata live under conditions of relatively limited food supply. In the open habitat, the spiders reduced foraging activities to avoid heat stress at midday in summer because the sheet web was exposed to the direct rays of the sun and its temperature exceeded 40°C. The daily food consumption of adult spiders in the open habitat was about half of that in the woody habitat. The lower rate of energy intake of spiders in the open habitat may cause the observed smaller size of adults and lower fecundity. A. limbata captured a great range of prey comprising ten orders of arthropods and ate chemically defended insects, e.g. stink bugs, lady beetles, and ants which were rejected by many spiders. This generalistic foraging may be associated with limited and heterogeneous food supply in this spider.  相似文献   

Management of resource exploitation by the orb-weaving spider Zygiella x-notata was investigated in relation to available prey. Prey capture is studied according to prey type (cricket or fly), and the spider's behaviour (waiting without prey or consuming other prey), at the moment when a prey item was placed onto the web. Characteristics of the spider's exploitation of the previous item (feeding time, and quantities ingested) were analysed according to the type and quantity of prey presented, (1 or 2 items at 1-h intervals). Capture time did not vary in relation to prey type, nor spider activity. However, duration and quantities of certain behavioural components (biting and wrapping) did vary according to prey type and the spider's behaviour, at the moment of presentation of prey. Whatever the type of prey received, if the first item consumed was a cricket, the spiders reduced time spent feeding on this prey without any decrease in the quantities ingested.  相似文献   

Spiders are usually thought to obtain their energy for growth, maintenance and reproduction from captured prey. However, not all spiders should be assumed to receive all of their energy from prey. Accumulated studies have documented nectarivory in a wide variety of hunting spiders. We report a Clubiona spider visiting flowers of the nectariferous orchid Neottianthe cucullata as an example of spider nectarivory. In addition, during the visitations by Clubiona spider, pollinia removal was observed. The impact of the Clubiona spider on the N. cucullata reproductive success is also discussed.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of the large orb‐weaving spider Argiope trifasciata in old field habitats of North America and the habitat selection process this species used was studied for 2 years. 2. Because web spiders have limited dispersal abilities and an energetically costly prey capture device, they do not have the ability to sample potential foraging sites. Structural complexity of the vegetation to which the web must be attached is relatively easy to assess. The hypothesis that the structural complexity is a primary factor in determining initial web site selection was tested both by relating the natural distribution of the spiders across habitats to vegetational complexity and by manipulating the complexity of the habitats in a series of experiments. 3. Argiope trifasciata was not distributed evenly among three old field vegetation types. Habitat complexity was related to spider density in both years although no measure of insect activity, prey capture, or prey consumption was correlated with spider distribution. 4. Three experimental manipulations were conducted to test the impact of habitat structure on spider establishment: (1) the amount of natural vegetation was reduced, (2) structures were added to a simple habitat, and (3) the complexity of the structures added was varied. In each case, spiders were introduced and establishment of webs was monitored. In all manipulations, spider establishment was related to the complexity of the substrate available. 5. These results are important for understanding the cues that influence foraging site selection and therefore provide insight into the distribution of species with limited dispersal abilities and high site investment requirements.  相似文献   

We studied the efficiency of the hunt and the characteristics of cooperation during the prey capture in a social spider Anelosimus eximius. Two natural types of prey of roughly the same length (20 mm) were used: grasshoppers (Orthoptera) and moths (Lepidoptera); 128 tests were made on 14 colonies, the smallest with 20 and the largest with 1,700 individuals. Test times were 12.00 h, defined as an inactive period for the spiders and 18.00 h, defined as an active period. Overall capture rate of intercepted prey was 66%: it was higher in large colonies or at 18.00 h, when more spider alerts were triggered by the struggling prey. Characteristics of cooperation during capture did not vary with colony size. Capture rate was higher for grasshoppers than moths (73%-58%) in spite of similar number of alerts (76%-87%); so moths must have been more difficult to capture. For both prey types, large colonies capture more rapidly and so had advantages in terms of time gain. We showed that cooperation depended on prey type: more spiders mobilised to attack moths and attack was faster than on grasshoppers. This may be interpreted as an adaptive response of the group to the prey type.  相似文献   

