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浙江江山白垩系一新的蜥脚类恐龙   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
记述的巨龙科Titanosauridae一新属种———礼贤江山龙 (Jiangshanosauruslixianensisgen .etsp .nov .)产自浙江江山的金华组下部 ,地质时代为早白垩世晚期的Albian期。化石保存了部分头后骨骼 ,经过与晚侏罗世至晚白垩世蜥脚类化石的对比表明 ,新属的尾椎特征与巨龙科较为相似 ,肩胛骨、乌喙骨与巨龙科中的阿拉蒙龙属 (Alamosaurus)最为接近 ,但新属的前部尾椎较大 ,前凹后突的程度较不明显。新属种保存的背椎和中部尾椎的部分特征与我国晚侏罗世马门溪龙科也很相近。新属种是在我国首次记述的巨龙科化石 ,为研究白垩纪蜥脚类恐龙在我国的演化分布提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

浙江江山白垩系—新的晰脚类恐龙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
记述的巨龙科Titanosauridae一种属种--礼贤江山龙(Jiangshanosaurus lixianensis gen.et sp.nov.)产自浙江江山的金华组下部,地质时代为早白垩世晚期的Albian期。化石保存了部分头后骨骼,经过与晚侏罗世至晚白垩世晰脚类化石的对比表明,新属的尾椎特征与巨龙科较为相似,肩胛骨、乌喙骨与巨龙科中的阿拉蒙龙属(Alamosaurus)最为接近,但新属的前部尾较大,前凹后突的程度较不明显。新属种保存的背椎和中部尾椎的部分特征与我国晚株罗纪马门溪龙科也很相近。新属种是我国首次记述的巨龙科化石,为研究白垩纪晰脚类恐在我国的演化分布提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

内蒙古上白垩统二连组一长颈的镰刀龙类(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰刀龙类 (又称“懒龙”)是一类奇特的植食性兽脚类恐龙 ,化石记录主要局限于亚洲白垩纪地层中。由于镰刀龙类极其特化的形态和化石材料的局限性 ,这类恐龙的系统位置存在较多的争议。最近的发现 (RussellandDong ,1 994;Xuetal.,1 999)表明这类恐龙属于虚骨龙类 ,但其更为具体的系统位置依然存在争议 (Sues ,1 997;MakovickyandSues,1 998;Xuetal.,1 999;Sereno,1 999)。新发现于内蒙古苏尼特左旗赛罕高毕上白垩统二连组的镰刀龙类化石材料代表这类恐龙的一个新属种。杨氏内蒙古龙 (Neimongosaurusyangigen .etsp .nov .)的正型标本为一较为完整的骨架 ,是已知镰刀龙类当中第一件在同一个体中保存了大多数脊椎和几乎所有肢骨的标本。依据以下特征将内蒙古龙归入镰刀龙超科 :U形的下颌联合部、齿骨前端向下弯曲、齿骨前部没有牙齿、牙齿有一个收缩的基部、近圆形的齿根和叶形的齿冠、前部颈椎的神经脊低矮而轴向较长、后部颈椎背视呈X形、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和挠骨髁位于前部并为一狭窄槽分开、肠骨的耻骨柄细长而坐骨柄短以及跖部短。内蒙古龙的以下特征区别于其他镰刀龙类 :前部尾椎的横突下部有一圆形的窝 ,桡骨二头肌结节非常发育 ,后足趾节近端跟部非常发育 ,胫骨的腓骨嵴长  相似文献   

记述了产自四川自贡大山铺中侏罗世峨眉龙属一新种——焦氏峨眉龙(Omeisaurus jiaoisp.nov.)。新种为大型蜥脚类恐龙,以如下特征区别于其他蜥脚类:前、中部背椎为典型的后凹型,后部背椎为双平型,背椎神经棘呈高大棒状,不分叉;尾椎为弱双凹型,第一尾椎不具扇形尾肋;第一脉弧短小且与第一尾椎关联;锁骨长大;肱骨和股骨细长而圆实;肱骨与股骨长度之比为0.83,尺骨与肱骨长度之比为0.72,胫骨与股骨长度之比为0.63。  相似文献   

