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Determinations were made of the influence of NaCl concentration, cell density, and flow velocity on the transport of Pseudomonas sp. strain KL2 through columns of aquifer sand under saturated conditions. A pulse-type boundary condition was used. The experiments were conducted by using 0.3-m-long Plexiglas columns with an internal diameter of 0.05 m. When a 1-h pulse of a 0.01 M NaCl solution containing 10(8) cells per ml was added at a flow rate of 10(-4) m s-1, the bacterial density in the effluent never exceeded 2.2% of the density of cells added, and only 1.5% of the bacteria passed through the aquifer material. In contrast, when the bacteria were applied in distilled water, the relative cell density in the effluent approached 100%, and 60% of the bacteria were transported through the aquifer solids. Under these conditions, the breakthrough of Pseudomonas sp. strain KL2 was slower than chloride. When the flow rate was 2.0 x 10(-4) m s-1, the cell density in the effluent reached 7.3% of that added in 0.01 M NaCl solution, but only 3.9% of the bacteria were transported through the aquifer particles. On the other hand, the density in the effluent approached 100% of that added in deionized water, and 77% of the added bacteria were recovered. When the density of added cells was 10(9) cells per ml at a flow rate of 10(-4) m s-1, the densities in the effluent reached 70 and 100% of those added in salt solution and deionized water, respectively, and 44 and 57% of the bacteria were transported through the aquifer solids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of NaCl on the growth rates and yields of 31 gram-negative, heterotrophic, marine bacteria was determined. The strains used were representative of aerobic genera (Alteromonas, Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Bdellovibrio) as well as genera comprised of facultative anaerobes (Beneckea, Photobacterium). Two media were used-the first, a medium designed for the cultivation of marine bacteria and, the second, a medium used for the cultivation of terrestrial strains. These two media differed in the concentrations of divalent cations; the terrestrial medium (TM) contained 2 mM Mg++ and 0.55 mM Ca++ while the marine medium (MM) contained 50 mM Mg++ and 10 mM Ca++. The amount of NaCl necessary for optimal growth varied in different strains and was usually considerably higher in TM (100 to 460 mM) than in MM (70 to 300 mM). Many strains which grew in MM and TM had a shorter generation time in the former than in the latter medium. In addition, four strains which grew well in MM usually failed to grow in TM. These results show that higher levels of divalent cations are either essential for growth or stimulate growth rate, indicating that for many marine strains a terrestrial medium modified by the addition of NaCl cannot support optimal growth. Fourteen terrestrial strains of the genera Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Acinetobacter, Salmonella, Aeromonas, and Vibrio did not have ionic requirements comparable to those of the marine strains. All of the terrestrial organisms grew in TM without added NaCl (0.068 mM Na+ was present as a contaminant). In some terrestrial organisms, growth was stimulated by the addition of NaCl, the highest stimulation being found in Vibrio cholerae. The optimal growth rates and yields for four strains of this species were observed at 2.5 to 5.0 mM NaCl while the growth rates and yields in TM with no added NaCl were 40 to 50% of the optimum.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the processes controlling the transport of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis ( Map ) through aquifer materials.
Methods and Results:  We measured two important surface characteristics known to affect bacterial attachment to sediment surfaces: surface charge and hydrophobicity. We then measured the transport of Map through laboratory columns packed with aquifer sand with varying ionic strength solutions and sediment surface charge. We found that Map has a strong negative charge and is highly hydrophobic and that the transport of Map through positively charged Fe-coated sands was reduced compared with transport through negatively charged clean quartz sand, although Map transport for all treatments was low compared with the transport behaviour reported in the literature for other bacteria.
Conclusions:  Our results suggest that the potential for groundwater contamination by Map is low; however, the organism may remain bound to the soil near the surface where it can be ingested by grazing animals or be released during run off events.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This is the first study looking at the surface characteristics and transport behaviour of Map through aquifer materials and therefore provides important information for understanding the movement of Map in the environment.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of sodium transport in bacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In some bacteria, an Na+ circuit is an important link between exergonic and endergonic membrane reactions. The physiological importance of Na+ ion cycling is described in detail for three different bacteria. Klebsiella pneumoniae fermenting citrate pumps Na+ outwards by oxaloacetate decarboxylase and uses the Na+ ion gradient thus established for citrate uptake. Another possible function of the Na+ gradient may be to drive the endergonic reduction of NAD+ with ubiquinol as electron donor. In Vibrio alginolyticus, an Na+ gradient is established by the NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase segment of the respiratory chain; the Na+ gradient drives solute uptake, flagellar motion and possibly ATP synthesis. In Propionigenium modestum, ATP biosynthesis is entirely dependent on the Na+ ion gradient established upon decarboxylation of methylmalonyl-CoA. The three Na(+)-translocating enzymes, oxaloacetate decarboxylase of Klebsiella pneumoniae, NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase of Vibrio alginolyticus and ATPase (F1F0) of Propionigenium modestum have been isolated and studied with respect to structure and function. Oxaloacetate decarboxylase consists of a peripheral subunit (alpha), that catalyses the carboxyltransfer from oxaloacetate to enzyme-bound biotin. The subunits beta and gamma are firmly embedded in the membrane and catalyse the decarboxylation of the carboxybiotin enzyme, coupled to Na+ transport. A two-step mechanism has also been demonstrated for the respiratory Na+ pump. Semiquinone radicals are first formed with the electrons from NADH; subsequently, these radicals dismutate in an Na(+)-dependent reaction to quinone and quinol. The ATPase of P. modestum is closely related in its structure to the F1F0 ATPase of E. coli, but uses Na+ as the coupling ion. A specific role of protons in the ATP synthesis mechanism is therefore excluded.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of hibernation on electrophysiological parameters of isolated frog skin under control incubation (Ringer solution) and after inhibition of Na+ and CI- transepithelial transport by application of amiloride and bumetanide. The transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD in mV) was measured before and after mechanical stimulation of isolated frog skin. The tissues were mounted in a modified Ussing chamber. The results revealed a reduced PD of frog skin during hibernation. In February, as compared with November, PD of frog skin incubated in Ringer solution decreased by about 50%. Hibernation also affected hyperpolarization (dPD) of frog skin after mechanical stimulation. In November and December, dPD was about 50% and 30% lower, respectively, compared with the subsequent two months of the experiment. The incubation of frog skin with amiloride, a sodium ion channel blocker, resulted in reduced values of all measured electrophysiological parameters irrespective of the phase of hibernation. After application of chloride ion transport inhibitor (bumetanide), the PD in November and December decreased compared with the control incubation by about 80% and 75%, while in January and February by about 40% and 25%, respectively. In January and February dPD increased by four times and three times as compared with November and December. Hibernation reduces net ion flow in isolated frog skin. During the initial period of hibernation the sensitivity of the skin to mechanical stimulation also decreases. Towards the end of hibernation, on the other hand, excitation of mechanosensitive ion channels takes place.  相似文献   

