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Summary The pineal organ of Raja clavata was studied by light and electron microscopy, including the immunocytochemical antiopsin reaction. The pineal organ of the ray consists of three portions: (i) a large proximal pineal, (ii) a long tube-like connecting stalk, and (iii) a short distal terminal enlargement. This latter end-vesicle lies in the deep connective tissue layers of the braincase. All portions of the pineal are composed of pinealocytes, intrinsic neurons, ependymal/glial cells, and bundles of nerve fibers embedded in thin neuropil formations. The inner segments of the pinealocytes protrude into the lumen in all parts of the organ and usually contain basal bodies and numerous mitochondria. Often, two outer segments were found to arise from the basal bodies of a single inner segment. By means of light-microscopic immunocytochemistry the outer segments showed a strong antiopsin reaction.The axons of the pinealocytes form ribbon-containing synapses on dendritelike profiles, which appear to belong to the intrinsic pineal neurons. There are other axo-dendritic synapses established by presynaptic terminals lacking ribbons and containing granular and synaptic vesicles. Pineal neurons may contain granular vesicles approximately 60–100 nm in diameter; their processes contribute to the bundles of unmyelinated axons.The fine structural organization of the pineal organ and the opsin immunoreactivity of the outer segments of the pinealocytes indicate a photoreceptive capacity of the organ. The double outer segments represent a peculiar multiplication of the photoreceptor structures.This investigation was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to A. Oksche (Ok 1/24; 1/25: Mechanismen biologischer Uhren)On leave from the 2nd Department of Anatomy, Semmelweis OTE, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

Summary 150–190 photoreceptor cells form a basic structural component of the pineal organ of Ambystoma tigrinum. Most of the outer and inner segments of these cells project into the lumen horizontally. Only 10 percent of the total number of photoreceptor cells are located within the pineal roof which is composed of a single cell layer. The photoreceptor cells are connected with nerve cells by synapses displaying characteristic ribbons. Different types of synaptic contacts, i.e. simple, tangential, dyad, triad and invaginated, are found. They are embedded in extended neuropil zones. A particular type of synapse indicates the presence of interneurons. The basal processes of some photoreceptor cells leave the pineal organ and make synaptic contacts with nervous elements located within the area of the subcommissural organ. Employing the method of Karnovsky and Roots (1964) for histochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) approximately 70 neurons (intrapineal neurons) can be discerned in the pineal organ of Ambystoma tigrinum. In analogy to the distribution of photoreceptor cells only few nerve cells are observed in the roof portion of the pineal organ. Evidently, two different types of AChE-positive intrapineal neurons are present. About 40–50 AChE-positive neurons (extrapineal neurons) are scattered in the area of the subcommissural organ. In this area two types of nerve cells can be distinguished: 1) neurons which send pinealofugal (afferent) axons toward the posterior commissure and 2) neurons which emit pinealopetal (efferent) axons into or toward the pineal organ.The nervous pathways connecting the pineal organ with the diencephalomesencephalic border area are represented by a distinct pineal pedicle and several accessory pineal tracts.Granular nerve fibers run within the posterior commissure and establish synaptic contacts in the commissural region adjacent to the pineal organ. Some of these granular elements enter the pineal organ.The morphology of the nervous apparatus of the pineal organ of Ambystoma tigrinum is discussed in context with evidence from physiological experiments.In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Dr. med., Faculty of Medicine, Justus Liebig University, GiessenThe author is indebted to Professors A. Oksche and M. Ueck for their interest in this study. Thanks are due to Professor Ch. Baumann, Giessen, and Professor H. Langer, Bochum, for stimulating discussions. The technical assistance of Miss R. Liesner is gratefully acknowledgedDedicated to Professor Berta Scharrer on the occasion of her 70th birthday. Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to A.O. and M.U.  相似文献   