镰刀龙类化石主要分布于亚洲白垩纪地层 (RussellandDong ,1 993;Xuetal.,1 999a ;KirklandandWolfe ,2 0 0 1 )。最近发现于内蒙古上白垩统二连组的杨氏内蒙古龙(Neimongosaurusyangi)代表这一类群中较为原始的属种 (张晓虹等 ,2 0 0 1 )。通过研究产自同一化石地点的镰刀龙类新材料 ,我们鉴定出一个不同于杨氏内蒙古龙的新属种 ,美掌二连龙(Erliansaurusbellamanusgen .etsp .nov.)。依据以下特征将Erliansaurusbellamanus归入镰刀龙超科 :肩胛骨干远端狭窄、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和桡骨髁位于肱骨干前部、肠骨髋臼后支远端加厚、距骨髁小和腓骨近端后缘窄。Erliansaurusbellamanus的以下自近裔特征区别于其他镰刀龙类 :前部尾椎具加大的滋养孔、肱骨后转子嵴状、肱骨后转子内侧有一卵形凹陷、肠骨外侧面坐骨柄上方有一多皱的肿状突起、腓骨近端后缘明显高于前缘以及腓骨前转子大、位置靠远端。本文对镰刀龙类的系统关系进行了初步的分析 ,结论如下 :北票龙 (Beipiaosaurus)代表除Eshanosaurus外最原始的属种 ,它没有以下一些其他镰刀龙类的进步性状 :掌爪近端深、胫骨短于股骨、非常短的骨以及第一骨关连跗骨。Erliansaurus、Alxasaurus、Neimongosaurus和Nothronychus比Bei  相似文献   

内蒙古上白垩统二连组—长颈的镰刀龙类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰刀龙类(又称“懒龙”)是一类奇特的植食性兽脚类恐龙,化石记录主要局限于亚洲白垩纪地层中。由于镰刀龙类极其特化的形态和化石材料的局限性,这类恐龙的系统位置存在较多的争议。最近的发现(Russell and Dong,1994;Xu et al.,1999)表明这类恐龙属于虚骨龙类,但其更为具体的系统位置依然存在争议(Sues,1997;Makovicky and Sues,1998;Xu et al.,1999;Sereno,1999)。新发现于内蒙古苏尼特左旗赛罕高毕上白垩统二连组的镰刀龙类化石材料代表这类恐龙的一个新属种。杨氏内蒙古龙(Neimongosaurus yangi gen.et sp.nov.)的正型标本为一较为完整的骨架,是已知镰刀龙类当中第一件在同一个体中保存了大多数脊椎和几乎所有肢骨的标本。依据以下特征将内蒙古龙归入镰刀龙超科:U形的下颌联合部、齿骨前端向下弯曲、齿骨前部没有牙齿、牙齿有一个收缩的基部、近圆形的齿根和叶形的齿冠、前部颈椎的神经脊低矮而轴向较长、后部颈椎背视呈X形、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和挠骨髁位于前部并为一狭窄槽分开、肠骨的耻骨柄细长而坐骨柄短以及跖部短。内蒙古龙的以下特征区别于其他镰刀龙类:前部尾椎的横突下部有一圆形的窝,桡骨二头肌结节点非常发育,后足践节近端跟部非常发育,胫骨的腓骨嵴长,明显超过胫骨长度的一半,肠骨髋臼前支外侧面转向背方,尾椎前关节突向两侧侧伸明显。镰刀龙类有一些未见于其他手盗龙类的特征,表明这类恐龙较为原始,可能和似鸟龙类关系较近(Sereno,1999),但其他一些证据表明镰刀龙类较为进步,可能和窃蛋龙类关系较近(Makovicky and Sues,1998;Xu et al.,1999)。内蒙古龙高度气孔化的脊椎和进步的肩带形态表明镰刀龙类相当进步。其中加长的颈部和缩短的尾部等特征非常类似于窃蛋龙类。这些特征的发现支持了镰刀龙类和窃蛋龙类的系统关系较近的假说。  相似文献   

