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Novel insights into the evolutionary history of a taxonomically complex tropical plant group were gained in this study using DNA sequence data. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the newly circumscribed and expanded tribe Poranthereae (Phyllanthaceae) is presented. Sampling included 97 accessions for 63 of c. 120 species. Largely congruent results have been obtained from nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid matK sequences. These analyses support the recognition of Andrachne and Leptopus as distinct genera. The deceptively similar Andrachne section Phyllanthopsis, Andrachne ovalis, and Leptopus decaisnei are separate lineages to be segregated. Zimmermannia and Zimmermanniopsis are embedded in Meineckia; Oreoporanthera is embedded in Poranthera; and Archileptopus is embedded in Leptopus. Andrachne section Pseudophyllanthus is polyphyletic, the two Madagascan endemics emerging as a sister clade to Meineckia. The noncontiguous distributions of Andrachne sensu lato and Leptopus sensu lato were found to be the result of separate evolutionary histories of morphologically similar clades, whereas Andrachne sensu stricto and Meineckia remain geographically disjunct. Actephila and Leptopus are sisters with a sympatric distribution in humid Asia. Presence of petals appears to be plesiomorphic for the tribe. Petals are reduced in Actephila and Oreoporanthera and lost in the Meineckia clade.  相似文献   

A comparative study was undertaken on the leaves and petioles of 16 species of Mallotus in order to investigate anatomical variations of potential in species identification. There is a range of characters which varies between species. These include the outline of the midrib and petiole in transverse sections, the shape of the vascular tissue in midribs, the presence of central bundles in the petiole, the presence of terminal sclereids, enlarged tracheids, presence or absence of non-glandular trichomes, and parenchymatous sheaths in vascular bundles. A combination of these characters may be used to identify species. Anatomical data support the placing of only a few species into the respective sections.  相似文献   

Discocarpus pedicellatus, a new species from semideciduous forests of southern Bahia, is here described and illustrated. Pistillate flowers with pedicels 8–10 mm long and styles usually connate into a column 2.5–3 mm long are diagnostic for this species.  相似文献   

The structure and ontogeny of foliar stomata were studied in 50 species of 28 genera belonging to 17 tribes of the family Euphorbiaceae. The epidermal cells are either polygonal, trapezoidal, or variously elongated in different directions and diffusely arranged. The epidermal anticlinal walls are either straight, arched or sinuous. The architecture of cuticular striations varies with species. The mature stomata are paracytic (most common), anisocytic, anomocytic and diacytic. Occasionally a stoma may be tetracytic, cyclocytic or with a single subsidiary cell. The ontogeny of paracytic stomata is mesogenous dolabrate or trilabrate, mesoperigenous dolabrate; that of diacytic stomata is mesogenous dolabrate, whereas that of anisocytic stomata is mesogenous trilabrate; rarely an anisocytic stoma may be mesoperigenous. Hemiparacytic stomata are mesoperigenous unilabrate; tetracytic stomata are mesoperigenous dolabrate and anomocytic stomata perigenous. Abnormalities encountered include four types of contiguous stomata, stomata with a single or both guard cells aborted and persistent stomatal initials. Cytoplasmic connections between the guard cells of two adjacent stomata or the guard cell of a stoma and an adjacent epidermal/subsidiary cell, or both types occurring in a species, were noticed. The stomatal development, distribution, diversity and basic stomatal type with reference to systematics are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper provides a comprehensive wood anatomical survey of sixteen Indian species belonging to six genera, viz. Breynia, Flueggea, Glochidion, Leptopus, Margaritaria and Phyllanthus, of Phyllantheae (Phyllanthaceae). Systematic relationships were evaluated within the Phyllantheae with special emphasis on wood anatomical distinctiveness and recognition of genera within the super‐genus Phyllanthus s.l. Except for Leptopus, the wood microstructure of all genera was found to be largely homogeneous. The results confirm the generic identity of Glochidion, Phyllanthus and Breynia s.l. (including Sauropus) within Phyllanthus s.l. and supports the segregation of Leptopus from Phyllantheae. Further, the results did not favour the placement of P. columnaris and P. polyphyllus in same subsection ‘Polyphylli’ of Emblica sect. Emblica. Ecological and evolutionary aspects of the wood anatomy within the tribe are also discussed.  相似文献   

Phytohormones are integral to the regulation of fruit development and maturation. This review expands upon current understanding of the relationship between hormone signaling and fruit development, emphasizing fleshy fruit and highlighting recent work in the model crop tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and additional species. Fruit development comprises fruit set initiation, growth, and maturation and ripening. Fruit set transpires after fertilization and is associated with auxin and gibberellic acid (GA) signaling. Interaction between auxin and GAs, as well as other phytohormones, is mediated by auxin-responsive Aux/IAA and ARF proteins. Fruit growth consists of cell division and expansion, the former shown to be influenced by auxin signaling. While regulation of cell expansion is less thoroughly understood, evidence indicates synergistic regulation via both auxin and GAs, with input from additional hormones. Fruit maturation, a transitional phase that precipitates ripening, occurs when auxin and GA levels subside with a concurrent rise in abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene. During fruit ripening, ethylene plays a clear role in climacteric fruits, whereas non-climacteric ripening is generally associated with ABA. Recent evidence indicates varying requirements for both hormones within both ripening physiologies, suggesting rebalancing and specification of roles for common regulators rather than reliance upon one. Numerous recent discoveries pertaining to the molecular basis of hormonal activity and crosstalk are discussed, while we also note that many questions remain such as the molecular basis of additional hormonal activities, the role of epigenome changes, and how prior discoveries translate to the plethora of angiosperm species.  相似文献   