Summary Monoaminergic nerve fibers were studied in the pineal organ of the monkey, Macaca fuscata, by use of fluorescence and immunohistochemical procedures. Abundant formations of noradrenergic nerve fibers were observed in the pineal organ. They entered the parenchyma in the form of several coarse bundles via the capsule in the distal portion of the organ and spread throughout the organ after branching into smaller units. The density of the autonomic innervation decreased gradually toward the proximal portion of the organ. In the distal portion, numerous nerve fibers formed perivascular plexuses around the blood vessels and some fibers ran as bundles unrelated to the blood vessels in the stroma. Fine varicose fibers and bundles derived from these plexuses penetrated among the pinealocytes. However, only a few intraparenchymal fluorescent fibers were detected in the proximal third of the gland. With the use of serotonin antiserum serotonin-immunoreactive nerve fibers were clearly restricted to the ventroproximal part of the pineal organ. Although the somata of the pinealocytes showed intense immunoreactivity, their processes were not stained. In one exceptional case, clusters of pinealocytes displaying very intense immunoreactivity were found in an area extending from the distal margin of the ventral portion of the pineal stalk to the proximal portion of the pineal organ proper; these cells were bipolar or multipolar and endowed with well-stained processes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit neurohistologischen Techniken (Nauta-Verfahren) wurde der Anteil des Stirnorgans von Rana temporaria und Rana esculenta an der zentralnervösen Projektion des lichtempfindlichen Pinealkomplexes geprüft. Nach operativer Unterbrechung des Nervus pinealis im dorsalen Lymphsack lassen sich degenerierende Nervenfasern sowohl im Tractus pinealis als auch im stirnorgannahen Stumpf des Nervus pinealis nachweisen. Die ersteren werden als cerebropetale (afferente), die letzteren als zum Stirnorgan ziehende (efferente) Faserelemente gedeutet. Es ist gelungen, die hirnwärts gerichteten Nervenfasern des Stirnorgans bis in die unmittelbare Umgebung des sekretorischen Subcommissuralorgans zu verfolgen; zerfallende Faserfragmente liegen dicht der Basis des Subcommissuralorgans an. Anders als nach Durchtrennung des Tractus pinealis (vgl. Paul, Hartwig und Oksche, 1971) ließen sich nach Unterbrechung des Nervus pinealis keine Degenerationszeichen im mesencephalen Zentralen Grau darstellen.
Innervation and central nervous connexions of the frontal organ in Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta Fiber degeneration after surgical interruption of the pineal nerve
Summary The contribution of the frontal organ of Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta to the central nervous projections of the light-sensitive pineal complex has been investigated with neurohistological techniques (Nauta-method). After surgical transection of the pineal nerve within the dorsal lymph sac, degenerating nerve fibers have been observed within the pineal tract and also in the proximal stump of the pineal nerve. Those in the pineal tract have been interpreted as cerebropetal (afferent) connexions of the frontal organ, and those in the pineal nerve as fibers directed towards the frontal organ (efferent elements). The cerebropetal fibers of the frontal organ have been traced to the subcommissural region where they degenerate in close juxtaposition with the secretory subcommissural organ. In contrast to the findings obtained after transection of the pineal tract (see Paul, Hartwig and Oksche, 1971), no degenerating fibers have been observed in the mesencephalic central grey after surgical interruption of the pineal nerve.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary In the pineal organ of the lovebird, Uroloncha domestica, bulbous, cup-shaped and elongated outer segments of photoreceptor-like pinealocytes are demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. These scarce outer segments, 4–11 m in length, extend into the pineal lumen. The present structural observations speak in favor of photosensitive pinealocytes in the pineal organ of Uroloncha domestica. The relation of the photoreceptor-like pinealocytes to acetylcholinesterase-positive nerve cells and a nervous connection between the pineal and the brain indicate that the pineal organ of this passeriform species may be the site of neuroendocrine and photoreceptive functions.Supported by a fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to M. UeckSupported by a grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan to K. Wake and by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to M. Ueck  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of Anguis fragilis contains two essential cell types: pinealocytes and interstitial cells. The scarce outer segments are of different appearance; they show cyclic degenerative changes. Only one intraepithelial ganglion cell has been identified in the material of this study. Although an intracommissural pineal nerve is present, the absence of synaptic junctions of pinealocytes with ganglion cells indicates a loss of photosensory function. Three kinds of vesicles (also dense-core vesicles) originating from Golgi complex are described in the pinealocytes. These secretory vesicles show a vascular polarity. The pinealocyte processes extend to the basement membrane. Secretory material is released into the peripineal space. Efferent sympathetic nerve fibers are described near the pineal epithelium. The nerve endings of these fibers contain three types of vesicles. It is suggested that the pineal organ of Anguis fragilis has a well established secretory function.
