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The genetic basis of resistance to pathogens is well studied in crops, yet our understanding of the evolution of this trait in natural populations will be improved by determining how resistance is inherited in a wide range of plant-pathogen interactions. Here, we examined resistance to Coleosporium ipomoeae, a common fungal rust pathogen of Ipomoea purpurea. Natural populations across North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia (USA) were surveyed for the presence of C. ipomoeae and seeds were collected. A combination of crosses and controlled infections was then used to determine the genetic basis of qualitative resistance. In one population studied in detail, complete resistance to natural infection and a bulk collection of C. ipomoeae is conferred by a single locus (Rci1), where resistance is dominant to susceptibility. Allelic, major-gene resistance to this same bulk collection of C. ipomoeae appears to also occur in nine other natural populations. The prevalence of this resistance phenotype in natural populations suggests that the evolution of resistance to C. ipomoeae in I. purpurea may be dominated by genes of large phenotypic effect.  相似文献   

Because disease resistance is a hallmark signature of pathogen-mediated selection pressure on hosts, studies of resistance structure (the spatial distribution of disease resistance genes among conspecific host populations) can provide valuable insights into the influence of pathogens on host evolution and spatial variation in the magnitude of their effects. To date few studies of wild plant-pathogen interactions have characterized resistance structure by sampling across the host's biogeographic range, and only a handful have paired such investigations with studies of disease levels under natural conditions. I used a greenhouse cross-inoculation experiment to characterize genetic resistance of 16 populations of California dwarf flax (Hesperolinon californicum) to attack by multiple samples of the rust fungus Melampsora lini. I documented a latitudinal cline in resistance structure, manifest across the host's biogeographic range, which mirrored almost identically a cline in infection prevalence documented through field surveys of disease in study populations. These results provide empirical evidence for clinal patterns of antagonistic selection pressure, demonstrate that such patterns can be manifest across broad biogeographic scales, and suggest that rates of disease prevalence in wild plant populations may be tightly linked to the distribution of host resistance genes. Tests for local adaptation of the fungus revealed evidence of the phenomenon (significantly greater infection in sympatric plant-fungal pairings) as well as the potential for substantial bias to be introduced into statistical analyses by spatial patterns of host resistance structure.  相似文献   

The induction of resistance to disease during plant development is widespread in the plant kingdom. Resistance appears at different stages of host development, varies with plant age or tissue maturity, may be specific or broad-spectrum and is driven by diverse mechanisms, depending on plantpathogen interactions. Studies of these forms of resistance may help us to evaluate more exhaustively the plethora of levels of regulation during development, the variability of the defense potential of developing hosts and may have practical applications, making it possible to reduce pesticide applications. Here, we review the various types of developmental resistance in plants and current knowledge of the molecular and cellular processes involved in their expression. We discuss the implications of these studies, which provide new knowledge from the molecular to the agrosystem level.  相似文献   

1 Data are presented from a 4-year study on the incidence of infection by the non-systemic smut fungus Anthracoidea heterospora of florets of the sedge Carex nigra .
2 Beetles of the species Phalacrus substriatus may act as vectors, transmitting A. heterospora between different C. nigra tussocks. Path analysis clearly showed that the number of vectors on individual tussocks was an important factor explaining levels of infection of A. heterospora .
3 The year-to-year correlations in incidence of A. heterospora disease for individual C. nigra plants were high, indicating that the same plants consistently experience high levels of disease. There were also high year-to-year correlations in the abundance of P. substriatus beetles on individual plants.
4 A second natural enemy of the sedge, the gall mite Phytoptus caricis , also showed high between-year correlations in levels of infestation. Since P. caricis competes for the same resource as A. heterospora , we predicted that high levels of P. caricis infestation should have a negative effect on disease levels. However, there was in general a positive effect of P. caricis infestation on A. heterospora disease levels.
5 This study shows that for understanding levels of disease of A. heterospora , both within-year effects as well as transient effects must be included. Phenotypic variation among plants in susceptibility to infection by A. heterospora could explain the observed patterns of disease but they could also be the result of host choice by the beetle.  相似文献   

