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Induction of secreted and intracellular purple acid phosphatases (PAPs; EC is widely recognized as an adaptation of plants to phosphorus (P) deficiency. The secretion of PAPs plays important roles in P acquisition. However, little is known about the functions of intracellular PAP in plants and nodules. In this study, we identified a novel PAP gene GmPAP21 in soybean. Expression of GmPAP21 was induced by P limitation in nodules, roots and old leaves, and increased in roots with increasing duration of P starvation. Furthermore, the induction of GmPAP21 in nodules and roots was more intensive than in leaves in both P‐efficient genotype HN89 and P‐inefficient genotype HN112 in response to P starvation, and the relative expression in the leaves and nodules of HN89 was significantly greater than that of HN112 after P deficiency treatment. Further functional analyses showed that over‐expressing GmPAP21 significantly enhanced both acid phosphatase activity and growth performance of hairy roots under P starvation condition, indicating that GmPAP21 plays an important role in P utilization. Moreover, GUS expression driven by GmPAP21 promoter was shown in the nodules besides roots. Overexpression of GmPAP21 in transgenic soybean significantly inhibited nodule growth, and thereby affected plant growth after inoculation with rhizobia. This suggests that GmPAP21 is also possibly involved in regulating P metabolism in nodules. Taken together, our results suggest that GmPAP21 is a novel plant PAP that functions in the adaptation of soybean to P starvation, possibly through its involvement in P recycling in plants and P metabolism in nodules.  相似文献   

The four soybean seed acid phosphatase isoforms AP1, AP2, AP3A and AP3B were competitively inhibited by phosphate, vanadate, fluoride and molybdate, using p-nitrophenylphosphate as substrate. The four isoforms were not significantly affected by compounds that can interact with SH residues or by pyridoxal phosphate. These results indicated that cysteine and lysine residues are not present in the active site of the four soybean seed acid phosphatase isoforms. The inhibition constant values for phosphate, vanadate, fluoride and molybdate at pH 5.0 were respectively: API (250, 12.8, 1.7, 0.05 microM). AP2 (800, 10, 500, 0.025 microM), AP3A (250, 24.2,250, 0.032 microM ), AP3B (2400 36.9, 750, 0.05 microM).  相似文献   

Arbuscules are the central structures of the symbiotic association between terrestrial plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. However, arbuscules are also ephemeral structures, and following development, these structures are soon digested and ultimately disappear. Currently, little is known regarding the mechanism underlying the digestion of senescent arbuscules. Here, biochemical and functional analyses were integrated to test the hypothesis that a purple acid phosphatase, GmPAP33, controls the hydrolysis of phospholipids during arbuscule degeneration. The expression of GmPAP33 was enhanced by AM fungal inoculation independent of the P conditions in soybean roots. Promoter‐β‐glucuronidase (GUS) reporter assays revealed that the expression of GmPAP33 was mainly localized to arbuscule‐containing cells during symbiosis. The recombinant GmPAP33 exhibited high hydrolytic activity towards phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidic acid. Furthermore, soybean plants overexpressing GmPAP33 exhibited increased percentages of large arbuscules and improved yield and P content compared with wild‐type plants when inoculated with AM fungi. Mycorrhizal RNAi plants had high phospholipid levels and a large percentage of small arbuscules. These results in combination with the subcellular localization of GmPAP33 at the plasma membrane indicate that GmPAP33 participates in arbuscule degeneration during AM symbiosis via involvement in phospholipid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew locus O (Mlo) gene family is one of the largest seven transmembrane protein-encoding gene families. The Mlo proteins act as negative regulators of powdery mildew resistance and a loss-of-function mutation in Mlo is known to confer broad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildew. In addition, the Mlo gene family members are known to participate in various developmental and biotic and abiotic stress response-related pathways. Therefore, a genome-wide similarity search using the characterized Mlo protein sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana was carried out to identify putative Mlo genes in soybean (Glycine max) genome. This search identified 39 Mlo domain containing protein-encoding genes that were distributed on 15 of the 20 G. max chromosomes. The putative promoter regions of these Mlo genes contained response elements for different external stimuli, including different hormones and abiotic stresses. Of the 39 GmMlo proteins, 35 were rich (8.7–13.1 %) in leucine, while five were serine-rich (9.2–11.9 %). Furthermore, all the GmMlo members were localized in the plasma membrane. Phylogenetic analysis of the GmMlo and the AtMlo proteins classified them into three main clusters, and the cluster I comprised two sub-clusters. Multiple sequence alignment visualized the location of seven transmembrane domains, and a conserved CaM-binding domain. Some of the GmMlo proteins (GmMlo10, 20, 22, 23, 32, 36, 37) contained less than seven transmembrane domains. The motif analysis yielded 27 motifs; out of these, motif 2, the only motif present in all the GmMlos, was highly conserved and three amino acid residues were essentially invariant. Five of the GmMlo members were much smaller in size; presumably they originated through deletion following a gene duplication event. The presence of a large number of GmMlo members in the G. max genome may be due to its paleopolyploid nature and the large genome size as compared to that of Arabidopsis. The findings of this study may further help in characterization and isolation of individual GmMlo members.  相似文献   