Zusammenfassung Die Epiphysis cerebri von Anguis fragilis enthält zwei wesentliche Zelltypen: Pinealocyten und Zwischenzellen. Die Außenglieder, die nur selten vorkommen, sind verschiedenartig gestaltet und erleiden einen zyklischen Degenerationsprozeß. Im Pinealepithel ließ sich nur eine einzige Ganglienzelle mit Sicherheit nachweisen. Obwohl eine intracommissurale Nervenbahn vorhanden ist, spricht das Fehlen von Synapsen zwischen Pinealocyten und Ganglienzellen für einen Schwund der Lichtsinnesfunktion. In den Pinealocyten werden drei aus dem Golgiapparat stammende Bläschenarten, darunter auch solche mit einem elektronendichtem Inhalt (Granula), beschrieben. Diese Sekretbläschen sind polar auf die Blutgefäße ausgerichtet. Fortsätze der Pinealocyten stehen mit der Basallamina in Verbindung; allem Anschein nach werden hier Substanzen in den periepiphysären Raum abgegeben. Efferente sympathische Nervenfasern sind in der Nähe des Epiphysenepithels zu beobachten. Die Endigungen dieser Fasern enthalten drei verschiedene Bläschentypen. Die Epiphyse der Blindschleiche scheint eine sekretorische Funktion zu haben.

Summary We have demonstrated a bundle of fibers, immunoreactive to an antiserum against gonadoliberin (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone), that projects into the pineal stalk of photostimulated male Z. l. gambelii, a photoperiodic passerine species. These fibers have their origin in the dorsal division of the column of gonadoliberin-positive perikarya that extends caudodorsally from the ventromedial preoptic area to the level of the anterior commissure. After entering the habenula these fibers can be traced into the pineal stalk. This bundle is of interest because it apparently has not previously been reported in birds, and further, because the pineal body of this species is not known to have a role in the photoperiodic induction of increased rates of release of gonadotropins. Relationships of this bundle to other components of the gonadoliberin system are described briefly.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, was investigated by electron microscopy under experimental conditions; its general and characteristic features are discussed with respect to the photosensory and secretory function. The strongly convoluted pineal epithelium is usually composed of photoreceptor, ganglion and supporting cells. In addition to the well-differentiated photosensory apparatus, the photoreceptor cell contains presumably immature dense-cored vesicles (140–220 nm in diameter) associated with a well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum in the perinuclear region and the basal process. These dense-cored vesicles appear rather prominent in fish subjected to darkness. The ganglion cell shows the typical features of a nerve cell; granular endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus are scattered in the electron-lucent cytoplasm around the spherical or oval nucleus. The dendrites of these cells divide into smaller branches and form many sensory synapses with the photoreceptor basal processes. Lipid droplets appear exclusively in the supporting cell, which also contains well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Cytoplasmic protrusions filled with compact dense-cored vesicles (90–220 nm in diameter) are found in dark-adapted fish. The origin of these cytoplasmic protrusions, however, remains unresolved. Thus, the pineal organ of the killifish contains two types of dense-cored vesicles which appear predominantly in darkness. The ultrastructural results suggest that the pineal organ of fish functions not only as a photoreceptor but also as a secretory organ.We thank Dr. Grace Pickford for the fishes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Direkte Belichtung oder Lichtreizung der Lateralaugen lösen im zentralen Teil der Taubenepiphyse keine elektrische Aktivität aus. Im Stielabschnitt sind dagegen kleine, durch Licht nicht beeinlußbare Dauerentladungen zu beobachten. Die Lage der Ableitungspunkte wurde durch den histologischen Nachweis der elektrolytisch gesetzten Eisenmarken bestimmt. Diese Ableitungsstellen befinden sich im Epiphysenparenchym. Ein stärkeres versilberbares Nervenbündel verläuft im Stiel der Epiphyse. Adrenerge Nervenfasern, die grün fluoreszieren, begleiten die Kapselgefäße und dringen mit diesen in das follikuläre Epiphysengewebe ein. Das Epiphysenparenchym zeigt nach Falck-Hillarp eine Gelbfluoreszenz mit umschriebenen apikalen oder basalen Anreicherungen der fluoreszierenden Substanz. Mit Reserpin kann nur ein Teil dieses Materials entspeichert werden. Elektronenmikroskopisch lassen sich in der Taubenepiphyse keine typischen pinealen Rezeptorzellen nachweisen. Regelmäßig lamellierte Außenglieder fehlen vollständig. Es finden sich lediglich cytoplasmareiche bulböse Zilien und zirkuläre Lamellenkomplexe, die in Tubuli übergehen. Die letzteren können sich mit einem dichten körnigen Material füllen. An einigen Stellen haben solche Lamellenverbände einen Zusammenhang mit keulenförmig verdickten Zilien. Diese Zone ist aber anders strukturiert als das für retinale und pineale Lichtsinneszellen charakteristische Verbindungsstück. Die Zeichen der sekretorischen Aktivität der Taubenepiphyse sind überzeugender als die für einen lichtempfindlichen Sinnesapparat sprechenden Strukturmerkmale. Ein bestimmter Typ der Pinealocyten ist reich an 800–1200 Å großen granulierten Vesikeln, die sowohl am apikalen als auch am basalen, auf die Blutgefäße ausgerichteten Zellpol angehäuft sein können. An den manchmal gelappten basalen Endfüßen sind Zeichen der Ausschleusung des Vesikelinhalts bzw. eines Materialschwundes aus dem granulierten Vesikelkern zu erkennen. Die sekretorische Aktivität der Taubenepiphyse wird mit Hinweis auf die in ihr reichlich vorkommenden 5-Hydroxyindole (Quay) und das Problem der Melatonin-Bildung diskutiert. Erörtert wird auch die Möglichkeit einer Stimulierung dieser Sekretion über den Sympathikus.
