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哺乳动物雌性生殖细胞为胚胎的形成和发育提供了大量母源性遗传物质。受精一旦实现,所形成的早期胚胎通过细胞分裂与分化逐渐形成具有复杂结构的全新个体。针对雌性生殖细胞(主要是卵母细胞)的相关研究既能解析其独有的生理学特性,又能为其他类型细胞的相关研究提供借鉴作用。然而,哺乳动物卵母细胞数量稀少,且不能在体外进行扩增培养,导致针对卵母细胞的相关研究难度极大。哺乳动物早期胚胎的研究也同样面临材料短缺的问题。在以卵母细胞和早期胚胎为材料的研究中,针对特定基因功能的失活或干扰是最常用的方法之一。本文将结合他人和本研究组在哺乳动物雌性生殖细胞及早期胚胎中进行的基因功能敲除或敲减实验,对条件性基因敲除、RNA干扰、Morpholino、Trim-Away和抗体介导的蛋白功能干扰这几类技术的主要方法原理、案例、优缺点和使用注意事项进行总结分析,并提出未来相关技术可能的改进方向,以期为从事卵母细胞及早期胚胎发育研究的科技工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

谷朝勇  李兰  沈伟 《生物技术通讯》2007,18(6):1025-1029
哺乳动物卵泡卵母细胞发生的研究一直是发育生物学研究的重点之一。简要叙述了哺乳动物卵泡卵母细胞发生的一般过程,重点分析了原始生殖细胞向卵母细胞分化过程中gdf9、c-kti、BMP4及TGF家族关键基因的表达调控对卵母细胞发生的影响,以及卵母细胞与颗粒细胞间的相互调节作用,介绍了卵母细胞体外发生的最新研究进展及面临的难题等,为进一步研究原始生殖细胞向卵母细胞分化以及卵泡生长发育的机制提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

雌性生殖细胞发育是动物繁殖的基石,哺乳动物卵母细胞和早期胚胎在其生长发育过程中有许多独特的现象和规律,涉及一系列蛋白质合成/降解和磷酸化等状态的动态改变。对卵母细胞分裂、成熟调控机理以及植入前胚胎发育规律的研究是发育生物学领域的一项重要课题。蛋白质组学是以细胞或组织内全部的蛋白质为研究对象,系统鉴定、定量蛋白质并研究这些蛋白质功能的科学。随着蛋白质分离、鉴定技术的快速发展,蛋白质组学为卵母细胞发生、分化、成熟以及质量控制等相关研究提供了新的方法和内容,如在蛋白质定量、修饰、定位和相互作用等方面提供其他组学技术不可获得的重要信息。这些信息将有助于揭示哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟和早期胚胎发育的分子机制,对于进一步完善卵母细胞的体外成熟培养体系,提高胚胎体外生产、体细胞克隆和转基因动物生产效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

传统的观点认为 ,女性和绝大多数雌性哺乳动物出生后其卵巢中的卵母细胞数目不再增加反而逐年减少。在绝经期前 ,除很少一部分卵母细胞发育成熟并完成排卵外 ,大部分是以细胞凋亡的形式消失于机体的不同生长阶段 ;绝经期后的卵巢则不具备排卵能力。最近 ,Tilly领导的研究小组在  相似文献   

昆虫卵子发生过程中细胞凋亡的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨佐娟  何建平 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):447-452
细胞凋亡是动物发育过程中的基本生命现象,是多细胞生物体一种重要的自我稳定机制。除体细胞发生凋亡外,生殖细胞在其发生过程中也有细胞凋亡。对近10年来昆虫卵子发生过程中细胞凋亡的研究作了综述。重点关注昆虫卵子发生过程中细胞凋亡发生的阶段、凋亡的形态特征、凋亡的调控及意义等,以期为相关研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

卵母细胞是雌性动物的生殖细胞,其质量决定雌性动物的繁殖能力。卵母细胞含有丰富的脂质,大部分以甘油三酯的形式储存在脂滴中。脂滴的大小、颜色以及分布模式与卵母细胞的发育能力相关。卵母细胞中甘油三酯可以脂解为脂肪酸,脂肪酸的β-氧化是卵母细胞和早期胚胎发育的重要能量来源。卵母细胞中脂质沉积过多会增加活性氧的含量(reactive oxygen species,ROS),并且破坏线粒体和内质网的功能,最终使卵母细胞的发育受阻。本文通过总结卵母细胞中脂质对卵母细胞发育的积极与消极两个方面的作用,为读者展示脂质在卵母细胞发育过程中的双重作用,让读者辩证地了解脂质对卵母细胞发育的影响。  相似文献   

