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【目的】研究重组腺病毒(rAd)传送的3′非翻译区(UTR)靶向amiR3UTR对猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)在猪肺巨噬细胞(PAM)中复制的抑制作用。【方法】用表达amiR3UTR或对照amiRcon的腺病毒载体转染AAV-293细胞,获得rAd-amiR3UTR-GFP和rAd-amiRcon-GFP,用定量RT-PCR检测amiR3UTR在rAd转导细胞中的表达,用定量RT-PCR、Western blotting和病毒滴定检测amiR3UTR对PRRSV复制的抑制作用。【结果】原代PAM及其细胞系3D4/163均能被rAd-amiR3UTR-GFP转导,但前者转导效率很低;rAd-amiR3UTR-GFP转导细胞能有效表达amiR3UTR,且表达具有剂量和时间依赖性;rAd表达的amiR3UTR能显著抑制不同毒株PRRSV在PAM细胞中的复制,且抑制作用具有剂量依赖性。【结论】amiR3UTR能抑制不同毒株PRRSV在PAM中的复制,其rAd有望作为抗PRRSV新策略进行深入研究。  相似文献   

The 5' portion of the Sindbis virus (SIN) genome RNA is multifunctional. Besides initiating translation of the nonstructural polyprotein, RNA elements in the 5' 200 bases of the SIN genome RNA, or its complement at the 3' end of the negative-strand intermediate, play key roles in the synthesis of both negative- and positive-strand RNAs. We used here a combination of genetic and biochemical approaches to further dissect the functions of this sequence. Replacement of the SIN 5' end in defective-interfering (DI) and genome RNAs with sequences from a distantly related alphavirus, Semliki Forest virus (SFV), resulted in nonviable chimeras. The addition of five nucleotides from the 5' terminus of SIN restored negative-strand RNA synthesis in DI genomes but not their replication in vivo. Pseudorevertants of various SFV-SIN chimeras were isolated, and suppressor mutations were mapped to AU-rich sequences added to the 5' end of the original SFV 5' sequence or its "deleted" versions. Early pseudorevertants had heterogeneous 5' termini that were inefficient for replication relative to the parental SIN 5' sequence. In contrast, passaging of these pseudorevertant viral populations in BHK cells under competitive conditions yielded evolved, more homogeneous 5'-terminal sequences that were highly efficient for negative-strand synthesis and replication. These 5'-terminal sequences always began with 5'-AU, followed by one or more AU repeats or short stretches of oligo(A). Further analysis demonstrated a positive correlation between the number of repeat units and replication efficiency. Interestingly, some 5' modifications restored high-level viral replication in BHK-21 cells, but these viruses were impaired for replication in the cells of mosquito origin. These studies provide new information on sequence determinants required for SIN RNA replication and suggest new strategies for restricting cell tropism and optimizing the packaging of alphavirus vectors.  相似文献   

以北美株PRRSV感染性克隆pCBC2为平台进行反向遗传操作,将3′UTR中的一级结构进行了系列缺失或插入突变,并改变二级结构中的一个保守的茎环结构,构建全长PRRSV突变体克隆,解析3′UTR突变对病毒感染性的影响,旨在界定调控PRRSV3′UTR的启动子序列及二级结构,即复制过程中的最小调控元件。以空斑和Northern blot来研究拯救后重组病毒的复制、转录和生长特性,发现重组病毒感染动力学与亲本病毒无可见差别。结果表明PRRSV3′UTR的5′端可耐受一定数目的核苷酸的缺失(41nt)与插入(23nt)突变,但进一步9nt缺失造成保守的环结构突变后就使病毒失去了感染性。证明了这是3′UTR中控制PRRSV复制过程的的必需序列及二级结构,为进一步解析PRRSV复制过程的调控元件奠定了基础。  相似文献   

After infection of swine with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), there is a rapid rise of PRRSV-specific nonneutralizing antibodies (NNA), while neutralizing antibodies (NA) are detectable not sooner than 3 weeks later. To characterize neutralizing epitopes, we selected phages from a 12-mer phage display library using anti-PRRSV neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) ISU25-C1. In addition, phages carrying peptides recognized by swine antibodies with high seroneutralizing titer were isolated after subtracting from the library those clones binding to swine anti-PRRSV serum with no neutralizing activity. Two epitopes located in the ectodomain of PRRSV GP5 were identified. One of these epitopes, which we named epitope B, was recognized both by neutralizing MAb ISU25-C1 and swine neutralizing serum (NS) but not by swine nonneutralizing serum (NNS), indicating that it is a neutralizing epitope. Epitope B is sequential, conserved among isolates, and not immunodominant. Antibodies directed against it are detected in serum late after infection. In contrast, the other epitope, which we named epitope A, is hypervariable and immunodominant. Antibodies against it appear early after infection with PRRSV. This epitope is recognized by swine NNA but is not recognized by either neutralizing MAb ISU25-C1 or swine NA, indicating that it is not involved in PRRSV neutralization. During infection with PRRSV, epitope A may act as a decoy, eliciting most of the antibodies directed to GP5 and delaying the induction of NA against epitope B for at least 3 weeks. These results are relevant to the design of vaccines against PRRSV.  相似文献   



