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We investigated effects of paramyotonia congenita mutations F1473S and F1705I on gating of skeletal muscle Na+ channels. We used on-cell recordings from Xenopus oocytes to compare fast inactivation and deactivation in wild type and mutant channels. Then, we used gating current recordings to determine how these actions of PC mutants might be reflected in their effects on charge movement and its immobilization. F1473S, but not F1705I, accelerated deactivation from the inactivated state and enhanced the remobilization of gating charge. F1473S and F1705I decreased the completion of closed-state fast inactivation, and each mutant decreased charge movement over the voltage range at which channels did not activate. An unexpected result was that F1705I increased the extent of charge immobilization in response to strong depolarization. Our results suggest that the DIV S4-S5 linker mutation F1473S promotes the hyperpolarized position of DIVS4 to accelerate recovery. Inhibition of charge movement by F1473S and F1705I in the absence of channel opening is discussed with respect to their effects on closed-state fast inactivation.  相似文献   

The role of sodium channel closed-state fast inactivation in membrane excitability is not well understood. We compared open- and closed-state fast inactivation, and the gating charge immobilized during these transitions, in skeletal muscle channel hNa(V)1.4. A significant fraction of total charge movement and its immobilization occurred in the absence of channel opening. Simulated action potentials in skeletal muscle fibers were attenuated when pre-conditioned by sub-threshold depolarization. Anthopleurin A, a site-3 toxin that inhibits gating charge associated with the movement of DIVS4, was used to assess the role of this voltage sensor in closed-state fast inactivation. Anthopleurin elicited opposing effects on the gating mode, kinetics and charge immobilized during open- versus closed-state fast inactivation. This same toxin produced identical effects on recovery of channel availability and remobilization of gating charge, irrespective of route of entry into fast inactivation. Our findings suggest that depolarization promoting entry into fast inactivation from open versus closed states provides access to the IFMT receptor via different rate-limiting conformational translocations of DIVS4.  相似文献   

We investigated structural determinants of fast inactivation and deactivation in sodium channels by comparing ionic flux and charge movement in skeletal muscle channels, using mutations of DIII-DIV linker charges. Charge altering and substituting mutations at K-1317, K-1318 depolarized the g(V) curve but hyperpolarized the h(infinity) curve. Charge reversal and substitution at this locus reduced the apparent voltage sensitivity of open- and closed-state fast inactivation. These effects were not observed with charge reversal at E-1314, E-1315. Mutations swapping or neutralizing the negative cluster at 1314, 1315 and the positive cluster at 1317, 1318 indicated that local interactions dictate the coupling of activation to fast inactivation. Gating charge was immobilized before channel entry into fast inactivation in hNa(V)1.4 but to a lesser extent in mutations at K-1317, K-1318. These results suggest that charge is preferentially immobilized in channels inactivating from the open state. Recovery of gating charge proceeded with a single, fast phase in the double mutation K-1317R, K-1318R. This mutation also partially uncoupled recovery from deactivation. Our findings indicate that charged residues near the fast inactivation "particle" allosterically interact with voltage sensors to control aspects of gating in sodium channels.  相似文献   

The S4 transmembrane domain in Shaker (Kv1) voltage-sensitive potassium channels has four basic residues (R1–R4) that are responsible for carrying the majority of gating charge. In Kv4 channels, however, R1 is replaced by a neutral valine at position 287. Among other differences, Kv4 channels display prominent closed state inactivation, a mechanism which is minimal in Shaker. To determine if the absence of R1 is responsible for important variation in gating characteristics between the two channel types, we introduced the V287R mutant into Kv4.3 and analyzed its effects on several voltage sensitive gating transitions. We found that the mutant increased the voltage sensitivity of steady-state activation and altered the kinetics of activation and deactivation processes. Although the kinetics of macroscopic inactivation were minimally affected, the characteristics of closed-state inactivation and recovery from open and closed inactivated states were significantly altered. The absence of R1 can only partially account for differences in the effective voltage sensitivity of gating between Shaker and Kv4.3. These results suggest that the S4 domain serves an important functional role in Kv4 channel activation and deactivation processes, and also those of closed-state inactivation and recovery.  相似文献   

