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The initial phases of invasion of mammalian coccidia of the genus Eimeria into host tissue are still poorly known. This process, including the passage of oocysts through the intestinal lumen, excystation of sporozoites, their penetration into epithelial cells and migration to the target site was studied in both naive and immune mice infected with Eimeria falciformis. After oral infection, the intact oocysts were transported with enteral contents to the large intestine, where the excystation of sporozoites and their penetration into superficial epithelium took place. The sporozoites subsequently migrated into the epithelium of crypts, which is the specific site of asexual multiplication. The immune status of the hosts did not affect the passage of oocysts, excystation and penetration of sporozoites. However, the migration of sporozoites towards their target site (crypts) was impeded in immune mice and sporozoites tended to remain in superficial mucosa rather than migrate to the crypts.  相似文献   

B-cell responses of 3 immunoglobulin isotypes (IgA, IgG, and IgM) were investigated in the large intestine and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of naive or immune mice after inoculation of oocysts of Eimeria falciformis. Primary and anamnestic IgA and IgG lymphocyte responses to E. falciformis occurred in the large intestine of nonimmune and immune mice, respectively. IgA-containing lymphocytes (IgAc) were the largest population of responding B cells in the large intestine. In infected mice, IgAc accumulated in the apical portion of the lamina propria, whereas IgG-containing lymphocytes (IgGc) were more numerous at the base of the lamina propria. No significant increase in the number of IgM-containing lymphocytes (IgMc) was observed in the lamina propria of the large intestine. Primary but no anamnestic B-cell responses occurred in the MLN, and immune mice actually had reduced numbers of IgAc and IgGc in the MLN when compared with naive mice. IgGc were the largest population of responding B cells in the MLN. Thus, IgAc appear to accumulate preferentially at the site of parasite development, whereas IgGc are primarily localized deeper in the lamina propria of the large intestine and in the draining lymph nodes of mice infected with E. falciformis.  相似文献   

White mice previously infected with 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Eimeria falciformis oocysts on days 0, 5, 10 or 30 were inoculated per os with 10(1), 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Toxoplasma oocysts. While the results obtained for mice with higher Toxoplasma inocula were consistent, animals with 10(1) and 10(2) oocysts previous inoculation with Eimeria showed important differences related with those infected only with Toxoplasma. For example, survival time was higher in animals infected with both parasites, especially if inoculated with Eimeria 30 days before Toxoplasma infection. Furthermore the number of T. gondii cysts found in the animals previously infected with Eimeria was lower compared with mice inoculated with Toxoplasma only. Body weight of mice infected with Toxoplasma previous infection with Eimeria was almost normal in relation to those infected only with Toxoplasma, indicating a probable pathological effect due to the parasite, more evident in "non immunized" mice.  相似文献   

Wilson KH  Brown RS  Andersen GL  Tsang J  Sartor B 《Anaerobe》2006,12(5-6):249-253
Specific pathogen free (SPF) rodents are derived from germfree animals that are colonized with Schaedler's flora, a cocktail of eight bacterial strains isolated from the natural biota of mice. During successive generations SPF animals acquire a complex biota, but it is not known how similar it is to natural mouse biota. Therefore, fecal pellets of two feral mice and three SPF mice were studied by small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. After amplification of 16S rDNA by Bacterial Kingdom-specific primers, 132 rDNA clones from feral mice and 219 clones from SPF mice were placed phylogenetically. Forty-four percent of recovered rDNAs from feral mice were from organisms belonging to the Ribosomal Database Project's Bacteroides Group with significant proportions also coming from lactobacilli, the Clostridium coccoides Group and the Clostridium leptum Group. Although the SPF biota appeared equally complex at lower phylogenetic levels, the major phylogenetic groups represented were less diverse in that 92% of rDNA's from SPF mice mapped to groups of clostridia with 79% to the C. coccoides Group alone. Given the number of physiological parameters influenced by the gut biota and the importance of mice in biomedical research, further investigations are warranted.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Eimeria falciformis var. pragensis, established from a single oocyst, is described in experimentally infected mice (Mus musculus). The coccidium had a prepatent period of 7 days and a patent period of 10--16 days. Oocysts were spherical to ellipsoidal in shape and measured 21.2 x 18.3 micron. Sporulation time was 3 to 3.5 days. Sporocysts measured 12.2 x 7.2 micron and contained a circular to avoid granular sporocyst residuum measuring 5.5 X 5.0 micron. One, 2 or 3 circular to rectangular polar granules were observed within each sporulated oocyst. The endogenous stages developed primarily in the cecum and colon and only occasionally in the lower ileum. Four generations of schizonts were found. Mature 1st-generation schizonts, first observed 48 hr postinfection (PI), measured 17.8 x 12.3 micron and had 12 merozoites that measured 13.3 x 2.0 micron. Mature 2nd-generation schizonts appeared 78 hr PI. They measured 10.2 x 9.3 micron and had 8 merozoites measuring 5.0 x 1.6 micron. Mature 3rd-generation schizonts appeared first at 114 hr PI and measured 17.5 x 10.2 micron and had 10 merozoites that measured 12.4 x 1.8 micron. Mature 4th-generation schizonts appeared first at 144 hr PI. They measured 18.2 x 15.3 micron and had 18 merozoites. The merozoites of the 4th-generation schizont were 4.5 x 1.2 micron. Mature macrogamonts and microgamonts developed simultaneously appearing at 156 hr PI. Macrogamonts measured 16 x 14.5 micron and microgamonts were 18.2 x 15.3 micron. In experimentally infected rats (Rattus norvegicus), development of E. falciformis var. pragensis progressed only as far as mature 1st-generation schizonts.  相似文献   