The glycinin gene family encoding the glycinin subunits in soybean plants is composed of at least five gene members. A genomic clone S312 containing the Gy4 gene from a genomic library of cv. Forrest was isolated and partially characterized. The organization of this gene was found to be similar to that of a null allele from cv. Raiden, but different from the Gy4 gene from cv. Dare. The complete nucleotide sequence of this gene has been determined. It is 2599 bp long consisting of four exons and three introns. Comparing the DNA sequences between this gene and the gene from Dare and a null allele from Raiden, the difference found in the coding region was 5-GCAGTGCAAG-3 (nt 824 to 833) in the former case versus 5-TGGAGTTGCAATT-3 (nt 1314 to 1326) in the latter case in the exon 2 domain, resulting in three amino acid differences and one amino acid absence. Some other differences were also found in the non-coding region. The coding sequence and 5-flanking region of the Gy4 gene, when compared with that of other legumin genes as well as group 1 glycinin subunit genes, revealed some interesting features: (1) a transposable element-like sequence was found in the hypervariable region (HVR) of the exon 3 domain, which was lacking in the legumin and the glycinin group 1 genes; (2) in the 5-flanking region from nt –145 to –1, two high-homology sequences were found: one from nt –141 to nt –132, the other from nt –118 to nt –92 which includes the legumin box and the RY repeat element.  相似文献   

In this work we examined the effect of urea and guanidinium chloride on the structural stability of a single isoform of soybean seed acid phosphatase, based on the intensity of tryptophan fluorescence as a function of denaturant concentration. The free energy of unfolding, DeltaGu, was calculated at 25 degrees C as a function of the concentrations of both chaotropic agents; the conformational stability, DeltaG (H2O), was determined to be 2.48 kcal mol(-1). Center of mass, determined from analysis of fluorescence data, was used as a parameter to assess conformational changes. Our results indicate that complete enzyme inactivation occurred before full enzyme unfolding in both cases, and suggest that there are differences between the conformational flexibility of the active-site and that of the macromolecule as a whole.  相似文献   

A phosphate-hydrolyzing activity from Glycine max embryo axes was purified by a series of chromatographic steps and electroelution from activity gels, and demonstrated to be an inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase by partial internal amino acid sequence. This enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, sodium pyrophosphate (NaPPi), inositol hexakisphosphate, and inositol 1-monophosphate, but not p-nitrophenyl phosphate, ADP, AMP or glucose 6-P. Using NaPPi as substrate, the highly purified protein hydrolyzed up to 0.4 mmol phosphate min(-1) mg(-1) protein and had a Km(avg) of 235 microM for NaPPi. Since NaPPi is relatively inexpensive and readily available, we used this as substrate for the subsequent characterization. We observed the following: (a) specific inhibition by Li and NaF but not by butanedione monoxime, or orthovanadate; (b) activation by Cu(2+) and Mg(2+); (c) optimum activity at pH 7.4; and (d) temperature stability after 1-h incubations at 37-80 degrees C, with maximum activity at 37 degrees C. The partially purified protein was detected by in-gel activity assays and the band was electroeluted to yield a highly purified protein. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and native IEF-PAGE yielded a single major polypeptide of 29 kDa and pI approximately 5.9, respectively. In addition, in-gel activity from embryo axes and whole hypocotyls at early germination times revealed one high and one intermediate molecular weight isoform, but only the intermediate one corresponded to IMPase. Throughout the post-imbibition period, the activity of the high molecular weight isoform disappeared and IMPase increased, indicating an increasing expression of the enzyme as germination and growth proceeded. These data indicate that the inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase present in the embryo axis of G. max has a wide phosphate substrate specificity, and may play an important role in phosphate metabolism during the germination process.  相似文献   