The molecular and biophysical mechanisms by which voltage-sensitive K+ (Kv)4 channels inactivate and recover from inactivation are presently unresolved. There is a general consensus, however, that Shaker-like N- and P/C-type mechanisms are likely not involved. Kv4 channels also display prominent inactivation from preactivated closed states [closed-state inactivation (CSI)], a process that appears to be absent in Shaker channels. As in Shaker channels, voltage sensitivity in Kv4 channels is thought to be conferred by positively charged residues localized to the fourth transmembrane segment (S4) of the voltage-sensing domain. To investigate the role of S4 positive charge in Kv4.3 gating transitions, we analyzed the effects of charge elimination at each positively charged arginine (R) residue by mutation to the uncharged residue alanine (A). We first demonstrated that R290A, R293A, R296A, and R302A mutants each alter basic activation characteristics consistent with positive charge removal. We then found strong evidence that recovery from inactivation is coupled to deactivation, showed that the precise location of the arginine residues within S4 plays an important role in the degree of development of CSI and recovery from CSI, and demonstrated that the development of CSI can be sequentially uncoupled from activation by R296A, specifically. Taken together, these results extend our current understanding of Kv4.3 gating transitions. voltage-sensitive potassium channel; Shaker; closed-state inactivation  相似文献   

The fast inactivation of sodium currents and the immobolization of sodium gating charge are thought to be closely coupled to each other. This notion was tested in the squid axon in which kinetics and steady-state properties of the gating charge movement were compared before and after removal of the Na inactivation by batrachotoxin (BTX), pronase, or chloramine-T. The immobilization of gating charge was determined by measuring the total charge movement (QON) obtained by integrating the ON gating current (Ig,ON) using a double pulse protocol. After removal of the fast inactivation with pronase or chloramine-T, the gating charge movement was no longer immobilized. In contrast, after BTX modification, the channels still exhibited an immobilization of the gating charge (QON) with an onset time course and voltage dependence similar to that for the activation process. These results show that BTX can uncouple the charge immobilization from the fast Na inactivation mechanism, suggesting that the Na gating charge movement can be immobilized independently of the inactivation of the channel.  相似文献   

Alpha-scorpion toxins bind in a voltage-dependent way to site 3 of the sodium channels, which is partially formed by the loop connecting S3 and S4 segments of domain IV, slowing down fast inactivation. We have used Ts3, an alpha-scorpion toxin from the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus, to analyze the effects of this family of toxins on the muscle sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In the presence of Ts3 the total gating charge was reduced by 30% compared with control conditions. Ts3 accelerated the gating current kinetics, decreasing the contribution of the slow component to the ON gating current decay, indicating that S4-DIV was specifically inhibited by the toxin. In addition, Ts3 accelerated and decreased the fraction of charge in the slow component of the OFF gating current decay, which reflects an acceleration in the recovery from the fast inactivation. Site-specific fluorescence measurements indicate that Ts3 binding to the voltage-gated sodium channel eliminates one of the components of the fluorescent signal from S4-DIV. We also measured the fluorescent signals produced by the movement of the first three voltage sensors to test whether the bound Ts3 affects the movement of the other voltage sensors. While the fluorescence-voltage (F-V) relationship of domain II was only slightly affected and the F-V of domain III remained unaffected in the presence of Ts3, the toxin significantly shifted the F-V of domain I to more positive potentials, which agrees with previous studies showing a strong coupling between domains I and IV. These results are consistent with the proposed model, in which Ts3 specifically impairs the fraction of the movement of the S4-DIV that allows fast inactivation to occur at normal rates.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels mediate the somatodendritic A-type K+ current (I(SA)) in neurons. The availability of functional Kv4 channels is dynamically regulated by the membrane potential such that subthreshold depolarizations render Kv4 channels unavailable. The underlying process involves inactivation from closed states along the main activation pathway. Although classical inactivation mechanisms such as N- and P/C-type inactivation have been excluded, a clear understanding of closed-state inactivation in Kv4 channels has remained elusive. This is in part due to the lack of crucial information about the interactions between gating charge (Q) movement, activation, and inactivation. To overcome this limitation, we engineered a charybdotoxin (CTX)-sensitive Kv4.2 channel, which enabled us to obtain the first measurements of Kv4.2 gating currents after blocking K+ conduction with CTX (Dougherty and Covarrubias. 2006J. Gen. Physiol. 128:745-753). Here, we exploited this approach further to investigate the mechanism that links closed-state inactivation to slow Q-immobilization in Kv4 channels. The main observations revealed profound Q-immobilization at steady-state over a range of hyperpolarized voltages (-110 to -75 mV). Depolarization in this range moves <5% of the observable Q associated with activation and is insufficient to open the channels significantly. The kinetics and voltage dependence of Q-immobilization and ionic current inactivation between -153 and -47 mV are similar and independent of the channel's proximal N-terminal region (residues 2-40). A coupled state diagram of closed-state inactivation with a quasi-absorbing inactivated state explained the results from ionic and gating current experiments globally. We conclude that Q-immobilization and closed-state inactivation at hyperpolarized voltages are two manifestations of the same process in Kv4.2 channels, and propose that inactivation in the absence of N- and P/C-type mechanisms involves desensitization to voltage resulting from a slow conformational change of the voltage sensors, which renders the channel's main activation gate reluctant to open.  相似文献   