The interaction of Eimeria falciformis sporozoites with the intestinal epithelium and with the intestinal contents from the cecum and colon of normal and specifically immunized mice was studied by light (LM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy. Fecal (FM) and enterocyte-associated (EAM) mucus were removed from the cecum and colon of normal mice and mice that had been immunized 1, 6, 12, or 20 days earlier with a series of oral inoculations of E. falciformis oocysts. Sporozoite-specific IgA, but neither IgM nor IgG, was detected by the immunofluorescent antibody test in FM and EAM from immunized mice. No sporozoite-specific immunoglobulin was detected in normal mice. When examined by LM, sporozoites exposed to all FM and EAM preparations exhibited greater motility and excystation from sporocysts. At 4 h after incubation in FM or EAM from normal or immune mice, about 10% of the sporozoites appeared damaged, being non-motile and non-refractile. Immune FM and EAM caused agglutination of sporozoites and sporocysts and oocyst walls of E. falciformis, but did not agglutinate those of E. ferrisi. Scanning electron microscopy of in vitro interactions between E. falciformis sporozoites and intestinal contents revealed that sporozoites exposed to immune EAM were coated with particulate material whereas those exposed to normal EAM were relatively clean. Sporozoites exposed to immune FM were usually embedded within the mucus whereas those exposed to normal FM were situated on top of the mucus. No significant differences occurred between the length/width (L/W) ratios of sporozoites incubated in normal and EAM or in PBS.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Specific pathogen free BALB/c mice from 3 commercial laboratory animal breeders in Japan were compared on the composition of caecal flora revealed by selective and nonselective cultivation as well as direct microscopical observation on smears, and relative caecal weight. Large differences were detected in viable counts of total bacteria and almost all bacterial groups, while direct microscopical counts which consisted mainly of fusiform bacteria were almost equal, resulting in diverse recovery rates among 3 breeders. Eubacterium and spiral shaped organisms were not detected from all breeders. There also existed variations within breeders, especially those in the number of Enterobacteriaceae. Relative caecal weight also differed among breeders, suggesting the participation of variety of caecal bacteria in determining this parameter. As these variations in bacteriological status of animals can influence experimental results, standardization of intestinal microbial flora is required.  相似文献   

Gnotobiotic Wistar rats were produced using gnotobiotic techniques, which were established in the production of a SPF mouse colony, in order to establish a barrier-sustained colony. One strain of Escherichia coli, 28 strains of Bacteriodaceae (B-strains), three strains of Lactobacillus (L-strains) and a chloroform-treated fecal suspension (CHF, Clostridium mixture) were prepared from conventional Wistar rats as the microflora source. Two groups of limited-flora rats, E. coli plus B-strains and E. coli plus CHF, were produced. After confirmation that Clostridium difficile was not detected in the CHF-inoculated rats, two groups of limited-flora rats were transferred to an isolator and housed together in a cage. These rats were then orally inoculated with L-strains. The gnotobiotic rats showed colonization resistance to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the number of E. coli in the feces was 10(5) to 10(6)/g. The gnotobiotic rats were transferred to a barrier room as a source of intestinal flora for SPF colonies. In the SPF rats, basic cecal flora was mainly composed of Bacteroidaceae, clostridia, fusiform-shaped bacteria and lactobacilli, and did not change over a long period. Their flora became similar to that of conventional rats.  相似文献   