黄鳝性腺自然逆转过程中vasa基因的表达分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本研究采用RNA反义探针原位杂交技术,对vasa基因在黄鳝(Monopterusalbus)性腺发育过程中的表达情况进行了分析。结果表明:vasamRNA在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期卵母细胞的胞质中均匀分布,在Ⅳ、Ⅴ期卵母细胞中vasamRNA有向胞质外周皮层迁移集中的趋势,但不明显;退化的卵粒也呈现vasamRNA阳性反应;在Ⅲ、Ⅳ期卵巢的被膜中检测到带有vasa阳性信号的细胞,这些细胞可能是待向精原细胞分化、迁移到卵巢被膜上的原始生殖细胞(Primordialgermcell,PGC),在性逆转过程中这些PGC可能由卵巢被膜迁移到精小叶中并发育成精子;在成熟精巢中,vasa在精原细胞和初级精母细胞中表达。进一步采用碱性磷酸酶染色法分析黄鳝卵巢及精巢后发现:在卵巢中,除了卵母细胞外,卵巢被膜中也检测到了带有碱性磷酸酶阳性信号的细胞;在成熟精巢中,只在生殖腺囊内的雄性生殖细胞中检测到碱性磷酸酶,而精巢被膜中没有检测到带有碱性磷酸酶阳性信号的细胞。本研究结果初步表明:黄鳝的雄性生殖细胞可能起源于雌性阶段卵巢被膜中的原始生殖细胞[动物学报51(3):469-475,2005]。  相似文献   

通过组织切片和活细胞涂片对斗嫁(虫戚)Cellana grata(GbuId)性腺和生殖细胞进行观察,研究雌性性腺特征及不同发育阶段雌性生殖细胞的形态特点与分布状况.观察与分析表明:(1)斗嫁(虫戚)雌性滤泡由卵原细胞及不同发育时期的初级卵母细胞填充,成熟的初级卵母细胞位居滤泡腔中央区域;(2)性细胞发育不同步,属分批产卵类型;(3)卵子发生中,细胞、核及核仁大小变化的总体趋势是随着发育进程而逐渐增大,常见1-2个核仁;(4)卵质的酸碱特性变化与卵黄的出现相关;(5)成熟卵母细胞大小约为(120-140)μm×150μm,外被约5-12 μm厚的胶质膜;(6)胶质膜的均一性、厚度、酸碱性随卵发育而变化,胶质膜与卵膜之间出现间隙可以作为卵开始成熟的标志,而胶质膜由嗜酸性转化为嗜碱性可以作为卵成熟即将排放的标志.  相似文献   

张俊玉  吕珊  牛慧敏  雷安民 《遗传》2018,40(4):279-291
哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟过程需要进行两次连续的不对称分裂,最终形成体积差异巨大的子细胞:大体积的卵母细胞和两种体积较小的极体。不对称分裂现象是哺乳动物卵母细胞减数分裂的典型特征,不对称分裂后的卵母细胞是高度极化的细胞。精卵结合后,细胞重新恢复了对称分裂,但是在卵母细胞减数分裂过程中形成的极性特征却得以保留并影响早期胚胎的极性。本文对近年来在哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂方面的相关研究展开综述,从细胞质不对称分裂和细胞核不对称分裂两个方面对染色体、细胞骨架在哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂中的作用、细胞器在哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟过程中的重组分配、染色体非随机分离等过程进行介绍,旨在从细胞和分子水平阐述哺乳动物卵母细胞不对称分裂的主要机制。  相似文献   

