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Crested auklets emit a citrus-like odorant that is seasonally modulated, suggesting that it is a secondary sexual trait. We hypothesized that expression of the chemical odorant is facilitated by steroid hormones, similar other secondary sexual traits in birds. Therefore we examined variation in concentrations of hormones in blood plasma and odor production during incubation and early chick rearing. A novel method was used to obtain and measure chemical emissions of crested auklets. Blood plasma samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Progesterone was detected in all birds, and it varied during the breeding season. Octanal emissions covaried with progesterone levels in males but not in females. No seasonal patterns were detected in testosterone, estrogen or DHT, and these hormones were not detected in all breeding adults. Covariance of progesterone and octanal emissions in males suggests there could be at least an indirect relationship between odor emissions and steroid hormones in this species. Thus expression of the citrus-like odorant of crested auklets, like other secondary sexual traits in birds, could be regulated by steroid hormones.  相似文献   

Walsh HE  Jones IL  Friesen VL 《Genetics》2005,171(4):1885-1894
Whether speciation results more frequently from the genetic consequences of founder events or from gradual genetic divergence of large populations is a matter of debate. In this study, multiple analyses were applied to data from three loci (cytochrome b, alpha-enolase intron VIII, and MHC class II B) to test for founder effects associated with speciation in Aethia (Aves: Alcidae), a genus of seabirds thought to have undergone a rapid founder-induced radiation. Effective population sizes (N(e)) were derived from estimators of based on allelic diversity and the coalescent and from data on trans-species polymorphism. Results indicated that N(e) has been on the order of 10(5)-10(6) individuals throughout the evolutionary histories of least and crested auklets (A. pusilla and A. cristatella, respectively) and that N(e) of the ancestral species was at least 16,000 individuals. Computer simulations of MHC evolution indicated that a single-generation bottleneck at speciation could not have involved <85 individuals for each species. More moderate simulation scenarios indicated that population size could not have dropped below 2000 individuals at the time of species founding. Demographic history appears to have been stable for the auklets throughout the past several million years, and a founder effect associated with their speciation is unlikely.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether sexually selected crest and auricular plumefeather ornaments of crested auklet (Aethia cristatella) adultscovaried with individual local survival over 11 years (1991–2001).Crested auklets (n = 364 total) were captured near breedingsites, marked with color rings, and local survival estimateswere based on color ring resightings at a breeding colony. Survivalestimates and relationships among local survival and crest length,auricular plume length, mass and tarsus were evaluated usingthe program MARK. The best models included four groups, definedby sex and ease of resighting, that differed in resighting rate(p) but not local survival rate (). This model structure effectivelyexplained sources of variation in local survival and resightabilityamong individuals. The best fitting model showed local survivalrate varying annually, while accounting for differences in resightabilityof marked individuals between the sexes and groups ([t], p[sex*easeof resighting]). Annual local survival varied from 0.940 ±0.029 (SE) in 1993–1994 to 0.767 ± 0.034 in 1997–1998and averaged 0.859 ± 0.019. We found no evidence thatcrested auklet local survival covaried with continuous variationin individuals' ornaments. Simulations indicated that our dataset was sufficient to detect a relationship between local survivaland a covariate that equaled or exceeded a range of 8%. Theimplications for competing sexual selection mechanisms of empiricallymeasured survival–ornament relationships are controversial,but our study emphasizes that survival estimates for such investigationsmust control for confounding factors such as resighting rateas well as have sufficient statistical power and time scaleto be biologically meaningful. Our results are most consistentwith the idea that the conspicuous variation in crested auklet'sshowy ornaments is arbitrary with respect to individual viabilityas quantified by their long-term survival.  相似文献   

The crested auklet, a highly social planktivorous bird species of the Northern Pacific, is an important component of marine ecosystems. Although visual and acoustic modalities play a major role in the communication of these birds, the available data on the repertoire of their vocal signals and postures are scarce and lack quantitative analysis. This study deals with visual and acoustic displays of crested auklets on their breeding grounds and the occurrence frequencies of certain forms of social behavior in male and female birds. The data were collected on Talan Island (the Sea of Okhotsk) in 1987–1991 and 2008. They show that the rate of contacts between birds is very high and sex-specific: on average, males initiate 1.13 contacts/min, compared to 0.65 contacts/min initiated by females. Directionality of ruff-sniff displays differs depending on the posture of the recipient bird. The duration of the trumpeting display in males depends on their social surroundings. However, the duration of either the trumpeting display or the mutual cackling display during courtship is independent of the behavioral context. Vocalization of crested auklets is characterized by two independent basic frequencies occurring either sequentially or simultaneously. The role of different communicative modalities in the behavior of the crested auklet is discussed.  相似文献   