In the present report, we examined the effects of group formation strategy and corral design on wounding and reproduction rates in rhesus macaques. Specifically, we examined group formation using a staged strategy, in which small groups of animals were introduced incrementally over a period of weeks, and a rapid formation strategy, in which all animals were introduced in 1 day. We also examined group formation using a divided corral design that facilitated visual and social separation of individuals, and an undivided corral design that did not facilitate visual or social separation. Dependent measures were wounding and reproductive rates over each of the 2 years that followed group formation. Results indicate that incrementally releasing subgroups of animals, and using a corral design that provides for visual and social separation of individuals, are effective strategies for reducing rates of traumatic wounding when forming multimale-multifemale rhesus macaque breeding groups. However, it must be noted that differences in formation strategy and corral design did not lead to higher reproductive rates. We conclude that incrementally releasing animals in hierarchical subgroups, and using a divided vs. undivided housing design, reduced intra-group wounding and associated demands on veterinary and animal management resources following formation of rhesus macaque breeding groups.  相似文献   

Proteins are released from the surface of sporozoites of Eimeria falciformis during their in vitro incubation in a detergent solution. Some of these proteins reacted with antibodies from infected mice and specifically stimulated the proliferation of mesenteric lymph node cells of these mice. Oral immunization of mice with liposome encapsulated sporozoite surface antigens protected mice against a challenge infection. Two proteins (M.W. 27 and 180 K) induced an antibody synthesis in these vaccinated mice.  相似文献   

The obligate intracellular apicomplexan parasites, e.g. Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium species, induce an IFNγ-driven induction of host indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of tryptophan catabolism in the kynurenine pathway. Induction of IDO1 supposedly depletes cellular levels of tryptophan in host cells, which is proposed to inhibit the in vitro growth of auxotrophic pathogens. In vivo function of IDO during infections, however, is not clear, let alone controversial. We show that Eimeria falciformis, an apicomplexan parasite infecting the mouse caecum, induces IDO1 in the epithelial cells of the organ, and the enzyme expression coincides with the parasite development. The absence or inhibition of IDO1/2 and of two downstream enzymes in infected animals is detrimental to the Eimeria growth. The reduced parasite yield is not due to a lack of an immunosuppressive effect of IDO1 in the parasitized IDO1(-/-) or inhibitor-treated mice because they did not show an accentuated Th1 and IFNγ response. Noticeably, the parasite development is entirely rescued by xanthurenic acid, a by-product of tryptophan catabolism inducing exflagellation in male gametes of Plasmodium in the mosquito mid-gut. Our data demonstrate a conceptual subversion of the host defense (IFNγ, IDO) by an intracellular pathogen for progression of its natural life cycle. Besides, we show utility of E. falciformis, a monoxenous parasite of a well appreciated host, i.e. mouse, to identify in vivo factors underlying the parasite-host interactions.  相似文献   

Stockdale P. G. H., Stockdale M. J., Rickard M. D. and Mitchell G. F. 1985. Mouse strain variation and effects of oocyst dose in infection of mice with Eimeria falciformis, a coccidian parasite of the large intestine, International Journal for Parasitology15: 447–452. Five inbred strains of mice and three hypothymic (nude) strains were infected orally with different doses of E. falciförmis oocysts. After resolution of primary infection as determined by faecal oocyst output, mice were challenged orally with a second dose of E. falciformis. Amongst the intact mice, BALB/c proved the most resistant to primary infection, while C3H/He mice were most susceptible, in terms of faecal oocyst production. Resistance was far more dramatic in BALB/c mice given high numbers of challenge oocysts. In terms of mortality at high oocyst doses, CBA/H were the most susceptible. All of the strains of mice were highly resistant to reinfection. In the case of nude mice, BALB/c. nu/nu were more susceptible than CBA/H.nu/nu or C57BL/6.nu/nu both in terms of faecal oocyst production and mortality. Thus the most resistant inbred mouse strain (BALB/c) is the least resistant in the absence of T cells. Unlike intact mice, nude mice showed no resistance to reinfection, this result being in line with previous work on this and other Eimeria spp. in nude mice.  相似文献   