Kuiper PJ 《Plant physiology》1969,44(7):968-972
This paper describes experiments on Cl transport into the roots, stem and leaves of bean plants, the roots of which have been exposed to lipids in the root solution. Monoand digalactose diglyceride strongly increased Cl transport into all plant parts, probably by transport of the glycolipids further into the plant. Phosphatidyl choline increased Cl absorption by the roots, but transport into the stem and leaves was not affected. This phospholipid was only absorbed by the root tissue. 32P-glycerophosphoryl choline added to the root solution was readily transported and esterified as phospholipid in all plant parts. This chemical did increase Cl uptake by the roots but Cl accumulation in the leaves was reduced by as much as 40%. Phosphatidyl glycerol, phosphatidyl inositol, and sulfolipid increased Cl transport into roots, stem, and leaves, and a high mobility of 32P-phosphatidyl glycerol was demonstrated. Generally no significant effect of the above lipids on Na transport in beans and cotton was noted except that monogalactose diglyceride did increase Na transport in cotton.  相似文献   

Electrostatic interactions govern structural and dynamical properties of membranes and can vary considerably with the composition of the aqueous buffer. We studied the influence of sodium chloride on a pure POPC lipid bilayer by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. Increasing sodium chloride concentration was found to decrease the self-diffusion of POPC lipids within the bilayer. Self-diffusion coefficients calculated from the 100 ns simulations agree with those measured on a millisecond timescale, suggesting that most of the relaxation processes relevant for lipid diffusion are faster than the simulation timescale. As the dominant effect, the molecular dynamics simulations revealed a tight binding of sodium ions to the carbonyl oxygens of on average three lipids leading to larger complexes with reduced mobility. Additionally, the bilayer thickens by approximately 2 A, which increases the order parameter of the fatty acyl chains. Sodium binding alters the electrostatic potential, which is largely compensated by a changed polarization of the aqueous medium and a lipid dipole reorientation.  相似文献   

