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Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is a complex trait leading to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Elevated levels and size of apolipoprotein B (apoB) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are associated with FCHL, which is genetically heterogeneous and is likely caused by rare variants. We carried out a linkage-based genome scan of four large FCHL pedigrees for apoB level that is independent of LDL: apoB level that is adjusted for LDL level and size. Follow-up included SNP genotyping in the region with the strongest evidence of linkage. Several regions with the evidence of linkage in individual pedigrees support the rare variant model. Evidence of linkage was strongest on chromosome 4q, with multipoint analysis in one pedigree giving LOD = 3.1 with a parametric model, and a log Bayes Factor = 1.5 from a Bayesian oligogenic approach. Of the 293 SNPs spanning the implicated region on 4q, rs6829588 completely explained the evidence of linkage. This SNP accounted for 39% of the apoB phenotypic variance, with heterozygotes for this SNP having a trait value that was ~30% higher than that of the high-frequency homozygote, thus identifying and considerably refining a strong candidate region. These results illustrate the advantage of using large pedigrees in the search for rare variants: reduced genetic heterogeneity within single pedigrees coupled with the large number of individuals segregating otherwise-rare single variants leads to high power to implicate such variants.  相似文献   

Human iris color was one of the first traits for which Mendelian segregation was established. To date, the genetics of iris color is still not fully understood and is of interest, particularly in view of forensic applications. In three independent genome-wide association (GWA) studies of a total of 1406 persons and a genome-wide linkage study of 1292 relatives, all from the Netherlands, we found that the 15q13.1 region is the predominant region involved in human iris color. There were no other regions showing consistent genome-wide evidence for association and linkage to iris color. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the HERC2 gene and, to a lesser extent, in the neighboring OCA2 gene were independently associated to iris color variation. OCA2 has been implicated in iris color previously. A replication study within two populations confirmed that the HERC2 gene is a new and significant determinant of human iris color variation, in addition to OCA2. Furthermore, HERC2 rs916977 showed a clinal allele distribution across 23 European populations, which was significantly correlated to iris color variation. We suggest that genetic variants regulating expression of the OCA2 gene exist in the HERC2 gene or, alternatively, within the 11.7 kb of sequence between OCA2 and HERC2, and that most iris color variation in Europeans is explained by those two genes. Testing markers in the HERC2-OCA2 region may be useful in forensic applications to predict eye color phenotypes of unknown persons of European genetic origin.  相似文献   

The use of inbred strains of mice to dissect the genetic complexity of common diseases offers a viable alternative to human studies, given the control over experimental parameters that can be exercised. Central to efforts to map susceptibility loci for common diseases in mice is a comprehensive map of DNA variation among the common inbred strains of mice. Here we present one of the most comprehensive high-density, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) maps of mice constructed to date. This map consists of 10,350 SNPs genotyped in 62 strains of inbred mice. We demonstrate the utility of these data via a novel integrative genomics approach to mapping susceptibility loci for complex traits. By integrating in silico quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping with progressive QTL mapping strategies in segregating mouse populations that leverage large-scale mapping of the genetic determinants of gene expression traits, we not only facilitate identification of candidate quantitative trait genes, but also protect against spurious associations that can arise in genetic association studies due to allelic association among unlinked markers. Application of this approach to our high-density SNP map and two previously described F2 crosses between strains C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J and between B6 ApoE(-/-) and C3H/HeJ ApoE(-/-) results in the identification of Insig2 as a strong candidate susceptibility gene for total plasma cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

Myosin regulatory light chain (MLC) regulates myofilament activation via phosphorylation by Ca2+ dependant myosin light chain kinase. In order to further understand the functions of the porcine fast myosin regulatory light chain gene (HUMMLC2B) in muscle, the subcellular localization, the temporal and spatial distributions of its gene product were analyzed, and the association between the presence of specific polymorphisms and commercial meat traits in pig was also examined. HUMMLC2B was demonstrated to localize both in the cytoplasm and the nucleus by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Real-time PCR further revealed HUMMLC2B expression variation in a waveform manner in the skeletal muscle of both Chinese Tongcheng and Western Landrace pig breeds at days 33, 65 and 90 post coitum (pc). After birth, the expression levels of HUMMLC2B were also found to decrease gradually with age. Our spatial expression analysis showed that HUMMLC2B was highly expressed in the semitendinosus, gastrocnemius, biceps femoris and longissimus dorsi muscles. In contrast, only low levels of expression of this gene were evident in fat, and no expression was detectable in brain, heart, kidney, lung, liver, lymph node, spleen, stomach, or in either large or small intestine. A total of 23 potential polymorphisms, comprising 3 exonic and 20 intronic, were detectable in the porcine HUMMLC2B gene and the G1094A, T1513C, G1876A and T2005G polymorphisms were further analyzed. The significant associations between the T1513C, G1876A and T2005G polymorphisms with marbling score, dressing percent and meat color, respectively, were identified (P < 0.05). Associations with the percentage of leaf fat could also be demonstrated by analysis of haplotypes harboring these three polymorphisms. Our current results thus shed further light on the roles and functions of the HUMMLC2B gene in muscle.  相似文献   