Feather molting and bill-late shedding were studied because of the unique features of the whiskered auklet biology; i.e., they continue to visit the colony after departure of their young. Like other auklets, the whiskered auklets begin to molt during breeding and do not lose their capacity for flight. The molt pattern of different wing feathers is adaptive and allows new feathers to be protected (when they are soft and could be easily injured) by old or full-grown new feathers during flight or feeding (diving) due to the different timing of the molt of primary feathers and their coverts. The possibility of combining breeding with molt appears to be related to the feeding features of the species. The species that feed on abundant and highly aggregated plankton are able to molt during breeding. The pattern of bill-plate shedding in the whiskered auklet is similar to that in the crested auklet.  相似文献   

This is the third paper on the breeding biology of the whiskered auklet on Buldyr' Island (Aleutian Islands) based on material collected in 1993. Unlike other alcid birds, both adult and young whiskered auklets returned to the colony the night after the end of the breeding season. From the end of July until the third ten-day period of August, the number of adult birds that returned to the island was at approximately the same level, and then decreased, while the number of young birds that returned to the islands markedly varied, and peaks were noted every 5–8 nights. Adult birds continued to visit all the nest habitats, but not all nest chambers were visited equally frequently. In the first and third ten-day periods of August, the auklets visited 61% and 19.8% of the nest chambers, respectively. It remains unclear whether they were their hosts, or other birds used their nests for the next year. The return of adult and young birds to the colony to sleep after the breeding season appears to be related to the settled mode of life of the whiskered auklet and its feeding near the islands in water perturbations caused by tidal currents.  相似文献   

The improvement of efficiency traits, such as protein efficiency (PE), digestible energy efficiency (EnE) and lipid gain (LipG), are relevant given their associations with environmental pollution, cost of production, and the quality of meat. However, these traits are difficult to measure and usually require slaughtering of pigs. Efficiency traits are complex, and several factors, such as genetic predisposition, feed composition, but also individual feeding behaviour may contribute to efficiency. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate the potential of using feeding behaviour traits to predict efficiency traits under dietary protein restriction. A total of 587 Swiss Large White pigs, consisting of 312 females and 275 castrated males, had ad libitum access to feed and water, and were fed a protein-reduced diet (80% of recommended digestible protein and essential amino acids) from 22.5 ± 1.6 to 106.6 ± 4.6 kg BW. Individual feed intake was monitored and carcass composition (lean and fat mass) at slaughter was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The PE and EnE were calculated as the ratio of protein or energy in the carcass (estimated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) to the total protein or energy consumed. Feeding behaviour traits monitored were daily feed intake, feed intake per meal, number of daily meals, duration per meal, feeding rate, and feeder occupation. A partial least square (PLS) regression was used to predict PE, EnE and LipG from feeding behaviour traits, while including farrowing series (for PE only), age at slaughter and BW at slaughter. Accuracy of PLS regression was assessed based on RMSE and R2 for calibration and validation sets, and on concordance correlation coefficient, which were estimated over 100 replicates of calibration and validation sets. Models with a number of latent variables of 5, 2 and 3 were identified as optimal for PE, EnE, and LipG, which explained 34.64%, 55.42% and 82.68% of the total variation in PE, EnE, and LipG, respectively. Significant concordance correlation coefficient was found between predicted and observed values for PE (0.50), EnE (0.70), and LipG (0.90). In conclusion, individual feeding behaviour traits can better predict EnE and LipG than for PE under dietary protein restriction when fed ad libitum.  相似文献   