We investigated the contribution of the putative inactivation lid in voltage-gated sodium channels to gating charge immobilization (i.e., the slow return of gating charge during repolarization) by studying a lid-modified mutant of the human heart sodium channel (hH1a) that had the phenylalanine at position 1485 in the isoleucine, phenylalanine, and methionine (IFM) region of the domain III-IV linker mutated to a cysteine (ICM-hH1a). Residual fast inactivation of ICM-hH1a in fused tsA201 cells was abolished by intracellular perfusion with 2.5 mM 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSET). The time constants of gating current relaxations in response to step depolarizations and gating charge-voltage relationships were not different between wild-type hH1a and ICM-hH1a(MTSET). The time constant of the development of charge immobilization assayed at -180 mV after depolarization to 0 mV was similar to the time constant of inactivation of I(Na) at 0 mV for hH1a. By 44 ms, 53% of the gating charge during repolarization returned slowly; i.e., became immobilized. In ICM-hH1a(MTSET), immobilization occurred with a similar time course, although only 31% of gating charge upon repolarization (OFF charge) immobilized. After modification of hH1a and ICM-hH1a(MTSET) with Anthopleurin-A toxin, a site-3 peptide toxin that inhibits movement of the domain IV-S4, charge immobilization did not occur for conditioning durations up to 44 ms. OFF charge for both hH1a and ICM-hH1a(MTSET) modified with Anthopleurin-A toxin were similar in time course and in magnitude to the fast component of OFF charge in ICM-hH1a(MTSET) in control. We conclude that movement of domain IV-S4 is the rate-limiting step during repolarization, and it contributes to charge immobilization regardless of whether the inactivation lid is bound. Taken together with previous reports, these data also suggest that S4 in domain III contributes to charge immobilization only after binding of the inactivation lid.  相似文献   