Fehr C  Rausher MD 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(7):1839-1847
Although alleles at both the W and A loci in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea, produce similar white-flowered phenotypes, these alleles differ by over an order of magnitude in average frequency. In this initial attempt to determine the causes of this difference, we employed artificial arrays of plants to estimate mating system characteristics (total siring success, selfing rates and contribution to the outcross pollen pool) for the homozygous pigmented and white-flowered genotypes at the A locus. This experiment demonstrates that: (1) at both low and high frequencies, white-flowered plants were visited by pollinators at the same rate as plants with pigmented flowers; (2) at both frequencies, the a allele exhibited a greater total siring success (self and outcross pollen) than the A allele; (3) individuals of both genotypes contributed equally to the outcross pollen pool; and (4) aa plants may have a higher selfing rate than AA plants. Coupled with minimal inbreeding depression in I. purpurea, these observations indicate that the allele producing white flowers enjoys a transmission advantage that would tend to cause this allele to increase in frequency. This transmission advantage is very similar to that shown previously to be operating on the white-flowered allele at the W locus, although the specific causes of the advantage appear to differ between loci. The frequency difference between the two alleles is thus not likely to be due to differences in the effect of flower-colour variation on transmission. Rather, substantially greater deleterious pleiotropic effects associated with the white-flower a allele is likely to be the primary cause of the frequency difference.  相似文献   

Plants may express two separate seed-size characters during their lifetimes: the size of the seeds from which they germinate (initial seed size) and the mean size of seed they produce as adults (maternal seed size). Many empirical studies indicate that selection often favors a larger initial seed size. In contrast, patterns of natural selection on maternal seed size have not been measured, although theory often predicts stabilizing selection. Here, I report on a field study of the common morning glory Ipomoea purpurea, which provided measurements of natural selection on both initial and maternal seed size. For initial seed size, selection favored larger seeds, but a greenhouse study indicated no genetic variation for this trait. For maternal seed size, there was no evidence of either directional or stabilizing selection, but there was significant additive genetic variation. The genetic correlation between the number and size of seeds was not significant, indicating no trade-off between these traits, but a negative genetic correlation was found between maternal seed size and the probability of surviving to reproduce. The absence of the predicted pattern of stabilizing selection on maternal seed size in the study population highlights the need for more empirical work on the evolution of seed size.  相似文献   

The evolution of associations between herbivorous insects and their parasitoids is likely to be influenced by the relationship between the herbivore and its host plants. If populations of specialized herbivorous insects are structured by their host plants such that populations on different hosts are genetically differentiated, then the traits affecting insect-parasitoid interactions may exhibit an associated structure. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a herbivorous insect species comprised of genetically distinct groups that are specialized on different host plants (Via 1991a, 1994). Here, we examine how the genetic differentiation of pea aphid populations on different host plants affects their interaction with a parasitoid wasp, Aphidius ervi. We performed four experiments. (1) By exposing pea aphids from both alfalfa and clover to parasitoids from both crops, we demonstrate that pea aphid populations that are specialized on alfalfa are successfully parasitized less often than are populations specialized on clover. This difference in parasitism rate does not depend upon whether the wasps were collected from alfalfa or clover fields. (2) When we controlled for potential differences in aphid and parasitoid behavior between the two host plants and ensured that aphids were attacked, we found that pea aphids from alfalfa were still parasitized less often than pea aphids from clover. Thus, the difference in parasitism rates is not due to behavior of either aphids or wasps, but appears to be a physiologically based difference in resistance to parasitism. (3) Replicates of pea aphid clones reared on their own host plant and on a common host plant, fava bean, exhibited the same pattern of resistance as above. Thus, there do not appear to be nutritional or secondary chemical effects on the level of physiological resistance in the aphids due to feeding on clover or alfalfa, and therefore the difference in resistance on the two crops appears to be genetically based. (4) We assayed for genetic variation in resistance among individual pea aphid clones collected from clover fields and found no detectable genetic variation for resistance to parasitism within two populations sampled from clover. This is in contrast to Henter and Via's (1995) report of abundant genetic variation in resistance to this parasitoid within a pea aphid population on alfalfa. Low levels of genetic variation may be one factor that constrains the evolution of resistance to parasitism in the populations of pea aphids from clover, leading them to remain more susceptible than populations of the same species from alfalfa.  相似文献   