贺燕  谢梦女  余立  任真  朱芳  符淳 《遗传》2017,39(6):469-481
范可尼贫血(Fanconi anemia, FA)是一种罕见的常染色体或X染色体连锁的隐性遗传病,其发生源于范可尼贫血基因(FA基因)突变。FA基因是一组在DNA交联损伤中起同源重组修复作用的基因。FA女性患者常见早发性卵巢功能衰退(premature ovarian insufficient, POI)的特征,而FA小鼠也表现出生殖细胞严重缺乏,这些结果提示FA基因在哺乳动物卵泡发育中起重要作用。研究显示FA基因在促进原始生殖细胞增生,维持正常卵母细胞减数分裂,参与卵泡发育的促性腺激素调节以及卵母细胞与颗粒细胞生长过程中的相互调节等方面调节卵泡发育。本文综述了FA基因在卵泡发育中的作用和分子机制方面的研究进展,为POI的病因学解析提供遗传基础。  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field of cell death, primarily derived from gene-transfer experiments and manipulation of tumor cell lines in vitro, have identified key genes responsible for determining whether or not a given cell will initiate apoptosis. However, comparatively less is known of the role that the products of these genes play in physiological settings of cell death. In the ovary, a tremendous level of normal cell death takes place in the germline throughout the later stages of fetal development. This process is responsible for setting the absolute number of oocytes ('eggs') available for subsequent development and ovulation during adult life. Interestingly, death remains the fate of the vast majority of oocytes that survive the waves of attrition during fetal life and are endowed in the post-natal ovary as primordial follicles. This pool of oocytes is lost indirectly as a consequence of the death of the somatic (granulosa) cells that, in the case of a small percentage of the total follicles, support and nourish the oocyte until its release at ovulation. Due to the magnitude of cell death that occurs normally within the female gonad during both fetal development and post-natal life, the ovary has proven to be an excellent model to study the role of cell death genes in a physiological setting of endocrine-regulated apoptosis. It is now known that a diverse spectrum of pro- and anti-apoptosis susceptibility genes, including members of the bcl-2 and CASP (ced-3/Ice) gene families, are expressed in germ cells and/or somatic cells of the ovary. Many, but not all, of these genes are regulated by specific survival factors, such as gonadotropins and growth factors, and changes in the temporal patterns of cell death gene expression suggest an intimate association exists between the products of these genes and activation of cellular suicide. Moreover, pathological oocyte destruction, such as that triggered by exposure of female germ cells to chemotherapeutic compounds or environmental toxicants, may also be dependent upon gene-driven apoptosis. As such, this review will discuss data supporting the hypothesis that the susceptibility of ovarian cells to death induction is dependent upon the pattern of cell death gene expression occurring within those cells prior to and/or concomitant with receipt of the stimulus for apoptosis. Elucidation of the relationship between germ cell loss and cell death genes may allow future intervention into the process of oocyte depletion associated with normal and pathophysiological reproductive senescence.  相似文献   

In mammals, the final number of oocytes available for reproduction of the next generation is defined at birth. Establishment of this oocyte pool is essential for fertility. Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development. After arriving at the gonad, the germ cells are called oogonia and develop in clusters of cells called germ line cysts or oocyte nests. Subsequently, the oogonia enter meiosis and become oocytes. The oocyte nests break apart into individual cells and become packaged into primordial follicles. During this time, only a subset of oocytes ultimately survive and the remaining immature eggs die by programmed cell death. This phase of oocyte differentiation is poorly understood but molecules and mechanisms that regulate oocyte development are beginning to be identified. This review focuses on these early stages of female germ cell development.  相似文献   

Spontaneous germ cell death by apoptosis occurs during normal spermatogenesis in mammals and is thought to play a role in the physiological mechanism limiting the clonal expansion of such cell population in the male gonad. In the prepubertal rat testis, the most conspicuous dying cells are pachytene spermatocytes, which are also the primary target of the apoptosis experimentally induced by the methoxyacetic acid (MAA). Since we have recently reported that Sertoli cells, the somatic component of the seminiferous epithelium, regulate not only germ cell viability and differentiation but also their death, we have further investigated the mechanism involved in such a control.  相似文献   

In the present paper we investigated the role played by apoptosis during oogenesis in the cartilaginous fish Torpedo marmorata. TEM, TUNEL and immunohistochemical techniques were employed to specifically reveal morphological and biochemical hallmarks of apoptosis in specimens from birth to sexual maturity. Data obtained demonstrate that apoptosis occurs in prefollicular oocyte selection, in maintaining the homeostasis of granulosa in healthy growing oocyte and in resorbing atretic follicles. In this respect, the involvement of apoptosis in Torpedo marmorata oogenesis closely parallels that found in mammals, thus confirming that strategies of germ cell selection among vertebrates have been evolutionarily preserved.  相似文献   

In germ cells, the function of which is to form the next generation, apoptotic cell death occurs during development, as in the case of somatic cells. In this study, we show that Bcl-x knockout heterozygous (Bcl-x(+/-)) mice exhibit severe defects in male germ cells during development. A substantial increase in apoptosis of male germ cells occurs at around embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) in Bcl-x(+/-) embryos, leading to hypoplasia of postnatal testes and reduced fertility. On the other hand, female germ cells at the same stages do not show discernible differences between wild-type and Bcl-x(+/-) embryos. This phenotype of Bcl-x haploinsufficiency shows that regulation of apoptosis becomes different between the sexes at around the onset of sex differentiation. Through this study, we found that, in wild-type embryos, (1) apoptosis is much more frequent (approximately 10 times) in the male than in female germ cells, and (2) expression of Bcl-xL, but not that of Bax, is higher in female than in male germ cells, at around E13.5. Male fetal germ cells, cultured with gonadal somatic cells in vitro, showed higher frequencies of apoptosis than those cultured without gonadal somatic cells. On the other hand, in the absence of gonadal somatic cells, both male and female fetal germ cells in vitro showed similar frequencies of apoptosis to female fetal germ cells in vivo. Therefore, male germ cell apoptosis, of which the default pathway is similar to that of the female, is likely to be influenced by male gonadal environments.  相似文献   