The highly charged transmembrane segments in each of the four homologous domains (S4D1-S4D4) represent the principal voltage sensors for sodium channel gating. Hitherto, the existence of a functional specialization of the four voltage sensors with regard to the control of the different gating modes, i.e., activation, deactivation, and inactivation, is problematic, most likely due to a functional coupling between the different domains. However, recent experimental data indicate that the voltage sensor in domain 4 (S4D4) plays a unique role in sodium channel fast inactivation. The correlation of fast inactivation and the movement of the S4D4 voltage sensor in rat brain IIA sodium channels was examined by site-directed mutagenesis of the central arginine residues to histidine and by analysis of both ionic and gating currents using a high expression system in Xenopus oocytes and an optimized two-electrode voltage clamp. Mutation R1635H shifts the steady state inactivation to more hyperpolarizing potentials and drastically increases the recovery time constant, thereby indicating a stabilized inactivated state. In contrast, R1638H shifts the steady state inactivation to more depolarizing potentials and strongly increases the inactivation time constant, thereby suggesting a preferred open state occupancy. The double mutant R1635/1638H shows intermediate effects on inactivation. In contrast, the activation kinetics are not significantly influenced by any of the mutations. Gating current immobilization is markedly decreased in R1635H and R1635/1638H but only moderately in R1638H. The time courses of recovery from inactivation and immobilization correlate well in wild-type and mutant channels, suggesting an intimate coupling of these two processes that is maintained in the mutations. These results demonstrate that S4D4 is one of the immobilized voltage sensors during the manifestation of the inactivated state. Moreover, the presented data strongly suggest that S4D4 is involved in the control of fast inactivation.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels represent the main class of brain A-type K+ channels that operate in the subthreshold range of membrane potentials (Serodio, P., E. Vega-Saenz de Miera, and B. Rudy. 1996. J. Neurophysiol. 75:2174- 2179), and their function depends critically on inactivation gating. A previous study suggested that the cytoplasmic NH2- and COOH-terminal domains of Kv4.1 channels act in concert to determine the fast phase of the complex time course of macroscopic inactivation (Jerng, H.H., and M. Covarrubias. 1997. Biophys. J. 72:163-174). To investigate the structural basis of slow inactivation gating of these channels, we examined internal residues that may affect the mutually exclusive relationship between inactivation and closed-state blockade by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) (Campbell, D.L., Y. Qu, R.L. Rasmussen, and H.C. Strauss. 1993. J. Gen. Physiol. 101:603-626; Shieh, C.-C., and G.E. Kirsch. 1994. Biophys. J. 67:2316-2325). A double mutation V[404,406]I in the distal section of the S6 region of the protein drastically slowed channel inactivation and deactivation, and significantly reduced the blockade by 4-AP. In addition, recovery from inactivation was slightly faster, but the pore properties were not significantly affected. Consistent with a more stable open state and disrupted closed state inactivation, V[404,406]I also caused hyperpolarizing and depolarizing shifts of the peak conductance-voltage curve ( approximately 5 mV) and the prepulse inactivation curve (>10 mV), respectively. By contrast, the analogous mutations (V[556,558]I) in a K+ channel that undergoes N- and C-type inactivation (Kv1.4) did not affect macroscopic inactivation but dramatically slowed deactivation and recovery from inactivation, and eliminated open-channel blockade by 4-AP. Mutation of a Kv4-specific residue in the S4-S5 loop (C322S) of Kv4.1 also altered gating and 4-AP sensitivity in a manner that closely resembles the effects of V[404, 406]I. However, this mutant did not exhibit disrupted closed state inactivation. A kinetic model that assumes coupling between channel closing and inactivation at depolarized membrane potentials accounts for the results. We propose that components of the pore's internal vestibule control both closing and inactivation in Kv4 K+ channels.  相似文献   

We have studied ionic and gating currents in mutant and wild-type Shaker K+ channels to investigate the mechanisms of channel activation and the relationship between the voltage sensor of the channel and its inactivation particle. The turn on of the gating current shows a rising phase, indicating that the hypothetical identical activation subunits are not independent. Hyperpolarizing prepulses indicate that most of the voltage-dependence occurs in the transitions between closed states. The open-to-closed transition is voltage independent, as suggested by the presence of a rising phase in the off gating currents. In Shaker channels showing fast inactivation, the off gating charge is partially immobilized as a result of depolarizing pulses that elicit inactivation. In mutant channels lacking inactivation, the charge is recovered quickly at the end of the pulse. Internal TEA mimics the inactivation particle in its behavior but the charge immobilization is established faster and is complete. We conclude that the activation mechanism cannot be due to the movement of identical independent gating subunits, each undergoing first order transitions, and that the inactivation particle is responsible for charge immobilization in this channel.  相似文献   

Using site-directed fluorescent labeling, we examined conformational changes in the S4 segment of each domain of the human skeletal muscle sodium channel (hSkM1). The fluorescence signals from S4 segments in domains I and II follow activation and are unaffected as fast inactivation settles. In contrast, the fluorescence signals from S4 segments in domains III and IV show kinetic components during activation and deactivation that correlate with fast inactivation and charge immobilization. These results indicate that in hSkM1, the S4 segments in domains III and IV are responsible for voltage-sensitive conformational changes linked to fast inactivation and are immobilized by fast inactivation, while the S4 segments in domains I and II are unaffected by fast inactivation.  相似文献   