Abscisic Acid and Callose: Team Players in Defence Against Pathogens?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
V. Flors    J. Ton    G. Jakab    B. Mauch-Mani   《Journal of Phytopathology》2005,153(7-8):377-383

The establishment of Erwinia amylovora harpin-induced hypersensitive response (HR) in Nicotiana sylvestris was followed by infra-red thermography (IRT). Three to four hours after elicitation, the temperature decreased in the harpin-infiltrated zone associated to stomatal opening. The marked drop in temperature which reached 2 degrees C and preceded necrosis symptoms for several hours, is thus likely caused by higher transpiration. Neither of these effects was observed in a respiratory mutant, affected in complex I structure and function and over-expressing alternative oxidase, indicating that they are directly or indirectly mediated by mitochondrial function. However, as the HR establishment was similar in both wild type and mutant, cell death was either uncorrelated with the observed epidermal changes or occurred by a different signalling pathway in the two genotypes. IRT revealed a novel aspect of plant-pathogen interactions and could be applied to screen for mutants affected in elicitor signalling and/or for respiratory mutants.  相似文献   

We propose that chemical evolution can take place by natural selection if a geophysical process is capable of heterotrophic formation of liposomes that grow at some base rate, divide by external agitation, and are subject to stochastic chemical avalanches, in the absence of nucleotides or any monomers capable of modular heredity. We model this process using a simple hill-climbing algorithm, and an artificial chemistry that is unique in exhibiting conservation of mass and energy in an open thermodynamic system. Selection at the liposome level results in the stabilization of rarely occurring molecular autocatalysts that either catalyse or are consumed in reactions that confer liposome level fitness; typically they contribute in parallel to an increasingly conserved intermediary metabolism. Loss of competing autocatalysts can sometimes be adaptive. Steady-state energy flux by the individual increases due to the energetic demands of growth, but also of memory, i.e. maintaining variations in the chemical network. Self-organizing principles such as those proposed by Kauffman, Fontana, and Morowitz have been hypothesized as an ordering principle in chemical evolution, rather than chemical evolution by natural selection. We reject those notions as either logically flawed or at best insufficient in the absence of natural selection. Finally, a finite population model without elitism shows the practical evolutionary constraints for achieving chemical evolution by natural selection in the lab.  相似文献   

The evolution of exploitative specificity can be influenced by environmental variability in space and time and the intensity of trade-offs. Coevolution, the process of reciprocal adaptation in two or more species, can produce variability in host exploitation and as such potentially drive patterns in host and parasite specificity. We employed the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and its DNA phage Phi2 to investigate the role of coevolution in the evolution of phage infectivity range and its relation with phage growth rate. At the phage population level, coevolution led to the evolution of broader infectivity range, but without an associated decrease in phage growth rate relative to the ancestor, whereas phage evolution in the absence of bacterial evolution led to an increased growth rate but no increase in infectivity range. In contrast, both selection regimes led to phage adaptation (in terms of growth rates) to their respective bacterial hosts. At the level of individual phage genotypes, coevolution resulted in within-population diversification in generalist and specialist infectivity range types. This pattern was consistent with a multilocus gene-for-gene interaction, further confirmed by an observed cost of broad infectivity range for individual phage. Moreover, coevolution led to the emergence of bacterial genotype by phage genotype interactions in the reduction of bacterial growth rate by phage. Our study demonstrates that the strong reciprocal selective pressures underlying the process of coevolution lead to the emergence and coexistence of different strategies within populations and to specialization between selective environments.  相似文献   