Ultrastructural and functional studies of the pineal organ in the pigeon (Columba livia)
Summary Direct illumination or stimulation with light of the lateral eyes induced no electrical activity in the central part of the pineal organ in the pigeon. In the pineal stalk, however, a train of impulses was observed that failed to respond to changes of illumination. The position of the tip of the recording electrode (iron deposit), was histologically clearly determined to be in the pineal parenchyma. A distinct nerve bundle could be traced down the pineal stalk. Adrenergic nerve fibers showing a green fluorescence accompanied pineal capsular vessels into pineal follicular tissue. Using the method of Falck-Hillarp, the pineal parenchyma showed high concentrations of yellow fluorescent material in the apical or basal parts of the pinealocytes. Only a part of the fluorescent material could be dispersed with reserpine. In the electron microscope, no typical photoreceptor cells were identified in the pineal organ. Only large bulbous cilia, and circular lamellar or tubular complexes, were observed; they sometimes contained a dense granular material. Occasionally, the lamellar complexes had a direct relation to cilia of club-shaped appearance. Signs of secretory activity were more definitive in the pigeon pineal organ than sensory structures. One type of pinealocytes contained many 800–1,200 Å diameter granular vesicles concentrated in the apical or basal (apposed to blood vessels) cell parts. At the occasionally lobulated basal end-feet, a disappearance of the content of the granular vesicles indicated a release mechanism. This secretory activity was discussed in relation to the 5-hydroxyindole content of the pigeon pineal organ (Quay) and the general problem of melatonin synthesis; also, the possibility was considered that the secretory activity may be stimulated by sympathetic nerve fibers.
Ob die von Mihail und Molnár (1965) bei der Taube beschriebenen Epiphysektomie-effekte (Wirkung auf den Inselapparat und Zuckerstoffwechsel) auch in diesen Funktionskreis gehören, muß erneut geprüft werden.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal complex of the teleost, Phoxinus phoxinus L., was studied light-microscopically by the use of the indirect immunocytochemical antiopsin reaction and the histochemical acetylcholinersterase (AChE) method.Opsin-immunoreactive outer segments of photoreceptor cells were demonstrated in large numbers in all divisions of the pineal end-vesicle and in the pineal stalk. Moreover, they were found in the roof of the third ventricle, adjacent to the orifice of the pineal recess as well as scattered in the parapineal organ. These immunocytochemical observations provide direct evidence of the presence of an opsin associated with a photopigment in the photosensory cells of the pineal and parapineal organs of Phoxinus. By means of the AChE reaction (Karnovsky and Roots 1964) inner segments of pineal photoreceptors, intrinsic nerve cells, several intrapineal bundles of nerve fibers, and a prominent pineal tract were specifically marked. The pineal neurons can be divided into two types: one is located near the pineal lumen, the other near the basal lamina. The latter perikarya bear stained processes directed toward the photoreceptor layer. A rostral aggregation of two types of AChE-positive nerve cells occurs in the ventral wall of the pineal end-vesicle. The main portion of the AChE-positive pineal tract, which lies within the dorsal wall of the pineal stalk, can be followed to the posterior commissure where some of the nerve fibers course laterally. A few AChE-positive pineal nerve fibers run toward the lateral habenular nucleus via the habenular commissure. In the region of the subcommissural organ single AChE-positive neurons accompany the pineal tract. The nerve cells of the parapineal organ exhibit a moderate AChE activity.These findings extend the structural basis for the remarkable light-dependent activity of the pineal organ of Phoxinus phoxinus. To the memory of Professor Karl von Frisch, pioneer and master in the field of photoneuroendocrine systemsThis investigation was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to A.O. (Ok 1/24; 1/25: Mechanismen biologischer Uhren) and to H.-W. K. (Ko 758/1; 758–2)On leave from the 2nd Department of Anatomy, SOTE, Budapest, Hungary  相似文献   