A novel actinomycete, designated strain NEAU-M9T, was isolated from soybean root (Glycine max (L.) Merr) and characterized using a polyphasic approach. 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity studies showed that strain NEAU-M9T belonged to the genus Actinoplanes, being most closely related to Actinoplanes campanulatus DSM 43148T (98.85 %), Actinoplanes capillaceus DSM 44859T (98.70 %), Actinoplanes lobatus DSM 43150T (98.30 %), Actinoplanes auranticolor DSM 43031T (98.23 %) and Actinoplanes sichuanensis 03-723T (98.06 %); similarity to other type strains of the genus Actinoplanes ranged from 95.87 to 97.56 %. The neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the isolate formed a distinct phyletic line with A. campanulatus DSM 43148T and A. capillaceus DSM 44859T. This branching pattern was also supported by the tree constructed with the maximum-likelihood method. However, the low level of DNA–DNA relatedness allowed the isolate to be differentiated from the above-mentioned two Actinoplanes species. Moreover, strain NEAU-M9T could also be distinguished from the most closely related species by morphological, physiological and characteristics. Therefore, it is proposed that strain NEAU-M9T represents a novel Actinoplanes species, Actinoplanes hulinensis sp. nov. The type strain of Actinoplanes hulinensis is NEAU-M9T (= CGMCC 4.7036T = DSM 45728T).  相似文献   

Two bacterial strains isolated from root nodules of soybean were characterized phylogenetically as members of a distinct group in the genus Ensifer based on 16S rRNA gene comparisons. They were also verified as a separated group by the concatenated sequence analyses of recA, atpD and glnII (with similarities ≤93.9% to the type strains for defined species), and by the average nucleotide identities (ANI) between the whole genome sequence of the representative strain CCBAU 251167T and those of the closely related strains in Ensifer glycinis and Ensifer fredii (90.5% and 90.3%, respectively). Phylogeny of symbiotic genes (nodC and nifH) grouped these two strains together with some soybean-nodulating strains of E. fredii, E. glycinis and Ensifer sojae. Nodulation tests indicated that the representative strain CCBAU 251167T could form root nodules with capability of nitrogen fixing on its host plant and Glycine soja, Cajanus cajan, Vigna unguiculata, Phaseolus vulgaris and Astragalus membranaceus, and it formed ineffective nodules on Leucaena leucocephala. Strain CCBAU 251167T contained fatty acids 18:1 ω9c, 18:0 iso and 20:0, differing from other related strains. Utilization of l-threonine and d-serine as carbon source, growth at pH 6.0 and intolerance of 1% (w/v) NaCl distinguished strain CCBAU 251167T from other type strains of the related species. The genome size of CCBAU 251167T was 6.2 Mbp, comprising 7,581 predicted genes with DNA G+C content of 59.9 mol% and 970 unique genes. Therefore, a novel species, Ensifer shofinae sp. nov., is proposed, with CCBAU 251167T (=ACCC 19939T = LMG 29645T) as type strain.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450-dependent hydroxylases are typical enzymes for the modification of basic flavonoid skeletons. We show in this study that CYP71D9 cDNA, previously isolated from elicitor-induced soybean (Glycine max L.) cells, codes for a protein with a novel hydroxylase activity. When heterologously expressed in yeast, this protein bound various flavonoids with high affinity (1.6 to 52 microm) and showed typical type I absorption spectra. These flavonoids were hydroxylated at position 6 of both resorcinol- and phloroglucinol-based A-rings. Flavonoid 6-hydroxylase (CYP71D9) catalyzed the conversion of flavanones more efficiently than flavones. Isoflavones were hardly hydroxylated. As soybean produces isoflavonoid constituents possessing 6,7-dihydroxy substitution patterns on ring A, the biosynthetic relationship of flavonoid 6-hydroxylase to isoflavonoid biosynthesis was investigated. Recombinant 2-hydroxyisoflavanone synthase (CYP93C1v2) efficiently used 6,7,4'-trihydroxyflavanone as substrate. For its structural identification, the chemically labile reaction product was converted to 6,7,4'-trihydroxyisoflavone by acid treatment. The structures of the final reaction products for both enzymes were confirmed by NMR and mass spectrometry. Our results strongly support the conclusion that, in soybean, the 6-hydroxylation of the A-ring occurs before the 1,2-aryl migration of the flavonoid B-ring during isoflavanone formation. This is the first identification of a flavonoid 6-hydroxylase cDNA from any plant species.  相似文献   