Prey captured by a predator may attract kleptoparasites which could significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. Stegodyphus lineatus, a cribellate spider, builds an energetically costly web. Ants raid the webs of S. lineatus to steal prey and behave as kleptoparasites. We investigated ant raids in a natural population of S. lineatus and their influence on the spider’s foraging behaviour. Considering spiders that had captured a prey, 31.2% suffered an ant raid within 24 h after the prey capture. Experimental tests showed that the response to ant raid is to delay web rebuilding and this was independent of a spider’s previous foraging success. There was a tendency for spiders that were exposed to ants to build larger webs. Neither prey-handling duration nor prey consumption was modified after exposure to ants. These results suggest that Stegodyphus lineatus adapt its web-building behaviour in response to the risk of kleptoparasitism.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colouration attracts prey to a stationary predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. Conspicuous body colouration is counter‐intuitive in stationary predators because sit‐and‐wait tactics frequently rely on concealed traps to capture prey. Consequently, bright colours and contrasting patterns should be rare in predators using traps as they may alert potential prey. Yet, some orb‐weaving spiders are brightly coloured and contrastingly patterned. How can conspicuousness of trap‐building sit‐and‐wait predators be favoured by natural selection? 2. Observations of spiny spiders Gasteracantha fornicata in north‐eastern Australia showed that the size of spiders relative to their orb webs correlated positively with relative prey numbers already captured in their webs. A possible explanation is that the relatively larger appearance of the yellow–black striped dorsal surface of this spider attracts more visually oriented prey items. Prey attracted to webs may get trapped, thereby increasing the spiders' foraging success. 3. To test this hypothesis for the function of conspicuous body colouration, a field experiment was conducted that documented the prey capture rates of spiny spiders after manipulating or sham‐manipulating their appearance. 4. As predicted, spiders that were dyed black on their striped dorsal surface caught relatively fewer prey items than did control spiders. Thus, conspicuous dorsal body colouration may be adaptive in spiny spiders because it increases foraging success and, presumably, survival rates and reproductive outputs. Overall, these data support the colour‐as‐prey‐attractant hypothesis in a stationary, trap‐building predator.  相似文献   

Predator size and the suitability of a common prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Although a predator’s mass should influence the suitability of its prey, this subject has received little direct attention. We studied the capture and processing of an abundant syrphid fly Toxomerus marginatus (c. 4 mg) by 0.6- to 40-mg juvenile crab spiders Misumena vatia (Thomisidae) to determine how profitability, relative profitability (profitability/predator mass), overall gain in mass, and relative gain in mass differed with predator mass, and whether foraging changed concurrently. In multi-prey experiments, the smallest successful spiders (0.6–3.0 mg) extracted less mass from flies, and did so more slowly, than large spiders. This gain was proportionately similar to that of 10- to 40-mg spiders with access to many Toxomerus. However, many small spiders failed to capture flies. When we gave spiders only a single Toxomerus, the smallest ones again extracted mass more slowly than the large ones and increased in mass less than the large ones, but increased in mass proportionately more than large ones. Relative gain in mass from a single prey decreased with increasing spider mass. Spiders larger than 10 mg all extracted similar amounts of mass from a single Toxomerus at similar rates, but varied in time spent between captures. Thus, Toxomerus changes with spider mass from a large, hard-to-capture bonanza to a small, easy-to-capture item of low per capita value. However, Toxomerus is common enough that large spiders can capture it en masse, thereby compensating for its decline in per capita value. Received: 7 May 1996 / Accepted: 23 September 1996  相似文献   


The prey spectrum and predatory behaviour of Dolomedes sp. (‘D. III’), D. aquaticus, and D. minor are described from a series of field and laboratory investigations, the former made around Nelson and on Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, during summer months. All species are large, robust spiders that capture prey by directly seizing it in their mouthparts, not using silk at any stage of predation. Adult aquatic insects are their main prey, but these are available only irregularly during their activity period (night-time), and the spiders are opportunistic in their feeding habits. They will eat virtually any available small animal, and at least the largest species, D. III, is able to capture and ingest small fishes. Dead as well as live organisms are taken. Furthermore, the spiders are capable of feeding infrequently; when feeding on small prey organisms they may capture several sequentially, to increase the size of the meal. Live prey is caught while it is in flight, or on the ground, or at the water surface (rarely submerged), and is detected primarily by touch and airborne sound; vision is unnecessary for normal predation. Prey is captured very rapidly, even though this may initially involve a dash of up to 40 cm across the water surface to locate the organism. Stages in the behaviour of an active spider, from waiting for prey to grooming after ingestion, are described.  相似文献   

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