To isolate specific nanobodies to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) non-structural protein 4 (Nsp4) and investigate their potential antiviral activities.


Three PRRSV Nsp4-specific nanobodies were isolated from a phage display library of the variable domains of camelid heavy chain-only antibodies. Nanobody genes were introduced into MARC-145 cells using lentivirus vectors to establish cell lines stably expressing nanobodies. These intracellularly expressed nanobodies were tested for interaction with PRRSV-encoded Nsp4 within PRRSV-infected MARC-145 cells. Nb41 and Nb43 intrabodies each potently inhibited PRRSV replication, protected MARC-145 cells from PRRSV-induced cytopathic effect and fully blocked PRRSV replication at an MOI of 0.001 or lower.


Intracellularly expressed Nb41 and Nb43 potently suppressed PRRSV replication in MARC-145 cells. Nanobodies hold great potential for development as novel antiviral treatments for PRRSV infection.

Bao Y  Guo Y  Zhang L  Zhao Z  Li N 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(3):2515-2522
With the ultimate aim of producing an RNA interference-mediated transgenic pig that is resistant to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), we have investigated the effect of RNA interference (RNAi) on silencing the expression of viral genes in the MARC-145 cell line. Twenty small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were designed and screened for their ability to suppress the expression of the genes ORF1b, 5, 6, and 7 from the highly virulent isolate, PRRSV-JXwn06. Of these siRNAs, the four most effective were selected and four short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression vectors (pGenesil-1-1b-135, pGenesil-1-1b-372, pGenesil-1-6-135, and pGenesil-1-6-169) targeting ORF1b and ORF6 were constructed and delivered into MARC-145 cells. These cells were then infected with JXwn06. All four vectors inhibited the PRRSV-specific cytopathic effect (CPE). The virus titers in cells transfected with pGenesil-1-1b-135, pGenesil-1-1b-372, pGenesil-1-6-135, and pGenesil-1-6-169 were lower than that of control cells by approximately 150-, 600-, 2.3- and 1.7-fold, respectively. In addition, the expression levels of ORF1 and ORF6 were reduced compared with controls. The unglycosylated membrane protein M, encoded by ORF6, was not detectable in cells transfected with shRNA expression vectors. These results verified that RNAi can effectively inhibit PRRSV-JXwn06 replication in cultured cells in vitro. The four shRNA expression vectors are an initial step in the production of transgenic pigs with PRRSV resistance.  相似文献   