R. Levy 《Andrologie》1999,9(4):449-458
It has become clear in recent years that programmed cell death occurs spontaneously in the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Induced germ cell apoptosis occurs at specific stages of the spermatogenic cycle and the existence of supracellular control of germ cell death during spermatogenesis has been documented. If apoptosis is a key phenomenon in the control of sperm production, the existence and role of apoptosis in ejaculated sperm cells remain controversial. Apoptosis — as determined by DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and ultrastructural analysis — is abnormally frequent in the sperm cells of the ejaculate of sterile men with classical biochemical and ultrastructural pattern. In this review, we discuss the possible origins of DNA damage in ejaculated human spermatozoa and the consequences of DNA damage if the apoptotic spermatozoa is used for ICSI. Percentages of DNA fragmentation in human ejaculated sperm are correlated with fertilization rates both after FIV and ICSI. Detection of DNA fragmentation in human sperm could provide additional information about the biochemical integrity of sperm and may be used in future studies for fertilization failures not explained by conventional sperm parameters. However, the analysis of other molecular markers of apoptosis (Fas, Annexine V ...) is necessary to assess the role of apoptosis in human ejaculated sperm cells.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is an important mechanism for maintaining germ line health. In Caenorhabditis elegans, germ cell apoptosis occurs under normal conditions to sustain gonad homeostasis and oocyte quality. Under stress, germ cell apoptosis can be triggered via different pathways, including the following: (i) the CEP-1/p53 pathway, which induces germ cell apoptosis when animals are exposed to DNA damage; (ii) the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK) pathway, which triggers germ cell apoptosis when animals are exposed to heat shock, oxidative stress, or osmotic stress; and (iii) an unknown mechanism that triggers germ cell apoptosis during starvation. Here, we address how starvation induces germ cell apoptosis. Using polysomal profiling, we found that starvation for 6 h reduces the translationally active ribosomes, which differentially affect the mRNAs of the core apoptotic machinery and some of its regulators. During starvation, lin-35/Rb mRNA increases its expression, resulting in the accumulation of this protein. As a consequence, LIN-35 downregulates the expression of the antiapoptotic gene ced-9/Bcl-2. We observed that the reduced translation of ced-9/Bcl-2 mRNA during food deprivation together with its downregulation drastically affects its protein accumulation. We propose that CED-9/Bcl-2 downregulation via LIN-35/Rb triggers germ cell apoptosis in C. elegans in response to starvation.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is the most common fate of female germ cells in Drosophila and many animals. In Drosophila, oocytes form in individual egg chambers that are supported by germline nurse cells and surrounded by somatic follicle cells. As oogenesis proceeds, 15 nurse cells die for every oocyte that is produced. In addition to this developmentally regulated cell death, groups of germ cells or entire egg chambers may be induced to undergo apoptosis in response to starvation or other insults. Recent findings suggest that these different types of cell death involve distinct genetic pathways. This review focuses on progress towards elucidating the molecular mechanisms acting during programmed cell death in Drosophila oogenesis.  相似文献   

Apoptosis provides metazoans remarkable developmental flexibility by (1) eliminating damaged undifferentiated cells early in development and then (2) sculpting, patterning, and restructuring tissues during successive stages thereafter. We show here that apoptotic programmed cell death is infrequent and not obligatory during early embryogenesis of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. During the first 30 h of urchin development, fewer than 20% of embryos exhibit any cell death. Cell death during the cleavage stages consists of necrotic or pathological cell death, while cell death during the blastula and gastrula stages is random and predominantly caspase-mediated apoptosis. Apoptosis remains infrequent during the late blastula stage followed by a gradual increase in frequency during gastrulation. Even after prolonged exposure during the cleavage period to chemical stress, apoptosis occurs in less than 50% of embryos and always around the pre-hatching stage. Embryonic suppression of apoptosis through caspase inhibition leads to functionally normal larvae that can survive to metamorphosis, but in the presence of inducers of apoptosis, caspase inhibition leads to deformed larvae and reduced survival. Remarkably, however, pharmacological induction of apoptosis, while reducing overall survival, also significantly accelerates development of the survivors such that metamorphosis occurs up to a week before controls.  相似文献   

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