Summary The sensory innervation of the pineal organ of adult Lacerta viridis has been investigated. Some specimens of Lacerta muralis lillfordi were also used. In the pineal epithelium, a small number of nerve cell pericarya of a sensory type are present. They lie either solitary or in small clusters close to the basement membrane. The axons originating from the nerve cell bodies, i. e. the pineal sensory nerve fibers, first course in the intraepithelial nerve fiber layer which is only locally present and contains a restricted number of unmyelinated fibers. In Lacerta viridis, the pineal fibers generally leave the epithelium at the proximal part of the organ proper. They then form small bundles which run along the outer surface of the basement membrane in the leptomeningeal connective tissue covering. At the proximal end of the pineal stalk the single bundles assemble constituting the pineal nerve. In Lacerta muralis the fibers leave the pineal epithelium at the proximal end of the stalk running farther down within the epithelium. Many fibers become myelinated after leaving the pineal epithelium. The pineal nerve runs ventralward in the midplane just caudal to the habenular commissure to which no fibers are given off. Continuing their ventralward course between the habenular commissure and the rostral end of the posterior commissure which is traversed by some of them, the pineal fibers reach the dorsal border of the subcommissural organ. Small separate aberrant pineal bundles traverse the posterior commissure at various more caudal levels. Having reached the dorsal border of the subcommissural organ, part of the pineal fibers continue their ventralward course directly running along the lateral sides of this organ to reach the periventricular nerve fiber layer lateral and ventral to it. A restricted number of fibers first turns in a caudal direction running between the base of the posterior commissure and the base of the subcommissural organ before turning ventralward to reach the periventricular layer. Most probably, pineal fibers do neither join the posterior commissural system nor innervate the subcommissural organ. Once having reached the periventricular layer, some pineal fibers curve in a rostral direction while others, before doing so, send a collateral in a caudal direction. Both, the main fibers and the collaterals, contribute to the formation of the periventricular layer. The sites of termination of the pineal fibers could not be ascertained.From the presence of intraepithelial sensory nerve cell bodies and from literature data on the ultrastructure of pineal neurosensory cells it is concluded that the adult pineal organ of Lacerta has a, although rudimentary, (photo)sensory function. The demonstration by our guest-worker Dr. W. B. Quay, of the intraepithelial presence of a tryptamine compound, probably serotonin, points, moreover, to a secretory function of this organ.In adult Lacerta a well-developed parietal nerve connects the parietal eye with the left lateral habenular nucleus. It traverses the habenular commissure.In gratitude and with admiration this paper is dedicated to Prof. Berta Scharrer and to the memory of Prof. Ernst Scharrer.  相似文献   

Summary Opsin-like immunoreactivity was observed in the retinae and pineal organs of the mouse, rat and guinea pig, and the pineal organ of the cat. In the retina the immunoreaction was restricted to photoreceptor cells, which displayed immunostaining in their perikarya and outer and inner segments. Distinct pinealocytes endowed with characteristic processes were labelled in the pineal organs of the mouse and cat. However, in the cat the number of immunoreactive pinealocytes was very limited. In the pineal organs of the rat and guinea pig immunoreaction was very weak and diffuse. No immunoreaction was observed when the antibody was preabsorbed with purified bovine (rhod)opsin. These findings are in accord with the results of previous studies indicating molecular similarities between retinal photoreceptors and pinealocytes in mammals.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to HWK, the European Science Foundation to RGF, the Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung to PE, and the Dutch Foundation for the Advancement of Basic Research. The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. Willem de Grip, Nijmegen, and Profesor Andreas Oksche, Giessen, for their critical interest in this study  相似文献   