The best-known Shaker allele of Drosophila with a novel gating phenotype, Sh(5), differs from the wild-type potassium channel by a point mutation in the fifth membrane-spanning segment (S5) (Gautam, M., and M.A. Tanouye. 1990. Neuron. 5:67-73; Lichtinghagen, R., M. Stocker, R. Wittka, G. Boheim, W. Stühmer, A. Ferrus, and O. Pongs. 1990. EMBO [Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.] J. 9:4399-4407) and causes a decrease in the apparent voltage dependence of opening. A kinetic study of Sh(5) revealed that changes in the deactivation rate could account for the altered gating behavior (Zagotta, W.N., and R.W. Aldrich. 1990. J. Neurosci. 10:1799-1810), but the presence of intact fast inactivation precluded observation of the closing kinetics and steady state activation. We studied the Sh(5) mutation (F401I) in ShB channels in which fast N-type inactivation was removed, directly confirming this conclusion. Replacement of other phenylalanines in S5 did not result in substantial alterations in voltage-dependent gating. At position 401, valine and alanine substitutions, like F401I, produce currents with decreased apparent voltage dependence of the open probability and of the deactivation rates, as well as accelerated kinetics of opening and closing. A leucine residue is the exception among aliphatic mutants, with the F401L channels having a steep voltage dependence of opening and slow closing kinetics. The analysis of sigmoidal delay in channel opening, and of gating current kinetics, indicates that wild-type and F401L mutant channels possess a form of cooperativity in the gating mechanism that the F401A channels lack. The wild-type and F401L channels' entering the open state gives rise to slow decay of the OFF gating current. In F401A, rapid gating charge return persists after channels open, confirming that this mutation disrupts stabilization of the open state. We present a kinetic model that can account for these properties by postulating that the four subunits independently undergo two sequential voltage-sensitive transitions each, followed by a final concerted opening step. These channels differ primarily in the final concerted transition, which is biased in favor of the open state in F401L and the wild type, and in the opposite direction in F401A. These results are consistent with an activation scheme whereby bulky aromatic or aliphatic side chains at position 401 in S5 cooperatively stabilize the open state, possibly by interacting with residues in other helices.  相似文献   

The effects of benzocaine (0.5-1 mM) on normal Na currents, and on Na current and gating charge movement (Q) of batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified Na channels were analyzed in voltage-clamped frog node of Ranvier. Without BTX treatment the decay of Na current during pulses to between -40 and 0 mV could be decomposed into two exponential components both in the absence and in the presence of benzocaine. Benzocaine did not significantly alter the inactivation time constant of either component, but reduced both their amplitudes. The amplitude of the slow inactivating component was more decreased by benzocaine than the amplitude of the fast one, leading to an apparently faster decline of the overall Na current. After removal of Na inactivation and charge movement immobilization by BTX, benzocaine decreased the amplitude of INa with no change in time course. INa, QON, and QOFF were all reduced by the same factor. The results suggest that the rate of reaction of benzocaine with its receptor is slow compared to the rates of channel activation and inactivation. The differential effects of benzocaine on the two components of Na current inactivation in normal channels can be explained assuming two types of channel with different rates of inactivation and different affinities for the drug.  相似文献   

Positively charged amino acids in S4 segments of voltage-dependent Ca(V)3.1 channel form putative voltage sensor. Previously we have shown that exchange of uppermost positively charged arginine in IVS4 segment for cysteine (mutation R1717C) affected deactivation and inactivation, but not activation of macroscopic current. Now we compared gating currents from both channels. Maximal amplitude of charge movement in R1717C channel decreased but voltage-dependent characteristics of charge movement were not significantly altered. We concluded that mutation of R1717C affects the coupling between S4 activation and pore opening, but not the S4 activation itself.  相似文献   

The gating status of the QX-314 bound Na channels before and after suppressing the fast inactivation by chloramine-T (CT) was investigated by studying the gating charge immobilization using the OFF gating current (Ig,OFF). CT treatment, which abolishes the charge immobilization induced by a prolonged depolarization, altered the kinetics of Ig,OFF: the fast phase became insensitive to the pulse duration and the slow phase became three times faster than the control one. However, internally applied QX-314 (in the presence of external TTX) caused an immediate charge immobilization similar to that observed in the absence of CT treatment. The Ig,OFF exhibited kinetics similar to the inactivated channels, decaying with a very fast time course. We conclude that the charge immobilization is restored by QX-314 in the chloramine-T-treated axon and that the gating state of the QX-314-bound channel is similar to the inactivated one. The role of the gating charge immobilization in the use-dependent block mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