In recent years, no reports regarding genetic information on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) with a focus on Japan have been published. To clarify the effect of time on PRRSV genomic evolution, we sequenced the open reading frame 5 (600 or 603 bases) obtained from Japanese PRRSV isolates for three periods (1992-1993, 2000-2001, and 2007-2008) and compared their phylogenetic relationships. Assessment of mean pairwise homology of nucleotide sequences of PRRSV isolates indicated a trend towards increasing heterogeneity over time. In addition, we newly detected a virus classified in cluster IV, indicative of the increasing genetic variation of PRRSV in Japan.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is one of the most economically important swine pathogens because it is highly infectious and causes economic losses due to decreased pig productivity. In this study, the 603 bp complete major envelope protein encoding gene (ORF5) of 32 field PRRSV isolates from Vietnam collected during 2008–2012 were sequenced and analyzed. Multiple nucleotide (nt) and deduced amino acid (aa) alignments of ORF5 were performed on the 32 isolates: the representative strains (European and North American genotypes), Chinese strains available in GenBank and vaccine strains licensed for use in Vietnam. The results showed 94.8–100.0% nt identity and 94.0–100% aa similarity among the 32 isolates. These isolates shared similarities with the prototype of the North American PRRSV strain (VR‐2332; nt 87.8–89.3%, aa 87.5–90.0%), and Lelystat virus, the prototype of the European PRRSV strain (LV; nt 61.1–61.9%, aa 55.1‐57.0%). There was greater similarity with QN07 (nt 96.5‐98.5%, aa 96.0‐99.0%) from the 2007 PRRS outbreak in QuangNam Province, CH‐1a (nt 93.2–95.1%, 91.5–93.5%) isolated in China in 1995 and JXA1 (nt 96.5–98.6%, aa 95.0–98.0%), the highly pathogenic strain from China isolated in 2006. The Vietnamese isolates were more similar to JXA1‐R (nt 96.5–98.6%, aa 95.0–98.0%), the strain used in Chinese vaccines, than to Ingelvac MLV/BSL‐PS (nt 87.2–89.0%, aa 86.0–89.0%). Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 32 isolates were of the North American genotype and classified into sub‐lineage 8.7. This sub‐lineage contains highly pathogenic Chinese PRRSV strains. This study documents genetic variation in circulating PRRSV strains and could assist more effective use of PRRS vaccines in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), an arterivirus that causes significant losses in the pig industry, is one of the most important animal pathogens of global significance. Since the discovery of the virus, significant progress has been made in understanding its epidemiology and transmission, but no adequate control measures are yet available to eliminate infection with this pathogen. The genome replication of PRRSV is required to reproduce, within a few hours of infection, the millions of progeny virions that establish, disseminate, and maintain infection. Replication of the viral RNA genome is a multistep process involving a replication complex that is formed not only from components of viral and cellular origin but also from the viral genomic RNA template; this replication complex is embedded within particular virus-induced membrane vesicles. PRRSV RNA replication is directed by at least 14 replicase proteins that have both common enzymatic activities, including viral RNA polymerase, and also unusual and poorly understood RNA-processing functions. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of PRRSV replication, which is important for developing a successful strategy for the prevention and control of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) recently emerged in domestic pigs of Western Europe and North America. Although time of emergence was identical on the two continents, genetic composition was markedly different with a clear geographical subtype structure, indicating that subtypes diverged in separate reservoirs prior to emergence. Genetic analyses have shown that the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of Western European isolates existed around 1980 and that these originate from Eastern European pigs. These findings are challenged by a study of Hanada et al. who place the MRCA of all PRRSV isolates around 1980 and find that no significant subtype divergence occurred before emergence. Here, I discuss problems of information content, methodology, and biological plausibility associated with this study. Using alternative methodology, I reanalyze the existing data and conclude that the MRCA of all PRRSV isolates existed around 1880, 100 years before the date estimated by Hanada et al.  相似文献   

Zhou Z  Li X  Liu Q  Hu D  Yue X  Ni J  Yu X  Zhai X  Galliher-Beckley A  Chen N  Shi J  Tian K 《Journal of virology》2012,86(11):6373-6374
A highly pathogenic strain of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), characterized by a discontinuous 30-amino-acid deletion in its Nsp2-coding region, has been emerging in China since 2006. Here, we report the complete genomic sequence of two novel Chinese virulent PRRSV variants with additional NSP2-gene deletions, which will help us understand the molecular and evolutionary characteristics of PRRSV in Asia.  相似文献   

Pestiviruses, such as bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), share many similarities with hepatitis C virus (HCV) yet are more amenable to virologic and genetic analysis. For both BVDV and HCV, translation is initiated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). Besides IRES function, the viral 5' nontranslated regions (NTRs) may also contain cis-acting RNA elements important for viral replication. A series of chimeric RNAs were used to examine the function of the BVDV 5' NTR. Our results show that: (1) the HCV and the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) IRES element can functionally replace that of BVDV; (2) two 5' terminal hairpins in BVDV genomic RNA are important for efficient replication; (3) replacement of the entire BVDV 5' NTR with those of HCV or EMCV leads to severely impaired replication; (4) such replacement chimeras are unstable and efficiently replicating pseudorevertants arise; (5) pseudorevertant mutations involve deletion of 5' sequences and/or acquisition of novel 5' sequences such that the 5' terminal 3-4 bases of BVDV genome RNA are restored. Besides providing new insight into functional elements in the BVDV 5' NTR, these chimeras may prove useful as pestivirus vaccines and for screening and evaluation of anti-HCV IRES antivirals.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an important disease, which leads to severe economic losses in swine-producing areas of the world. However, current antiviral strategies cannot provide highly effective protection. In this study, three theoretically effective interference target sites (71–91, 144–164, 218–238) targeting the nucleocapsid (N) gene of PRRSV were designed and selected, and then three siRNA-expressing plasmids were constructed, respectively named p2.1-N71, p2.1-N144, and p2.1-N218. The recombinant siRNA-expressing plasmids were transfected into Marc-145 cells; then the cells were infected with PRRSV (JL07SW strain); finally, after incubation for 48 h, the antiviral activity of those siRNA-expressing plasmids in Marc-145 cells was assessed by cytopathic effects, virus titers, indirect immunofluorescence, and quantitative real-time PCR. Experimental results demonstrated that these three siRNA-expressing plasmids could effectively and significantly inhibit the replication of PRRSV by 93.2%, 83.6%, and 89.2% in Marc-145 cells, respectively. Among these three siRNA-expressing plasmids, p2.1-N71 was found to be most effective, while p2.1-N144 and p2.1-N218 displayed relatively weak inhibition of virus replication. The results indicated that siRNA-expressing plasmids targeting the N gene of PRRSV could significantly inhibit PRRSV replication in Marc-145 cells. Based on our experimental results and previous reports, the 71–91, 179–197, and 234–252 sites of the N gene are good choices to effectively inhibit the replication of PRRSV, and this RNA interference technique can be a potential anti-PRRSV strategy.  相似文献   