Summary Lacertilian species display a remarkable diversity in the organization of the neural apparatus of their pineal organ (epiphysis cerebri). The occurrence of immunoreactive S-antigen and opsin was investigated in the retina and pineal organ of adult lizards, Uromastix hardwicki. In this species, numerous retinal photoreceptors displayed S-antigen-like immunoreactivity, whereas only very few pinealocytes were labeled. Immunoreactive opsin was found neither in retinal photoreceptors nor in pinealocytes. Electron microscopy showed that all pinealocytes of Uromastix hardwicki resemble modified pineal photoreceptors. A peculiar observation is the existence of a previously undescribed membrane system in the inner segments of these cells. It is evidently derived from the rough endoplasmic reticulum but consists of smooth membranes. The modified pineal photoreceptor cells of Uromastix hardwicki were never seen to establish synaptic contacts with somata or dendrites of intrapineal neurons, which are extremely rare. Vesiclecrowned ribbons are prominent in the basal processes of the receptor cells, facing the basal lamina or establishing receptor-receptor and receptor-interstitial type synaptoid contacts. Dense-core granules (60–250 nm in diameter) speak in favor of a secretory activity of the pinealocytes. Attention is drawn to the existence of receptor-receptor and receptor-interstitial cell contacts indicating intramural cellular relationships that deserve further study.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ko 758/31) and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Senior DAAD Research Fellowship to M.A.H.)  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the pineal gland of the wild-captured eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) was examined. A homogenous population of pinealocytes was the characteristic cellular element of the chipmunk pineal gland. Often, pinealocytes showed a folliclelike arrangement. Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, granular endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, centrioles, dense-core vesicles, clear vesicles, glycogen particles, and microtubules were consistent components of the pinealocyte cytoplasm. The extraordinary ultrastructural feature of the chipmunk pinealocyte was the presence of extremely large numbers of “synaptic” ribbons. The number of “synaptic” ribbons in this species exceeded by a factor of five to 30 times that found in any species previously reported. In addition to pinealocytes, the pineal parenchyma contained glial cells (oligodendrocytes and fibrous astrocytes). Capillaries of the pineal gland of the chipmunk consisted of a fenestrated endothelium. Adrenergic nerve terminals were relatively sparse.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Parenchym der Epiphysis cerebri von Passer domesticus kommen Nervenzellen vor. Ihre Neuriten ziehen im langgestreckten Epiphysenstiel zur Commissura habenularum. Im proximalen Endabschnitt des Epiphysenstiels wird ein Teil dieser Fasern myelinisiert. Zwischen die Nervenfasern schieben sich zahlreiche Pinealocytenausläufer; synaptische Bänder helfen die letzteren eindeutig zu identifizieren. Im Bereich der synaptischen Bänder liegen: 1. 300 Å Vesikel, 2. 300 Å Vesikel und 800–1200 Å Granula, 3. nur 800–1200 Å große granulierte Vesikel. Die Tatsache, daß in Pinealocytenausläufern nebeneinander synaptische Bänder und Granula vorkommen, und daß apikal in zilientragenden Zellen ebenfalls Granula nachweisbar sind, spricht dafür, daß bei Passer domesticus ein Pinealzelltyp sensorische und sekretorische Strukturmerkmale besitzen kann. Außerdem werden Kontaktsynapsen beobachtet; ihre praesynaptischen Fasern enthalten die gleichen Strukturelemente wie die Fasern mit synaptischen Bändern. Die Zahl der Mikrofibrillen und Mikrotubuli variiert in den Pinealocytenausläufern, in den postsynaptischen Dendriten und in den Neuriten so stark, daß es mitunter schwierig ist, diese Fortsatztypen einwandfrei zu unterscheiden und die Zahl der zum Gehirn ziehenden Neuriten exakt zu ermitteln.Efferente sympathische Nervenfasern dringen in die Bindegewebssepten der Epiphyse ein. Sie enthalten Granula mit einem Durchmesser von 300–500 Å und 800–1200 Å. Nach Injektion von Nialamid zeigen beide Granulatypen einen elektronendichten Kern. Mikrospektrographisch ist Serotonin und Noradrenalin in diesen Nervenfasern nachweisbar. Das Material dieser Studie enthält keinen fluoreszenzmikroskopischen oder elektronenmikroskopischen Hinweis darauf, daß die sympathischen Nervenfasern durch die Basalmembran in den Zellverband des Epiphysenparenchyms eintreten. Im elektronenmikroskopischen Bild haben manche Pinealocytenausläufer eine Ähnlichkeit mit autonomen Nervenfasern.Die funktionelle Bedeutung der Vogelepiphyse als photo-neuro-endokrines Organ wird diskutiert.