The pollen–ovule ratio (P/O) is commonly used to estimate the mode of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. In previous studies, a clear correspondence has been detected between this character and the degree of autogamy. We here investigate variation in this character and its expected correlates in the genus Veronica (Plantaginaceae). Pollen–ovule ratios of 45 species representing eleven percent of all the species in the genus were investigated and compared with results from crossing experiments from previous studies. In addition, multiple populations of 17 of the 45 studied species were sampled and a controlled‐environment experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of intraspecific variation. Moreover, relationships between P/O and other primary and secondary reproductive characters of the Veronica flower were investigated in relation to a phylogenetic hypothesis in order to determine the phylogenetic constraints on reproductive characters. The differences in P/O among species correspond well to the diversity of mating systems in Veronica and correlate well with other floral characters such as corolla size. These characters together seem to allow a powerful and fast tool to infer mating systems. However, causes for intraspecific variation of P/O, such as different cytotypes, ecotypes or different growth conditions, need to be considered.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of age and adult nutritional status of Ceratitis capitata males on their ability to inhibit female remating. Their roles and that of copula duration on the amount of sperm transferred to female spermathecae were also analysed. After emergence, adults were kept in separate groups according to their diets (either high protein – 6.5 g of brewer’s yeast, or low protein – 3.5 g of brewer’s yeast) and their age at the time of use in experiments (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 days old). The results demonstrated that: (i) male age was not a factor that influenced remating when females mated with well‐nourished males; however, the youngest males (4 days old) in the low‐protein group were less efficient in preventing female remating; (ii) 12‐ and 16‐day‐old males fed on a high‐protein diet transferred and produced more sperm than males of other groups; (iii) there was no correlation between copula duration and the amount of sperm transferred to the female; the longest copula durations were observed among low‐protein‐diet/20‐day‐old males. These results suggest that age and nutrition influence the ability of the males to inhibit female remating. The sterile insect technique is most effective when females do not remate after coupling with sterile males, and therefore, the capacity to inhibit female remating is an important characteristic of males released in the field.  相似文献   

观赏灌木小枝和叶性状在林下庇荫环境中的权衡关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小枝与叶片间的关系能够很好地反映植物对环境的适应策略。目前,从枝叶间权衡关系的角度研究树木对庇荫环境适应性的报道尚少,其中主要包括"生长-生长"权衡和"生长-生存"权衡两种假说。因此,为了探讨灌木在庇荫环境中,是否会在小枝和叶性状间采取权衡策略,来提高光照资源的利用能力或增强生存和防御能力,在城市绿地的林隙和林冠下两种光环境中,选择了没有人工修枝、整形等经营措施的金银木(Lonicera maackii)、小花溲疏(Deutzia parviflora)和连翘(Forsythia suspensa)等11种、79株观赏灌木作为研究对象,采集其当年生小枝,观测并计算了每棵灌木所处环境的有效光合辐射(PAR)相对累积光量和红光/远红光(R/FR),以及灌木的小枝干重(TDW)、单位小枝叶干重(LDW)、出叶强度(LN/TDW)、叶面积支持效率(LA/TDW)、比枝长(TL/TDW)和单叶面积(ILA) 6个性状。对数据进行标准化和数据转换后,运用Pearson相关检验分析光环境指标和灌木枝叶性状间的相关性;采用标准化主轴估计法进行异速生长方程的参数估计;使用多元回归分析不同光强下各性状的相互关系。结果表明:(1) PAR相对累积光量和R/FR与TDW和LDW呈极显著(P0.01或P0.001)正相关,与TL/TDW、LA/TDW、LN/TDW呈极显著(P0.001)负相关,与ILA相关性不显著(P 0.05)。整体上,R/FR与各灌木性状的相关性大于PAR相对累积光量;(2) TDW和LDW存在极显著(P0.001)的异速生长正相关关系。随着光强的减小,灌木当年生小枝和叶片的生物量都趋于减小,但是表现出相对偏向于叶片生物量的投资偏好;(3) LA/TDW和TL/TDW存在极显著(P0.001)的等速生长正相关关系。但随着光强的减小,比枝长随叶面积支持效率增加而增加的速率却减小,说明灌木在庇荫条件下,更倾向于采取忍耐型的光资源利用策略;(4) ILA和LN/TDW呈极显著(P0.001)异速生长负相关关系。随着光强的减小,灌木趋向于表现出单位小枝上着生大量小叶的现象。所以总体上,庇荫环境下的观赏灌木存在投资偏好和权衡,倾向于通过枝叶生长提高光截获能力来适应弱光环境,与"生长-生长"的权衡假说相符,但整体上,观赏灌木的耐阴性较差,故不建议种植在庇荫环境中。  相似文献   

