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Grime's CSR species life‐strategy theory (competition–stress–ruderality) provides a conceptual framework to classify species into competitive (growing under high productivity, low disturbance), stress‐tolerant (low productivity, low disturbance) and ruderal (high productivity, high disturbance). Importantly, this classification is based on the assumption that the niche space of disturbance and productivity is filled unevenly: while in productive habitats species can adapt to different disturbance regimes, species of low‐productivity and disturbed habitats do not exist, resulting in a triangular distribution of species optima along axes of disturbance and productivity. This assumption has often been criticised, but it has not yet been put under a rigorous test. Here we use existing data on niche positions of central European plant species to test this hypothesis, namely its prediction that species adapted to jointly stressed (low‐productive) and disturbed habitats do not exist. We use Ellenberg indicator values and newly developed indicator values for disturbance as proxies of species positions in the space of productivity and disturbance. We found that positions of species optima along the gradients of productivity and disturbance severity are not independent of each other, with very few species adapted to low‐productive and severely disturbed habitats. In contrast, there is no relationship between productivity and disturbance frequency; a number of species occur in low‐productive and frequently disturbed habitats. The relationship between productivity and disturbance severity can be either due to tradeoffs between life history traits responsible for response to disturbance and productivity (as originally assumed by Grime) or due to historical rarity of severely disturbed habitats in unproductive conditions and consequent absence of evolution of species adapted to them. Our data are based on one specific flora, shaped by glaciations and early introduction of agriculture, but the question of what causes this pattern can be resolved by future analyses of floras with different evolutionary and ecological histories.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence on the role of the cell cycle in plant growth regulation does not exclusively fit the cellular (division drives growth) or the organismal perspective (division merely accompanies growth). Here we present a broader, integrated concept of plant growth regulatory interactions, which accommodates experimental results gathered to date. This model can serve as a basis for future research, and prompts experimental approaches to encompass both measurements of cell growth and division parameters.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of chloride cells in the gills of eels kept in artificial sea water and of a control animal kept in fresh water was studied. In addition to glutaraldehydeosmium tetroxide and simple osmium tetroxide fixation, a special method for the demonstration of chloride ions was used (Komnick, 1962, 1963). Based on the principle of silver chloride precipitation in the presence of chloride ions, the procedure showed positive results in the chloride cells of eels adapted to sea water. Smooth-surfaced tubules of the endoplasmic reticulum contained a material of medium to strong electron density, that was often in communication with the plasma membrane. The same material, always of very high density, was present in the intercellular spaces, thus forming conspicuous lines around cells. The silver precipitate was found very often in large quantities in the pits of chloride cells, having thereby the aspect of a secretory product. However, a direct communication between the system of endoplasmic reticulum tubules containing the silver reaction product with the above-mentioned masses of silver chloride was not demonstrated. Schultz (1958) first published an electron micrograph of these cells. Two features, numerous mitochondria and highly developed agranular endoplasmic reticulum, affirmed by all later investigators, have remained the most important criteria for the identification of chloride cells (Kessel and Beams, 1962; Philpott, 1962; Philpott and Copeland, 1963; Rhodin, 1964; Henrikson and Matoltsy, 1968). Kessel and Beams (1962) and Philpott and Copeland (1963) demonstrated pits, or apical cavities (Oberg, 1967) filled with an amorphous granular substance of medium electron density. (Threadgold and Houston, 1964). These cavities are found in animals adapted to sea water only, and correspond to the excretory vesicles described earlier by Copeland (1948). Philpott and Copeland demonstrated numerous vesicles and tubules in the cytoplasm surrounding the apical cavities and opening into them, possibly contributing to their granular material. Several authors attempted to demonstrate a chloride excretory function of chloride cells with the aid of some histochemical reactions. Copeland (1948), Datta Munshi (1964) and Philpott (1966) used silver techniques  相似文献   

Female Aphidecta obliterata consumed an average of 26.6 ± 5.8 Elatobium abietinum and males consumed an average of 19.9 ± 3.2 Elatobium abietinum, but there was no significant difference in the number consumed between the sexes. In Petri dish trials, the larval stages of A. obliterata and all stages of Adalia bipunctata appeared to exhibit a Type II response to prey density, although A. obliterata adults showed a more linear response to prey density. There was no significant difference between the functional responses of the 3rd instars of the two coccinellid species, but there was a significant difference between the responses shown by the 1st instars, with A. obliterata larvae consuming more than those of A. bipunctata, especially at low densities, suggesting that the two species respond differently to an increase in prey density.At low prey densities, adults and 4th instars of both species exhibited a similar response to an increase in prey density but at higher densities the 4th instars and adult stages of A. bipunctata showed higher attack rates when compared with the same stages of A. obliterata.Adult and 4th instar A. obliterata exhibited Type II functional responses on spruce sections. The 4th instar A. obliterata larva appeared to be a more effective predator than the adult of the species, and was more effective when compared with adult A. bipunctata at lower prey densities but A. bipunctata adults appeared to be a more effective predator at higher prey densities.The host plant affected the rate of consumption by adult A. obliterata as adults on Sitka spruce sections consumed significantly higher numbers of aphids than their counterparts on Norway spruce. This was most noticeable at densities above 16 aphids.The distributions of the two coccinellid species in the olfactometer were significantly affected by the presence of host plant material. Aphidecta obliterata adults were found in significantly higher numbers in the Sitka spruce chambers than the control chambers (those without plant material). Adalia bipunctata adults were found in significantly lower numbers in the Norway spruce chamber than the control chamber.Although A. bipunctata has a higher level of voracity than A. obliterata, the latter is more adapted to the spruce environment and the boom and bust population dynamics of E. abietinum.  相似文献   