The genetic FOXP2-CNTNAP2 pathway has been shown to be involved in the language capacity. We investigated whether a common variant of CNTNAP2 (rs7794745) is relevant for syntactic and semantic processing in the general population by using a visual sentence processing paradigm while recording ERPs in 49 healthy adults. While both AA homozygotes and T-carriers showed a standard N400 effect to semantic anomalies, the response to subject-verb agreement violations differed across genotype groups. T-carriers displayed an anterior negativity preceding the P600 effect, whereas for the AA group only a P600 effect was observed. These results provide another piece of evidence that the neuronal architecture of the human faculty of language is shaped differently by effects that are genetically determined.  相似文献   

Linkage and association.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Autism is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder whose underlying genetic causes have yet to be identified. To date, there have been eight genome screens for autism, two of which identified a putative susceptibility locus on chromosome 16p. In the present study, 10 positional candidate genes that map to 16p11-13 were examined for coding variants: A2BP1, ABAT, BFAR, CREBBP, EMP2, GRIN2A, MRTF-B, SSTR5, TBX6, and UBN1. Screening of all coding and regulatory regions by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography identified seven nonsynonymous changes. Five of these mutations were found to cosegregate with autism, but the mutations are not predicted to have deleterious effects on protein structure and are unlikely to represent significant etiological variants. Selected variants from candidate genes were genotyped in the entire International Molecular Genetics Study of Autism Consortium collection of 239 multiplex families and were tested for association with autism by use of the pedigree disequilibrium test. Additionally, genotype frequencies were compared between 239 unrelated affected individuals and 192 controls. Patterns of linkage disequilibrium were investigated, and the transmission of haplotypes across candidate genes was tested for association. Evidence of single-marker association was found for variants in ABAT, CREBBP, and GRIN2A. Within these genes, 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were subsequently genotyped in 91 autism trios (one affected individual and two unaffected parents), and the association was replicated within GRIN2A (Fisher's exact test, P<.0001). Logistic regression analysis of SNP data across GRIN2A and ABAT showed a trend toward haplotypic differences between cases and controls.  相似文献   

Significant advances have been made in the discovery of genes affecting bone mineral density (BMD); however, our understanding of its genetic basis remains incomplete. In the current study, genome-wide association (GWA) and co-expression network analysis were used in the recently described Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel (HMDP) to identify and functionally characterize novel BMD genes. In the HMDP, a GWA of total body, spinal, and femoral BMD revealed four significant associations (-log10P>5.39) affecting at least one BMD trait on chromosomes (Chrs.) 7, 11, 12, and 17. The associations implicated a total of 163 genes with each association harboring between 14 and 112 genes. This list was reduced to 26 functional candidates by identifying those genes that were regulated by local eQTL in bone or harbored potentially functional non-synonymous (NS) SNPs. This analysis revealed that the most significant BMD SNP on Chr. 12 was a NS SNP in the additional sex combs like-2 (Asxl2) gene that was predicted to be functional. The involvement of Asxl2 in the regulation of bone mass was confirmed by the observation that Asxl2 knockout mice had reduced BMD. To begin to unravel the mechanism through which Asxl2 influenced BMD, a gene co-expression network was created using cortical bone gene expression microarray data from the HMDP strains. Asxl2 was identified as a member of a co-expression module enriched for genes involved in the differentiation of myeloid cells. In bone, osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells of myeloid origin, suggesting that Asxl2 may play a role in osteoclast differentiation. In agreement, the knockdown of Asxl2 in bone marrow macrophages impaired their ability to form osteoclasts. This study identifies a new regulator of BMD and osteoclastogenesis and highlights the power of GWA and systems genetics in the mouse for dissecting complex genetic traits.  相似文献   

Paik SH  Kim HJ  Lee S  Im SW  Ju YS  Yeon JH  Jo SJ  Eun HC  Seo JS  Kim JI  Kwon OS 《BMB reports》2011,44(11):741-746
Tanning ability is important, because it represents the ability of the skin to protect itself against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Here, we sought to determine genetic regions associated with tanning ability. Skin pigmentation was measured at the outer forearm and buttock areas to represent facultative and constitutive skin color, respectively. In our study population consisting of isolated Mongolian subjects, with common histories of environmental UV exposure during their nomadic life, facultative skin color adjusted by constitutive skin color was used to indicate tanning ability. Through linkage analysis and family-based association tests of 345 Mongolian subjects, we identified 2 potential linkage regions regulating tanning ability on 5q35.3 and 12q13.2, having 6 and 7 significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), respectively. Those significant SNPs were located in or adjacent to potential candidate genes related to tanning ability: GRM6, ATF1, WNT1, and SILV/Pmel17.  相似文献   