Salmonella mbandaka was isolated from the lungs of three rabbits that developed a peracute disease and died three to eight weeks following extensive experimental manipulation. To examine the pathogenicity of this rare serotype, clinically normal, S. mbandaka-carrier rabbits were subjected to either corticosteroid immunosuppression alone or corticosteroid immunosuppression with a minor surgical procedure. Acute or peracute salmonellosis developed in one of two rabbits immunosuppressed only, and in three of four rabbits immunosuppressed and surgically manipulated. Stressful experimental procedures may precipitate episodes of clinical salmonellosis in rabbits harboring this organism. Salmonella mbandaka, should be considered a zoonotic agent in the laboratory environment.  相似文献   



The phylum Apicomplexa comprises important unicellular human parasites such as Toxoplasma and Plasmodium. Eimeria is the largest and most diverse genus of apicomplexan parasites and some species of the genus are the causative agent of coccidiosis, a disease economically devastating in poultry. We report a complete genome sequence of the mouse parasite Eimeria falciformis. We assembled and annotated the genome sequence to study host-parasite interactions in this understudied genus in a model organism host.


The genome of E. falciformis is 44 Mb in size and contains 5,879 predicted protein coding genes. Comparative analysis of E. falciformis with Toxoplasma gondii shows an emergence and diversification of gene families associated with motility and invasion mainly at the level of the Coccidia. Many rhoptry kinases, among them important virulence factors in T. gondii, are absent from the E. falciformis genome. Surface antigens are divergent between Eimeria species. Comparisons with T. gondii showed differences between genes involved in metabolism, N-glycan and GPI-anchor synthesis. E. falciformis possesses a reduced set of transmembrane transporters and we suggest an altered mode of iron uptake in the genus Eimeria.


Reduced diversity of genes required for host-parasite interaction and transmembrane transport allow hypotheses on host adaptation and specialization of a single host parasite. The E. falciformis genome sequence sheds light on the evolution of the Coccidia and helps to identify determinants of host-parasite interaction critical for drug and vaccine development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-696) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Large differences were found in the numbers of facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of mice from 3 major specific pathogen free (SPF) units in Australia. The species isolated also differed between mouse colonies. In one unit the presence of Enterobacter cloacae was found to dramatically influence the survival of mice following total body irradiation. This finding conforms with previous studies which have shown the influence of variation in gastrointestinal microbiota on the immune system and on susceptibility to infection. Given that the presence or absence of Enterobacteriaceae in the intestines of mice under investigation may influence experimental results, researchers using SPF rodents are encouraged to determine the baseline loading of these bacteria in their animals. Where results of immunological or irradiation studies from different colonies are likely to be compared, the enterobacterial status of the colony being used should be reported.  相似文献   

Lutsky, Irving I. (Marquette University School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wis.), and Avrum B. Organick. Pneumonia due to mycoplasma in gnotobiotic mice. I. Pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma salivarium, and Mycoplasma pulmonis for the lungs of conventional and gnotobiotic mice. J. Bacteriol. 92:1154-1163. 1966.-Two species of mycoplasma of human origin, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and M. salivarium, were tested for their ability to produce respiratory disease in the Ha/ICR mouse when inoculated by the intranasal route. The mouse pathogen M. pulmonis was studied as a positive control. Conventional and gnotobiotic Ha/ICR mice were employed, the latter to provide a system free from indigenous mycoplasma and bacteria. Pneumonia from which mycoplasma were isolated was produced in all groups of the conventional Ha/ICR mice, including those inoculated with sterile broth. Only M. pulmonis produced disease when inoculated intranasally into the gnotobiotic mice, and the gross and microscopic lesions resembled those described in conventional mice. The gnotobiotic mouse provided a tool to study the pathogenicity of different mycoplasma species, and indicated marked differences in host specificity that could not be clearly seen when conventional mice were used.  相似文献   

Cytokines, free radicals and resistance to Eimeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cytokine, gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma), which is produced by CD4(+) T cells, plays a crucial role in host resistance to Eimeria infections. Karen Ovington and Nick Smith propose that free oxygen radical generation by leukocytes in response to infection with Eimeria is the result of activation by IFN-gamma. The functional role of free oxygen radicals is unclear but these highly reactive radicals are produced by the leukocytes that infiltrate the intestine in large numbers during infection, and the parasites,enterocytes and cells of the immune system may all be vulnerable to oxidative damage. Gamma-interferon also appears to induce the enterocytes inhabited by Eimeria to turn against the parasite. The authors draw from literature documenting similar effects on other protozoa, especially Leishmania and Plasmodium, and speculate that reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by enterocytes have a functional role in resistance to Eimeria.  相似文献   

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