KV11.1 voltage-gated K+ channels are noted for unusually slow activation, fast inactivation, and slow deactivation kinetics, which tune channel activity to provide vital repolarizing current during later stages of the cardiac action potential. The bulk of charge movement in human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) is slow, as is return of charge upon repolarization, suggesting that the rates of hERG channel opening and, critically, that of deactivation might be determined by slow voltage sensor movement, and also by a mode-shift after activation. To test these ideas, we compared the kinetics and voltage dependence of ionic activation and deactivation with gating charge movement. At 0 mV, gating charge moved ∼threefold faster than ionic current, which suggests the presence of additional slow transitions downstream of charge movement in the physiological activation pathway. A significant voltage sensor mode-shift was apparent by 24 ms at +60 mV in gating currents, and return of charge closely tracked pore closure after pulses of 100 and 300 ms duration. A deletion of the N-terminus PAS domain, mutation R4AR5A or the LQT2-causing mutation R56Q gave faster-deactivating channels that displayed an attenuated mode-shift of charge. This indicates that charge movement is perturbed by N- and C-terminus interactions, and that these domain interactions stabilize the open state and limit the rate of charge return. We conclude that slow on-gating charge movement can only partly account for slow hERG ionic activation, and that the rate of pore closure has a limiting role in the slow return of gating charges.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated K(+) (Kv) channel subunit Kv6.4 does not form functional homotetrameric channels but co-assembles with Kv2.1 to form functional Kv2.1/Kv6.4 heterotetrameric channels. Compared to Kv2.1 homotetramers, Kv6.4 exerts a ~40 mV hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage-dependence of Kv2.1/Kv6.4 channel inactivation, without a significant effect on activation gating. However, the underlying mechanism of this Kv6.4-induced modulation of Kv2.1 channel inactivation, and whether the Kv6.4 subunit participates in the voltage-dependent gating of heterotetrameric channels is not well understood. Here we report distinct gating charge movement of Kv2.1/Kv6.4 heterotetrameric channels, compared to Kv2.1 homotetramers, as revealed by gating current recordings from mammalian cells expressing these channels. The gating charge movement of Kv2.1/Kv6.4 heterotetrameric channels displayed an extra component around the physiological K(+) equilibrium potential, characterized by a second sigmoidal relationship of the voltage-dependence of gating charge movement. This distinct gating charge displacement reflects movement of the Kv6.4 voltage-sensing domain and has a voltage-dependency that matches the hyperpolarizing shift in Kv2.1/Kv6.4 channel inactivation. These results provide a mechanistic basis for the modulation of Kv2.1 channel inactivation gating kinetics by silent Kv6.4 subunits.  相似文献   

N-type calcium channels inactivate most rapidly in response to moderate, not extreme depolarization. This behavior reflects an inactivation rate that bears a U-shaped dependence on voltage. Despite this apparent similarity to calcium-dependent inactivation, N-type channel inactivation is insensitive to the identity of divalent charge carrier and, in some reports, to the level of internal buffering of divalent cations. Hence, the inactivation of N-type channels fits poorly with the "classic" profile for either voltage-dependent or calcium-dependent inactivation. To investigate this unusual inactivation behavior, we expressed recombinant N-type calcium channels in mammalian HEK 293 cells, permitting in-depth correlation of ionic current inactivation with potential alterations of gating current properties. Such correlative measurements have been particularly useful in distinguishing among various inactivation mechanisms in other voltage-gated channels. Our main results are the following: 1) The degree of gating charge immobilization was unchanged by the block of ionic current and precisely matched by the extent of ionic current inactivation. These results argue for a purely voltage-dependent mechanism of inactivation. 2) The inactivation rate was fastest at a voltage where only approximately (1)/(3) of the total gating charge had moved. This unusual experimental finding implies that inactivation occurs most rapidly from intermediate closed conformations along the activation pathway, as we demonstrate with novel analytic arguments applied to coupled-inactivation schemes. These results provide strong, complementary support for a "preferential closed-state" inactivation mechanism, recently proposed on the basis of ionic current measurements of recombinant N-type channels (Patil et al., . Neuron. 20:1027-1038).  相似文献   

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