Wootton SK  Rowland RR  Yoo D 《Journal of virology》2002,76(20):10569-10576
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a cytoplasmic RNA virus with the unique or unusual feature of having a nucleocapsid (N) protein that is specifically transported to the nucleolus of virus-infected cells. In this communication, we show that the N protein is a phosphoprotein. Phosphoamino acid analysis of authentic and recombinant N proteins demonstrated that serine residues were exclusively phosphorylated. The pattern of phosphorylated N protein cellular distribution in comparison with that of [(35)S]methionine-labeled N protein suggested that phosphorylation does not influence subcellular localization of the protein. Time course studies showed that phosphorylation occurred during, or shortly after, synthesis of the N protein and that the protein remained stably phosphorylated throughout the life cycle of the virus to the extent that phosphorylated N protein was found in the mature virion. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and acid-urea gel electrophoresis showed that one species of the N protein is predominant in virus-infected cells, suggesting that multiple phosphorylated isoforms of N do not exist.  相似文献   

The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Virus (PRRSV) is an infectious disease that causes abortions and respiratory disorders in swine. In this study, the interaction between PRRSV and porcine dendritic cells generated from CD14(+) monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 was examined. As a result, it was shown that immature and mature dendritic cells can be productively infected with PRRSV. When the expression of surface MHC molecules on infected dendritic cells was determined, MHC classes I and II were found to be downregulated when compared with uninfected dendritic cells. With the exception of the IL-4 and IFN-gamma cytokines, the induction of the IL-10, IL-12, and TNF-alpha cytokines all increased in dendritic cells infected with PRRSV. A mixed lymphocyte reaction showed that peripheral blood mononuclear cells cocultured with PRRSVinfected dendritic cells were less stimulated than peripheral blood mononuclear cells cocultured with dendritic cells treated with PBS, LPS, or UV-inactivated PRRSV. Therefore, these results suggest that PRRSV would appear to modulate the immune stimulatory function of porcine dendritic cells.  相似文献   

为了探讨猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)ORF5基因编码的GP5蛋白和ORF6编码的M蛋白体外共表达特性,分别构建了PRRSV ORF5、ORF6单基因或双基因共表达的真核表达质粒pCI-ORF5、pCI-ORF6和pCI-ORF5/ORF6,转染BHK-21细胞,Western blot检测证实共表达的GP5和M蛋白能够形成异源二聚体。同时,以绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)和红色荧光蛋白(RFP)为示踪,发现当ORF5-EGFP和ORF6-RFP共表达时,能促进GP5蛋白从内质网向高尔基体转运,提示GP5-M异源二聚体的形成可能与GP5蛋白的翻译后修饰、转运、定位有关。  相似文献   

The gene product of open reading frame 5 (p25) of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus has been expressed by coinfection of culture cells with vaccinia virus expressing the T7 RNA polymerase and a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding the open reading frame 5 gene under the T7 promoter and the encephalomyocarditis virus internal ribosome entry site. In spite of the reported efficiency of the expression system, very poor accumulation of p25 protein was observed and a strong cytotoxicity was produced in the doubly infected cells. This cell toxicity was shown to occur by induction of apoptosis, as indicated by nucleosome ladder formation, chromatin condensation, and rRNA degradation. Apoptosis induction was also observed after infection of cultured cells with an adapted PRRS virus strain and after infection of swine macrophage cells with a PRRS virus field strain. Contrary to the observations made for other cases of virus-induced apoptosis, we could not prevent p25 protein-induced apoptosis by using a cell line permanently expressing Bcl-2 protein.  相似文献   

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