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Sex-limited protein (Slp) is a mouse serum protein of unknown function that has approximately 95% amino acid sequence identity with murine complement component C4 but is inactive in the complement pathway. The gene for Slp lies in the S region of the murine H-2 complex adjacent to the gene Cyp21 that encodes the Cytochrome P-450 enzyme steroid 21-hydroxylase. We report the sequence of a 26,307 bp long segment of the mouse genome that includes both the Slp and Cyp21 genes. The sequence reported was assembled from the sequences of three overlapping lambda phage genomic clones from mouse strain B10.WR, which carries four tandem pairs of Slp and Cyp21 genes. We also report the sequence of a fourth lambda clone, 12,539 bp in length, carrying parts of a distinct pair of Slp and Cyp21 genes from B10.WR mice. The Slp gene at 14.3 kb in length is about 1 kb shorter than the C4 gene; this difference is due primarily to absences of a simple repetitive sequence and a middle repetitive MT element in the corresponding introns 14 and 15, respectively. The gene sequence reveals an intron/exon organization identical to that of the murine C4 gene, and also that the 9 nucleotide deletion in exon 18, which appears to be directly responsible for the absence of complement activity, is unrelated to differences in intron sequences. Detailed comparisons of C4 and Slp gene sequences indicate that nucleotide substitutions in the Slp gene are occurring at approximately the same rate in both exons and introns. This implies that the murine Slp gene resembles a pseudogene and supports previously reported evidence that the Slp protein has no biologic function.  相似文献   

The murine fourth component of complement (C4) and sex-limited protein (Slp) are two closely related serum proteins whose structural genes map to the S region of H-2. Serum C4 levels vary as much as 20-fold between C4 high (C4H) and C4 low (C4L) strains, and Slp expression can be null (SlpO), limited to male mice of a subset of C4H strains (Slp+), or "constitutive" (SlpC), in which female as well as male mice express Slp. In this study, we compare, by genomic Southern blot analysis, the C4 and Slp genes from eight congenic inbred mouse strains representative of three distinct phenotypes: C4H, Slp+ (two strains), C4H, SlpO (two strains), C4H, SlpC (three strains), and C4L, SlpO (one strain). By using cDNA probes that recognize both C4 and Slp genes, and are derived from the extreme 5' and 3' ends of the mRNA as well as internal coding sequences, we find no evidence to suggest that strain-specific variations in the expression of C4 and Slp are due to gross deletions of major portions of the structural genes. In most cases, two distinct C4/Slp genes are detected; hybridization with C4- and Slp-specific probes indicate that one of these is C4 and the other is Slp. The three SlpC strains are exceptional: they carry at least four C4/Slp genes; one of these hybridizes to the C4-specific probe whereas the remaining genes hybridize to the Slp-specific probe. Hence, multiple duplication of a gene containing Slp sequences has occurred in certain strains of mice, and this is accompanied by constitutive expression of the Slp protein.  相似文献   

cDNA clones specific for the fourth component of complement (C4) and its androgen-regulated isotype, sex-limited protein (Slp), have been isolated from two mouse haplotypes (H-2d and H-2w7) that show differential C4 activity and differential regulation of Slp. Clones were first isolated using a cDNA probe enriched by subtractive hybridization. Subsequent screening has resulted in cDNAs spanning the entire C4d mRNA, as well as much of C4w7, Slpw7 and a short region of Slpd. The cDNAs for C4 and Slp show extensive sequence homology, but can be distinguished using oligonucleotide probes synthesized to regions of greatest sequence divergence. Sequence differences between C4 and Slp indicate structurally important features of C4 that have been altered in Slp such that Slp is unable to participate in the complement pathway. Of the few nucleotide differences between C4d and C4w7, a single base change resulting in one less glycosylation site in the C4w7 alpha chain could account for its 4-fold reduced hemolytic efficiency. Sequence comparison of multiple alleles of C4 and Slp indicates that possible gene conversion events occurred in the H-2w7 strain that has multiple Slp genes.  相似文献   

Female mice of 15 inbred strains in which males express the H-2-linked sex-limited protein (Slp) were tested for the production of this protein. Four inbred strains (FM, LG/J, NZB, PL/J) were found in which females produce Slp in the absence of hormonal manipulation. Crosses have been made between strains FM, NZB, or PL/J and several Slp-negative strains. Slp-typing of the F1, F2, and backcross progeny, as well as of a number of recombinant inbred strains, indicates that production of Slp by normal females of these strains depends upon the concurrent presence of an Slp-positive,H-t2-linked allele and of permissive alleles of one or two non-H-2 autosomal genes. Complementation studies with two of the strains (FM and PL) indicate that an identical genetic mechanism mediates expression of Slp in females of these two strains. FM-derived animals carrying the testicular feminization mutation (tfm) also express Slp, as do castrated NZB mice, indicating that Slp expression in these instances is not dependent upon testosterone as it is in other inbred strains. It is concluded from these results that genes distinct from the putative structural gene for Slp influence the sex-limitation of its expression.  相似文献   