The consequences of selfing and outcrossing in Datura stramonium, a colonizing annual species, were experimentally assessed in terms of the fecundity of maternal plants and the performance of their progeny. Selfed and cross-pollinated plants were produced through controlled crosses and were then planted in their native environment. We recorded size at establishment, final height, number of branches, fruits, total biomass, and resistance to herbivores for each plant. Natural selection was measured for plant size and resistance to herbivores in both types of plants. Seed production (fecundity) was higher for fruits developed from outcrossing than for fruits derived from selfing. Among-family differences were detected for seed mass, but these were not related to mating system. No differences in germination, plant size, and fruit number were found between the two mating systems. Damage produced by two herbivores, Epitrix parvula and Sphenarium purpurascens, ranged from 0 to 95% of total leaf area; however, there were no differences in resistance to both herbivorous insects either among families or between mating systems. Plant survival through the whole season was similar for plants of both types of crossing. The direction and magnitude of phenotypic selection for each trait were similar for both types of progeny. Directional selection to increase plant size and reduce resistance to E. parvula was detected, while no selection was detected for resistance to 5. purpurascens. Curvilinear (stabilizing/disruptive) and correlational selection modes were not detected for any trait. Inbreeding depression coefficients were all statistically indistinguishable from zero, except for seed number per fruit. The inbreeding depression coefficient for seed number was high and close to 40%, suggesting that evolution toward complete selfing may be prevented in this population of Datura stramonium.  相似文献   

Thirteen Betula species were tested for resistance to the birch leafminer, Femusa pusilla (Lepeletier), using no-choice assays. Birch leafminers were able to oviposit into expanding leaves of all Betula individuals tested. Larvae did not survive within any of the tested individuals of three species, B. alleghaniensis (Britt.), B. grossa (S. & Z.), and B. lenta (L.). Leafminer eggs deposited into the leaves of these species hatched, and larvae fed for a short period before dying. These three species were classified as highly resistant to birch leafminer, based on very low percent of mines (0.6-3.1%) with a diameter >3 mm. Eight species, B. papyrifera (Marsh), B. pendula (Roth), B. turkestanica (Litvin), B. glandulifira (Regal), B. ermanii (Cham.), B. platyphylla variety japonica [(Miq.) Hara], B. populifolia (Marsh) and B. maximowicziana (Regal) were classified as susceptible, with percent of mines >3 mm diameter of 87-94%. Two species, B. costata (Trautv.) and B. davurica (Pall.), displayed intermediate and variable resistance. B. davurica exhibited a mechanism of resistance not observed in the other species, Eggs oviposited into the leaves of resistant B. davurica individuals became surrounded by an area of discolored and necrotic tissue, and died. This response resembles the programmed cell death associated with a hypersensitive response.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Thirty-one stocks of a marine ciliate, Euplotes minuta Yocom, collected from different localities, can be grouped in seven mating types. True pairs are formed only in mixtures of stocks belonging to different mating types. No selfing pairs or intraclonal conjugation have ever been observed. Synclonal inheritance of mating types is the rule, although about 10% of pairs show clonal inheritance. The latter can be explained by assuming syncaryon formation through cytogamy or through caryogamy of pronuclei derived from different products of meiosis. Mating type determination is due to 7 alleles at the single locus mt . There is complete dominance among the 7 alleles which can be orderly seriated, as shown in Table 3, according to their dominance relationship. The 5 stocks, and only these 5, of mating type VII have the autogamy trait. The mortality rate in F1 and F2 is very low–a maximum of 10%; however, the F2'S obtained by autogamy from F1 progenies in which mating type VII is involved have a very high mortality rate. The two facts (high mortality rate in F2 and strict association of autogamy trait with mating type VII in natural populations) have been considered as evidences of a probable isolation mechanism existing between mating type VII and the other 6 mating types. Thus, the 7 mating types have been assigned to the same syngen only tentatively.  相似文献   