We examined the embryological development of anthers and ovules from Astraea (A. lobata and A. praetervisa) and Croton (C. floribundus, C. fuscescens, C. glandulosus, C. lundianus, C. piptocalyx, C. urucurana and C. triqueter) focusing on features with systematic significance for the group. Some of these features are common in Euphorbiaceae including: a dicotyledonous type of anther wall formation, a secretory tapetum, a mixed origin of the outer ovule integument, an epidermal origin of the inner ovule integument, the occurrence of many archesporial cells inside the ovules and a megagametophyte of the Polygonum‐type. Other features, such as the presence of styloid crystals in the tapetum, an idioblast with a druse in the endothecium, simultaneous and successive microsporogenesis, and a functional micropylar megaspore, have not previously been reported in the family. These characters appear to distinguish Croton and Astraea from other Euphorbiaceae and possibly represents autapomorphies for the tribe Crotoneae.  相似文献   

The floral development of Phyllanthus chekiangensis has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. The perianth organs are initiated in two whorls, dimerous in male flowers and trimerous in female flowers, with a longer plastochron between whorls than between the organs within a whorl. Male flowers have two stamens. The prominent connective protrusions begin development simultaneously with the floral disk. The disk is two-lobed in male flowers but continuous in female flowers. In female flowers, the developing gynoecium remains open relatively long, so the developing ovules are visible from the outside for some time. The direction of the hemitropous ovules in the carpels is antitropous (epitropous). Two small obturators are formed per carpel, one above each ovule. The prominent nucellar beak extends far beyond the “micropyle”. A micropyle in the classical sense formed by integuments closing over the nucellus apex is not present at any stage of development. Thus, it is not correct to say that the nucellar beak “grows through the micropyle”. The exposed nucellar beak continues the curvature of the antitropous (epitropous) ovule and becomes contiguous with the obturator. The unusual length of the nucellar beak may be a potential synapomorphy of the enlarged Phyllanthus clade as inferred from molecular phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Parthenocarpic fruit development in tomato   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract: Parthenocarpic fruit development is a very attractive trait for growers and consumers. In tomato, three main sources of facultative parthenocarpy, pat, pat-2, pat-3/pat-4, are known to have potential applications in agriculture. The parthenocarpic fruit development in these lines is triggered by a deregulation of the hormonal balance in some specific tissues. Auxins and gibberellins are considered as the key elements in parthenocarpic fruit development of those lines. An increased level of these hormones in the ovary can substitute for pollination and trigger fruit development. This has opened up genetic engineering approaches for parthenocarpy that have given promising results, both in quality and quantity of seedless fruit production.  相似文献   

A combination of morphotypes, polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) analyses and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing was used to investigate Scleroderma species that were collected from woodlands in Burkina Faso. We harvested 52 specimens from 20 sites during rainy seasons between 1997 and 2000. According to their morphological features, these specimens were initially characterised, and we then identified six species of Scleroderma. Two of the species were clearly determined as Scleroderma dictyosporum Pat. and S. verrucosum Pers. The four remaining species were characteristically described as (1) displaying big spores with spines up to 2 μm (Scleroderma sp1), (2) producing spores without ornamentation (Scleroderma sp2), (3) spores with very small spines (Scleroderma sp3) and (4) with yellow sporocarps and sub-spherical spores (Scleroderma sp4). The specimens were then analysed using PCR/RFLP of the intergenic regions of rDNA, ITS and IGS1 and ITS sequencing. The restriction fragments obtained with two endonucleases, HinfI and MboI on ITS and IGS1 regions, showed that some isolates of S. dictyosporum had the same patterns as isolates and basidiocarps of Scleroderma sp4 (IR265, IR408, SP4-2903). Isolates of Scleroderma sp3 (IR252) had common restriction fragments as isolates of S. verrucosum (IR500, IR600). Intraspecific differences were observed in the two previously determined species, as well as in Scleroderma sp2. The ITS sequencing and phylogenetic analyses showed that the ribotypes identified by PCR/RFLP within these species might be phylogenetic species. Combining these molecular results allowed regrouping the six morphological species in three sets of cryptic species: a first set with two species including S. dictyosporum Pat., a second set with four species, including both S. verrucosum Pers. and Scleroderma sp1 and a third set with two species, including Scleroderma sp2. These investigations and the combined morphological and molecular analyses used to sort out species paved the way for identifying larger populations of Scleroderma species in Burkina Faso and other tropical zones.  相似文献   

Flowering plants commonly separate male and female function in time, but rarely are the two stages synchronized within and among individuals. One such temporal mating system is duodichogamy in which each plant produces two batches of male flowers that are temporally separated by a batch of female flowers, with within-individual synchrony and among-individual asynchrony to ensure mating partners. Duodichogamy is known only from a few species in four genera in unrelated families. We report on duodichogamy in the Chinese tree species Bridelia tomentosa (Phyllanthaceae), a common colonizer of disturbed habitats. In three populations monitored over 2 yr, most trees flowered in the order male → female → male, and resting periods between flowering bouts precluded selfing almost completely. Individuals flowered for several weeks, with the onset of flowering slightly asynchronous among trees. Pollination was by flies, and experimental pollen supplementation of a subset of a tree's flowers did not increase fruit set, suggesting high levels of insect visitation and possible resource limitation. Nineteen percent of the 166 trees monitored skipped the first male phase, and another 13% skipped the female phase, remaining male in both years (and also a third year). The regular presence of pure males, if genetically fixed, would make B. tomentosa androdioecious in addition to duodichogamous. Comparison of duodichogamous taxa known so far shows that all have few ovules, fitting with the hypothesis that duodichogamy may result from male competition for access to a small supply of ovules.  相似文献   

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