Tobias Uller  Mats Olsson 《Oikos》2003,101(2):317-322
The relative importance of genetic and environmental factors for explaining differences in trait distributions between populations is one of the major issues in evolutionary biology. In ectotherms, temperature can have a major impact on morphology, physiology, and life history strategies, and has often been inferred to explain differences between populations. In species with active thermoregulation, however, the ambient temperature may not be as important as the opportunity for thermoregulation. We studied growth in juvenile common lizards ( Lacerta vivipara ) originating from two environments differing in such thermal opportunity (i.e. day length). The populations differed significantly in their norms of reaction, with lizards experiencing long days in the wild showing a steeper increase in growth rate with increasing thermal opportunity. The environment with longer days also has a lower mean temperature in the wild, and in accordance with evolutionary predictions, lizards from this population had higher endurance at low temperatures. Both populations showed genetic variation in degree of phenotypic plasticity in growth rate as evident from the extensive crossing in norms of reaction.  相似文献   

The response of stomata in isolated epidermis to the concentration of CO2 in the gaseous phase was examined in a C3 species, the Argenteum mutant of Pisum sativum, and a crassulacean-acid-metabolism (CAM) species, Kalanchoë daigremontiana. Epidermis from leaves of both species was incubated on buffer solutions in the presence of air containing various volume fractions of CO2 (0 to 10000·10–6). In both species and in the light and in darkness, the effect of CO2 was to inhibit stomatal opening, the maximum inhibition of opening occurring in the range 0 to 360·10–6. The inhibition of opening per unit change in concentration was greatest between volume fractions of 0 and 240·10–6. There was little further closure above the volume fraction of 360·10–6, i.e. approximately ambient concentration of CO2. Thus, although leaves of CAM species may experience much higher internal concentrations of CO2 in the light than those of C3 plants, this does not affect the sensitivity of their stomata to CO2 concentration or the range over which they respond. Stomatal responses to CO2 were similar in both the light and the dark, indicating that effects of CO2 on stomata occur via mechanisms which are independent of light. The responses of stomata to CO2 in the gaseous phase took place without the treatments changing the pH of the buffered solutions. Thus it is unlikely that CO2 elicited stomatal movement by changing either the pH or the HCO 3 /CO 3 2- equilibria. It is suggested that the concentration of dissolved unhydrated CO2 may be the effector of stomatal movement and that its activity is related to its reactivity with amines.  相似文献   

This paper explores the scope and limitations of the economic valuation of biodiversity. How and why is this a useful exercise, but in what way is its usefulness constrained? These issues are discussed with particular reference to cultural values within the context of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceutical development. It is argued that whilst economic valuation is an extremely important and necessary aid to formulating conservation policy, it probably is not that informative about the motivations of people in their use of certain natural resources. This is especially true for the case of medicinal plants where belief systems about the causes of disease and therefore strategies for healing are important. The paper reviews studies which have attempted to put monetary values on medicinal plants and the option values of pharmaceuticals developed from plants, and discusses the applicability of the various approaches. The implications for conservation policy, and for likely collaboration between social and natural scientists is discussed.  相似文献   

Very little is known about how spatial effects influence invasive species throughout the invasion sequence. We propose here two mechanisms to explain the changes in spatial effects throughout the stages of invasion, using the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) as a model. First, the “hierarchical spatial effect” hypothesis, based on a change in the relative importance of the spatial scales throughout the invasion process, with main effect at broad scale during the first years of invasion, and main effect at local scale during the subsequent years. Second, the “host-switching spatial effect” hypothesis, stating that the spatial effect is driven by a switch in the effect of the host/habitat throughout the invasion process, from effect of main summer host/habitat during the first years of invasion to effect of overwintering host/habitat during the subsequent years. Data from governmental archives and field samplings enabled to investigate the spatial effects on aphid density at three scales (regional, landscape, local) during a 7 year period (2006–2012). Our results demonstrate that the hierarchical spatial effect hypothesis is not an adequate model for the soybean aphid, aphid density being more affected by landscape-scale factors irrespective of years. In contrast, our results are in accordance with the host-switching spatial hypothesis, with positive effect of the main summer host/habitat (soybean) during the first steps of invasion (2006–2008), followed by a positive effect of overwintering habitats (buckthorn, woodland) during the subsequent years (2010–2012). Overall, investigating these hypotheses in other systems would determine whether the same tendency is observed for other invasive species.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells contain a pool of iron that is not strongly bound to proteins, which can be detected with fluorescent chelating probes. The cellular ligands of this biologically important “chelatable”, “labile” or “transit” iron are not known. Proposed ligands are problematic, because they are saturated by magnesium under cellular conditions and/or because they are not “safe”, i.e. they allow iron to catalyse hydroxyl radical formation. Among small cellular molecules, certain inositol phosphates (InsPs) excel at complexing Fe3+ in such a “safe” manner in vitro. However, we previously calculated that the most abundant InsP, inositol hexakisphosphate, cannot interact with Fe3+ in the presence of cellular concentrations of Mg2+. In this work, we study the metal complexation behaviour of inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate [Ins(1,2,3)P 3], a cellular constituent of unknown function and the simplest InsP to display high-affinity, “safe”, iron complexation. We report thermodynamic constants for the interaction of Ins(1,2,3)P 3 with Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+. Our calculations indicate that Ins(1,2,3)P 3 can be expected to complex all available Fe3+ in a quantitative, 1:1 reaction, both in cytosol/nucleus and in acidic compartments, in which an important labile iron subpool is thought to exist. In addition, we calculate that the fluorescent iron probe calcein would strip Fe3+ from Ins(1,2,3)P 3 under cellular conditions, and hence labile iron detected using this probe may include iron bound to Ins(1,2,3)P 3. Therefore Ins(1,2,3)P 3 is the first viable proposal for a transit iron ligand. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