Sexual ornaments are predicted to honestly signal individual condition. We might therefore expect ornament expression to show a senescent decline, in parallel with late-life deterioration of other characters. Conversely, life-history theory predicts the reduced residual reproductive value of older individuals will favor increased investment in sexually attractive traits. Using a 25-year dataset of more than 5000 records of breeding collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) of known age, we quantify cross-sectional patterns of age-dependence in ornamental plumage traits and report long-term declines in expression that mask highly significant positive age-dependency. We partition this population-level age-dependency into its between- and within-individual components and show expression of ornamental white plumage patches exhibits within-individual increases with age in both sexes, consistent with life-history theory. For males, ornament expression also covaries with life span, such that, within a cohort, ornamentation indicates survival. Finally, we compared longitudinal age-dependency of reproductive traits and ornamental traits in both sexes, to assess whether these two trait types exhibit similar age-dependency. These analyses revealed contrasting patterns: reproductive traits showed within-individual declines in late-life females consistent with senescence; ornamental traits showed the opposite pattern in both males and females. Hence, our results for both sexes suggest that age-dependent ornament expression is consistent with life-history models of optimal signaling and, unlike reproductive traits, proof against senescence.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory suggests that female remating rate determines the selective regime that dictates the evolution of male ejaculate allocation. To test for correlated evolution between female remating behaviour and male ejaculate traits, we subjected detailed experimental data on female and male reproductive traits in seven-seed beetle species to phylogenetic comparative analyses. The evolution of a larger first ejaculate was positively correlated with the evolution of a more rapid decline in ejaculate size over successive matings. Further, as predicted by theory, an increase in female remating rate correlated with the evolution of larger male testes but smaller ejaculates. However, an increase in female remating was associated with the evolution of a less even allocation of ejaculate resources over successive matings, contrary to classic sperm competition theory. We failed to find any evidence for coevolution between the pattern of male ejaculate allocation and variation in female quality and we conclude that some patterns of correlated evolution are congruent with current theory, whereas some are not. We suggest that this may reflect the fact that much sperm competition theory does not fully incorporate other factors that may affect the evolution of male and female traits, such as trade-offs between ejaculate expenditure and other competing demands and the evolution of resource acquisition.  相似文献   

The embryological features of three species of Swertia ( s.l.) – S. erythrosticta , S. franchetiana , and S. tetraptera – were characterized, and the observations were used, together with previously gathered data on other species, to evaluate a recently proposed polyphyly, based on molecular data, of Swertia s.l. Comparisons of species within the genus showed that they have diversified embryologically, and there are significant between-species differences. Notable features that vary between species include the number of cell layers that form the anther locule wall, the construction of the wall of the mature anther, tapetum origin, the cell number in mature pollen grains, the structure of the fused margins of the two carpels, the ovule numbers in placental cross-sections, the shape of the mature embryo sac, the degree of ovule curvature, antipodal variation and the presence of a hypostase, and seed appendages. They share characters that are widely distributed in the tribe Gentianeae, such as a dicotyledonous type of anther wall formation, a glandular tapetum with uninucleate cells, simultaneous cytokinesis following the meiosis of the microsporocytes, tetrahedral microspore tetrads, superior, bicarpellary and unilocular ovaries, unitegmic and tenuinucellar ovules, Polygonum -type megagametophytes, progamous fertilization, nuclear endosperm, and Solanad-type embryogeny. The presence of variation in embryological characters amongst the species of Swertia s.l. strongly supports the view that Swertia s.l. is not a monophyletic group. Frasera is better separated from Swertia s.l. as an independent genus, and is only distantly related to Swertia s.s. judging from the numerous differences in embryology. Swertia tetraptera is very closely related to Halenia , as they show identical embryology.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 383–400.  相似文献   

Although female remating has been studied extensively in insects, few studies have been carried out for male remating (second mating). In this study, we analyzed Drosophila melanogaster males for their remating potential, using iso‐female line culture initiated with wild flies collected from eight Indian geographic localities. We examined the association of latitude and percent melanization with first and second male mating (including mating‐related traits). Our results indicated that second male mating has a negative latitudinal cline opposite to that of first mating. Body melanization is negatively correlated with second mating by male and positively with first mating (measured in terms of percent mated pairs). Mating latency during first (ML1) and second (ML2) male mating has a negative latitudinal cline, but slope values differ significantly as ML2 is great at higher latitudes as compared to ML1. The difference between ML1 and ML2 is non‐significant at lower latitudes. However, copulation period of second mating (CP2) has a negative latitudinal cline, whereas copulation period of first mating (CP1) has positive latitudinal cline. Next, the latency and copulation period differ significantly between first and second male mating treatments in within‐population analyses as well as in melanic strains. Furthermore, male remating ability (number of maximum successful remating attempts continuously by a male in 12 h) also follows negative latitudinal cline. The lower latitudinal lighter males have more remating ability as compared to darker males from higher latitudes.  相似文献   

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