辽宁西部早白垩世义县组一新的手盗龙类(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国辽西早白垩世热河群义县组和九佛堂组近年来产出大量恐龙化石 ,已知兽脚类恐龙包括 8属 1 0种 ,其中 6属 8种保存有原始羽毛或者羽毛结构。已经报道的属种均产自朝阳地区。 2 0 0 1年 ,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所辽西野外考察队在邻近朝阳的锦州地区义县头台乡王家沟义县组下部采集到一件恐龙标本。这一标本保存了较为完整的肩带和前肢 ,在骨骼化石附近还保存了皮肤结构。通过研究对比 ,我们建立了手盗龙类的一个新属种 :长掌义县龙 (Yixianosauruslongimanusgen .etsp .nov .)。依据以下特征将长掌义县龙归入手盗龙类 :肩胛骨明显短于肱骨、肩臼窝的乌喙骨部分小、乌喙骨近四方形、尺骨向后弯曲以及挠骨细。长掌义县龙手部的相对长度以及手指各指节的相对比例不同于已知手盗龙类。原始兽脚类恐龙的手部一般短于肱骨 ;手盗龙手部加长 ,长于肱骨 ;原始鸟类的手部相对更长 ,但进步鸟类出现反转 ,手部次生变短。长掌义县龙手部的相对长度在非鸟兽脚类恐龙当中仅比原始祖鸟 (Protarchaeopteryx) (Jietal.,1 998)和树息龙 (Epidendrosaurus) (Zhangetal.,2 0 0 2 )短。次末端指节加长是兽脚类恐龙的一个进步特征 ,长掌义县龙具有这一特征。比如 ,长掌义县龙的手指指节Ⅱ 2长于掌骨Ⅱ ,在已知兽?  相似文献   

简要回顾了莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋化石群的研究历史和以杨钟健为代表的老一代地质古生物学者对莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋研究发现的杰出贡献,并介绍了莱阳恐龙和恐龙蛋的最新发现和若干研究进展.在近年来对莱阳周边地层进行的大规模考察中,发现了一系列发育在平原上的恐龙峡谷群,以及其中蕴含的十几个恐龙和恐龙蛋新地点和新层位.2010年开始,在对莱阳金岗口村附近的2个化石地点的发掘中,发现了以鸭嘴龙科为主的大量脊椎动物化石和蛋化石,包括一类新的栉龙亚科成员,一些大型兽脚类恐龙化石,以及一新的龟鳖类蛋化石等.2号地点化石富集层具有典型的泥石流沉积特征和骨骼埋藏特征.对棘鼻青岛龙的特殊头饰进行了CT扫描和三维重建,发现其头饰是实心结构,但其他骨骼特征证明棘鼻青岛龙属于具有头饰的赖氏龙亚科是确定无疑的,所以目前发现的头饰应不是其真实状态或根本不属于其头部骨骼.此外,对谭氏龙1属3种的重新观察研究得出以下结论:中国谭氏龙和金刚口谭氏龙应是有效属种,但部分骨骼还有疑问,还需要进一步研究,而莱阳谭氏龙为无效属种.  相似文献   

基于采自兰州-民和盆地下白垩统河口群中的化石(一前中部尾椎,三根背肋,一个近乎完整的左髂骨和若干甲片)建立恐龙一新属种:金城洮河龙(Taohelong jinchengensis gen.et sp.nov.)。洮河龙具有三个自有裔征:前中部尾椎神经孔呈倒立的梯形,髂骨前突外侧缘背视呈翻转"S"形及荐盾由大小不一排列无规则的甲片愈合而成。分支系统分析表明洮河龙属甲龙类结节龙科中的多刺甲龙亚科,并且和发现于英国早白垩世巴雷姆期的Polacanthus foxii是姐妹群。洮河龙代表了多刺甲龙亚科化石在亚洲的首次发现,也再次表明兰州-民和盆地的河口群蕴含着一个丰富而独特的恐龙化石组合。  相似文献   