In all organisms glutathione-conjugate transporters (GS-X pumps) mediate the detoxification of a number of xenobiotics by removing them from the cytosol. In addition, GS-X pumps appear to play a role in the processing of endogenous compounds. We have isolated a novel genomic clone from Arabidopsis thaliana that encodes a putative GS-X pump, AtMRP4, which is part of a recently defined gene family. The derived amino acid sequence shares high levels of similarity (55–63%) with human, yeast, and other Arabidopsis homologues. The expression of the different members of the AtMRP gene family in Arabidopsis cell suspensions after treatment with chemicals that modify glutathione metabolism (compounds that induce different types of stress and that act as herbicide antidotes – safeners – in monocotyledonous species) revealed that the members of this gene family are differentially regulated.  相似文献   

磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白(PEBP,phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein)基因家族在动物、植物和微生物中广泛存在,在控制植物开花和种子休眠中起重要作用。本研究对大豆PEBP基因家族进行了分析,发现了27个大豆PEBP基因的候选序列,其中16个具有完整PEBP结构域的全长序列被认为是大豆Gm PEBP家族基因。Gm PEBP基因分布在9条染色体上,基因结构高度保守。通过系统发生分析,可将大豆Gm PEBP基因家族成员分为FT-like、TFL1-like和MFT-like 3个亚族,并且发现Gm PEBP家族成员数目按照大豆物种特异性的方式进行了扩张。对重复基因的Ks分析表明,绝大多数重复基因主要由5900万年前和1300万年前的大豆基因组复制所致。  相似文献   

The soybean aphid (SA: Aphis glycines Matsumura) is a worldwide pest of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). The objectives of this study were to identify the type of aphid resistance and the resistance phenotype in soybean line ‘P203’, and to map the relative position of the gene involved. Compared with cultivars ‘P746’ and ‘Dongnong 47’, P203 was demonstrated to possess antixenosis resistance. P203 prevented aphids from reproducing in a choice test, but the resistance level decreased significantly in a no-choice test at 11 and 21 days after infestation. Analysis of 273 Dongnong 47/P203 F2 plants and confirmed using 260 F2:3 families revealed that a single dominant gene from P203 was positioned between marker loci Sat_377 and Satt409 on chromosome 8. The gene was further mapped to a 1.57 Mb interval flanked by marker loci BARCSOYSSR_08_1451 and BARCSOYSSR_08_1527. We developed five new SSR markers in the target interval and the resistance locus mapped between new markers SSR_08_75 and SSR_08_88 with the genetic distance of 1.1 and 1.0 cM corresponding to a physical distance of 192 kb on the Williams 82 8X draft genome assembly (Glyma1.01). A single serine/threonine protein kinase gene is present in this region, suggesting that the SA resistance mechanism in P203 may be different from those previously reported. Therefore, the resistance gene could very well be novel, and could be valuable in soybean aphid resistance breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary The nutrient status of soybean seeds fermented to daddawa has been evaluated by chemical analyses. Soybean daddawa is nutritionally rich, containing 45.91% crude protein, 33.44% lipid, 13.69% carbohydrate and 3.60% crude fibre. The amino acids lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine, asparagine, serine, glutamic acid, proline and glycine were present in unfermented and fermented bean samples. The amounts of most of the amino acids including methionine increased however, when the beans were fermented to daddawa.
Resumen El valor nutritivo de semillas de soja fermentadas para elaborar daddawa se ha evaluado mediante analísis químicos. El daddawa obtenido a partir de soja es muy rico en nutrientes ya que contiene: proteina cruda: 45.91%, lípidos: 33.44%, carbohidratos: 13.69%, fibra 3.60%. Los siguientes aminoácidos se encontraron en muestras fermentadas y no fermentadas de semillas: lisina, treonina, valina, metionina, isoleucina, leucina, tirosina, fenilalanina, histidina, arginina, asparagina, serina, ácido glutámico, prolina y glicina. Las cantidades de estos aminoácidos, incluyendo la metionina, eran, sin embargo, superiores cuando la soja estaba fermentada formando daddawa.