In most mouse strains, expression of a gene encoding sex-limited protein (Slp), an isotype of the fourth component of complement (C4), is induced by testosterone, or the gene is not expressed at all; however, in some wild-derived strains carrying H-2w7, H-2w16, or H-2w19 haplotype, Slp is expressed constitutively in the same way as C4. To examine the structural basis for the testosterone-independent expression of Slp, 41 overlapping clones together encoding the S region were isolated from C3H.W7 mouse (H-2w7) cosmid library. Five C4-related genes each spanning approximately 16 kb were identified among the cluster of cosmid clones and were isolated for structural study. One of the genes (C4w7) hybridized with the C4-specific oligonucleotide probe but not with the Slp-specific oligonucleotide probe, whereas the other genes (Slpw7a, Slpw7b, Slpw7c, and Slpw7d) hybridized only with the Slp-specific probe. Restriction mapping of these genes and sequencing of the selected regions of 5'-flanking regions of the genes were performed, and the results were compared with the data obtained with the C4 and Slp genes of FM (H-2d) and B10.BR (H-2k). These studies showed that three of the C4-related genes of C3H.W7 (Slpw7b, Slpw7c, and Slpw7d) are C4-Slp recombinant genes comprising a 5'-region derived from C4 gene and a 3'-region derived from Slp gene. It is suggested that 5'-flanking region derived from C4 in these C4-Slp recombinant genes accounts for testosterone-independent expression of Slp in C3H.W7 mouse.  相似文献   

Iron is essential to life,but surprisingly little is known about how iron is managed in nonvertebrate animals.In mammals,the well-characterized transferrins bind iron and are involved in iron transport or immunity,whereas other members of the transferrin family do not have a role in iron homeostasis.In insects,the functions of transferrins are still poorly understood.The goals of this project were to identify the transferrin genes in a diverse set of insect species,resolve the evolutionary relationships among these genes,and predict which of the transferrins are likely to have a role in iron homeostasis.Our phylogenetic analysis of transferrins from 16 orders of insects and two orders of noninsect hexapods demonstrated that there are four orthologous groups of insect transferrins.Our analysis suggests that transferrin 2 arose prior to the origin of insects,and transferrins/,i,and 4 arose early in insect evolution.Primary sequence analysis of each of the insect transferrins was used to predict signal peptides,carboxyl-terminal transmembrane regions,GPI-anchors,and iron binding.Based on this analysis,we suggest that transferrins 2,and 4 are unlikely to play a major role in iron homeostasis.In contrast,the transferrin 1 orthologs are predicted to be secreted,soluble,iron-binding proteins.We conclude that transferrin 1 orthologs are the most likely to play an important role in iron homeostasis.Interestingly,it appears that the louse,aphid,and thrips lineages have lost the transferrin 1 gene and,thus,have evolved to manage iron without transferrins.  相似文献   

A cDNA for rat liver beta-glucuronidase was isolated, its sequence determined and its expression after transfection into COS cells studied. The deduced amino acid sequence of the rat liver clone showed 77% homology with that from the cDNA for human placental beta-glucuronidase and 47% homology with that deduced from the cDNA for Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase. Several differences were found between the cDNA from rat liver and that previously reported from rat preputial gland. Only one change leads to an amino acid difference in the mature enzyme. A chimeric clone was constructed by using a fragment encoding the first 18 amino acid residues of the signal sequence from the human placental cDNA clone and a fragment from the rat clone encoding four amino acid residues of the signal sequence, all 626 amino acid residues of the mature rat enzyme, and all of the 3' untranslated region. After transfection into COS cells the chimeric clone expressed beta-glucuronidase activity that was specifically immunoprecipitated by antibody to rat beta-glucuronidase. The Mr value of 76,000 of the expressed gene product was characteristic of the glycosylated rat enzyme. It was proteolytically processed in COS cells to Mr 75,000 6 h after metabolic labelling. At least 50% of the expressed enzyme was secreted at 60 h post-transfection, but the secreted enzyme did not undergo proteolytic processing. These results provide evidence that the partial cDNA isolated from a rat liver library contains the complete coding sequence for the mature rat liver enzyme and that the chimeric signal sequence allows normal biosynthesis and processing of the transfected rat liver enzyme in COS cells.  相似文献   