辽宁西部早白垩世义县组一新驰龙类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国辽西早白垩世义县组底部陆家屯层近年来产出大量恐龙和其他脊椎动物化石 ,其中包括兽脚类恐龙当中的伤齿龙类和窃蛋龙类 (Xu ,2 0 0 2 )。本文报道该层位产出的一件驰龙类化石标本。通过对比研究 ,我们确认这一标本不同于热河群已知的其他 3种驰龙类 ,并建立了驰龙类的一个新属种 :陆家屯纤细盗龙 (Graciliraptorlujiatunensisgen .etsp .nov .)。驰龙类最初发现于北美晚白垩世地层中 (MatthewandBrown ,1 92 2 ) ,随后在蒙古晚白垩世地层中也有发现 (Osborn ,1 92 4 ) ;现在已知驰龙类的化石记录主要集中在北美和中亚地区的白垩纪地层中 (Xu ,2 0 0 2 )。千禧中国鸟龙 (Sinornithosaurusmillenii)曾代表最早的确定无疑的驰龙属种 (Xuetal.,1 999) ,其生存时代大约为 1 2 5Ma (Swisheretal.,1 999)。陆家屯纤细盗龙正型标本产于义县组底部陆家屯层 ,其上覆和下伏岩层的同位素年代分别为 1 2 8Ma和 1 39Ma (Swisheretal.,2 0 0 1 )。因此 ,陆家屯纤细盗龙代表已知最早的驰龙属种。陆家屯纤细盗龙和其他驰龙类共享以下近裔特征 :尾椎前关节突和脉弧极度加长、上颌齿后缘锯齿明显大于前缘锯齿和指节III- 2明显缩短。陆家屯纤细盗龙的以下近裔特征区别于其他驰龙类 :中部尾椎有一板状结构连接左右后关节  相似文献   

Abstract: An isolated anterior caudal vertebra from the Qingshan (= Ch'ing shan) Formation (Early Cretaceous) of Shandong Province, China, is redescribed and shown to be an advanced diplodocid sauropod. This specimen possesses several derived character states that are typically observed in advanced diplodocoids or diplodocids, including the following: a mildly procoelous centrum; a deep pit‐like pneumatic fossa immediately below the caudal rib; wing‐ or fan‐shaped caudal ribs; and complex lamination of the neural spine. The neural spine is apomorphically short and the centrum is short relative to its height compared to those of other diplodocids, which, when coupled with the specimen’s unique geographical location and stratigraphical age, suggests that it probably represents a new taxon. This caudal vertebra provides the first convincing evidence that diplodocids were present in Asia, perhaps as a result of the dispersal of neosauropod lineages from Europe and/or North America during the Early Cretaceous. The discovery of a member of the Diplodocidae in the Early Cretaceous also indicates that this clade did not become extinct at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary as previously supposed.  相似文献   

Advanced titanosaurian sauropods, such as nemegtosaurids and saltasaurids, were diverse and one of the most important groups of herbivores in the terrestrial biotas of the Late Cretaceous. However, little is known about their rise and diversification prior to the Late Cretaceous. Furthermore, the evolution of their highly-modified skull anatomy has been largely hindered by the scarcity of well-preserved cranial remains. A new sauropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil represents the earliest advanced titanosaurian known to date, demonstrating that the initial diversification of advanced titanosaurians was well under way at least 30 million years before their known radiation in the latest Cretaceous. The new taxon also preserves the most complete skull among titanosaurians, further revealing that their low and elongated diplodocid-like skull morphology appeared much earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