Further investigations on the structure and innervation of the pineal organ of Passer domesticus L.
Summary The pineal organ of Passer domesticus contains nerve cells within its parenchyma. Axons of the nerve cells run within the elongated stalk of the pineal organ to the habenular commissure. At the proximal end of the stalk, some axons become myelinated. In the stalk, the axons intermingle with pinealocyte processes containing synaptic ribbons. The synaptic ribbons are in contact with (1) vesicles with a diameter of 300 Å; (2) 300 Å diameter vesicles and 800–1,200 Å diameter dense-core granules; or (3) the dense-core granules only. Dense-core granules are also present in pinealocytes with 9+0 type cilia. These results suggest that sensory and secretory structures are present in the same pineal cell type. Furthermore, conventional synapses are present between receptor and nerve cells: The presynaptic fibers have the same structure as the fibers containing synaptic ribbons. The numbers of microfibrils and microtubules vary among postsynaptic fibers (dendrites), the pinealocyte processes, and the neurites. Thus it is difficult to obtain an exact count of the number of axons running to the brain.Efferent sympathetic nerve fibers enter the pineal organ associated with the connective tissue surrounding blood vessels. The fibers show granules of 300–500 Å diameter or 800–1,200 Å diameter. After nialamide injection, both types of granules contain a dense core. Microspectrographically serotonin and noradrenaline are demonstrated in the sympathetic nerve fibers. There is no evidence found in the material of this study to suggest that sympathetic nerve fibers perforate the basement membrane and enter the parenchymal cell complexes of the pineal organ. Pinealocyte processes and sympathetic nerve fibers often show a very similar ultrastructural pattern.The role of the avian pineal organ in photo-neuro-endocrine regulation is discussed.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies were conducted on 10 humans who died of the different cardiac diseases; and 20 guinea pigs pineal glands. Pinealocytes or secretory cells of the pineal gland have morphological likeness with the APUD system cells. They have a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, mitochondrial component and in cytoplasm dense-core vesicles are discovered. However the pinealocytes have a neuron-like structure and they are not separate cells as apudocytes, but they are a principal component of the pineal parenchyma in which pinealocytes are in tight interactions with glia, blood vessels and nerve terminations. Analysis of morphological and functional similarity and difference between pinealocytes and apudocytes allows to consider pineal gland as an APUD organ. A circadian rhythmicity of some secretory vesicles in pinealocytes of the guinea pig has been established.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Auch im Pinealorgan adulter Elritzen (Phoxinus laevis) sind die Außenglieder der Sinneszellen nicht degeneriert. Der Vergleich wurde zwischen adulten Exemplaren (8,6 cm) und 19,5 Monate jüngeren Tieren (3 cm) durchgeführt. Im Verhältnis zu den Jungtieren sind die Neuropilformationen und die synaptischen Strukturen adulter Elritzen stärker ausgeprägt. Bei den letzteren enthalten die Endfüße der pinealen Rezeptoren zahlreiche synaptische Bänder und 300–400 Å große Bläschen. Die Neuropilzonen sind außerdem reich an verdichteten Membranstellen (tight junctions). Im Pinealorgan des adulten Phoxinus finden sich eigenartige Einschlußkörper, die aus konzentrischen Lamellen bestehen; ähnliche Membran wirbel hat Takahashi (1969) bei zweijährigen Goldfischen beschrieben. Häufig lassen sich in den Epiphysen adulter Elritzen Axone beobachten, die mit 500–1000 Å großen granulierten Vesikeln gefüllt sind und im Verband bahnartig zusammengefaßter markloser Nervenfasern verlaufen. Die Herkunft und Bedeutung dieser granulierten Fasern werden diskutiert, ebenso wie die funktionelle Rolle des pinealen Sinnesorgans.