As reported in the European Community regulation, grappa is a spirit beverage made in Italy from marc that has been steam distilled or distilled after the addition of water. Grape marc from red grapes has already undergone alcoholic fermentation with the must and can be distilled immediately. Grape marc from white grapes does not contain ethanol but contains sugars that are fermented by spontaneous anaerobic fermentation during a storage period. The characteristic aroma of grappa consists of a large number of volatile compounds, which arise from various sources, the most important of which is yeast. Very few studies have been undertaken to characterize the natural populations of yeast during the fermentation of grape marc. The goal of this study was to understand how different pHs, temperatures and yeast starter cultures affect the growth and dynamics of yeast species involved in pomace fermentation, which could be the basis for improving the final quality of grappa production. We found that a temperature of 15°C has the greatest effect on improving the quality of the product. Unfortunately, due to the solid state of the grape marc and the impossibility of its mixing, it appears that acidification and the addition of yeast starter cultures during the silage period are not effective.  相似文献   

1. Geographical orientation affects the magnitude of microclimatic edge effects, mainly by altering the exposure to solar radiation. There is considerable evidence available concerning the influence of microclimatic edge effects on organisms at the population level, although little is known about effects at the community level, and variations with edge geographical orientation have barely been addressed. The present study investigated the influence of microclimatic conditions at the forest interior and edges with different geographical orientation on plant–leafminer–parasitoid food webs in the fragmented Chaco Serrano forest located in Central Argentina. 2. Microclimatic variables were measured in three locations: interior, north, and south-facing edges of six forest fragments. In each location, plant resource availability was assessed and mined leaves were collected to investigate plant–leafminer–parasitoid communities by rearing leafminer and parasitoid adults. 3. The results obtained revealed changes in the specific composition of plant, leafminer and parasitoid communities among locations, although they failed to detect location influences on most variables linked to abundance (except for leafminers), richness or food web structure. Leafminer abundance was negatively related to temperature, whereas their richness was related, also negatively, to moisture. Instead, parasitoids were favoured by higher temperatures and light levels, stronger winds, and lower humidity. 4. The results of the present study indicate that the effects of microclimatic conditions may depend on the trophic level considered. Moreover, the findings suggest that possible trade-offs between direct and indirect effects (such as plant quality, floral resources, etc.) of microclimatic conditions could influence plant and insect responses to location.  相似文献   

Environmental stress may favour facilitative interactions among plants but whether these interactions are positive for the benefactor and how this depends on stress factors, remains to be determined. We studied the effect of beneficiary cover and biomass on reproduction of the benefactor cushion plant Laretia acaulis (Apiaceae) in the central Chilean Andes during three years. Study sites were situated along an elevational gradient at 2600, 2800, 3000 and 3150 m a.s.l. This range comprises a cold‐ and a drought‐stress gradient, with moisture increasing and temperature decreasing with elevation. We studied the effect of natural gradients in beneficiary cover and of experimental cover removal on cushion flower and fruit production. Beneficiary cover had a negative effect on flower production but not on infructescence and fruit densities or fruit weights. A positive effect of beneficiaries on the fraction of flowers converted into fruits was detected for hermaphrodite cushions. The effect of beneficiary cover on flowering was independent of elevation or cushion gender, although these latter factors explained most of the variation. Removing the aboveground parts of the beneficiaries positively affected flowering at 2800 m a.s.l. but not at the other elevations. Our results suggest negative effects of facilitation on L. acaulis flowering, but these are neutralized in fruit production. Surprisingly, this conclusion holds along the entire elevational or stress gradient. This suggests that this system of facilitation is evolutionarily stable and not very sensitive to environmental change. It remains to be tested, however, whether facilitation affects fitness via growth and long‐term survival in these slow‐growing alpine cushions.  相似文献   

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