Understanding how genetic variation is maintained in a metapopulation is a longstanding problem in evolutionary biology. Historical resurveys of polymorphisms have offered efficient insights about evolutionary mechanisms, but are often conducted on single, large populations, neglecting the more comprehensive view afforded by considering all populations in a metapopulation. Here, we resurveyed a metapopulation of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) to understand the evolutionary drivers of frequency variation in an egg mass colour polymorphism. We found that this metapopulation was demographically, phenotypically and environmentally stable over the last three decades. However, further analysis revealed evidence for two modes of evolution in this metapopulation—genetic drift and balancing selection. Although we cannot identify the balancing mechanism from these data, our findings present a clear view of contemporary evolution in colour morph frequency and demonstrate the importance of metapopulation-scale studies for capturing a broad range of evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Leaf shape is one of the most variable plant traits. Previous work has provided much indirect evidence that leaf-shape variation is adaptive and that leaf shape influences thermoregulation, water balance, and resistance to natural enemies. Nevertheless, there is little direct evidence that leaf shape actually affects plant fitness. In this study, we first demonstrate that populations of the ivyleaf morning glory, Ipomoea hederacea, in North and South Carolina are frequently polymorphic at a locus that influences leaf shape. We then employ several field experiments to show that this polymorphism is subject to selection. In two of the experiments, at different sites, heterozygotes enjoyed a fitness advantage over both homozygotes. At a third site, in one year directional selection favored lobed leaves, whereas in a second year the pattern of fitnesses was consistent with similar directional selection or heterozygote superiority. Computer simulations of heterozygote advantage under the high selfing rates of I. hederacea indicate that balancing selection of the magnitude observed can by itself stabilize the polymorphism, although spatially and temporally variable selection may also contribute to its long-term maintenance.  相似文献   

Parasites present a threat for free‐living species and affect several ecological and evolutionary processes. Immune defence is the main physiological barrier against infections, and understanding its evolution is central for predicting disease dynamics. I review theoretical predictions and empirical data on natural selection on quantitative immune defence traits in the wild. Evolutionary theory predicts immune traits to be under stabilizing selection owing to trade‐offs between immune function and life‐history traits. Empirical data, however, support mainly positive directional selection, but also show variation in the form of selection among study systems, immune traits and fitness components. I argue that the differences between theory and empirical data may at least partly arise from methodological difficulties in testing stabilizing selection as well as measuring fitness. I also argue that the commonness of positive directional selection and the variation in selection may be caused by several biological factors. First, selection on immune function may show spatial and temporal variation as epidemics are often local/seasonal. Second, factors affecting the range of phenotypic variation in immune traits could alter potential for selection. Third, different parasites may impose different selective pressures depending on their characteristics. Fourth, condition dependence of immune defence can obscure trade‐offs related to it, thus possibly modifying observed selection gradients. Fifth, nonimmunological defences could affect the form of selection by reducing the benefits of strong immune function. To comprehensively understand the evolution of immune defence, the role of above factors should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are thought to function in the plant stress response and male fertility in some, but not all, species. We examined the effects of a self-fertile chalcone synthase null allele, a, for the effects of heat and light stress on fertilization success and flower production in Ipomoea purpurea. Pollen recipients and pollen donors of both homozygous genotypes exhibit reduced fertilization success at high temperatures, indicating that high temperature acts as a stress-lowering fertilization success. Homozygous aa individuals exhibit reduced male and female fertilization success, compared to AA individuals, at high temperatures but not at low temperatures. In addition, aa individuals produce fewer flowers than AA individuals at low temperatures, but not at high temperatures. These results suggest that flavonoids alleviate heat stress on fertilization success. They also suggest that pleiotropic effects at the A locus may explain the low frequency of the a allele in natural populations.  相似文献   

Future directions in the study of induced plant responses to herbivory   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
This paper reviews current progress and makes recommendations for future studies of induced plant responses to herbivory in three research areas: the role of induction in structuring herbivore communities, costs associated with the expression of induced responses, and theory and data on the macro‐evolution of induced responses. It is argued that although mechanistic approaches will be important for progress, it is also critical to maintain a holistic approach, including a consideration of field environments, multi‐species interactions, and patterns over ecological and evolutionary time.  相似文献   

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