Further electron microscopic studies of the pineal organ inPhoxinus laevis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae)
Summary The outer segments of pineal receptor cells of adult (8.6 cm) European minnows (Phoxinus laevis), like the lamellated outer segments of 19.5 months younger (3 cm) specimens, did not show signs of degeneration (see also Oksche and Kirschstein, 1967). Neuropile formations and synaptic structures were more prominent in adult than in youngPhoxinus. In the adult group, the end-feet of pineal receptors contained numerous synaptic ribbons and vesicles (300–400 Å in diameter). The neuropile zones were rich in tight junctions. A peculiar structure of the pineal organ of agingPhoxinus was the inclusion body formed by concentric arrangement of lamellae. Membrane whorls similar to these inclusion bodies were described in the pineal organ of two years old goldfish (Takahashi, 1969). In the pineal organ of adultPhoxinus considerable numbers of axons containing dense-core vesicles (500–1,000 Å in diameter) were observed within tract-like bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers. The origin and significance of these granulated fibers and the functional role of the pineal sense organ have been discussed.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary A light microscopic investigation of the rabbit pineal gland with the aid of silver-stained sections gave the following results. In the gland a medulla and a cortex can be distinguished, the medulla containing so-called light and dark pinealocytes, the cortex only light ones. Autonomic nerve fibres reach the pineal organ by two routes: (1) via the perivascular spaces of pineal blood vessels and (2) via two distinct nerve bundles, the nervi conarii. Bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy revealed that these pinealo-petal nerve fibres are mainly orthosympathetic postganglionic. Intramural pineal neurones with synaptic-like structures on their cell bodies and dendrites point to the presence of a parasympathetic innervation next to the orthosympathetic one. Direct afferent or efferent neural connections with the brain appeared to be absent. Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank Professor Dr. J. Ariëns Kappers for encouragement and help, Mr. H. K. Koerten for his technical assistance and Miss A. M. Feddema for typing the manuscipt.  相似文献   

Summary By means of light-microscopic immunocyto-chemistry two polyclonal antibodies (AFRU, ASO; see p. 470) directed against secretory glycoproteins of the subcom-missural organ were shown to cross-react with cells in the pineal organ of lamprey larvae, coho salmon, a toad, two species of lizards, domestic fowl, albino rat and bovine (taxonomic details, see below). The AFRU-immunoreactive cells were identified as pinealocytes of the receptor line (pineal photoreceptors, modified photoreceptors or classical pinealocytes, respectively) either due to their characteristic structural features or by combining AFRU-immunoreaction with S-antigen and opsin immunocytochemistry in the same or adjacent sections. Depending on the species, AFRU- or ASO-immunoreactions were found in the entire perikaryon, inner segments, perinuclear area, and in basal processes facing capillaries or the basal lamina. In most cases, only certain populations of pinealocytes were immunolabeled; these cells were arranged in a peculiar topographical pattern. In lamprey larvae, immunoreactive pinealocytes were observed only in the pineal organ, but not in the parapineal organ. In coho salmon, the immunoreaction occurred in S-antigen-positive pinealocytes of the pineal end-vesicle, but was absent from S-antigen-immunoreactive pinealocytes of the stalk region. In the rat, AFRU-immunoreaction was restricted to S-antigen-immunoreactive pinealocytes found in the deep portion of the pineal organ and the habenular region. These findings support the concept that several types of pinealocytes exist, which differ in their molecular, biochemical and functional features. They also indicate the possibility that the AFRU- and ASO-immunoreactive material found in certain pinealocytes might represent a proteinaceous or peptidic compound, which is synthesized and released from a specialized type of pinealocyte in a hormone-like fashion. This cell type may share functional characteristics with peptidergic neurons or paraneurons.Supported by Grant I 38259 from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Federal Republic of Germany, to E.M.R. and A.O.; Grant S-85-39 from the Direccion de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile, to E.M.R.; Grant 187 from FONDECYT, Chile, to C.R.Y.; and Grant Ko 758/3-1 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Federal Republic of Germany, to H.W.K.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal complexes of two deep-sea fishes, Bathylagus wesethi (family Bathylagidae) and Nezumia liolepis (family Macrouridae), were studied with both light and electron microscopy. Receptor and supportive cells were identified in the pineals of both species. The presence of receptor cells suggests that the pineals function in photoreception. Ganglion cells could be identified only in B. wesethi. A dorsal sac and a paraphysis were found in B. wesethi; both structures are absent in N. liolepis.Several trends were found when the results of this study were compared with those of a study on the pineal complex of another deep-sea fish, the myctophid Triphoturus mexicanus (McNulty and Nafpaktitis, 1976). Two of these trends, which are correlated with the vertical distributions of the species studied, suggest an increase in the photosensitivity of the pineals. These are: 1) an increase in the average number of outer segment lamellar membranes per receptor cell, and 2) an increase in the ratio of receptor cells to nerve fibers in the pineal stalks.A functional relationship between the dorsal sac, paraphysis, and pineal central lumen was suggested. The relationship may involve secretory activities.  相似文献   

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