A clone obtained from a broad bean (Vicia faba) developing cotyledon cDNA library contained the complete coding sequence of a polypeptide with very high homology to the small GTP-binding proteins Ran from human cells and Spi1 from yeast. These proteins belong to the ras superfamily of proteins involved in different basic cellular processes. The Ran/Spi1 proteins interact with a protein bound to DNA (RCC1) and are thought to function in the regulation of the cell cycle. The amino acid sequence of the obtained plant Ran-homologue, designated Vfa-ran, is 74% and 76% identical to Ran and Spi1, respectively. The five functional, conserved domains of ras-related proteins are present in the Vfa-ran sequence. However, as in Ran/Spi1 the C-terminus of Vfa-ran is very acidic and lacks the Cys motif for isoprenylation.Northern blotting revealed a corresponding mRNA expression in broad bean roots, leaves, and cotyledons with the highest level in roots.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) exhibits local acquired resistance to the powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici. The resistant state can be induced by a preinoculation with the nonhost pathogen E. g.f. sp. hordei, the barley powdery mildew, and is accompanied by the activation of putative defense genes. Here, we report the sequence of a pathogen-induced gene, WIR1a, and a corresponding cDNA, WIR1, that encode novel defense-related proteins of 88 and 85 amino acids, respectively. Analysis of the primary structure of these proteins predicts them to be integral membrane proteins with extracytoplasmic C-terminal domains rich in proline and glycine, through which the proteins possibly interact with the cell wall.  相似文献   

The major excreted protein (MEP) of malignantly transformed mouse fibroblasts is a secreted thiol proteinase. Sequencing of the MEP cDNA shows the coding region for the protein to be identical with the sequence for a mouse cysteine proteinase isolated from macrophages, but the MEP cDNA is polyadenylated at a different site in the 3' non-coding region. Strong homology of MEP with human cathepsin L suggests that MEP is the mouse analogue of cathepsin L. Amino acid sequencing of the N-terminus of the secreted form of MEP indicates that, during secretion, the polypeptide is cleaved between amino acids 17 and 18. We have placed the MEP cDNA in a eukaryotic expression vector and demonstrated the production of the 39 kDa polypeptide form of mouse MEP in monkey CV-1 cells.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone, pcHTS-1, encoding human thymidylate synthase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate: dUMP C-methyltransferase, EC which was previously isolated from a human fibroblast expressible cDNA library and functional in mouse cells. The 1.6 kilobase cDNA insert of pcHTS-1 encodes a subunit protein of 313 amino acid (Mr = 35,706) and its predicted amino acid sequence is highly conserved in many regions including folylpolyglutamate and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridylate binding sites, when compared with those of Lactobacillus casei, Escherichia coli, and bacteriophage T4. The cDNA contains in its 5'-untranslated region a triple tandemly repeated sequence consisting of 90 nucleotides, which starts immediately upstream of the ATG initiator codon, is very high in G+C content (80%), and can form three possible interconvertible stem-loop structures.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone (pTCB48) encoding a calmodulin-binding protein was isolated by screening a lambda ZAPII cDNA expression library constructed from cell cultures of heat-shocked tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Wisconsin-38) with metabolically labeled [35S]calmodulin. Calmodulin gel overlay analysis indicated that pTCB48 generated major peptides of 53, 36, and 22 kD and two minor peptides of 37 and 16 kD that bound calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Deletion analysis of pTCB48 indicated that these and the minor calmodulin-binding proteins resulted from the insert. A probe made from the cDNA insert recognized two bands with sizes of 2.1 and 1.8 kb on northern blot analysis. Both species of RNAs were undetectable in the control and were induced after 15 min of heat-shock treatment at 38 degrees C. The intensity of the two bands reached maximum after 1.5 h of heat-shock treatment. The cDNA clone was not full length; however, the complete sequence was determined by 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends using nested antisense primers. The full-length cDNA contains 1648 bp and a single open reading frame of 1347 bp and is expected to encode a protein of approximately 50 kD. No significant homology with other reported genes and proteins was found. Structural predictions, deletion analysis, and gel overlay analysis suggested that the calmodulin-binding domain was a basic amphiphilic alpha-helix near the C terminus of the protein. The strong induction of the mRNA for this protein suggests a role for Ca2+/calmodulin-mediated process in the heat-shock response.  相似文献   

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