Résumé La valeur nutritive du daddawa (graines de soja fermentées) a été évaluée par analyse chimique. Nutritionnellement riche, le daddawa contient 45,91% de protéine brute, 33,44% de lipides, 13,69% de carbohydrates et 3,60% de fibres brutes. Dans les graines fermentées et nonfermentées, on a mis en évidence les amino-acides suivants: lysine, thréonine, valine, méthionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phénylalanine, histidine, arginine, asparagine, sérine, acide glutamique, proline et glycine. Cependant, les teneurs de la plupart de ces amino-acides, y compris la méthionine, sont plus élevées après fermentation du soja en daddawa.

In higher plants, plastids and mitochondria are the predominant carriers of extrachromosomal genetic information. There is interplay between the plastids, the mitochondria, and the nuclear genome. In soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., both nuclearly and maternally inherited chlorophyll-deficient mutants have been described. Conditional lethality previously was reported in soybean when maternally inherited chlorophyll-deficient mutant (Genetic Type T275) was crossed with nuclearly inherited yellow foliar malate dehydrogenase null mutants (Genetic Types T253 and T323). Our objective was to test for conditional lethality when maternally inherited yellow foliar mutants T278, T314, T315, T316, T319, and T320 were female parents and nuclearly inherited yellow foliar malate dehydrogenase null mutants T253 and T323 were male parents. Our results indicated conditional lethality in the F2 generation when any of the six cytoplasmically inherited yellow foliar mutants were female parents and either T253 or T323 were male parents. The physiological nature of conditional lethality is not known. Data indicate a common basis in soybean for conditional lethality among the cytoplasmically inherited yellow foliar mutants when crossed with the nuclearly inherited yellow foliar malate dehydrogenase null mutants. No interactions were observed between cytoplasmically inherited or nuclearly inherited green seed embryo mutants as female parents and either T253 or T323 as male parents.  相似文献   

In plants, a proposed ascorbate (vitamin C) biosynthesis pathway occurs via GDP-D-mannose (GDP-D-Man), GDP-L-galactose (GDP-L-Gal), and L-galactose. However, the steps involved in the synthesis of L-Gal from GDP-L-Gal in planta are not fully characterized. Here we present evidence for an in vivo role for L-Gal-1-P phosphatase in plant ascorbate biosynthesis. We have characterized a low ascorbate mutant (vtc4-1) of Arabidopsis thaliana, which exhibits decreased ascorbate biosynthesis. Genetic mapping and sequencing of the VTC4 locus identified a mutation (P92L) in a gene with predicted L-Gal-1-P phosphatase activity (At3g02870). Pro-92 is within a beta-bulge that is conserved in related myo-inositol monophosphatases. The mutation is predicted to disrupt the positioning of catalytic amino acid residues within the active site. Accordingly, L-Gal-1-P phosphatase activity in vtc4-1 was approximately 50% of wild-type plants. In addition, vtc4-1 plants incorporate significantly more radiolabel from [2-(3)H]Man into L-galactosyl residues suggesting that the mutation increases the availability of GDP-L-Gal for polysaccharide synthesis. Finally, a homozygous T-DNA insertion line, which lacks a functional At3g02870 gene product, is also ascorbate-deficient (50% of wild type) and deficient in L-Gal-1-P phosphatase activity. Genetic complementation tests revealed that the insertion mutant and VTC4-1 are alleles of the same genetic locus. The significantly lower ascorbate and perturbed L-Gal metabolism in vtc4-1 and the T-DNA insertion mutant indicate that L-Gal-1-P phosphatase plays a role in plant ascorbate biosynthesis. The presence of ascorbate in the T-DNA insertion mutant suggests there is a bypass to this enzyme or that other pathways also contribute to ascorbate biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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