We describe Sarmientosaurus musacchioi gen. et sp. nov., a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian—Turonian) Lower Member of the Bajo Barreal Formation of southern Chubut Province in central Patagonia, Argentina. The holotypic and only known specimen consists of an articulated, virtually complete skull and part of the cranial and middle cervical series. Sarmientosaurus exhibits the following distinctive features that we interpret as autapomorphies: (1) maximum diameter of orbit nearly 40% rostrocaudal length of cranium; (2) complex maxilla—lacrimal articulation, in which the lacrimal clasps the ascending ramus of the maxilla; (3) medial edge of caudal sector of maxillary ascending ramus bordering bony nasal aperture with low but distinct ridge; (4) ‘tongue-like’ ventral process of quadratojugal that overlaps quadrate caudally; (5) separate foramina for all three branches of the trigeminal nerve; (6) absence of median venous canal connecting infundibular region to ventral part of brainstem; (7) subvertical premaxillary, procumbent maxillary, and recumbent dentary teeth; (8) cervical vertebrae with ‘strut-like’ centroprezygapophyseal laminae; (9) extremely elongate and slender ossified tendon positioned ventrolateral to cervical vertebrae and ribs. The cranial endocast of Sarmientosaurus preserves some of the most complete information obtained to date regarding the brain and sensory systems of sauropods. Phylogenetic analysis recovers the new taxon as a basal member of Lithostrotia, as the most plesiomorphic titanosaurian to be preserved with a complete skull. Sarmientosaurus provides a wealth of new cranial evidence that reaffirms the close relationship of titanosaurs to Brachiosauridae. Moreover, the presence of the relatively derived lithostrotian Tapuiasaurus in Aptian deposits indicates that the new Patagonian genus represents a ‘ghost lineage’ with a comparatively plesiomorphic craniodental form, the evolutionary history of which is missing for at least 13 million years of the Cretaceous. The skull anatomy of Sarmientosaurus suggests that multiple titanosaurian species with dissimilar cranial structures coexisted in the early Late Cretaceous of southern South America. Furthermore, the new taxon possesses a number of distinctive morphologies—such as the ossified cervical tendon, extremely pneumatized cervical vertebrae, and a habitually downward-facing snout—that have rarely, if ever, been documented in other titanosaurs, thus broadening our understanding of the anatomical diversity of this remarkable sauropod clade. The latter two features were convergently acquired by at least one penecontemporaneous diplodocoid, and may represent mutual specializations for consuming low-growing vegetation.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of brachiosaurid sauropods, Qiaowanlong kangxii gen. et sp. nov., is reported, representing the first well-preserved Early Cretaceous brachiosaurid in Asia and expanding the distribution of brachiosaurids undoubtedly into the Asian continent. The new taxon was recovered from the late Early Cretaceous Xinminpu Group of Yujingzi Basin in northwestern Gansu Province, China, and is represented by a series of eight mid-cervical vertebrae, a right pelvic girdle and some unidentified bones. The existence of deeply excavated cervical neural spines and a rising transition in the neural spine height among mid-cervical vertebrae clearly show the affinity of Qiaowanlong as a member of brachiosaurids. Among brachiosaurids, Qiaowanlong shares a derived feature with the North American Early Cretaceous brachiosaurid Sauroposeidon: the lack of cranial centrodiapophyseal lamina. However, Qiaowanlong is unique in possessing a suite of features, such as a low central length/cotyle height ratio, bifurcated cervical neural spines and a much reduced ischium. The discovery of Qiaowanlong and other new material indicates a diverse and abundant sauropod assemblage in China during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Despite continuous improvements, our knowledge of the neurocranial anatomy of sauropod dinosaurs as a whole is still poor, which is especially true for titanosaurians even though their postcranial remains are common in many Upper Cretaceous sites worldwide. Here we describe a braincase from the uppermost Cretaceous locality of ‘‘Lo Hueco” in Spain that is one of the most complete titanosaurian braincases found so far in Europe. Although the titanosaurian Ampelosaurus sp. is known from the same locality, this specimen is clearly a distinct taxon and presents a number of occipital characters found in Antarctosaurus and Jainosaurus, which are approximately coeval taxa from southern Gondwana. The specimen was subjected to X-ray computed tomographic (CT) scanning, allowing the generation of 3D renderings of the endocranial cavity enclosing the brain, cranial nerves, and blood vessels, as well as the labyrinth of the inner ear. These findings add considerable knowledge to the field of sauropod paleoneuroanatomy in general and titanosaurian endocast diversity in particular. Compared with that of many sauropodomorphs, the endocast appears only slightly flexed in lateral view and bears similarities (e.g., reduction of the rostral dural expansion) with Gondwanan titanosaurians such as Jainosaurus, Bonatitan, and Antarctosaurus. The vestibular system of the inner ear is somewhat contracted (i.e., the radius of the semicircular canals is small), but less so than expected in derived titanosaurians. However, as far as the new specimen and Jainosaurus can be contrasted, and with the necessary caution due to the small sample of comparative data currently available, the two taxa appear more similar to one another in endocast morphology than to other titanosaurians. Recent phylogenetic analyses of titanosaurians have not included virtually any of the taxa under consideration here, and thus the phylogenetic position of the new Spanish titanosaurian—even its generic, let alone specific, identification—is not possible at the moment. Nevertheless, both the braincase osteology and the endocast morphology suggest that the specimen represents a derived titanosaurian that presumably branched further from the base of Lithostrotia, potentially even near Saltasauridae, comparable in evolutionary terms with Jainosaurus.  相似文献   