Linkage analyses were performed in a single large family with multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2 (MEN-2) between 23 classical genetic polymorphisms and MEN-2. We exclude close linkage of the locus for MEN-2 with ABO, ACP1, BF, ESD, Fy, GALT, GLO1, Jk, MNSs, P, PGM1, Rh and TF, as well as absolute linkage with GPT. These results raise to about 6% the proportion of the genome that has been excluded in this one family. Somewhat positive lod scores were obtained for GC (0.92 at theta = 0), GPT (0.73 at theta = 0.1) and HP (1.49 at theta = 0.05); although not statistically significant, these findings suggest regions of the genome that warrant additional study.  相似文献   

Although many genes predisposing to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have been identified, the biological mechanism(s) remain unclear. Mouse models based on human disease-causing mutations provide the potential for understanding gene function and novel treatment development. Here, we characterize a mouse knockout of the Cntnap2 gene, which is strongly associated with ASD and allied neurodevelopmental disorders. Cntnap2(-/-) mice show deficits in the three core ASD behavioral domains, as well as hyperactivity and epileptic seizures, as have been reported in humans with CNTNAP2 mutations. Neuropathological and physiological analyses of these mice before the onset of seizures reveal neuronal migration abnormalities, reduced number of interneurons, and abnormal neuronal network activity. In addition, treatment with the FDA-approved drug risperidone ameliorates the targeted repetitive behaviors in the mutant mice. These data demonstrate a functional role for CNTNAP2 in brain development and provide a new tool for mechanistic and therapeutic research in ASD.  相似文献   

We obtained conclusive linkage of Alzheimer disease (AD) with a candidate region of 19.7 cM at 7q36 in an extended multiplex family, family 1270, ascertained in a population-based study of early-onset AD in the northern Netherlands. Single-nucleotide polymorphism and haplotype association analyses of a Dutch patient-control sample further supported the linkage at 7q36. In addition, we identified a shared haplotype at 7q36 between family 1270 and three of six multiplex AD-affected families from the same geographical region, which is indicative of a founder effect and defines a priority region of 9.3 cM. Mutation analysis of coding exons of 29 candidate genes identified one linked synonymous mutation, g.38030G-->C in exon 10, that affected codon 626 of the PAX transactivation domain interacting protein gene (PAXIP1). It remains to be determined whether PAXIP1 has a functional role in the expression of AD in family 1270 or whether another mutation at this locus explains the observed linkage and sharing. Together, our linkage data from the informative family 1270 and the association data in the population-based early-onset AD patient-control sample strongly support the identification of a novel AD locus at 7q36 and re-emphasize the genetic heterogeneity of AD.  相似文献   

MYST histone acetyltransferase 2 (MYST2) is an important reproduction related gene. In this study, we cloned the full-length cDNA sequence of porcine MYST2 gene through the rapid amplification of cDNA ends method. The porcine MYST2 gene encodes a protein of 611 amino acids which shares high homology with the MYST2 of six species: cattle (99%), rabbit (99%), human (99%), rat (99%), mouse (99%) and chicken (98%).The open reading frame of this gene is structured in 15 exons and 14 introns as revealed by computer-assisted analysis. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the porcine MYST2 gene has a closer genetic distance with the MYST2 gene of cattle. PCR-RFLP was established to detect the GU373686:c.2872G > A substitution of porcine MYST2 gene mRNA and association of this mutation with litter size traits was assessed in Large White (n = 200) and Landrace (n = 200) pig populations. Results demonstrated that this polymorphic locus was significantly associated with the litter size of all parities in Large White sows and Landrace sows. These data serve as a foundation for further insight into this porcine gene.  相似文献   

Nordborg M 《Genetics》2000,154(2):923-929
It is shown that partial self-fertilization can be introduced into neutral population genetic models with recombination as a simple change in the scaling of the parameters. This means that statistical and computational methods that have been developed under the assumption of random mating can be used without modification, provided the appropriate parameter changes are made. An important prediction is that all forms of linkage disequilibrium will be more extensive in selfing species. The implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite considerable effort, the identification of genes that regulate complex multigenic traits such as obesity has proven difficult with conventional methodologies. The use of a chromosome substitution strain-based mapping strategy based on deep congenic analysis overcame many of the difficulties associated with gene discovery and led to the finding that the juxtaparanodal proteins CNTNAP2 and TAG1 regulate diet-induced obesity. The effects of a mild Cntnap2 mutation on body weight were highly dependent on genetic background, as both obesity-promoting and obesity-resistant effects of Cntnap2 were observed on different genetic backgrounds. The more severe effect of complete TAG1 deficiency, by decreasing food intake, completely prevented the weight gain normally associated with high-fat-diet feeding. Together, these studies implicate two novel proteins in the regulation of diet-induced obesity. Moreover, as juxtaparanodal proteins have previously been implicated in various neurological disorders, our results suggest a potential genetic and molecular link between obesity and diseases such as autism and epilepsy.  相似文献   

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