Growth rates of unattached bacteria in groundwater contaminated with treated sewage and collected at various distances from the source of contamination were estimated by using frequency of dividing cells and tritiated-thymidine uptake and compared with growth rates obtained with unsupplemented, closed-bottle incubations. Estimates of bacterial generation times [(In 2)/mu] along a 3-km-long transect in oxygen-depleted (0.1 to 0.7 mg of dissolved oxygen liter-1) groundwater ranged from 16 h at 0.26 km downgradient from an on-land, treated-sewage outfall to 139 h at 1.6 km and correlated with bacterial abundance (r2 = 0.88 at P less than 0.001). Partitioning of assimilated thymidine into nucleic acid generally decreased with distance from the contaminant source, and one population in heavily contaminated groundwater assimilated little thymidine during a 20-h incubation. Several assumptions commonly made when frequency of dividing cells and tritiated-thymidine uptake are used were not applicable to the groundwater samples.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium chloride on the gelatinization and rheological properties of wheat and potato starches has been studied using differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, and electron spin resonance techniques. All samples contained 60% water (w/w wet starch basis) and the salt content ranged from 0 to 16% (g/100 g starch-water). The presence of salt affected the onset (T(o)), peak (T(p)), and end (T(e)) temperatures of gelatinization, gelatinization enthalpy (DeltaH), storage modulus (G'), and rotational mobility coefficient (D(rot)), and the effect differed by salt concentration. 1H-NMR was used in parallel in order to elucidate how salts affect the properties of water in starch suspensions and in aqueous salt solutions according to their position on the Hofmeister series classification. The obtained results suggest that the mechanism of starch gelatinization in salt solutions can be attributed to the effect of solute on water properties and direct polymer-solute interactions. These two effects conflict with one another and result in complex effect patterns depending on the concentration of the salts.  相似文献   

Energetics of coupled active transport of sodium and chloride   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
A Clark electrode was used to measure oxygen consumption by the gall bladder, in which there is a direct and one-to-one linkage between active Na and active Cl transport. O2 uptake was reversibly depressed when Cl in the mucosal bathing solution was replaced by a poorly transported anion, such as sulfate. This effect of Cl was abolished by ouabain or in Na-free solutions. When the anion was chloride, treatment with ouabain or replacement of Na by a poorly transported cation depressed QO2 more than did replacement of Cl. However, ouabain or removal of Na also depressed QO2 in Na2SO4 solutions, in which salt transport is minimal. It is concluded that oxygen uptake in the gall bladder consists of three fractions: 9% requires both Na and Cl, is inhibited by ouabain, and is linked to the NaCl pump; 36% requires Na but not Cl, is inhibited by ouabain, and possibly is linked to the cellular K uptake mechanism; and 55% represents basal uptake. If the extra oxygen uptake observed during transport supplies all the energy for transport, then 25 Na + 25 Cl ions are transported actively per O2 consumed; i.e., twice as many ions as in epithelia which transport only Na actively. This extra uptake is more than sufficient to supply the energy for overcoming internal membrane resistance under the experimental conditions used.  相似文献   

The effects of extracellular volume expansion (EVE) on the major sodium transport systems and sodium and potassium contents in rat erythrocytes have been examined in the present study. Study has been performed in anesthetized Wistar rat weighing about 300 g. Acute extracellular volume expansion (EVE) was induced by a constant intravenous saline infusion (3% body wt, 3 hours). Rats anaesthetized and catheterized but not expanded were used as controls. Arterial blood samples from control and expanded rats were obtained at the same time, and assayed immediately. Intracellular sodium and potassium concentration and ouabain sensitive (Na(+)-K(+)-pump) and bumetanide sensitive (Na(+)-K(+)-cotransport system) outward Na+ fluxes in erythrocytes were measured. The effect of plasma on erythrocyte transport was also analyzed by measuring 86Rb uptake. Neither of two plasma cations (Na+ and K+) were modified by the EVE. Also intracellular Na+ and K+ levels remained unvariable. Total Na+ efflux was not modified by EVE, but pump-mediated Na+ efflux was smaller after than before EVE. The ouabain-inhibible Na+ efflux rate constant decreased after EVE (from 687 +/- 81 to 525 +/- 29 h-1 x 10(-3); P less than 0.05). Both Na(+)-K(+)cotransport-mediated Na+ efflux and passive permeability increased significantly after EVE. The incubation with plasma from saline-infused animals induced a significant decrease in Rb uptake rate constant, that was not observed after incubation with plasma from non-expanded rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of water washing and NaCl treatment on the cell surface of P. denitrificans were studied. Both treatments caused a release of material from cells. Chemical studies showed that NaCl treatment released material containing components characteristic of outer membrane. This treatment also increased the susceptibility of the organism to lysozyme. Scanning electron microscopy was used to monitor the effects of water washing and NaCl treatment on the cell surface. Both treatments were shown to alter the appearance of the cell surface. The disruptive effects of these procedures were found to be dependent upon the age of the culture.Non-Standard Abbreviations WW water wash - SE saline extract  相似文献   

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