A partially articulated postcranial skeleton of a small ornithischian dinosaur, Gideonmantellia amosanjuanae nov. gen. et sp., from the Early Cretaceous of Galve (Teruel province, Spain) is described. It was recovered in an outcrop of fluvial red clays from the Camarillas Formation, which is Barremian in age. This partial skeleton is recognised as a new ornithopod taxon by the following autapomorphies: (1) postacetabular process of the ilium with a brevis shelf that is noticeably medially expanded in its cranial part but narrow and horizontal in its caudal part; (2) rod-like prepubic process with its anterior end twisted and expanded; and (3) L-shaped first chevron. Our phylogenetic analysis indicates that Gideonmantellia represents a basal ornithopod taxon more derived than Orodromeus, the “Asian clade” (which includes Haya and others) and Hypsilophodon.  相似文献   

A new oviraptorosaur Nankangia jiangxiensis gen. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of a partial postcranial skeleton with a partial lower jaw collected from the Upper Cretaceous Nanxiong Formation of Ganzhou, in Jiangxi Province of southern China. The new taxon is diagnosed by: (1) a mandibular symphysis that is not turned down; (2) neural spines of the cranial caudal vertebrae that are wider transversely than anteroposteriorly, forming a large posterior fossa with rugose central areas; (3) a femoral neck extending at an angle of about 90 to the shaft; and (4) a ratio of femur to tibia length of 0.95. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Nankangia as basal to the oviraptorid Yulong, but more derived than Caenagnathus, which also has a mandibular symphysis that is not turned down. The coexistence of Nankangia jiangxiensis, Ganzhousaurus nankangensis, Jiangxisaurus ganzhouensis, an unnamed oviraptorid from Nanxiong Basin and Banji long suggests that they occupied distinct ecological niches. Nankangia may have been more herbivorous than carnivorous.  相似文献   

A major gap in our knowledge of the evolution of marsupial mammals concerns the Paleogene of the northern continents, a critical time and place to link the early history of metatherians in Asia and North America with the more recent diversification in South America and Australia. We studied new exceptionally well-preserved partial skeletons of the Early Oligocene fossil Herpetotherium from the White River Formation in Wyoming, which allowed us to test the relationships of this taxon and examine its adaptations. Herpetotheriidae, with a fossil record extending from the Cretaceous to the Miocene, has traditionally been allied with opossums (Didelphidae) based on fragmentary material, mainly dentitions. Analysis of the new material reveals that several aspects of the cranial and postcranial anatomy, some of which suggests a terrestrial lifestyle, distinguish Herpetotherium from opossums. We found that Herpetotherium is the sister group to the crown group Marsupialia and is not a stem didelphid. Combination of the new palaeontological data with molecular divergence estimates, suggests the presence of a long undocumented gap in the fossil record of opossums extending some 45Myr from the Early Miocene to the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Abelisauridae are a family of mainly Cretaceous theropod dinosaurs with a wide distribution across the Gondwanan land masses. Although their presence in Europe was reported twenty-five years ago, it has often been considered as controversial largely because of the incompleteness of the available specimens. We report here the discovery of well-preserved abelisaurid material, including a highly diagnostic braincase, at a Late Cretaceous (late Campanian) locality in the Aix-en-Provence Basin, near the eponym city in south-eastern France. A new abelisaurid taxon is erected, Arcovenator escotae gen. nov., sp. nov., on the basis of cranial and postcranial material. A phylogenetic analysis reveals that the new Abelisauridae from Provence is more closely related to taxa from India and Madagascar than to South American forms. Moreover, Genusaurus, Tarascosaurus and the previous Late Cretaceous discoveries are identified as basal abelisaurids. Contrary to previously proposed palaeobiogeographical models of abelisaurid evolution, the presence of the new taxon in Europe suggests that Europe and Africa may have played a major role in abelisaurid dispersal, which apparently involved crossing marine barriers.  相似文献   

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